Graham-1 Catalog and Literature Guide for Cretaceous and Cenozoic Vascular Plants of the New wo rld Alan Graham Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St.Louis, Missouri 63166-0299
[email protected] Citation: Graham, A. 2011 et seq. Catalog and literature guide for Cretaceous and Cenozoic vascular plants of the New World. Reference: Graham, A. 2012. Catalog and literature guide for Cretaceous and Cenozoic vascular plants of the New World. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 98: 539- 541. Last revision: 3/15/15; 12/31/2019 Graham-2 NULLIS IN VERBA (take no man’s word for it) Motto on the coat of arms of the Royal Society (London) granted by Charles II, September 17, 1662 Notes: Most identifications above family level and tentative generic identifications (e.g., ‘cf.’ or ‘type’) are not included. Fl.= flora; Fm.= formation; Ma- million years; NLR= nearest living relative (see Mosbrugger, 1999; Mosbrugger & Utescher, 1997). Among records of particular biogeographic interest, 1) Hansen et al. (2001) report pollen similar to regionally extinct taxa (including some Asian exotics) in deposits as young as ‘after 2.8 Ma’ (latest Pliocene) from Polk Co., FL: cf. Zamiaceae, cf. Ginkgo, cf. Sciadopitys, Tsuga/Sciadopitys, Tsuga canadensis-type, cf. Tsuga mertensiana, cf. Dacrydium, Podocarpus, Pterocarya, cf. Engelhardtia [Alfaroa-Oreomunnea], cf. Zelkova [Ulmus/Zelkova]. Some of these exotics (Alangium, Engelhardia, Sciadopitys) have been reported from the late middle to early late Miocene Bryn Mawr Formation along the mid-Atlantic Coast (head of Chesapeake Bay, MD; Pazzaglia et al., 1997).