understanding resolution page 16 Go Macro page 12 quick selections page 4


EVOLUME 5,l NUMBErements 4 TECHNTECHNIQUES Design your own triptych Break out of the box by using this ancient technique with your photos today, p22 working with RAW Master the art of photo editing with our Camera Raw tips, p7 easy custom bookmarks Follow our simple steps to create personalized treasures, p28 2 elements techniques BY ricklepage From theEditor into fallprojects. Hopefully, you’ve beenabletogetoutthisseasonandgrab someofyour shots. own temperatures, which the tomatoes will certainly enjoy. Soon, I’ll be heading out 90-degreeto take of some late-summer week photos, which a will turn for we’rein that says weatherman the bloom—but to tomatoes my for forever taken has certainly year—it to offer theseonline exclusives inevery issue. side of the page, and you’ll find sample images that go with the tutorials, links to other online resources and more. We’ll continue left the on button Extras the on click and areaSubscriber (photoshopelementsuser.com).Webthe site our into on Log materials tutorial. Onceyou’ve mastered thetechniquesinthosecreative projects, you caneasilyapplythoseskillselsewhere. [email protected] Until next time, this cool unusually seemed has It warmth. of burst last a in down winding is summer Northwest Pacific our this, write I As additional to points box This articles. the of many with below) (shown box “EXTRAS” small a see you’ll issue, this Throughout bookmarkDay’s Diana as well as Rodriguez, Mikefromstep-by-step triptych the out check to sure be projects, of Speaking CONTRIBUTING WRITERS CONTRIBUTING EDITORSCONTRIBUTING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF [email protected] Customer Serviceemail: 866-808-2793 Toll-Free Customer Service:

BESTBOY OPERATIONSWEB CREATIVEDIRECTION Adobe prohibited. strictly is publisher the of permission written express the without publication this of contents the of use Any reserved. rights All Inc. Media One Photo 2008 COPYRIGHT © contents All the representative viewsofthepublisher. ISSN1552-6003 Printed inUSA. Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Some of the views expressed by the contributors may not be is an independent publication not affiliated in any way with Adobe Systems, Inc. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Premiere, and Photoshop are registered registered are Photoshop and Premiere, logo, Adobe the Adobe, Inc. Systems, Adobe with way any in affiliated not publication Photoshop Elements Techniques independent an is of confusion about Raw,about confusion of fordo yourphotos can it what yousee when but lot a is There camera’s digital your format. Raw in shooting of benefits the about wrote Long Ben issue, last the In need to do any extra editing—just a few quick steps, and they’ll beready togointoyour projects.need todoany extra editing—justafew quicksteps,andthey’ll Raw before taking it into Photoshop Elements. It really is a lot easier than it seems, and, for many images, you won’t Camerawith image an editing of basics throughthe you walks Ben month, This it. takeadvantageof wouldn’t you

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newsletter and Web site t ’ our Y vol 5, no 4 5, vol CONTENTS It continues online, where you get doesn exclusive access to print and video tutorials, discussion forums, down loads, and a personal user gallery. It’s all part of the value-added benefits of being an AdobePhotoshop Elements Techniques subscriber. And don't forget to look in the Extras section online for free downloads and sample photos for many of the stories in each issue at www.photoshopelementsuser.com/ subscriber/printextras.php. 4 adobe photoshop elements techniques for quick changes making quick selections HERE’S A QUICK AND EASY METHOD TO MAKE A GOOD SELECTION AND REALLY SPEED UP UP SPEED REALLY AND SELECTION GOOD A MAKE PHOTO.TO ENTIRE METHOD OUR EASY TO AND CHANGES QUICK GLOBAL A MAKING TO HERE’S OPPOSED AS PHOTOS, OUR OF PARTS SPECIFIC TO CHANGES T DARKROOM. DIGITAL THE IN EFFECTIVELY WORK TO MASTER TO KEYS THE OF ONE ARE SELECTIONS Digital I K S W O K S O L K T T A M Y B Step by Step by Step the subscriberExtras area atphotoshopelementsuser.com. To here theimageshown download by follow goingto along, RAS EXT and leave itthatway forever. So, goaheadandturnonAuto-Enhance, really doeshelpcreate abetterselection. turned off, butIcan’t figure out why—it it’s Bydefault, Auto-Enhance checkbox. also seetheQuickSelectiontoolhasan size. brush the change to keys ] and [ the use object—or the of size the on based brush the of size the adjust can Bar, you Options the In selection. your make to use you’ll what is which circle, small a see you’ll image your over cursor your move and that do you When ‘Awesome Selection’). for A, press just (or tool Selection Quick the choose TWO: STEP attention. special little a needs car,shirt—that a person, anything—a be literally could it her. But, behind object the not bride, the on attention the see I’d rather bright. too little a the background becauseI think it’s just in house the select to want I example, this In on. work to want you object an ONE: STEP If you look in the Options Bar you’ll If you lookintheOptions Baryou’ll Open the photo that has has that photo the Open Go to the Toolbox and the to Go


©iStockphoto/Speedfighter_17 ©iStockphoto/HasanK ursad ergan adobe photoshop elements techniques 55 www.photoshopelementsuser.com for more digital editing techniques Once you release the mouse release : Once you Next, we will ahead and soften soften and ahead will we Next, VE: FI STEP STEP (or ‘feather’) the edges of that selection want to see a harsh just a little; we don’t changes. Go when we make transition to the Select menu and choose Feather. the dialog opens, set the Feather When and click OK.Radius to 3 pixels STEP FOUR STEP button, the Quick Selection tool makes based on the area you, selection for your If the selection painted over. that you don’t you want,includes areas such as the house in this image, above the trees and and hold the Alt key simply press part. the unwanted paint over This selection. your it from removes Take the Quick Selection the Quick THREE: Take STEP to paint brush tool and use it simply want to inside the object you strokes is about this tool great select. What’s that brush strokes random that it likes selecting. within the object you’re are to be precise. have don’t You 6 adobe photoshop elements techniques Matt Kloskowski is Education and Curriculum Developer for the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. He has authored or co-authored several books books several co-authored www.lightroomkillertips.com. or at Lightroom authored has Photoshop He Adobe is teaches book also Professionals. Matt latest Photoshop Press. of His Association Illustrator. and National the for Photoshop Developer on Curriculum and Education is Kloskowski Matt Step by Step by Step The Photoshop Elements 6 Book for Digital Photographers Digital for Book 6 Elements Photoshop The Ctrl-D to deselect everything. ■ Ctrl-D todeselecteverything. When you’re done,clickOKandpress check box orhideyour toshow changes.) in smallincrements, andusethePreview doing whatyou need, tryHue,butit find thatSaturation orLightnessaren’t for changingthecolorofanobject—ifyou don’t needithere, theHuesliderisgreat (And, even thoughwe effect isturningout. brighter ordarker, the dependingonhow finesse theLightnessslidertomake it Youfrom ourlastadjustment. canalso think thehouselooksalittletoocolorful slider toward theleftalittle,becauseI Saturation. Here, drag I’ll theSaturation Enhance >AdjustColorHue/ Goto the Hue/Saturation adjustment. ofphotosis changing specificparts STEP SEVEN:Anothergreat toolfor you’re done. tobecomedarker.starts ClickOK when slider totheleftalittleuntilhouse > Brightness/Contrast. Drag the Brightness Enhance menuandselectAdjustLighting the background, soI’m goingtogothe Here, wewanttodarken thehousein need. we changes the make can we STEP S , co-authored with Scott Kelby, from New Riders Riders New from Kelby, Scott with co-authored , I X: Now that we have a selection, adobe photoshop elements techniques 7 , s l too

raw ’ ts n eme El op h otos When zoomed in, you can press and hold hold and press can you in, zoomed When you’ll find some the preview Above The Preview check-box in the upper- Ph the space bar while clicking and dragging to to dragging and clicking while bar space the Elements. in like just also image, your about pan In addition to simple tools on a toolbar. hand (for a magnifying glass and grabber left from are, zooming and panning) there setting to right, for dropper Balance a White tool, tool, a Straighten white balance, a Crop button, Preferences a tool, removal Eye Red a 90° the image rotating and two buttons for clockwise or counter-clockwise. These tools and function in their use straightforward are their Elements counterparts. just like right corner of the toolbar lets you toggle between the edited and the original versions of your image. This makes it easy to see how much you’ve altered your image. at . k oo l camera

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oi g hen you open a Raw image in Photoshop Elements, it automatically Elements, image in Photoshop open a Raw hen you ownits in image your displays and plug-in Raw Camera the launches - can perform you an incred controls, Raw’s Using Camera window. finished, the image ible amount of adjustments, and, when you’re re ’ from

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Camera Raw displays a nice big preview of your image, and as you can in Elements, you you Elements, in can you as and image, your of preview big nice a displays Raw Camera The right side of the window is filled with Camera Raw’s adjustment sliders and need to edit and adjust your you everything The sliders in the Basic tab provide raw

format will open in Elements just like any other image. You can edit it further there, and then can edit it further there, other image. You any will open in Elements just like edits, more need to perform don’t any if you choice. Or, of your it in the format save itself. Raw Camera from the image directly can save you (Mac: Ctrl-0 and –), and Command-+ (Mac: Ctrl-– and Ctrl-+ corner using left out lower and the in in zoom can controls Zoom The window. the in image buttons. your fit minus to and plus Command-0) the clicking by or numerically, zoom you let window the of the histogram. These sliders are where you perform all of your Raw conversion adjustments. Camera Raw only lets you apply global adjustments—you can’t, for example, adjust the brightness in just one part of your image. For those types of adjustments, you’ll have to finish up inand Camera then Raw, take the image into Elements for further editing. top to of the sliders—from follow the order you should simply files. In general, Raw bottom—adjusting each one to taste. W RAW e process

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B Y part nd l n The Camera Raw dialog box dialog box Raw The Camera you everythinggives you need to perform all of the major tone and color adjustments that you might a photo. globally to want to make a

In digging in with camera raw camera with in digging 8 adobe photoshop elements techniques too cool. produced an image that’s a little The camera’s auto white balance chance that Adobe will soon release an update that will support it. that doesn’t support the new camera). If it’s a very new camera, there’s a good whose Raw format is not supported by Camera Raw (or an older version of Elements the newer version. If upgrading still doesn’t fix the problem, then you have a camera from www.adobe.com/cameraraw, where you’ll also find instructions for installing need to upgrade your copy of Camera Raw. You can download the latest version cessing software engine. There are versions of Camera Raw for Elements 3 and up. don’t seeaRaw optioninthismenu,your camera probably can’t shootinRaw. cameras, you selectRaw from thesamemenuthatyou usetoselectJPE G. Ifyou days, most digital SLRs and a few point-and-shoot cameras have this functionality. These First up,toshootRaw imagesyou musthave a camera it. thatsupports What doIneedfor shootingRaw? If Elements tells you that your Raw images are not supported, then you probably You also need a copy of Elements that includes Camera Raw, Adobe’s Raw-pro If you are notsure ifyour camera canshootRaw, consultthemanual. On most Feature the whitebalance. to Shadeimmediatelyimproves White Balancepop-upmenu in theshade,sochanging I wasshootingthiswoman neutral gray in your image. Elements will calculate a new white balancefrom based the Elementson the toolbar.point Select the eyedropper and then click on something that is a the tintsliderwilladjustfrom green tomagenta. The Temperature sliderwilladjustthecolorsinyour imagefrom bluetoyellow, while ting from thepop-upmenu,oryou cansimplyslidetheTemperature andTintsliders. want to change white balance, you can pick a different predefined white balance set asindicatedby “Ason your camera, inthe White Balancepop-upmenu.Ifyou Shot” Camera Raw usesthe whitebalancethatwasset First offiswhitebalance.Bydefault, White Balance The easiest way to get accurate white balance is to use the White Balance eyedropper the Temperature setting. Raw has automatically changed white balance. Note that Camera ance tool gives us a much better on the tree with the White Bal Clicking on a neutral gray spot - truly gray can take some trial and error. on a different gray spot. Finding a point that’s you clicked on. If the color looks off, try clicking balance controls. color correction as you can using the white artifacts in your image, you should do as much ing color, and never introduces ugly editing provides such extreme latitude when adjust slider to the right to add a bit of warmth. tool for accuracy, then slide the Temperature extra warmth. So, start with the White Balance Portraits, for example, benefitfrom abitof the color in your image to be perfectly accurate. yield very accurate color, you don’t always want Because the white balance adjustment While the White Balance eyedropper can - just abit. Temperature slidertotheright a littlewarmer, soIslidethe I’d like thewhitebalancetobe - -

All Images ©BenL ong unless otherwise noted adobe photoshop elements techniques 9 We can also use Exposure to perform a perform to Exposure use also can We Our recovery. highlight dramatic more overall, darken will (top) image original In tools. other with that fix can we but highlights— some are there image, this simply side—that right the on those like blown Those (bottom). recover won’t white. stay will highlights www.photoshopelementsuser.com for more digital photography techniques - way to 100 (above right) shows that there’s still significant detail down to 85 in those helmets. Here, I would probably dial Recovery and use other tools to adjust brightness and contrast. ot all overex all ot N eep an eye on the histogram and and histogram the on eye an eep K eep an eye on the histogram in the upper right on the histogram eep an eye The Exposure slider brightens or darkens all of the tones in your image. all of the tones in your slider brightens or darkens The Exposure use the Exposure tool, when you brightening or darkening As with any overexposed recover you let that controls two of one is slider Recovery The If the Recovery slider is working on your overexposed highlight, but overexposed slider is working on your If the Recovery xposure Adjustment

This image, as it was imported into Camera Raw (above left), suffers suffers left), (above Raw Camera into imported was it as image, This causing a loss of detail, They’re highlights. overexposed some from slider all the especially in the white helmets. Moving the Recovery It’s just like changing exposure compensation on your camera. compensation on your slide If you changing exposure just like It’s one stop. The image will brighten by slider to +1, then your the Exposure up to 4 stops. by brighten or darken slider lets you Exposure or underexpose overexpose don’t that you want to be careful slider you parts K image. of your know you’ve you on the right or left edge, see a spike and if you corner, is or underexposure can then decide if the over- You adjusted too far. acceptable or not. not, If it’s then you’llyour adjust- want to back off on direction. the slider in the appropriate moving ment by been has image your in detail highlight the of some If image. an in You highlights right. the to slider Recovery the drag then white, complete to overexposed areas. overexposed your in reappear to begin detail see should E your in contrast and tone the adjust to ready be you’ll balance white After often will slider Exposure the above sits that button Auto the Clicking image. further for point starting good a or need, you adjustment the all you give slider. each of capabilities the understand to good still it’s but adjustments, posed highlights can be recovered, though. though. recovered, be can highlights than posed rather left, the to moves histogram the of edge right the on spike the if recovered. be can’t that highlight a have you then disappearing, details, then go back to the all of the overexposed recover still can’t you but overall, image will darken it to the left. slider and drag Exposure Your can use other highlights. You of your the rest should be able to recover you tools to brighten the image back up.

K K RIC © epage L 10 adobe photoshop elements techniques the rest ofyourimage. leave themalone,whilebrightening out thosehighlights,Brightnessshould highlights. Where exposure willblow image thatalready hasreally bright ness whenyouneedtobrightenan brighten animageoverall, useBright- TIP: UseExposure whenyouneedto (above right). by simply moving the slider to the right in Camera Raw, I can brighten up her face (above left). But, with the Fill Light slider have used fill flash when I took this photo Because of the model’s hat, I really should Feature ing it a better way to increase Saturation when editing pictures with people in them. The Vibrance slider increases Saturation while protecting many skin tone shades, mak to keep your saturation adjustmentswithintherealm ofthebelievable. and more pronounced. While theSaturation slider canbevery seductive, becareful very coolsoftening effect.) were finishing thisissue,lets you applyClarityinnegative amounts,whichproduces a those detailshave alittlemore, well…clarity. (Camera Raw 4.5,whichcameoutaswe will make tiny increases inthecontrast ofthedetailsinyour image.Thiswillmake Camera one.AsRawyou drag butanimportant theClarityslidertoright, effect, Exposure andBlackstoachieve similarresults, butContrast isquickandeasy touse. ness slidercanbrightentheimagebackupagain. because you usedtheExposure highlightrecovery, slidertoperform thentheBright- trast intheimageoverall. turningdarkgrayweak shadows, andtohelpincrease areasthecon- intotrueblack, whichdarkens theentireExposure image).Useblackstodarken slidertotheleft, that they’re evenly exposed, you can end up with a flat, boring picture. details can make for interesting images, and if you adjust all the values in your image so details to be had in a shadowy area doesn’t mean you should lighten them. leave strange dark halos around these areas. Also, remember that just because there are eye on the areas of your image that transition from dark to light. Too much Fill will brighten, but lighter areas won’t become overexposed. When using Fill L L Fill Fill light ight because it’s analogous to firing a really big fill flash into your scene. ight identifies areas in your image that are shadows, and brightens them. It’s called Fill One problem with Saturation is that it can immediately make skin tones look fake. Saturation increases thesaturation ofcolorsinyour image,makingthembrighter The lastthree slidersdomore thansimpletoneadjustments.Clarityisasubtle Finally, Contrast letsyou increase orreduce thecontrast inyour scene.You can use Brightness brightensthemidtonevalues inyour image.Ifyour imagehasdarkened The Blackssliderdarkens thedarker tonesinyour image(unlike dragging the L ight works like the Adjust L ighting > Shadows/ H ighlights command in Elements. Fill D arker areas L D ight, keep an ark shadow L ight can - adobe photoshop elements techniques 11 The Fill Light adjustment The Fill Light I made in the last step in the the contrast lowered image, making it appear washed out, With overall. the Blacks slider I can put some punch back into it without worrying about blowing out the highlight of the image. areas www.photoshopelementsuser.com Complete Complete for more digital photography techniques EXTRAS To follow along, download some of the images images the of some download along, follow To going to the subscriber Extras by shown here at photoshopelementsuser.com. area file will degrade the quality of your image. image. your of quality the degrade will file , then that’s the best choice. (For more on the the on more (For choice. best the that’s then , G G , see “What you need to know about shooting in in shooting about know to need “What you see , G If you click Save Image, then you will be presented with a dialog box that lets you you lets that box dialog a with presented be will you then Image, Save click you If one to simply close Camera Raw. The thing to Raw. can also choose Done to simply close Camera you Finally, choose a location, file name, and format for saving. Whether you’re saving from the the from saving you’re Whether saving. for format and name, file location, a choose TIFF or Photoshop choose to best it’s Elements, within from or box, dialog Image Save JPE a as saving since saving, for format Finishing Up you press options. If your liking, several file to adjusted your you have Once you’ve can perform you adjusted image will open in Elements. There, Open Image, your the image. additional edits and then save Obviously, if you need to deliver a JPE a deliver to need you if Obviously, JPE and Raw between differences Instead, altered. file is never original Raw editing is that your about Raw remember made, and applies this a list of the adjustments that you’ve simply stores Raw Camera you open it. time file any list to the Raw time you can go back at any This means that you can process changes, file never Raw settings. Since your and adjust or tweak your are Raw files way, results. In this different many to achieve ways, different it in many ■ a . truly like Raw,” in the last issue.) last the in Raw,” (Peachpit Press). (Peachpit RAW Camera and Getting Started With Media) (Charles River Digital Photography Ben Long is a photographer, freelance writer and trainer based in San Francisco. He is the author of of author the is He Francisco. San in based trainer and writer freelance photographer, a is Long Ben 12 adobe photoshop elements techniques taking a closer look macro photography: with your subject. you upcloseandpersonal there isatoolthat willget photographic styleis, your budgetoryour No matterwhat S l l e c x e e i r u a l Y B imple Digital Photography Digital imple Column A color, pattern and size imaginable spread out in every direction. direction. every in out spread imaginable size and color,pattern every of flowers with limitless are choices The bloom. right the just for searching flower, to row, flower to row from moving fields, the into head and pocket my into cards memory and tery bat spare a toss I tripod. the to lens, macro a with camera, my mounting up, set quickly I sunrise, before just Arriving dahlias. colorful of acres and acres the in myself losing hours, for der anticipation. It’s an excellent opportunity to wan to opportunity excellent an It’s anticipation. great with event this to forward look always I and Oregon, in here Festival Dahlia Island Swan annual the does year, so each approaches Day Labor s

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all images ©laurie excell adobe photoshop elements techniques 1313 - - MFD 8 inches AF 60mm 2.8D MFD 1 foot AF-S 150mm 2.8 VR for more on digital photography www.photoshopelementsuser.com MFD 1.6 feet AF 200mm F4D The shorter focal length macro lenses (50mm-60mm) will The shorter length macro focal size, weight and budget. graphing; and angle of view, which determines how much of the back ground gets included in your frame; the types of subjects you are most interested in photo minimum focus distance (MFD), which affects how close you can be to your subject and keep it in focus; focus closer and have a greater angle of view. They work well in They angle of view. a greater and have closer focus dis- need the closest minimum focusing tight spaces, when you of the environment. want to include more tance, and when you on a budget. They’re also best if you’re • • • ering a macro lens Considering a macro best suits your Things to consider when deciding which macro style are: photographic • - ment Roses shot from a distance of 12 inches, with 60mm (left), 105mm (center) and 200mm (right) macro lenses. (right) macro a distance of 12 inches, with 60mm (left), 105mm (center) and 200mm shot from Roses Macro lenses are designed to focus from infinity to within mere mere within to infinity from focus to designed are lenses Macro Macro lenses are designed to focus very close, giving us inches of your subject, resulting in a 1:1 reproduction ratio or “life- or ratio reproduction 1:1 a in subject,resulting your of inches on quarter the of picture the in shown (as sensor your on size” here. personal and close up talking really We’re 12). Page an intimate glimpse into the world of small subjects, details and patterns. Macro lenses come in a variety of focal lengths generally ranging from 50mm to 200mm. Your photographic style, the subjects you shoot and your budget will determine which lens is best for you, but most camera manufactures—and lens companies such as Sigma, Tokina and Tamron, to name a few—produce macro lenses. acro Equip Macro There are many tools available that allow us to stepthe through doorway into the magical world of macro photography.No matter what your budget or your photographic stylethere is, is a tool that will get you up close with yourcover subject. the variety I’ll of equipment I use and how it works.look atWe’ll macro lenses, close-up filters, extension teleconverters,tubes and and their application to macro photography. tion. I bring the camera to my eye, using my macro lens to move in closer and closer, ridding the frame of everything but the bud and part of a purple bloom. Suddenly, the dewdrop pops into sharp focus and the reflection reveals a myriad of colors. I select an that will render sharp focus on the bud and dewdrop. The day is overcast, and the sky is acting like a giant softbox, so I simply go with the metered value and…click, click, click! With my creative juices flowing I move on in search of my next subject. A bud with a single dewdrop clinging to it captures my atten 14 adobe photoshop elements techniques lenses (notjustthosemadeby Canon).ByaddingaCanon77mm 500D Close-upLensesinarange ofsizesthatwillfitontomost focusing distance.For example, Canonoffers boththe250Dand screw ontothefront ofyour lensandgive you acloserminimum are These‘lenses’ actuallyfiltersthat close-up lenstoyour bag. existing lensestomove inclose,consideraddingahigh-quality If you are onabudgetorwant theversatility ofusingyour Close-Up Lensesandother Macro A the background intoasoftblurofcolors. the background. Longlenseswillcompress theimage,andthrow background. Aslightchangeincamera anglecanradically alter A narrower fieldofviewalsogives you greater control over the youallows tophotograph your subjectwithoutscaringitaway. longer focal lengthwhere thegreater minimumfocusing distance photograph you may insectsorbutterflies, wanttoconsidera distance increases andtheangleofviewnarrows. Ifyou like to As you increase thefocal length,theminimumfocusing Column Kenko 35mmextensiontube(below). Frog with70-200mmlens(left)& ccessories out, something I couldn’t have done, given the shootingThis image conditions. was created using Helicon Focus to preserve sharpness through help you get in close enough to fill the frame with your subject. lenses, which mount on your camera like extension tubes, can also teleconverter turns it into a 400mm monster. But teleconverter converts a 200mm telephoto into a 280mm telephoto, while a 2x increase the effective focal length of your lens—a 1.4x teleconverter magnification. greatest for stacked or individually used be can They tubes. AF three includes which Tube set Extension Kenko the use I body. camera the and lens the between mounts tube extension an lens, the of front the onto threads which filter, close-up a Unlike lenses. macro into bag your in lenses the turn sory inyour bag. andit’s smallenoughtobeaconstantacces- lens atasmallcost, A goodclose-upfiltercanturnany lensin your bagintoamacro move incloseonanorchid, fillingtheframe withasinglebloom. meto allowing minimum focus distanceof5feet tounder1foot, 500D tomy Nikon 70-200mmf/2.8lensIamabletogofrom a Lastly, you can try a teleconverter. Their basic purpose is to also will and inexpensive, relatively also are tubes Extension - adobe photoshop elements techniques 1515 - ■

xtras area at E for more on digital photography www.photoshopelementsuser.com EXTRAS heck out the subscriber When the depth of field gods are against you and you simply you and against depth of field gods are the When your lose and choice of tool close-up and camera your grab So, photoshopelementsuser.com for links to for photoshopelementsuser.com article. the in mentioned products the of some C self for a while in the magical world of macro photography! macro of world magical the in while a for self Field problem the Depth of Beating of field rule? The one that says, the depth Remember “The closer Well, subject, to your are you you have.” less depth of field the seriously close to our subject, we are and photography, in macro is the distance impact on depth of field, which that has a great in sharp focus to the furthest point of perceived the nearest from know that, greater size, the an image. We the smaller the aperture foot with focused at 1 lens a 105mm macro the depth of field, but of f/32 still has less than an inch of depth of setting an aperture focus, but that will be in does that impact the area Not only field. slow means utter still- shutter speeds, which very it can require ness and the use of a tripod. subject your entire render cannot get enough depth of field to software are in. There arms up and give you throw don’t in focus take that let you digital darkroom can use in your tools that you set up on a tripod, camera your With depth of field to a new level. priority wide open, I focus and aperture lens set on manual focus on the closest part of the subject and making slight adjustments on focused each click of the shutter until I have with in focus - element I want sharp. Then I load the images into Helicon every and it works its magic (www.heliconsoft.com) Focus Helicon Soft’s into one blending only the sharp elements of each frame by image with impossible depth of field. Orchid with 70-200mm (above) with 70-200mm (above) Orchid and with Canon 500D Close-up Lens (below). Laurie leads wildlife photography safaris in North America Throughand is anLife instructor training extravaganzas. with the Digital She is Landscape also the WorkshopPhoto EquipmentSeries, Photoshop Advice Desk World, Guru and forCruising Check NAPP. out her website, www.laurieexcell.com. 16 adobe photoshop elements techniques understanding a d n a b s u h y m t h g u o b I yea terminology andexploring therelationship betweenresolution andpixels. graphic basic covering by start quality.I’ll losing without images resize easily to how you a cluewhatitmeansorwhenmatters,blesshisheart! his images never result, make it out into the wild. He’s heard of resolution but havedoesn’t computer. He doesn’t know the first thing about resizing an image for print or email,his so as a to on images several the transfers and he until is, flash, set—that all He’s a cards. memory lenses, multi-gigabyte with it outfitted has and constantly pictures snapping He’s I’d like to dispel the myths surrounding resolution and in the process show both him and r s ba s Feature c k and needless to say, he’s totally obsessed w obsessed totally he’s say, to needless and k resolution I n on n ko you’ve seen this in the wild, it looks like a print made out of Legos.) of out made print a like looks it wild, the in this seen you’ve (If see. to enough big become can pixels the because print for unsuitable is suspect, might you as that, image physical larger a in resulting pixels, the loosening means resolution image Lowering print. better smoother, a ates gener it image, printed physical smaller a in results that while and together, akin to low resolution, and the firmly packed granules are akin to high resolution. suring cup (the document size). The loosely packed granules you started with are together (they have a higher resolution) within the physical confines of the mea same number of granules (which are like pixels), they’re just packed more tightly ules firmly into the cup, the sugar only reaches the ½-cup line. You still have the a measuring cup, the sugar reaches the 1-cup line. But after you pack the gran something in the real world. small—it’s easier to understand if you can relate it to can’t see resolution on-screen—the pixels are way too closely the pixels are packed together. Since you Think of resolution as density; specifically, how It’s like brown sugar. Really. Increasing image resolution means packing the pixels more tightly tightly more pixels the packing means resolution image Increasing For example, pretend you’re baking cookies. When you pour brown sugar into D fo 0 5 r Ch images when resizing n ri g n i k r e d i n s a s e l Y B stmas a few few a stmas i th th i t. - - - adobe photoshop elements techniques 1717 www.photoshopelementsuser.com www.photoshopelementsuser.com for more digital editing techniques for more digital editing techniques - - - - nt ri p r a fo a r ame c tal tal i g i on d i r esolut r om you om r xels and and xels i ng p ng i ng a photo f photo a ng i n z i i The secret to changing resolution without changing image quality is to turn turn to is quality image changing without resolution changing to secret The As you can see in the Image Size dialog box (shown on the top right), the the right), top the on (shown box dialog Size Image the in see can you As Printers are one of the few devices that can really do anything with the resolu the with anything do really can that devices few the of one are Printers Technically, pixels have no predetermined size; they can be any size at all. Their size size Their all. at size any be can they size; predetermined no have pixels Technically, Now that you understand how resolution works, how much resolution do you you do resolution much how works, resolution how understand you that Now You can change the resolution—which is represented as pixels per inch (or (or inch per pixels as represented is resolution—which the change can loss. You quality suffering without want, you anything to image an ppi)—of a to headed is image that unless beans of hill a mean matter. doesn’t dimensions Resolution pixel the only it, print to going not you’re If printer. ef off the Resample Image option at the very bottom of the dialog box. This option option This box. dialog the of bottom very the at option Image this Resample the turning off After quality. locking thereby dimensions, pixel lock to power the the has change I when dimensions document the to happens what watch off, option right). (bottom ppi 240 to resolution • • D The smallest picture element of a photo is a pixel. Together, these tiny blocks of of blocks tiny these Together, pixel. a is photo a of element picture smallest you’ll The so, or 300% around image an into zoom you If image. whole the to form times color several Command-+) (Mac: Ctrl-+ press just Elements, In them. see to start out. back zoom to Command--) (Mac: Ctrl-- then in, zoom able for prints? Nope, it just means that the resolution needs to be changed before before changed be to needs resolution the that means just it Nope, prints? for able printer. my to sent it’s example photo is 2592 by 3888 pixels, but only 72 ppi (with a big honking 36-inch 36-inch honking big a (with ppi 72 only but pixels, 3888 by 2592 is photo unsuit example and quality low of is photo my mean this Does size). document 54-inch by is determined by a measurement called resolution, which specifies how many pixels pixels many how specifies which resolution, called photography measurement digital a by toughest the determined of is one is Resolution remember: to space. points given a key two into are packed there get though around, brain one’s wrap to concepts Res tion measurement, and that’s why resolution really only matters when you print. print. you when matters only really resolution why that’s and measurement, pro tion can eyes our that information much so display only can monitors identical Computer looks monitors) most of resolution the is (which image 72-ppi the a by so cess, hampered isn’t hand, other the on printer, A on-screen. image but 720-ppi a too, to can, (scanners resolutions higher of advantage take can it so eye, human time). another for story a that’s While using. you’re printer of type the on depends local It or print? online an gorgeous ppi, a 240 at make to job need fine a do tests: printers two run inkjet photo of printer, own crop your current it’s the If more. or ppi 300 differ the require tell may can you service if see and printing ppi 300 at another version and ppi 240 240-ppi at the image that one find Print probably you’ll need. and they won’t, you says resolution money what them Smart ask it, ence. printing is else someone If faster. print will To learn the pixel dimensions and resolution of an image in Elements, choose File File choose Elements, in image an of resolution and dimensions pixel the learn To Size. Image > Resize > 18 adobe photoshop elements techniques Feature M the Image Size dialog, not the Document Size. There, you want to change the numbers in the Pixel Dimensions area of option turned on: in those cases you really do want to lower the file size.for email or posting on a Web site, though, leave the Resample Image something you don’t want to do when printing. If you’re resizing an image in” for height). Enter the appropriate resolution, such as 240 ppi or 300and the unit of measurement (for example, enter “5 in” for width and “7 of your screen (shown at left). Enter the dimensions of the desired print same time by using the Crop tool. Of course, you can also resize an image and change its resolution at the Res the “Crop to Fit Print Proportions” box underneath the Print Size pop-up.If your image won’t fit the dimensions of the paper you’re choosing, clickand pick the same paper size for your image, such as a borderless 8" x 10".of the dialog (shown above). Remember to use the Page Setup button > Print and pick a size from the Print Size pop-up menu towards the top 7", you can have Elements change the resolution for you. Just choose FileLuckily, if you want to print a photo at a common size like 8" x 10" or 5" x ak Press C to select the Crop tool and go to the Options bar at the top i z i i ng ng and E lements do c hang i pixel density (which means photo quality), option turned on, you’re altering the photo’s quality. However, with the Resample Image cows come home and you won’t alter the image option, you can tweak the resolution ‘til the As long as you uncheck the Resample Image only revealed by the Image Size dialog box. screen image won’t change a bit; the truth is therefore image quality, didn’t change). of the dialog (another clue that the pixel data, andall, either; it’s still 28.8 MB, as evidenced at morethe top tightly together. The file size didn’t changewhen theat image was opened; they’re just packed exactly the same number of pixels as there were decreased to 10.8 inches by 16.2 inches. There are ng i t fo Again, this is confusing because the on- As you can see, the physical document size has r esolut r you i on at the same t i me adobe photoshop elements techniques 1919 On the Mac, Elements opens opens Elements Mac, the On in emailed be to file the thinks it If client. email your big, too be will file the that make to offer will Elements it but you, for smaller it control the you give won’t Organizer Windows the that Mail Apple’s However, will. just pick you let will program be will photo the big how menu pop-up handy a via right. bottom the at www.photoshopelementsuser.com www.photoshopelementsuser.com for more digital editing techniques for more digital editing techniques Macworld Photoshop: and Layers ■ l i (Pogue Press/O’Reilly, Nov.2008), and the video an ema an r ng fo ng i z i Elements will automatically open the Organizer and give give and Organizer the open automatically will Elements printing start and there out get So it! to is there all That’s shooting. happy time, next Until If the image appears to enlarge on your screen, then you’re you’re then screen, your on enlarge to appears image the If now, it print to Print > File choose can you point this At magazines. Catch her Graphics Tip of the Weeknight live oneach YourMacLifeShow.com. Wednesday As the founder of chief the evangelist free tutorialfor iStockphoto.com, the site, world GraphicReporter.com,Lesato createis betteron anda graphics.mission She’s to the teachauthor of TheMissing Manual titles“Practical Photoshop Elements” and“From Photo toGraphic (KelbyTraining.com).Art” Lesa writes for NAPP and you the option of what size you want the photo to be when when be to photo the want you size what of option the you the choose can you purposes, most For emailed. gets it size file the and 9, to quality the and option, Big or Medium you tell even will Elements sending. for reasonable be will via download to take will it long and be, will file the big how upper the on image the (see touch nice a is which modem, page). this of side right your upgraded haven’t you if And images. those emailing and it! with get yet, Elements of copy With Elements 6, resizing an image for email has never been been never has email for image an resizing 6, Elements With the of right top the at tab Share green the click Just easier. button. Attachments Email the press and interface Res ppi. Draw a box around the important bits of your image and and image your of bits important the around box a Draw ppi. accept to Return) (Mac: Enter press right, just it get you when altogether.) crop the exit to key Escape the (Press crop. the resolution the at go really can it than larger it crop to trying Command- (Mac: Ctrl-Z press happens, that If entered. you’ve the lower or dimensions smaller enter then and undo your to Z) on smaller get to appears image the if OK (It’s resolution. screen.) someone to sent being it’s If later. print to photo the save or the from TIF pick and As Save > File choose print, to else image most in opened be can TIFs menu. pop-up file-format format. high-quality a are and editors 20 adobe photoshop elements techniques click directly on the little slider knob. knob. slider little the on directly click double- photo—just the opened first you when was it position—where default its to To did. back you slider what any like reset really don’t you that decide later will and slider a change often you’ll box, dialog Raw Camera the in Whenyou’re working Camera Raw defaults Getting backto what themindretains. see whatactually haschangedandnotjust Background layer’s Eye icon.Thenyou can Alt key (Mac: Option)andclickingonthe of allyour layers by the holdingdown finished, you canseethecombinedeffect its visibilityonoroff. When theimageis done, clickonalayer’s Eye icon toturn effect. To getabetterideaofwhat you’ve of thechangeswe’ve made,aswell their image withmultiplelayers, welosesight Sometimes, whenwe’re workingonan visualize layer changes Use theEye to i k s w o k s o l k t t a m Y B ricks k c i Tr & s p i T Essentials much less. since it makes me squint it, take I’ll However, you have a lot of layers. if more down or up you’ll wind up scrolling layers inthepaletteso seefeweris thatyou’ll The onlytrade-off here will bemuchlarger now. your palettethumbnails available. ClickOKand largest thumbnailsize Options andpickthe Layers palettetoopenthepalette’s menu.ThenchoosePalette them larger justclicklittlerightfacingarrows atthetopof bottles andIfindthedefaultsizetootiny. If you wanttomake They are for me.Iwearglassesthatare aboutasthickCoke Is thesizeofthoseLayers palettethumbnailstoosmallfor you? Boost thesizeoflayer thumbnails

All photos by Matt Kloskowski. unless otherwise noted ©istockphoto.com/ MvH adobe photoshop elements techniques 21 - for more tips and tricks If you want to move some text while text some want to move If you in the middle of typing it, don’t you’re your tool. Just move switch to the Move the text from cursor an inch or so away and the cursor will turn into an arrow. into place and the text Click-and-drag continue typing. ■ Use the Dodge tool to eyes quickly fix to a interest quickly add some more To try this: Select the Dodge eyes, subject’s tool (O), go to the Options Bar and change the Range to Highlight, and set the Expo- the size of your to about 25%. Make sure than the iris. Click brush just a bit larger the times until two to four to dodge from and the color “pop” a little more have eyes evident.is more far though got too Don’t will start to look a bit “funky.” or the eyes text Quick move while typing www.photoshopelementsuser.com …and more Lasso fun …and more tool Lasso the use to in zoomed you’ve If win the of edge the nearing you’re and (L) dow, you’ll need to scroll over to continue. continue. to over scroll to need you’ll dow, mouse your press to continue this, do To and active) tool Lasso the keep (to button will This Spacebar. the press-and-hold which tool, Hand the activate temporarily you where to image the move you let will you where cursor your Position it. need the of go let and tool Lasso the with off left continue. to bar space

Why would you want to get rid of the bounding box? That If portions of your images always have a bounding box around them (the boxes with the dashed lines and the square handles theat corners), and you find it annoying to look at or deal withthere it, is an easy way to get rid of it. Select the Move tool go(V) to the and Options bar to turn off the Show Bounding Box checkbox. Now you’ll only see it when you use one of the transformfunctions from the Image menu. box should really just be there only if I’m resizing or transforming something—not all the time. For me, it gets in the way. Make the bounding box disappear the bounding box Make Magnetic Lasso tool and need switch change the tools. To Lasso Magnetic the to back tool, simply release the and key Option) (Mac: Alt If you’re workingIf you’re with the to access the LassoPolygonal tool, hold down the Alt key (Mac: Option) and click to click again. Changing Lasso types types Lasso Changing in mid-selection… in 22 adobe photoshop elements techniques the power of three triptychs: creating with HERE’S ONE HERE’S ART,RELIGIOUSMEDIEVALUS IN ROOTED ISTRIPTYCH THE Digital Editing Digital d o R e k i M Y B Step by Step by Step of

the MANY VARIATIONS ON THE TRIPTYCH THEME THAT YOU CAN CREATE WITH PHOTOSHOPCREATEELEMENTS.WITH CAN YOUTHAT TRIPTYCHTHEME VARIATIONS THE MANY ON r z e u g i ing THREE panels the subscriberExtras area at photoshopelementsuser.com. To here theimage shown download by follow goingto along, TO COMMUNICATE PASSION AND BEAUTY.COMMUNICATEPASSIONANDTO EXTRAS amount on the other side of the center panel. distance, since you’ll want to use the same it however you want; just remember the away from the first, but you can position of the rectangle. I put mine one grid square shape to the right. This will create a copy Shift), click on your rectangle and drag the down Ctrl-Alt-Shift (Mac: Command-Option- photo. this for worked which inches, 6 by inches 2 mine made I rectangle. a draw guide, your as lines grid the or ruler the using and, (U) tool Rectangle the Choose key. D the pressing by white and black of default their to colors background TWO: STEP image. the in depicted island Island—the Blake mine named I layer. new the name and Command-J) (Mac: Ctrl-J pressing by background the duplicate so layer, original our preserve also Let’s Grid. > View then and Rulers > View choosing by grids the and ruler the display let’s later, ease measurement For ONE: STEP With the Rectangle tool still active, hold

Open your image in Elements. Elements. in image your Open Set your foreground and and foreground your Set

©ISTOCKPHOTO/LAWRENCE FREYTAG adobe photoshop elements techniques 2323 www.photoshopelementsuser.com for more digital editing techniques Drag the handle down one square. Drag - - With the ShapeWith Selection With the far right shape still STEP FIVE: selected, go to Image > Rotate > Flip Layer Horizontal to create a mirror image of the transformed rectangle. Using the Shape Selection tool, click on the middle rectangle and resize its height—by click ing on the rectangle’s center handle—to match the inner sides of the two trans formed shapes. Press Enter (Mac: Return) to commit the transformation, then, using the Move tool (V), position all the shapes as desired on your image. tool still active, duplicate the transformed rectangle in the same that way you did in down Ctrl-Alt-Shift,Step Two—hold click right far the to it drag and rectangle the on side of the image one grid square away from the middle rectangle, or whatever distance you chose andEnter press (Mac: Return) to OK the Our move. example we’ll OK; that’s but canvas, the off extends fix it in a moment. STEP FOUR:STEP Right-Click the Shape tool THREE: Right-Click the Shape STEP and choose the (Mac: Command-Click) the bottom of the Shape Selection tool at rectangle the first pop-up menu. Click on and go to Image > Transform drew, you mouse your Position Shape > Perspective. corner of on the handle in the top-right the handle rectangle and drag that first The bottom-right down one grid square. should simultane- corner of the rectangle Click Enter up one square. ously move the transformation. to save (Mac: Return) 24 adobe photoshop elements techniques Step by Step by Step around each of the shapes. Press OK. around eachoftheshapes. Press OK. click theStroke checkbox toplacealine on theShapelayer. Inthedialogbox, icon) click theLayer Stylesymbol (the‘fx’ Soft Edge).OntheLayers palette,double- double-click toapplythestyle(Ichose the menu.Chooseadrop and shadow button andchooseDrop from Shadows the Effects palette.ClicktheLayer Style in theLayers paletteandthengoto STEP EIGHT: ClickontheShapelayer rectangle. right the for thing same the do set, side left the got you’ve Once right.) or left to movements the constrain will shape the dragging while Shift (Holding keys. arrow the using or dragging by either rectangle middle the to closer it move and Command-T) Ctrl-T (Mac: press tool, Selection Shape your onlyintheshapes. imagetoshow create aclippinggroup, whichwillcause to overlapping circles. Clickonthelineto (Mac: Option).Your cursorshouldchange Island andShapelayers andpress Alt your mouseonthelinebetweenBlake visible. OntheLayers palette,position STEP SEVEN:Let’s make thatbackground Option-Delete). that colorby pressing Alt-Backspace (Mac: light gray). Fillthenewblanklayer with backdrop for your triptych (Ichoseavery choose acoloryou’d like touseasthe Color swatchinthePicker and Layers palette.ClickontheForeground and clickingtheNew Layer icononthe layer by pressing Ctrl(Mac:Command) Create anewblanklayer theshape below Shape layer theBlake below Islandlayer. STEP SIX:IntheLayers palette,drag the Select the left rectangle with the the with rectangle left the Select adobe photoshop elements techniques 2525 www.photoshopelementsuser.com for more digital editing techniques - -

.’ .’ You’ll find ■ triptych With the Shape layer still For more ideas, go to elementsvillage. Use two rectangles and an oval, or other combinations. Experiment with the different trans forming options: you can resize your shapes, apply a Free Transform, and move them all around your layout. Try differentTry shapes for emphasis. Use three different pictures; put each rectangle on its own layer and associate a different photo with each rectangle by creating clipping groups. With a Master’s degree in Educational TechnologyPaint Shopand Pro,16 andyears other computerof teaching applications. experience, He also photoshopelementsuser.com,Mike contributes Rodriguez Photoshop currently CS3 and video teachespublishes tutorials classes his to layersmagazine.comstock in photographyAdobe Photoshop on and iStockphoto.com. videos Elements, on Photoshop Elements to com and search for ‘ some great triptychs, including beauti ful examples from members Sepiana, Rubeelou and others. • • • Turn off the Grid (View > Grid), Turn TEN: STEP done! If you and you’re project your save in the .PSD format,save the you’ll preserve other to incorporate making it easy layers, swapping out the image you photos by (in Step Seven). used in the clipping group For some variations, try these options: STEP NINE:STEP selected, add a new layer directly above it by clicking the New Layer button in the Layers palette. This will include the new layer in the clipping group. Go to Edit > Layer and choose 50%from Gray the drop-down menu. Click OK to fill the the layer Move above thegray Blake layer. Island layer and change its blend mode With the Burn toolto (O), Overlay. trace along the joints between the shapes and along bottom edges of the triptych to darken them, giving the effect of some depth and shadows. Doing this on the layer setgray to Overlay makes this move non-destructive, in case you change your mind later. 26 adobe photoshop elements techniques zapping shines and shadows PICTURE, butthey folksLOOKING SWEATIER HowBE? SHOULD THEY THAN D o D G N I K R E D I N S A S E L y B THE PEOPLE IN THE YOUR PEOPLE AN FROM PHOTOS OF CASE ACUTE SKIN, SUFFER SHINY igital igital Step by Step by Step E diting ’re EASY TO GETRIDOF:ALLYOU NEEDISTHECLONE STAMP TOOL ANDAWEEBITO’PATIENCE. THOSE SHADOWED,THOSE about BothRUINCHINS? CAN DOUBLE A those and then lower the tool’s Opacity to 25%. to Darken (so it will darken the shiny spots) Options bar. Change the mode of the tool soft brush from the brush picker in the (S) tool. Select the tool and choose a nice the problem areas using the Clone Stamp need to graft some non-shiny skin onto Step two: you’re making. layer off and on to see how much progress toggle thevisibilityeye oftheduplicate before andafterpreview, sinceyou can Thisalsomakesgetting started. for agreat pressing Ctrl-J(Mac:Command-J)—before to duplicatethebackground layer— by original pixels of the photo, it’s a good idea Step beaffecting the One:Becausewe’ll release the Alt key Alt the release then and point” “sample skin good a set to Click left). the on (shown cross-hair a into turn Your will skin. cursor bad the to sible pos as close as that’s skin good of area an holding the Alt key (Mac: Option) and click by that Do lives. skin good the where Step three: the good skin from. from. skin good the sampling is Elements where know you lets that sign plus little a see You’ll times). multiple click just or drag and click can (you away shine the brush to begin Mouse over to the shiny skin and and skin shiny the to over Mouse OVEREXPOSED AREAS THAT LEAVE To fix the shiny areas, you Now you need to tell Elements -

Image ©Judy leko. ©ISTOCKPHOTO/AndrewP enner adobe photoshop elements techniques 2727 After www.photoshopelementsuser.com for more digital editing techniques Before magazines. Catch her Graphics Tip of the Week live each Wednesday night on YourMacLifeShow.com. on night Wednesday each live Week the of Tip Graphics her Catch magazines. - - - - Macworld (Pogue Press/O’Reilly, Nov. 2008), and the video titles “Practical Photoshop Elements” and “From Photo to Graphic Art” (KelbyTraining. Art” Graphic to Photo “From and Elements” Photoshop “Practical titles video the and 2008), Nov. Press/O’Reilly, (Pogue and and Layers Move to another area of the the of area another to Move As luck would have it, this ve: Photoshop: The Missing Manual Missing The Photoshop: i As you can see from the before and and shine time, happy Until next ows). Follow the exact same technique as described in steps Three and Four to choose a sample point, and then brush away shadow areas. after versions of the photo on the right, the overly shiny areas and the shadowed double-chins are all but gone. Admit tedly, you’ll want to leave a little shine and shadow in your photos to retain a look of realism. That’s why lower ing the Clone Stamp tool’s opacity to 25% is so helpful—it allows you control the strength of the retouching, letting you lessen the shines and shadows so they’re not as noticeable. shadow zapping! ■ technique also works to brush away shadows, which can do wonders for double chins. With the Clone Stamp tool selected, go to the Options bar at the top of your screen and change the mode to Lighten (in order to lighten the shad Step Step f Step four: Step by point sample new a choose and photo it’s Again, skin. good some on Alt-clicking as point sample a choose to important the (so possible as area shiny the to close tech this Use match). texture and color wherever skin bad the away brush to nique remembering photo, own your in exists it brush (and point sample your change to necessary. as often as size) As the founder of the free tutorial site, GraphicReporter.com, and chief evangelist for iStockphoto.com, Lesa is on a mission to teach the world to create better graphics. She’s the the She’s graphics. better create to world the teach to mission a on is Lesa iStockphoto.com, for evangelist chief and GraphicReporter.com, site, tutorial free the of founder the As of author com). Lesa writes for NAPP, and and NAPP, for writes Lesa com). 28 adobe photoshop elements techniques personalized bookmarks showcase family photos with own DELIGHTFULGIFTS FORSOMEONE WHOLOVES TO READ. B MAKE ALSODISPLAYING THEYPHOTOS,FAMILY OFANDWAY PETUNIQUE ORAPERSONALIZED PHOTOBOOKMARKSARE

Scrapbookers’ Workshop Scrapbookers’ a n a i D y B

creativity Step by Step by Step

and d y a

photos , you ’ ll





bookmark y


off any

with reader



are unlimited inyourdesignoptions. any combinationofthese.Getcreative—you or a designwithbrush;usefilter effect; pattern; overlay stamp ascrapbook paper; can alsofillthislayer withagradient ora TIP: Ratherthanuseaplaincolor, you Picker. Color the from color a choose then and Color select arrow, drop-down the click prompt, “Use:” the at dialog, Layer Fill the In Layer. Fill select menu, Edit the From layer. Background the above layer blank a get to icon Layer New a Create the click palette, Layers the of top the At color. with it TWO: STEP inches by 2.25inches. between 7.5inchesby 1.75inchesto8 wish. Iwouldsuggestyou usedimensions You canmake your bookmarkany sizeyou and setthebackground color towhite. aresolution of300pixels/inch, and height, enteracustomwidth the New dialogbox, Ctrl-N(Mac:Command-N).In shortcut > New >BlankFile,orusethekeyboard for thebaseofyour bookmarkwithFile STEP ONE:Create anewblankdocument will


love Create a new layer and fill fill and layer new a Create

steps to

carry , then





off .

©ISTOCKPHOTO/Viorika Prikhodko adobe photoshop elements techniques 2929 for more scrapbooking projects www.photoshopelementsuser.com



Set up the grid. Turn on Next, we’ll add a stroke : Next, we’ll add a stroke EE: R You don’t have to use a stroked box. If stroked a use to have don’t You Once the selection is made on the Create a new blank layer above the above a new blank layer Create

you wish, you can leave the edges plain or or plain edges the leave can you wish, you such edging, or border of type another use or design brush a with edge the stamping as embellishment. border scrapbook a adding TIP: blank layer, choose Edit > Stroke (Out line) Selection. In the Stroke dialog, set the size to a number from 6 to 10 pixels, choose a color, and select Inside for location. Click OK to add the Stroke, then deselect and turn off the Grid (by select ing View > Grid again). R FOU STEP and select the filled with color, you layer a tool (M). Drag Marquee Rectangular the upper left corner to the selection from inside the one square lower right corner, to Grid Snap With edges of the canvas. selection should snap to turned on, your the edge all the from the lines one square get the selection don’t If you around. way the first time use Select > Deselect,precise Ctrl-D (Mac: Command-D) to or press deselect and try the selection again. the visibility of the Grid by selecting View > Grid. Also make sure Snap to Grid is checked in View >Snap > Grid.To adjustTo the size of the Grid go to Edit the edge of the bookmark.around STEP TH > Preferences > Grid. I set mine to use a gridline every 1 inch, an set the subdivisions to 8.

ko d ikho Pr a ik r io ©ISTOCKPHOTO/V 30 adobe photoshop elements techniques Step by Step by Step where you can download this free font. free this download can you where www.brushes.obsidiandawn.com -n- Butterflies Trails by StephanieShimerdla B BaaBookHMK by Hallmark F C ont rushes redits add text or other elements, as desired. remaining photos to your bookmark. Then proportions intact. resizing if you want to keep the image’s Remember to hold down the Shift key when the bounding box corners on the photo. Resize or rotate the photo as desired, using photo to reposition it on the bookmark. into your bookmark window.) just drag and drop images from the Projectyou’re Bin using Photoshop Elements 6.0, Edityou can> Paste or Ctrl-V (Mac: Command-V).mark (Iffile and paste the copied photo withCommand-C). Next, go back to your book the photo with Edit > Copy or Ctrl-C (Mac:> All or Ctrl-A (Mac: Command-A). Then copy as a mini scrapbook page. bookmark. If it helps, think of the bookmark use and how to arrange the photos on the creativity determines how many photos to use on your bookmark. At this point, your STEP FIVE: creativity beyour guide. ingful saying orpoem.Again,letyour own photos, oryou may wishtoaddamean- can designthissecondsidewithmore ment usingthesamestepsasabove. You of thebookmarkasanewblankdocu- socreate thesecondside to abookmark, STEP SIX:Remember, there are twosides Select the Move tool and(V) drag the To add a photo, open it and choose Select Repeat this process to copy and paste the Google ‘BaaBookHMK’ to find places places find to ‘BaaBookHMK’ Google Open the photos you wish to -

All Images ©DianaD ay adobe photoshop elements techniques 3131 EXTRAS More examples of bookmark designs—and a examples More for online resources great list of links to several bookmarks— suitable for quotations and sayings at area in the subscriber Extras can be found photoshopelementsuser.com. for more scrapbooking projects www.photoshopelementsuser.com - ■ After printing, printing, After : LY B M SSE A Before setting everything up to to up everything setting Before K K MAR I’ve found the best way to print bookmarks bookmarks print to way best the found I’ve snap-to-grid the and grid the where is This them. laminating by bookmarks my finish I If you think you might like to keep the files as files the keep to like might you think you If

Diana Day, retired H.R. Manager and self-taughtElements toElements practical useuser, as startedweb administrator a PSE and P.R. chairpersonUsers Group for herin church.2007, which has grown to 26 members. Diana puts her skill with BOOK is to place both bookmark sides on one sheet. sheet. one on sides bookmark both place to is by inches 8 at document blank new a Create white a and 300 of resolution a with inches, 10.5 and copy and on, grid the Turn background. new the to back and front bookmark the paste one on copies multiple print usually I document. bookmark each of copy second a paste so sheet, document. new your into back and front to (V) tool Move the Use handy. in come option lin components, bookmark pasted the position background white the on vertically up them ing the print Then them. between space leaving and I paper. quality good any on bookmarks of sheet paper. flyer/brochure glossy lb. 48 a use quick-print most laminator, a have don’t you If option Another you. for laminating do will shops Pouches, Laminating Self-Sealing Scotch use to is supply office most in available are which bookmark the positioning carefully After stores. to according sealing and layers the between of inch 3/16 about leaving trim, directions, the the of edges the around film mylar sealed the seal. the retain to bookmark templates for future bookmarks, first save them as them save first bookmarks, future for File templates choose then layers; the preserve to files copy, PSD that In file. the of copy a save to As… Save > Save. > File and Image Flatten > Layer choose and back and front the apart cut carefully use I back-to-back. sides bookmark the place Glue Poster and Picture Repositionable Elmer’s position then side, one of back the on Stick even. are edges the so together sides the print, let’s save the files. If you’re sure you like like you sure you’re If files. the save let’s print, with file each flatten are, they way the them Save. > File choose and Image Flatten > Layer STEP SEVEN: STEP

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