1 Abstracts. Please note that this book of Abstracts will not be available in print form at the conference; delegates are advised to consult it online or to download it from the conference website Pål Aarsand Anna Sparrman Assistant Professor Associate Professor, Department of Thematic Department of Education, Uppsala University, Studies – Child Studies Linköping University, Sweden Sweden.
[email protected] [email protected] Visual transcriptions as theory (and methodology) During the last 30 years transcription methodologies have changed and developed. Due to this technological development, researchers within the field of social studies now use video cameras in the study of situated practices. In line with the question of transcribing, this has generated discussions about what kind of data and knowledge that is created. When transcribing visual material similar concerns Ochs raised 30 years ago in her classic article “Transcription as theory” is work: what and why are made visual in transcripts? What is the theoretical stance for transcript conventions and what is the purpose of visualizing the transcriptions? Thereby, it is also highlighted how video data is created through series of choices for practical purposes. Based on the increased use of digital video recordings and the increased mix of visual and audible material in research articles, we study how and what is gained by using visual data, and the ontological status given to it. The presentation shows examples of visual transcriptions chosen from slightly different research areas and with different transcription solutions. All the transcribed material is based on video recordings, which in one or the other way has been digitalised and transformed into new visual forms.