
SATCKTUY, JANUARY 31, 1042 THE CHRONICLE -A RELIABLE INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PAGE NINE tifaxs OPENS AT PARADISE ARTISTS ON WATTS SERIES 1 ‘THE DUKE’ IS ELLINGTON TO ‘’Swinging • & COMING TO THE 1’ * "Jjjlr i PLAY AT THE With PARADISE FRI. BOOK-CADILLAH I M , , whose playing at Feature performers for the floe' —efPGk the famous Cotton clvb in New showj for the President s Birthdj HKSMR York won for him the titleof Har-, | ball to be held at the Oook-Cadillac Nitelifers’ is bring-! LARRY CHIL.M lem’a Aristocrat of " hotel the evening of Friday. Janu- ing his orchestra and company us, 1942, entertainers who were featured in: ary 30. include Victor Moore T)PK\ LETTER TO | he was about to do a castoff play his recent coast musical production, . .. perhaps A1L MISS MTELIt'ERS ah... So there'll be no. “Jump for Joy,” to the stage of the | Duke Ellington, it was ann. unced unnecessary red eyes I'm al.er i new Purud:sc theatre. 2711 Wood-! by Charles TV. HugTfcT clu'muflTM" r.e. S funny, but I stiff Jove B:tt. ’ ward Detroit, th.s Friday was me j avenue. j •piel of that a: y bound cat, 1 -.though he bored with and ? ..as about to become "rocks in of i-r. wondered and have space my | Made popular by rad.o. Dyke and en. U3ii in to let a Miss g.;es* m.ght as forget Njte.tfcr •• ne on slightly, since sne B. t I I well •- : | Three orchestras v, .’.pr rr.u- •->oui B ... t..l af er the durat.on. |c >ast to coast, as well as in Europe. Hughes ¦ Ray pla. for dance. i l Huwe.er. of a.l i.ie Cats I've cd They Zieg- -ie the i.n.d bad. indifferent have been featured :n a Bernard Mason, violinist and Art Institute' li't uffk. Panl v.'.h. and feld show, in several motion pic-, Lawson, splendid u \ : shaped J; her; ha'.not. Bill was the be.-t of the Warner the two Rohexon ill be Miss Watts* next :¦ r the dance n the G Bail- ha.rod. tr:.n cn do tines and of course, on phonograph appeared on So here's a *ad farewe.l to 8.11. : artists who Miss artist in this winters series. or- Nellie Watts* eoneert scrips, at cher.ra w appear again th.» ear hlg~boys an I I Duke and have in-! Bullroom «• \ in < the Cr>a*..tl of ha**: lip Wenen feeling jazz rhythms I.n stinck>ve for ( ’ DuiT'Kv.yale w —v.-.e Get.mg back to the subject. I'd \PPOINTS IHtIRMW wh'le i r :hr and broken tempos, and they have mus.c. :n the Italian Gardens. the reputation of doing the most' Wtor Moore. W.: .on C • ’ n inconceivable th.ngs io the most Girls, FORUM TO p’. > as HEAR and Irene Bordom. who the •-..f ¦ > mak- bn lca\mg ben nd this is! tn\.3l of melodies. They can play' an victory leads1 in the cast of "I.ou.- . . Pur- tai the i ndiers tu happy and coa- all-out war until is won. sweet and discreet jazz in a manner- a i> r.*t j.. n up with me and do Ellington. style which the Duke terms “character-j ; 0.. r part for buys at the front? Duke whose 15-piece for his weird of music and ’..ciuly Negro the composili modern American ' i.ien. you're of blood, hand opens here at PaTadise for his many *ns. Duke j CELEBRATED i- he floor show. Duke £ .-¦ wno * B f scared turn and tw.st k..ovs..:-u down t.whS the! theatre for one week be-oming I Kington is exnecled lo break all music." then about byways cr.ppied joldiers, then you can sti.l [ willalso take pan in ‘how highwo* and of tne city’* on thL Friday. Jan. “0. Famed »'tendance4records al ibis theatre. j thejlo. j though Ra;. spots. ! do your part, even you stay ' y j-iuar u-r . .nan I.reside. Just re-: „f jm-gie W«men~Too <‘an fee Soldier* PULLMAN CASE ¦ the Paradise theatre. Duke will feature many of the at ’ducing i. fenders. And when they come to \ his n band members and: Al Club Congo T cket* for the ball which, in- town off short furloughs, don’t igg are are on Joy" ;n his engagement at the Para- y R -hard E. We :bn •- for- cluding tax $2 20 each, nem or make them feel that you'd .Dancing academy and doing a fine du-e. including ’ I've Got It B.*d and A' -.ile a; Crmnell music store. B->ok- j 'job. Keep good work, A lift A V Cr -. up cld man. i That A n't Good' as sung by Ivy s Cadillac cigar stand. Birthdav Batl • i T o ci« .-ervt LAndersun. and Jump lor Jl>" as. headquarters suite, 717 B .'k-f 'di - Be Kind- To Soldiers .sung by Herb Jeffries. He will also c h"t»': and also by members of Anyway, wets sick to death of' 15 A ( 1 After all. The buys are human, Singer Tops Club Show I feature two of his more recent "hii" Abernathy gets Marian the pub-, | recordings. ’ end no-hep* jive of the locai'cats Flammjjo" nd "Take ; : .Sund..y, 1,1 i pamon.hip of you girls. So be nice ihe! ’A’Train." In addition Duke ”Y" F..rum Feb. . r of Roy Lightfoot. In a manner i will bring with him Mane Bryant.; . . . style. « ! and play give-away with some of j v V n in M Aber- Al Glister, and Pot. Pan and Ski!..'*. • hose slickers, cheapskates and jiv- ing Cats on- the mainstem, surety vo.ee down low with a bluo«:cal COZY CORNER been opl.d. patted and hunted as 1 of >u can t lose by doing as much for *jgivemK. in the theme ’good lov- ROOM ine of Unk Sam s boys. Also remem- ing The patrons bust their nutls LUNCH coined. her ! be: -, that you may have a brother, appreciating mak.ng Club Congo Has 4100 HASTINGS STREET And Nurse Our Men uubby or sweetheart in the army Others this spot so w.-ii und who has to spend his off duty , Broadway Star UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT , hours far from home and faces he j i torso twister Consuelo. of the .-hape- body; laugh getter ; hnew. Wouldn't you feel good to |ly in an old i . Sparkplug r eyes to run liquid as they glimmer j j some woman was making ; tune way, Geo ge: Him- | Friday club MEALS AT POPULAR PRICES know that 'ey Brown, blues delineator; Moore night at Slim Jones' - fun hours enjoyable? - my "near No ino:e ' larewell To All (sisters, taps team; Bobby Kcye a.«¦ Turkey Dinners Chops Chicken-Steaks at' | ' by •wilt the hupters. yarddbgs. pimps,, | Os course, you might not publicly . favorite emcee aided A1 Holmes' personality—a new name among the -Meals Served Daily 8 A M. To 2 A M. young-minded worry band. Warren La K.«- - mam I fought and old men j i say so, but yqu'd be giad to know theatresj top-notchers. That name is j this case every stop of the Sundays 12 Noon To 2 A M. burning spot. was s.gn J me with their eyes and . hat he had a little happiness, per- jet this SRO ihe at Bob Parrtsh, former singing star of . i spni ' • -tpy-a-few- rhort -minutes before he : Ihu on Sun .black. anginal'-hai t/tv:u my [Druadway* air: I only regret that the love of rave a last farewell to these United ; I who will be making his first Detroit j case, the procedures of the tru !. and ; MERCHANTS LUNCHES life will be left alone. But he tool • States. So just remember, as you’d Domestics In Gala Party appearance.j - the effect its success wi 1 have upon • WE CATER TO PARTIES AND BANQUETS ' i nave some woman do to some one i Don't forget the gala domestic Parrish is fresh from a two-year i near you. so should y ou do to a man party lo be hold at Club B&C on singing engagement in Australia, PHONES: TE. 2-8412-3 CHEF MOORE, In Charge I dear to a sister-under-ihe-skin. Thursday with a fun-for-ad jam- j Despite Parrish’s youth and his u.",, i m slur* promptly j"t • , ! DINE and WINE ; So when you see a lonely soldisr, boree So come on out and jump comparative short time in the l a ' four lock md ’.he public is unbelieving- AT [ •; ve him the come-on and welcome a long whi.e ai th.s spot this Tnurs- theatre he has become ' an opportunity to give all-out for! -1 day from 5 till. ly popular and outstanding. ; the defense of your country. How- >;< * * ' He is a lyric-dramatic baritone WHEN YOUR APPETITE CALLS FOR SOME REAL diverijfied Sensation ; over. f“dn hope that many of you SOME STI FF ! and willrender a program WELL SEASONED FOOD: STOP IN • ~ ' ;of popular -11 be ,n the ranks of nurses with Os course, it was strictly j-ve but songs. He features -.lie BAR i ballards to a great extent, but even Larry. 1 hope sounds make believe weepstuff after scan- 1300 OWEN I OK. lo you and that it'llreach the • i rival of the occupancy of Paul , BUD RESTAURANT Robeson. HERBERT At Cardonia ' ptibi.e. Thanks fy Martin's Club Congo Orchestra Hotel Touraine Building J. Prop. Margaretj Watkins also holds a spot Mary Carr. taker. He was last on ’ I Ormsby “right" Cat, eulered week* in the show. PHONE CO. 2330 I Ben is also a ! ur man* Al Tobin AKA PLAY las is Richard Carmichael of Horse- InlflTracial Goodv..' h< and AT CASS HIGH SCHOOL j men club. Seems there's some .good work. “Let's Be Friend*" by, : "dream boat" rocking going on BABE BROWN jail her own. You should hear it Miss Glammergal and get hep. "You Specializing In HENRY’S BAR-B-Qi Don't Know What Love Is" by Ear! AMERICAN Cr CHINESE ORLEANS STREET !li nes is sopg for more FOODS 1700 the theme DETROIT'S LARGEST NITE CLUB than a few unloved wives. Ralph Bar-B-Quc, Steaks i •the Grecteri Capito of Horsemen' Southern niSSBSS^L club is up and almost ch'pper as and Chicken DINE and DANCE NITELY TWO SHOWS EACH NITE PRESENTING A certain singer at a theatre bar WHISKEY-WINE should take it easy, cause rum and BEER 808 HOWES REVUE vocalizing are a tough combination, WITH—- huh? . . . Nice Fellow Dept.: Charles Henderson, L. P James. |AZZ BO WILLIAMS [ PEACHES HOWE BLUE BIRD Comic Sweet Songs * * T.v., .< ky It * | 1. Ruck# cn »af B-acfrtoi MITZA ' JOE HELM and his JI MP FOR JOY | BAND The current fToorshow offering j Then R.e Pear.e d-es things up] INN Bombshell of Rhythm RAMBLE EVERY SATURDAY AT 12 |at Club ’Zombie —bears the tt V 5021 Ttreman—Ty. 4-9539 NEW SHOW EACH WEEK “Jump For Joy" and proves to be H. H. BLACk. Mgr. NEXT WEEK: LIL GREEN & TINY BRADSHAW NQ COVER OR MINIMUMCHARGE talent. Top «,-.<¦ ; IMIDNICHT while floor beating t ' CL. 1279 HENRY HARE. Proprietor honor goes to Maybelle. a chorine j j The Red C: . * fund at th s spot [ OPENINC FRIDAY. 30 I whose personality and mannerisms JANUARY a 'a R se Morgan has tnc patrons f . • 808 PARRISH applauding her heav.y. Marcell us Wilson :s a versa COZY CORNER GRILL I emcee as he sings, does fanc>**g cs ' Mrs. Ene.ie N Af < and Hammond j CHATTANOOGA CHOO-CHOO REVUE’ (with the chorines in the nrddle 4100 HASTINGS STREET number of the show and introduces ENTERTAINMENT!!^ the other leading show personali- Mary W.u . II -so Green, ceie- , NEVER A DULL MOMENT Candy and Pepper - Larry Steele. M.C. Smashing Hit Show Bobby in tap* 'inn 'Mi: ALL The Singing Weavers Tondalayo and Lopex Campbell. rhythm NEW—- DINE—WINE doing a solo play works fine for At "Southwest Detroit’s Only Black and Tan Kelly Martin's Club Congo Orchestra your appreciation His best effort is an on-toe tap specialty. "Moon- INCOMPARABLE DANCINS BUDDY, M.C. FEATURES FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT lite Masquerade" has the emcee, VISIT WITH US A WHILE AND BE ENTERTAINED chorines and Rae Pearie making "issrsxar "TJKS" I Blues Songster |ACK |No minimum ' BETTI LOU" CRAY cover—Sl Entertainer H&I INN CABARET Singing Waitress | Versatile 729 So. Solvay Street Vi. 2-9153 MUSIC BY—- ROBBINS BROS. Direction: West Jefferson to So. Solvay See Sign The BOYS PALMER, Manager GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HIS HOSEA EWING. Proprietor JOHN CORDIALLY INVITE YOU ON Cocktail Hour Every Thur. Cr Sun. A To 8 P M. Thursday, January 29th, 1942 3 Shows Nightly* Y:00 11:15 T :00“A M. TO ATTEND THE GRAND OPENINC OF THE HAVE YOU TRIED THE BEST NEWLY EQUIPPED AND REMODELED FINE FOOD—CHICKEN—STEAKS and CHOPS HAMBURGER IN TOWN ? WINE-BEER or LIQUORS VISIT BOHEMIAN-CLUB-BAR NO COVER OR MINIMUMCHARGE BIG TOP HAMBURGER SYSTEM THEY HAVE CONE TO GREAT EXPENSE TO GIVE TO SPECIAL DRIVE IN FREE PARKING THE PEOPLE OF DETROIT ONE OF THE FINEST Blue Monday Matinee Party -—4 To 8 HAMBURGER. CHILI. CHEESEBURCER. SOUP BARS IN THE COUNTRY. Next Monday. Feb. 2. 1942 ; PIES, DOUGHNUTS AND OTHER PASTR'ES Located at 1901 Riopclle at Sherman Two Floor Shows ln Honor of Mr Rclfcborough. OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY Roane and Watson VERNOR HICHWAY H. ROBBINS, Propi. 908 EAST ORMA L. ROBBINS SHERMAN MACK IVEY. Prop —TE. 2 8412—" SCHOOLBOY Mgr GLADYS WpSTON, Prop. KITTIECARTER. Mgr