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General Index General Index Note. Adjectives (e.g. demonic) are subsumed under nouns (e.g. demons) Absyrtus 208 Alexander (Macedonian) 383 Achaean War 122 Alexander (Paris) 78, 210 Achaeans 12, 192, 287 Algeria 368, 369, 371 Achelous 144 alienation 83, 175, 194 Acherusia 18 altar 125, 188, 193, 234, 266 Achilles 43, 136, 139, 152, 187, 242, 248, 288, alterity 75, 77, 83–84 319, 321 Amazon 319, 321 acrobats 370 Amazonomachy 385 Actaeon 37, 273–74, 319 amphitheatre 41–44, 370, 375, 382 Actium 236 Amphitryon/Amphitruo 134, 180, 264–65, actors. see also performers 4, 12–13, 40–41, 287, 292, 304, 315 44, 69, 73, 80, 85, 94–95, 99, 102, 147, 171, anagnoresis. see also recognition 81 223, 237, 239, 254, 260, 286, 288, 292, anapestic quaternarii 54 303–304, 316–17, 323, 336, 355, 367, 371, anapests 223 374–76, 380–82, 386 Anaxenor (citharoide) 380 adaptation 20, 221, 231, 283, 315, 319, 330–32, Andromache 16, 77–78, 124–26, 135–35, 330–47 139–41, 149, 264, 267 adultery 119, 156, 159, 161, 265 Andromeda 29, 31, 200 Aeacus 306–307 anger 33, 111–12, 114, 130, 149, 173, 187, 203, Aegeus 24 247–48, 250–51, 257, 276, 358 Aegisthus 248, 268–69 Antiphilus Aelia Restituta, Anna 379 Cadmus and Europa 383 Aemilius Ballator 371 Antony 155, 257, 259 Aemilius Paullus 216, 239 Apamea (Syria) 380 Aemilius Scaurus 38, 148, 383 Aphrodite. see also Venus 380 Aeneas 31, 131, 147, 188–89, 225 Aper, Marcus 101, 233 Aerope 159, 161 Aphrodisias 272, 372–73, 382 Aesopus (actor) 10, 13, 237 Apollo. see also Phoebus 7–10, 80, 83, aetiology 70, 81–82, 86–87, 216–17, 224, 232 108–109, 113–14, 116–17, 129–31, 211, 273, Aetolia 144–45, 229, 291 281, 302–304, 381 Aezani (Turkey) 373 Apollo Belvedere 314 Africa 76, 371, 373 Apollonius of Rhodes 110 Agamemnon 41–42, 80–81, 93, 101–102, 119, aposiopesis 209 121, 133, 143, 154, 161, 177–78, 193–94, 232, apostrophe 181, 206, 251, 295 234, 267–68 apotheosis. see also divinization 106, 114, Agrippina (mother of Nero) 384 255 Ajax (Oileus) 177–79, 186–88, 192–94 Aquilo 185 Ajax (Salaminus) 81, 87, 95, 296 Aquitania 372 Albanum Arcadia 110 Villa of Domitian 380, 384 Arcadians 107, 157 Alcibiades 65 Archelaus 71 Alcmena 145 Arcturus 288–90 Alexander of Aphrodisias 272 arena 42–43, 253, 369, 372, 374–75 422 General Index Arethusa 202 Aurora. see also Dawn 361 Argive 12, 84, 123, 157, 162–63, 204 Auster 25, 185, 298 Argo 24–25, 29–33, 37, 39–40, 43–44, 110, 204–205 Bacchus. see also Dionysus, Bromius 17–18, Argos (polis) 33, 43, 152, 158, 193, 239, 374 116–17, 199, 302 Ariadne 145 bacchant 18, 302 Armenia 143 Baiae 374–75 Artaud, Antonin 311, 331–33 barbarians 81, 84, 86, 124 Artemis. see also Diana 319, 383 Barcelona 373 aside 140, 268–69, 278, 344 baths 254, 353, 369 Asinius Pollio 46 Baudelaire 357 assassination 166, 193, 237, 257, 311, 325 Bauli 375 Astyanax 39, 121, 126–27, 135, 138–41, 143, 248 bear baiting 373 Atellan 9, 63, 368, 370 beasts/beast hunts 33, 36, 107, 111–12, 114–17, Athamas 18 191, 368, 370–71, 373, 379, 382, 384 Atlas 107, 110, 113, 117, 157 Belgium 330 Ares. see also Mars 157 Berlin 320 Astyanax 39, 121, 126–27, 135, 138–41, 143, 248 blocking 317 Athena 109, 177–79, 187–88, 192, 384 Boethius 229 Athens 17, 51, 67–68, 70, 82–83, 85–86, boni. see also optimates 157, 291 88, 118, 137–38, 142, 180, 238–39, 287, Boreas 185 294–95, 314, 356, 372, 378, 381, 383 Borges Colonus 83, 87 Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote 69 Theatre of Dionysus 83, 86, 372, 385 Bostra (Syria) 378 Atossa 231 boule 379 Atreus 115, 134, 155–63, 165–67, 171, 181, 213, boxers 368, 373 225, 231, 234, 241, 246–59, 262–63, 265, Brecht 175, 194–95 268, 282, 307, 315, 324, 334–38, 352, 355, Brindisium 243 386 Briseis 200 Attic 65–70, 74, 79, 81–88, 171, 174, 176, 228, Britain 354, 372 230, 234, 260, 295 Britannicus 167 Atticus (correspondent of Cicero) 46, 99 Bromia 292–93 audience. see also spectators 14, 25–26, 35, Bromius. see also Bacchus, Dionysus 17–18, 38–44, 55, 59, 61, 67, 69–70, 73, 75, 77, 302 79–86, 94–95, 97–98, 101, 123, 125, 132, Browning, Robert 350 137–38, 140, 146–49, 151, 153, 172, 174–75, Brussels 333 181–86, 188–95, 198, 225, 228, 231, Brutus. see Junius 235–37, 244, 252–53, 255, 257, 268–69, Bruttium 162 281, 283, 287–94, 297, 317, 321, 327, 334, Bulla Regia 373 336, 341, 347, 350, 355, 359, 362, 367–71, Burrus 143 374–76, 378, 381–82, 384–86 Augustan poetry/Rome 197, 202, 220–21, Cadiz 378 285, 372 Cadmus 209, 383 Augustus. see also Octavian and author Caere 383, 385 index 95–96, 103, 134, 201, 236, 256, Calama (Tunisia) 379, 384 379, 381, 384 Calatorius 384 Aulius Crispus, P. 380 Caliban 72 Aurelianus of Panormus 371 Caligula 155, 164–66, 258–59.
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