natstand: last updated 25/07/2017

URL Root person: John Fraser (1820 – 1909) Description: Family tree Last updated: 2016 July 9 Prepared by: Richard Middleton Notes: This includes both the Frasers of Glasgow and his first wife, Sarah Wilkes’, families. John

Fraser was closely associated through the Wilkes with the Manders of . The family of his second wife, Charlotte Horton, is also included as there are links with Cradley, Worcestershire. *Press items reproduced with kind permission of The British Newspaper Archive (

Relationships to John Fraser or his wife are shown at left-hand side of page. John Fraser’s family:

1David Fraser (c1780 – 1849.6.10)    Father *** married Helen Tennent (1796.1.24 – 188?) at Maybole 1815.10.8 sister Helen Fraser (1816.7.6 – 1888.7.25) born in Ayr – birth date does not correspond with census returns *** married John Lyle (1818 – 1888.11.9) carpet manufacturer, on 1854.2.28

Step-nephew John Lyle (c1850) – not Helen’s son nephew William 2Tennent Lyle (1862.1.22 – 1935.10.17)   this is “Cousin Lyle” *** married Elizabeth Jane Duncan (1868.5.30 – 1941.7.27) in Leeds on 1897.3.27 g/nephew Fraser Duncan Lyle (1898.3.7 –1964.4.7) Chiswick g/nephew Stuart Tennant Lyle (1900.6.28 - ) Chiswick

 3John Fraser (1820.3.20 – 1909.4.13) born Glasgow **1 married Sarah Wilkes (1836 – 1876.2.23) in Wolverhampton on 1861.7.25 dau Helen Jane Fraser (1862 –1892.5.10) Wolverhampton unmarried son Paul Wilkes Fraser (1863.6.10 – 1946) Wolverhampton *** married Kate Dillon (1867 - ) in Plymouth, April 1890 g-dau 4Kathleen Paul Wilkes Fraser (1891.5.14 - ) Petersham, NSW ()

*** Divorced

*** married Hilda Campagnola (1889 - 1963) Australia in 1911 dau Kate Fraser (1864.11.27 – 1920.7.21) Wolverhampton unmarried dau Sarah Wilkes Fraser (1866 – 1948.5.27) Wolverhampton unmarried dau Mary Martin Fraser (1868 - 1945.2.1) Wolverhampton aka Mary Martin Pennington, Mary Martin Brown *** married James Smith Paddey (1863 – ) aka Padey Pennington - 1 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017

g-son Martin Fraser Pennington aka Martin Fraser Brown (1901.9.28 - ) g-dau Olive Noel Pennington aka Peggy Brown (1902.10.18 - 1980)

dau Agnes Marion Fraser (1869 – 1876.2.18) Wolverhampton unmarried

**2 married Charlotte Ann Horton (1828.12.22 – 1896.6.19) Cradley on 1877.6.26 no issue brotherDavid Fraser (1823 – 1876?) born in Kelso *** married Grace Birrell (1826 - ) Glasgow neice Helen Tennant Fraser (1848.7.13 - ) Glasgow, Lanark neice Grace Birrell Fraser (1850.6.7 -) Barony, Lanark, to Sydney, to US 1895 neice Mary Dalgleish Fraser (1853.8.13 - ) Barony, Lanark nephew David Fraser (1856.12.30 - ) Milton, Glasgow nephew George Birrell Fraser (1860.6.27 - ) Milton, Glasgow nephew John Fraser (1862.12.12 - ) Milton, Glasgow nephew Andrew Peter Birrell Fraser (1865.5.1 - ) Blythswood, Glasgow nephew Peter Duncan McKenzie Birrell Fraser (1867.10.26 - ) Blythswood, Glasgow nephew William Stobo Fraser (1871.1.25 –) Govan

sister Jane Fraser (1824 -) Ayr *** married William Stobo (c1808 – 1881.11.2), ironmonger, on 1848.10.5

No issue? – plenty of step children

sister Catherine Fraser (1828.11.13 – after 1891) Glasgow

sister Marion Fraser (1831.9.17 – 1855.12.31) Glasgow

sister Agnes Fraser (1836.6.30 – 19??) Glasgow *** married Peter McKean (c1830 - ) on 1870.9.22 in Row, Dunbarton neice Nelly Tennent McKean (1871.3.26 - ) neice Agnes Drew McKean (1872.9.26 - ) nephew Peter F McKean (c1879 - )

sister Mary Fraser (1842.5.20 - ) Glasgow *** married George Russell on 1862.3.6 in Rhu, Dunbarton neice Helen Jane Russell (1862.7.8 - ) Govan nephew David Fraser Russell (1864.8.7 - ) Govan nephew John Calvert Russell (1866.8.23 -) Govan neice Mary Fraser Russell (1868.12.8 - ) Cathcart nephew George Robson Russell (1874.7.8 - ) Cathcart More …?

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His first wife, Mary Wilkes’, family:

Paul Wilkes (1792.9.2 – 1857.8.5) Wolverhampton *** married Jane Atherton (c1796 – 1864.7.15) of Bilston on 1828.9.3 (Jane Atherton was a widow not a spinster} brotherPaul Wilkes (1829 – 1863.10.20) Wolverhampton unmarried sister Mary Wilkes (1831 - 1900.7.7) Wolverhampton *** married Samuel Small Mander (1822.2.8 –1881.11.5) in Wolverhampton 1850.9.26 nephew Samuel Theodore Mander (1853.2.25 – 1900.9.14) *** married Flora Elvira St Clair Paint (1857 - ) in Halifax Nova Scotia on 1879.5.29

Sir Geoffrey Le Mesurier Mander (1882.3.6 – 1962) Marjorie Mima Mander (1883 –) Lionel Henry Mander (1888.5.14 – 1946) actor aka Miles Mander Alan Jocelyn Mander (1891.1.28 –)

Lionel and Alan married Indian princesses niece Mary Jane Mander (1855 – 1903.1.18) *** married Robert Willam Felkin at Wolverhampton on 1882.2.8 niece Jemima Tertia (Mima) Mander (1857 – 1935.10.20) unmarried niece Ellen Beatrice (Nellie) Mander (1859 – 1938.3.9) *** married Howard Devenish Pearsall in 1882 niece Charlotte Pearsall (Lottie) Mander (1860 –1931.6.28) *** married Michael Connel Parker in 1901 nephew Benjamin Howard Mander (1862 – 1912.7.11) *** married Lilian Elizabeth Nelson at Rousham on 1892.10.26 nephew Martin Bertram Mander (1869 – 1946) *** married Stella Dods in New Zealand, 1897 brotherMartin Wilkes (1832.10.15 – 1895.1.6) Wolverhampton on 1856.12.18 *** Married Ellen Maria Horton (1831 – 1897.10.16) Cradley nephew Martin Paul Henry Wilkes (1871) sister Jane Wilkes (1834 - 1845) Wolverhampton

 Sarah Wilkes (c1836 - 1876) Wolverhampton details above *** married John Fraser MD (1820.3.22 – 1909.4.13) in Wolverhampton on 1861.7.25

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His second wife, Charlotte Horton’s family:

William Henry Horton (c1803 - 1855.12.28) Great Bridge, Staffs **1 married Charlotte (Ann) Fieldhouse Bevan (1804.11.11 – ?1836) on 20.12.1827

Charlotte Ann Horton (1829 – 1896.6.19) *** married John Fraser MD in King's Norton on 1877.6.26

no issue brotherWilliam Frederick Horton (1830 - ?) Cradley sister Ellen Maria Horton (1831 –1897.10.16) Cradley *** married Martin Wilkes (1832.10.15 – 1895.1.6) Wolverhampton on 1856.12.18

no issue sister Sarah Fieldhouse Horton (1834 – 1918.5.4) Cradley *** married 5Rev. John Meredith Lawrence Aston (1825.9.25 - 1880.3.2) on 1877.10.23

no issue

**2 married Elizabeth Stubbs (c1801 – 1861.11.19) in Birmingham 1836.9.7

- 4 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 Dates shown in plain, rather than bold, type have been calculated from census returns. Relationships, unless otherwise cited, are also based on census data.


1792 September 2: Independent Chapel, Wolverhampton Birth of Paul the son of Martin and Mary Wilkes. He was baptised 18 January 1793.

1796 January 24: IGI C115788 Birth of Mary, daughter of David Tennant and Jean MacColm, Ayr.

1807 August 13: Wolverhampton Baptisms Charlotte Fieldhouse, daughter of Thomas and Mary Beva. Born 11 November 1804.

1815 October 8: IGI M116052 Marriage of John Fraser and Helen Tennent at Maybole, Ayr.

1816 July 6: IGI C115789 Birth of Helen Frazer, christened 1816 July 15, Ayr.

1820 March 20: Fraser family grave at Merridale cemetery Birth of John Fraser

1820 March 22: IGI C119664 Birth of John, son of David Fraser and Helen Tennent, baptised 1820 April 23 Barony, Lanark. [Note this is at odds with the data on the family grave which seems more likely to be correct.]

1822 February 8: Dr William’s Library, redcross-street Birth of Samuel Small, son of Charles Mander and Jemima Mander (nee Small) born at Wolverhampton. (Dissenters birth registry)

1825 October 7: IGI Birth of Jean Fraser, baptised 1826 November 3 Barony, Lanark.

1827 December 20: Marriage of William Henry Horton and Charlotte Fieldhouse Bevan at St Peter’s Wolverhampton.

1827 December 27: *Worcester Journal MARRIED. On Thursday, Mr. W. H. Horton, of Park Lane Cottage, near Stourbridge, to Charlotte Fieldhouse, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Bevan. Spirit merchant, of Wolverhampton.

1828 September 3: St Peter Wolverhampton. Marriage of Paul Wilkes and Jane Atherton.

1828 November 13: IGI Birth of Catherine Fraser Barony, Lanark

1828 December 22: Fraser family grave at Merridale cemetery Birth of Charlotte Ann Horton.

1829 January 26: Cradley, Worcestershire Baptisms Charlotte Fieldhouse, daughter of William Henry and Charlotte Ann Horton.

1829 June 1: St Peter, Wolverhampton Baptism of Paul, son of Paul and Jane Wilkes.

1830 March 7: Cradley, Worcestershire Baptisms William Frederick, son of William Henry and Charlotte Ann Horton. - 5 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017

1831 January 24: St Peter, Wolverhampton Baptism of Mary, daughter of Paul and Jane Wilkes.

1831 September 17: IGI C115789 Birth of Marion Fraser, christened 1831 October 16 Barony, Lanark.

1831 October 24: Cradley, Worcestershire Baptisms Ellen Maria, daughter of William Henry and Charlotte Ann Horton.

1832 May 10: Birmingham, St Philip's Registers Baptism of John Meredith Laurence, son of John and Lucy Louisa Aston, Button Maker of St Paul's Square. Child born 1825 September 25. [Three siblings were baptised at the same time.]

1832 November 7: Worcester St Peter’s registers Baptism of Martin Wilkes son of Paul and Jane. His father was a Baker. Meta-data with the Wolverhampton Archives and Local Studies documents D-SSW/3/WKS give his date of birth as 15 October.

1834 February 17: Cradley, Worcestershire Baptisms Sarah Fieldhouse, daughter of William Henry and Charlotte Ann Horton.

1836 June 30: IGI C119666 Birth of Agnes Fraser Barony, Lanark.

1836 September 7: Birmingham St Martin's Registers Marriage of William Henry Horton, widower, and Elizabeth Stubbs of this parish, spinster by Banns. Witnesses Elizabeth Dawson and Samuel Stubbs.

1842 May 20: IGI C119668 Birth of Mary Fraser Barony, Lanark.

1845 September 19: Deaths and Burials. Salt Lake City, Utah Burial of Jane Wilkes age 10.

1848 August 20: Hutchesontown Relief baptismal records Baptism of Helen Tennant Fraser, daughter of David Fraser and Grace? Birrell. Born 13 July 1848.

1848 October 6: *Glasgow Herald MARRIAGES - At Helensurgh, on 5th instant, by the Rev John Grant of Rosemeath, Mr William Stobo, ironmonger, Glasgow, to Jane, second daughter of David Fraser, Esq.

1849 June 15: *Glasgow Herald DEATHS - At Helensburgh, on 10th instant, Mr David Fraser, mason, Glasgow.

1850 September 26: Wolverhampton Weddings, St John’s Samuel Small Mander, of full age, batchelor, varnish maker of St Paul’s Terrace, son of Charles Mander, gentleman, to Mary Wilkes, minor, spinster, of St John’s Square, daughter of Paul Wilkes, confectioner by licence. Witnesses Paul Wilkes, Elizabeth Horner, Charlotte Ann Horton, Henry Jackson, John Cooper.

1853: Civil Registration index Birth of Samuel Theodore Mander registered in Wolverhampton first quarter. Venn’s Cambridge Alumni give his date of birth as 25 February.)

1853 August 13: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Birth of Mary Dalglish Fraser, daughter of David Fraser and Grace Birrell, Barony, Lanark.

- 6 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 1854 March 3: *Glasgow Herald MARRIAGES - At 125 Renfrew Street, on the 28th ultimo, by the Rev James Adam, Free West Church, Mr John Lyle, carpet manufacturer, to Helen, Eldest daughter of the late Mr David Fraser, builder, Glasgow.

1855 January 10: *Worcestershire Chronicle DIED. Dec.28th, in his 52nd. Year, Mr. William Henry Horton of Cradley, near Stourbridge.

1855: Civil Registration index Birth of Mary Jane Mander registered in Wolverhampton, first quarter.

1856 January 2: *Glasgow Herald DEATHS - At 125 Renfield Street, on the 31st ultimo, Marion, fourth daughter of the late Mr. David Fraser, builder, Glasgow.

1856 December 24: *Worcestershire Chronicle MARRIED. Dec. 18th at Penn, by the Rev. F. H. Paley, Mr. Martin Wilkes, jun. of Wolverhampton, to Ellen Maria, second daughter of the late Mr. Wm. Henry Horton, of Cradley, in this county.

1856 January 2: *Glasgow herald DEATHS. At 125 Renfield Street, on the 31st ultimo, Marion, fourth daughter of the late Mr David Fraser, builder, Glasgow.

1856 December 30: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Birth of David Frazer(sic), son of David Frazer(sic) and Grace Birrell, Milton, Glasgow.

1857 January 2: *Glasgow Herald BIRTHS - At 54 Cowcaddens Street, on 30th ultimo, Mrs David Fraser; a son.

1857: Civil Registration index Birth of Jemima Tertia Mander registered in Wolverhampton, first quarter.

1858 March 6: Probate Register WILKES Paul. 6 March The Will of Paul Wilkes late of Wolverhampton in the County of Stafford Gentleman deceased who died 5 August 1857 at Wolverhampton aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Paul Wilkes of Wolverhampton aforesaid Gentleman and Martin Wilkes of the same place Factor the Sons and Martin Wilkes also of the same place Gentleman the Brother the Executors. Effects under £10,000.

1859: Civil Registration index Birth of Ellen Beatrice Mander registered in Wolverhampton, first quarter.

1860: Civil Registration index Birth of Charlotte Pearsall Mander registered in Wolverhampton, third quarter.

1860 June 27: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Birth of George Birrell Fraser, son of David Fraser and Grace Birrell, Milton, Glasgow.

1861 July 25: Wolverhampton Weddings, St John’s John Fraser of full age, batchelor, Surgeon of Darlington Street, son of David Fraser (dec.), Builder, to Sarah Wilkes of full age single, of St John’s Square, daughter of Paul Wilkes (dec.), Gentleman, by licence. Witnesses Paul & Ellen Maria Wilkes, Caroline Eyre & Mary Mander.

1861 December 4: *Worcestershire Chronicle DEATHS. Nov. 19th, suddenly, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr. W. H. Horton, of Cradley, in this town, in her 61st year.

1862: Civil Registration index

- 7 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 Birth of Benjamin Howard Mander registered in Wolverhampton, first quarter.

1862 January 22: Scottish Births John Tennant Lyle, son of John Lyle and Helen Fraser, High Church, Glasgow.

1862 March 8: *Glasgow Herald MARRIAGES - At Beauly Cottage, Helensburgh, on 6th instant, by the Rev. Lewis Ferguson, of Glasgow, Mr George Russell, Glasgow, to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Mr David Fraser, builder, Glasgow. (No cards)

1862: Civil Registration index Birth of Helen Jane Fraser 2nd quarter, Wolverhampton.

1862 July 8: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Helen Jane Russell, daughter of George Russell and Mary Fraser, born Govan, Lanark.

1862 December 12: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Birth of John Fraser, son of David Fraser and Grace Birrell, Milton, Glasgow.

1863 June 10: Naval Service records Birth of Paul Wilkes Fraser.

1863 October 24: Birmingham Journal DEATHS – On the 20th inst, aged 34 years, Mr Paul Wilkes, of Wolverhampton.

1863 November 18: St Peter’s Wolverhampton, Baptism records James Smith Paddey, son of Henry and Isabella.

1864 July 23: *Birmingham Gazette On the 15th inst., aged 69 years, Jane, widow of Paul Wilkes of Wolverhampton.

1864 August 7: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah David Fraser Russell, son of George Russell and Mary Fraser born Govan, Lanark.

1865 March 16: Wolverhampton baptisms Kate Fraser baptised by Rev. J. H. Thompson. [The family grave at Merridale cemetery gives her vital dates as 1864.11.27 – 1920.7.21]

1865 May 1: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Birth of Andrew Peter Birrell Fraser, son of David Fraser and Grace Birrell, Blythswood, Glasgow.

1866: Civil Registration index Birth of Sarah Wilkes Fraser, 2nd quarter, Wolverhampton. (Baptised 20.11.1866)

1866 August 23: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah John Calvert Russell, son of George Russell and Mary Fraser, born Govan, Lanark.

1867 October 26: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Birth of Peter Duncan McKenzie Birrell Fraser, son of David Fraser and Grace Birrell, Blythswood, Glasgow.

1867: England & Wales BMD register Birth of Catherine Dillon registered in Plymouth, last quarter.

1868: Civil Registration index Birth of Mary Martin Fraser, 2nd quarter, Wolverhampton. (Baptised 8.11.1868))

1868 June 28: Newcastle All Saints, Register Christening of Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Robert and Ann Duncan, born 30 May 1868.

- 8 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 1868 December 8: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Mary Fraser Russell, daughter of George Russell and Mary Fraser born Govan, Lanark.

1869: Civil Registration index Birth of Martin Bertram Mander registered in Wolverhampton, third quarter.

1869: Civil Registration index Birth of Agnes Marion Fraser, Wolverhampton 4th quarter. Baptised 7.4.1870.

1870 September 24: *Glasgow Herald MARRIAGES - At Beauly Cottage, Helensburgh, on 22d inst, by the Rev. Lewis Ferguson, Free West Church, assisted by the Rev. D. McCorquodale, Queen's Park Church, Glasgow, P. McKean, Glasgow, to Agnes, fifth daughter of the late David Fraser, Glasgow and Helensburgh.

1871 January 25: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Birth of William Stobo Fraser, son of David Fraser and Grace Birrell, Govan, Lanark.

1871 March 26: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Helen Tennent McKean, daughter of Peter McKean and Agnes Fraser born Cathcart, Renfrew.

1871: Civil Registration index Birth and death of Martin Paul Henry Wilkes recorded in last quarter at Dudley.

1872 September 26: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah Agnes Drew McKean, daughter of Peter McKean and Agnes Fraser born Cathcart, Renfrew.

1874 July 8: Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah George Robson Russell, son of George Russell and Mary Fraser born Govan, Lanark.

1876: Civil Registration index Death of Sarah Fraser, Wolverhampton, 1st quarter. [The family grave at Merridale cemetery gives her death date as 1876 february 23]

1876 February 18: Fraser family grave at Merridale cemetery Death of Agnes Marion Fraser, aged 6.

1877 June 26: King's Norton Parish Register Marriage of John Fraser (full age, widower) MD of Wolverhampton, son of David Fraser, Gentleman and Charlotte Ann Horton (full age, spinster) of King's Norton, daughter of William Henry Horton, Annuitant. Married by Rev Joseph Hesselgrave Thompson. Witnesses' signatures not very clear but include William Jackson, Elizabeth? Jackson, Sarah F Horton and Ellen M Wilkes.

1877 October 27: *Worcester Journal MARRIAGES. ASTON – HORTON – October 23, at St. Luke’s Church, Wolverhampton, by the Rev. J. H. Thompson, M.A., Vicar of Cradley, assisted by the Rev. J Walton, of Sparkbrook, near Birmingham, the Rev. J. L. M. Aston, M.A., Vicar of King’s Norton, to Sarah Fieldhouse Horton, of the same place..

1879 June 2: *Pall Mall Gazette MANDER – PAINT – At Halifax, Nova Scotia, Samuel, son of Mr. S. Mander, of ettenhall, Wolverhampton, to Flora St. C., daughter of Mr. Henry Paint, of Halifax, May 29.

1880 May 4: Probate Register Records the death of Rev John Meredith Lawrence Aston, vicar of King's Norton, on 1880 March 2.

1881 December 17: Sydney Morning Herald

- 9 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 Marriages – MURRAY – FRASER. – December 10, at All Saints’, Petersham by the Rev. Chas. Baber, James Murray, of Sydney, to Grace Birrell, daughter of the late David Fraser, of Glasgow, N.B.

1881 December 23: Probate Register Will of Samuel Small Mander proved at Lichfield. Date of death 5 November 1881 (personal estate £104,706 18s. 10d.)

1882 February 18: *Manchester Times MARRIAGES – FELKIN – MANDER. – On the 8th. Inst., at Queen-street Congregational Church, Wolverhampton, by the Rev. Dr. Simon, Robert William Felkin, of Edinburgh, eldest son of Robert Felkin, of Pennfields, Wolverhampton, to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of the late Samuel Small Mander, of Glen Bank, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton.

1882: Civil Registration index Birth of Geoffrey Le Mesurier Mander registered in Wolverhampton, second quarter. Venn’s Cambridge Alumni gives his birth date as March 6.

1882: Civil Registration index Birth of Marjorie Mima Mander registered in Wolverhampton, second quarter.

1882: Civil Registration index Marriage of Ellen Beatrice Mander and Howard D. Pearsall registered in Wolverhampton, second quarter.

1882: Probate Register STOBO William – died at Glasgow 2 November 1881. Jane Fraser or Stobo still living.

1888 July 26: *Glasgow Herald DEATHS - LYLE - At 7 Broompark Terrace, Dennistoun, Glasgow, on 25th inst, aged 71 years, Helen Fraser, wife of John Lyle, carpet manufacturer, Glasgow. -Friends will kindly accept this (the only) intimation.

1888: Civil Registration index Birth of Lionel Henry Mander registered in Wolverhampton, second quarter. Royal Aero Club Aviators’ Certificate gives birth date as 14 May.

1888 November 10: *Glasgow Herald DEATHS - LYLE - at 7 Broompark Terrace Dennistoun,on 9th inst., aged 69, John Lyle, senr., carpet manufacturer. - Friends will please accept this intimation.

1890: Civil Registration index Marriage of Paul Wilkes Fraser and Kate Dillon registered at Stoke Damerel, Devon, second quarter.

1891: Civil Registration index Birth of Alan Jocelyn Mander registered in Wolverhampton, first quarter.

1891: Census – 9 Glasgow-street, Row, Helensburgh Catherine Fraser head 58 Annuitant Glasgow, Lanarkshire Jane Stobo sister 62 Annuitant Glasgow, Lanarkshire Mary Russell niece 22 Cathcart, Renfrew Nellie McKean niece 20 Cathcart, Renfrew Two servants [This is useful as it ties four of John’s sisters together – Jane, Catherine, Agnes and Mary]

- 10 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 1892: Probate Register FRASER Helen Jane of Wolverhampton spinster died 10 May 1892 Probate Lichfield 2 August to John Fraser esquire M.D. and Kate Fraser Sarah Wilkes Fraser and Mary Martin Fraser spinsters Effects £4077.

1892 October 29: *Leamington Spa Courier MARRIAGE. MANDER – NELSON – On the 26th inst., at the Parish Church of Rousham, Oxfordshire, by the Rev. T. R. Dickins, LL.D., vicar of All Saints, Emsete(?), assisted by the Rev. C. H. Faithfull, wicar of Rousham, and the Rev. R. J. Warren, vicar of St. Peter and Paul, Upper Teddington, Benjamin Howard, second son of the late Samuel S. Mander, of Glen Bank, Wolverhampton, to Lillian, daughter of George H. Nelson, of Rousham.

1895 May 30: Probate Register The will of Martin Wilkes was proved at London, date of death 6 January.

1896 August 7: Probate Register FRASER Charlotte Ann of 2 Tettenhall-road Wolverhampton (wife of John Fraser) died 19 June 1896 Probate LICHFIELD 7 August to Sarah Fieldhouse Aston widow Effects £2694 17s. 7d.

1897: New Zealand Marriage Index Marriage of Martin Bertram Mander and Stella Dods.

1897 March 22: Certificate of Banns issued by St George, Bloomsbury William Tenent Lyle, 3 Vernon Chambers, Southampton Row, Bloomsbury and Elizabeth Jane Duncan of 67 Leopold Street, Leeds, St Clement.

1897 March 27: Leeds, Sheepscar, St Clement Register Marriage of William Tennent Lyle age 35, bachelor, carpet manufacturer, 3 Vernon Chambers, London, father John Lyle deceased – carpet manufacturer and Elizabeth Jane Duncan age 28, spinster, 67 Leopold street, Father Robert Duncan, Cohnhgiy??? Witnesses James O’Brian & Percy J Clark.

1897 March 31: *The Morning Post MARRIAGES: LYLE-DUNCAN – On 27th. Inst., at St Clement’s Church Leeds by the rev. G. T. Fleming, vicar, William Tennant Lyle, of Glasgow and London, youngest son of the late John Lyle, of Glasgow, to Elizabeth Jane, youngest daughter of R. Duncan,Newcastle.

1897 November 25: Probate Register WILKES Ellen Maria of Sandford Claverley near Bridgenorth Shropshire widow died 16 October 1897 at Wolverhampton Probate Shrewsbury 25 November to Samuel Theodore Mander varnish-manufacturer and Lawley Taverner Smith chartered-accountant Effects £42359 13s.

1898 April 27: Baptisms, Hounslow, Bedford Park, St Michael and All Angels (no1375) Born 7 March 1898. Fraser Duncan, son of William Tennent & Elizabeth Jane Lyle of 5 Addison Road. Manufacturer, by Alex Sharpe.

1899 June 10: The Times PENNINGTON : FRASER. – On the 7th June, at St Clement Danes, Strand. London, by Rev. R.A. Wood, Vicar of Monkton, Kent (brother-in-law of the bridegroom); assisted by the Rev, Septimus Pennington (Rector) and Rev. C. H. V. Pixell, Vicar of Stoke Newington, PADEY PENNINGTON, of London, to MARY MARTIN, youngest daughter of JOHN FRASER, M.A., M.D., F.G.S. of Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton.

1900 August 22: Baptisms, Hounslow, Bedford Park, St Michael and All Angels (no1517) Born 28 June 1900. Stuart Tennant, son of William & Elizabeth Jane Lyle of 5 Addison Road. Manufacturer, by Alex Sharpe.

- 11 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 1900 September 8: Probate Register Will of Mary Mander proved at Lichfield. Date of death 7 July 1900. (Effects £4,316 13s. 3d.)

1900 October 20: Probate Register Will of Samuel Theodore Mander proved at London. Date of death 14 September 1900. (Effects £178,548 4s. 2d.)

1901: Civil Registration index Marriage of Charlotte Pearsall Mander and Michael Connal Parker, Midhurst, Sussex, last quarter.

1901 November 28: St James the Apostle, Islington Baptism of Martin Fraser Pennington, son of Padey and Mary Martin of Goldthorn, The Avenue, St Margaret’s Twickenham. The ceremony was conducted by Rev R A Wood, Padey’s brother in law. Martin was born 28 October.

1903 January 3: St James the Apostle, Islington Baptism of Olive Noël Pennington, daughter of Padey and Mary Martin of37 Barrow Rd, Streatham Common, SW. The ceremony was conducted by Rev R A Wood, Padey’s brother in law. Olive was born 18 October 1902.

1903 February 24: Probate Register Will of Mary Jane Felkin proved at London, date of death 18 Januery.

1909 May 21: Probate FRASER John of Wolverhampton died 13 April 1909 Probate Lichfield 21 May to Kate Fraser and Sarah Wilkes Fraser spinsters. Effects £11262 7s. 2d.

1913 Passenger list from Australia: Brown Mary no occupation 35 Brown Martin child 11 Brown Reggie child 10 mistranscription of Peggy?

1912 August 14: Probate Register The will of Benjamin Howard Mander was proved at London, date of death July 11.

1914 February 27: *Western Mail AN INDIAN ROMANCE - TWO PRINCESSES MARRY ENGLISHMEN. CALCUTTA. Thursday. The wedding was celebrated quietly yesterday of the Princess Sudhira, youngest sister of the Maharaja of Cooch Behar, and Mr. Alan Jocelyn Mander, of Wolverhampton. The register was signed by the Governor Bengal and the chief justice. The newly-married couple leave for England to-night. It may recalled that a brother of the bridegroom married a sister of the bride two years ago.—Central News. Mr. Alan Mander is the second son of the late Mr. S. J. Mander, Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton. It is just two years since the bridegroom’s elder brother, Mr. Lionel Henry Mander, was married at Calcutta to the bride’s elder sister, Princess Pretwa of Cooch Behar. Mr. Alan Mander first met the Princess Sudhira, who is nineteen years old, in a London nursing home eight months ago. They became engaged, and when the Princess returned to India a few weeks ago with her mother Mr. Mander accompanied them. Cooch Behar is an Indian state, with an area of 1,291 square miles, and a population of half a million, its revenues amounting to about £112,000 a year.

1918 July 12: Probate Register The will of Sarah Fieldhouse Horton was proved at Worcester, date of death 4 May.

1920 October 6: Probate Register FRASER Kate of 80 Tettenhall-road Wolverhampton spinster died 21 July 1920 Probate Lichfield 6 October to Sarah Wilkes Fraser spinster. Effects £13007 0s. 7d.

- 12 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 1924 June 27: US passport issue Passport issued to Grace Fraser Murray (nee Grace Birrell Fraser) – date of birth given as 7 June 1850, Glasgow.

1930 September 26: The London Gazette

NOTICE is hereby given that PEGGY BROWN, of 80, Tettenhall-road, Wolverhampton, in the county of Stafford, Spinster, a natural born British subject, heretofore called and known by the name of Olive Noel Pennington, has, by a deed poll, dated the 16th day of September, 1930, and enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature on the 25th day of September, 1930, abandoned, discontinued and renounced the use of the name of Olive Noel Pennington, and assumed, taken and adopted the name of Peggy Brown, and she intends on all occasions hereafter, and in all deeds, documents, matters and things to use the name of Peggy Brown, in lieu of her former name of Olive Noel Pennington.—Dated this 25th day of September, 1930. E. R. WILLIAMS and SON, 83, Colmore-row, Birmingham, Solicitors to the said Peggy Brown.

1931 September 19: Probate Register The will of Charlotte Pearsall Parker was proved at London, date of death 28 June.

1935 December 6: Probate Register The will of Jemima Tertia Mander (spinster) was proved at Birmingham, date of death 20 October.

1935 December 10: Probate Register Records the death of William Tennant Lyle of Oakley, 14 Addison-road, bedforf-park, Middlesex, on 1935 October 17. Confirmation of Elizabeth Jane Duncan or Lyle, widow, Fraser Duncan Lyle, manufacturer, Stuart Tennant Lyle and William Mitchell Lyle, writer. [William Mitchell Lyle appears to have been his older half-brother’s son.]

1938 September 5: Probate Register The will of Ellen Beatrice Pearsall was proved at Lonon, date of death 9 March.

1942 February 16: Probate Register LYLE Elizabeth Jane of 14 Addison-road Bedford Park Chiswick London widow died 27 July 1941 Administration Llandudno 16 February to Fraser Duncan Lyle carpet manufacturer and Stuart Tennant Lyle electrical engineer. Effects £241 0s. 4d.

1945 April 6: Probate Register BROWN Mary Martin of 80 Tettenhall-road Wolverhampton married woman died 1 February 1945 Probate Birmingham 6 April to Peggy Brown Spinster. Effects £719 19s 4d.

1946 : Australia Death Index Death of Paul Wilkes Fraser, son of Jno Fraser and ??n Jane Wilkes, Elsternwick, Victoria.

1947: New Zealand Death Index Death of Martin Bertram Mander registered, third quarter.

1947 October 14: Winnipeg Tribune DEATHS - William Stobo Fraser. 76. of 57 Harroby Ave., St. Vital, died Monday at his residence after a long illness. Born In Glasgow, Scot., he came to Winnipeg 20 years ago. He was a member of the Canadian Legion, St. Vital branch. He is survived by his widow,

- 13 of 15 - natstand: last updated 25/07/2017 Catherine; two .daughters, Mrs. V. Thompson, Vancouver; Mrs. J. Hutchinson, Winnipeg; a grand daughter, Mrs. J. Oakley, Winnipeg,' a great grandson. David Oakley, Winnipeg; a brother, John, Glasgow. . ; Funeral services - will be held 1.30 p.m.. Wednesday at Mordue's Funeral Chapel, Burial will be in St. Vital Cemetery. Rev. S. C. Studd will officiate.

1948 August 10: Probate Register FRASER Sarah Wilkes of 80 Tettenhall-road Wolverhampton spinster died 27 May 1948 Probate Birmingham 10 August to Peggy Brown spinster Walter Lucien Blouet accountant and Albert Hunt solicitors clerk. Effects £25300 2s. 5d.

1980: Civil Registration index Death of Peggy Brown, born 18 October 1902, registered in Hove, East Sussex, 2nd quarter.

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1 According to Joseph Hough, and quoted in John Fraser’s Obituary in the Transactions and Proceedings of the Edinburgh Botanical Society, 1909, David Fraser was one of the famous “Hewers” noted by geologist Hugh Miller in his autobiographical ‘My Schools and Schoolmasters.’

2 Note that his name is often rendered William Tennant Lyle.

3 Some of his family’s vital dates have been taken/confirmed from the family monument in Merridale cemetery, Wolverhampton. Data taken from the online images presented by Billiongraves at - viewed 2017.7.25

4 Kathleen Paul Wilkes Fraser, John’s granddaughter, lived with him for some time during the early years of the twentieth century before she returned to Australia.

5 Rev John Meredith Lawrence Aston had been a widower since late 1875. He had four children with his first wife (Katherine Anne Pemberton), Katherine, Lucy Elizabeth St George, Beatrice and Paul M.

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