Yeast Yeast 2000; 17: 241±243. Meeting Review Life will never be the same Annual Genome Sequencing and Biology Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA. May 2000 M.A. Strivens* MRC Mammalian Genetics Unit and UK Mouse Genome Centre, Harwell, UK *Correspondence to: M. A. Strivens, MRC Mammalian Genetics Unit and UK Mouse Genome Centre, Harwell, Oxfordshire OX11 0RD,UK. E-mail:
[email protected] It seems appropriate that the Cold Spring Harbor The crux of the whole-genome shotgun strategy is Genome Sequencing and Biology Meeting, which the assembly technique. Gene Myers (Celera Geno- witnessed the creation of the Human Genome mics) reported on how the `double-barrelled' shot- Organization (HUGO) in 1988, should this year gun2 approach had given a signi®cant advantage to present three major advances in genomic science: the computer algorithms employed in the assembly the completion of the ®nished sequence of Droso- of the ¯y genome. The assembly system employs a phila melanogaster; the announcement that 85% of bottom-up, nucleating strategy, initially assembling the genome of Homo sapiens is now in draft small islands of sequence of high con®dence sequence; and the complete, ®nished sequence of a (diverting the assembly of repeat regions to later second human chromosome, chromosome 21. Other stages) and then searching for other sequence major sessions of the meeting focused on single (including orientation data from clone end- nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), ethical, legal and sequencing) to join the islands together. In addition, social implications (ELSI), as well as comparative he con®rmed a less than 0.5% error rate in the and functional genomics.