updated M arch 2021 ERIC J. STERLING VITA Department of English and Philosophy, PO Box 244023 Auburn University at Montgomery Montgomery, Alabama 36124-4023 (334) 244-3760, esterl i
[email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D., Indiana University, minor in Theatre and Drama, 1992 M.A., Indiana University, 1987 West Virginia University, 1985-86 B.A., Queens College (CUNY), 1985 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION: The Movement Towards Subversion: The English History Play from Skelton to Shakespeare Di rector: Charl es R. Forker PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Di rector, Master of Liberal Arts Program, 2009-present Professor of English, Auburn University at Montgomery, 2003-present English Department Student Advisor, 1994-present Director, Writing and Editing Internship Program, Auburn University at Montgomery, 2000-present Associate Director of Composition, Auburn University at Montgomery, 2006-07 Associate Professor of English, Auburn University at Montgomery, 1998-2003 A ssi stant to the Dean of L i beral A rts, A uburn University at Montgomery, 1996-99 Assistant Professor of English, Auburn University at Montgomery, 1994-98 Full-time Instructor of English, University of Central Arkansas, 1992-94 Part-time Instructor of English, Indiana University, 1987-92 Graduate Teaching Instructor of English, West Virginia University, 1985-86 Team teacher, ESL English Composition course, Queens College, Spring 1984 AWARDS: AUM AWARDS: AUM Distinguished Faculty Service Award, 2018-2019. AUM Ida Belle Young Endowed Professor Award, 2015-2018. AUM Alumni Professor, 2013-2016. Award given to only one faculty member once every three years for excellence in scholarship and teaching. AUM Alumni Association Service Award, 2011. AUM Distinguished Teachi ng Prof essor A ward, 2005-2008.