Appendix A: Aldgate Masterplan Overview

Aldgate Masterplan Boundary

i Aldgate Preliminary Consultation

Date Event Name Targeted Group Outcome/Feedback Headlines and Venue LAP 2 LAP2 The key issues raised were: 06/06/2006 Presentation, • provision of affordable housing Training • designing out crime Centre • need for and provision of student accommodation 17/05/06 Attlee Hall Aldgate Subway The key issues raised were: Steering Group • timing of the preparation of the draft Masterplan • details on the removal of the gyratory system Ideas Store Aldgate Approximately 1 290 people drop-in event community. visited the event The key issues were: Ideas Store • support for more jobs • concern re: impact of tall buildings on the environment • need for more open space, especially for children • support for cleaner streets with more planting • making Aldgate more pedestrian and cycle friendly • need for medical and sports facilities 05/09/06 LAP 3 LAP 3 The key issues raised were: Presentation, • concerns with the lack of Cheviot House prior consultation • need to identify key spots for open space • need to address pollution reduction • there is more scope for social housing • concern re: emphasis on tall office buildings – if buildings are not occupied, s.106 funds will not be collected • consultation fortnight coincides with RL Hospitals consultation event 05/09/06 LAP 2 LAP 2 The key issues were: Presentation, • providing additional Bethnal Green opportunities for people to

ii Training view info on the MPs and Centre leave comments • support for the pre- statutory consultation • need to address massive demand for housing 12/09/06 Bangladeshi Older 18 people attended Womens Bangladeshi The key issues were: Group, Women • crime, safety and anti- Jagonari social behaviour Centre • lack of shops selling fresh food and need to travel to a supermarket • need for open space • preferred community facilities were: homework club and a minibus service 14/09/06 Young Teenagers / 11 people attended (all boys) People’s Young People The key issues were: Focus Group, • lack of open space and Attlee Centre places for sport • crime, safety and anti- social behaviour, especially in Altab Ali Park • poor variety of shopping, need more sports/clothes shops • preferred s106 funded improvements: sports facilities, training centre for 18+ and better housing 19/09/06 Ethnic Minority Ethnic Minority 13 people attended Enterprise Business People The key issues were: Project Lunch, / Local Business • extent of MP boundary Restaurant in People • the city taking over the Osborn Street area and pricing local businesses out • crime and safety – drug dealing and prostitution and vandalism • need for more social housing • need for more affordable workspace, especially for small to medium enterprises 19/09 Aldgate Residents of Approximately 25 people attended Triangle Aldgate Triangle The key issues were: Residents Development • crime and safety, Focus Group, especially in Altab Ali Bar Lock, Park, and for pedestrians Whitechurch at night Lane • need for more open

iii space, especially children play area • need for more active streets, with shops and night time uses • support for the edgy inner urban feel of Aldgate 20/09/06 Aldgate Aldgate Subway The key issues: Subway Steering Group • need to improve the Steering pedestrian and cycling Group, Attlee network Centre • funding of the removal of the gyratory • drug use on site behind Whitechapel Art Gallery 20/09/06 Access Group Access Group The key issues: Focus Group, • support for removal of Mulberry pedestrian subways House • need to design of new open space to reflect local character and be accessible • need for more activity at street level 21/09/06 Ideas Store Aldgate Lower levels of participation than Drop-In Community the previous drop in event. Same Whitechapel format. Ideas Store

iv Appendix B: Bromley-by-Bow Masterplan Overview

Bromley-by-Bow Masterplan Boundary

v Bromley-by-Bow Preliminary Consultation

Date Event Name Targeted Outcome / Feedback Headlines and Venue Group 16.05.06 Community LAP6 Steering A group of around 30 community ‘Visioning’ Group and representatives considered the key issues Workshop, wider network which the Masterplan will need to address, Bromley-by- of local including: Bow Centre community - Lack of and poor quality of existing open groups spaces - Dangers of crossing A12 with reliance on ‘dismal’ subways - Important to keep the riverside open for people - Need for new retail, cafés, community theatre etc to attract people to the area - Concern for future of Stroudley Walk 23.05.06 Landowner & Landowners, Around 30 attendees representing Key employers and landowners, local employers and local Stakeholder service service providers discussed the need for a ‘Visioning providers Masterplan. Workshop’, Anchorage General desire to create a ‘great place’ to House live with a better environment, opening up of the waterside, better links to the station and across the A12 with a new neighbourhood centre providing retail, community and social facilities to support the area.

Recognition that without a Masterplan there would be no coordination of development, poor quality public realm, loss of employment and piecemeal improvements to infrastructure. 04.07.06 Landowner & Landowners, The same landowner and stakeholder group Key employers and meet to discuss the initial Masterplan Stakeholder service options. Comments included: ‘Design providers - Support improvements to crossing the Workshop’, A12 and station access but concerns Anchorage over cost and feasibility House - Site assembly will be difficult - New riverside park welcomed, but how will it be managed if it is to be shared with the new school? - Important to consider existing Housing Choice estate ‘masterplans’ - More consideration needs to be given to new employment opportunities 05.09.06 Bangladeshi Bangladeshi 33 women, predominantly from the Bengali Women’s women community attended the ‘drop-in’ session to ‘Drop In’ discuss issues that were important to them session, living in Bromley-by-Bow, including: Bromley-by- - Concern about the safety of walking Bow Centre round the area after dark

vi Date Event Name Targeted Outcome / Feedback Headlines and Venue Group - Problems of overcrowding within housing - Praise for the Bromley-by-Bow centre and local schools - Shops meet day to day needs but need to go to Stratford / for other shopping Presentation People with This comprised of a presentation on the 13.09.06 to Access disabilities Masterplan and indication of timelines. In Group and/ or with addition to general questions about the particular process the issue of ensuring that there is expertise in good footpath lighting was highlighted and access issues the issue of section 106 priorities. Follow up meeting arranged for 23 October to present how the Masterplan has evolved and to discuss the Masterplan in greater detail. 19.09.06 Community LAP6 Steering This was an open event for all of the local (Day ‘Design Group and community to discuss the emerging time and Workshop’, wider network Masterplan options. Outreach work evening Bromley-by- of local undertaken by the Bromley-by-Bow centre sessions Bow Centre community assisted in ensuring the event was well ) groups and attended. Key issues raised included: residents - Support for improving access across A12; suggestion of CCTV and better lighting for subways - Concern regarding level of traffic within the area, particularly lorries on Empson Street - Larger houses are needed to address the problem of overcrowding. - Support for more trees and green spaces - It will take new community facilities, school and youth clubs to improve the area, not just better design 05.10.06 Young Young people The event was arranged with Poplar Harca’s Persons Youth Worker. A group of 10 young people Workshop, attended and were encouraged to talk about Tudor Lodge their experiences of living in Bromley-by- Bow and what they would like to see changed. Key issues raised included: - Poor quality of parks and open spaces - Nowhere for young people to ‘hang out’ - Preference for modern flats over existing housing estates - need better shops, cafes and leisure facilities including a swimming pool - drug addicts and drinkers stop people using the subways and waterside

vii Appendix C: Whitechapel Masterplan Overview

Whitechapel Masterplan Boundary


Whitechapel Preliminary Consultation

Date Event Name Targeted Outcome / Feedback Headlines and Venue Group 06.06.06 LAP 2 N/A - open As well as a general steer in relation to Steering event groups to consult. The following points were Group highlighted: Bethnal - Readdressing the flow of traffic along Green Brady Street was raised as an important Training issue. Centre - De-cluttering of the market - Provision of affordable housing was raised as a key concern for new development schemes. - The potential of S106 opportunities from future development of key sites was highlighted. 25.07.06 Idea Store N/A - open - Desire for cleaner streets, litter free Drop In event streets was an key issue, particularly Event (July) around the market - Support for more jobs - Support for open spaces particularly larger play spaces - Making streets more pedestrian friendly was considered important.

05.09.06 LAP3 N/A - open It was highlighted the planned consultation Steering event fortnight coincides with consultation events Group and it was suggested that these were attended (NB. The LAP 3 heath event was attended)/ - There were queries about how much of the draft had been prepared and why has the community not been consulted earlier– it was explained the documents were at an early stage with significant scope for change. - It was considered important to identify key spots for open space and to look at feasibility and how local residents will be affected – e.g. employment. - Reducing pollution was highlighted as an important area to address.

05.09.06 LAP 2 N/A - open - The steering group advised that the Steering event Council is doing the right thing by Group consulting prior to the statutory Bethnal consultation period but indicated that: Green - The Masterplan maps need to be made Training available for longer than one day and on Centre the website and suggested - Stands with maps and information

ix Date Event Name Targeted Outcome / Feedback Headlines and Venue Group should be available in public spaces, with opportunities for people to leave their comments. - Provision of affordable housing was again raised as a key concern . Workshop Bangladeshi The event was very successful with 15 13.09.06 with London Women’s women attending and all engaged in Muslim group discussion. There was a £15 incentive for Centre attending the event. Women’s - The need for safer streets and better group lighting especially around the station was highlighted - The need for cleaner streets emerged as a big issue - The desire to see higher quality (high street) shops in the area e.g.’ Next’ was also highlighted. 13.09.06 Presentation People with This comprised of a presentation on the to Access disabilities Masterplan and indication of timelines. In Group and/ or with addition to general questions about the particular process the issue of ensuring that there is expertise in good footpath lighting was highlighted and access issues the issue of section 106 priorities. Follow up meeting arranged for 23 October to present how the Masterplan has evolved and to discuss the Masterplan in greater detail. 13.09.06 Tower Young people Very positive and all of the participants (7) Hamlets were lively, contributing many ideas and Youth Forum suggestions. Improving the safety and cleanliness of the area, particularly the market was an important issue. The group did not see the area as having potential for shopping for non food goods.

Many of the key issues raised are already central considerations for the Masterplan and a number of their suggestions will be taken forward, most notably the - enforcement unit for the market - traffic calming / improvements

16.09.06 LAP3 Heath N/A - open The issue of ensuring there was a Event event coordinated approach to development was though t to be very important. Stand on The need to address traffic issues on the Whitechapel A11 was highlighted by many with some Masterplan at emphasising pedestrian safety and other wider event suggesting assisting vehicular movement should be given more priority (e.g. need for a flyover). 20.09.06 LAP 2 Crime N/A - open This event was not a Masterplan related

x Date Event Name Targeted Outcome / Feedback Headlines and Venue Group and Safety event consultation event However, given the level Event of comment on crime and safety issues in previous consultation events planners attended. A poster was displayed and discussed with those who were interested but the main focus was upon engaging in discussion with other participants. There was a remarkable amount of consensus about the need to tackle crime, deal with litter and other antisocial behaviour and it was useful to get a sense of the issues and feelings about the area shared by a vast cross section of ages and ethnicities living in the area. 21.09.06 Idea Store N/A - open There was support from some, for ideas Drop In event proposed although some commented it was Event not far reaching enough. The issues of crime (September) and safety were again central themes in responses: -

- the need to make the market nicer but keep the positive contribution it brings to the area was highlighted - A history centre to reflect the rich history of the area and to was suggested - The need More sports/ leisure facilities was highlighted - Need make it safer for pedestrians particularly in Brady Street area and the streets in the Masterplan area in general. - Improving lighting in the area particularly on footpaths but also though open versus roller shutters on shops with the lights remaining on was suggested.

xi Appendix D – The Draft Masterplans with SAs and EqIAs
