Falkland Islands Newsletter PPublishedublished bbyy TThehe FFalklandalkland IIslandsslands AAssociationssociation wwww.ww.fi aassociation.comssociation.com NNoo 111414 AprilApril 22018018 ppeopleeople eeventsvents ppoliticsolitics iindustriesndustries ssportport nnewsews 1 Falkland Islands editorial Association Newsletter by FIA Chairman Alan Huckle Published by: The Falkland Islands Association, THE Falkland Islands elected a new Legislative Assembly on 9 November, returning fi ve Falkland House, new Members (MLAs) with three re-elected. The decision to make these positions Full- London time and salaried has helped to attract some younger people in mid-career. Four oF the SW1H OBH new MLAs are under 45 years oF age and two were not even born in 1982. This can only be healthy For the political process. The new team are getting to grips with their portFolios Tel 020 3764 0824 and have begun the process oF agreeing their objectives For the Islands’ Future. We wish honseci
[email protected] them well. ISSN 0262-9399 Those in the UK who might regard the governance oF the Falkland Islands as a small matter are Quite wrong. All the Functions oF government come within the purview oF the Edited by: MLAs and whilst the local population may be Few in number, the problems conFronted are Sharon Jaf ray no less diFfi cult (and are constantly complicated by Argentina’s sovereignty claim). The Stanley Argentine Government oFten asserts that the UK exercises colonial-style control over the Falkland Islands Falklands (and they consistently reFuse to recognise the Falkland Islands Government as Tel 00 500 52739 a legitimate authority). Yet the 2008 Constitution made it clear that the Falkland Islanders
[email protected] are alone responsible For determining their own Future.