Summit Family Income Ranks Fifth in State
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v Read the Herald ie& Publlo Library the Herald Vaple Gt For Local News wit, sJ oca I News Serving Summit for 74 Years SlIMMI oervtng summit for 74 Tear$ 75th Year No. 12 (la T«o Srrllonn) . Unltr U>. A« •» Unk t, ' CRestview' 3-4000 SUMMIT, N.J., THURSDAY. AUGUST 8, 1963 *•><«••> - —»* a-. N. 1. $6 • year II CENTS Summer Play Program Summit Family Continues on Schedule As Weather Plays Ball Income Ranks With three weeks remaining in the Board of Rec- reation's nine-week summer program, activities at the City's five playgrounds continued without interruption last week as ideal weather permitted another round- Fifth in State robin of tournaments, contests, shows, and games for Last year was a prosperous one for Summit resi- I he more than 500 local boys and dents and local merchants with new highs being set for girls who turned out to partici- average family income and local retail sales, according pate. to the 1962 Survey of Buying Power issued annually by Last week marked a change 76 Families Sales Management Magazine. in evenU for the boys at Tatluck Car Assault Field. After a long record of According to Sales Manage- losses Ihe junior Softball team ment, the average local income, successfully came back from be- Switch Home after taxes, per household for hind a 4 0 deficit to defeat the Victim Tells Nearly 200 at 962 was $15,760. The average Lincoln squad 11-8. The winning household income for the prev- pitcher and major factor in the lous year was (15,011. win was Juris flavins. Aside During July Summit's average household from his pitching effort. Juris Of Beating income again was the highest Moving permits issued during Annual Outing in Union County and also the hit a single, double, triple and The 17year old Springfield July totalled 76, to bring to 308 homer to sp.-irk the club to vie-1 . , , ,. ifth highest in New Jersey. the number reported for the However, it fell far short of tory. Gary Swick and Charles K>rl who police say was run over first seven months of this year, Twill were no less helpful by,several times with her own car Millburn's household Income the city's tax department in- Of Chamber average of $21,622. which was each banging away three hits' by an 18 year old New York City formed the Union County Board or Elections at Elizabeth this the top in New Jersey and one each. For Lincoln. Ray Solt and!boy late last Tuesday night in Exceptionally fine weather was of the nation's highest Jerry Murphy each got 3 for 4(Lincoln School playground, week. the big factor Monday when a but could not help enough for a claimed this week that she The "richest" community In At this time last year, moving record 197 area businessmen comeback. • doesn't remember the incident left the responsibilities of daily the nation. Sales Management In nok hockey last week, Rich- | but does recall having been permits had been issued to 341 reports, is Scarsdale, N.Y., families. commerce to attend the 22nd an- ard Zotti took first place while beaten up by the youth. nual Summit Area Chamber of where the average household in- Phil Carlson took second. I , described as in "fair Last month's totals are 13 come after taxes last year was The gjr) above the 63 issued during July,Commerce outing at Forsgate Zotti also came in first in the ] g " condition at Overlook $31,364. Winnetka. 111., was sec- y ood 1962 and six over the 70 re-Country Club, Jamesburg. chess tournament, easily defeat |Hospjtn], f i y ]i ond in the nation with S29.2IX). was oun( D po cc ported in June of this year. Highlight of the day-long at ing Jeff Zarro. who came in sec- wedged beneath the wheels of the BRINGING HOME THE BACON - Shown above is the Post 'air saw the five-man Post Or The household average for Those moving within the Sum- ondand John Carroll who placed, car afi,.r an anonymous caller Office golf toam which captured Che Summit Herald Trophy ice team shoot a dazzling 332 Union County was $9,553. West, tnirdid mit Area last month totalled 30, - reportedd a disturbance at the Grogan to Head from CI13A on Monday during the 22ni annual outing of the Teeners Lend to cop the Summit Herald golf field with an average household A close tetherballcontesHound | playground. - Hospital authorities Summit Area Chamber of Commerce at Forsgate Country Club, an increase of eight over the 22trophy from the CIBA squad income of $14,543 was the coun- Nick Tarrentino, Juris Klavins Jatnesburg. The Post Office, with a dazzling 332 beat a strong of July, 1962, and one above the which came in second with a y's second "wealthiest" town said she suffered a broken pelvis 29 in June. .and Jim Tolliver placing first, internal injuries and severe fac Business Unit C1BA squad by five strokes. The new ciwmpi-ns, who shot an Blood Program 337. The Post Office team, which and Cranford, with $10,715, wu second, and third respectively. I ial cuts and bruises. average 83 for the day, include, left to right, Joe Angelo, Ben Out of area permits issued In the past retired a Herald cup, third. In a basketball spot shooting | n alleged assailant, Kenneth Mareelliano, Joe Dombrowiki, Tony Marcellian:>, and Fred during July reached 21, six ast won the trophy in 1961. Pr above the 15 during the com Topping Summit In New Jer- contest. Bruce Osterweil was the Manley, formerly of this city and Of United Fund Melillo. Tiie Post Office last captured Ihe cup In 1961. A record Helping Hand Aiding the Post Office's cause sey, along with MUIburn, were first to put in the ten necessary i\ p jdei,co. is being held 197 attended the day-long affair which also include. d a„ „*,„,»fishing, Sixteen teenage girls from the narable monlh last year, and ew rov Allen E. (ij'o^an, president of luutl was the five man team com- South Orange with $19,135, baskets from ten Varied POSi-!jn Hninn Tnnnlv Till in linn nf party and a roast beef dinner. ~.» (Wobn Photo) |Summit Area have added some .seven over the 14 in June of this prised of Joe Angelo, Ben Mar- yc r Princeton with $16,603 and tion, to place first while Nick l^o baMTet' by M.X?« thc Colonlal PonliaC C<"*'ha S -i thing new to the Red Cross's ! ,JJ - celliano, Joe Dombrowski. Tony Ridgewood with $15,798. only a Lupino and Jim Tolliver tied for [Albert H. Bierman. The youth iDeen named the chairman of the blood program. I Permits Issued to those mov- Marcelliano and Fred Melillo. ing from the state in July to- few dollars higher than Summit, second. As usual last week's nvajVP(j preliminary hearing and business and commercial divi- Each man averaged an S3. A special training program talled 18, six under the 24 dur- Montclair trailed Summit with champ IsJeff Zarro -with Juris is now awaiting Grand Jury ac sion of ,ne 196.1 United Cam Summit Golfers Win has qualified them to be the ing the same month last year, The day also included 30 men$13,725 as did Maplewood. with hlavins in runner-up position. ,ion- He was nahlird after tn(, G first teenage volunteer aides $13,002. l k and nine below the 27 in June who manned five boats to take The following boys are batting girl gave „„„« hi3 name and i businessman and an out j when the Bloodmobile makes its part in deep sea fishing. The fir first place and the play-:description. i Dusinessman ana an oui- State Best-Ball Event of this year. Summit last year had a total ' periodic visits here. The girls as crews left Brielle Anchorage at effective buying income of ground championship, Uay Carl- Questioned by detectives. theistantiing area g°"er> is als0 a A pair of 38-year-old golfing Moroney and Birofka lost the sumed their duties for the first Last month's permits also In eluded four families who moved fi a.m. and returned later in the$121,349,000 but only $49,313,009 son with 4() points. Harry Me ,,;ri claimed that she and Man | member of the Summit Area vetems from Summit have cap- first ho)e to Milne and Koti,itjme yesterday when the Red day with i total catch of more of this wai spent locally for Grath with, 47 points, Richard i had gotten Into h^r car, Chamber of Commerce, the Sum-tured the 31st annual New Jer-but flick bouDe«i back with]Cross Bloodmobile visited the out of the country, and three- Py who moved to storage. Foreign than 200 blues. Last year the foods and services. However, Zotti with 4« points and Garyiu|iidi snt, ua, drlvini. enrh mil i.,!,,, pik, Bnri i..s, VPflr sey' State Golf lbreobit*vs on the next 11 holes Lincoln School at New Provi mlt Loc! E1 nd countries to which local families combined catch totalled 42. the $49,313,000 in local retail Swick with 44 points. ;Tucsday nlght t0 plck ,« , Birli fm ^ « '*">"' amateur best - ball champion. to grab a commanding 4 up dence. .... ! was moved last month included According to Robert Sargent. sales represents a $6,421,000 in- In the point system, each,f,,,lld who was workineMn the : Airman of the automobile shjp.