The University of Toledo @O
The University of Toledo @o Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390 Office of Public Information (419) s37-z67s February 3, 1988 FROM: Laura Koppert FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE "Extraordinary Religious Phenomenon Among Hebrew Prophets" will be the latest topic in the Murray Lecture Series to be sponsored by The University of Toledo Newman Club and Catholic Campus Ministry. The free, public program will be Sunday, Feb. 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the UT Law Center auditorium. Father C,'uroll Stuhlmueller, Old Testament professor at the Catholic Theoloÿcal Union in Ci:icago, will discuss the significance of dreams, visions, ecstasies, spiritism, and witchcraft found in the Bible. A question and answer period will follow the lecture. A published author, several of Fr. Stuhlmueller's books include Biblical Meditations for Lent, Easter Season, Advent and Christmas, and Ordinary Time. For more infomaation, contact John Jasinski of Corpus Christi University parish at 537-4198. -30- FROM: Willard Benjamin FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE OF FR. BACIK'S LECTURE ON LENT CHANGED The date of the free, public talk on Lent by Father James Bacik, co-pastor at The University of Toledo Corpus Christi University Parish, has been changed to Sunday, Feb. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Law Center auditorium (reference our release dated Jan. 22). It originally had been planned for Tuesday, Feb. 9. His topic will be "Preparing for Lent: Structured Approaches to Spirituality." -30- The University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390 Office of public Information (419) 537-2675 February 3, 1988 FROM: Laura Koppert FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Dead Milkrnen, an east coast punk rock band, will perform at The University of Toledo Student Union auditorium on Wednesday, Feb.
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