Lent Booklet.Indd
Reflections for the SEASON OF LENT EDGEWOOD COLLEGE | 2019 Blessings to you ... and your family during this holy season as Christians throughout the world prepare for Easter through prayerful listening to God’s Word, openness to God’s mercy, and compassionate outreach to needs within the human family. This booklet is a collection of Lenten Reflections from contributors throughout the Edgewood College community. Each day’s reflection includes a brief biblical text drawn from daily Lent Scripture readings selected for the Common Christian Lectionary. We hope these reflections provide inspiration for you during this year’s observance of Lent. Warm personal regards, Scott Flanagan President Mary Klink Associate Vice President for Dominican Life & Mission 2 Ash Wednesday, March 6 Wed., Mar 6: Joel 2:12-18, Jacob Gill ................................................................1 Thurs., Mar 7: Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Carrie Sanders ....................................1 Fri., Mar 8: Isaiah 58:1-9a, Pat Estes ..............................................................2 Sat., Mar 9: Isaiah 58:9b-14, Carolyn Field ...................................................3 First Sunday in Lent, March 10 Sun., Mar 10: Luke 4: 1-13, Paula McKenzie ...................................................3 Mon., Mar 11: Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18, Madhura Kadambi ..............................4 Tues., Mar 12: Isaiah 55:10-11, Martha Burnett ................................................4 Wed., Mar 13: Jonah 3:1-10, Hollie McCrea Olson ...........................................5
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