BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES OF CANDIDATES 2014 Candidate for election as President (1 vacancy) Terry Lyons, Wallis Professor of Mathematics, and Director, Oxford-Man Institute for Quantitative Finance, University of Oxford Email:
[email protected],
[email protected] Home page: PhD: DPhil: University of Oxford 1980 Previous appointments: jr res fell Jesus Coll Oxford 1979-81, Hedrick visiting asst prof UCLA 1981-82, lectr in mathematics Imperial Coll of Sci and Technol London 1981-85; Univ of Edinburgh: Colin MacLaurin prof of mathematics 1985-93, head Dept of Mathematics and Statistics 1988-91; prof of mathematics Imperial Coll of Sci Technol and Med 1993-2000, Wallis prof of mathematics Univ of Oxford 2000-, dir Wales Inst of Mathematical and Computational Sciences 2007-11, dir Oxford-Man Inst Univ of Oxford 2011- Research interests: Stochastic Analysis, Rough Paths, Rough Differential Equations, and the particularly the development of the algebraic, analytic, and stochastic methodologies appropriate to describing the interactions within high dimensional and highly oscillatory systems. Applications of this mathematics (for example – in finance). LMS service: President, President Designate 2012-2014; Vice-President 2000-2002; Prizes Committee 1998, 2001 and 2002; Publications Committee 2002; Programme Committee 2002; LMS editorial advisor (10 years). Additional Information: sr fell EPSRC 1993-98, fell Univ of Aberystwyth 2010, fell Univ of Cardiff 2012; Rollo Davidson Prize 1985, Whitehead Prize London Mathematical Soc 1986, Polya Prize London Mathematical Soc 2000, European Research Cncl Advanced Grant 2011; Docteur (hc) Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 2007; FRSE 1987, FRSA 1990, FIMA 1991, FRS 2002, FIMS 2004, FLSW 2011.