Considerable Progress Has Been Made on Improving Neglected Sites in North Kensington
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A7 THE ROYAL BOROUGH OF KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA PUBLIC REALM SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – 9 OCTOBER 2017 REPORT BY COUNCILLOR PASCALL DEPUTY LEADER AND LEAD MEMBER FOR BOROUGH SERVICES CURRENT ISSUES The following are matters of current and future business. I can provide additional information at the Committee meeting if requested. FOR INFORMATION PLANNING AND BOROUGH DEVELOPMENT 1 PLANNING POLICY TEAM 1.1 Local Plan Partial Review Topics The Council is undertaking a Partial Review of its existing 1 Local Plan to ensure it is up-to-date and fit for purpose. It covers the following topics: • Vision and objectives • Places • Site allocations • Infrastructure and planning contributions • Planning enforcement • Shops and centres • Business uses • Arts and cultural uses • Hotels • Rail infrastructure • Archaeology • Housing • Gypsy and Traveller accommodation • Climate change • Flooding and drainage • Waste • Air quality • Impact assessments 1 1 Timetable The Local Plan Partial Review is at an advanced stage and the timetable is: • Issues and Options consultation : Tuesday 15 December 2015 to Tuesday 9 February 2016 • Draft Policies consultation : Friday 28 October to Sunday 11 December 2016 • Publication Policies consultation : Thursday 2 February to Thursday 16 March 2017 • Full Council approval: Wednesday 26 April 2017 • Submission to the Secretary of State / the Planning Inspectorate and commencement of Examination : Friday 5 May 2017 • Inspector’s Initial Questions to the Council : 31 May 2017 • Council’s Response to Inspector’s Initial Questions : 19 June 2017 • Confirmation of Postponement of Hearings : 8 August 2017 • Publication of Further Proposed Modifications regarding estate regeneration and Call for Further Participants : TBC October 2017 • Inspector consults the Council and Participants on Matters, Issues and Questions (‘MIQs’) : TBC November 2017 • Examination Hearings : TBC January 2018 • Consultation on Proposed Modifications : TBC Early 2018 • Inspector’s Report and end of Examination : TBC Early 2018 • Full Council final adoption : TBC Spring 2018 • Monitoring : 2018+ • Commence work on an early review of the Local Plan : 2018+ Further Proposed Modifications and Call for Further Participants The examination is live and the examination hearings were expected to take place in September 2017. However, in light of the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower on 14 June 2017 and in response to petitions from the local community in North Kensington, the Council decided to suspend estate regeneration projects in the borough and propose some changes called ‘Further Proposed Modifications’ to the Local Plan Partial Review. This was confirmed by the Council on 8 August alongside confirmation that the planned examination hearings for September were postponed until further notice. The updated timetable is provided above. 2 The Further Proposed Modifications and supporting evidence base will be published this month (TBC) and at the same time, the Council will, through a ‘Call for Further Participants’, invite further participants interested in the Further Proposed Modifications to take part in the examination, through written statements and/or through participation in the oral hearings. Early review of the Local Plan Once the Local Plan Partial Review is adopted (TBC – early summer 2018), the Council has committed to an early review of the Local Plan, at least in part, to consider issues related to North Kensington, the Latimer ‘Place’, estate regeneration and housing supply, to be adopted within five years of the Local Plan Partial Review’s adoption. This would be expected to commence some time in 2018 and be undertaken in accordance with the Council’s commitment that if any future estate regeneration projects come forward they would be co- designed with the community and put to a binding vote. Examination webpage All the latest information is available on the examination webpage at . 1.2 Article 4 Direction for Office to Residential A separate dedicated report on this matter is provided to the Scrutiny Committee as a separate agenda item. 1.3 Proposed Brownfield Land Register A separate dedicated report on this matter is provided to the Scrutiny Committee as a separate agenda item. 1.4 Draft Planning Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A separate dedicated report on this matter is provided to the Scrutiny Committee as a separate agenda item. 2 PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION TEAM 2.1 Crossrail 2 (the former Chelsea-Hackney Line) The next round of consultation on Crossrail 2 is expected in the New Year. 2.2 Kensal Portobello Crossrail station 3 Work continues with Network Rail on the feasibility and cost of the station and the associated changes to track layout in the vicinity of the proposed station. Officers will report on the outcome of this work to the Leadership Group and recommend whether to proceed to the next stage of the scheme’s development. 2.3 St Quintin and Woodlands Neighbourhood Plan The judicial review of the Council’s decision to send the neighbourhood plan to Examination, brought by the owners of the Nursery Lane backland site that the plan designates as a local green space, thereby preventing development, was held 12-14 July 2017. This culminated with a further disclosure order and the hearing continued on 28 September 2017. Any further updates will be reported to Members. 2.4 Courtfield Neighbourhood Area and Forum designations The Council has designated a new Neighbourhood Forum and new Neighbourhood Area located predominantly within the Courtfield Ward, following a six-week consultation on the proposals. The new Courtfield Neighbourhood Forum is responsible for bringing forward a Neighbourhood Plan for the new Courtfield Neighbourhood Area. The Council will assist the Forum as they develop their Plan. 2.5 Asset of Community Value (ACV) Nominations The Council designated the Kensington and Chelsea College, Wornington Road, London, W10 5QQ as an Asset of Community Value on 26 June 2017. The Council has recently received a new nomination from a qualifying community group to list the Notting Hill Police Station, 99- 101 Ladbroke Road, London, W11 3PL. The Council will have 8 weeks to determine this application. If the owner of a listed Asset of Community Value wishes to sell it, they need to inform the Council who will in turn inform local community groups. Any private sale would be put on hold for an initial period of six weeks to give a community group an opportunity to consider whether they wish to bid for the asset to preserve its use for the future. If a community group does express an interest in bidding for the asset, a six-month moratorium on any sale would come into place in order to allow time for the community group to raise funds to submit a bid. Once the moratorium on sale has passed the owner is under no obligation to sell the asset to the nominating community 4 group. 2.6 Conservation Area Appraisals The Council has adopted 23 Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs). Four further CAAs – Kensington Square, Sloane Square, Kensal Green Cemetery and the College of St Mark and St John CAAs have been consulted on and will be adopted imminently. Consultation has started on the draft versions of the Brompton Cemetery, Queensgate and Nevern Square and Philbeach CAAs. Work is continuing on the final updates of the remaining out-of-date Conservation Area Proposal Statements (CAPS). 3 LEAD LOCAL FLOOD AUTHORITY 3.1 Local Flood Risk Management Strategy The recommendations within the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy’s Action Plan are being implemented, including the recent policy review (which is part of the local plan) and consultants’ investigation into the feasibility of implementing Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) within North Kensington and Holland Park Critical Drainage Areas (CDAs) The purpose of this feasibility study is to identify several locations that SuDS measures could be implemented to reduce the risk. Six locations that may assist with reducing surface water runoff within their respective sub-catchments have been identified. This project forms the first stage of the £1m funding bid to the Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee to implement SuDS intensively in these CDAs. The overall funding amount will be dependent upon the outcome of the feasibility study and the ability to meet the necessary funding outcome measures. The draft report was received in September and it shows that the number of properties likely to be protected through the implementation of SuDS is much smaller than previously anticipated. This will lead to a reduced funding bid which will be confirmed with the Environment Agency later in the autumn. However, the implementation of SuDS by the Council is very important, not only to reduce flood risk but to show that they can be implemented in a constrained urban environment and to encourage developers to include green SuDS in their developments. This project forms the first stage of the recently earmarked £1m funding bid to the Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee to implement SuDS intensively in these CDAs. The overall funding amount will be dependent upon the outcome of the feasibility study 5 and the ability to meet the necessary funding outcome measures. It is anticipated that this feasibility study will be completed by July 2017. 3.2 Counters Creek There is no update from Thames Water(TW) on the planning application submission. It is understood that TW will be submitting an application, but the actual dates are not known. 4 OTHER DEPARTMENTAL PROJECTS 4.1 Reserve for community projects for unowned assets On 8 March 2017 the Council discussed unowned heritage assets and asked Cabinet to consider how it might find resources to assist in their maintenance. A £250,000 fund is proposed which can be accessed by community projects once matched funding has been crowd sourced. Criteria for the release of funds in a way which minimises risks to the Council and minimises the likely impact on staff resources have been drafted and shared with scrutiny committee members prior to a decision in October.