Document History 1. Definition of the Subject 2. Keywords
State of the Art Report (StoAR) Name: <StoAR_Persistent_Identifiers> Work Package: <Tools> Responsible: <Ahmed Rahali> Document history Date Version Status Author(s) Changes / comments <20.10.2004> 1 In progress ARA <13.01.2005> 1 First version ARA 1. Definition of the subject Persistent identification is regarded as an increasingly important aspect for strategies aimed to ensure effective management of digital information resources and their long-term access. The assignment of unique identifiers allows digital objects to be labelled or referenced in such a way that they can be reliably found over time in a dynamic distributed information environment. To date, various schemes have been suggested as a global approach to persistent identification, including the URN (Uniform Resource Name), the DOI (Digital Object Identifiers), the PURL (Persistent URL), the Handle System, the ARK (Archival Resource Key) and the XRI (eXtensible Resource Identifier). Each of these approaches came to birth as a result of progressive ongoing research and has succeeded, in varying degrees, to build communities around it. This document is aimed to provide an overview of current activity in the field of persistent identifiers and an understanding of the diverse persistent identification strategies being used and developed. The document is to serve as a reference for review and evaluation of all these various schemes and as a basis for recommendations of relevance to the eSciDoc project. 2. Keywords Persistent identifier, Persistent identification, Persistent link, Digital identifier, Persistence, Uniform Resource Name, Uniform Resource Identifier, Uniform Resource Locator, National Bibliography Number, Persistent URL, Handle, Digital Object Identifier, Archival Resource Key, eXtensible Resource Identifier, URI, URL, URN, NBN, PURL, DOI, ARK, infoURI, XRI.
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