CHEGG | HALF As College Students, We All Feel the Pains of Financing Higher BUY (NEW) $92.95 $75.75 $69.99 $116 Education

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CHEGG | HALF As College Students, We All Feel the Pains of Financing Higher BUY (NEW) $92.95 $75.75 $69.99 $116 Education THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF SAINT PETER’S UNIVERSITY FOR OVER 80 YEARS The Pauw Wow VOLUME LXXXVI, ISSUE 1 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 2013 PAUWWOW.COM LIFESTYLE, PG. 7 NEWS, PAGE 4 OPINIONS, PG. 10 SPORTS, PG. 12 INSIDE Upperclassmen tips The American Dream & “Oscar Grant could have The real cost of an inju- immigration - A journey been my brother.” - A ry for a student athlete for the incoming towards living in the land piece on race & Trayvon - an investigative piece THE ISSUE Class of 2017 of the free Martin AROUND Mayor JERSEY CITY The Class of 2017 brings Welcome, frosh - Today Steven is the first day of classes for fresh perspective to campus all undergraduate students Fulop’s at Saint Peter’s University. Welcome to the incoming Class of 2017. plans for Jersey City A little service -Recently, 10 Saint Peter’s University students participated in a BY ROSEMARIE DRISCOLL two-week service trip to MANAGING EDITOR Ecuador through Campus Ministry’s Global Outreach: Many students returning to Service and Solidarity pro- © STUDENT ACTIVITES Jersey City for the semester will gram. The team volun- President Eugene Cornacchia sits during a Freshmen Summer Orientation with parents and students from the Class of 2017. be missing the familiar face of teered at the Working Boys’ former mayor Jeremiah Healy, Center in Quito, Ecuador. BY DYLAN SMITH liberal arts universities. With come to Saint Peter’s in several who was replaced by Steven EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the generous financial ad pack- years. Fulop in a July 1st inauguration ages and proximity to such a According to Admissions, ceremony on the steps of City In the last year, much media and work area such as this year’s class is currently 645 Hall. Supplies Giveaway - has changed at Saint Peter’s New York City, many at Saint freshmen and 105 transfer stu- Within the first few weeks of South Hudson Civic Asso- University. Buildings and signs Peter’s believe the school to be dents, one of the largest its seen Fulop’s administration, politi- ciation is sponsoring a back- were fashioned with newer, one to be proud of - the prob- in years. cal news source PolitickerNJ pack giveaway on Saturday shinier looking decoration that lem was simply promoting what “We have been dedi- was already predicting the for Jersey City students bared the school’s new name- so many saw as a great school. cated to recruiting efforts mayor’s run for governor in kindergarten through 12th sake, a new structure had been With this new group of fresh- where we have the opportu- 2017. However, residents are grade. The backpacks will opened in the hopes of acting men - the Class of 2017 - the uni- nity to engage in conversa- beginning to question Fulop’s be distributed at four loca- as a social hub for the cam- versity’s efforts to rebrand itself tions with students, parents ability to run Jersey City. tions in Jersey City: Audu- pus, and an overhaul in the and reach new ground may just and guidance counselors,” said In his campaign, Fulop bon Park, Pershing Field, school’s branding efforts kicked be paying off, with admissions Elizabeth Sullivan, the Dean of pledged to improve the City’s in, reimagining the school as a numbers showing th Class of Hamilton Park, and the powerful leader of the pack in 2017 to be the largest class to SEE FRESHMEN PAGE 3 SEE STEVEN FULOP PAGE 3 Lincoln Park Community Center, 10 a.m. to noon. Finacial Issues - Saint Pe- #TheStruggle - Taking on unpaid internships ter’s University named 1 of 10 N.J. colleges and trade BY CARLOS GONZALEZ Two interns working on set of schools to receive low marks ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR the 2010 film, Black Swan, Eric in federal ‘financial respon- Glatt and Andrew Footman, sibility’ test, according to The unpaid internship cul- filed a lawsuit in 2011 against the Jersey Journal. ture has spread throughout the Fox Searchlight Pictures; the nation as a part of students’ verdict that would follow would college career. Organizations, require employers that hire companies and the government unpaid interns to create a learn- Show your pride - On are even encouraging students ing environment for students, Sunday, thousands of mem- to spend a summer or semester as opposed to making unpaid bers in the LGBT com- in an unpaid internship to have interns do “menial tasks.” munity came together and a career in a desired field post- US District Judge William celebrated the Annual Gay graduation. However, students Pauley said that under the New Pride Festival and Exchange are still hesitant to have an York Labor Law and Fair Labor Place on Sunday, the 24th. unpaid internship, as it is dif- Standards Act Law, Glatt and VISUAL DATA BY CARLOS GONZALEZ ficult to financially support the As seen above, the average tuition costs for private universities in America has slowly This year’s celebration was increased by several thousands of dollars every year, now reaching heights of an aver- the 13th year in the festival’s experience. SEE #THESTRUGGLE PAGE 3 age $32,000 a year or more at some universities. long run. First Signature of B-Mode MLK Drive & Forrest Peer pressure more Street - According to the Jersey Journal, a 20-year-old in Cosmic Microwave Jersey City resident was shot present than ever in in the leg near the intersec- Background Radiation tion of MLK Drive & For- higher education rest Street on Saturday, this being the second shooting to occur on the street in less BY JESSE KICKEY times by some different groups BY PRAJWAL NIRAULA than a month. CONTRIBUTING WRITER but nothing ever got too seri- CONTRIBUTING WRITER ous because I learned how to Imagine being in a place walk away from these negative Noise is unwanted by where everybody is staring at situations. However, I have seen definition, but not always. Polish is Beautiful - Sun- you – looking you up and down, many of my friends decide to Thus, Cosmic Microwave day also saw the annual judging how you look and what change who they were in order Background (CMB) Radiation “Polish is Beautiful” festi- you are wearing. Then imagine to be accepted by the group. came into radar of physicists val happen within Jersey that you are approached and In the end, unfortunately, they initially as a noise source, and City, attracting the city’s told that you should change were not accepted and were just within a short period of this large Polish population. your appearance if you want used to make a joke out of for encounter, it became one of The event and festival, with to fit in. For many across the the group’s entertainment.” the essential tools for probing live music, ended up taking nation, this is something that is According to a study released the origin of the Universe. The place on Washington Street experienced on an almost daily by the University of Columbia, ensuing breakthroughs similar- between Sussex and Grand basis. There are ways to deal teens are six times more likely ly revealed the crucial informa- with it, but there is no question to do something if their friends tion about our universe, in the Streets. that the grip of peer pressure is also take part in it. process also bestowing a couple a strong one. “I personally have felt peer of Nobel Prizes to scientists and “Peer pressure does go on pressured as I played many becoming a hotbed for scien- and sometimes it is kept secret, sports in the past and always felt tific research. Acting as a new MORE ONLINE but it is your choice to follow the need to be a different per- addition to this impressive list it or not,” said Merrideth K., son in order to advance on the of achievements, there is now © DANIEL LUONG-VAN / SPACE.COM a freshman at one New Jersey The National Science Foundation’s 10-meter South Pole Telescope located university. “I was pressured at SEE PEER PRESSURE PAGE 3 SEE COSMIC PAGE 3 in Antarctica. CONTENT: EDITORIAL - PG. 2 / NEWS - PG.3 / ARTS & LIFESTYLE - PG. 6 / OPINIONS - PG.10 / SPORTS - BACK THE PAUW WOW - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 2013 - PAUWWOW.COM 2 EDITORIAL Disclaimer: The opinions of The Pauw Wow’s Your journey begins now... editorials are those of the editorial a letter from the editor board; those expressed in the articles, letters, commentaries or graphics are those of the BY DYLAN SMITH to that, I can’t promise you all that even someone like Dorothy After nearly being forgotten individual author. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Saint Peter’s Class of 2017 - probably wasn’t 100% sure that about, a revival in the form of much, but I do have some words following that yellow brick-road myself and my peers - my class- No part of The Pauw Wow may To Saint Peter’s University mates and fellow editors - fever- be reproduced without written Freshmen Class of 2017 - ishly fighting and writing our consent. As much as it kills the roman- paper’s way back into the hands ticism behind the thought, the “I very much enjoy being and - most importantly - minds Corrections: truth is that change is a scary of our classmates and our pro- thing. Even terrifying seems corrected and seeing the fessors feels like a pay off well The Pauw Wow works to provide like a more ideal and accurate deserved. Even more exciting the Saint Peter’s University word. It’s not some adven- university I go to gain its will be the feeling of new hands community with the most ture full of joy and escapades to pass its legacy down to.
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