
1/5/21 City Council Meeting Meeting Time: 01-05-21 18:00 eComments Report

Meetings Meeting Agenda Comments Support Oppose Neutral Time Items

1/5/21 City Council Meeting 01-05-21 42 18 5 11 0 18:00

Sentiments for All Meetings The following graphs display sentiments for comments that have location data. Only locations of users who have commented will be shown.

Overall Sentiment 1/5/21 City Council Meeting 01-05-21 18:00

Agenda Name Comments Support Oppose Neutral


Hearing: The City Council will conduct a public hearing regarding an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a request to authorize multi-family residential development in the Office Residential (OR) zone district. The site is located at the southwest corner of Greenfield Drive at Esplanade, APN 006-500-014. Currently undeveloped, the site is designated Office Mixed Use (OMU) on the City's General Plan Land Use Diagram and is zoned OR-AOD-COS (Office Residential with Airport Overflight Zone D and Corridor Opportunity Site overlays). The project is categorically exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 (Infill Development Projects). (Report - Mike Sawley, Senior Planner)

Sentiments for All Agenda Items The following graphs display sentiments for comments that have location data. Only locations of users who have commented will be shown.

Overall Sentiment


Hearing: The City Council will conduct a public hearing regarding an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a request to authorize multi-family residential development in the Office Residential (OR) zone district. The site is located at the southwest corner of Greenfield Drive at Esplanade, APN 006-500-014. Currently undeveloped, the site is designated Office Mixed Use (OMU) on the City's General Plan Land Use Diagram and is zoned OR-AOD-COS (Office Residential with Airport Overflight Zone D and Corridor Opportunity Site overlays). The project is categorically exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 (Infill Development Projects). (Report - Mike Sawley, Senior Planner)

Overall Sentiment Ruth Sarnoff Location: Submitted At: 4:16pm 01-05-21 Appeal of the Use-Permit 20-7 GREENFIELD AND ESPLANADE APARTMENT Hearing appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a request to authorize multi-family residential development in the Office Residential Zone - Greenfield Drive at Esplanade, APN 006-500-014 Office Residential with Airport Overflight NEVER. The failure to listen to, and start the process of developing a New Plan for Chico that works in the interests of everyone and takes into account Climate Change challenges. NO Way!

Elizabeth Elliott-Carter Location: Submitted At: 2:32pm 01-05-21 I live in this neighborhood and putting an apartment complex there is a terrible idea. is already dicey pulling out onto Esplanade. I am not opposed to construction but only in the form of commercial / office space. Privacy issues for those on Eagle Lake Court, increased traffic into and out of the neighborhood and poor planning are all reasons I strongly oppose this new project. It does not fit into the rest of the neighborhood. This should not be re-zoned to include apartments.

Catherine Dasbach Location: Submitted At: 11:17pm 01-04-21 I oppose this building. Not enough notice has been given. Chico already has enough poor planning of and leading to dangerous and congested traffic. Many buildings appear to "sneak" in without proper, safe planning and notification of citizens. The city needs people who can plan well the streets and roads along with the growth it plans. These are not separate issues.

Megan Zimmerman Location: Submitted At: 9:22pm 01-04-21 Please Do not re-zone this lot!

Jessica Haggard Location: Submitted At: 8:54pm 01-04-21 I oppose this 3 story apartments to be built in this location. It will lower property value of the homes located on Eagle Lake ct as the apartments allow those tents to look down into other peoples homes and bedrooms and into their private backyards. This is not safe. No privacy fence will give privacy to those homeowners. The additional traffic will be extremely invasive on those property owners and will bring down the value of the home. Additional traffic will impact conditions too.

Janet Ford Location: Submitted At: 4:39pm 01-04-21 I am opposed to the building of a multi-residential development on the Greenfield and Esplanade lot. It will negatively impact traffic in the neighborhood of Greenfield and Eagle Lake Ct. It does not fit in with the rest of the neighborhood. Do we really need?

Mark Ping Location: Submitted At: 3:16pm 01-04-21 I support the appeal and oppose the apartment complex + cafe.

1) I own the property adjoining Greenfield & the lot, and every vehicle in/out of the property will pass by my house, causing increased noise and exhaust fumes 2) The properties on Eagle Lake are designed with large (floor to ceiling) sliding doors facing into the back yard from master bedroom -- which means elevated floors will look down into our bedrooms, even with a privacy fence.

Ann Brennan Location: Submitted At: 3:06pm 01-04-21 I feel that high traffic commercial thoroughfares are suited to commercial use, not residential. That is why that parcel was zoned for commercial use. The Esplanade is a busy street and not an ideal location for housing.

Becki Tate Location: Submitted At: 12:42pm 01-04-21 I support the appeal and feel a 3-story apt complex does not fit into our neighborhood and is also very intrusive for the residents of Eagle Lake Ct(which I am). This project will also negatively impact traffic and parking on Greenfield which is already busy as is. This property would be much better suited for office buildings.

Richard Utter Location: Submitted At: 11:07am 01-04-21 My comments are in support of the appeal of use permit for the Greenfield and Esplanade Apartments. I do not understand why a three story project is being considered for this site. To me, the height of this project does not fit the area nor meet the intent of zoning. When hearing of the project, I took a bike ride along Esplanade, from Lassen to the south to Eaton to the north in vain search of a building of this height. Why "shoehorn" a project like this into the neighborhood?

Jamie Jin Location: Submitted At: 11:38pm 01-03-21 I am in support of the appeal, and oppose the project as it is. Even with the architectural updates the mail ding still doesn’t conform to the neighborhood. However the biggest concern is the amount of traffic this will create through our neighborhood. Greenfield Dr, during high traffic times, is busy enough, and adding the entrance in greenfield drive will push traffic down Calistoga to the other three exits. I would like to request a meaningful and thorough traffic survey.

RICHARD DOANE Location: Submitted At: 6:17pm 01-03-21 Please uphold the appeal of the use permit and send the item back to the planning commission for further discussion of traffic impacts. I would like to see the project provide a second to Esplanade along the south side of the complex to split ingress/egress and improve emergency access. Also, a traffic signal at Greenfield and Esplanade would reduce traffic conflicts at peak times and slow traffic speeds between Shasta and Eaton.

Jeff Ford Location: Submitted At: 5:50pm 01-03-21 I oppose the change of zoning to accommodate this project. It should remain Office Mixed Use as in the original plan. The design does not look like any other structures in the area and will negatively impact traffic and parking in our neighborhood. If it is going to be approved, at least require exit/entrance on the Esplanade only , not onto Greenfield, and require fees be paid for upkeep at Petersen Park. This is a terrible location for an apartment complex, keep it for offices.

Claudia Hanson Location: Submitted At: 4:01pm 01-03-21 This is only a zoning change. The final plans will have to be approved by the city and details can be worked out. I hope the planned apartments will be in the low income category. This building will not harm the neighborhood; I live not far down Esplanade. The community was given plenty of notice time. Extra traffic is to be expected, but the plan supports less use of . Small rental housing is desperately needed in Chico.

David Welch Location: 95926, Chico Submitted At: 7:12pm 01-01-21 I'm no more thrilled than anyone to see the growth of the city where I have lived for 40 years - but growth is happening and part of accommodating that growth includes a smart mix of high density development along with some single family homes. Overly restricting development of multi-family residential drives up prices and worsens our housing crisis.

Susan Irvine Location: Submitted At: 11:59am 01-01-21 I oppose the building as it does not conform to the neighborhood and it will bring in way to much traffic for an already heavy traffic area

Dorothy Domish Location: Submitted At: 10:24pm 12-31-20 I oppose the Greenfield/Esplanade apartment complex. The Amber Grove community has not been fully notified of the plans. A 3 story building does not fit into the architectural style of the neighborhood and will cause an invasion of neighbors privacy. The area will not support the increased traffic. One entrance/exit does not provide for evacuation or emergency services. Grant the appeal Agenda item 4.2. Dorothy Domish

Lisa Chambers Location: Submitted At: 3:11pm 12-31-20 I oppose Greenfield/Esplanade Apt Complex. I live in Amber Grove. Inadequate notice was given. Design doesn’t address traffic/ped safety adequately. Architecture is radically different than all nearby bldgs--commercial and homes. 3-story design invades privacy and is intrusive, esp to adjacent properties. Traffic on Greenfield is already problematic due to number of cars, Esplanade traffic and parked cars. Apt. complex makes problem worse. Please grant the appeal Agenda Item 4.2. Lisa Chambers