Information manycinemas 03: dread, ghost, specter and possession ISSN 2192-9181 Impressum manycinemas editor(s): Michael Christopher, Helen Christopher contact: Matt. Kreuz Str. 10, 56626 Andernach
[email protected] on web: Copyright Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. The authors are free to re - publish their text elsewhere, but they should mention manycinemas as the first me- dia which has published their article. According to §51 Nr. 2 UrhG, (BGH, Urt. v. 20.12.2007, Aktz.: I ZR 42/05 – TV Total) German law, the quotation of pictures in academic works are allowed if text and screenshot are in connectivity and remain unchanged. Open Access manycinemas provides open access to its content on the principle that mak - ing research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Front: Screenshot The cabinet of Caligari Contents Editorial 4 Helen Staufer and Michael Christopher Magical thrilling spooky moments in cinema. An Introduction 6 Brenda S. Gardenour Left Behind. Child Ghosts, The Dreaded Past, and Reconciliation in Rinne, Dek Hor, and El Orfanato 10 Cen Cheng No Dread for Disasters. Aftershock and the Plasticity of Chinese Life 26 Swantje Buddensiek When the Shit Starts Flying: Literary ghosts in Michael Raeburn's film Triomf 40 Carmela Garritano Blood Money, Big Men and Zombies: Understanding Africa’s Occult Narratives in the Context of Neoliberal Capitalism 50 Carrie Clanton Hauntology Beyond the Cinema: The Technological Uncanny 66 Closings 78 5 Editorial Sorry Sorry Sorry! We apologize for the late publishing of our third issue.