123 Legislative Council

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123 Legislative Council 123 No. 29. MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THB LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. WEDNESDAY, 28 OOTOB ER, 1891. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment. In t he absence of the. President the Chairman of Committees, t he Honorable Archibald Hamilton Jacob, took the Chair at half-past F our o'clock. Members p1·esent :- The Honorable Al.·chibald H amilton J acob in the Chan'. The Honorable George Henry Cox, The Honorable Henry Norma.n MacLaurin,M.D., Tho Honorable Henry Carey Dangar, LL.D., The Honorable John Davies, C.M.G., The Honorable James Norton, LL.D., The Honorable George Day, The Honorable Richard Edward O'Connor, The Honorable Leopold Fane Do Salis, The Honorable William Hilson Pigott, The Honorable Alexander Dodds, ' 'l'he Honorable Charles .James Roberts, C.M.G., 'l'ho Honorable Peter Faucett, The Honorable Jeremi'ah Brice Runclle, The Honorable Richard llill, The IIonorable Si r Juli::m Salomons, Kt., Q.C., The Honorable James H oskins, The Honorable Patrick Lindesay Crawford Tho Honorable Frederick Thomas Humphery, Shepherd, The Honomblo Samuel Aron Joseph, The Honorable George Bowen Simpson, Q.C., The llonorable Henry Edwa.rcl Kater, The Honomble Robert Burdett Smith, C.M.G., Tho Honorable John Lackey, The Honorable Septimus Alfred Stephen, The llonorable Walter Lamb, The Honorable John Stewart, Tho IIonorablo George Alfred Lloyd, The Honorable William H enry Suttor, The Honorable John Lucas, Tho Honorable William J osoph 'l'rickett, The Honora.ble John Macintosh, ) Tho Honora.ble James \Vatson . .., )fElmER D:EcEA.SED-Tm: Ho:NORA.nr,E WILLIAM BYRN"ES :-The Chairman Presiding said: The melancholy duty deYolves UJJOn me of announcing to tho House the decease o£ one o£ its Members, the Honorable William Byrnes, au entry to which effect l1as been duly recorded in the Register of iiiembers of the Legislative Council. 3. Pnrnnxo CoM:lliTT.EE :-Mr. Suttor, on behalf of tho Chairman, brought up tl1e Seventh Report from the Printing Committee. On motion of Mr. Suttor, Report adopted, and ordered to be printed. 4. Ror.L SunscnrnED BY MEMBER :-The Honorable James Watson, who took tho Oath on the 14th July last, subscribed the Roll. 5. XEw AD:lliNISTRA.TION-.!.DJ"ounN.ME~-<r :- (1.) Sir Julian Salomons announced to the House that Mr. Dibbs had succeeded informing a new Administration, consisting of,~ Mr. George l{ichard Dibbs, as Colonial Secretary and Premier. Mr. J ohn See, as Colonial Treasurer. Mr. Edmund Barton, as Attorney-General. Mr. Henry Copeland, as Secreta"r·y for Lands. Mr. ·william John Lyne, as Secretary for Public Works. Mr. R. E. O'Connor, as Minister ,of Justice. Mr. F1·ancis Bathurst Sut tor, as Minister of Public Instruction. Mr. 'l'homas Michael Slattery, as Secretary for Mines. 1\ir. John Ki~d,, as Postmaster-General. That in this Administration he (Sir Julian Salomons) had accepted the Office o£ Vice-President o£ the Executive Council, and that in that capacity it would be his duty to represent the Government and conduct its business in the Council. · (2.) Sir Julian Salomons then (b,11 consent) moved, without 2n·evious Not'ice, That this Honse, at its rising to-day, do adjourn until ·wednesday, the 18th day of November next. Question put and passed. The llouso adjourned, at twenty-eight minutes before Five o'clos:k, until.Wednesday, the 1 8t7~ ·'day of Noveml;er next. JOHN J. CALVERT, Olerk of tlte P m·liamenfs. NOTICES 124 ~ "MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDISOS NOTI CES OF MOTIONS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. WEDXESDA.Y, 18 NoY.K:U:nEn. Contingent Notice of Motion :- AusTRA.LA.SllN FEDERATION-DRAFT BILL OF THE CoNVENTION :-Mu. Jacon to move as au amendment upon Mr. Sutter's Motion in reference to this subject, that the Question be amended by the omission, in lines 1 to 8, of the words-" re~ affirms its opinion in favour of '' the Federation of the Australian Colonies, n,nd taking into consideration all the circumstances " of the constitution of tho National Convention which met in Sydney in .M::;tl'ch last as a duly " authorised body, appointed by all the Parliaments of Australia, and having due regard to tho " difficulties and the necessity for compromise in reconciling conflicting interests and coming to a "common ground of ag1·eomont, it hereby appro.ves of the scheme for an adequate l!'ederal " Constitution embodied in the draft Bi_ll of the Convention; but it reserves to itself tl1e right " to propose omissions or amendments, to be fully set forth by the proposer in each cnse in a " Schedule, and to" with a view to tho insertion in their place of the words, " is of opinion that " tho draft Bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, as adopted by the National " Australasian Convention on 9th April, 1891, should be considered clause by clause, in Committee " of the whole Council, in the same manner as ordinary Bills, with the view of affording Members "the opportunity of ]Jroposing amendments to bo submitted anu decided upon by the Committee " in the usua1 way; and, in the event of the Bill being amended and the report of the Committee "adopted by the House, that the Bill, as amended, should" And by the addition, after pttragr·nph 2, of the following new paragraph :..:..._ " (3.) That the consideration of the s:ud Bill in Committee of the Whole stand an Order of the " Day for the next day of sitting." OOVERNMENT BUSINESS- NOTICES OF MOTIONS :- }. M n. Su:rroR to move,- (1.) That this House re-affirms its opinion in favour of the Federation of the Australian Colonic~, and, taking into consideration all the circumstances of the constitution of the Nntional Convention which met in Sydney in March last as a duly authorised body, appointed by all the Parliaments of Australia, and having due regard to the difficulties and the necessity for compromise in reconciling conflicting interests, and coming to a common ground of agreement, it hereby approves of the scheme for an adequate F ederal Constitution, embodied in t he draft Bill of the Convention; bui it reserves to itself the right to propose omissions or amendments, to bo fully set forth by the p roposer in each case in a Schedule, and to be finally considered, if deemed advisable, by auother Convention similarly constituted, and in like manner representing all the Colonies. (2.) That this House is further of opinion that the question as dealt With by this Parliamon~ should be submitted to the people in their electoral capacity for final approval. 2. M n. SuTTOn to move, That the uudermentioned Members be appointed to constitute, in conjunction with eight Members of tho Legislative Assembly, the Par·liamentary Standing Committee on P ublic \ IV orks, as provided for by the Public W or ks Act of 1888, viz .. :.-'rhe Honorable William Robert Campbell, the Honorable Henry Edward Kater, the Honorable William Hilson Pigott, the Honorable .Alban Joseph Riley, the Honorable Charles J ames Rober ts. GENER.A.L BUSINESS-NOTICES OF MOTIONS: - L MR. CnEED to move, That the Select Committee now sitting on the " Children's Protection Bill" be authorised to make visits of inspection to, and bold inquiries in such localities as the Committee shall consider desirable, and that the Committee have power to sit during any adjournment of thiJ House. 2. MR. L AMB to move, That there be laitl upon the Table of this H ouse a Return showing the number of registered letters which passed t hrough the Post Office addressed to the keepers of betting. houses or people conducting sweeps or consultations during each year commencing the lss of J anuary, 1882, and ending 3h t December, 1890, as well as all letters so addressed during the part of 1891 already past. a. Mn. O.nEED to move,- (! .) That, in the opinion of this H ouse, it is advisable that such legislative action should be takeu by the Government as would permit of the imposition of differential customs duties, should eucb a. course be found advantageous in the future. (2.) That an Address conveying the foregoing Resolution be presented to His Excellency the Governor. 4. Mn. CnEED to move,- (!.) That, in the opinion of this H ouse, excepting to the post of Adjutant or Quartermaster, no person should be appointed as a Commissioned Officer in the Partially-P.aid or Volunteer Force~ of this Colony unless he has passed through the :::auks of such forces. (2.) That an Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor embodying the foregoiJJ& ltesolution. 5. 1')""'-D OF THE LEGISL.!..TIVE COUNCIL. 5. Mn. HostcrNs to move, 'rhat there be 1a.1d upon the Table of this House a R etum showing the number of passes entitling the holders thereof to travel free of cost over the railways of this Colony, and granted to other persons th:m 1\'Iemberil of Parliament, or to th0se persons ent.itlerl to such privileges under the provisions oE the l{ailway Act, during the years 1889 and UlnO ; such Ueturn to specify the name of each person to whom a pass was given; the reason why stH:h Enss was granted; and what was the amount each person "'onl<l have had to pay the Railway Department for the ser vice rendered if they h·td been required to p:~.y their fares; also, <t Return sho wing the numbet· of special trains granted to :Jfinistert~ of the Crown durin~ the s:1.mc period: the distances tra1·ersed by such t t·ains; the amounts which private persons would ha.ve had to pay for tho ~:~ervico of sncl1 trains it' they IHtd engaged them ; and if the Minis tel's paid for a.ny or all of tho special tra.ins they used.
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