FRANCA : Concertino for Piano and dice, Teresa Stich -Randall is just aboutper- NEW RELEASES Orchestra (see SATIE) fect,offeringa warm, womanly, vocally captivating interpretation. FROM THE RECORDING OF SPECIAL MERIT On the negative side, however, I must - note that while Mr. Mackerras brings vigor GLUCK: Orfeo ed Litridice. Nlaureen WORLD'S GREATEST and excitement to the music, he does thisat Forrester (contralto), Orfeo; Teresa St:ch- the expense of refinement. Thereare impre- BUDGET LABEL Randall (soprano), Euridice: Nanny Steffek cise attacks and occasional lapses of "to- (soprano), Amore. Akademie Choir:Ind getherness," and the choral work isvery of- .4 I I I .4 4. .eteital ViennaStateOperaOrchestra.Charles ten ill -balanced and lacking in incisiveness. /lbAlb Al. dab,. ,,111, , Mackerras cond. VANGUARD BAC!' GUILD He conducts much of the second actata BGS 70686/87 two discs $11.58, BG 686/ rather inflexible tempo, and his pacing for ACCLAIMED BY 87 $9.58. the Dance of the Furies is decidedly hurried. CRITICS! Performance: First-rate A further debit is due in the area of textual Recording. Very good communication: Miss Forrester's Italian pro- Stereo Quality: Excellent nunciation could stand improvement, and Miss Steffek's is downright offending. These Instead of making available another conven- ACCLAIMED BY reservations prevent me from recommending tional version of Orfeo ed Euridice, the pro- the set as the decided preference among the ducers of this set embarked on an adventure RECORD -BUYERS! opera's contemporary versions, but they do in creative musicology which resulted in a performance that differs from any heretofore recorded. Without retelling here the com- plicated tale of this opera's history-which ;"-s-..._.
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