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M D C C X C I I I...... ^ji^i^t'i' JOHN L AIR A Efq,




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FRANCIS G LAD V/IN, CALCUTTA, SEPTEMBER 10, I793» Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2015 ; INTRO. DUCTION


'^J^HE Arabian phyficians, in defcribing the quality or power of medicines, make ufe of four degrees. y

The FIRST DEGREE, 13 that whofe quahty makes imperceptible impreffion fuch as thofe that are hot, or thofe that are cold, 5ic. but which are not feh, unlefs they are leiterated. 1 he second degree, is that which is more powerful than the former, but not fo much as to occafion any vifible injury. The third degree is that whofe impreffion is effentially hurtful, but not fo as to deflroy. The fourth degree, is that whofe nature is fuch that it cither kills or materially injures ; and this is the property of poifonous medicines.




JfSUNTEEN Wormwood I 0 D 0

Ba-booneh Camomile flowers I 0 I 0

Temr Date I 0 0 0

I'okbsm kut-cin I^infeed I 0 0

Mi fpecies of Himmis A vetch I 0 3 I

Rum-mun Pomegranate I 0 0 G

Hiihoon Snail I 0 0 0

Shlihtcrcb Fumitory I J 0 0 > Syb 'ir Aloes r 0 D 0

5 4J I oof Dragon wort I 0 0

Ladun Labdanum I 0 0 0





Ifskd-kifs A fpecies of melilot 2 O o o

yfl/u/ ul ghiir-eb Root of the mountain

* 1 1 1 1 ] 2 pine

1 ^JJid ul mazreeyoon Mezereon root 2 O J o

Sepe'ul 1VU feyah badroy. Two fpecies D o o of fweet bafil

Bir-en-ja-Jif P\Ingwort 2 O o o

Bulfan The balfam. tree 2 O 2 o

„ i . Bux-ir-ulumereh Nettle feed, alfo the „ >) I 5 ^ 1 Jj:'^ O O o leaves, an infufion of

"Joondbeydiijier Caftor 2 o 2 o

Hulbeh Fenugreek o O o

, Dibk A fmall grain which is very 2 o o o ' vifcoiis

i Doord'ee ajjareh ^letcon Dregs of olive o o o

!. oil

Zerawimd teiveel ivu Moodehrcj Birth- \^ o 2 G I wort, long, and round

Za~fran Saffron 2 o O o

Sh:b-:t Fennel 2 o o o

A[ful Honey 'J o o

Unfid Squill o o o o INTRODUCTION.




^L^Ii^Lo K'lJJ'a-iil-hymdr Wild cucumber o o O

Frd-fee-yoon Euphrafia, ejebright , 2 o o o (^^/^\J>

J ' ^-^ \ Kujhoor^ jhijuret ill hyut Gentian bark 2 o o o

s^jjjj 1 Kujfeb us ze-ree-rdh Wormwood plant. 2 o 2 o

^JjkS^ Kib-reet Sulphur 2 o O o yjji^ Kerefs Parfley -7 o O o ^ LC" Kum-d-fee-icos Ground pine 2 o 3 o

Koofidir Frankincenfe, j of which there 2 o I o

[_ are three kinds

^SCiz^^ -tc-kd Maflich 2 o 2 o

M'll-h Giilinary fait 2 o O o c ^ Mc3-dh Storax 2 o O o

,jihAJI;^^«i TFufk-ul-ke-zvd-reer Frefh bees' wax o O o

o ^j^jsNKAj'l j^nce-focn Anifeed o • o

pjjlj^l Afarabaca o j^JJli-7-QOK 3 o :) o

o I Aftesrr.oon Dodder of thyme o o r

\ Fii7ij-inigoofldt Agnus cafius, or the chaf!:e o o 3 o

( tree, it's leaves and feed

o o o o ^iA=^a.jci Pcdc-neh Je-be-lez Wild mint -3

loorb Radifh., the root, a:id alfo the leaves 3 o o

jd-ive-JIjcer Gum opopanax o 2 o





l^Ua. H'l-Jha thyme O o 3 .?

(J^'^^i:*. Hirmul Szed of wild rus o o 3 o

Lct^ He-md-md True amomum 0 o o 3

{^KKjj^ Kh'ir-bs-klne The two hellebores o o o 3

l_)'l>.>w So:d-db Rue o 3 3 o

jj^wj Sir-ou The cyprefs tree o o 3 4

^vaaXL Suck-bee-nej Gum fagapenum o 0 o

Sj-lee-khfh Caffia lio-nea o o 3 3

Sbehb-moh-ruc'k Burnt alum o 3 o

Sbe-rab kohneb Old Vv'me c 3 o

^Ij'^'^j^^ She'ir - ruck Burnt hair o o 3 3

I ^^-^ Sbccb iinnenee mobi\x^^ A fpecies of O o ^ 3 ; 3 [_ w orrafeed burnt

^ys:'*,^^^ 6^6 o/" mob-ruck Burnt wool

G/3fl;r Laurel o o J 3

(^j^j^^Cji Fode-7iej nch-rce Water mint o o

K'^Jboor kiijfeb mob-ruck Burnt bark of o 0 i 3 3 t^ie reed L } {Jj^ k o o iXi Koon-ncb Galb.inum 3 o

^Ij^j^ Koor-weeya Caraway feed o 3 o

K'ljb'im Lovage ^ o 0





Ke-refs bir-ree Wild parfley 3 o o o

Ke-ma-der-yoos Germander 3 o J o

M'ir-ma-hoo% An odoriferous plant 3 o o

o Mir-zun-joojh Marjoram 0 o 3 o

n Nan-khawh Bifliop's weed, ammi 0 0 o

Na-nd-d A fpecies of mint, very pun- o o o gent D

Turn-boot An Arabian pulfe 3 0 0 o

Wiij fweet flag 3 o A o

o Te-too-dat General name for milky plants a o o o

Be-fd Onion 4 o 0 o

Soom Garlic 4 o 4 o

Ze-hed'ul behr Foam of the fea, that 4 o o o adheres to rocks

Soo-dab bir-ree Wild rue 4 0 o o

Flr-be-yoon Euphorbium 4 o o o

Koiiji Coftus 4 o 0 o

Kit-ran Pitch 4 o 4 o

Koor-rdfs Leek 4 o 4 o

Ujfu'lus' foos Liquorice root o I I o

A'ka-kyd m Jhoof-teh Acacia not waflied, o I o o or prepared

Birg kujfeb Leaves of the reed o o o o

Boo-ra-deh no-hdfs Copper filings 0 0 o o INTRODUCTION.



£?/r^- he-7iiif-Jljeh Violet leaves ; o O o

o ^''^f^~f"~y^j Polypody D 0 o o Bu- Acorn D o

Sumretul u-leik Blackberry o O o

o Seel Couch Dg-rafs o o

Ja-ivirfs A fpecies of millet o o o

Jubn-retb New cheefe o o o

Khujh-khajh Poppy o o o

Doolb The plane tree o o o

Duhn ul wurd Oil of rofes o o I

Zoojaj Glafs o o o

Zunjefr Cinnabar, native o o o

Sir- muck Stinking orach o o 2

Shejrut'n-nubk The lote tree o o o

Ujm u% zebeeb Grape ftones o 2 o

Koommnfrd Pear o I o

Ma-my-fd The expreffed juice of a I- J o o o fpecies of poppy

Na-jJodf-teh Starch o I o o

H'mdbd Endive o o o

Akci~ky-a mugh-fo 'il Wafhed (prepared) 0 2 o o acacia

Utrdfwu berg zietoon Leaves and branches o 2 o of the olive tree ' 1 I INTRODUCTION.




HU~yoon Afparagus . O O o

Beteek Mufii melon O O 2

Tema-nee-a Afpecles of chicory, growing

in marihy places

Buz-ir ke-toQ-na Fleavvort feed O o o

yummdr Pith of the date tree O o o

Khoakh Peach O o I

. Khydr Cucumber O o I

Rejpifs' Tin O o o

Ziefoon khcim Unripe olives O o o

Sumdk Sumach O o o

lokhum ootruj Citron feed O o o [

'^uh-leb Water mofs O o I

Uf-ifs Gall apple, unripe o o o

Ke-doo A large kind of cucumber, or

gourd, with a thin rind

hejjdn III huml Narrow-leav'd plantain,

or ribwort

Mdjh A fmall kind of grain o 2 o o

Moghreh Red earth o 2 o o

Ke-him Cabbage o 2 2 o

Bir-JIoe-an-da-roo A pot-herb of a red


Ul^-'IaXXjJ Bnckkt'^l humeka Purflain J .





^(JLl^ Joolnar Wild rofe 0 3 0

Hz^/^ uleik kham Unripe blackberries o 3 D o

Hum-dz-ul ooturj Citron juice o 3 o o

Hy-id-ddlum Houfe-ieek o 3 I o

O ^>>W Khujh-kaflj Black poppy o o o ^^^^ fee-db

Afyrrd~ey A pot-herb of a red colour o 3 o o

Lioo-fdh Fruit of the mandrake o 3 o o

Af-yoon Opium o 4 o o

Showkrdii Hemlock o 4 o o

L.ehn Khujhkhdjh Milk of the poppy o 4 o o

UJfel ul neel Root of the neel tree o o o

Baddm Jhereen Sweet almond o o o

Pir-Jy-ow-fhdn Maiden hair o o o

Poajl jozvz Walnut fhells o o I o

'Tokhem Khirboozeh Mufk melon feed o o I o

Hub ul ghcir Laurel berries o o o

Ab Unjereh Juice of nettles o o o

Huzax, uffuckher Mofs that grows on o o 0 fliones, &c»

Dijlee E-hododaphne o o 0

Rdzee-dneh A fpecies of anifeed o o o

Rughen jowz Oil of walnuts o o o

Za-frdn Saffron o o o INTRODUCTION.



A prickly plant, of which camels

are very fond

Sezveek us JJ.)y-eer Wheat flour o o o

Sa tur Origanum, or wild marjoram o o o

Semugh jozvz Walnut-tree gum o o o

Weruck So fun Lily leaves o o o

UJful ul niurr Root of the myrrh tree o o o

^1 UJTul ul loof Root of dragon wort o o o

Beykh neeloofir Root of the water lily o o o

Hubbct-ul khuzra Juniper berries o o

Ziji Pitch o o o

Sembel uf te'ib Spikenard o o o

Scmbel roomee Celtic nard o o o

Shejereh mujleka The maftich tree o o o

<3 I -Aj Kufr-ulyehood Jew's pitch o o o

Shestum Tares 2 o o

Ke-fhoor-ul-oot-ruj Citron peel o. 0 o

Kiriiub Cabbacre o o o

Kur-fd/ieh Pea o o 2 o J (^aJ Lebu Milk o o 2 o

Murr muck-kee Mecca myrrh o o 3 o

Nesj'Ul-unkeboot Cobweb o o o

Ub-hel Seed of the mountain pine o o 3 o

Ufulfenta-fc-loo?i Root of cinquefoil o o 3 o D INTRODUCTION.




Kirnub Koofkh Dried cabbage 0 o 3 O

o Boordb Borax o o D O

' Poaji ghcrb Sokkteh Bark of the moun- '^ ... o o 2 o \ tain pine, burnt

Htl teet Afafetida o o 3 o

' Hujn-az ul Ootrui Citron iuice o o o ' i '

'Ddr-JJoe-fhden An aromatic bark of a o u o J o prickly tree

- Dttkhen A kind of grain refembling 1 O o 3 o 1 millet

Civet Zebad O o D o

' Re-mdd hulzoon bir-ree Calcined wood- o n T o D J. fnails

Rog-heno toorb Oil of radifli- o o D 0

Zoofd Hyfibp o o 3 0

n ^JLXjj.ij.-!^1cAjv!j Soodcj bofuinee Garden rue o o D 2

S'lrtdn Mohnick Calcined crabs o o 3 o Vinegar Scer-keh o o 0 o

•* • Burnt alum o Shub mohruck o 3 o

' Sboo-neez^ common]j called See-ah daneh, o o D o 1 or black feed

^ mokruck Burnt wool o Soof o D o

root o Fd-dd-nyd A refembling the carrot o 0 D o INTRODUCTION.




1 ,j^La Fd-Jhe-rd Briony o o o

o o Fit-rajd-li-yoon Parfley o 3 o o Ky-foom Southernweed 0 0 o o Kcffs bir-ree Wild parfley o 3 o M'lJk-kee-tara-meJJDUgh Dittany of Crete o o 3

.Laurel Werek ghdr leaves o o 3 o

Khirdul Mufcard feed o o 4 o

Kenn Vine branches o o 4 ' o

Berg-bs-nuf-JJoeh Violet leaves o o o I

Khiifeyet us fdleb Satyrion o o o I

U-fa-reh fo-fun Exprefled juice of lillies o o o I

Kd-hoo Lettuce o o o I

Lijjan us fdur Ox tongue, huglofs o o o I

Kurd Gourd with thin rind o o o 2

Mijhnijh Apricot o o o n

Dum ul dkhwehi Dragon's blood o o o I

Shejir jowz W'alnut tree o o o 1

Fithr Mufhrooiii o o o I

JVerek Uleik Bramble leaves o 2 o I

VJful ul khimfd The hermaphrodite root o o

Fhib us fonobur Pine kernels o o

K/jb^boozeh Mufe melon o o

Zift Olive oil o o

ZietQon Olives o o INTRODUCTION.




- Sir-ukhs Root of fpleenwort, mule's

I 2 O o fern

Shum-d Bees' wax I I o o

'Teen famoos Samian earth I I o o

Murdarfung Litharge of lead I I o o

^\jO.±r^ MOKEDERR A "T. N A R C O T I C A.

SUzci-ra-heeUzci-ra-hee Seed of a polfon- Iaoj Joivz ma.fil The thorn apple

Indiian root ous r Se-raj-ulhcotreb The fairy's

Is-pund rue Wild l_J^laiU I^Kmj J lamp: a plant which fhines

zooret of UJJ'el uz Root a fpe- L at night like the glow-worm

cies of grain, commonly (___5't'iV^'~*' She-bee-bee narotic root 5j I L-Aa^ I A called jawirs {^^^Jf^ Shulran Hemlock I ^J^azjI Uffel ul Loofah Mandrake root O-vAJ Klnnub Hemp Vf yoon Opium Kahiej Winter cherry C Beyhh nioivteh jiwglee Root of

^ Leln ul ki el Mare's milk a fpecies of grafs \^J^

Tohhem wu berg tumbaho .J5\A:is.'siXj «J Lowngjunglce Wild cloves L5' S;ed and leaves of tobacco

y^^^^i^-^^ mqos-hil-at: suf-ra. ciiolagog.a.

Ul (^cXASi^^j Ij ji't/s A fpecies of plum Temr-hlndee Tamarind

(^AA.>sK.Sl Afsuntcen Wormwood • Khy-ar-Jlrumbcr . . Caffia I ^

^" laris L. dJi^J^ 'jsJ Beneffl)chKhooJkh Dried violets [ Ia.^^JUm Suc-mo-nya Scammony ^ Tu-renjebeen A fpecies of manna 5 Ai'-l^ij Shah-tereh Fumitory INTRODUCTION.

fpecies of fpurge L_>^LJ Lubldb Ivy I^^^^Ajij Shihrum A

is^y^i^i Sheer-khijht Manna (^^J^^'-f Maz-ri-yoon Mezereon

Yellow Sub-ir Aloes He-ley-leh %ird myrobolans. Goolfoorkh Red rofes


^Iaw*J Bis-fd-tj Polypody ^ Fir-fee-yom Eiiphorbium Ckj Toorhood Turbith root ^ ^l-^^lsLx^ KiJJu ul hymar Wild cucumber Hub ul Wiff/ Berries of a blue Kun-too-reeyoon Centaury creeper r Mdhec-zeh-ruj A fpecies of Hirmul Wild rue

' J \ creeper


(^^yjyo 1 Afteemoon Dodder of thyme t3j Hejr laj-ivird Lapis lazuli

iUs-too-khoo-doos Stoechas, L\/jj Se-nd Senna French lavender {^^^?_J^^ Ghd-ree-koon Agaric A-tnu-leh Emblic myrobolans Koo-poos The herb curfuta r Ba-lm-goo A fpecies of r He-ley-leh cdbulee Chebuli \ fweetbafil C^-^^t^-^^ my),'robolans ^-IxjskO Bisfd-ij Polypody [


Tokhetn wu hirg toorb Seed yfi^ kud-00 telkh ]u\ce of bitter and leaves of radifh gourd TMem Sheb-it Fennel feed Boorah Borax r INTRODUCTION.

Tokhem-jlr-jeer Seed of v/ild (jXcXiJ^ Koondoofo GlafTwort

rocket red pot- J- J- r S-Loo-beeya Soorkh A

Tokhem maz-rl-yoon Seed of herb

wild fpurge ^^jjvjsj Ma ul ajj'el Water and honey

Khir-buc Hellebore ^^^y^ Me-wee-zuj Ruifms SJ-ken-je-leen Oxymel of Ne-muck h'lndee Salt of bitu- vinegar and honey { men. cV)^.^-^ Kunklr zud Artichoke gum


c3l Iz-helr Camel's hay I^A^Lij Shah-tereb Fumitory

Us-too-koo-doQs Stoechas

Afteemoon Dodder of thyme t^j.S: Oowd Lignum aloes

Afsunieen Wormwood ^XJ^^J^ Ghd-ree-hoan Agaric

A-nee-Jaon Anlfeed Frl-Jee-yion Euphrafia, ey:

^ { brisrht lyr Ja Root of blue Iris ULcti^'i Koor-du-ma-na Cardmine Toormrjs Egyptian lupin Q^Jj^LiAj' Kun-too-rce-yoon Centaury Gen-li-d-na Gentian AjLaJ^ Ku-hd-beh Cubebs Ha-Jhd Thyme f^y^^^ Kerefs Parfley Hirmul Wild riic

«^A^^J^_5^ Kir-US-neb Peas He-ma-ma Amomum

Dar-chee-nee Cinnamon y^^iitS' Koo-Jhoofs The herb curfuta

!Ra-ze::-a. neh A fpecies of (ji^'Sr^j^ M'lr-zun-joojh Marjoram anifeed

' Nan-khah A fpecies of cu- Zir-a-wund Birth wort

\. mm ked Zu-frun Saffron {mjaA^ Hul-yaon Afparagus Zee-ra Cumin feed INTRODUCTION.-


Ub-hel Fruit of the plane tree Khir-dul MiiRard f.ed

J Iz-keir Camel's hay (^^T^^*^ Ddr-chce-nee Cinnamon t^^:i^ Us-tno-khco-doos Sioechas cXJjl^^ 2,'ir-d-wund Birthwort

^_)vAAji Ifs-keel Squills ^

Ok ly-zvan l.ovage Sudub Rue

Un-je reh Nettle Seer-hch Vinegar

^yr Ja R )ot of blue Iris c ••• Sug-bec-nuj Sagapenum 'J^Jj-jLj Ba-loo-neh Camomile flowers j^.^ Seer Garlic

Boo-reh Borax Saa-tur Origany AJ(^jJ Powde-neh Mint Ak'ir-kir-hd Pellitory •f.

Jod-deh A fpecies of vvormfeed Funj-ungoojht The chafie tree

yoond-hey-diifer Civet lJl-^c«^ -jS Koor-du-md-nd Cardmine

LjjLia. Ha^Jhd Thyme Kcor-tlm Safflower, baftard Ad 3 ^-^^ Hub-ul-bdn Ben nuts { fafFron

^Ajix*«o f -iaJC^^ Mijhke-'.oord-mrjh-eeyd Dlttany_ Hoarf Seed of Garden creiTes

f^y^ H.rmul Wild rue Ku-ma-dree-yoos Germander,

Hum-dz Sorrel


Fruit of the plane tree '^—^AN Lsr* ^ Blr-un-jd-fif Mugwort

1^"^" Ok-lywun Lovage Ajj-J L> Td-hoo-neh Camom'.le flowers

r Un je-dunje-dun The feed of the (^Li

L alaioetiida plant ,

1 uJ^j.:^^ Tokhem Guz-ir Carre t feed 0^***iV*^ /ss« Anifeed INTRODUCTION.

Toor-mifs Egyptian lupin Aj^Ij Bd-hooneh Camomile flowers

jfd-we-Jheer Gum opopanax C> Owd Lig aloes

Joa-deh A fpecies of worm feed Frd-see-)con Euphrafia, eyc-

Joond-bey-dujlcr Civet I bri ght

r Huhhet-id khuz-rah Fruit of Ul/^t^'i Koor-du-md-na Cardmine

». the turpentine tree ia^KO Cojl Coftus f Ndn-khah A fpecies of cumin ^^^j^^la/.^* Kun-tooi-yoon Centaury l leed

Dar-chee-nee Cinnamon Kuh-d-beh Cubebs

{Rd-zee-dneb A fpecies of (^y^^^ Kerefs Parfley

an i feed Kum-d-dry-oos Germander Zoofa Khoojkh HylTop ^jjj 4^

Suddb Rue Mir-zun-joojh Marjoram

Saad A priclcly grafs ^AjCn>v^I^LiX3u.^ MiJhke-ioord-my-Jhee-d Dittany

Se-lee-kheh Caffia lignum Mee-dh Storax

Shozv-neez A fmall black feed f*'"*-' Ne-mdm Mother of thyme. Ou-rook Sulphur


L.1 A-fa-roon Afarabacca Hejr-ul-yehood Jew's ftone

( Rd-zee-d-neh A fpecies of . ^ w Bd-ddm telkh Bitter ^ I almond

I. an i feed ^-f'^^^^^'^J Bir un-ja-Jif Mugwort ^yfla^/ A prickly grafs

;^IJo^Lv>w^_ Pir-fy-ow-Jhdn Maiden hair Sug-bee-nuj Sagapenum

T'okhem Khurloozeh khoofljk ^J'f^^'^ 1 r Sum-egh dloo Plum-tree gum

J L Dri(led mufk-melon feed Ndkhoodfy-ahh fpecies of vetch INTRODUCTION

Ui>li- KA-BlZ-A'f.- —asTringentia.

Iz-kheir Camel's hay ^ -r*^ Su-mak Sumach

Umrood Pear 7>-/5«-/2!^fr Sugar of bamboc

JUL. Ba-ke-ld Beans ^^^usT'^j^ia 7ff/2 Muhhtoom Sealed earth

^fj'i^ Root of ribwort ^j^cX-C Ud-us A fpecies of vetch

Be~runj Rice ^^-^ Kur-wee-ya Caraway feed

JVerek zir Gold leaf _jC>SS' Koondir Frank incenfe

iDjX.i Acorns \^y^S^ Keh-roha Amber

Boo-fud Coral (j^^^y^ Gd-zvirs A fpecies of vetch

{Tokhem Jhahus-fe-rum Seed ^^TLa^^ ]l4ocis-te-kd Gum maftich

(. of fweet'bafil cSjj,^ Mow-rud Myrtle «

Tokhem goal Rofe feed (^J cS^Ij Ndrdeen Celtic nard f y^wzyFr-c^ Fruit of the cy- <3^>jgLii*>J Ne-JhdS'teh Starch L prefs tree

Dum ul akhwein Dragon's blood Nibk A fpecies of lotc

Za-roor Medlars Nekhood A fpecies of vetch

ejJUsr* ikf 0 -HELIL' A "f. D ISCUTIENTIA.

r^'-^ ' Iz-hheir Camel's hay AJ^tj Bd'boo-neh Camomile flowers

Is-keel Squills ~) Blr-un-ja-ftf Mugwort

OJL/'^^ -^-sa-roon Afarabacca (^LijI-Ajvw^J Pir-fy-ow-JJjdn Maidenhair

Oujhuc Gum ammoniacum AjC^^ Pcwdeneh Mint

' Ok-hywdn Lovage ^j4jv-^j Toor-mifs Egyptian lupin uXXIIJ^aJS'I Ukkel ul me-Vic Melilot ScX-Sj:^ jfoe-deh A fpecies of wormfeed

^a-^^-/a A fpecies of bean ^^jAj^^lrifc ya-we-Jheer Gum opopanax INTRODUCTION.

C/i^7- Laurel U-J^-Sa. Ha-Poa Thyme

cucumber Khlr-zereh Rhododaphne U-J ^^ii/-' ^'"^"S 8 .^Jj^j^

Ko3)i-neh Galbauum . rl Khir wa Palma chrifti AA'i

Khit-mce A fpecies of Mallows »aJ^ Kith-ir Capers lacii. J' r Rohah-thhitc A fpecies of Ke-mut A fpecies of fungus

j^O-il Lu-diin The herb labdanum

Q,w^j^tiLC^ Kcmd-dry-jos Germander

'^ij lift Pitch "3 i^//-- saw-joojl:) ?v'I a rj ora (^J^y^^^j^ m A>w So-Jun Lily L^-j tliyrae i Ncmam Mother of of the Sumer-ho lootem Gum

turpentine tree

,\^^ M UN - Z I J - A 1-— S U P P U R A N T I A. eXii! Jo^X^ UklceJulnieUc Mtlilot \ \j .S^ Kir-nub C^.bbiin;e

^Asr*! l/wj^^r Figs (^

Lmj >j1 -6''"'/^ Root of blue Iris lilurr Myrjh J" Mirwir-fAich An odoriferous ^ ,j -S/Vg- Khitmee Mallow leaves J grafs Jl^^ Za-fn


f^^^'JS I AfieemC'On Dodder of thyme 0\;^',kX1::s.'^v Punj-ungooJ]}t Agnus caflus

1 h ni feed ^J^J^^Jv^^/.J A-nce-Jom _J O Tokhem. guz-zir Carrot feed

AhwLuw-J Bifs'la-Jeh Mace ^Aiiv^Us. Ja-wc-fieer Opopanax INTRODUCTION

He-ma-ma Amomum c5.^jvw .S^art^ Roots of a fpecies of grafs

y^a~j^ Jv.iJvij 1 jiJJll Long pepper Sa-iiir Origany

t)ijj^ "^ir-d-zuuiid Birthwort ^yJ^X3 FUfil Black pepper

2;;r-fm-i^iv^ Zedoary ^W-' \j ULjt.^^* Koor-du-rnd-na Cardmine

l^LsAqr;^ Zunjeheel Dried g'nger Kerefs Parfley

fpecies of 15 ,J I Zee-ruh Cumin feed Nun-khdh A { Wormfeed


Am-lu] Embljc Myrobolans <3 Lignum aloes

r Unfekkeh zan Rennet of an L'mhir Ambergris ^« ewe L Gha-Ieah A compofition of

r Bti-lun-goo A fpecies of mulk, ambergris, cam-

(. fweet bafil phor, and oil of ben nuts

C Be-L'i-door Anacardlum, jJLi ,i* K'lr-un-ful Cloves J A'lalacca bean I Koondlr Frankincenfe Bin-dook Filberts

G:ol Socrkh Red rofes BuLdr beeh vju tmrcod zvu 0> a ,^9!^ <^7j'^/ fceh BIolTcms of quinces, Leon zun Ewe's milk

. .. ^ pears, and apples J Lchm dir-ruj The flefh of r quail r Lehm Dujnj F efli of the br:5!i;s of animals 1^ (_ houfe hen

Roghen iimbir C 1 cf an;bergrls Md-ul-iv'ird Rofe Water

Ziin-je-heel Dried ginger McopA Mi:flc ScadV^GQ'^z of a fpecies of NaJJ'rcm The wild rofe

.S'^'f.^ App'cs Te-ds-meen Jafmine Sembul Spikenard

Shirhut narenj Orange fherbet r INTRODUCTION.


Uh-rey-Jhem Raw filk ^^jjj^^ So-fun Lily

IJt-rej Citron Seeb Apples

st^A^^i^'^J Is-too-khoodoos Stoechas She'ka-kul Wild carrot

Umroad Pears ^c\\a^ Sawdfif/ Sandal wood


' Andr Jhereen Sweet pome- f^^^.A^r'^AL T'^fw Mukhtcom Sealed earth "y" (, granates ^Xs^ Umbir Ambergris

f-^'^^''^?/ A fpecies of fweet ^ t^L) Ood Lignum aloes bafil

I • ^^'^^"J"'°°M An odoriferous J jg^. lun-gookn odoriferous plant ^J^^J^ ^ 5 ^ ' \ plant ^Xxt^J Bls-fa-yej Polypody ^Jolj' Kd-ke-kh Cardamums <-^jjJ-J Boos'fiid Coral ^;|_5^ Kd-faor Camphor ^^'^'^ Qiiince

Klftjneez khocfik Dried cori- ^^'It-^AN^ P^^T/? C7/r// Citron peel ander feed

'} Tetnr-hindee Tamarind iCCsX^ Keh-ro-bu Amber


Dar-cheC'tiee ( <^ Cinnamon ^^^^^Aiii^ ^^mJ^S^ Goalfoorkh Red rofe Diroo-nuj A root refembling ^^^^^ Ldj-wird Lapis lazuli ^JJ^ [ the tail of a fcorpion

(Jt'^^J Ree-bafs Rhapontic Zja-^c Pearl t^j^^ ' Xitdozxy Mow-rud Myrtle

Za-frdn Saffron Mother of thyme

" cXa>w Nar-moofhk A fragrant flow- g^^j i^Qots 2 fpecies of grafj er, commonly called nd. Se-lee-Ueh Caffia lignea

Sembul Spikenard ^Ia^ Nd-naa Spearmint INTRODUCTION,

y,jA-o ¥iee-loo-Jjr Water lily aAaX^ He-les-leh YeUow myrobalans

IJ^erek ztr wu nokerah Gold i ejyU Ta-coot Ruby and filver leaf

cXaJ^Ij^X^ mo - KE- WT- at: KEBID, -HEPATICA.

iiAjijI Qujhneh Dodder of oak, &c. fmell, and is therefore alfo

c al 1 ed ^/ ^feful ke- run-full, or L-xvAlaJlUiil Uzfar ul te'ib Perfumed nails bark of cloves: another fpe- j-i:*, "Jgwz, bu-ud Nutmeg 1 cies is thinner, of a brighter

1.^k*,XaJ ! Hubul Bulefan Carpobalfam red, and fweeter to the tafte,

UoL^ Humdrna Amomum refembling fm.all pieces of

cinnamon, but the firftkind ^^Aa:::2-j I <3 Darcheenee Cinnamon

is preferable.

Gha fis Hemp agrimony LLL^t^y^ Ku-Jhoos A fpecies of Dodder

f^yju^s Ke- run -full Cloves (__^3isAi2^ Mufe-hd Maftich

^ .. Kirfeh An odoriferous thick (^JeSjU Nardain Celtic nard bark, of the colour of cloves,

which it alfo refembles in

»c3oi^^Lr^iU MO-KE-Pf^nJr ME-OJ-DEH.- -TONICA.

Sddd Roots of a fpecies of grafs ^JLsI Am-leh Emblic myrobalans

Sufer-jel Qtiince ^ /z-K^r Camel's hay ^J^^ Se-lee-kheh Caffia lisinea ^ Bdlungoo A fpecles of fweet bafil Sumak Sumach iXAjJb Be-Ie leh Belleric myrobalans

Te-bd-Jheer Sugar of bamboe ^^jOv^n^J Poafi Turenj Citron peel

Ka-hi leh Cardamoms jfSsk 1 JowZ'bu-wa Nutmeg

Ke-run full Cloves C_5^^7!:J^^ Darcheenee Cinnamon (Kirfh An odoriferous bark, CA

(^Oj^^t^Lw ^^dij hindse Indian leaf Goolfoorkh Redrofe G INTRODUCTION".

{.J s^^^ Kur-wee-yd Caraways ^^^^jUaAi:*^ Mus-ti-ka Maftich

^O^kf" Koondir Frankincenfe ^Uju Ka-naa Mother of thyme

^U^SJ^"^*^^ M'Jk-htra-meJhyh Dittany dXj\^ He-lee-hh Yellow myrobalans


^pArs:"'! Inj'eer Figs ^Jo (Juw She-ha-kul Wild carrot

^'i)ffr E vve's milk '-^^J P^u-teh Frefli dates

eu^Lj^ Bir-hajsa Mace Fis /cok Piftachio nut'

^^ySC\ Ungoor Grapes ^'cX/J Flndooi Filberts

K'lrfeh An odoriferous bark, e-Ia A fpecies of bean ^ \ vide Hcpatica ^^j^£yf^-r<2 Gum tragacanth VijC^Ursr^A^AJ Byzeh hunjejhh Sparrow's egg Ig-gir Svveet.fcented flag ' Pun-eer-mLych fooot'ir

Q>j^J> ParOey of a camel y Kerefs y^J^ y/r-yVrr A kind of beaii Ocs:-*-^ Kio:.jid Scfarne r Chulghoozch Fruit or the Guz ir Carrot 2j^xJoi. j mountain pine

Loo-ly ci A fpecies of bean ' Hub/etal khuzra Fm'itof the « Meghz jowz Peeled walnuts turpentine t 'ee ;^ '.3Uo

Meghz Ba-dim Bleeched al- J-A'aaA^ Afafoetlda monds U-aIx^I KhuJJyet" FJaleb Satyrion f Mfglz demagh ihuyiyfhk KLocanjau Ga!angal . / ,^ Zi;?/ reh Brains of fpar=

/ X/.:^ -fo Ddrchcenee Cinnamon J L[ r^.ws, and of kit.

I'lr-jeei C'^Cna nut <^IaJ Zcr em bud Zedoary j^-A.'i^U

ATparagus J^AACSr^j 2«/?;(.^r-/ Daed ringer jM^Ui^

A fpecies of vetch rAAAMvi Suc'-:m hor Skir.k <3 ^'i:'^*

^l^jsr^^kN Suar-in-jad Heimoda£lyls INTRODUCTION


IcAaA/^I h-fy.daj White lead f Sefeydeh tohheni murgh White

O r " (.of egg ^yhJi I Vfi-Qon Opium

/ Senugh arelee Gam Arabic {Beylh Beynoj Root of the J^x,

^ \'f''' tl. 1 mandrake X^kaS' Ke-fee~ra Gum tragacanth

hut Goofe greafe IoJAaJ Pceh isl^Sj^ ^'ejhCph Starch

V»X^j' Tcioruck PurHuin

MO - SE'BE-fA'T,' —-H Y P N O T I C A.

O JaA^I Us-le-ruck Storax She-kd-yik Anemone

Hilieet Afafcetida I ' Cwk-hy-wan Hovage

t^!,^ ma-ma Amomum Kd-hu Lettuce

"Zidf-run S'Tran ^Li.J Lu-fah Fruit of the mandr?

Shahusferem Sweet bafil ,A/jA^l>i< Jj'Q Menw A berry

^^JAji.^ Shib-it Fennel

,^j\0.jC>^UlL\:S KA-rk-AAf DE£-Z)^iV.—ANTHELMINTICA.

cX^j I Is-mud Native antimony fmaller ; it is white within-

fide, and a little bitter ^MsvysAj.»j.5 1 /fsunteen W; rmwood

s OvA:^* jfaa deh A fpeciesof worm feed / ^Xj LTCst' ,J Beeri..rieri^.rj CahuueCahulce A blackbl; feed

refembling pepper, only


I h mud Na;Ive antimony rtr^sA-vJ ;j Buz-ir u! Bunj Keiibanc feed

fa l-» BLd-noj A fpecies ci 1 ,v ;ct bafil i.-'.'V 1.;.;/ Acorns INTRODUCTION.

Tokhem gool Rofe feed JAA. Kijhneez. Coriander feed r z ftr-oe Fruit of the cy- Keh-ro-bd Amber

L prefs tree r Goolnar Flowers of the fruit- Hu-zuz Juice of buck thorn L lefs pomegranate

Dum-ul-ahkwamY)x2igons blood Gil urmenee Bole armenic

r Rey-wend Rhapontic, wild {LiJJ'dn ul hc-iul Ribwort, or

L rhubarb plantain

Zir-ujhk Barberries Ala-zou Gall apple

Zeerah Cumin feed Miip-ka Maftich

Nejhaph Starch Shu-di-nch Bloodftone

Na-nda Mother of thyme Kun-teeryoon Centaury

J Kd-foor Camphor


Is-heil Squills Sud-dh Rue

Ahuck Qi^ilck lime Sum-hd'deh Emery ftone

Booruc Borax Sd-boon Soap

Hoorf Seed of garden creiTes Fir-byoon Euphorbium

Ze-rd-reeh Cantharides /fw/? Coftus

Rd-fim Elecampane Kul-he-trd fubz Green vitriol

f Lebn ye-tua Milky juice of Zaj White vitriol L plants Zir-ne'ihh Arfenic


cXyj J L-mud Native antimony Lw^l ^^''''7^ Iris root

^y** I Ifs-renj Red lead ^^iiiJi (f*ti Dumuldkhwa'm Dragon's blood INTRODUCTION.

Unzeroot SorcocoIIa ^^k:^:^ ^^^^j^^la Teen nnikhtoom Sealed caith

cXj^lj_^ Zir-a-wend Birihwort ^J^>joX ^JJ'ul Honey

Zeenih Cumin feed g^^jj Goolnar Pomegranate bloflfoms

' LlJJ'an ul h'eml Ribwort Syb-ir Aloes <^ I ^ IwJ ^\ Semegh aloo Plum-tree gum i^j-Xj^* ff^erek belott Oak leaves

^jy^l>^^f^Li:s^ MOJELLTA't OWSAK /^Ei?0L/i7. —DETERGENTIA.

^IjsWvXj^ Hub bulejan Carpobalfam

A^Uol Ab-ha-meh A compofition of \j Ra-te-nej Refm

milk curds, and feed of wild c:^ ziji Pitch rue, prepared with leaven AJJ'ul Honey and vinegar \jS^ Ne-miick Salt Lkw^jI h^-Ji^ Iris root

Q^'»c3UJ^^j/Jiyi yiiriL GOmHt zfjDEH KERGUH.-CAVSTICA.

\ Unzeroct SorcocoUa ^jytg*^—? Sooffovjlhteh Burnt wool

Jung Litharge of lead OT//} Blue vitriol LiXAjj^jjIc^^ M.ordur U^^^cJ'^'^' Ti^;/

Zun-gar Verdegris


Oujimeh Mofs of pine, and ^1 Ahuck JhooS'teh Slacked lime ther trees IxJ^y Too ty-d Tutty

AX:i»^wj(_^l'<8^^^ Khoorma Jokhteh Burnt dates jj^^f^ Syb'ir Akloes

Unzersot SorcocoIIa ^ 5^*/" Sokhteh Burnt wool H INTRODUCTIONT.

' 5 Seer-keh wu nowfliadlr , uou ne- Poajl anar Pomegranate peef ) OLi.' «. muck A mixture of vinegar, Tagjouikhteh Burnt alum I fal ammoniac, and fait JScX. .amIj^LSsJ^ J ZM«-_g-«r la Jepeydeh Byzeh Soor in-jan Hermoda£tyls

^^^^k/«^AJ y murgh ferifoteh Verdegris Sa-tur Origany "'ith white of egg J ^^^^^^ J


wu Jceb be-ryan klrdeh utteen Lozenges made

»(3 ^ i 1 Fri ed quinces and apples ^ L of beboles

Sc-weyk Fried barley Ah ab-ee tiorfli Juice of four ^^j^y*^

quinces Hub'ul rum-man Pomegra-

nate feeds Ah feeb kouhee Juice of crab {

apple {Sherah msywa-ha All kinds

of fruit wines <3 Ahrafs moorud Myrtle lozenges Sw^dul wu goolab Sandal Akrajs hond'ir Frankincenfe

wood and rofe water lozenges Moorud wu goolab Myrtle Akrajs ra fun Elecampane

and rofe w,ater lozenges



aa^s. Hubheh, a. equal to one f jozv^ or common barley-corn,

1 ujfoo, a. — — 2 barley-corns.

io\jK3 Keerat, a. ' or carat, — 4 barley-corns.

(^z^^^j.^ Gbunghcby, h.

Soorkh, h. — 8 barley-corns.

f^jj Rutty, h. dJiX^ MJjJoah, h. — — 8 rutties.

&}y I'olah, h. . — — 12 mafhahs, eJo'J T'dnk, h. — — 4 mafhahs.

ei3lt3 Dang, p. OR — 4-|- rutties. ^:^jM(3 Ddneli, a.

^jCi D'lrcm, p. OR I mafliah and i rutty. D'lrhcm, a.

JliiJtc Mi/kal, a. — 4 mafhabs and ^i- rutties.

U/^l If.cir, a. 7 I I J OR |-i-2 tolahs and 2 mafhahs f^^^^V^y^j^ Seerr Sbaby, b. or, r'^^z/yJ^r. J

AajjI Qwkydh,vkyab, a '\ OR 77 mifkals. -AAjJj IVekydh'lydb, a. J

40 iftars.


r HE



Syriac. Perfian. h. Hindevy. v. ordinary a. Arabic, g. Greek; fy. p. name. qu. quality. 1,2,3,4, degrees. prop, medical properties. ch. what part or kind to be chofen. cor. corre(9:ors«

d, dofe. fuc. fuccedaneum.

(1) j\\ AARGHEES. g. Bark of (4) Ui^L^I ABOO KHULSA. A

the root of the barberry bufli. fpecies of buglofs.

p. Jhunkdr. ^iXLij

qu. hot and dry 2. ch. black, with ma«y p. pojl heykh d'lruckt %e-rujhk. leaves, and thick root. d. as far as 2 direms.

(2) J^J^r A-TEREE-LAL. Crow- (5) U/LTylABERKAKYA. a. Cobweb. foot.

p. teneedeh unkdboot. h. muckree lid a. rejel ul gherab. p. tokbem kheldl jdla. kheleil. m^y^^ prop, ufed to fcop bleeding at the nofe ; and h, kakjungee^ alfo 7?iijpe. and applied to green wounds that are fuperficial.

qu. hot and dry 1. ch, the feed. (6) ^Ul^^l IBN-UL-MA. a. Any water A-LE-SUN. Wild rue. (3) fowl.

p. fepundfowkhtenee. ^^^^^CK^y*i(^k^ p. mor- ULFA2 UDWIYEH.

p. murghdbee. (14) IBNURS. ^. The

The fiefh is heating. mungoofe.

(7) Ov>^r A-BIST. a. Pulp of citron. f^l'^t;^ h. neyivul, p. rdfoo.

qu. flefh hot and dry. prop, attenuant, ch. that

which is well covered with hair, d, one direm to p. goivjht turenj. h. bee-jowre-kd good. one mifkal, mixed with fait, may be taken to pre-

qu. hot and moLfl: i. ch. the fpecies called vent the effefts of peftilential air. cor. oils.

balu7tg. vide 140. fuc. rennet, in cafes of the epilepfy.

/ (15) ABUC. ^.Mercury. (8) ^Ijf A-BAR. a. Burnt lead. T^^") h. pd-ra. p feem-db. l_^L^^,

(16) O^^I UBH-RUCK. Talc, h. bung. p. foorbfowkhteh.

tulc. qu. cold and dry 2. native antimony. p. {Jr^ (17) J.^! UBHEL. a. The feed of (9) Ju\ UB-KIR. a. Nitre.

the plane tree, and of the mountain ; h. bd-jee. ^. Jhooreh. pine. (10) _;r^l UB-RAR. a. Houfeleek.

p. hy-ul-aalum. ^IjJl^::^., p. tokhem wowhel and tokhein fir-cc. (11) IBNTAHIR. a. Par- kouhee. h. howb-beer. tridge. qu. hot and dry. 3 prop, diaphoretic and atte- nuant, and good for cleaning ulcers. ch. black p. kuhk. and large, gathered from a tree with leaves i of colour, (12) (j^jAJf ABNOOS. a. Ebony, a golden d. from two direms to a mifkaU . cor. lignum aloes, or galangal, or amomum,

or barberries, yj/^-. cyprefs kernels ; or an equal p. avo-noos. q^j^jjI

we.gbt of calTia lignea ; or one and half direms of and pungent, qu. hot and dry 2. prop, aflringent cinnamon.

f;^. black, and that will fink in water. cor. gum konar wood or (i 8 EBIL. lefler Arabic with fweet bafil, Juc. \ ) (Jol The cardamom, burnt date feed, p. kd-ke-leh feghdr. _jL3i.JuoAJjjla (13) (j^i^jjl ABOO ULS. a. Name (19) JuuUI A-BA-BEEL. a The of a flower. fwallow. p. gool khyree. iSy>^

qu. hot and dry I . prop, drawing, ch. fre{h ga-

thered, d. a very fmall quantity, c^r. yolk of egg. h. fe-pa^ MATERIA MEDIC A.

h. fc~pd-bee-nee. p. piir-uf-took.

(20) EB-REY-SUM. Raw filk. h. fee-dl and gee-dir, ^.Jloeghdl.

paufh. ehreyjhum. ^^J^t T.'lT^ h. p. (30) (T^I UT-KEJ. Citron.

(21) i^jyi ABROON. Houfe leek,

^JLsti 1^:is-- p. hy-ul-adlum. qu. the peel is hot and dry 2; the inner white

coat, hot and moift i; the juice, cold and dry 2; ABGOON • Starch. (22) oj-^'" the feed, hot and moiiL prop, cardaic, tonic, at-

teniiant, and diaphoretic; ch, large, with yellow

fkin. d, for the bite of a fcorpion, two mifkals

h. geehoon-ka-heer, p. nejhdjieh., of the feed may be taken infufed in hot water.

UT-RAR. Barberries. (23) aIoXIIjI^I ABRAR ULKUT-EH. 31) j\y\

Seed of houfe leek. p. %er-ujhk. ^lS^^jj

qu. cold and dry. ch. thofe that are tranfparent. p. tokhemhy ul ddlum. ^LxJI^^^^k:^ (j^Ia^I (24) aa^^^I IB-RE-HY-MEYAR (32) AT-NA-MEES. Wild

A kind of broth. camomile.

p. babooneh burree. (^j3&jjj\j (25) A^USr AB-KA-MEH. Bread

foaked in water, and kept in the fun (33) ^\d\ UT-AN. A fhe afs.

till it becomes foun .

h. kdn-jee. h. gud-e-hee. p- ma-deh khui\

(26) AAAjof AB-GBE-NEH. Glafs. (34) Os^I IS-MUD, a. Native anti- h. kd?itch. y. Jheejheh. &JLk^ monv.

(27) AA^i^l. IBN KUBBEH. a. Bread.

^'£\ ^' roo-tee. p. ndn, ^jU h. unjerii p. fung Jirmeh,

(28) a''-BEE, Quince qu. cold I, dry 2. prop, drying and ftyptic. ch. bright and brittle, cor. fugar, and coriander

feed. Juc. burnt lead.

p. h. he-hee. 2., fuf-ir-jel. (35) ^Ajl US-LUC. a. Seed of agnus IBN A-WEE. The (^9) c^jTe^l caftus.


h. fem-bhd-loo ke beej. p. tokbem punj- ROOMEE. A fpecies of fpufge-.

unpoofht. n -7 • ^ Y. jhw-nm. 0^ (36) Jjl US-EL. The tamarlfk bufh. ^^^^ EH-REEZ. Safflower. h. i-h

l^J-l AJEL GEE-A. Apoi- (37) ^^^^^^^ ^

^ (45) EH-DAK'L'- h. ^//x. beeJL ftf^ p MIRZA. Camomile flowers. MOOD. ^ ^j^'^^ babooneh gdw: ^I/aJ^Ij A fpecies cf parfley. ^^^^ AKH-ROWT. ^^;../r-«/ ^.r./x. p. u^_/)!j>' ^^i^^ Walnut.

(39) (j>^U>.l E-JASS. A fpecies of plum. KJ^'^^ jf-^J^ jy^


prop, emollient, and a good purgative of the (47) JoLI AK-GIR. A live COaf. bile. ^ ^ .. ^ (40) A-JUR. Burnt bricks. ^iTill aA:^^^ Ici^^LXjI unkijht C^^^^X AA^vC:^>i»s::i. h. an-gd-rd dfrokhteh h. luck-boivree-eent. p. ^7j/^/ /o^/./£>/^. (-^g) EKHEENOOS.

drying. rA. thofe that are new. d. one prop, wheat, mifkal of the oil of bricks, cor. oil oi violets. / tiles. ('45) ty^l EKIIREET. Wild leek.

(4 0i:^il_,=.IUJ-WA-'iN.^7]-^l^?j jjq,,^^^ ^y^^'^ A fpecies of anifeed. ^i, bun-kd gunde-nd. p. gun-de-nd nan-\hak. ^\yd^yj Y bur-ree.

Hindevy it moreover is culled /V-w-i-Zn. . i In ^ \ ttsztt vitt xt c ^ JName of a ^ (J^^' uKH-YuL.

{'42") / JLwI -w' tZs..! h. rj-WA-lN , , 1*1- rj ^ J ^ bird, whom the Aiabiaas confider to KHORASANY. >^Fi tTl"^"]7i

mar now. j'-^ • - p. V ^ ^ . u\ i . ^ ^-tt- (59) '•-^•L'-^fo'^' AZANUL- a. Snake's (52) UKH-YOON. ^„ tt , . r • r ^ ER-NUB. ^. Hares' ears. A fpecies of

head ; name of a plant. ribwort.

rafs ul uf-e-iy, 1 ^SLi^\i 1 . p. , r<.. < .

(60) ujcXJI^loi AZANULDUB. ^. - Wild wheat. . , , , , ^ Mullein, p. goojb kbyrs^ or bear s ears.

' h. bun-g-ee-hoon. v. du-fir. vi. g;undmn . Fp. F1 AZANULFAR. . (62)

mezereon. • ,^ r /7 Mouie ear. p. merjan goojh. derukht keremddneh. AjIOf*ycii=k^c^ p. .

ginger, Ccc) It^r i^DA. Green jj ^ u if j- ^•^ o D y^i. hot and dry 2. a. halt a direm.

^^I^ ^51 yJ^^^J (63) ^Jl IZ-KEER. Camel's hay. h.^d-rucL ^. zinjebeel tur, 5^^^^^ ^^^sLT & ID-RICK.^. fmall plum. (56) ^^' A ^und beyi gowr-gee-h, 2.^^ kd-

p. dloo-cheh. ^^^^ muck-ee.

(57) sjlcsr'.:^! U-DE-CHA-REH.The (64) ^U^Jf AZREE-YASS. Gum

inverted thorn. of wild rue. (^^^^/Ol

f^f^,^1 ^. femegh fuddb kou-hee.

\.\\. chee-chi-rd. p. khlir wagzoon. (65) (jjs^aaJ 1(^1(3 1 AZAN UL KE-

(58) A-DA-RA-KEE. fy. SEES. ^. A fpecies of houfe-leek.

Name of a bitter root, very hard when (66) J^ajst^I^jIJJ 1 UZNAB UL

dry. KYEL. a. The plant horfe tall.

h. koQtchela. ^. fe-loos mdhee. h. fee-rs ka gdtch, ^. as-lmj. K (67) U L F A 2 U DW I Y E H.

(67) jAjU!t^ljr AZANULFEEL.^. (j^/^^y^J ARA-KOO-Wa'. A weed

Drangwort. that grows amongft v/heat.

p. pulgoojhj and loof. ^ j^ — (ji^^jjCLo

(68) JljiJl^^l^^r AZAN UL GHE- fehuck gundum. h.. keekd.

ZAL. ^z. A fpecies of buglofs. (78) e-ru-sa. ^iiB&^n^

An Indian plant, called alfo (69) o^^b'^^" AZAR-A-FYOON. bunfd. A fpecies of foam of the fea. (79) j\ ER-KUB. The mountain

(;o) AZREEYOON. Accor- goat. p. buz kou-hee. i^^jSy

ding to fome, the anemone; others (80) IR-ZUT. A fpecies of fir.

fay it is the camomile plant. p. fe-no-ber bey b'lr. .^i^^.^y.j^'^J^^jC^

(71) jjj6\ hZlK-YOU. The fun- The fir that does not bear fruit.

flower. (81) o\^^J.jjl A-REED-BA-REED,

(72) c^O.:Jl^lc3r AZAN UL JE- A root which refembles a fplit onion.

DEE. a. Ribwort, arnogloffa. It is a native of iJeiftan,

<:sLj\ UR-SHUD. The marcafitc p. lijfan ul heml. (Jj^l(^lwj>J flone. (73) U>^Ull^^l ARTE-MA-SY-A. Ar-

temefia, mugwort. V. mlr-kd-Jhee-Jhd. L^yiujj^

qu. hot and dry 2. ^.-Xm^X:^ p. blr-un-ja-Jtf, y (83) C>3j\ UR-SUD. The chafte tree. (74) ARIS-TA. Henbane,

p. hung. lXIj

p. punjun goojht. h. fumbhdloo. (75) ARISTALOO- (84") cXJjl A-RUND. palma KHEEA. Long birth wort. chrifti. p. beed injeer. j6j\jj (85) Jjl ARUZ. Rice. (76) Ua^j( URMEENA. Sal ammo- be-renj. ^l^c'S ^' P« niac, p. novjjhddir, jC^\,t>y (86) — —


(8 6) yjj\ UR-ZEEZ. />. Tin. ^. buz-lrul bunj.

^5T1 (^•^^" (j^i^ (95) (^'--jjf UR-KAN. A fpecies of

h. raU'ga. v. hi-lis' a. re-jufs. privet,

(S7) loU^I UR-MAT. Name of a f^*^^ h. mhindee. v. ^. hennah. tba.

flower. (96) o'^tV^^ UR-DE-SHEERAN. ^"^^^Qj^J h. kew-feh kafhool. A tree refembling jafmine.

(88) ^Jl UR-KUT. The leopard. (97) ^^Lojl UR-BEE-YAN. A fnrimp.

^. pe-lung. LiXlb f^'ll] (^bjOj^^

(89) L_r Ls^l UR-MAK. Name of a h. jhingd, p. melekh de ry-d-i.

tree. (98) cjW^J^ UR-JAN. Wild almond.

^"^^^70=^ kew-reh kd gdtch. ^H^ITH^ITI L3^/'(^'^^

(90) Ij! UR-AK. a. A tree, of h.. Jungelee bd-dam. bd'ddjn kou-hee.

whofe roots are made tooth-picks. (99) UR-JOO-WaN. A I^^^Til ^ h. fe-loo kd gdtch, tree bearing a beautiful purple flower.

hotanddry, I.—/)r<3^. deobfbuent.^- ur-ghe-wdn. ^ grant. d. of the fruit i miflcal. / 7«. cold and dry.

^.9^; L^JJl/ (ioo)i^;^_j! UR-ME-NEEN. Wild MEE. An aromatic bark of a tree pomegranate. growing in Yemen. - (92)(^.,r^,I UR-DUM-ROO. , Sr* n. jungelee anar. a. kilkul. p. MEE. The anemone. dejhtee. V. dzree-yoon. KX^J^^ (-oOo^-k^lUR-SA-NEE-KGON. (93) URKUM. Afnake, black Yellow orpiment. and white, p. mar uhluck. ^Jp-j|jt« '^^'^^ '^Jj^jj (94) oj^k;' UR-MA-NEE- . _ h. hir-tdl. p. zir'ne'dh %ird, KOON. Henbane feed. (loa) ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

(102) oj^^'^^J^ UR-SE-KE- (113) bLyU^I US-TIR-KHA. Red LOON. The fame. orpiment. (103) (^Jjl 'r^R-ZUN. A kind of mil- h. mynful. p. zir-neikh foorkb. let. ^7{\ h. chey-ncu (114) OJ^^\ ISS-PUND. Seed of Gum maftich. (104) ^\J\ A-RAH. wild rue. v. hir-mul (J.^:^^ (105) aaJLc^jI UR-JEE-KE-NEH. (115) U^:Lja'>^l US-TEH KHURMA. A yellow grafs ufed in dying. Date ftone.

prop, when burnt, it is drawing and detergent.

h. as-pe-ruck. p. %e-reer. (116) ^J^I US-RUB. A Lead.

(106) ^\:^C^j\ IR-UD-FE-NA- (117) ^IcUJb^l IS-FEE-DAJ. White

NEE. V. Wild cucumber. lead. gvlU^l IS-FE-LUNJ. The (107) C^^i;' UR-NUB-BIR-REE. (118) The hare. d^/J=^ fhrub horfe tail, or goat's beard.

\ IS-FUNJ. Sponge. h. fujfci. p. khur-goojio. (119) (108) ^J^^^J\ UR-NUB BEH- REE. The fea hare, a poifonous fiHi, h. moowa bd-dul. p. abir-moordeh.

lead. refembling a fliell. (120) ^^-^1 IS-RINJ. Red

(109) IR-TEE. The white h. fe.lndur.

prop, drying, ch. a bright red, Juc. white lead, poplar. N. fepeld-dr. __;1<_Xaa>w ^UIa^^I IS-FA-NAJ. Spinu.age. (110) (^jylijl UR-GHA-MOO- (121)

NEE. A flower refembling the ane-

mone. h. fdg pd-luck, p. h-pd-ndj.

prop, cool and emollient, cor. pepper, fuc. (111) C,j^j\ UZ-WIRD. Thelote long cucumber ; and purflain.

tree. (122) ^U^cyj>^l US-WUD SA-LIKH.

(112) Loj^l US-MOO-SA. Wild A black fnake.


5Ly*fjt« plant, whofe root is very vifcous.

h. kdlla nag. p. mar fy-ah. WWt^^^

^123) cXaa>w J<.>jj I IS-FUND- \\. gd-hjsftr-eyfs . gee-dh Jlr-ty-Jhum»

SE-FEID. A fpecies of muftard-feed. (133) (j^sLX^I ISS-TUT-LUS.

JTi:^^ ^\

h. is'hund. p, tokhum fe-pen-ddn. (134) ^j*^jL>.jjyu^\ US-KOO-REE-

prop. anodyne. DOOS. Reiinet in general. (124) USSUD. The Hon. ^^-j ^ h.i^gdk p./ieer. yJ. ' v, un-fe-keh. p. pu-neer-mdyeh. (125) cX^^^>^! IS-THOOL- US-TIR-MA- An Indian root. KUND. ^^^g^ ^.^^ ^^^^ ISS-KUN-KOOR. (126) 35) ^,^1 USSUD UL URZ.

The fliink. chameleqn.

flT^Tllc^l e^^-^^^* c^^^-*^^ Tl^fJl^ ^^^Jijj^

h. r.^/ ;«^./r/3-/... relg mdhee, and p. >6/r-^^'. ^ p_ boo -ke-le-moon, v.

ne-heng dejh-tee. y. fe-kunkoor.jyXL^ The chymifts give this name alfo to quick-

, its fo forms, X ( (TO h/ta'ii u,t ^1 filver, on account of alTuming many (i 27)^l^wj I Ib-MAK. Myrtle.

. <^^IUS-TRUNG. Mandrake. « -.-^^^ , ON « TTo T^^r^ (137)^ ^'^ (128) (j^jO^^rk^l US-TOO-KOO- di DOOS. Stoechas. C^S^l^^^^^^ ^J/.-^ P-^^_7* v.-yeb-rooj. (129) US-YOGS. Fixt alkaline ^'"'"-^^^ fait. h. =^^^^q P- AS-PE-RUCK. Melilot. 03o)^^^^lISS-FiYOOS. Seed (138) ^1

of fleawort. (139) ^S-KEEL. Squill. (131) (j.^U>.l ISS-KA-KIS. Afpecies Jt^' psydz dejlotee. ^^Ji^CT^i^^ of millet. ^-^kdndd. (Uo) IS-FE REM. Myrtle. (132) o-y^^^ US-KCO-LOOS. A r/-' L (141) .


(.141) (:^jJjO^y US-KOO-LOO- V. fem-bel ut teib. v-^xLJI J<>>w

KOON-DIR-YOON. Spleenwoit. (151) jl^I ISS-KHA-REHw

(142) A-SA-ROON. Afara- ROOMEE. A thorny grafs.

baca. h. tuckir. ( i 52) C^^-^u^r ASS BIR-REE. Wild,

(143) ^^jy^'^ US-KOO-ROON. myrtle.

Ruft of iron. (153) L.^^ml&L..j^!USH.MOO-SA

and U3-MOO-SA, A fpecies of

' a. khubsU he-djed. p, r^'£';7? d-hun. meroiv.'

h. keeth. (154) Ux^U^U^;.! A-SHEYAF

(144) ^^aUlL^I IS-TUF-LEEN. MA-MY-SA. The juice of a fpecies

Garrot. of poppy.

p. zir-duck. ^^djj h. ga-jir. S\(p^ (155) OjIc^JU^l USH-NAZ DA--

(145) ^A^l^rsr'l^lcXsi^l IS-FEY- OUD. Dry hyffop; vide lijj %oofd. DEJ'L'JUSSA-SEEN. Shell lime. (1563 J^y^y USH-TUR-GHAR:

Camel's thiftle.

h. kuUee. p. d-huck fud-ef. (15;) ^^jJJCil ISH-TE~LA-YOO.S.

(146) ^^jcXaJL^I US4iEE-DOO- An aromatic bark..

LE-YOON. Winter cherrj. V. dar-Jhee-Jhlin. \^3t.!^iijJiij\(S

ISH-RASS. plant, of, (147) ^^y.! ASS-RAN. Milk curds. (158) A

is made a very ftrong glue. (148) aXL^j^i ASS-BIN-KEH. which


h.Jtr-eys. ^. Jlr-ey-Jhemi. ( I 49)5cxJLJC1| US-GUN-DEH^^-^Ijfl?,

An Indian plant. (159) u.2>^l ISH-KHEES. A fpe-

It.isheating, and ftimulant^ cies of mezereon.

US-RU-REH, Indian (160) USHUCK. Gum ammoniac.- (150) (J"*^'

' f|?ikenard. .


(168) V;^^^J^' USS'LU'LGHERBo.

bil Root of the mountain pine. p. fe-mugh te-rd-tees, and fe-mugh

qu. hot and dry 2. Jhe-reen. u^^lj^l USS'LU'L KUS-^ (i6i) ISH-KA-KUL. Wild (169) SEB. Root of the reed.. carrot. USH-KYL qu. hot and dry 2. (170) c:^_^c3J!J^i USSUL'Z'ZURT. GHESH UM. A fpecles of bramble. Roof of a fpecies of mulct. V. owfuj. p. beykfj jew- dr. (165) ^^U^l USH-NAN. Glaffwort. qu. cold and dry. prop, narcotic.

(171) ujUIAJI^-j'-^I A-SABA-UL- h. chook. & chu-buck fhow-yeh. p. FE-TE-YAT. Sweet bafil. ghd-ful,

qu. hot and dry T. />rij/> detergent and cauftic.

befl: grows at Bark near Cufah, and is of rA, the h. tuljee. p. ungoojht lun-ee-zuck-dn, a light green. half a direm. ror. poppy, fue. foap. (172) ^UJiyiJ^I USSUL'URRA-

(164) ^jU%^r ASHBUTCHE- ZEE-A-NUJ. Root of a fpecies ofanife.

GAN. Caftor.

(165) A^il USH-NEH. Mofs that h. fownf key jir. p. beykh ba-dy~dn»

erows in trees. (173) ^UUIJ^I USSULUL LOO-

FAH. Mandrake root.

h. cheree-ld. p. de-wa-leh. (174) ^jl^l J^f USSUL UL JE-

(166) Uo^^iJ^l USS'LUL HIN- WA-SHEER. Root of theopoponaxtree.

DU-BA. Root of fuccory. p. beykh gdzvjheer. yJi^^^:^.

(167) UU;j^ x)lc.UI USS'LUL UR- (175) USSUL ULKUB-IR. TE-NY-SA.. Root of arthenita, or Root of the caper bufli. J^"^ fowbread. p. bekyh koblr. f^l/^ (•76) U L F A Z U D W I Y E H.

US' SO-SUN UL UBYEEZ. Root (.76) ^UJ-I USSUL r MURR. of white lilv. D 4. r L . Koot or the mjrrh tree. ^.beykh fo-fun fe-feld. 0..}^^^.'^ ^. beykh miirr,

I hot and dry a. " ( 83) I J^l USSUL UL LOOF.

(177) jlljy^-'ljx^l USSUL UL Root of dragonwort.

LOWZULMUKR. Root of the beykh peel-goojh. (j^^^jCIaj^aj

bitter almond tree. ^'"^^ 3- 84)^^1 J^f USSUL UL A-SUF. ^^^^^1^©^^ ^r'^^^.^ ; T , r ;• 7/7 Root of the caper bufli 'i^zV^ No. 17 c. n. ke-ru-ey badam key Jir. ^. beykh ' US-TE-RUCK. Storax. bdidm ulkh. 0 85) ^"^ f'^^" (,78) ASA-BA-SIFR. A X'"

r oot. ^ > p. «/ ^ 1 ^ ^ 3 J^l USSUL U r TUM- It Is of a dark yellow colour, and accounted good in curing the bite of any animal. BOOL. Root of the betel plant.

(179) ^j^J^^jl^i ASA-BAHQOR. ^i^fe^

lio-lin-jen, beyUo MUS. Hermoda(£lyls. h. ^g. pan. .

^. foorinjdn. ^\:^jy^^ (187) JJLUJiJ^I USSUL UL FIL-

(180) y^^K^JlJw^l USSULUS'SOOS. FIL. Root of the long pepper fhrab.

Liquorice root. C188) J

. The neel tree bears a purgative berry, called (18;) ^j-iJlJ^f USSUL UL in Arabia m/«^.'/.

KEREFS. Parfleyroot. (189) ^IjJfJ^! USSUL UL RA- U^^j-^^ Root of elecampan e.

' (^-^'-^ J-^-^^^'Jg^-^ h. uj-mood-Key j'lr. p. beykh kerefs.

^- beykh :^unje-beeljhamee. (18^5) u4o^!^_^..JlJ.^I USSUL' MATERIA M E D I C A.

hot and dry, 2. (^l^xwiM(^^w^>jjJI(3-^t ^M. ^9/) C_5"|j^ (190) ^^J)^[LXiJ^^ USSUL FIN- uSSUL US SO-SUN UL ASSMAN Root of clnquefoll. TA-FE-LOON. iris. jqC-NEE . Root of

flK. hot and dry, 2. ^ ^ ( . , ' Ci98)^;-A^-'|J^IUSSUL'L'KHUN- (191) ^j^U^l IS-TE-FEEN. Carrot. SA. A glutinous root of a fpecies of (192) Ajujinj^l USSOCLULAR- grafs. p. ^(?yiy6 gee-hd. fe-rey-Jhum. BA-A. The four roots, viz. fuccory,

fennel, cap r, and tamarifk. ,

" (193) »UAjlj.^l U^b UJL KUbb- ^ I I t SUL'L'UN-JE-DAN-UL- KHORA-

AH. Parflty root. / SANEE. Root of a fpecies of thiftle. (194) c£j!cUJ!^jU1 ASA BA UL ' c^lu^l^f UZRASS^ UL GHE-ZA-REE. A fpecies of black

.... xi( KELB. Polypodf.^ grapes, ^citiflll ^jf^JJjf^^

j,'f jr., . (201)^ ioA^I UZMOOT. A kind of h. kd-lee dakh. p. uugoor xietoonee, ^ filbert. qu. hot and dry. (202)UA^LlUT-MEE-SA.Mug^^ort. (195) 0^dJU.fc>=l USSUL 'L' -^^^ E-TA-A. The white poplar. MAZ-RI-YOON. Mezereon root. (^°3)

beykh mujl-roo. '^^^^ p. JJ"^^'^^ ' ^

hot and dry, 3. (204) J^AJ ,L! IT-REE-FUL. Gene-

(196) \ i^jA USSUL ral name for myrobakns. NEE-LU-FIR HINDEE. Root of {zo^) ^y^j^\jo\ UT-RAF ZIE»

water lily. TOON. Olive branches.

^'^^R^jR'^ ^* konwul key j'lr. p. Jhdkh-ha zietoon. (^j^j^^\,^\JU

(S^^^jjh^^ p. beykh nee-'Iu-fir- (206) aj^,L1 UT-RY-LH. A kind of

hmdee, vermiceLi. ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

This appellation is given to the funflower^ the neelufir, and the chameleon. h. feen-wi-ey. p. hul-iva-'iy ri/hteh. (217) ^,^\ UF-SHU-REJ. Expreff- (207) aajJUUL! ut-bAulkel- ed juice. BEH. Sebeftens. Sc^^^if and sjUoc

(208) u^uIjULji uzfar ur p. uf-JJjoor-deh, and ujfd-reh. TEJB. Perfumed nails. (218) '^^j^ UFRE-HUNJ.

(209) ^^U^Jl^A^I AI-YUNUS The herb curfuta.

SERATEEN. Seed of agnus caftus. p. lu-Jhoos. ej^L/" ^Uil UF-KAR. vide 35. (219) Sneezewort.

(210) jKt\ UGBAR. A Collyrium. h. nuck chee-ke nee,

It is compofed of wormfeed, tutty, and-fagar (220) ^^^Vjil AFRUNJ-MISHK. candy. A fpecies of fv/eet bafi].- {2ii)ij^jKt\ A-GHEE-RIS. Walnut.

vide 46. h. iulfee. p. ha-lun-goo-ee-khoord. (212; A-GHEES. One of qu. hot and dry, 2. cor. violets, fuc. clovei. the many names for agnus caftus. (221) ^jj>^lil AFA-SOON. Oil of ^jJa^jt\ UGHER~SE-TIS. (213) radifh. A fpecies of thiftle.

V. feel. (Jv>wM^ p. heyd gee-d. UyOv-o h. - lee ka teil. p. roghen toorb. (214) AjOcI UGH-LEE-KEH. Syrup (222) ^y^Xi! AFLA-TOON. Gum of grapes, dates, &c. bdellium.

p. dujhdb. K^\AtjCi goo-g^l' p. mo-kuL JJU (215) (^^yt^l AGHA-LOO-CHEE. (223) E-FIR-BE-YOON. Lignum aloes. Euphorbium.

^31"^ h. ugir. p. oud. Cij£.

(216) c^^>^^JV^;:i^ af-tab pe- h. fe-hoond ka doodh. p. Jheer derukht

RUST. Worfhipper of the fun. zuckoom. V. Jir-ji-yoon.


It is the milky juice of a prickly plant, called ^. fe-lun-jeh. A-y*^ Zuckoom, &c. It is chiefly u'ed in perfumes. (224) i^aX;,^! ufsunteen. (230) (^-31.3 1- UF-IEY. Snake, in ge- Wormwood. neral. '^^^^ 'J til^ h. fdmp. p. mar. h. muf-ta-roo. hurunjd-fif kouhee. rp. , , , ^ j^Q(. and dry, 4. attenuant. ch. a

yM. hot and dry, 3. ^rsp. deobftruent and pur- female. d. of the flefh, three milkals. cor. gative, and deflroying worms. Teriac or Venice treacle.

(225) ^jAaS I UFYLOON. Mountain (231) U^U'I A-KA-KYA. Acacia, wormfeed. (252) U^l EKLEE-MYA. The

f^^^dj^jd p. dlr-me-neh kou-hee. drofs of gold or filver.

^226) q^^l UF-YOON. Opium. /r^/. drying, r^r. oil of almonds. ^y*^^^ UK-SOOS. A fmall ^ifj-j^ ^jX-^^j^ (233) ^ifcous berry. h. uf-eem, ^.Jheerkhujh kdjh.

^M. cold, 4. dry, 3. prop, narcotic and (234) lojj! U-KIT. Dried milk CUrds^ fedative. that which diflblves readily in water, qu. cold and dry. expofed to the lun. d. 1 he and melts when ^ , for outward application, twice weight of a pea ; (235) ^jl^j^S:::'! OKH-HYWAN. Ca- that quantity. cor. pepper, cinnamon, fagape- num, parfley feed, and caftor. Juc. three times momile flowers,

henbane feed, with one-third more 1 . . the weight, of t,j 1 <^ i ffauu, •U^sj^jb ^ , p. babooneb of the fruit of mandrake. ^ o ^ '

(227) o>r;^^^ AFTEEMOON. (236) AKOO- Dodder of thyme. YEELA-SEMOON-ROOMEE. Bal-

Gilead. ^^Tlf"5^ ^' ^^^f^ ^^y^' ^^"^ °^ roghen (228) «v.<^^' AFA-DY-AH. Heating ^. bulfdn. ^jLJj^ijj,

medicines, fuch as cloves, galatigal, (237) ^oJJ^^ A-'KA-ROON. Sweets

cinnamon, &c. flag.

(229) Asr^l IF-LUN-JEH. A feed, p. wuj.

refembling muftard, but of a fragrant (238) ^^J^Ji^l UKTIN YEME-

fmell. NEE. A fpecies of vetch. p. he-noO'mdJh<>. ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

p. U-noo-maJh. (ji^Uyj (250) eJllfJo^jS'I EKLEEL'UL ME-

(239) (^JUy i EKOO-MA-LEE. A LIC. Melilot.

mixture of honej and water. ^Tl"^^"^ Jjj y^^^^ tree. (240) ^lai I UK-TEE. The elder h. dj-pe-ruch p. gee-ah ky-fr, alfo ze-

(241) ^jjJUiojl UKTEnVlOO- reer. vide 141.

KEE. A kind of white thorn. (251) (^^^((J.JS'I EKLEELAH-

WUZ. Seed of an Indian plant. 5* ^jT*^^

h. deh-md-hd. p. hdd-d-wird. ^'RTl'^i^^'^liR u-tun-gunkay beedj.

(242) UK-IT-MUCKIT. (252) ukImoo-ye-zan.

The eagle ftone. A fpecies of pea.

(253) OJ^lj'-^ AKA-REE-KOON.

Stone the wild olive. h. kerun-jewd, p. kha-yeh eblees. of

Suppofed to aOlft women in labour. (254) A^^JU U-KEIL NEFSEH. (243) UKH-SHOOS. A fpe- Euphorbium.

cies of dodder. v. fir-fy-oon, O^fV^j^ (244) UK-UJ. The medlar. (255) ^^^l/l AKA-HOO-LEE. An

(245) IG-IR. Sweet-fcented flag. Indian plant* (246) UK-REFS. Parflej. ^^-^

V. kerefs. ^^y^^^ It is ufed in the cafe of the gonorrhoea.

(247) (j^jj^l UK- RU-FUS. Walnut. (256) UJI ULSA. A fpecies of

ip. jowz-roomee. f^^^jjj^ anifeed.

(248) (JTT AG. Name of a milky tree. (257) uJI IL-IB. Aloes; vide 34. J^J^ (^5^) A-LOOJ. Aplant, con- a. Jhejer ufiir. fidered as an antidote. eJJJ^yl UK-ROO-HUCK, (249) ^. gri^-rucL ^JJ^ Sarcocolla; wV^ No. (259) yoWMigUJI UL-SINETUL ASA- MATERIA ME DI C A.

ASA-FEER. Sparrow's tongue, a feed. (270) ^^^^^^Jl UL3EE. tj^it^

h.inderjoe. 2l. lijfdn us dfd-feer. ^. dhir. (271) f>^I AM-RA. [^Tl'^l An In-

^260) (j^U,l UL-MASS. Diamond. dian frviit, in fhape refembling the

h. hee-rd. p. mafs. ^J*X^ mangoe.

(261) (j>^xJtJI UL-BA-NEES. A (272) u^-aajJ^I AMUL BEYNP.

ppt-herb. ^qiTl^cii^ h.fdg chowlle. ^"jq^f^T) An Indian fruit. (262) L>J( ELIB-TOOT. A Ipe- (,73) ^fAM-LUJ. Emblic my- cies of creeper. robalans. .

, (262)/^* »yi UL-UT-ROOMEE. ^-r-r- , /z. i r

A fpecies of mint. ^. fecfubr. ^j.^^ ^^^^^ , UMROOD. Pear' (264) o^^' UL-A-NEE-YOON. Elecampane. (275) A-MOOS. BiOiop's (265) jJ\ UL-YOU. Adam's fig; weed, ammi. vide. 320. (276) (^i/ULx^l A-MAA ULURZ. (266) aJI UL-YE-Ah. Tail of the Earthworm. Perfian fheep.

^r^^'O*'^ ^C^.^ (^77) U-MA-SEEN. Juice grapes. \i. dumbeyh key poontch. ^. dumdumbeh. ^ ^M. hot and moift. /r^/. emollient. jS^Uj ll'^fTi'^lefl j jt^\

I E-LUK. The eagle. (267) ^ ^^j^p j^^y ghowrd ungoor,

p. Q-kdb. l_>Ulc ^ , ^ • , A-MA-MOON.. (278) ej^-*^'^ (268) .^^xLi'f A-LA-TEE-NEE. " * Amomum.

Fluellin. ; (279) ej^xifi UMGHEELAN.Thc. ^^-^ ' (269) E-LA-IY-CHEE. ^ ^ ^ ' gum-arabic tree. vide \. ^C^l Cardamum feed..


prop, aftringent., and drying, d. adlibitum. (292) ^J^^ UNGOOR. Grapes. cor. violets J-lX^: h. ddkfi. (280) UUloiuI UN-FE-TEE-NA. fy. (293) ^^-''1 UNJEER. Fig. Wild rofe. a. teen. ^^/J (281) I^a/^U! A-NAR-GEE-WA. (294) (j^Jjlr^l UN-BER-BA-REES. Poppy. Barberries. (282) UN-SA-SA. Raifins. (295) UN-JE-BAR Usr^l UN-JEY-SA. A fpecies \(283) J ' ^ ROOMEE. A plant growing on the

buglofs. V. Oounkdr. jSSXiu . , _ , of p. , , r ^ ° 1 ^ banks of the Euphrates, iiled in itop-

(284) IfCyij^ UN-KIR-DYA. Ana- ping hemorrhages.

cardium. (296) ^[Lj jOJ\ UNDRYO-TA-

(285) Uc^'I UN-OO-MY-A KIS. a fpecies of vetch.

Anemone. (297) ^^a^UI UNA-EEY-LUS. (286) Ujjkil UN-TOO-NY-A. Marjoram.

Endive. (298) JUjI UNFAK. Ohve oil.


SOWDA. Zedoary. vide. (299) L-T^-"! UNJERUCK. Marjoram.

(288) UNGOOR SHE-FA. (300)

A fpecies of nightfhade. A fpecies of grain refembling pear- feed

(289) UN-UB. The egg plant. (301) ^f A-NUK. Lead,

vide o;^^. (302) J^Pl UNJIL. Alarlh-mallows. (290) UNZEROOT. ^^jy\ ^^^^^ ^^^^^Jl UM-FU-KUN- Sarcocoila. kun-ju-deh. isi>s^^ p. -n r^r^^/i^ -c^ a r ^ c r 4. ^ ' ROOMEE. A Ipecies or role without

(291) UNJOOJ. Lignum fmell.

aloes. 216. i^Tl^^'^ »^'^.J^ h./ud- MATERIA MEDIC A.

h. fud-d goolab. p. gool pe-yd deh. in general. ^^^T^pi- (304) o^^^'^ A-NEE-SOON. h. chujldh. p. pi-neer-md-yeh, Anifeed. qu. hot and dry, 2. prop, attenuant and deob-

ftruent. ch. that which has been fqueezed quite

dry, cor. honey.

h. foivnf. p. rd-%y-a-neh r-oomee. (312) ^^^Ji\'S:^\ UN-FE KETUL UN-JU-DAN. The (305) o^^'' URNEB. Rennet of a hare.

afa foetid a plant.

p. pi-neer-md-yeh khurgoojh, h. hing kd rookh. p. dirukht un-goo-zeh. (313) ^yJVi±^''\ UNFE KETUL qu. hot and dry, 3. prop, deobftruent, attenu-

ant, and diaphoretic, ch. white, d. one direm. FERES. Rennet of a horfe.

cor. vinegar. Juc. the root thereof. (314) ^^VS.±^'\ UNFEKE- IN-DE-RA-YEN. (306) cj^'b^-^*' T'UL KHI-SHIF. Rennet of a male kid The fruit of the coloquintida ^ 5^")^! r| of a mountain-goat, that is a firftling.

plant, p. hunzil. ^JJd^ (315) UN-FE-KE-TUL (307) UNJUN. CoUy- II JE-MEL. Rennet of a camel. riuiii in general. (316) J^^liCrs^l UN-FE-KE- (308) o^J^^JJ^-*' UNDEROO- T'UL E-JIL. Rennet of a calf. KHU-RQON. A weed that grows (317) o^/^^-^Juf IN-KIT-REE- amonsfl: wheat and barley, the feed of YOON. Amber. which is red, and verj Litter. (318) ^>vs^! UN-GU-BEEN. Honey. (309) ;06\ INDIR-JOW. (319) UN-JE-REH. Nettle. Sparrow's tongue. A feed, vide 261.

^iC'-ii:s.J I (^L>aJ p. lijfan ul us-d-fser. h d- tun-gen* " p. guz-neh, (310) sdvArsPl UN-JEE-DEH.; Wild (320) ^^Jifi.<^J^'\ INJEER DESH- leek, TEE, Adam's fig. ^^^265.*"'*' (311) UN-FE-KEH. Rennet V. in- — —


V . tnjeer Adem. ^ ' (354) {^^aIvjI OW-KY-MUN. Wild

(32O UMBOOT'TR- fweet bafil.

RA-IY. A fpecies of Floule-leek. (335) OW-KE-TA.RI- (322) UMBOOTMUL- YOON. Hemp agrimony.

E-KEE. The amaranth. (336) (JUjjl OWR-MA-LEE.

(323) UN-KU MEH. The in- Juice refembling honey, obtained from

verted thorn. a certain tree, whofe name is not

(324) (^^jj^JUl UN-A-LEE- mentioned.

KEE-ROOMEE. Nettle. (337) ^JUjJjl OW-NOO-MA-LEE.

(325) ^aJI UMBLEE g^-^^ Ta- A mixture of honey and wine.

marind, p. temr hindee. (^CkX^ 'S p. JJoe rdb wu ajful.

(326) )0>Uj1 OW-MA-DA. Expreffed (338) c^_*>^IgA/l^l AH-LEE-LUJ

juice of wild cucumber. US-WUD. 'Black myrobalans.

(327) ^/^lOW-KUNJ. Sebeftens.

(328) cXxA^^l OWS-PEYD. A fpecies h. zun-gee hdr. p. he-lee-leh Jee-dhi.

dry /iru/i. of water lily. qu. cold I, 2. cathartic, ch. black.

d. of the fkins i or 2 direms ; in deco£lion 7 to (329) OW-ZIR. Water. 10 direms. cor. Iioney. fuc. chebulic myroba- lans. Tjl ^ h. pa-nee. a. mad. p. db. l^jI (339) ^iuol^Ax.ybl AH-LEE-LUJ (330) J^l OVVZ. Water-fowl, vide 6. ASFIR. Yellow myrobalans. (331) ^aJU^I OW-NA-NEES.

Pome2i'anate buds. h. hirtuckee. p. he-lee-leh zird. ^, Jhe-goo-feh d-nar. _^tljL\j^X3j qu. cold I, dry 2. prop, cholagoga and tonic.

0\V-SHA The marten, ch. plump. d. of the flcins as far as direms (332) 5 ; in decodlion from 7 to 20 direms. cor. fugar- or fable. p. fe-moor. jj^u^ candy or manna, with jujubes. (333) ^^j^aJUIc^jI OW-DA-SA (340; L>^aJ|JJ.^I AH-LAL ul

LI-YOON. Wild ParQey. KOUST. A fpecies of fweet bafil kerefs kou-hee. f^^jS^fj^jf p. (341) .


(341) Lli( A-HUCK- Lime. (347) Jul EE-YUL. The mountain

h. choo-nli. cow. ^. gau kou hee. i^^J^^^^ ^^>L)Lr^--^^/ (342) AH-LEE-LUJ (3^0) iY-KU-KAN. A fpe-

CA-BULEE. Chebulic mjrobalans. lypi^.

^^WfT. ^^^illxi^ ^^^.^^jI EER-SOON. Talc;

\\, limbe-d- her. p. he-lee- leh kelan. • , , I'Md" I 6

qu. cold and dry. jtra^ melanagoga. ch . large and plump, and that will fink in water. ^.510 (350) O^.' lY ROON. YelloW Or-

10 direms. cor. honev. fuc. black myrobalans. . • 1 • ' i ^ ' piment. gow-gird ztrd. I p. jj ' — ^ (343) lYR-SA. Root of blue iris. ' lY-P.UN. Milk curds. u r • u (35O^'^^ Oi'' hot and dry. prop, iiipj'urative, and dcob- y ftrtient. ch. black and hard, full of knots, and doivgh. C fragrant. J. 2 direms. cor. honev. ^ f ^35^) e>^U,l EY-KA-KEIN. Lig- (344) l^Jul EY-LEW-A.

AT, /• / - num aloes, p. ozvd. d Aloes. p. Jyb-v\ ,,>W3 ^ Jr

EER-KAN. fpecies (345) ^U.(IN GUR. Vermi- (353) O^/-' A of privet. .Wa. U lion. ^.fmn-glrf, ^ ^S^Ji^ p. C346) c^-cjj^cAjI IY-DA-ROO- (354) o_^oyj EER-Fl-YOON. The

AIEE. Dracron's blood. violet.

of l^>L) (355) ^C-b BA-KE-LA. A fpecies (357) B ^ J-R A. "^^^ A fpe-

bean. . ci^s of grain ufed for food,

cold and dry, 2. aftrlngent. (35S) I'o^iL) BANSA. ^ alfo A-

(356) BALA. -^l^ alfo KEN- RUSA. An Indian plant.

DUL. An odoriferous grafs. (359) PAD-RA. i:j)3^ alfo

is ufed for tents and doors in the hot feafon, It p^-DUL. T!]!^ Flower of an In- and being kept wet, the wind in palling through _ dian tree. is cooled from 1 20 to 76 degrees, It is ufed as a perfume. o (362) /


h. Z^/r-^-^-/,/. deer-zuci. N. htnneb. C361) c:^^jb BAR-DUST. Ebony. p. .J qu. hot -7, dry 2. ch. foft> and yellow, like Vide 12. u • /• honey; pungent. cor. gum ammoniac. ^^^^P^"""' C362) ^'c^b bAdNUJ. Cocoanut. ^. / (369) cWj/.vI^j PA-KHEN- (363) ->V>L. BABOONUJ. Camomile ^ ... ^ BHIED. Gentian, TflTJITirTI^I I i-t flower. ^

, ,„ /"b PAKIR Tn"g^r Indian . . , , (370)^-^ niT'i^ An hot and dry. /re/, attenuant, deobltruent, ' ^ J v and difcutient. ch. large yellow flower, d. a pu- fruit tree, gil. cor. oil rofes. milolet, or honey, or of Juc. , mugwort. (37O y^'->^. PAD-ZEHR. Bezoar.

^jj^cIyL. BAD-ROOJ. A fpecies (364) t^'^^'^-^^^: ^Jc^^

of fweet bafil. h. %ehr-moh-rir. p. pd-iy %ehr. 5^^P^fHlc^^ (^L.l^»^j' (372)^^bBA-B03-SlR. Adulterated

h. junglee tulfee. p. tur-eh khordJd?iee. camphor.

jM. hot and dry. prop, deobftruent, cordial, (373) y->*jL) BA-BE-SIR. Another ftyptic. ch. frefli and pungent. d. of the feed

2direms. Juc. tulfee. i^ame for fenna.

(365) BA-DA-WURD. (374) ^Jb BANS. ^^iJI Bamboo.

A prickly fhrub. p. ni-ee hin-dee. (^cX/Jb^i ^^c^ I^JIaJ^^ cold. ;r^^. emollient.

h.jowmvdfd z.Jhowkt ur-by-%d. (375) jb BA-ROOK. Ceruffe of

tin, or of lead. (366) Ojjb BA-RUD. Fixed alkali (376) U3b PA-LUCK. Spinnage. fait, natron, vide 129. vide 121.

" OJ/. ^Ijb BARA-HY- , / ^-^(367) ^ . >r (377) ^yL^I-^" BA-IYBERENG. KUND. "^l^^l^^ An Indian plant. ^ A grain refembling pepper. qu. hot and dry i. prop, drying. ch. frefh, ^"^y* white leaves, d. one direm and a half. for. worm- wood. fumitory. (^^g) BA-LUNG. A fpecies

(368) OJ^b BAR-ZUD. Galbanum. of citron, vide "j. (378) MATERIA ME Die A.

(579) LiCjjL, BAR-TUNG. Ribwort. (392) BA-KHEH. The tortoife.

(380) f-Iob BA-DAM. Almond. ^"^STI ^^j^X^

a. lowz. Jji h. kiitch-he-wa. ^.fungpufht.

(381) PAN. Betel leaf. (393) aJ^Lj EABOONEH. Camo-

mile flowers. p. birg tumbowL JjjJJ^Sy

(382) o*-^*^^ BAD-IN-JAN. The (394) ^k^X^L BA-KE-LA KIP- eggplant; %7l7] ^^i^l Egyptian lupin.

h. byn-gun and bdhn-td. (395) iSj^^^ BA-KE-LA MIS-

(3^S) B^-^N. The Perfian lilac. REE. The fame. (396)(^:i.Lj "^'TTl'^sR buck- dyin. BAJEE. Nitre, vide ^.

(384) BAR-IS-TAR- (397) c^jbtj BA-BA-REE.j5'. Black YOON. Vervain. pepper.

(3S5) o'^.^'^ ^^'^E)EE-YAN. /. Afpe- (398) ^^^b BaR-HEE, alfo NEER- cies of an ifeed. BISSEE. Zedoarj.^l1j'f^& ^^J^^ w.jedwar. (386) v'--* BAROO,'^;5;^aIfoBA-LOO,

^^Sand. p. r^jy^. LiXj^ a. reml. (399) BUB-GHA. a. A parrot.

(387) jj'b BA-TOO. A purgative feed. h. tow-td, and few-d. p. too-tee. (^isjia

V. dund.OJCi '^'J\']^'jf"lT^Jemdlgowta. (400) BA-BOOL. The gum ara-

bic tree. mug/jee/dn. (388) «v^=fL'^'-:' ^^E)-RUNJ-BOO- p. o^^^^^*^

YEH. A fpecies of fweet bafii. (401) 'jJ^.^.^ PIT-PAP-RA«

h. ram tulfee. ftjTl'^l'^Tl Fumitory.

Another Jhdhtereh. (389) yCUbBALUN-GOO-. p. ^y.^\Ju

name for the above. (402) Us^. PUT-JE-AY. TjTj^^j]

(390) iW^b BA-BOO-SEH. The An Indian tree.

bud of any tree. "^^l^h.. kown-pul. (403) 1^.^ BUT-HEW-A. ^jf^STI

(391) aXjLj BA-BU-LEH. Liquid Storax. Orach. (404) ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

(404) - 1;^^^ BE-JEW-RA. h. a. %dt u^-ze-ivdnib. ' v_-^*lj<3J (a Itji

3 Citron. -u/W^ ' (413) ^u.\s^y BIR-UN-JA-SIF.

(405) ^[^.z^ BUJ-JIR BHANG. Mugwort. i\-B^'^\lh.gund-mar.

Tobacco. V. tUmbd-COO. jAj^X'J <^k. yellow, cor. anifeed.

qu. hotanddry4- narcotic, and de- I BIR-KOOK. Aprlcot. (4 4) y -j^ ebftrucnt. cor. milk. In the appendix is an ac- v ^ count when this plant was brought into Hindoftan. T'!1^1 ^il ^jjU^**/,^

h. ^/joobd-nee. (406) BOOJM. Fruit of the ^, m'lfomljlo..

tamarifk. (415) j' BIR-WAK. The herb

TH^^i ^uy uy^juy afphodei. gee-a-Jir-eys. (j>.A^^blAi^ h. md-een p. guz-ma-%00. 2..fumrut

iil-turfeh. (416) ^^^'j BERUNJ-MISHK.

A fpecies of fweetbafil. cvV:'364&388. (407) ^ij^j^-^' BE-KnOOR MI-

RIEM. Sowbread. (417) Jv/ BIR-BAL. cl^'j!]^

N.frjejereh mirieuL ^jj^iy^'^ Coral. '^^'H cX^w.j (^l:^^^

(408) (^_^aJcXj BUD-LEE-YOON. tnoongd. a. b^^d. p. ^////yV//?. EIR-GIIOWL. Wheat fy. BdeUium. (418) Jjiy

^>lc^ h. goo-gul. J^A^ V. coarfjly ground. de-he-deb gundum. Od'-fn (409) ^_^ycAj PUD-LOON. Tj 13^71 ^. f Ck^^ d

Salt of bitumen. (419) Cj'y BIRTOOM. Dates

v/cU dried. p. nemiicli fee-yah. jsLy.w'>jX^*

Vmnnd-iy heeroon. (410) Ux^yBE-REH-TYA.71J^^(I^l P- ^_^y^^\^^ dfoBUDDES KUT-A-lY-^Pi-^sgl^ (420) P1R-SH00\I The reed.

An Indian pricklv (h ub. (421) BURUM. Buds of the g m '(411) J BURR. Wheat. arable tree. BURD-WU-SA- geeboon. ^. gundum. ^C^kS^ {\^^) f^/^jOy LAM. Ribwort. idde (41 2)^j BIR. An Itidiaii fruit-tree. 379.


^. weruck bartung. ^JJjIj^jj (430) U^IojjJj BUZIR KE-TOO-Na.

(423) BEER-SOON. Cotton. Setd of iica.wovt. p. uf-pe-gLooI.

j-^. cold and- moift. /rs^. difcutier^t. r;^. large, h. rew-e_y. p. pOOmheh. ' ' of a dark red, and that will fink in water, d. two

(^42.jvN PIR-SY-OVV- to three direms. cor. gum tragacanth. fuc. quince feed. SHAN. Maiden hair, UxJ[;jj BUZIR UL KIS-A. - (431) i:!^"^^ h. rq/ himfs. Seed of a fpecies of cucumber.. qu. hot and dry. ch. dark red ftalks with direms. violets, green leaves. «?. three to ten '^%^|'^"^tjR »JjU^>.sr' and root of liquorice h. kuckree key beej. p. tokhem khyar-%eh. (425) ^^by BIR-NAN. mC^"^ qu. cold and moifl. ch. large, and full. cor. A tree growing in Ajnaeer, ufed for oxymel. fuc. cucumber feed,

making rofaries. (432) bcXJL^Ijjj BUZIR UL HIN-

C426) j^l^O^t^^^ PIR-SHE-YAN DU-BA, Endive feed.

DA-R 00. A pot-herb, of a red colour. p. tokhem kdj- nee. ^^^wL/^rsr*

qu. cold, and dry. Juc. nightlhade, or ribwort. qu. temperate, ch. cultivated, frefh, and full.

^ . ^ d, two to three direms, fuc. oxymel. JijlX:-',^ BIR-UNJCABU- (427) ( ^' LiL^-'l^AJu;^ r ,v (433) BUZIR BUCK gram relembniig poppj. ^' LEE. A ^ ^ ^^-^-Tx LfTj. L^^T UL HUKE-MA.Purflain feed. Ajy^LjO^^-^dx"' h. bli-iy be-rung. p. berung. ^ Ti'^ff^

^M. hot and dry. ^ru/). aftringent, and h. looiiyll key beej. ' p. tokhem turucl^

m'tntic. ch. fmall, reddilli. d. three to ten direms

with new milk. cor. gum tragacanth. fuc. khsrefeh. '^"^'^"^ '"P"" (434: ^fo^Jb ^ BUZIR US SUD^ (4z83e^ciyBIR-DEE. The Egyptian . -> Al>. beedc . or^ rue. papyrus. "CjHlTI r . ^ ^-^ -iMi'v i . a a qu, hot and dry. c,^. blacK and large. one ^wo direms. h. put-ee-ra. p. /Z

(42 9)(^AAjlL^BIR-TE-NEY-KEE. (435) "-r^^^by BUZ-IR-UL RUN-

TKe {lower called cockfcomb. NEB Hemp feed. U L F A Z U DW I Y E H.

KlS^J^:^ RASS. p. tokhem gundna. UtAA/j,:^:-' 'fl'^sflyl bung. BUZ-IR-UL h. fun key beej. p. tokhem (442) ^\jj} BUNJ.

(436) u^VjdljjJ BUZ-IR-UL KIR- Black henbane-feed, vide \^.

NUB. Cabbao-e-feed. ^^^^^ aftringent, and ftvptic. d. one ^ ^ to two dangs. cor. honey. Juc. opium.

p. tolhem kullum. ^i/^:^-' ^^^^^^ gA/Udljj. BUZ-IR UL KAK- BUZR'US SHIB- (437) p^^j^ g^^^ ^1^^ Winter cherry. BET. Fennel feed. ^C^jjC^^^j^^^

h. few-ay key beej. \^T{ ^ ^^^j^^^^ u-rocfuck dlr plrdeh. I qu. hot and dry. frop emetic, d. two di- (444) BUZ-IR-UL RA-

rar. honey. ' rems. tvtt^t a r • r -r ^ ZI-YA-NEJ. A fpecies of anifeed. (438) BUZ-IR UL LUFT. ^ Turnip feed. ^ h. fownf. p. iokhem badyan. ^ r r (445) >iV^^J|jjj BUZ-IR-UL BE- qu. hot and moift. ch. large, and red. d. two ^ INIuik-melon feed. direms. cor. melon feed. TEEKH.

^c;,^^^/« (439) Ox.^ijCc^s^L^j BUZ-IR-UL p. ^jr^^'

ya. hot and moifi. *rf/>. -when dry it is emetic. T^rTVT xTTivT^r-v^orT-r. o 1 r 1 ^ ^ ^ FUNTUNGOOSHT. Seed of the , ... , a. two to nve direms. cor. honey.

agnus caftus. (^^^^ -j EUZ-IR UL IS- h.fumhhahohyhecj. ^^^^^^ Spimmge feed. W

.„ 0»Li.JI,t) BUZ-IR ULRE- ror. milk. (447)vt-r/y ,

SHAD. Seed of garden creffes. (440) O^^^ljjJ BUZ-IR-UL KE- SHOOS. Seed of the plant cufcute. ^^IR LJj.Ay»y^:s^

^Tl^f^"^'^lf^5^ ^im-er bey! key beej. h. he-lem. p. tokhem terreb tey-%uck. two direms. far. honey, /mit. endive feed. ^448) cWi-JljjJ BUZ-IR-UL KUS-

(441) LL'lydljjj BUZ-IR-UL KUR- UD. Cucumber feed. MATERIA M E D I C A.

C455) UL;j^ BUZ-IR'UL MUT.

h. kee ray key beej. p. tokem khya"' bdlung. Seed of Wild pomegranate,

BUZ-IR dnardaneh defhtee. (449) ^j^L^Jt' ul wurd. p. ^a^cSjUI Rofe feed. (456) BUZ-IR ULSIR-

prop, aflringent, and ftyptic. ch. that of the MUC. Seed of orach. Perfiaii rofe. d. 2 direms. cor. tragacanth.

(450) y^Jljjj BUZ IR UL US- h. but~hoo-d key beej. p. tokhem kit/. FIR. Seed of fafflower. (457) Ji^Jljjj BUZ-IR UL SULK.

Beet feed. h. kujoombh key beej. p. khuf-iick dlineh.

p. tokhem chukundir. _jcXxJt=a.^sr'' (451) Jbjj BUZ-BAS. M c?. (458) BU-ZAK. Saliva.

\i. jchj-itree. v. hif-bd-feh.

h. ra/, alfo Idr. p. ^ifZ"//. (452) ^^IjjjBUZ-IR-UL khuss. BUZRUC. Linfeed. Lettuce feed. (459)

p. tokhem kut-dn (^Uyj,:^^ 273. p. tokhem kd-hoo. ^^L5^:s:-'

^K. cold and dry. d. one to two direms. cor, and 467. maftich. (460) BUZ-IR ULFUJL. ^ju^^^j^ BUZ-M-BUL-A- (453^ Radifli feed. SE-KEES. Se.d of garden creffes.

vide 450. h. moolee key beej. p. tokhem toorb^ BUZ-IR-ULHU- (454) qu. hot and dry. prop, emetic, and ftimulent

d. two direms. cor. coriander feed. MAZ. Sorrel feed. (461) J^lo'-^b>' BUZ-IR UL

h. chewkd key beej. p. tokhem turjheh. LISSAN UL HExML. Seed of Rib-

qu. cold and dry. ch, of a reddifh brown, d. wort. (dX/J;b p. bartung. two direms. cor. parfley feed, and anifeed^


and dry. ch. of a reddifh brown. fu cold ^. ^^^/^^^^ muft-ru. 5 three direms. c:ir. honey. forrel feed. Juc. \ prop, emetic. (462) A^l.vj BUZ-IR-UL BUS- (469) AAioJIjy BUZ-IR ULRUT ^ SUL. p: tokbem py-dz. ^Uj,::^:'* ^ ^ •"•T BEH. Seed of an odoriferous grafs. qu. hot and dry. d. two direms. P'^^'^^^^^^^^- c^>-x^l^' (463) f^'^by BUZ-IR UL ffK. hot and moift. ch. yellow, fuc. turnio^ KHOOMKHOOxM. Seed of wild fe/d.

pomegranate. v/V*? 458. (4-0; &ij^\jy BUZ-IR UL KIR-

(464) o^^by BUZ-IR-UL KU- FEH. Put (lain feed.

TAN. Linfeed. vide 4^2. ^Tl'^^l^lfiyi

(465) cK^^by BUZ-IR-UL-NA- h. loony -an key beej. tokhetn tu-rucL

MAN. Seed of mother of thjme» ?« cold, 3. d in acute fevers, an infufion of

.. five duxms, csr. fugar candy. y«r. feed of fleawort. ^ ^

- 5^Ji,y BUZ-IR UL HEE- 1 ; . ; . . , (4/-) h. btrnan key beej. p. tokbemfee-fumber. ^ ->

,. WEH. Seed of mallows. , ^, , , , CD. black, d. three direms. cor. gum traga- canth. /«f.linfeed. toodree. ^J'^y (466) BUZ-IR ULHUL- ^^J^l^}\Jy ^^^^^ ^j-^'^\jy BUZ-IR ULUNJE-

YOON. ^gttle feed.

h. p. lokbem mdr-choxvbeh. ^^.^^^^^^ p^

qu. hot and moift. ^. two direms. cor. honey. j^^^ ^^j^ ^ ^j^^j ^j^^^^ (467) ^^.^^jWjyi BUZ-IR ULRY- rems. feed of creffes.

HAN. Sweet bafil feed. (.j.;3) ^JlI^JI^^XJl^jj BUZ-IR B03TANEE. H^l^lf)^^^ h. tulfee key beej. UL KEREF3 UL

qu. hot. /)ra/>. aftringent d. one mifkal with Garden parfley feed. Vide 38.

cold water, or rofe water. cor. fweet marjoram. 1 ^ | ^^^^(474) , ^^Us-'l )U cC j*-^^' »^ BUZ- (468) ^jij^at-y BUZ-IR ULMAZ- -^^ •

J; . , IR UL KHUBAZE; and BUZ-IR UL RI-YOOiN. Mezereon leed. KHir- MATERIA ME Die A.

KHITMEE. Mallows, and marfli- p. koonder. ^o\a/^

mallows feed, vide 471. (4^2) (^^j^^^Iaaajs^kj BUS-TEE-TAJ.

Jttc. cucumber feed. ROOMEE. A fmall Creeping plant. BUZ-IR UL (475) (Sj^^^^J'^jy J^l^h, goohhroo. ^. khuf-uch RU-MANULBIR-REE. Seed of wild (^^^<^^^ BUSFA-IJ. Poljpody, pomegranate. 't'm^ \i. khunzdlee. BUZ-IR (4-6) ^U;..aJI^j^IjJj (,,84.) BU-SUD. ^. Corak vide UL JUZR'JLBOSTANEE. Garden ^ly,

carrot feed. (^85) BU-SUR. Unripe dates-.

^n5R3:^^Tl ^jJ(*^ (486) J^yl^lX^^j BOSTAN UF^

gh-j'tr key bee}, p. toJihem zirducL rqZE. The plant cockfcomb.

and ^?^;yTn , o^j^ ^< . (477) C^y.Jlj-^-'ljyjj-f BUZ-IR UL , . ^^.^ ^j: h. je-td-dah-ree, zndi kulga. y. t-aj khe- TUZR'IL BIR-REE. Seed of wild *^ ,^ roos.

cold and dry. /r^/. aftringent. that

'^^ '"^^ has been dried in the lhade. d. two to four p. tokhem gUZ-ir ferd-iy. direms, or of the feed one mifkal. cor. frank- (478) ^^^^cXAsr|j^ BUZ-IR UL incenfe. /wr. forrel. HUND-KOW-KEE. Seed of th^ (487) eXl^U;.-^. PISTAN SUG. p.

lote tree. Sebeftens.

Juc. tares. t^P^l ^(^'kfoo^^l' Y.fepijidn. (^IajjjwAjjw (479) (^^j^lJUJiy^jj:) BUZ-IR (488) j^^-^j PISTJOW. Barley

UL RAZEE- A-NEJ UL ROOMEE. meal. ^. drud j w. J-^^J^

Anifeed. p. aneefoon. I (489) A^^U^^j BUS-BA-SEH. Mace.

(480) L;:>^jPISTA. fXi-^Tn Piftachio vide j^k^\.

nut. 2..fif-tuc. ^A^^i (490) ij^^ BUSH BUSH. Leaves

(481) BIS-TUJ. a. Frankincenfe. of the coloquintida p^ant. (491) ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

(491) ^J:a^ BUSH-TURUGH. (500) but. /. Coofe

Melilot. v/'de 2SO. h. hmifs. p. ia'z. JiH

(492) u^oJIJ^A^ BUSSUL UZ' (50 1 )^L2jBOOTM.The turpentine tree.

ZEEB. A fpecies of wild onion. (502) ^^J^aLj BE-TEEKH ZIC-

V. bulboos. KEE. Water-melon.

(493) jv^'j*^ BU-SAK-UL T^i^^Tj Ajf^jJJi

moon ll:one. Selenites. KUMR. The h. iurboo%<' p. hindu-ci-neh,

V. a. hejr ul klimr, qu. cold- and moift. r/;. fweet and juicy.

(494) ^UUIJ^ BUSSUL^UL-FAR. (503) BAR Globular dung of animals, Squills. Wt/i? 139.

^V^'^'^-mig-nee, pi/hkel. ^^Skj (495) ij^':^J^\S^ BUSSUL-UL- p '^^'^^ cataplafms. NUR JIS. Root of the narciffus. f'^'^' "^''^ BUCK. Gnat. hot and dry. d. two mifkals for an emetic. (5^4)

h. (496) ^^Uv BUSAK. Saliva. "^I"^!^ p. pu/h-eb. ^JUy

BUCKIR. Ox, bull, or COW. u ^ -a c u (505) ^M. hot and moilt. /)ro/>. luppurative andAAdeob- ftruent. J;, farting. jU^ Ja^^JI BUSSUL-UL- (497) h_ ^y^^^ ^^^y^ p^^^'^, UNSUL. Squill. -u/V^ 139. (^06) U:;sr^lAJUu BUCKLUT'UL' Onion. (498) BUSSUL. HU-ME-KA. Purflain. pee-aj. p.pee-ya%, JLo ^1j;{t\ ^^J^n^i^ "^jy */-sid. difcutient ^M. hot and dry. and attenuant. ^ 1 • rj

ch. white. a. 01 the leed two direms. cor. y J &> r

vinegar. qu. cold and moift. prop, narcotic, ch. broad

I'-'^^y- BE-TEEKH. Muik . (499) ^ fcoy) I ,£j5:JliLUj BUCKLUTUL ZEH- melon. l^ra^: /^JJ »Jj^ '^^^ 1. z^.- A ' AA- ^ / khir-boo'z.a. kbir-boozeh. h. p. ^ f5oS) c-^^JliOJCj BUCKLUT UZ- ^M. hot and moilt. prop,^ itimulant,a- ^ . diuretic,A- VP-',

detergent: the fldn is emetic. and 2UB. A fpecies of fweet bafll.



(5°9) ct^^JIaA^ BUCKLUTUL' (520) ^_^^BUCKUS. The box tree. UD-US. Calamint. (52 1) BUCK-BIR. Caffia fiftularis.

po-wd-mh birree. p. C^aJOjj p. khydr chember. ^jj^^Ui. (5,c) ^lUiJlAU, BUCKLUT (-5,,) BUCKA-YIN. -^^T),-^ UL KHE-Ta'-TEEF. Celadine. The Perfian IHac. (jr.) ^IaLv BUCKLUTUL (^,3) j^^^j^ PALASSPAPRA. MELIC. Fumitory. tj^^^^Xn-T^q:! Seed of a,i Indian tree, (5,.) Jl^ia.v BUCKLUT UL ,,x\.i}eldh.vide s^^. GHEZAL. Dittany. ^^^^^j^^^ ^^^.^ XI (ci JC^jUJUIXj BUCKLUT i 2) ^ ^ i '^^•^^ • r ^ (5 24) J^'- BE-LEY-LUJ. Belleric FARISTUM. Balm. , V myrobalans. bddrunj bu-yeh. dj p. yf^jCA^ ^ , , , ' ' be-bey-ra. be-ky-leh,dXjXy XjT'^O p. ' '* UiL)T/ A>u-L.L^iaJCj BUCKLUT ^. ^•^ .. ^ . cold. ;)r5/. altringent, attenuant, and UL KHORASANYEH. Sorrel. yellow, and ripe. ^. one to three direms. cor. honfy. fuc. emblic myrobalans. (515) i^p^V&Xxj^ BUCKLUT'UL' ^^"^"J" ^""P^ UT-Ru' JY.EH. Balm. ^^^-'^^ '^'^'ll^^i>< U^^t^^: (516) .OjUJUJUL, BUCKLUTUL / \\. kutchee kehioor, V). ^hoivreh .^^^ -r ^ khurmd. BA-RE-DEH. Ivy. ^ ^ yi/. cold and dry.

p. lubldb. L_)J1>J , / ' BE-LA-DUR. Anacar- ^(526) (517) AAA* oJUiiu BUCKLUT 'UZ' dium. T-rlNri^k h. beh-ld-wa, ZEH-BI-YEH. Spiiinage. vide i^i. qu. hot and dry prop, cephalic, ch. black, , I 4. (518) ^j^XVSX'Ju BUCLUT UL thick, and full of ji/ice. d. one and a half direms.

/ cor. fefami. oil. and aUJIaJJu BUCK MOBARIC, , ** ' ,. fez?) ryA^ BU-LUS. White fi^.^ LUT UL' LI-YE-NEH. Arabic •

^- - names for Purflain. • >• (528) ULFAZ UDWTYEH.

(]52 8)^>XjPELASS."T]^'1'^ Ail Indiaa ant, and deobftment. d. half a direm. cor. landcl wood. Jiic. olive oil, and caffia lignia. tree. r*|^ h. v. dhdk. p. peleh dXi (529) c^-^,-^^. PUNJUN- (529) BELOOT. Acorn. agnus caftus tree. . GOOSHT. The qu. cold and dry. prop, aflringertt, and ftyptic. h.fumbJmko. (530) ^j^!Ly.BELOOT UL URZ.

^ , , , , -f-- (540) BEHUSSEI. Violet. Oemaiider. ^. kema-dry-oon. t^j jC:>\X C -l^?! ^' (531) eTUlLyi. BELOOT UL ME- ^^UNJ. Black henbane feed. Lie The Oak. ^^"^^^ /;cX^ BUNDOOK. Filbert. < J |. (542)^ ^. Jhab beloot. Id^AjsI^;! C/'

(532) a2.^^;jl. BE-LUNG. ^5 PUNJEH MIRIEM. MISHK. A fpecies of fweet bafil. 43) ^j^^^ Sowbread. h. hhthdjooree, r533) o-^A-' BUL-BOOS. A fpecies

r .,1 . i^j- PENTAFELOON, of wild onion. (544)xo-rt-y ej^^^''-^^ ^inquefoil. (534) J-.BAYL. f^^ An Indian BUN. Coffee. £^uit. ^545) ^ Jokhem keweh. hotanddry. aftringent. fweet. ^. "^J^^^ BUNS-LOW- (535) J^:!.o"^e PELASSPILPIL. (546) (^c^j-*^-*^:'

Tj^l-^-q^Tj^ An Indian tree. CHUN. ^^^^^IR Sugar of bamboo.

(536) JjXj PULWUL. T,^'^^ An p. tuh-JJoeer, ^^UL BUN-GEY-HOON. Indian pulle. (54?) O^^^-^O-^:*

BULSUN. A fpecies of ^[i^fll^l Wild wheat. (537) U^^'^-^:'

vetch. (54B) ^JIcAAj-PlND-A-LOO.-tj^^

Indian efculent root. "Jllp^ h. mujoor. p. (j>vcX^ An

(538) BU-LE-Sx4n. The (549)a^^^BUN-TOO-MEH. Afpe-

balfam. Tree of Egypt. cies of dodder. ^^^^^T^ h. dkdfs beyL DA-NEH. ju. hot and dry. /rc/.. of the balfain, attenu- (SS^^) ^'l<^^<"*^. PUMBEH Cot- MATERIA MEDIC A.

Garden Cotton feed. fij^c^^l h. be-now-ld. (559) ^uO^. POWDENEH.

(551) c^Oj^iJiJcXJu BUNDOOK mint. HINDEE. An Lidian nut. (560) ^J^jhjjj BOOREFi URME-

h. rccthd. NY. Borax, vide 554.

qu. hot and dry. d. twenty mifkals of the oil. (561) J^:»BOVv^L. Vvmt.Jhd/heh DESHTliE. (552) i^^^^ SUNJ (562) c^o;^jjO(jXjj POSH DER-

The thoi n apple. BENDEE. A plant growing in Der-

bend, which the natives bruife, and SEER. Mullein. (553) ,A^^ BOW form into little bougies, and ufe as an BOORUC. Borax. (5 54) (JJJ^ eye-falve.

J POW-EY. nq^l A plant, 43 (563) tifikdr. boor h.. fow-hd-gd. ^. v. eh. which has tendrils like the vine, and

qu, hot and dry. prop, detergent, cauftic, and bjars a fruit rcfembling fox's grapes. emetic, ch. white, from Armenia, d. in clyf-

ters, from one to two direms. cor. gum arabic. (564) ^j^^ji BOWL-SIR-EE. Juc. bitter fait. ©Tlc^TlI^T Indian tree, whofe (555) BOOM. The owl. fruit is a remedy for the toothach. h. u-loo.

The flower has a pungency, which is incrcafed (556) ^\CK^J^ BOO-ZY-DAN. A by being dried.

thick, white root, about four inches (565) Ljx^ BE-HEY-RA, -j^^

long.. Belleric myrobalan.

qu. hot and dry. prop, attenuant. ch. thick, (566) PHULSA.. -q^jiSKI white, and ftriped. d. one to two direms. rar honey. An Indian fruit. 7)^^^iijj BOO-KE-LEE-MOON. (55 (567) ^I^^ BEH-RA-MUJ. Afpe^ The chameleon, vide 136. cies of willow,

^.^jPOOPOO- p. The lap- (558) p. held mujhk. 03j^.^

wing, z. hud-hud. Cs^O^ (568) cVj^L'ly BEHAR UMROOD.


Vezrhloffoms. p. goo/ umrood.Cijj^\jy (^^y^) BEID INJEER. The prop, cephalic. palma cnrilh. viae 04. (569) ,:07r^_, BHOWT-PUTTER. , v y J ^ (579)^10 PEE-YAR -tj^ni: Anln- The bark of a tree, which is dian acid fruit, the feed of which is ufed in Cafhmeer for writing, inftead called choroivngee. of paper. BEIR. A fpecies of ^ . (580) v^j OJL. BHANG. A fpe- . (570) ^71 , ^ plum. p. konar. jOS" cies of hemp. qu. cold and dry. The leaves are narcotic and aphrodlfiac. (581) j^^j^ PEEPLAMOOL. ''' and A ^ (57OJ KJi-i'-<'7Ar* BEHRAM, j^^ 1^ -^3 ^^^^ the long ' ,and BEHR-MAN. p. Seed of baftard ' " pepper bufh. faiFron.

^ ' PHO-KIR-MOOL. . (572) . ^ J^X.. ^ ^ ^ ^' quonce root, vide iso. An Indian root. '^"^i^TIc^ (5^^} (jiuAj BEESH. A poifonous

' root, brought from Lnina. It is fomewhat like a carrot, but is hard,

crooked, rough, and pungent. There are two (^^>^2>o general, (^5 84} BYZ. Eggin p. fpecies, white, and red. Both are deobftruent and /'a'nzvar. h. 2inJa\ J-| alfo accounted reftorative. ^« jy\.=^^±:' ^ PEE PUL. Long (574) Ajjl^ BEHAR BEH. Quince (585) J^aj t'^Jt'c^ pepper. blolToms. p. goo/ db-ee. , A Sr^* It is alfo one of the names of the banyan tree. trcp. chephalict ^ , ^ ^ ^ ' ' 'v Ci86) Aaj bail. fT|~5 All Iiidmn PHIT-KERRY. (575) C5/V. . _ fruit, containing m a hard iheil a pulp ^lu"^- fimb yemenee. T^l"%;

dry p. kay%-rdn. ^\jjKi^ 3. PEETUL. Brafs. (577. ^J>^/ BEER-ZUD. Galbanum. (5^7) J^V^ ifl-R^ p. berunj. ^ ~> lirirfl h. blr-ee-ja,


(588) ^JUj. PEELOO. -q"^ The (591) (^^^r^^:* BEYKH CHOO-

toothpick tree. viJe 90. CHEE. The leech root. Dried milk (589) PEENOO. h. choochee hyjir,^^i

curds. Y. keroot. ^a-.^ t^.'-O ^ • ? 7 • -V jownk key jir. , rll W^i^

. J:^OaJLX;^BEHKSHANEH • (590)\.J7 r . . r , C It IS fo called, becaule the fruit of this plant DESHTEE. Root of the comb tree. ftkks like a leech.

(592) UJU- TAMBA Hl^^ Copper. (598) aT^x^ TIBN MUCKEH.

Camel's hay. vic/e p. mifs. 63.

The flower (593) j^'-^" TA-MIR. (599) ^^XJ TIT-REEK. TiTJ^^^

of forrel. Sumach.

VJ^I^J^ (600) ^i;:.- TUTLEE. ^-prr^

h. chookci key phool. p. gool hum-d%. The leech plant, vide 592.

(594) J^-|J-TAM-BOOL. Betel leaf. (601) ^* TUKH. Sefame. Seed, aftei

the been expreffed. "Cjl"?] &Tn'^'^C^ Jj^'"^'^-^

h. pan, and nag-beyl. p. /^/rg- tumbowl. TJ;^ h. ^^^Z'Zif/. p. gun-jd-reh. s^il-gr^

(595) ^^U* TEBA-SHEER. Sugar (602) TOKHEM. Seed, in

of Bamboo. 546. general. Gffj^ h./^.?^'. a. buzir.

(596) TIBR. Gold. (603) ^jcJu- TE-ZURJ. Pheafant.

h..fownd. p. s/r, and JH? p. teedero. j^Ou

(597) TIB-KAN. Any thorn. (604) J^^J.y TRI-PHE-LA. ^l!?^^]

^271 k^n-td. p. ^^y^ar. General name for three kinds of myro-

ba- '


balans. vide 204. HIHYEH. A bezoer floiie, which is

/ r (605) \Ckk^o^\J} TIR-AB-SYDA. found in the corner of the eye of a

Sidonian earth. mountain ox.

(606) \j^y TRI-MEE-RA. f^Tl^H (614) TERIAC. Treacle. An-

A purgative feed. tidotes of every kind againfl poifons.

(607) TOORB. p. Radifh. p. pdd-zehcr. fO'^^l -^j^] h. moolee. (615) ^j^^jj TERIAC TOOR- (608) Ouy TURBID. Turbith root. KEE. Murnniy. v. ?woo-;7Zi?^-j//.(^Ly«^

ft^^-^T^ h. and ^^Tfq7|;[; (616) TREHUIEE.

ndgputter. White kuth.

ch. China. prop, purgative, "^"Ji:^^'^,^ v. kath jcfeid.

(609) TUR-MISS. Egyptian (617; TU-RAB-UL-KIE.

lupin. , The emetic earth, arfenick. vide 613. e53l^JI*^ly TU-RAB-UL- (610) (6 1 8) ^v^^^i^' TUSH MEEZUJ. A Arfenic. HALICK. ^ojl^l^ll^ black (hinino- feed, refemblincr that of

h.fumbool-khdr. i.fum-ul-fdr.j\i}\^ o,mr,ct. ^-T^-n h. chdkfoo. (6,0 TUREN-JEE-BEEN. ^

Afpecies of manna, colleded at Khore- hot and dry.

fan. from a thorny plant, called ^/6ar (619) TUEFAH. Apple.

[hooter. p feeb.

/.r^/. mild purgative. refembling man- ( 6 2 : ) \^Ji I^Uj* TUFFAH UL . na, and which is brought from Nifhapoor. d from feven to thirty direms. rsr. tamarinds. URZ. Camomile flowerS.

y. bd-booneb. vide ^6 (612) io^^y^^-^^JiJ^lj^ TERIAC ROWSTYAN. Garlic. (621) cj^l^Uu" TUFFAIiUL GIN. mandrake. (613) AA>.:s:-'ljlj^j" TERIAC UL Fruit of the (622) MATERIA M E D I C A.

(622^ C^^^Uu-TUFFAHBIR-REE. (633) ^Uij' TINCAR. Tincal.

Medlar. v. za-roor. jj h. fo-hd gd. '^'^'Jp (623) ^^jl^Uu- TUFFAH URME^ (634) ^ TUN. ^ h flower,

NEE. Apricot, v. khoobdnee. ^Jbj.^ ufed for dying yellow.


Peach. V. fiuft-a-loo. yUJui- HEDEED. Drofs of iron. t^. cherk

h. lo-hdy kd-keet. (625) O^J^ TE-GURG. Hailftone. ^^^"-^J^

h.owla. ^. jhdleh. ^^^^1. ^^Jc^t,^y TOO-TEE-A (626) Jy TIL. Sefame feed. C^sO ZIRD. The Bafrah ftone. i'. N I .. ^TTr oT^T^ JCX (627) TULSEE. Hlc3^Hl . P' ^^"-^ Sweet balil. C^^^- ^M. cold I, dry 2. /irs/). drying ulcers, p. bddrunj boo yah. aj aas:-^ jt^vlj ^ ,^ ^ ^ ^.5^ • (637) TOON. 73 Flowers of TILLEE. The (628) -pffl^f the agnus caftus tree.

orfpleen. fe-poorz. milt, ^. Jy^ (638) L^y TOOT. Mulberry. ^U^ TIM-SAH. Aligator. (629) (^^^^ ^^_^_^u:.y TOOT WUSHEE. h. mugur-mutcL nchung, TlTl^T^^ p. Blackberry, v. dleek. JJU: 'and toot

feh gooL TEMR. Date. (63-) y ^(^^^^ iSj^j-^ TOWDREE. Seed

•0^^ h. kehjoor. p. khurmd. X^j^. of mallows.

^ra/>. deobftruent, and detergent. eh. yellow* qu. hot and moift. prop, detergent, and redora- half ^ mifkal.

tive. fuc, raifins. ^ , ^ (64i)/^Jjv TU-RI-EY. An ^ ' "^^^ (63!) ^ TUMTUM. Sumach. ^ ^ Indian pot-herb.

^ (642^ CCyuV TOOMBREE.^-^rf ^ ni«snvi (6:12) c^O^j^- TEMR HINDEE. ^ ^ Two fpecies of gourd, one fweet, and

, . Tamarind. vide q2c. , , ^ the other bitter, S (643) ULFAZ UnWIYEH.

Qe^S) (^y^yVEE^.F'ig. ip.mjeer,j<^l (644) TEINDOO,

prop, detergent, and fuppurative. Fruit of the ebony tree.

fpecies of melon, very delicious. (645) Ui^li' SA-FEESA. ^. Gum

of wild rue. ^* kutch-e-ree, p. dujl-um-hoo-

/ra^. cauftic. yeh. <3lj *>.A>lMgti SA-LIS-KEES. Ba- (646) ^j^^yoCJU' (5^1) ^ SULJ. Snow, bylonian creffes. ^- "'Tlc^SI P- ^^^'f- V. herfbahike. (6^2) ^J^^^ SULJ CHEENEE. dugs of (647) C^^' SUD-EE. The china fnow, a foft white flone, ufed as

any animal. p. pijlati. (^Uwj.j ^ coUyrium.

"Z^z;^ cJjGOchee, and qu- coid and dry. prep, detergent, d. 2 dangs, ^ fuc.fur. crab'srrah's eyesrvrs. ju-jeeya,

^ Garlic. '''^ SOOM. (6,48) SALEB. Fox. and b. cof^^lT ^I^^t ,^ ^ ' ' ^ ^K. hot and dry, 4. /frj/>. attenuant. ch.z,large



^655) L-jI:^ CHAP, ^"j"^ An Indian opopanax. gaw/heer. jkL^^

^"'^ ^* deobfhuent, attenu- fruit tree ant, diaphoretic, and difcutient. ch. faffron ^ of a colour, eafily diffolving in water. When ^6 56) -A>i;.^U^ JA-WE-SFIEER. Gum fiefh J


frefh taken from the tree it is white, but after- (665) ^-Cs. JUBN. Cheefe,

wards changes to yellow ; the folution refembles puneer. milk. d. half a direm. Ju'^. of fagapenum, twice P* CHIT-CHE-RA. ^ (666)

A . , (657) ^^IjU JJAR-UL-NEHR. ^, , K J . _ jf- ^ inverted thorn. water plant, n. feluck ul md. sS^^/'tX^ , , . /-i 1 <^ Tp. khar-zvaz-gooneh. ajjJ_j]jj\j:L It refembles the nelujir, and appears juft above ^ the furface of the water. (^6;) IcXi^sf^ CHE-CHEEN-DA. I r _ (658) f^j^^ JA-WERS. A fpecies T%i^3~| A long kind of cucumber,

of millet. (668) ^Ijc)^ JUD-WAR. Zedoary.

jM. cold and dry. /r(7/i. aftringent. r«r. oil of vide 398. fweet almonds. qu. hot and dry, 3. prop, an antidote agalnft

poifons. r/?-. China, which after in wa- (659) (j^^>^l2». JASUS. A fpecies of ' ter, is of a violet colour, d. half a direm to half

white poppy. p. khujh-kdjh zub- a mifkal. cor. coriander feed. Juc, of zecumbad, three times the quantity. e-dee. C^cXjj^jiils:^ (669)c^O.:^ JUD-EE. A kid.-^^qiTI (660) JA-I-PHUL rmW, , , , , , h. hulwan. ^. buz-ghaleh. AJLcyJ Nutmeo;. p. jowz bew-a. \ 4j (670) ^Ul^^-.^ JIR-JER-UL- ' (66 0 (^L^ JAMUM, lill^-J^ and ^ ^, ^ I I ^ MA A. A fpecies of rparfley, o;rowino;d !Ov;JL^. PHELINDA. j Ih5S^51 . .in marfhy places. Names of an Indian fruit, refembling , , (671) L^l JE-RA-SY-A. Cherry, ->*^ black grapes; it has a large ftone. dloo-bd-loo. aJUaJT ^p. qu. dry. prop, altnngent. (67^) CHE-RAY-TA. (662) ^^^1^ CHkK-SU. ^-^^ The wormfeed plant. Ablack feed, refembling that of quincef "^T^W^ ^ereereh. (663) A^^l:^ JA-ME-SEH. A fpecies ^^^P^ JIRTOOT. The wild of lupin. (673) ^»

'^^"^^ (664) (^Jl:^ JA-LEE. The tooth- P^^^^' B^^* JEREES. The eeL piick tree. h. peeloo. (674) ^..^ C675) ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

(675) Ci\j^ JE-RAD. Locuft. of tin. p. roub tootya. ^^^h.tiddee. \.mul-uck. ^ (684) ^..^^ JUSSMEE. A thorny qu. hot and dry, prop, fudorific. 2. pjant. ^''^'^^ ^*

(676) JE-RAD-UL- ^^j^ ^^y:^,^. eC^_^U.

BEHR. The fea locuft ; a fhrimp. it bears a prickly fruit, of a triangular form.

^'Til h. jheenga. p. mul-uck de-ree- (685) jJotiu JOA-DEH. A fpecies

h'iy, ^^\^jCi'^^ of wormfeed. (677) y^f- JIRJEER. The herb (686) jOj.J^ CHOGHUNDElJ. p. rocket. Beet root. a. fe-luck.

(678) JIR-JIR- A fpecies of (687) k^lt^jc^ JIST-UL-BE-

bean. p. ba-ke-ld, J^L) LOOT. The outfide Ikin of an acorn.

(679) (^^fr CHEROWNJEE. (688) JEF-REE. The; enve- ^^"1^5^ A fmall grain, refembling lope of the bud of a female palm tree,

pepper. ^. nuckel khqjeh. j<^;JJu (689) tXUjiN JE-LEIiD. Ice.

(680) ^j^j^ JUZ-MA-ZUJ. Fruit h. pd-ld. ^. berf, of the tamrilk. (690) JILD. Skin, leather.

and dry, I. y«. hot =^1^^] h. r/j«;«ri. p. /o/?. ^^^^

(68 l)jjia.jUZ-IR.Carrot.Tn5=|5^h.^iZ/'- /,r^/). healings andftyptic. ch. the fkin of a

. / , ... (— . fucking animal. v. p. gu%-ir.jCsJ and zirduc^.^ Csjj jUl:^ JULNAR. Flowers , ^ ,. ^ (691) • /)ri3^. deoMtruent. 2 dircms. y«f. turnips. v ^

^^^^ ^^^^'''^'^ ^^^^ pomegranate tree. (682) ujj^ JUZ-IR BIRREE, &

'^"^.^ ''^^ f°P\ ^^^ringent. ^. Perfian TUZ-IR AKT.EETEE. . •^ Sr^ ' V * or Egyptian, d. l to 2 direms. cor. tragacanth.

with oil of almonds. Wild carrot. \ . Jlc-lya-kul. JjU.i.

p. 2.;>.//^r^ dcjhlcr. ^^^.luC^^C^jJ (692) (^Xsr*^ JUL-JE-LAN. Dri»

coriander fced^ (^68 3) C^^:^JUST 5^"^ 71 A fpecies ed MATERIA A^EDIC^.

p. k'lpnee khujh. KiSJi^y^Ji^ (704) (^L^rs^ JUM/VN. A wood, the out-

(693) JUL-NUS-REEN. fide of which is black, and the infide of a

The rofe of Jericho, or dogrofc. - piftachio green. \, jeeldaroo. jjIcXIass.

prop- it deflroys worms in the p. IVUrd-cheenee, (^^^LK:^Cijj inteflines. JUM-EEREH. (694) ^Aqz-^^JU-LENGE-BEEN. (705) »_;^-«-v> An

I^^^iian h. Conferve of rofes, mads \yith honey. fhrub. "^R^TIO bhungrd. (7^^) JUM-ED CHE- ^. goolkund ajjuke. ^^J^^h^ C^^^^v=^

NEE. Native alkahne fait, vide (695) »Jya.==. CHILGHOZA. p. UUl^ JIN-TYA-NA, Pine kernels. =8:^3^1^711. chll-go-jd. C7^7)

(696) ^u.UJU CHIL-PA-SEH. A Li- Gentian, v'lde ^']2.

^^^^ ^'^'^ deobflruent, and zard. f^'^^-iC^i ch'ip-kul-ee,

ui r J A/r J- „ Indian flower tree, biiie crem, round near Medina.

'^^^^ Inebriating. i>ro^. cures palpitation of the heart, and fainthi-. P^^P-

(699) cX^:^ JUMED. a. Ice. njidc 691 . (709) ^^cAajO.^^ JUNDBEYDUS^ TER. Caftor. '^C^ h. pd-ld, p. yekh. i^-

(700) ^1^ JUMAR, The pith of a ^. goond-bey-dupen jZnO^^^oJJ^

^"'^ /'^^/*- ^"enuant, and dia- palm tree. p. puneer Burma. U vvaj 3- ' y ' phoretlc. d. one quarter of a direm to one (701) jJ^f'^ JUMEEZ. Adam's fig. direm. /ar. fweet flag. CHUNDUN. vide 268. p, in/'eer adam. f<^r^A:sr',i (7^°) O^-^^ ^Sj'g'i^ flmdel wood, (.702) JUMEL. A cameL White

fundulfefeid, cXaa>*j - h.oonie p. Jhoofer. j:,^ p. JcX^

(:703) rj^-r^ JUM-US-FERIM, (7^0 !^J.^> JOWZ BEWA

Nutmeg. -u/Vi? 660.. A fpecies of fvveet bafil. .

T (712); »

U L F A Z U D W I Y E H.

(712) u-A,yiJj=^ JOWZUTTEIB. prop, emetic. d. one to two direms, in para- lytic complaints. Juc. wliite hellebore. The fame as the above.

(713) JOWZULMUK- J -^J^ A faponaceous nut. ..J 1 reetha. «^ , UJ. Winter cherry. 1 • o;^*.^ , . (722) , , , 'J,y- JOWZHIND. Cocoa- V. hub kak-nej. ^ b ^z:^ ^

- U .'i. (714) ^l^/L:^:. JEWA-KHAR. I ^ ^^T"^^ Native alkahne fait. CHEW-LIE. , . (723) c^iU:^^ =B^)£

IndiaH • ^11 pot-hcrb. X . -r-rr , ^ ^ (715) jj^ JOWZ. Walnut. 46. Cr^*) CHE-HUR. Sp;ken.ud. (7,6)^'^ CHOCK. Sorrel.

* ^ 'Z-'^'^''? 726. hum-az., p. Vj^l^ , (7^5) J,HA-0U. 113 Tama. C7.7) JJUJj:.JOWZ mAsSEL. ^^^^ tree, vide 26. ^, , , 1 / , The thorn apple. "^TlTl dbe-toora. ' (726) , _^jUU^ JEHTE-MAN- , , ^ ... -/ • gooz gee-ab. ^\^j>j^ Sr^ : Spikenard, cold and dry 4. /r.^ narcotic. ^. one i^ilTliqiH] carat. «r. cotton. ^, femhd Ut teib. c^aLJ I J.aa>>. (7i8)^yL)^ JOWZULSIROE. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ CHEEN-TA. =^^H1 Fruit of the cyprefs tree. ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^.^ ^^^..^ ^^^^

^M. hot and dry prop, ftyptic. d. one . 3. , ^ CaultlC. Jhee-te-ruj. ^^b^ direm to half a miflcal. cor. honey. /«^. pome- p.

^""'''P''^'- JY-PAL. ^"^-Tqi^ / / (728)

(710) JEWN-WA-SA , • r J ^' ^^ ^ • A purgative leed. A thorny plant, of which ^^^UJf they make purdehs. ^^^^^ j^IoJU^ JEEL-DA-ROO. (720) Jiydij^ jowzuLKOW

SUL. The phyfic nut. '^^^.^ (^730) CHEE-DEH. ^^3:

h. myn-phuL p. jowz ul k'le. ^aJU^:!^. The lefler pine. a. fenohir fegkdr.


(73^} Lilies*. HASFIA. Thyme. /'-s/- ciiaphoretic, and provocative, r^. large, green, frefii.

rrL:^^ HAT. thorny plant, / C722) The , ^ ^Ul/^ HUBEK~UL-MA. , , / . from which is collected the fpecies of Water mint, ^.powd^ieh dbee.^^\dJ(^ *j -^•* ' teruniebeen. .. manna, called vide 6i i. , , . v^ajJIl-^^ HUB~UZ-ZU- (740) ' >il^ HAFIR. Hoof of any anl- ^^•^•^^->^ BEEB. Grape flone. mal. -[^^ h. /'/./^r. p. „:xw^_ ,,,,,, j .

prep, drying.

Berry, feed. (735) HUB. "^^^^l^? h. kulthee,

^J\\v.beej, '^;^phul.^.ddneh.A^\C^ (742) ^U..^;J|J>^ HUBUKUL*

and /oi/^m. TIMSAH. Water mint v'tdey^g- ^ ; ^Xi:.-^:^ HUBHUNKILA. (736) ^^^^^ cV^^-JI^ HUB-UL-YE- refembling black pepper; but A grain HOOD.Winter cherry, kdhnuj.

which withinfide is white and fweet. HUB-ULUR-UR., . (744) ^3^1^:^ V. hub fumneh. iXA^^j^ ' 4^25. ^ Juniper^ berries. ^7^7) 1.3 ..J Ux-. HUBBUT-UL- • y * jU^^^Il^::^ HUB SENO- (745)w-^jy ^ . SOWDA. Black feed. jj—

- . BIR SEGHAR. Fruit of the lelTcr ^. . , , , "^^^^T^i^^kerownjee. ^. Jy-d dd-neh. ^ pine. ^^ITj^ii^fl^h. jundeh key beej,

P- ^^^-^^^ ;^i-sou;.jjJ(J (738) I Iaa^ HUBBUT-UL- KHUZRA. Fruit of theturpentine (746) HUB UL U3FER.

faillowcr. itree. Seed of U L FA Z U DW r YEH.

(747) .A>JlL-'0:k HUBUCK-UL- ^M. cold and moift.

(748) ^jy^l^^ HUB-UL-KHIR- (755) ^LX^JIl^^ HUB-US-SU-

WA. Seed of the palma chrifti. LATEEN. A purgative feed.

%5^3^^^ (^r^ndi key beej. Ti?nc^>]Zr- jemdlgo-LVtd.

p. tokhem beid injeer, ^s:-'l<_X>j^»csr' p. doond, OJ<^

prop, difcutient and emollient and taken inter- ; (7 ^ 6) ^^LJLJIl^-^ HU-BUL BUli- nally to carry off redundant humours, and for '/ cleanfing the blood, d. five to ten feeds, peeled. SAN. Carpobalfam.

(749) HUB-UCK. Mint. ^. tokhem bulfdn. ^^l^Aj^riP'

/r^/. attenuant, and cardiac detergent, d.twa p. powdcneh. aJ<^4.j ; direms.

, C750) OVi'^^ HUBULMU- , ^ ' (757) ^LJUIl^ HUBULKOTEN. LOOK. A purgative feed. Cotton feed. J^7pj"|^ h. beynowla.: p, mahooddnth. ^ p. fumbehdaneh. «3uI(3aajL» AaJUI^-. HUB-UL-NEIL. (75:) , ^'^ ^ ^" ^ ' (758) oM'^^ HUB-UL^BAN. A purgative feed. Ben nuts.

yM. hot and dry. ^ft. large, fragrant, d. \ twa (752) JJUUlv-^ HUB-UL-KILKIL. direms. >. caffia lignea.

Seed of wild pomegranate. (759) HUBBEH. A red feed,

"^^^ ^ by jewellers, p. iokhem dndr dejhtee. ^;j^C,J^\ ^'^^S^^ rutty. ^.foorkh. (753) J^'^'^^ HUBULUSSOL. Xi^"^^ (/^o) HUBBUCK-UR- Tannariili berries. p.^«^.;;2^2;«f/^L_r3Uj/' (^sIjJIJa^ I^IEY. Magwort. (754) HUB US SU- 73. (^U..^l^ HUB SEJIS- FIR JUL. Qiiince feed. (761) TANEE. Cardamums. ftiT»f^.tiJ^ h. ^./... ^.r

,\ei-~da^,s/K ^JlC^A^ {762) ^L^^ HUB-UCK NUB:


Garden mint. (772) fOvJlj:^ HEJRUL DUxM

p. powdeneh bojianee. ^jLaw^jaj(3j.j Bloodflone. V. Jhddenej. ^CAiit

• (763) c^yC^jA^ HUBUCK SUCK- (773) ;xaJI^^^-HEJR UL KUMR.

REE, and (^'U^JT^A-. HUBUCK The moon flone; vide 493.

KERMz^NEE. Two names for fweet ^^iT^hlrl ^* chanderklint.

bafil. (774) ^ALUliLr^^^ HEJR UL

(764) (^JL.rj<.J>j^ HUBUCK MICKNATEES. The loadftone.

KHORASANEE. Sorrel. ^%]'P^c|^"T[]'^,^ h. chumiick ^uthur.

(765) L^.^.JL3i=- HEJR UL YE- p. Jung ahun-fio-bci. Ljj^jJ^ri^iXIwj

SHEB. Jafper. qu. hot and dry. ch. of a dark red, and that attraflsiron ftrongly. d. half amilkal toonedirem. ^. fung yejhem. ' ^J^'^dX^tM (775) 0^,jCJIj^=^ HEJR UL KIRK. (766) l^^jXj:^^ IIEJR-UL-BE- A white flone, found on the banks of HUT. The ei2,le Czone. vide No. 242. the Indus. (767) HEJRULUF- (776) ^l^yi^^ HEJR UL RU- ROOJ. riimice ftone. KAM. White marble. (768) cy^^JI^^^ HEJR UL YE- (777) ^y-^j^^j?^ HEJRULZIE- HOOD. Jew's ilone, refembling an TOON. The olive ftone; another

1 <^ olive, p. fiif^-g jchoodan. ^^:i^^

(771) ^^JUck:- h:^jr ulnesr. The Coptic ftone ; a kind of fuller's

The eagle ftone. vide 24.2. earth. U (780) ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

(780) f^^X^Jj^ HEJR URME- (790) ^iH-. HU3-UCK. A fmall

NEE. Bole armenee. creeping plant.

cold and dry, r. pnp. detergent, and Jeobi- V. ^// Urmenee. , JL^I Jk/ ftruent. d. two dlrems. Jiic. ftiepherd's (taff. prop, purgative, d. half a direm to one mifkal.

tor. wailiing it. (790 H ESHEESEI (;8i) c^^^s^ HEJRBEH-REE. BUZIR-UL-KE-TOC-NA. Leaves

Coral, vide 417. of fleawort. p. birg biingoo. jS^^'^S'^ •

(782"* '^<-y^^ FlUD-UJ. Diied colbqum- cold and moift.

tida. y^.hun%il khoojhk. ^^Sji^^y^^ (79^) ^'^^'lt^V^ ™SHEESH-- UZ ZU-JAJ. A water plant. (783) cXjJ^ HE-DEED. Iron. ab-geenah. aAxXSI^U/'' h. lowhd. p. a-hun. cj^r P'

-'J. ^'T. /-A repellent. ^. of the (784) .-.jUI^ HIR-A-SHA . V/ ls_5c ^ juice ten direms., ROOMEE. Wildmuaard. (^.^3) JlJ^l^^iux^ HESHEESH

h.yV;;^/cf^ I ;7>. UL TE-HAU Leaves of fpleenwort.

p. khirdul bir-ee. ^^j^C.^ ^/,/, p. Jwr... j^l^^Jj , ^ai^^^ HERF-UL-MAA. (785) (^^^) ^jl^f^^^ HESHESH: kind of water creffes. A . KHORASANEE. Wormfeed. 78 HIR-SHUF. Arti- ( 6) . p. dcrmeneh kbardjlmee ^}\^\j<.i^jCsK choke, v.kungir. ^CS^ (795)^^-^^ HUSSRiM. Unripe HERF. SQedofgardea (787) . gr^pe?, w?;^ . ^1,^3-)^ h. kutchee ddkh,

crefles., p^, ghowrah ungeer. \ j tsjjS- :

p. toihsm turreh teyzuck. i^X^Aj's^J^Csr* prop. - aftringent. cor. anifeed and honey. fuc, lemon juice. r788) HERMUL.. Seed of (796)^^ HU-ZEEZ. Juice of iji- 1 wild rue. vide 1 4* cum. ;[^'q71 h. re-fowt. p. hu-lul.^yX^ (789) Jo:y^ HIRJUL. Afpeciesof prop, difcutient, fomewhat aftringent, and locuft without wings., " ^^yptic, eh, that of Mecca. MATERIA MEDIC/».

(797) 4-A>^A-. HULBEEB. A fpecies EEE. Garden forrel. vi^/e 813.

of hermodaayis. (806) j^Yl^^i;^ HUxVIZ-UL-A

V. foGrstijdn h'lndec. (^C>S^ MEER. A fmall creeping plant.

(798) c^>v;:U. HILTEET. Alafoetida. (807) HIM-IS. A kind of pulfe.

vide 305. Ii. che-nd. p. ndkhood. Cijrk?

(799) o*>^=^ HULZCON. Conch (808) HIAIIZ. a. GlafiVort.

{heW. 'p\X^^^-/unl/j. p.fimj.^ vide 16 2.

prop, drying, (809 ^j^diS^ HUMR-UL' URZ. (800) Jod^ HULBEH. Fenugreek. Earth-worm. p. i/j'erdUcn. (j^AdIjL "^"^ h. moohtee. v.Jhimlet. i—XaI^ (810) Jc?- HEML. Aram-. qu. hot and dry. prop. fuppuraUve, and emol-

lient, d. two direms; in clyfters twenty and ^l"!!^ ^'^^'^fd. p. bir eh 3 ,J direm?. cor. oil of bitter gourd, ftic. Lnfeed. ^ (8ii) r-L?^ HU-MAM. A pi-eon. (Soi) UL?- HO-MA-MA, Amomum. ^ "'"^ ^' ^^^^^^^^'-y^-^ V. m,b!ooj. ^^JL^U P-

/r^)^ deobilruent, and detergent, r^. Armenian, I 2) (^'IXw^J^L^ HUMAZ BOS-

of a bright yellow, and fragrant. ^. two direms. -p^^EE. Garden forrel. W^8o6.

v^-j^l^j^-L^ HUMAZ QL . , (§02) ^ , ' cbooka. p. toorjheemick. URNEB. Dodder. V. ^j;;^. (803) j,y^l^l^HUMAZ-UL.UT. (3,3) ^C^OI^HY-mIr AHLEE. " RET. Citron iuiceo, ^ The common als.

tfK. cold and dry. . cor. poppy juice,^. Cue. lemon juice. (814) HYMAR WEH-

(804) ^Jlyj^l?" HUMAZ UL BUG- SHEE. The onager, or wild afs.

KIR. Wood forrel. '^p^^^^ p. gowr khur. j^jf'

h. amrool. p. humdz birree. (S>-^\J^^ (^^5 Us*. HINNA. The Ihrub Cyprus,

(805) (Sjf^y^ HUMAZ NEH ufed in dying, f^ij^^ h. w/V/^-Jtr, - ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

prop, aftringent. d. for the cholic half a miflcal (819) (jy^-^ HUNDKOKEE. a. millals of of the leaves ; and as a cephalic two lotus. the feed. cor. liquorice and tragacanth. The fliiub

pro^. attenuant, and diaphoretic. d. two di- (8 1 6) ^.^iJc^U-. KINNA-EY KO- rems. cor. endive. REISH. Mofs that erows on ftones. (820) HOOT. a. Fifh.

V hu%a'z US'r' fuckh er. j:^— \j \y. HHCC^T h. mutchlee. v. a. fum-uck.

(817 J^LiAc:^ HUNZIL. Coloquhitlda. p. nidhee. (^'-^

vide 306. p. khirboozd telkh. i^^-6yij^ (821) (^_^1^-.HE-\VA-REE. Wheat,

flower. h. myda. p. arud qu. hot 3, dry 2. prop, purgative, and deob- ftruent. ch. frefli, yellow, ripe. d. of the frfit gundum. ^(.Xx/c^l

from a carat to a direm ; of the feed half a direm ; or of the juice one dang and a half. cor. traga- (822) ^btJI^-. HY-UL-ALUM. canth, or maltich. Juc. wild rue, Houfeleek. (818) aW.-. HINTEH. Wheat. (823) HI-YEH. Afnake. "^^q h. gee-boon. gundum. ^CkjS' p. h.fdmp, and nag. p. mar.


(824) v^JcXJl^Ji/UUw KHA-MA-LA- NEMR. a poifonous plant: a fpecies

UNECK'UZ-ZEEB. Wolf's bane. of mezereon.

(825) ^JlJCJIJJl^ KHANECK UL (828, L^l^JljiU. KHaNECK-UL-

KELB, Dog's bane, a poifonous plant. ME-LIC. Gall apple.

mahee. ^I'^iC^l ^' koo-che-ld. p. feloos p. fa-dd-ive-rdn. ^M^^^^JU (829; ^loi'UUl^ KHA-Mr\-AKTEE.

(826) u;;>i^jjl:<.KHAR-POOSHT.The Danev\ort. porcupme.^'^h./y-bee.v.ktirfuz.CKkAs (8^0' cXjcXsr^l^/.<^ KOOBS-UL-

(827) JU. KHANEK 'UN' HE-DEED. " Drofs of iron. MATERIA MEDIC A.

^* keet. reem khlrbuc fefeid. Ck/Jl^^^ ^l^^j'^'L- hi^hahy ^. p. V r/ri. hot and dry 3. pi-op. emetic. ch. whitt?, brittle, and pungent. half a dirern. cor. (831) KHUBZ. Bread. Vije 27. mafHch. y«r. mix vomica.

KHIRBOOZ. grafs, (832) KHOOBS-UL- (839) ^J^^.)^:^ A

NOHASS. Drols of copper. wfed for dying yellow, p. fup-uc.-^ys>^

\\. tambah key keet. (840) ^^^-i. KHlRWx\. The palina

chrifli plant, vide 84. p. reem mifs. (j^-*^^-^J

/>rs/>. aftringent, crying, qu. hot and dry 3. (84 I ) KHIRFA. Fruit of the eaullic. ^ -^^ _ .Ag tree, vide 248. (833) u^t^^J!^^<. KHOOBSUL

RESAS3. Drofs of tin. (842) Ji^^ KHIRFUC. Seed of p. reem kullie. ^^Xj^j^

wild rue. vide i i 4. qu. cold and dry.

KHIRCHUNG. /». (834) A^J!o.A<.KHOOBS-UL-FIZ- (843) eJd^^^

crab. EH. Drofs of filver. Sea ^* keynkerd.

jS//;?;" plilyeh. b^^- p. cherk nokera. s^XjO^^a. p. KHIRDUL. Muflard. (835) (Sj^ KHEBBAZEE. a (844) Jc:^^ Mallows, vide 865. ^5 h. r/>j|/.

/r(?/. heating, promoting digeftion, deobftrucnt. (836) U^KHURMA^ Dates. 630. (845) (^ALy. KHERA-TEEN. (837) KHIRBUC US- Earthworm, vide 2y6. WUD. Black hellebore. keynchewd. i) /ro/. promoting the growth of flefh in a wound. qu. hot and dry 3. ^rsj;). purgative. a', half a dircm. ^ijr. oil of almonds, or tragacanth. (846) KHERU-HEEN. A

(838) ^^jIJv/^ KHIRBUC ABI- leech. joownk. ^. zeloo.j^C^

YUZ. White hellebore. Purflain. (8 4 7; ^KHURFA. vide 43 3. X ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

^' ^^^^y^' fifted wheat flower. ^771 h. d-td.

(848) KHIR-ZEREH. '^858)y6»^ii^\^ii,<^ KHUSHUB-USH- » ^

Rhododaphne. SHOONEEZ. The black feed plant. KHIRNOOB (849) (859) ^Li:^ KHUSHKaSH. Pop- SHAMEE. A fpecies of bean. Carobs. -q^-^^ p^ji^ kooknhr . JXS\/

cold and dry. aftringent. five ^. ^g^^^ U^KHUSYET-US'- to ten direms. juc. acorns. ^ ' •

(850) KHIRNOOB SALEB. Satyrion. NUBTEE Carobs moift- /ro/. provocative, d. one to two mifkals. cor. inyrobalans. qu. cold and dry. prop, aftringent. d. 3 direms.

• • (^^i) u^jJIax^^. KHUSYET-UL- ro ^ r ruTD^inoP • (851) (^yo^^yj^ KHIRNOOB ^ ^ KELB. root refembllng fatyrion. T^/TTOT^T-*^ -ru r r .1 A ^ MISREE. The fruit of the acorus

(862)^ ^UA>e:<. KHUSYET-UL- ^ thorn. ,

^ ^ . . . . T^TTTD TVT/^y-kr) BEHR . Caftor. vide 164. (852) (^OvA^L-^j^Ci* KHIRNOOB ^^^^^ a,^^ KHUSYEH. Temde. HINDEe'.' Caffia fiftularis. vide 521.

h, peyhlir. ^. khd-ych. ^A<. (853) KHIRDUL KHUZLaF. The FARSEE. Seed of wild rue. w/^f 114. (^64) ^^^^

Bdellium tree. (854) KHUSS. Lettuce.

qu. cold and moift. prop, narcotic, d. two (S65) KHITMEE. Marfh mifkals. ror. parfley. /m^. endive. mallo\vs.

KHUSROO-DA- . . ,,10*,>^ , C%rA „. , V. J -> / prop, emollient, and fuppurative. ch. that which

bears a whheiiower. y«.. mallows. ROO. Ganagal. -U/W^ 878. (866) KHE-FnSH. A bat. .(^56) ^Jlo\Xl^<. KHUSUC-DANEH. h- chimgeedlr, ^.Jhub- -Seed of fafflower. 3|"P>fi^^ ^IjCi^ KHOOSHKAR. Un- p^rrek. lJ^^ MATERIA MEDICA.

(867) OJcL KHULID. A mulk rat. direms. valerian. KHOWKH. Peach. ^"^^^^ri chuck^choondree. (^70 Jhooft-d-loo. ^UXi, ^. moofi khoor. JJ^iJ^J"^ ^.

^o'-'-^'^ing the bile. (868) KHE-LAK. The willow. ^'^P- C^77) KHOWKH AK-RA. p. Jerukttteid 0.,,^jC.

qu. cold and dry, prop, drying ch. growing Indian leaf. V . fddlj hindee ^iyX^-^(:s\^

d. of the 1 near a fpring of water, juice twenty . , milkals. (878) 0^^=^ KHOW..UN-JAN.

(369) KHULL. Vinegar. Galangal. h. koolinjdn.

^. feerkeh. aJ^^ (879) sUA^l^zk KHOW-JEH GEE-

/rs;). attenuant. cor. fugar, and oil of almonds. ^H. An Indian fhrub. b'^^-f^'

Unripe dates. (87°) ™ELAL. (880) ^,a;1^jU:L KHY-A'RSHEM-

(871) KHUMR. Grape wine. BIR, and^:^jlA::L KHY-A'R

CHUMBIR. Caffia fiftularis. Jl^^iq^h. dakhkamudh. ^. Jherdb

ungocree. C^jjJ^I^jU:, ^TI^rHfl ^' amul-tdfs.

. purgina; bile. ch. Indian, black, full , , ,-17 -n I trop. of OH. hot and dry 3. *ra/>. cordial. 72 millcals. rr,i- i-i y- n- grains, perfectly ripe, and with a thin Ikin. d.

five to fifteen direms. ror. oil of almonds, and (872) v^yCL KHUM-EER . Leaven. anifeed, with an infufion of tamarinds. Juc. p. khlim-ecr ina-y:h. ^^jV^jK,^ manna, with raifins, and turbith root.

(873) KHUMR ' UL-HY- (88 i) KHY-AR. Cucumber.

MAR. A kind of foap adies. Tfff^l h. kee-rd.

hdd-rung. Oo^it^b ^-^h.fijee. ^.ufh-kdr. P-

tfM. cold and moift. ^« \ I . t^tttA n/fATWT »-r-i ,1 ^ (874) The elder (882) ob'r^ KYZ-RAN. Rattan. tree.

^ ' (875) / Ja:^ KHUNSA. Afphodel. ^ "* - ^M, hot and dry. prop, expelling gravel, d.

qu, cold and dry. prop, detergent, d. five di- two direms, cor. hempagrimony. Juc. bramble

rerns of the leaves \ or of the buds and fruit two root. ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

(883) JOlijIoDAR FILFIL. Long (893) ^^c^jjc^ DEROONUJ

pepper, vide 18. AK-RUBEE. A rout, refembling the

(884) {^Vxii^pjl<^ DAR-SHEE- tail of a fcorpion. dtus. SHAN. An acromatic bark. '^^^ ^^'^ ^'"3'' 3- attenuant, and car- diac. d. half to one direm. cor. anifeed. fuc. h. kd-iy-phul. ''ivet. &j_yXL^Ci (885) dfXC^ DAKH. Grapes. (894.) DUSIUMBOO-

«»^oor. YEH. A fmall fpecies of melon, a. m-?^^. P- DAR-CHEE-NEE. very delicious. "^^^^^ h. cutchree. (886) ^^J^j\^ Cinnamon. ^P,^^1 h, ddl-cheenee. z.Jloc-mbn. ^L^c^DUJAJ. Thehoufehen. (887) ^g^^^ ^Ji,:, DIFLEE. Rhododaphne. h.^^^to. p.;;/^-^Cy^-«.O^U •^-^^n ^.^l"h. ke-nelr. UOKHN. Millet. (888) ^j^ti yw. hot and dry, 3. /rs/). difcutient. large

, , ^ • I leaves, very bitter, i. half a direin. z^j-^l h. cheyna. p. «rs^/;z. ^^^1

(889) DUKHAN. Smoke. (896) DOOLB. The plane tree,

^' djjoon-dn. p. dood, 0*^0 p. deriikht chendr. ^U:i..iw-^cLjc3 "^^"^l

drying. peel. UL /)r^i>. /«^. pomegranate (890) -^^-^IC^^J^ DOORDEE DUM. Blood. KHUMR. Dregs of wine. (897) fc3

J^^jC. h. p. i/...;.. p. doordjherdb. ^\ Brains. 1^... X -riT^DTTiruT- (^9^) DE-MAGH. DERUkHT ' C (89 0 o'-^^J^^^^-"^ hhey-ja. GOOLCHUCKAN. The ^/i^i'u^a tree. 5^1 ^-

V i> J •^Ij-^JT) h. mshewa. j Worm- (899) ^™ (892 ^.^..jc:^ DIRMENEH. c:^^:>^^V^ Dragon's blood. fecd.^vV^' 224. WEIN. MATERIA MEDICA.

h. heerd-dowkee, (poB) f-jeS DOWM. The tree which

p. khoon Jy-ozv/hun. ^ LiijLyw (j^^ yields bdellium. prop, aftringenr, and ftyptic J, half a direm. derukht mokul JJL«CicL;0 Juc. gum arable. / f iju, hot and dry. prop, fuppurative and attenu« (900) jjUxilff't^ DUMUS SO-BAN, ant. <-;?>.freni,of a yellowr colour. ^. oncdirem.

Another name for dragon's blood. DOONEH TUR- ^.TXTT. . . ^ , (909) L ^j^^i^^ (901) OJO DUND. A purgative feed. KEE. A fpecies of anifeed.

^^^^'^ ^- (902) DU-SIR. Wild wheat. (Vio) Ly^^D EHNYA. -^7^ vide 40*i Coriander feed. p. kljhnee^, yXU' (903) DOOD-UL-HER. ' (-9^'^ EER. The filkworm. ^. ke-rem-

uhreyjhum. .^..^\(/ alfo ke-rcm- C^^-V ^^^^^ "^"^ DEEK. The dunghill peelah X cock. (904) j^^^lOjc:^ DOOD ULKEER- ^' MUZ. The Vermes infed. DEEWUCK. The / ^ • X -nnn-r w^ • (913)-'^ "-^^^ (905) u^jt^ DOOZ. ^. Water in white ant. which a red hot iron has been flaked.

):^. demuci. \.urzch. Buttermilk. ^"H^ (906) ^,ODOOGH. />. (9'*^ DEWCHEH. The ^31 "h. Match, ^.i'V,T\'>""H- ^J^^

I^'^h. h. p. ^^i; (907) ijaijODEWALIK. Afpecie. Ifl^-q, of mofs.

(9' 5) r r L F A Z UDWTYEH.

(915) ^'IjO ZUBAB. The com- (918) jJo ZE-LOO. The leech,

fly. "^'^de imon l^^^l muck-hee. 906. .

p. mug-US. .y^Si^ (919) jUUI^aJJ ZENUB-ULFAR.

qu. hot and dry. p. emollient and emetic. Ribwort.

(916) J^J ZU-BUL. Tortoife-lhell. (920) ZEHUB. Gold.

p. pojl fungpojl. y^JUi^ySJj^^ h.foivnd. p. zir. jj


tharides. , , . „

(921) . ^J--> ZEEB. The wolf.

prop, bliftering. cor. new milk, and oil of -s^ * . almonds. ?• g^^g ^—T^-J


(922) Ulj RA-NA. ^z. Pomegranate. (929) q^Ij RaS3. The head of any

^^^'3 h. dd-rim. ^.andr. ^ul a. animal.

rutnan. (^l^ ^^^^^'^'> ^^^^ y** "5)^^^ ^* -Z^'^''' V-J^''-

(923) ^bjlj Ra'-ZEE-A-NEJ. a (927} JIj RAL. Pitch, p. /r^r.^Aij

fpecies of anifeed. (928) RA-SUN. Elecampane,

prop, deobflruent, and diaphoretic. prop, attenuant. d. one mifkal.

(924) RaItEE-NEJ (929^ RUB-US-SOOS.

ROCMEE, Turpentine of fir. Liquorice juice.

\>. zung bd-ree. iSj^-^jj v. ujdreb mehuc. (^iX^sj^A^

(925) RxWVEND. Rhubarb. (93c) C,\J:.j RE-SHAD. Garden

^'c^'-^T]^ h, rey-wun cheenee. p. crefles. cfi^,P^ h., hdllm,

rey-wend (-XJ*>j p. lur-ch tiyzuc. L-fjAjzj J (93=) y


(93 0 O^^^ Tin. ^•/^/^ 86. (939)

(^932) <-r^%; RU-TUB. Dates. mozvrid. C^jj^

p. khurma. (940) RUNF. An odoriferous

(933) T'-^'l^^ RA-IY UL HU- plant. v. beid jnifik. (jJCL-«cXaj Mx^M. Valerian. (940 ^JJ RU-PA. ^"qi Silver,

(934) RUK-AH, Is the name of p. nok-ni. nyLi

a red root; and in general it uied to • RU-NAS. Madder,

fignify all mediciaes that are applied to Ttril^i ^- ^^^e-jeeth.

fradured limbs. (^43) RO-BA TUR-BUC.

(935) RUCKUT PHUP. Nightfhade.

The red-flo wered Rho- ^llf^"^"^ hiub us fa- leb. jlxJ (

dodaphnc. ^^^keneer. ^le^Hi'^oT (944) (^^^ ROW-EY. A kind of brafs.

^. khirzereh foorkh, ^y^Ts^^Jj^ h. kdn-fi. ^.foofr. Ju^ C^Uj RE-MAD. Afhes. (936) ^^^^^ REH-SHEE. Sefame h. rdkh. kba-kijier. ^>^S\:L. ^1'^"^ ^. meal.

prop, the aflies acorns, d. -.^ ''^^ dryins;. c^. of half , , ^-.^ r-r^i , aLm. (946) u-U>^ REE-BASS. The rhu-

barb root, or rhapontic. (9 :7) ^Jl^Uj RUMAN UL BIR.

A tree refembling the pomegranate, but (947) REESH. A feather.

fmaller. The feed is called hub kilkel. '"'-^^^ ; h. punkh. Tp.pur.

The root thereof is called wii^^/j^r. {<)\^) (J^^j RI-HAN. Sweet bafiL (938) ;^.U^U, RUMAN HUmAz. h. i.V.. four pome'^ranate. The 7 m. p. naz-bu. m;>-j <7«t/r toorjh. p. {J^'^yj^^ iungs. cold and dry. ^. ten wuckyeh of the juice. (949) REE-YEH. The juice of unripe grapes. -^^^^ pjjephrd. ^ p» ^ (950) U L F A Z U DW I Y F H.


all Long birthwort. (95°) "^J ^^J* General name for TE-WEEL.

the kinds of vitriol. p. zerawend drd%. J^J'^^j^JJ

/ \ » r7T> nr>T«T> T) * /* - <)r«*. deob^riient, difcutient, and healing, ch. I ZE-BEEB. RaifinS. (051) 1 l *^ e ra: j u- u u u ' • —^ ©r a faiiron colour, and thicker than the thumb. ^^'^'S^^'kljhmilh, ^.me-weez.yy, ^^5^) tf'^^^ ZER-NEEKH

prop, emollient, and fuppuratlve. d. ten dl- SOORKH. Red orpiment. vide I 13, xems. >.jujules. ^ ZERUMBAD. (952) OoJ ZUBD. Butter. "^^^ ^' kutchoor, 'T\'J'^^\\, muckhun. "o. mujkeh, iS.***^ ^ ' ' attenuant, cardiac, and tonic. one dircm. ^ /'^Z' ZUBAD. Civet. (953) ^^^^^ .i^Ji^^^J ZER-NEEKH ZUBD'UL-BEHR. (954) j^lOij ^ird. Yellow orpiment. .01.

of the fea. femun- Foam l^^^'^^^^- p^,^^ corroHve; poifonous.

ier-pheen. ^^^^ry-tf. bjt^^^ii^ ^ p. (963 <:>^>^_;J ZIR-SOOD. Turmeric.

/r«/. detergent, ch. yellow, fi'. one to tvv© "^^-^j h. /^Z^/^^

-^-^ (955) Jd^ -^IBL. Dung. ^ (964)^.^J ZIREER. MHelot. v.V.i 38. h. leed. ^.frg.n. ^^^s) ^^jj ZERISHK, and ZE- (956) ZUJAJ. Glafs. 26. RUNG. eJJ,J Barberries. (957) ^'j^J JUDWAR. Zedoary.

. , . , (966) ZIR-TUCK. Juice of

^^^I'tll^ -^^^-^^^/^^A (958) ^j:^o^o3j\jj ZERAWEND

^''^ MUDEHRUJ. Round birthwort. J^^^V^

. * . medlar. , I (967)' ZU-ROOR. The p. %era'wuna geerd. tS J cXjjI^ ke-yul. />ra/>. attenuant, and deobftruent. r^. thick, of a fafFron colour, d. one miflcal to two direms. P''°p' aftringent. eh, red, ripe.

eor. honey, fuc. zerumhad, , / ^ (068) ^^-^o'v^J ZA-FR..N. Saffron. (959) J/^OJ^bJ ZERA-WEND 1% MATERIA MEDIC A.

(978) ^^^^i) ZUNJERF. Cinna-

prop, difcutienr, deobflruent, fuppurative, ex- bar. i^/t/^ hilirating, and narcoric. d. half to one direm. cor. anifeed. (979) S^^j ZUNJEBEEL. Drj (969) JliJ ZU-GHAL. Charcoal. O'ln crp!" h. fozvnth. h. kowyld. (980) ^c>cs.^_jlXJj ZUNGAR (970) ZUGHUN. The kite. MAADENEE. Green vitriol, ^[^^ h. cheel. p. gluleewdz. j\jjXt p. tootya fubz. .(971) c^^J ZIFT. Pitch. (981) (^^UJ.aa:s{; ZUNJEBEEL prop, difcutient and detergent, ch. clean and glofiy. fuc. cpoponax. SHAM EE. Elecampane. ZE-KOOM. A thorny (972) Cjij V. ra-Jun.

tree. h- fynbucl, and Tfi^c^ 1^"]^ (982) L^Lj^lijJ ZU-FA-IY RUTB. theiv-er. A filthy fubftance found on the tails (973) C^jcj ZUM-U-RUD. Eme- of the Armenian flieep, faid to be ow-

rald. \\. punnd, ing to their feeding on a milky kind (974) v^L;J^3;^J ZUNJEBEEL of grafs, that is very heating. RUTB. Green ginger, vide 55. prop, fuppurative, and emollient, ch. very

greafy. cor. rofes. (975) jl^J ZUNJAR. Verdegris. ^ij.(^Lrjj zu-fa-iy: p. zungdr. (983)

prop, detergent. YE-A-BUS. Hyffop.

(976) Jl^'J ZUNJEFIR. Cinnabar. prop, attenuant, fuppurative, diaphoretic, and deftroying worms in the inteftines. ch. that /Vz^oor. p. Jhiingerf. ^ j^^3^^ which is brought from Jerufalem. rsr. gum ara- ble. Juc. mint and maiden hair. prop, polfonous. cor. ghee and warm water. \y) ZEE-RA. (977)M^V ZUNGBAR. Blue vitriol. (984) min feed. a. ki-moon^

(985) VLFAZ U D W I Y E H.

(985) OvjJ^I-ET. Olive oil. ^u. hot and dry. prop, hurtful, fh. that which has never been ufed. th. frefli. tor. honey. ^^^^^ ZIE-TOON.The olive (986) J^;J ZEE-BUC. Qulckfilver. tree and £-uir. Ju/j>ai/. viJg i^, ii-

^U. Aforefltrec. (988) SAJ. p. Jheb-eh,

C997) ^VL.^ SEEPISTAN. Sc- Indian beflens. c^^^l h. lehfcora. p. fug-

animal, whofe (kin is ufed for fword p'ljldn. (XjskJlfXlK* . \^ icabbards. ;Prop, emollient and fuppurative. eh. full of pulp. 161030. rar. myrobalans. yj/r. jujubeSr {990) c^O^^c^U SADIJ HIN- (998) ^\Cs'j^ SE-PEN-DAN. DEE. Indian leaf.

Wild rue. xiide 1 1 4.

(999) SU-PA-REE. "^-qi^f? C99O O^J^ SA-RESS. An Indian

Areca nut ; bstehiut. a. fonfuL (J^iji bird, of the fhork kind. (1000) SUD-AB. Rue. (992) ^^K^JU SAMBHER- h. fd-tu-rec. LOON. "^^'SJt^TJ^ock fait. WP\^ prop, difcutient, diaphoretic, and anthelmentic. (^93) oy*^ SA-GOON. ^\T\P{ d. three direms. cor. anifeed. An Indian tree, whofe leaves are com- (100 i) jO^j SEYDIR. A fpecles ol

pared to elephant's ears. plum tree.'^^S^j^'^ h. beyr kdrookh.

(994) (^U. SA-JEE. Hllfl A p. derukht kondr. ^^UJ'c^.i-yti

kind of foap afhes. prop, aftringent. ch. broad leaves. d. three direms of the leaves, cor. tragacanth. (995) (^-l-SATHEE. ^1^^ A (1002) ^ SOORB. Lead. Ippcies of red rice.

(996,) SUB-ER Jet. (1003) MATERIA MEt)rCAo

(1003) SOO-RUNJ. Red lead. (1013) lyj^^ SUCMCO-NYA.

vide 120. Scammony.

SIRUKHS. A black root. ^q"^"?:!^ meh-moo-deh.

prop, deobftruent, and drying, ch. black, and prop, cathartic, ch. that brought from Antioch ; large, with the infide of a piflachio green. clean and light, glofly, of the colour of raw-

eaiily friable. , V .. f>T-r. i\/r yi J fi Ik, and a carat, to tv/o dangs. rTTTTiv ' ^ (1C05) ^.^^t^;* >>^ SIR SHUF. MultarJ. ^ . ' (10 1 4) J^r^ SUG-BEE-NUJ. Gum fagapenum. SIR-MUC. Ornch. (1006) J^^>^ prop, diobftruenf, attenuanf, and expelling gravel

Vide 4*^ 3* and (lone. d. onedirem to one miikal. cor. liquorice.

(1007) SIR- OE. The cyprefs tree. (1015) ^^Xli SUKHIR. Sugar.

(lOoS)^ll^M. SIRTAN. The crab.v/dV ^li^f \i. chenee. ^. Jhuckir. yOu

ch. the water crab. prop, detergent, and emollient. d. twenty

(1009) ^OJ^^ju SIR-KEHHIN (1016) SUG UNGOOR. DEE. Bread foaked iii water, and Dog's grapes; nigthfhade. kept in the fun till it becomes four.

a. inub us faleb. o\Ajtxi(L.;.v*x vide 25. (10 ^^_,.xA2sr^ 1 7) SE-KUN-JE- (^1010) Oouw SOAD. R-oot of an odo- BEEN. Oxymel of vinegar and honey riferons grafs. f^oivtfia. prop, emetic. prop, diaphoretic, cardiac and tonic, ch. that trought from Cufah. d. one direm. Juc. cinna- (1018) *LtljA^ SULK-UL-MAA, mon and fweet flag. A water plant, vide (ioiij JCjum Si\-TUR. An odorl- u^vUm SELT. A fpecies of (10 1 9) feicus plant. h. /;V,/6^r. rTl'^iI! . ,• , , barley. low birheneh. Aa^^as-s, p ' Ji^SUFIR-JUL. Quince. K(1012) ^j-"Jo. J ^, } ^ (1020) SA-LA-GET.

vide 28. • i- r Ipecies of ftorax.A prop, adringcnt, ftyptic, cardiac, and tonic. ^ direms of the juice, cor. dates, or honey. i. ten ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w SIL-ARRUS. Liquid Juc. pears. ftorax >

U L F A Z U D V7 T Y E H.

ftorax. \. me-dy-fd-ye-leh. dXi}^d.3tj^ (1032) SU-MAK. Sumach.

(1022) *LUn sulk. Beetroot. /irs/. aRringent, and cardiac. rA. frefli, and red. cor. irsaftich. Juc. lemon juice, p. cho7hundir. tcA^jLi*. ^ ^ SE-MAK. Afmall , (1033)^ pnf. difcutient, attemiant, detergent. ch. \^ white, fur. vinegar, fuc. tuxneps. grain, "^^f^ h. J^ungnee. SUL-UM. The gum (1023) ^ (1034) UC;^ SE-MUC. Fi(h. arable tree, vide 400. "^1^1^ h- mutchke, and p.

(1024) C^^:?^-^ SULJUM. Turnep. ,nd-hee. ^il^ ^.Jhul-ghum. (1035) Lii^l^ SUM-UL-SE-

/ir^/. diaphoretic. carrots. MUC. A poifouous milky grafs, bear-

^^-^ SE-LEE-KHEH. Caf- . C102O^ • ing a yellow liower.

fia li^nea. "pivl h. , . . • vi \. p. ma- bee ze-raj. ^^jji^$>\^ (1026) SUM. Polfon in general. ^ ^^^^^^ SOM-SOM.^ Sefame

h. ^.7^-. p. ze.her. ftta ^^^^^ ^.^^

(1027)^^lu jL^Li.. SUM-UL-HYMAR. . x ^ cr^ ^/tttxt r^u ^ (1037) U-r^ SE-MUN. Ghee.

Rhododaphne. ' • u / / I ^ ^1 ^.rogben gaiv. yJ> [^^.jj (1028) jUJl^ SUM-UL-FAR. , -> .^u n c ^1 ^ (^038) SU-MUN. The hly of Rat's bane. Realgar. ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^

p. J^r^ (1039) ^J_^0.„^ SEMUNDER. C:o29)^^.>. SUN-OOR. The fable, ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^

marten. 332. , or , p. nc'inuc de-ry-a. UjOLJ«— rio^o) joa^ SEMUNDER. The ^ V ^ ^ (1040) U>^ SUN-A. Senna. falamander. cathartic. rA. that which grows about Mec-

^. 4 to 7 direms in infufion, or in fubltance 3 /lO-l) f • j'-r^ SE-MA-ROUGH. * direms. rcr. yellow myrobiilans, rofe leaves'

Mufliroom. gum arable, and tragacanth. . (1041) MATERIA M E D I C A.


A prickly fruit. guai:i. TT^Ti^^ h. go-eh fchnph.

form, about the • It is of a tiianeukr fize of a i 1 r " ca \\TQ(^v /\ „ ^ " filbert, and is produced by a plant that grows 011 O

thefurfaceof the water. fried aiicl thea ground into floDF.

(1C42) u^aLJIJva-^ SEMBEL UT- h. fc/.too.

Indian fpikenard. TIEB. (1053) (^L:s{^rj>.. SU-REN-jAN, (1043") SON-JAB. The Herrnodaayls. 17/;/^ 179.

i . g i fq n rel ey . 5^^T^1 ^ <1 h . jungleefinghdrd. SE-NORE. The car. . V -r-r) jjr (^054) (^-^>^ SO- SUN. The lily, J (1055) ^ J SOWNCHUR- SUNDROOS. (1045) u-/^^ T I.C(JJN'.poKT ^'^'^q 1^ nbitumen.> Sandarach. ^ Vi.nim-uck fee-dh. sUj^'s^XTj , , * ^ro/. drying. fA. tranfparent, half a mifkal. .. SOORUN. An (1046) SUN. Tl^ Hemp. f'^J'^) OJJ-

^UND. ^TC^'i (1047) SUNKH. -^T?! Conch SOWNTH. "^'^ fliell. ^. fefeld mohreh. ^.^CkJlu. (^^5?) Vi^-

g^^gei"- '^unjebeeL (1048) c^O^J^.^^ SEMBEL HIN- I^'T P- S^-^j

DEE. Indian fpikenard. vide loi^z. (1058) (^^SOOREE.^|^|A fpecies

(1049) SEMBEL ROO- o^"" red vitriol, ufed by Oioemakers.

MEE. Celtic nard. \.ndrdeen. (1059) \J\>^ SO-HA-GA. "p^TJI

(1050) OJLv^j^ SOOSPUND. A Tincal. p. //;^-/'ar. _;Uiy fpecies of milky grafs. '^^^ (1060) SEHOWRA. ^^1^1

h. dood-hee. p. fheer-geedh. sUJ^a,^ An Indian tree, which it is pretended


no fnake will approach. ^^^Rock fait. p. nimuck fung,

(io6i)^A*>j SEER. Garlic. (dJCLjLiJC^j

'p;^r;\\i. lehfun. (1064) o^^;^^ SEE-SOON. f^^ip-;^

(1C62) oU^ SIEK-RAN. Black An Indian foreft tree.

henbane feed. 2^. buz-ir-ul-bung. (1065) AJlt^jsUj^ SEE-AH DANEH.

(1063) (^JUit\AA;^SINDAHLOON. Black feed. h. kelownjee.

(1066) jry^U SHAHLOOJ. A fpe- ( : 07 2) ^-"c:^!^ SHADENUJ. Blood-

cies of yellow plum. p.Jhd/j aloo. flone.

(1067) ^y5il^SHAHrERUJ. Fumi- (1073) O^JU SHAKLOOIC. ^^cjl^

tory. "ptlTITflT]^"! h. pit-pdp-ra. An Indian roor.

p. Jloahtereh. t, (1074) SHA-HUS-FE-RUM.

/rs/. deoWtruent, detergent, and cathartic, ch. \.ri-hdn. Su'Cet bafll. \:j^"^J green, bitter, d. of the juice half a rutel cor. ^

lemon juice andhcn^y. /ay. i the we'ght of fenna. (1075) C^^JsUj SHAH-BOO- Am-

/ (1068) ^ULij SPIAMAKH. a grain. bergris. v. umbir.^

h. fn'n-zvd. (1076) aJU. sha-neh

(1069)^^f"' SHAH INJEER. A fpe- DESHTY. The comb tree, "Ade 590.

ciesoffig. Tp-'i^j^srvizeerec.(^yjj^>.:^\ '^T\^ h. kungh-7iee.

(1070) I^jIjcU shah BELOOT. (1077) SHUBB. Alum.. 575.

Acorns. \. behot ul msUc. (1078) ^>.^^ SHIB-IT. Fennel.

^riJ/>. aftringexit. far. fugar, or honey, d. two ^|"n"j h foiV-d d'.rems. " prob. fuppurative, and narcotic, d. two direms. (1071) -ylcI^U SHAHDANUC. The SHIB-RE.M. A fpecies ^ , (1079) c^L inebriating hemp feed. J' (v^rge. p. tokhem bung, ^y^zk' (1080) MATERIA ME D I C A.

(1080) (^AAA^ SHE-BI-BEE. An.u-- (1090) ^x^i. SHAIR. Hair,

cotic root. The iiiebrlAting hcmp-fsed eil'^ ^- P* iSj-°

alfo bears this n mc (^091) JoUC-ij SHE-KA-KUL.

Wild carrot. (108 0 V^'^-^'^j;^^ SHEJERUT'UL-

(•jl^s.Xi \ DUB. The bear's tree ; the medlar tree» (1092) ^^Ajii^ Sf-IE-KA-

(1082) ejU:s--'U-^--s-^ SHEJERUT YEK-UL-NAMAN. The anemone.

ULHY-AT. The treeof hfe; thecypref:. ^. gool la-leh. ^JJiJ./^

(1083' ^j^\y,]Viji^^' SHEJERUT (1093) ^.r^ SHULJUM. Turnep.

UL BERAGHEES. Hemp agrimony. p. Jlmlghum. ^iX^

(1084) ^^^^Vij^^ SHEJERUT (1094) OvaI^^^ SHIM-LEET. Fenu-

UL MOOSA. Mofes's bufli; the greek. "^"^^ meethee.

(1095) ^^v- SHUMSHaD. The SHE-HUM. Greafe of (,08:5) box tree.

^^-^1 -^^^^^^^ (Z096) SHUMA. Beeswax.-

:^^]] h. chlrhce. p. peeb. Aa. ^^^^.^^^^ mehdoomuL -^^^^^^ (:o80Jl^-^-^ SHE-HUM HUN- SKUMBELEER The pulo of the coloquintida ZEL. t-i r i j n 1 ? . ^ ^ r lower of the hermodadiyl plant.

fruit, p. Jk^^i. V g'"' fio'-enjdn. prop, emollient. .

, , (109S) caJ^^ SHOONEEZ. Black- -^"--^ (1087) v't- SHE-RAB. p. Wine; feed. ddneh. _ ^. fee~dh AjIcSslA-^jg alfo ail kinds of fliei bets. prop, detergent, deftroying worms, difciitient, (io83) SHESHTEREH. 2nd diaphoretic, d. half a miftal to tw o direms.

Valerian, fooh. (io99)o^^- SHOWKERAN.

(1089) SHE-EER. Barley, ^lack henbane feed. •p. tokbem bung roomed (^^^jj'^S^ p. joiv. (i 100) ULFAZ. UDWIYEH.

(1100) A/^>i. SHOWKH. A thiftle. p. dirmeneh. aa^c^

^' oont-ki-ta-rh. prop, deftroying v/crms, and deobftruent, ch. Armenian, d. half a direm. Juc. wormwood. (1101) c:^^A^ SHEERKISHT. A (1104) yJi^yJ^ SHEER-BUCK- fpecies of manna, which is coiled'ed SHEER. A yellow root growing in from a barren tree called derukt hey Hindoflan raid Cafhmeer. cho^vb^ growing in Khorafan. "^5^^ h. hirbee. like gum ara- , prop, cathartic, ch. tranfparent,

ble. to 30 direms. 7 (i 1 05) lXL^L^a^ S H E E R- SHEE-TERUJ. An (1102) jT^jM^ KHO O S HK. A fpecies of manna

Indian plant. collefted from the willow in Khorafan. '^^'^h. cheeta. ^. Jhee-tureh. nJiK^ p. be'td H'7j%t .^.^.^i^O^xi and beid angee- prop, detergent, ch. Indian, d. one mifkal.

cor. inaftich. fuc. valerian. been. (^^>^ItXo

(5103) SHEEH. Wormfeed. (1106) SHYLUiM. Tares.

(1107) ^^UJIp^ol.^ SABOON-UL- HEDEED. Iron ruft.

KAF. Soap aflies. p. %afrdn dhim. ^^^^f^l^JLcJ

V. choivbuck uJJman. ^ U..ii IcXj^sa. (nil) ^Ck^ SUD-UF. Any fhelL

Soap. (1108) Q^oU? SA-BOON. ;^-q| \i.fee-pce.

prop, cauftic, and detergent, ch. old, Juc. prop, drying. d. one mifkal, or of lime- lime and foap afbes. water three direms. cor. honey and jujubes.

SYB-IR.. Aloes, vide 344. (11 12) cXAxj^x^ SUD-PY-WUND.

caufing flefh to cathartic. prop, drying; grow ; Shepherd's ftaff. ch. focoterine. d. to thirty direms. cor. gum

arable, and tragacanth. V. ujjur ur rd-'iy.

(mo) cX.'.Ov^i^cX^ SUDEED..UL- (1113) y^^Q SA-TUR. Origanum. .


p. ctijhneh. dJ:^jl mckut chundun.

(j I 14) SEL. The adder. A fnake p. fimdul foorkh, ^^ivnjJcXa/^

tliat will not be enchanted. (1121) ji^yy^ SENOBIR KO.

I 15) ^^aoSUMEGH. Gum in gene- BAR. The large pine.

ral. "5 h. goondh. p. derukht chulgho%eh. sjj-ii^u-^^^ci

prep, artringent. ch. gum arabic. prop, fattening, ch. frefli, large, white, d.

fifteen kernels. (11 16) v'^'^-^'^;-^ SUMEGHU'S ( 1 1 2 2) j\k>^j^)w^ SE-NO-BIR SUDAB. Gum of rue. SEGHAR. The leffer pine. (1117) el^jy^Jl^-r^ SUMEGH-UL- (1123) o4s''J^^ SUNDUL ABI- MEHROOS. Af^ifoetida. YUZ. White fandel wood. V, hllteet. l^aaJ^ vide 305'. "^^s^ h. chundun. (11 1 8) 0>UiJl2-v^ SUxMEGH UL ^. fundulfefeid ^<3 KUSSAD. Tragacanth. v.kefeeerd ^ prop, cordial, d. half a mifkal. (1119) (^jy:^^^ SEMUGH ARE- (i I 24) SOOF. Wool.

BEE. Gum arabic. vide i 1 1 5 ^^^h. oon. p. pujhm. (11 20) ^iJcAA^ SUNDUL AH- (1125) aIL^ SOOTLEH. A fpecies MER. Red Saiidel wood. of beet.

(1126) ^^i^ZAN. Afhcep. (11 27) ^cAiJ, ZUFDm A frog,

meijh. "^l"^ h. meidook. b. i/jeir. p. (J^^^ p. ghowk. L-Tli:


U 8zL '

(ii2?5) q/^jLLs TAOUS. a peacock. Tarregon, or dranculus hortenfis.

"^"1^ h. fnoor. vide 1210.

(1129) c^J^aL TUB-IR-ZUD. (1136) TE-LA. Gold; alf©

' Sugar candy. old wine, vide ^9^-

TULK. Talc. (1130) ^^^UL TE-BA-SHEER. Su- (^^37)

uhhruc. a. -foia^ garof bamboo, i;/^^ 546. ^^^^ ^'

ul Urz. /r^)^. drying, cardiac and tonic. two dangs \^j)^\^...fS'^^

in rofe water. y«r. half the weight of camphor. fnp. aftringent. cor. oil and warm water.

(^^3^^ ^ (1131) ;_^AcJ^TOHLUB. Water mofs.

V. %oorui. ci> 11 . z u » » 16 /irs/. repellent. /A. what grows on >Iweet

^^f^'-- (1 139) TEEN AHMER.

(1132) liya TURFA. The tamarift Red earth.

tree, vide ^6'. geeroo. ^. gilfoorkh. x

prop, aftringent, and drying. that which (1140) ^jiU^Uj^xL TEEN SHA grows at feme diftance from water. d. five

direms. ^cr. oil of almonds and honey. MOOSH. Samian earth. (^^40 TEEN MUKH- (1133) ovAi!,LTERASEE'S. ^.Name C^^^^ ^ TOOM. Sealed earth. of a fruit. p. hil. Jo prop, aftringent, and cordial, d. two direms. prop, aftringent. ch. white, d. two miflcals.

cor. tragacanih. (1142) i^lj TEEN. Earth; bole.

(i 134) X:> TURSOOS. A thorny h. mittee. p. gil. J^/

tree which produces the gum ammoniac. ^JU^I^...i. TEEN URME-

p. derukht ujhuc. ^j^l>^<^(3 NEE. Bole armenic.

urmenee, TURKHOON. a. gH (1135) OJ^j^ (^Jj./ MATERIA MEDIC A.

(^^44) (^^j^ij^^^ TEEN KUB- p. powdeneh b'lrree. (^yd^iC^^

RUSSEE. Cyprus earth. (1148) ^ILF. The hoof of

(i 145) l EENFARSEE. any animal.

Perfian earth, ufed for cleanfing the h. khoor. p. foom. ^ h^^L ^. gUftrJhew. (Sj^J^S^ (1149) ^Y-^^^- Wild jafmin. ^^aIj ZUBBEE. a deer. (1146) ^. ydfmeen blrree.

h. hum. ahoo. ^^^"^ ^. ^\ (S^iO-^-^^^^ -SySXa (1147) ZU-FEERAH. Wild ^r^/. cauftic. *tfr. oil of rofes. laurel and

fquills. mint.

55) (1150) \^jy>\^ AKIR-KER-HA. (i 1 UD-US MURR. The

Dranculus. bitter pea. ^. mufJoeng telkh. ^'^S3^^

/r./. difcmient,andattcnuant. f^-. pungent. /iir6) UaJLL ^ UR-TA-NEE-SA. d. tvivo d<.ngs. cor. raifins, or liquorice. ^ " J Sowbread. 407, and 543.

^Lc AWy, Ivory. . (1151) , • u J- (1157) l^,-ij4:U-ROOK-HUMRA. Madder, J J r y , . , . p. dsn- dan Jeel. ij^^s ^\C>^(S " . . (iisS) URTUB. A fmall ^ j i drying, a. hall a duem ralped. . ^ creeping plant. -u/V^ (1152-^ ^Ai: UBHIR. The aarciffus. 790.

p. hujfuck. p. nurgis. ji

, N -nrr-r) c a- (ii^q) UR-UR. The mountain (1153) ,AA^ A-B11.ER. Saftron. ^ -^^-^ j J

• • • >r r pine. V. %d/ran. ^

.. ^ , . (1160) ..AaJI,7^,c U-RO0K-U3- (_ii54 ^-'vi:: U i-uAl. The wili olive. ^ ^ J O

; . .. . SEFR. Turmeric, vidi 11 53. ,

frop. . »

U L F A Z U 0 VsT I Y E H.

prop, difcuiicnt, attenuant, and diaphoretic. (1169) y^£. U5FIR. Sairlower. ch. hard. d. halfadirem. vide 44. rii60 U-RCOK. Roots in (ii;o)j^U.^ U3-FOOR. A general. he'iykh-hd. V^-k::^.^ p. ^ — Sparrow. p. kunjufhk. llO (1162) E-RCO-SUC. A (1171) USSUPv-RAlY. fmall infe6V, of a beautiful fcarlct colour. Shepherd's ftaff. vids 6 i '^^"^'^ifl h. beer-he-howtee. (I 172) el/,^^ UZ-UT. General name (1:63) ,^^.i:l>y^J(j^^s: U-ROOK US for thorny plants, SE-BAGHEEN. Turmeric. (1173) (j^/^ IZRI5S. Wild mal- p. zirdcbovjbeh. Aj^r^t^jJ lows, p. khitinee hlrrec. (i 164^ 5<3^^^0e3C^j>^UR-00-SUC- (11 74) UZUL. The field DIR-PIRDEH. Winter cherry. m.oufe. p. mo'jJJD-kuc.

(1:75) UZM. Bone, '(^1165) yy:: UZ-EEZ. Centaury, h. huddec. p. ujiukhan. u u^^O!J,,^.c US3UL UL (11 76) ^Xki: IZLUM. The Indigo KUSSEB. Juice of the fugar cane, plant. p derukht ?ieeL ^J^Ajo^i:^;^ T^. ^[^p h. rufs. Jheereh ne 'i Jljuckir. (1177) UF-ES. Gall apple.

TT'^^"^^ h. p. ;««soo. j^Lo (1167) J^IJo^^: USSUL-UL- ^r<3/>. aftringent and ftyptlc. ch. green, not per- NEHL. Honey. forated, d. half a direm. (i 178) UKRUB. A fcorpion. "J]^ h. mudhoo. ^.JJjehud. CK^fi^ \2) prop, detergent, and heating. £h. of a light f^j"^ h. beechew. p. khezjhon. ^c3y5^ yellow, pure, and fragrant. /ra/). expelling gravel. (1168) sjt^ USSA-REH. Expreff- (1179) (^y^ UKEEK. A cornelian.

ed juice, p. ufshoordeh. isCij^\ prop, drying, ch, thofe found in Yemen, that

are ^


are very red and tranfparent. i. half a dlrem. (i i 87) ^^J^^ UNZEROOT. Sar- fuc. amber. ^

. COCOlla. Vide 2Q0. r o ^ I TT on ^xr-iJ r (ii8o) OxAi ILSS. Wild luccory. ^ UMBIR. Ambergris, ^ . (1188) y^s p. kaj-nee birree. ^ J' " T^L3^^ ^ •• prep, cephalic, and cardiac, ch.oi an afli colour.

1 1 8 I U-LIEK. The bramble. ( ) ( VX^ , , . ^ ^ O- (1189) UNSOOL. Squills, ^ J^A£ p. toot-feh gul. ^yS^

ffr. liquorice root. pomegranate buds. C'^'Po) f"43^/X UNDUM. Red faun-

(11 82) c^c^Uju^^ UL-UK ders. p. buckum. -aj

B^GHDA-DEE. Maftich. (1191) K^t^^\^f^ OWD US SE-

V. muflucka. LEEB. Name of a root, vide 1203.

v^A^lN-UB. Grapes. i;/Vf (1183) 885. (1192) ^iLjJIci^ OWD-UL-UT-

(1184) c^U;JIl^ IN-UBUSSA- as. fneezewort. vide zog,

LEB. Fox's grapes, nightfliade. (i 193) ^J^oJlc:^^: OWD-UD-DER-

"^^"^ ^^'-^^-er- KEH. Root of the afafoetida plant.

robd tirbuc. 1 p. LiG JsL)* , 1 v .ju ^ '-^ V "a. betkh ung-udan. t^\CKXj\ prop, repellent, th. yellow, and frefli. cor. fugarcandy, or honey. ( I I 94)

UN-AB. Jujubes. (1185) Lignum aloes. i^/V.

emollient. in decoaion fifteen plums. ^. deobltruent, diaphoretic, cephalic, and fuc. raifins. j u if i- cardiac, d. halt a direm.

(I I UN-KE-BOOT. 86) ^yj:^ A (,,93) A in. An eye.

fpider. 'S'^TT h. muckree. , , i n ^ "Tiv" ^ \i.dnkh., ^.chefiem.

p. de-yu-fa, ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

prop, deobftrucnt deftroying wo;ms ; cathartic. (1196) OsiU: GHAFIS. Hemp- ; d. one or two dangs. Juc. as a cathartic turbeth agrimony. root ; and wormfeed againft worms.

prop, deobftruenl ch, Perfian. d. one mifkal. (1200) GHIRB. The mountain (1197) GHAR. The laurel. pine. ^rop. difcutient and attenuant. d. half a miflcal.

prop, drying, ch. the fruit. (1198) Jj-^U: GhAsOOL. Glaff-

wort. vide 163. (1201) GHOWREH. Every (1299) ^^^,.jlcGHA-REE-KOON. kind of green fruit. Agaric.

Bryony. FAR. A rat, or moufe. (1202) \Ji}^ FASHERA. (1206)

dejhty. p. kerm (^^Jilud^^f ^- chewha, p. moojh.

(1203) UJljU FA-WE-NYA, A root. (120;) FAKHTEH. A dove.

p. owdjelub, l^aL^O^^ h. pindekee.

/)r«/. aftringent, deobdruent, :nd diaphoretic. ^1208) J^:sr^ FUJL. A radi(h. d. half a milkal. cor. tragacanth. Juc. agaric, and round birthwort. ^|

(1204) ^C:>\S fAdUJ. Bezoarflone. (i 209) FERENJ MI5HK.

5ri^l3'(^^: \\. zehr mobrd. ^. pddzir A fpecies of f .veet bafil.'^i^,^ h. /z^^^.

hdnee. C^*\^_ p. hdhingoo khoord. <3jj::L(^jJCJ Ij

(1205) cXaJU FA-NEEZ. A kind of (1210) FIR-BE-YOON, and ^y^^^J>

barley fugir. -^jHl"^; h. be~td-fch. ^j^^^^iyFIR-FE-YOON. Euphorbium. MATERIA M E D T C A.

^.Jheer derukht zekoom.cjSJca

prop, caiiftic, attenuant, and cathartic. ch. The fame as No. I 209. yellow, and clean.

/ ' (1220) L^U FUL. Root of the Indian (121 0 oj^-^-^ FE-RA-SE-YOON.

Wild leek. ^'^'^^^^ nelujir indee. P' h (^oJJ> JjX^j^*^^ " J " p. gund-na-iy kouhee. ^^j./(^IjcAaJ C

j ..j ^ (12 1 2) FISTOOK. Piftachio.

.. Root of the loas: pepper bufh. , o r rx p. pijieh.

1 i r r 1 Silver. « (12 1 3) FIZZEH.

, , , ... dsrukht filfildrdz. \\ jCii\.kXs^<^ }C^^-^ ;^Tj) h. roopa. p. nockerah. » y ^ C

Mufliroom. (1222) c^^jJHi FILFILBIRREE. (1 21 4) ^,lai FETR. , ^""^ ^.fmaroogh. ^jjl^ ^S^'^'

(1215) FETRA^SA-LI- (1223) ^yilio^i FEN-TA-FE-

YOON. Seed of wild parfley. LOON. Cinquefoll.

punjungoojht. ^^S^k^"^, tokhemkerefs louhee. ^^^j^Sf^J^ ^. (1216) ci^I JJJi FILFIL USWUD. (1224)^^^-5 FOOFUL. Beetlenut

Black pepper. f^jS '^m^ \\. foopdree. IP^"^)

/^r^/). aftringent. half a direm, h. mceritcb ^. fJjfilfee-dh. 5U>jgJ^jUj

(1217) JljCiJiXS FILFLL DRAJ. (1225) y> FOG. Valerian.

Long pepper. '^^'^^'^'^* Tvc^SH^^?) 5Ti^^^^l ^* i^^-^^'^^^^^'

attenuant. frefli, fragrant. (12 1 8) o^J^-'J J^-*-^ FILFIL A-BI-

/ a direm. ywf. anifeed. YUZ. White pepper. ... (12.26) 5jS FOOH. Madder,.

(l32 .

U L F A Z. U D W I Y E H.

(1227) U>*.tjU' KERA SYA. Cherries, Amber, p. kehro-bd. ^

p. dloo bJloo. (1236)y>y> KERMEZ. Kermes, ufed

(1228) Aiiti KAKELEH. Cardamoms. in dying.

vide I 8 (^1237)^^5 KE-R A. A fpecies of gourd,

(1229) KA-NI-SEH. The giz- p. kud-00. j(Xf^

zard of any bird. "^"^^ h. piithree. (1238) JJuJ KERUNFUL. Cloves.

fungdaneh. Aj|*j "g, ^""I'Tf h. lowng, p. meykuc. ^jSj^:^

(1230) <^Ujj KE-TAD. The tree which (1239) J^^^JI^jJi KEROON US produces gum tragacanth. p. kum. ^ SEMBEL. A poifonous plant, the fila- (1231) Ui* KE-SA. a fpecies of long ments of which are fometimes fouud

cucumber. "^"^TT kuchrce, amongft Indian fpikenard.

p. khydr drd%. h. fun-gee-yd-zehr.

(1232) KE-SA-ULHY- (1240) JAj^iUlA^y KF-RFET'UL

MAR. Wild cucumber. KERUNFUL, An aromatic bark, of

the colour of cloves.

prop, cathartic and emetic. d. of the exprefled " (1241) KERN. Horn. juice two daneks, cor. tragacanth.

/ (1233) ^3 KE-TAH. A fpecies of (1242) KOORTEM. Saftlower. clover. V. tfp 'tjs. vide 44-450-856. (1234) UUt^^i KOOR-DU-MA-NA. Cardmine. (1243) u-^'^y KOORUT'LAIN.

A kind of water crelTes. V. kur-we-yd jebulee. ^^^^

(1244) cS^^^^^J KOORTEM (1252) ^.L-^ KCOTN. Cotton.

HINDER. A purgative feed. -^'^ h. rewl^;. ^, pembeh. ^u

u/ nee/. V. /jud J.aX}\^2^ (1253) ^^LL^' KIT-RAN. Pitch.

KUSr. Coftus. (1245) (1254.) ^1:5 KOOLT. Saxifrao-e.

(r 246) c^cX^k^ KUST-HINDEE. v. /-^r u/ hejr.

Bitter coftus. ^. kufl teUh. ^L^, ^.^^^^^ j^^lB. The heart. ^i^* KISHR. Bark of anj (1247) p. ^'//

tree. 1^ ^/^^^i^^o. "^^^^Hl • M ( 1 2 5 6 ^^^^ Soap a/Iies ) (1248) KUSSEB BEWA. - v. ^//-..-^.^ Calamus .romaticus. .;^. 672. ^^^^^^ ^m^VB, Hemp.

KUSSEB. The • , common , , , ^ _ * n. ^^>?g-. _ p.

reed. p. nie. / -J j - , • . ^ prop, narcotic, and inebriating. ylJlL^ KUSSEB (1250) U'S (,238) KEEL. Pitch. SOOKIR. Sugar cane. 5--,^ h. rd!. p.

1>. «/<./^rf,>. p. ^,^^^-1 KYSOOM. Mugwort. (,.5i)U>l^KUT-00-NA.Fleawo,t.

p, uf-pe-ghool. ^2^^Awj|

Amber. (1260) Ijjjsiy KAH-RO-BA. (1263) GA-JIR. TflylC (1261) ^aJ'I/ KAKE-NUJ. Winter Carrot.

cherry. i;/y^ 443. (i 264 j ^^l/ KA-SHEM. The afafoe- prop, narcotic, d. two direms. ^ida plant. (1262) ^^.Lr KA-FOOR. Camphor. Dd (1265); ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

(1265) oWj*^ GAO-ZEBAN. p (1276) ^^U/ KUT-AN. Lbfeed.

Buglofs. a. I'ljfdn us fdur. p. ulfee. (^'^^\

(1266) yiU^KA-HOO. Lettuce. (1277) UxyRE-SEE-RA. Gum

tragacanth. Ii. p. khufs. {j^^ "^('fl^'] kuthce-ra.

^"^y'"g ^^'f ^ (1267);i 2 6 7) (^j^lTka-se-nee. anifced. Juc. gum arable. Endive. p. h'ln-dc-hd. LjcA/J^ (127S) KE-CHOOR. •^(^S:^;; (1268) ^^irKAN-GNEE.tiTi7i] Zerumbad."' p. c^UiJ

Millet, p. ..r;.«;.. ^^J^I ( i 279)_;U^^KUTCH-NAR.^-^^,^

^— J ur. . T • I 2 0 0 ) ^ T. KIB-REET. Sulph J- ^ , 1,1 \ ^ ^ J -J ' hvi. Indian tree, bearing purple buds, h. gundhuch ^.gowgird. C:,// iVW^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^.^ ^^^^ ^.^^

^rc^ attenuant, and drying. d. as far as two bread or riCe. direms. ccr. water rr.elon.

(1270) ^jC1s^KUB-EE-KUJ. Wa- (1280) J.-.a.^^ GUJ-PEEPUL.

^^^i^ o^thQchab tree. ter creffes. ^^'^^Hi; h. deo-kdn-dur. 7\'r\H\'^^J^^^ (1271) ^a/"KUB-IR. Carers. femr chdb, Vl-^^rr^' Ci272)^U/KE.PASS.^,'^-^The (^^^ oj%^ KUTCHLOON.

crlafs. n 1 "^i^hI"?) The drofs of cotton in rub. &

nim-uck A/i^x^LiC^* p. dsrukht pcmheh. ajJ^j^<.^^(^ P- fieejhch.

(1273) .v^-^^^E-BA-BEH. Cubebs. (1282) Jz^^ ROHUL. Antimony;

O274) eli/' KUT-UC The crab ^^l-^. unjen. p. foormeb,

,ji_^a>jj apple. y^. fecb b'lrrec. (J^ (1283) C^jcX-T KUD-EW-EE

(1275) J^^^ KUT-HUL. -3^7,1^^ TELKH. />. The bitter gourd.

An Indian fruic, called by Eu- 'p^j'^j^^l h. toombres.

ropeans, jack, and which refembies (1284) ^CKf KUD-UM. "i^'^'p An

the hedgehog. Indian yellow flower, round like a ball. MATERIA M E D I C A,

(1285) KUR-WEE-YA. (1296) ^^aXjIj^ GUZ-UNGU-

Caraway feed. BEEN. A fpecies of manna colledled

(1286) fcXJjy'KEROWNDA. ^^^'c^'^ from the tamarlflc tree.

An Indian fruit, refembling the goofe- op ( j 7) ^^^^^ KU-SEER. Dry pitch. ^^"'y- - p. koojhk. ^^-^^ij

(1287) KIR-NUB. Cabbasre. . . ^ ^ /^'tt ott^^t^.t '' • ^ (1298) A^y..^/ IS.U-SUMB H. '^f^ p. ke-him. v. \ bamower. vide 450. masjir. prop, emollient, and fuppurativ?. KUS-TOO-REE. (1288) KOORNASS. Leeks. (^-99) C^j>--^

gun-de-na. P' "^^^

A fpe- KEREF3. Pnrflej. (130°) u^v'^-^^ISHMISfL (1289) J cies of raifms without feed. v. mc-wct F]Tlti" uj'nood.

/ri)/). deobftruent, and diaphoretic, r-^. garden. Ungnor hpyddneh. Aj I cAaj^14.-Xj ( .

(1290) J;.S KOORSH. Tripe. (1301) KU-SHOOS

:i^^^\\.uj-e-ree.v.floe'kum-beh.ikj^SJii ROOMEE. Wormwood. vide 22^ 0

(1291) L_ry^KIRG. The rhinoceros. (1302) GOOL. p. Any flower.

kur-gud-dn. (-^Ck^ >131 gyndd. jf phooL

(i^o^) GiL. />. Earth, clay. \ ^ r^r^r^^^r^ ^ \c \ :>i ^ ' 0202) J GOORG. ;!). The wolf. ^ ('^O'^^ KE-LaGH. A crow. ^^6"<: L^-^^ ^^gherah. ^\^t (r293) r^/KERM. The vine.

. , ^1!^ h. low-wa. vide 194. «u 11 KE-LUM. A cabbage. (1294) ^J^/'KOORKUM. Saffron, (13^5) ^-^^

(1295) O^Uji" GUZ-MA-ZUC. C1306) t:^:?:^^^ KO-LEE-JUN.

The fruit of the tamarilk tree. Galangal. vids 855.

C1307) 1 ^ ^


/ (^B'^?) U^J^'^i^^ KE-MA-FEE- daphne. p. khurzereh. sJ^jjL.

TOOS. Ground pine. (13 15) ^j^/' KEH-RO-BA. Amber, mapjddroo. jjIci^U p. (1316)^1^:^ KHAR, -{g]-;^ Salt ob-

prop, deobftruent, and deterrent, d. one mifkal. ^ • 1 ^ ^ r 1 ^ ..11 £ j , tained from burnt vesretables ; fixed cor. anileed. ^

alkaline fait. (1308) (j^__j.jOlX' KE-MA-DREE- GHEEKWAR. YOOS. Germander. ('3>7) J^J^

prop, attenuant, deobftruent, and diaphoretic. ^fl^'c^T! The aloe plant,

agrimony. r one mifkal. ^ur. quince. ^ ^ ^-^ (13183 ejt-^C^^^r^ KA-REE- (1509) ^X^KUMRUCK. -^r^lTAn ^ LOON. Xl-l<|{^73 Sea fait. Indian fruit. ' ^ ^ p. fiemuck flooor. j 4.iij'cX„J (13 10) ^,*r KE-MOON. Cumin (131 9) GHOONG feed, T x^l ill: V„''" CHEE. ^|7l^ A red berry ufed as (131 1) c^yr KU-MUS-RA. a. A a weight, and commonly called a rutty pear, vide 274.

"^^^"^ 759* /r(5/). aftringent, and cardiac, a', of the juice one water. >r. quinces. wekyah. cor. honey and (^1^20) KAYLA. Thc

fpecies of • C1212) KO-Ni\R. A i , t r i: v.^ J^^ / ^ i plantam, the Indian hg. v. moivz. j plum. h. ^.-/V. ^^^^^.^ KEY-SIR. Saffron. KOONDIR. Frankin- (1313) r rri7T . (1322) keel. p. The medlar. cenfe. f/'^/d" 6 2 2-. V. zd-roos,

/irc/i. narcotic, aftringent, ftyptic, cephalic, and

cardiac. ^A. white round grains, d. half a direm. (^1323) ^^^-f^f KEY-SOO. An odo"-- Juc maftich. s;rais. ^ '1::^. 1 riferous Rhodo- ^ (13 \) jt^fKE-NEER.

J M A T E R I A M E D I C A.


(1324"} LAZJE-WIRD. La- h. mnfs. p. gowJ7:t. ^J^^^/'

pis laznli. V. lajivird. c3 Mcr^^Ji (1352) ^AAji:

cathr.rtic and cardiac, ch. Budakhfhany. prop, TEES. Goat's beard, a flirub. d. one direm. cor. maltich.

p. derukht frers. (1325) (^cil' lA-DUN. Labdanum, prop, aflringent. d. one mifkal to two direms.

a retinous fubflance. cor. anifeed.

prf)p. attenuact, fuppiirative, difcutient. ch. (1333) L^Jix5i;^uj lissan ul greafy, of a yellow tirge. d. one direm. cor, rofe water and fandal wood, KULB. Hound's tongue ; cjnogloflum.

(1326) AAi:^ LA-GHEEYETT. A mil- (1334) _jyJ^UJ LISSAN U'SSAUR. ky plant, bearing a yellow flower, and Buglofs. vide 6-68. whofe leaves are tinged with the fame (1335) J^lo^-^ LISSAN UL colour. Tt gro^^'satthe foot of mountains. HEML. Arno2:loirum. prop, cauftic. ch. very juicy. d. two dangs.

cor. tragacanth. p. weruck hartung. lJOJj^^^j

(1327) dJ^ LAKH. Stick lac. (1336) c^yyc^/jJ LA-BUT BIR-

eXTJ V. look. BIRREE. Hermoda£lyls. vide i 79-797.

(1328) v^-' LUBLAB. Ivy. (1337) ^UJ LU-FAH. Fruit of the

\. aljhk pcitchdn. mandrake.

(1329) LEBN. Milk, (^33^) (-AJ^ LOO-BEE-YA. A fpe^ g*^ h. dood. ^. Jheir. cies of bean.

(1330) (^IJ LUBAN. Olibanum, a prop, diaphoretic, and emetic, ch. red.

fpecies of frankincenfe. (1339) LOUZHELOU

V. koondir. jOjS' Wij MURR. Sweet and bitter al-- (133O ^ LEHM. Flefh. monds. p. bd-dam E c Jher ULFAZ. UDWIYEH.

Jhereen wu telkh, '^^l^JyJ^^\i^\^ Male (1342) o^J-^ LOOBAN.

prop. The fweet, provocative, and bitter, the frankinceiife, of a reddifli tinge, deobftruent. large and oily. d. ten direms. koondir zucklr. y^ ^~^^h. kowuL ^1^^ h. mow-tee.

mir-wdr-reed. (JkJj]jj* 7i. hundkookee. f^yL>^ p.

p. nee/ufir. ^j-UJ (1344) ^^"^ LEE-LUNJ. The In-

(1341) ^^j^ LOOP. Dragon wort. dlgo plant. v. nee/. J^aJ

vIde6y-i^S, lemon. (1345) j-r^^ LEE-MOO. A

prop, deftroying worms; deobftruent. d. one , ^ ^^^^^fj^^^jj i^oo direm. eor. endive, fuc. root of the caper bufh. ^ ^ *


Mezereon root. mujlroo. (1346) UcycU MA-MEE-SA. A fpe- p. ^j^^^

Cies poppy* of prop, detergent, and cathartic ; the feed emc-

the plant full of leaves. half a direm. (1347) ^x^UjU MAR-MA-HEEJ. ^. ^ ar. fleeping it in vinegar. ^ ^ h. bam mutchlee. The eel. ^HTllcc^T , (1351) o'-^'*'-'* MA-MEE-RAN. p. mar-md-bee. (^>^^j^^

/ A fpecies of yellow wood. ^ ^ (1348) ^:!t^JUUMA-U'S-SHI-EER. y prop, deobftruent, and diaphoretic. Barley \vate». (1352) ^AiJsU MAH-FIR-FEEN. jo^v pd-nee. ^^iHl^lT ' , . , Zedoary. p. juawar. j\ t,0<:^ (1349) (JlU MASH. A fpecies of pea.

. ^*=^jU MAR-CHOO-BEH. ^. , ,/7 ., (1353) " '%^'^\\.mowng p-be-iioo-majb. ^'P^'SUS. -m^^}- "''^d.^-"- (,350) ^^.jJU MA-ZIR-YODN. V. hil- MATERIA MEDIC A.

mdrgee-ah.^\.^\^ V. hil-yoon. ^^aJJ^ p. (1363) Oj^rsr* MEH-ROOS. Roo

(1354) jj'-'* MAZOO. Gall apple. of the afafcetida plant.

md-JOO-phul. 'p.uf-is,{^jj2XS: prop- attenuant. ch. white, and light.

AjlcSyiU MAHOO-DANEH. ( l^x^iy MIR-KA-SHEE-SHA. (1355) 1 364)

feed. Marcafite. vide TTs'^^'I^Ti A

V. hub ul mullcok. ^S'j^X^'^:^ h.. foon-mukhei,

and cathartic. one ;5r«/. emetic, ^. dircm. N. hejr ullioor. jjaJL^::^

(1356} C^oV£i^;jiiU MASH HINDEE. prop, aflringent.

Saxifrage. (1365) J^U^ MIRMA-HOOZ.

fpecies of merovv. vide -t)^^ h. punivar. v. /Joo//. ^:0U A 1375. UC^jj^ MIR-WIRUSHK. ( 7) MUTHUR. -jq-^^;; Peas. (1366) 1 35

A fpecies of merow. vide i^-js- ^. kir-fe-neb. dJ.^y

(135b) ^Xx^ MU'-SUL-US. Juice (i 36 7) MOORDARSUNJ.

of grapes boiled down to one third. Litharge of lead.

moorddr-fung. eiCl^jlc^^^ (1359) ^UU MUS-NAN. A fpecies ^>

of raezeieon, which produces the feed (13^^) j-* MURR. Myrrh.

crlied kirm da-neh. h- howl.

(1360) ^A^-* MOOJ-NUJ. A plant (1369) MIRMIR. Marble,

whofe leaves are beautifully variegated. (1370) ^J^^y^jj^ MIR-ZUN-

'Z^'^^^\iAulfa.y^. khooJhriUz-irJA'J^J;^y^ JOiVSH. Marjoram.

(1361) AAA::sr» ME-JEETH. ^'^W (1371) ME-RUCK. Broth.

Redwood. 2.. buckum. ^xj p. JJjoorba, Lj_j^ji< (1362) L^J^ MELUB. A tree bear- (1372) o'-^ MER-JAN. ing a berry called hub mehlub, and Coral, vide 417-484-781.

which refembles pear feed. Cr373) ME-RA-NEE-YER ULFAZ UDWIYEH.

tree refembling jafmin. There A ^"J^^m",^ h. chunuuck put her.

are two fpecies that which is mod: ; p. Jung dhiin rohlu ^ J^^\ fragrant; or mirmdhooz\ and another (1383') JJLe MOKUL. Bdellium.

lefs fragrant, called femoofeh zvA m'lr- vide 22:5-408-864-^08.

ivh-djhk. vide 13^7 and 1368. (i5^4) ^'^ MELH. Salt.

(1574) MIZA'IAR UR loon. p. nemuc.}.

RAIY. Shepherd's pipe calhdalfo ; (1385) ^ MUL-UC. A Locufl. fliepherd's ftaff. vide 61. ^-jj^^^ y. JJ-rdd 0.1^=.

(1-7^") MISS. *- Copper. , ^( (13S6) ,,rT^,,, ^ . MUx^IN. Manna; general

h. tdmhd. a. nohafs. 1 y^V::^ . . T^^T w , ' nameforallkindsof ^ honeydevv.7;/Vf6 1 1.

(1376) (cJl^ MI SK. Mufli . vide 1299. (1387) ^^^OO-EYGEE-. ^ ' cj^^Tf n. kujtowree. p, mooJbk.^^J^^^

AH. The hairj grafs ; Indian fplke- (13:7) ^^>i^ MI3HMISH. Apricot. nard. vide i ^24-'^ 26. 'J^^l^'y^h.kljool^anee. p. zlrdd/00. y ^^^SS) MOWRID. Myrtle. (.^378) ^Uyi^^.MISHKUR'RA ..^^

MAN. A beautiful flower tree,

h. ndgevfir. (i 389) MOWZ. The plantain, or

(1379) (^-

vlde 44-456-966. dian j^rain.

.^^MOGHRAH. Red earth. (1381) ^^^^^^ ^y^^^ MO-MEE-IY.

aftringent drying, ch. bright red. d. prop, ; Mummj. half a m-ifkal. cor. honey. ^ MEHA-WIR. Tmc- (,38.y u^lU. MIK-NA-TEES.

^ ture of cruni lac. The nmagnet... ° (1393) MATERIA MEDICA.

O393) ^EY- P' (1394) (^^^^^^ MEYNDEH

SlNGEE. An Indian milky plant. ^^ h. mud, a. ^humr. <^

(1395) L;^(^<.L; NAKHUN BU-YA. (1404) aJI^ NE-KHA-LEH. Chaff.

Perfumed nails, vide 208. "3^^ h. bhoofee. ^.fe-boofs.

"^^r) h. nuk/j. (14.05) NUR-JISS. The

(1396) NA-RUNJ. An orange. narciffus. p. nurgis. ^^fy

(1397) Lk=^J^ NAR-JEEL. (1406) ^^j>^- NUSSREEN. The

A cocoaniit. vide 722. China rofe ; the dog-rofe. "^^"^

(1398) cj^JcSjlj NARDEEN. Celtic h. fow-tee v. wurd cheenee. ^aa=^<3j^

nard. v. fembel roomee. {^^^^j^^/Xt^ (1407) i^';^\Ji^j NE-SHAS-TEH.

(1399) ^ NAKDOWN. p. Starch.

Afparagus. vide 1437. a. lubdb ul kum-eh. ^vJUIl^jLJ

(1400) __^jc^^lJ NAKHUN-DEO. (1408) NUTROON. A

Perfumed nails, vide 1395. fpecies of borax. ^ jewa-

(1401) el^^-'U NAN-KHAH. khar. p. booreh urmenee. {^^'Oj^'^J^

A fpecies of anifeed. {i A,o^^ Nx'-l-NA.^z. Mint, vide^^g.

(1402) J:^* NEHL. A bee. (1410) Lju NEFT. a. Bitumen.

p. mug-US a-ful. (^t^^^^ji^^ (141 i) J^^ NEML. a. An ant. ^l^f^

(1403) J.^-' NUKHEL. The date h. choontee. p, moorchdh.

or palm tree. ( 1 4 1 2) NE-MAM. Mother of thyme.

1 derukht khunnd. Lo^i^L-^:i^ 12> bir-ndn.v fee-fum-b'ir . wyvj-w-A^w p. ©j c-fl"^ ,

Ff (1413) U L F A Z U D W I Y E H.

(141 3) NEE-LUJ. Indigo. (141 5) JaJ NEEL. The Indigo plant.

[fareh neel. Axje lUac p. neekb.&XjJ V. u , ^ (1416) ^' NY-PAL. ^T^^ (1414) J.AaJ NEELUFIR. The

. fpecies of vvormfeed . A plant, winter lily. 4^ h. kenoivl.

Sweet fcented flag. ' ('1417) pr^ WUJ. -> ACvvl-*- u y i ^7 1 *^ butch. V). up--jr toor-kee, , „ "^^{i. ..-r-rx * , ^ ^ (1420) WUS-MEH. A plant, of red rofe. (141 8) cij^ WURD. a. The which women make a deco6tion, for p. gUl. Js/ dying the eyebrows black. (1419) (^O^c^jj WURD DIFLEE. '^^^^'k neeL The rhododaphne rofe. P- J-V-J J

V . deobftruent, and diaphoretic, ch. garden. ^ Ij^^ HU DUL ZUN ^'^''-^ d. of the feed two direms. Turbith root. GEE. (1426) UcXJ^ii HIN-DU-BA. Endure.

^"^"ajT^h. jiys-ivul. p. kafnee. ^^^an Yellow (1422) JbVj^HURTAL.-^fflf;^ (1427) i^jj^^ HEEL BU-YA. The

orplment. v. zirneekb zirii. ^^JU^^JJ leffer cardamom feed. v. kh-keleh fe-ghdr ^^U^^iU (1423) HE-LEE-LUJ. . HINGH. Yellow myrobalans. ^^1 ^'^'^^ Afafoetida. W^. 305-798. (1424) C^ol^^ HULDEE. HE-ZEE-MAN. Turmeric, v. ^/rJ-.i-..^^/^. ^^^cT^J (^29)

^^'^^ P' ^^^^^ hlrrec^j^y^ (1425) o^HULYOON. Afparagus. MATERIA MEDIC A.

^jiU (1430') YE-A-COOT. A ruby. (1436) a^cXj YUZ-KEH. v. The

(143O i:)^^^ YE-AS-MEEN. dwarf elder.

Jafmin. =^1!"^ h. chumbeylee. v. khdmauktee. (^L^il^UU.

^r.^ the flowers attenuant and cephalic. ch. ) , YE-RA-MY-A. a. " white, fragrant, cor. camphor. L." y afparagus* vide \\oo, (1432) YEB-ROOJ. Mandrake (1438) YESHF. Jafper. vide 13 7- 173-621. p. fiingye-JJoem, Ji^ uXLm ^/ ^ ^ ^ ,. (1433) 9 4a; lE-TuA. A general ^ ^ a, , , , (1439)-^^^ YUKTEEN. A name for all mdky plants. ^ ^

- , . . ^^^^.-^^ ^ . - . general name for plants having tendrils. , ° (1434) (^A^^;:? YUKH-blb. A Ipecies YE-LUN-TOOT. c n , u u (1440) ^ ^ or pariley, larger than the common C-^ ^

Lignum aloes, p. oWi^/W^^.Cj^cXJ^JtJti^ ^ ^ (^44i) e^jx^. YUMBOOT. A fpe- (1435) a::^:^ YEKH-CHEH. ^^^^ Hailflones. ^^-| h. ow/a. p.

^'^^'^^^^ U^iJ- and z/jd-/eL P- (J^^'^J^f-


No. No- No. No. Adder, 1114 Aiyun us ferateen, a. 209 Amamoon, a. - 278 Aarghees, g. i Amaranth, Ab, p. - 329 Adruck, h. 55 Ajelgeea, a. 37 322 Amber, 1260, i 315. 1235 Ababeel, - 19 Afafoon, a. 221 Ajur, a. 40 Ambergris, - a. - 8 1075, I188 Abar, - h. Afadyah, a . 228 Akahoolee, 255 Abee, h. - 28 Amluj, a. 273 Aflatoon, c. 222 Akakya, a. 231 Ammi, Aberkakya, a. - S 275 pereft, a. 216 Akareekoon, a. Abgeeneh, b. - 26 Aftab 253 Aniomum, 278, 801 Amoos, Abgoon, h. - 22 Afteemoon, a. 227 Akafs beyl, h. 227, 549 275 Abghowra ungoor, Kg, L 248 Amra, h. 271 277 Akgir, a. 47 A.mrool, h. Abier, - 1 804 153 Ag-ka-phul, h. 841 Akhrowt, a. 46 Amul beynt, h. Abir moordeh, - 119 272 Aghaloochee, a. - 315 Akir kerha, 1150 Amuleh, p. Abift, a. - 7 273 Agheeris, a. 211 Akooyeela femoon roo- Amultafs, h. - 880 Abkameh, a. - 25 Aghees, a. 212 mee, a. Anacardium, Ab-khufac, - 966 236 284 Anar, Abnoos, a. - 12 Agnus caltus, 95,83,439, Alateenee, a. 268 p. 922 toorfh, Aboo khiilfa, a. - 4 539' 637, 1222 Aleek, V. 639 p. - 938 - defhtee, . - 100 Abooiils, a. 13 Ahir, ^. 259 Aligator, 629 / Anardaneh defhtee, Abrar ul kutch, a. - 23 Alkaline fait, 1 455 Ahlal ul koiift, a. - 340 29, 366, Abroon, - 21 Anargeewa, a. - 281 Ahleeluj asfir, a. - 706, 714, 1316 339 Aneefoon, - Abfun, a. - Almond, - a, 3°4, 479 3 cabulee, a. 342 98,177,380, Anamone, Abuc, a. - 15 1339 285, 1092 ufwud, a. 338 - Angara, h. Acacia, 1^,1 Aloes, 344, 1 3 17, 1 109 47 Ahoo, p. 1 46 1 Anifeed, - 41, Acorn, - 529, 1070 Aloo, p. 39 172, 304, Ahuck, a. 341 • Acorus thorn, - 851 Aloobaloo, p. 671, 1227 385* 9°9» 923, 1401 — fudef, - Ada, h. - 55 145 Aloocheh, p. 56 Ankh, h. 1 195 Adada, a. - 54 Ahun, p. 783 Alooj, a. 258 Ant, 1411

Adam's fg, 265, 3 20; 701 Ain, a. 1195 Alum, - 575, 1077 Antimony, 34, 1282 Adarakee,_/y. - 58 Aifhk peltchan, a. 1328 Amaa ul urz, a, - 276 Anuk, a. 301 G Apple, I N r* n X.

No. No. No. No. I Appk, - 619 Ariind, ^, - 84 Afheyaf mamyfa, a, 154 'Awj, - 1151 Apricot, 414,623,1377 Arunde key beej, h. 74? A flung, p. - 66 !a wnons, p. - 12 - /ifparagus, - Arabic gum, 279, 414 - 1353, 1309, Azan ul dub, a. - 60 Arufa, h. 358 { - Aiah, a. IQC 1425, 1437 - Aruz, a. - 85 ul ernub, a. 59 Aiakoowa, a. - 77 Afoeruck, ^. 105,138,250 Arzun, />. - 103, 888 ul far, a. - 62 Areed bareed, a. - 81 ^Jphodel, - 415, 875 Afaba hoormus, a. i-q - —— ul feel, a. - 67 Aiifta, a. 74 Afs, - 32, 813 Ill feteyat, a, 171 ul ghezal, a. - 68 Ariftalookheea, a. - 75 AfN V. - 1388 fifr, a. - 178 Arnoglcffiifn, - i.'35 Afsbinkeh, a. - 148 ul jedee, a. - 72 - ul ghezaree, a. 191 Aroe, /). 39 ul kefees, a. - 65 Afsbirree, a. - 152 Arfenic, - 61 AJafcetida, 305,798, 1264, 0, 617 ul ubd, a. - 61 Affran, a. - Artemafya, «. - 73 1^7, 1 193, 1363, 1428 147 Azar afyoon, a. - 69 Afaroon, - Atereelal, a. - Artemejia, - 73 a. 142 1 Aziryon, a. - 71 Artichoke, - 786 AJarahaca, - 142 Atn'aiTiees, a. - 32 Arud-gundum, - 821 Afhbutchegan, a. - 164 Atus, h. - 893 Azreeyas, a. - 64 Arud-jow, p. - 488 .^i^fj, - 938 Aunwera, h. - 273 Azreeyoon, a. - 70, 92

No. No. No. No.

Babaree, fy. 397 Badrunj boryah, p. 627 Bangh, h. 1257 Bean, - 355, 1338, 1441 Babefir, a. 373 Bahnta, h. - 382 Bans, h. 374 Bedaneh, 754 - Babool, a. 400 Bail, h. - 586, 534 Banfa, h. 358, 879 Bee, - 1402 — Babooneh, a, - 393' 620 Baiy berung, a. 377, 427 Bar, a. 503 Beechew, h. - 1178 Babooneh gaw, Bajee, h. - Barahykund, a. Beedlnjeer, p. - j 45^235 9, 396 367 1 84 Babooneh burree Eajra, h. - Barberries, — Beej, h. - . 32 ,31, 294 602, P' 357 j 735 Bard u (I, Baboonuj, a. - 363 Bakela, a. - 355, 678 a. 361 Beejowre ka good, 7 Baboofir, a. 372 kiptee, a. - 394 Barhee, h, 39« Beerbehowtee, h. - 1162 Baboofeh, a. 390 mifree, a. - 395 Bariftaryoon, a. 384 Beerfoon, a. - 423 Babuleh, a. 391 Bakheh, a. - 392 Bark, 1247 Beerzud, p. - 368, 577 — Back, 1247 Bal, h. - 1090 Barley, 1 089 Beelh, p. 57, a. - 583 Badam, a. 380 Bala, k. - 356 Barley meal. 488 Beef, - 457, 686, 1022 - Badam kouhee, ib. 98 Balm, - 513, 515 Barley fugar. I Z05 Beharbeh, a. - 574 Badam ftiereen wu tulkh, Baloo, h. - 386 Barley watery 1348 Beharumrood, a. - 568 1339 Balfam of Gilea::, - 236 Baroo, h. 386 Behee, h. - 28 Badawird, p. 241 Balung, a. - 378 Barud, a. 366 Behee key beej, h. - 754 Eadawurd, a. - 365 Balungoo, a. - 389 Barook, a. 375 iBeheyra, h 524. 565 Badeeyun, p. - 3S5 — khoord, 1209 Bartung, a. - 379, .461 [Behlawa, h. 526 Badinjan, a. - 382 Balun goobiree, p. - 508 Barzud, a. BehmuD; a. 368 i 573 Eadnuj, a. 362 Balungooee khoora, p. 220 Bojrah Jione, 636, Behram, a, 571 Badrooj, a. 364 Bam mutchlee, h. - 1347 Baftl, 1074 Behramuj, a. 567 j Badrunj, p. 881 Bamboo, - 374 Bat, 866 Behrman, a. 571 I Badrunj booyeh, a. 388, Ban, d. - 389 Batoo, a. 387 BehuITej, a. 540 I Bdellium, Beid angeebeen, a. 1 513 Bang, p. - 1257 222, 408, 1383 1 105

Beid 11

I N D E X.

No. No. No. ! No. I - injeer, - Beykh kobir, I7(^ ! Birwak, a, Bucklut'ul humeka, a. Beid a. 578 415 j 506 Eeid khifht, - I105 mehuck, 1 8c Bifbafeh, v. khclateef, a. p. p i 45M 510

Eeid miflik, v. - murr, p. 176! Bijhofs weed, 275 I khorafanyeh, a. Beid muflik, p. muftroo, p. iqc Bifs, h. 37, 1026 5^4 n Eeir, h. - 580, 1312 neelufir hindee, h. Billiij, a. 481 liyeneh, a, - 518 Bejewra, h. ~ 404 196, 1220 Bitter pea. I 55! melic, - 511 - Bitumen, morabic, Eekhur miriem , a. 407 pan, p. 186 1410 a. 518 \ litiaaur, a. 520 peel goofh, - 183 Black berry, 639; iidus, a. - 509 Beleyleh, p. 524 —— punjiingooflit,/). igo BlackJeed, 737, 85S, T065, utrujyeh, a. 515 | Beleyluj, a. 524 fhaneh deflitee, a 1098 uzzehbiyeh, a.^ij { Beloot, a. 529 590 Blac\ henbane, 1099,- uzzub, a. - 508 — III melic, a. - To fun fefeid,/). 182 Blood, 897 zehra, a. - 507

- ! -Bfckra, 1070 iingudan, p. 1193 Bhodfcone, 772, 1072 810 Buckum, Ill urz, a. - 530 zunjebeel fh Bole, - 1 142 a. 519,/. 1190, Belli), a. 525 /. - 189 Bole armenic, - 780, 1143 1361

Belling mlfhk, a. - Beykh-ha, II6I Bone, - 1 Buckus, a. - 53^ p. 1 75 520 Bud, _ Ben-nuts, 758 Beykhfoo?, a - 58:^ Bookalemoon, a. 136, 557 Buddes kutaiy, - Benofa, h. 540 Beynt, h. 576 Boom,/>. 5S5 h. 410 Budleeyoon, - Benocmalh, p. 238, 1349 Beyjowra, h. -20 Boojm, a. 406 fy. 408 Benowla, h, - Bc%-,ar, Booreh, v. Baalofs, 4, 68, 550 ' 757 371, 61?, 1204 554 1265, 1334 Bulboos, Benufsheh, p. 540 Bl,%, h. 124 Booieh urmeny, a. 560, a - 492, 533 Bulefan, Berehtya, h. 410 Bhang, h. 570 1408 a - 538 Bui fun, a, Berenj, 85, 427, 587 Biieir, h. 1 1 26 Eooruc, a 554 537 Bulus, miflik. 416 Bheyja, h. Borax, - 554, 560, 1408 a. 527 Berf, Bhoofee, h. Boflan ufroze, a. - Bun, a. p. 689 , 651 1404 486 545 Bernankey beej, h. 465 Bhowj putter, h. 569 Bootm, a. ~ 501 Bundook, a. 542 Berry, 734 Bhungra, h. 705 Boozydan, a. - 556 hindee. 551 Bung, h. Beruha, h. 921 Bil, h. 1133 Bowl, - <7. 561, 1368 8, p. 74 Bungeyhoon, - Betafeh, h. 1205 Blllee, h. 1044 Bowlfiree, h. - 564 h. 53, 547 Bunj, a. - Betel, 186, 381 Bir, p. 4i2!Bowfeer, a. - 553 deflitee, Betel leaf. 594 Birbal, h. 41^^. Box, - 520, 1095 a. ~ 552 ' Bunkagundena, - Betel nut, 999. I22-J Birdee, a. 428 Brains, - 898 a. 49 - Bireeja, h. Bunfa, a. - Beteekh zickee, a. 502 368, 577 Bramble, - 1085, 1 1 8 78 1 J Bireh, Bunflowchun, a. - Beyd geea, /*. 2I3j p. ^\o\BraJs, - 587 546 Beykh badyan, a. - Birghovvl, a. 418 Bread, - Buntoomeh, a. - 172 1 25, 27 54^

teikh,^. I Birg-bungoo, Burdwufalam, a. - budam 177 p 791 Broth, - 24, 1 37 422 - Burnt lead, choochee, a. 591 Birg tumbowl, 381, 594 Bryony, - 1 202 8 Burr, a. derukht filfil draz, Birkook, a. - 414 Bubgha, a. - 399 411 Burum, I22I Birnan, h. ~ 425, 1412 Buck, a. - 504 a. 421 Bufak, gawflieer, p. 174 Birteneykee, a. - 429 Buckbir, a. - 521 a. 496 Bufak ul kumur, geeha ferey {h\xm,\ Birthworth, 75> 958, 959 Buckayin, a. - 383, 522 a 493 p. - i98!Birtoom, a. - 419 Buckir, a. - 505 Bufbafeh, a. 489 hub ul neel, p. 188 Birunj cabulee, - 427 Bucklut'ul baradeh, 516 Busfaij, a, 483 | jewar, - 170 Birunjafif, a. 73,413,1259 — fariftum, a. 513 Bufhbufli, a. 490 kerefs, - 181 kouhee, p. - 224 ghezal, a. - 512 Bufh-turugh, a. - 49 r

BuHeetaj- 1


No. No. No. No. j Bufteetaj-roomee, a. 482 Buzir ul kerefs, p, - 38 Buzir ul wurd, a. - 449 Buzir ul keeweh, a. 471 | - ketoona, a. ul usfir, a. - 450 ul unjereh, a. 472 Bufiid, a. - 484, 417 430 j ul kerefs ul bof- Biifur, a. - 485 - ul kifa, a. - 431 ul khufs, a. 452 - tanee, a. - Bufllil, a. - 498 ul hinduba, a. 432 ul humaz, a. 454 473 - ul khubaze, a. Buflul ul far, a. - 494 buckletul huki- bulafekew, a. 453 4.J4. kitmee, a. ul nurjis, a. 495 ma, a. - 433 —— ul mut, a. - 455 ul 474 - ul ruman ul bir- . ul unful, a. - 497 us fudab, a. 434 ul firmuc, a, 456 uzzeeb, a. - 49 ^ - ul kuneb, a, 435 ul fullc, «. - 457 ree, a. - 475 - ul juzril bofta- But, p. - 500 ul kirnub, a. 436 ul fujl, a. - 460 nee, a. - Butch, h. - 1407 - us fhibbet, a. 437 4.J6 • ul lilTan ul heml, juzril bir- Buteekh, a. - 499 - ul ul luft, a. - 438 a. - 461 Buthowa, b. - 403 - ree, a. - 477 ul funjungoofht, ul bufful, a. 462 Buthoa key beej, h, 456 ul hund kow- a. - 439 ul khoom- Butter, - 952 kee, a. - 47S - ul kidioos, a. 440 khoom, a. 463 Butter-milk, - 906 ul razeeanuj ul - ul kurrofs, a. 441 ul kutan, a. 464 Buzak, a. - 458 roomee, a. naman, a. 479 j - ul kaknej, a. 443 ul 465 Buzbas, a. - 45 ^ kouhee, j . a. Buz p. - - ul raziyanej, a. 444 ul hulyoon, 466 79 Buzghaleh, p. - 669 | Buzruc, a. - - ul beteekh, a. 445 ul ryan, a. - 467 459 Buzir, a. - 602 j Bylm, h. - - ul isfanaj, a. 446 ul mazriyoon, a. 468 505 Buzir ul bunj, 42, 94, I p. Byngun, h. - 382 - ul relhad, a. - 447 ul rutbeh, a. 469 442, 1062 I - ul kufud, a. - 448 ul kirfeh, a. 470 Byz, a. - 584 ' bhang, a. - 405


No. No. No. No. h. Chew He, Cahhage, - 436,1287 Carrot, wild, 112 Cheedeh, 730 723 h. Cheyna, h. - 888 ' Cheel, Calamint, - 5°9 Cajm fijiularis, - 852, 880 970 103, ka loon. h. - 129 Ch,hatch, h. Cahmus aromaticus, - 1 248 Cajpa lignea. 1025 Ch;en 906 Cheenta, h. Chilghoza, p.- - Camel, - 7^2 Cajlor, - 1 64, 709, 862 727 695 Cheeta, I 102 Chilka, h. Camel's hay, - 63 Cat, 1044 1247 Ckeefe, - - 665 Chilpafeh, a. - 696 Camel's thijile, - 1 56 Celadine, 5^° Chehur, b. ']24.\ China rsfe, - 1406 Camomile, - 32, 45, 235, Centaury, 1 165 Chena, h. 807 Chipkulceh, h. - 696 363, 393' 621, 747 Chab, h. 1280 Chenee, h. loi Chirbee, h. 1085 Camph-A-, - 1262 Chaff, 1404 5

' Cherayta, h. 672 Chitchera, h. 666 Cantharides, - 917 Chap, a. 655 - Chereela, h. 165 Choghunder, p. 686, 1022 Capers, - 175, 184, 1 27 1 Chakfu, h. 662, 618 Choob beynt, - 882 Caraway feed, - 12B5 Chameleon, 136 Cherkahun, p. 635 p nokeia, - Choochce, h. - Cardamom, 18, 269, 761, Chanderkant, h. - 773 Cherk P- 834 647 - 1228, 1427 Charcoal, 969 Cherownjee, h. 679 Choochee keyjir, h. 591 1227 h. Cardmine, - 1 234 Char mughz, p. - 46 Cherry, 671, Chook, 163, 716 h. 812 Carobs, - 849 Chap tree, Chelhem, p. 1195 Chooka, h. - Chefhmuck, 618 Chooka -key p.hool, h. Carpohaljum, , - 756 j^Chawul, 85 p. 593 h. - Chewka, h. 1206 Choona, h. 341 Carrot, - 476, 68 1 , Checheenda, 667 141, j 1263 Cheechira, Chevvka key beej. h. 454 Choona kullee, - 778 i 57 Choontee 1


Ko. No. No. No, Choontee, h. - 141 Clnnahai', - 976 Cotz^ /;r^, - 590, 1076 Crow, 1304 Chorowgee, h. - 579 Cinnam^;}iy - 886 Conch, - 799, 1047. Crowfoot, 2 Chowbuck ufliman, v. - Chiiuef'j'.l, 190, 544, 1223 Conjerve of rofes, - 694 Cuhebs, 1273 - 1 107 Citron, - 7, 30, 378, 404 <:^/..i5^r, 592, 1375 Cucumber, 448 Chr)i/lal, - 769 Civet, - 953 C3/>//V y?a«(?, - 779 . ir,„g^ 1231 . Coral, j^i-], Chubuck iiiowych, h. 163 Clay, 1303 484, 78 1 , 1 372 Cumhifeed, - 984, I310 j Chuck-choondree, h. 867 Clover, - '233 Cornelian, - li-/9\ Curds, Chumbeylee, b. - 1431 Cloves, - 1238 Coriander, - 910 Curfuta, 218 - Cojiits, - Chiimpa, h. - 708 Cobweb, 5 i 1245, 1246 Cutch, vide je«/Z?

- Cotton, 1 Chumgcedir, h. - 866 Codfcomb, 429* 486 423,550,757, 252, Cutchree, Z>. 894 Chum! a,/;. - 690 Cuoariiit, - 722, 1397 1007 Chumuck puther, h. 774, - 545 Crab, - 843, 1008 Cyprus, 815 - 2 Crab apple, - 1 1382 Collyrhm, 10, 307 274 Cyprus earth. 1 144 Chundun, h. - 710, 11 23 Coloquintida, - 306, 782, Creffis, - 447' 7^7' 93° Chuftah, h. - 311 817, 1.086


No. No. No. No. I Dak.h, - 292, 885 Derukhtbeycho\vb,/.lioi Diflee, a. - 895 Dragon s blood, - 346 I - chenar, p. - 896 Dil, p. - Dragonworty 67,1835X341 Dakjh key beej, h. 740 I 1255 - Dirnfieneh, - Dak,h ka mudh, h. - 871 I chulghozeh,/). ^. 892, 1103 Dranculus, 1150

h. 1 121 koiihee, />. Dregs -wir-e, - Dakjh kay paneeh, 277 j 225 of 890 Dal cheenee, h. - 886 gool cliuckan, a. khorafanee, p. Drofs of Iron, - 635, 830 Daneh, p. - 735 891 794 of copfer, - 832 - 1 36 kerem daneh, p. - fefeid, a. - 1281 Darnvort, 829, 1 649 Dar cheenee, p. - 886 54 Dittany, - 512 of tin, - 833 - - Darfilfil, ^7. - 883 khurma, p. 1 403 D'Mer, 227, 243 Dry pitch, 1297 Daiem, h. - 922 konar, p. - loot Dog rofe, - 693, 1406 Dug, or teat, - 647 Dar (heelhan, a. 157, 884 mokiil p. 864,908 Dogs bane, - 825 Duhn, a. - 911 Dfl/f, 115, 63Q, 836, 932 nee!, /». - 11 76 Dokhn, a. - 888 Dujaj, a. - 887 1403 pombeh, p. 1272 Dood, />. - 889, 1329 Dum, ff, - 807 Deck, a. - 912 feers, p. - 1332 ul hereer, a, - 903 ul akhwein, a. 899 Deemuck, h. - 913 ungoozeh, 305 ul keermuz, a. 904 Dumbeyh key poonieh,

ufhuc, - 1 Doodhu, h. - h. - Deery - 1146 ^. 1 34 1050 266 Deewuck, a. - 913 Dewaleh, />. - 165 Doogh, p. - 906 Dum dumbeh, p. - 266 Dehnya, h. - 910 Devvalik, a. - 907 Doolb, a. - 896 DumufToban, a. - 900 D;h maha, h. - 24.1 Dewohehj p. - 914 Doond, p. - 755 Dund, V. - 387, 901- Deyupa, - Dooneh toorkee, a. ~ Dung, - Deleedah gundutn, />. 418 p. n86 909 503, 955 Demagh, - 898 Dhak, h. - 528 Doord fherab, p. - 890 Dufhab, /. - 214 Dendan feel, p. - 1151 Dhak key beej, h. - 523 Doordee ul khumr, a. 890 Dufir, - p. 53, a. 90a Deokandur, - 1270 Dhetoora, h. - 717 Doozj a. - 905 Duftumbcoyeh,/). 650,894 Deroonuj akrubee, a. 893 Dlioonan, h. - 889 £)<37;^5 - 1207 Dwarf elder, - I436> - Derukht beidj p. - Diamond, - 260 Dow nip a, 908 Hh -

I N D E X.


No. No. No. I No. 267 Eeyul, a. Eklumya, a. 347 232}Eroofiic, a. 1 1 62 EagleJione, 242, 766 Efirbeyoon, a. 223 Ekoomalee, a. > 771 239 Erufa, a. 78 Egg, - Ehiychee, h. Earth worm. 276 581, 289, 673 269 Etaa, a. 203 I 0 Ehdak'l mirza, a. - Elder tree. 24O5 Jibil, a. 45 874 Euphorbium, 233,254,1210 Ebony, 12 Eh lubdya, a. Elecampane, - 189, 264, 43 ExpreJJ'edjuice, 2 , 1 1 6 8 1 7 a. 20 Ehreez, a. Ebreyfum, 44 928, 981 Eye, - 1 1 95 20 Ejafs, a. Elibtoot, a. 262 Ebreyfhum, p. 39 Eykakein, a. - 352 - Ekheenoos, a. 48 Emerald, Eel, 674, 1347 973 Eyiewa, a. - 344 Eerfiyoon, a. 354 Ekhreet, a. 49 Endive, 432, 1267, 1426 Eerkan, a. 353 Ekleel ahwuz, a. - 251 Eluk, a. 267 Eerfoon, a. 349 ul melic, a. - 250 Erkub, a. 79


No. No. No. No. Faduj, a. 1204 Ferenj miflik, a. - 1209 Findook, v, 542 Foam of the fea, 69, 954 Fakhteh, a. 1207 Fetr, a. 1214 Fir, 80 Foo, a. - 1225 Faneez, a. 1205 Fetra faliyoon, a. - 1215 Firbeyoon, a. I2IO Fooful, a. - 999, 1224 Far. a. - 1206 Field moiijey II74 Firfiyoon, a. - 223, 254, Fooh, V. - 1088, 1226 Fafhera, a. 1202 E'g, 293, 527, 643, 1069 1210 Fox, - 648 Fawenya, a. - 1203 Indian, 1389 Fi/h, - 820, 1034 Fox's grapes, - 1184 Feathc'y 947 Filbert, 542 Fillook, a. I2I2 Frankincenfe, 481, 1313, Feloos mahte. p. 58, 825 Filfil ab'"uz, a. - 1218 Fiftuc, a. 480 1342 ' - - Felunjeh, p. 229 I , a. 1222 Fizzeh, a. 1213 Frog, _ 1 127 Feliinj mefi.v. a. - 1219 draz, a. F/eaworf, 130, 430, 1251 Fuji, a. - 1208 Fennel, 437, 1078 mooyeh, a. - Flejh, I33I Ful, a. - 1220 Fennugreek, - 800, 1094 fee:^.'', p. - :,2i6 F/oi'.:'-, 1302 Fuller s earth, - 779

Fentafeloon, a. - 1223 — ^^:,:^,p. . 1218 F:. . 268 Fumitory, 401, 511, 1067 Ferafeyoon, a. - 1211 —— ufwud, a. - 1216 9I5I


No. No. No. No. Gahfs fireyfs. h. - 132 Garlic, 6 J 2, 635, 1061 Geeah fireyfhum, p. 132 Gentian, 369 Gajir, h. 144, 1263 Gau kouhee, p. - 347 Geeafireys, v. 4'5 Germender, 1308

Gavv, Gc;ehoon, h. 411 , 818 1 Gajir key beej, 476 p. Ghafis, a. 1 96

Gawlheer, - G^eho jn ka heer, h . 22 Galangal, 85- , 878, 1306 p. 656 Ghar, a. II97 Galhanuin, 36^' 577 Gawzeieh, p. 770 Geerdigan, p. 46 Ghareekoon, a. - 1 199

Gall a'j.ple -y - 828, 1 177, Ciazruck, p. 258 Geergit, h. 136 Ghafool, a. - 163, 1 198 1354 G.-eah abgeenah, p. 792 Geeroo, h. - - 1139 Ghee, h. 1037 Gaozeban, p. 1 265 Geeah kyfir, p. 250 Gehew, h. 1037 Gheekwar, h. 1317 Gherab . 1 19

y N D E X.

No. No. No. No. Gherab, a. 1304 Goehfamph, h. 1051 Gourd, 1237 Gum aralic, - 279, III Ghirb, a. I 200 Gokhroo, h. 684 Gow, h. — bdellium, - 222 Ghocr.^chee, j6. i^ig.GoId, - 596,920,1136 Gow gird zird, p, 350 lac, - 1392 - Ghowk, p. 1 1 27 Googul, h. 222, 408 Gowrgeca, p. 63 of wild rue, 64, ^45, - Ghowreh, a. 1201 Gookehroo, h. 482 Gowr khur, p. 814 II16 Ghowreh khurraa, /I. 525 Gool, p. 1302 Gowfht, p. Gund beyl, h. - 63 Ghowreh ungeer, Goolabee, Gundena, - p. 795 p. 574[ turenl, p. 7 p, 1288 Gil, - Gool-humaz, burree, ~ p. 1142 p. 593 es, p. 49 I Graf 194, 277, firfiiew, p. - 1 Goolkhyree, Gundmar, h. - 1 45 p. - 1292, I183 413 fooikh, p. ~ \ 139 Goolkund affulee, p. Gundnaiy kouhee,p. i2ir ^'^ Greafe, 1085 j urmenee,/>. 780, 11 Goollaleh, p. 43 ^ Green 1201 Gnndum, p. 411, 818 j fruits, Ginger, Gool peyadeh, p. - - 55,974,981. "^^"^ defhtee, i Gourd pine, p. ^ , r 1307 53 1057 Gool lureniam, *. - 16011^ , Guana, 105 Gunjareh, - ju z. p. 6ot Gizzard, - 1 1 Goondh,/^. 29 - iiiSlcudchee h 33 Giirg, ^, - 921 Glafs, - 26, 956 Goondbeydufter,/. 709|G„dh,, 1/ 813 Guzir, p. - 68r Glajfwort, - 165, 1 98 Goorbeh, p. - 1044 1 jGuj-peepul, h, - 1280 GiJzmazoo, p. - 4.06 Gluleewaz, /I. - 970 Goorg, p. - 1292 1^"!.j 1418 Guzmazuck,/!. - Gooje, ^ 753, 1295 Gnat, 504 1 500 Gum, general name, II Guziingubeen, a. - Goat, mountain, - Goolli khyrs, 5o j 15 1296 79 j p - ammoniac, 160, 1134 Gynda, h. - 1291 Goat's leard, - 1332 I Goozgeeah, /), - 717


No. No. No. No, Hafir, a. 733 Hejr ul dum, a. - 772 Hemp agrimony, 335, 1083 Hezeeman, a. - 1429 Hafiz ul nehul, a. - 734 ul kirk, a. - 775 1 196 Hilteet, a. - 798, 1117 Hail/lone, - 625, 1435 ul kiimr, 493, 773 Hen, - 887 Hilyoon, v. - 1353 Hair, 1090 kibtee, a. - 779 Henbane, 42, 74, 94442, Himir, a. - 807 Haj, a. 732 ul micknatees, a. 774 541, 1062 Himiz, (1. - 808 Halitn, h. 93° meihewyeh, a. 778 Henna, /. - 95, 353 Hinduanth, p. - 502 Hare, 107 ul noor, V. - 1364 Herf, a. - 787 Hinduba, a. 1267, 1426 Hare's ears, 59 ul rukam, a. - 776 babilee, v. - 646 Hingh, h. - 1428 Halha, a. 731 ul ufrooj, a. - 767 —— ulmaa, a. - 785 Hingkarookh, h. - 305 Hathajooree, h. 543 urmenee, a. - 780 Herjul, a. - 789 Hinna, a. - 815 Hathee dant, h. - U51 Hinnaey koreifli, ul y. hood, a. - 768 Hermodu. fs, 179, 797 c. 816 Head, u! )e(heb, a. - 76' 1053,1797,1336 Hinteh, a. - 8j3 Heart, I25^ - Hiralba roomee, - zietoon, a. 77 Hennul, 788 784 - Hirba, c. - Hedeed, a, 783 Heleeleh feeah, p - 338 H r'hi , 786 136 Heelbuya, a. 1427 zird, p. - 339 ' jelh buzir ulketoona, Hirbee, h. ~ 1104 Fleera, / kelan, p. - 342 a. - 791 Hirrnul, a, - 114 - ~ h. - • '99 Hirra, Heeradc • Keleeluj, a. \: 23 khorafanee, a. 1423

Hejr bei -,a. 769 //.. ':re, - 837, , 8 794 Hirtal, h. ~ loi, 1422 be; lee, a. /Si H>. a. - 810 ul tehal, a. '93 Hirtuckee, h, - 339 - ul luclvir, a. 770 Hemp, 435, 1257, '°4^ uzzujaj, ^z. 792 Hiyeh, a. - 823 - h- i.ijt, a, 766 — inebriating, 107 1, lo8o Hewaree, a. - 821 Homama, a. - 80 Honey, —

I N D E X.

No. No. No. No. - Homy, " 310, 1 167 Hub ul usfcr, - 746 Hubiick, a. - . 749 Humaz nehree, a. 805 ul a. - nubtee, a. - ul ameer, a. Hoof, ' 733' I I 40 khirwa, 748 762 8c6 - Hoondar, h. I 292 —— ul inulook, a. 750, — fiickree, a, 763 ul buckir, a. 804

Hoot, a. 820 1355 kermanee, a. 763 Ill urneb, a. 802 Horn, ul ki!kil,a. 752, 937 khorafanee,^. 764 ul utrej, a. 803 Horfe tail. 66 ul neil, <7. 751, 1244 Huddee, h. p 11 75 Hum.r ul urz, a. - 809 Horje radijh. 1429 ul ufTol, a. - 753 Hudhud, a, - 558 Hund kohee, a. 819, 1340 Hound's tongue, 1333 ul bulfan, a. - 757 Hudiij, a. - 782 Hunfs, A. - 500 Houje Iceh, - 10, 21, 23, ul koten, a. - 758 Hudiilzungee, a. - 142 Hunzil, p. ~ 306, 817 65, 321, 822 us fufirjul, a. 754 Hulbeeb, a. - 797 khowkh, p. - 782 Howh beer, h. 17 us fulateen, a. 755, Hulbeh, a. - 800 Plurn, h. - 1 146 Hub, a. 735 728 Huldee, - 963, 1424. Hurtal, h. - loi hunkela, a. - 736 kaknej, v. - 713 Hulul, p. - 796 HuiTrim, a. - 79^ uzzubeeb, a. - 740 fumneh, v. - 736 Hulwan, h. - 669 Huiruck, p. - 790,1158 - - 206 ul ban, a. 7S8 mihlub, a. 1362 Huhvaiy rifhteh, a. Huzaz us fuckher, t;. 816 ul kilt, a. - 741 Hubbeh, a. - 759 Hiilyoon, a. - 1425 Huzeez, a. - 796 ul' timfah, a. 742 Hubbuck urriey, a. - 760 Hulzoon, a. - 799 Hy- ul aalum,(/. 10,21, 823 —— ul yehood, a. - 743 Hubbut ul jowda, a. 737 Humam, a. - 811 Hymar ahlee, a. - 813 - - ul urur, 744 ulkhuzra, a. 738 Humaz, p. 716 wehfhee, . (7. 814 — " fenobir feghar, fl.745 Hiibek ulma, a. - 739 birree, p. - 804 HyJJhp, - 155^983 —— ul buckir, a. - 747 boftanee, a. 812

No. No. No. No.

Ibn awee, a. 29 Injeer adem, v. 320, 701 Isfeedaj, a. 117 Ifskhareh roomee, ^7. 151

Ibn hubbeh, «. 27 defhtee, a. 320 I felunj, a. - 118 Ifskunkoor, a. 126 Ibrehy meyah, a. - 24 — fifeid, a. 527 Isferem, a. 140 IiTpund, a. 114 Ibn tahir, a. II vizeeree, p. - 1069 Isfeydej Ijuffafeen, a. 145 Ifstutlus, a. »33 Ibn ul ma, a. 6 Inkitreeyoon, a. - 317 I; fund fefeid, a. - 123 Iflefeen, a. 191 Ibn urs, a. 14 Inverted thorn, 57, 323- Isfunj, a. 119 Ifthoolkundj h. - 125 Ice, 689, 699 666 Ifhkaku], a. 161 Irtufleen, a. 144 Idrick, a. 56 Inub, a. - 885, 1183 Ilhkhefs, a. - 159 Itreeful, a. 204 Iflunjeh, a. 229 Iris, - 197, 343 Khrafs, a. 158 Ivory, 1151 Igir, a. 245 us faleb, v. - 943' Iflitelayoos,

Ifbund, h. Ifsfeyoos, a. Izlum, fl. 1 1415 123 130 1 76 h. Isfanaj, Ingur, 345» 976 p. 121 Ifskakis, a. - 131 Izrifs, ff. "73-

7' y ,



No. No. No. No.- ycclal. 29 >/, 996 Jew panee, 1348 Jumed, a. 699 h. - Towz, a. - Tahee jewhee, h. 1 149 Jetadahree, 486 46, 715 Jumed chenee, a. 706 Jaiphul, h. 660 Jethee miid,h, h. - 180 bewa, a. 676, 711 Jumeereh, a. 7°5 Jalee, a. 664 Jewakhar, h. 714, 1408 hind, a. 722 Jumcez, a. 701 (Tel, a. Jal lackree, h. 1225 Jewnwafa, a. 719 ma 552 > 7^7 Jumel, a. 702 Jamefeli, a. 663 Jews' pitch. 133 ul kovvful. a. 7 20 Jumusferim, a. - 703 Jamun, h. 661 —- Jicne, - 768, 777 ul kie, p. 720 Jumuft, a. 698 - Jar ul nelir, a. 657 Jahleh, p. 625 ul muruj. a. 713 Jund bey dufter, a. - 7°9 T Til 1 • J jajmin. 1373' 1431 Jhaou, h. 725 ul ret,. <7. 721 Jundeh key beej, h. 745 Jafper, 765, 1438 Jhinga, h. - 97' ul firoe, a. - 718 Jungee daroo, - 793 Jafiis, a. 659 Jild, a. 690 ul telb, a. 712 Jungelee anar, h. - 100 Jawers, a. 658 Jintyana, a. 707 Jubn, a. 665 badam, h. - 98 Jawefeer, a. 656 Jirjeer, a, 677 Judee, h. 669 rie, h. 784 Jr-"tree, h. Jirjer ul maa, a - 670 Judwar, a. 668, 957' 1352 finghara, h. 1053 Jedwar, v. 398 Jirjir, a. 678 Jujeeya, h. 647 tulfee, h. - 364 Jeekiaroo, a. 704? 729 Jirtoot, a. 673 yujuheSf 1185 yuniper berries 744 Jefree, a. 688 Jiftul beloot, a. - 687 Jujulan ul hubfliee, a, 697 JufTmee, a. 684 j T /I Jehtemanfee, h. - 726 Joadeh, a. 685 Julen gebeen, a 694 083 Jeleed, a. 689 Joownk, h, - 8 46, 914 Juljelan, a. 692 Juzir, a. 68^ Jemal govvta, ^.387 735 Jooree ajwein, h. - 9°9 Julnar, a. 691 akleetee, a. - 683 Jerad, a. 675* 1385 Jowain, h. 41 Julnufieen, a. 693 birree, a. - 682 - ul behr , a. 676 Jow birheneh, p. 1019 Julpaiy, h. 987 Juzmajuz, a. 680 Jerafya, a. 671 Jownk key jir. h. - 591 Juman, a. 704 Jypal, h. 725 Jerus, a. 674 Jovvn wafa, - 365 Jumar, a. 700 Jyrfa, v. 197

-No. No. Mo. No.

Kafoor, a. - \ j.62 Kamuckee, p. 63 Kath fefeid, v. 616 Kehjoor, h. - 630 Kahoo, a. - 854, 1266 Kanda, h. 139 Ksyla, h. 1320 Kelagh, p. - 1304

- Kahroba, ^. 1260, 1235, Kaneer ka phool, h. 1425 Kayzran, p. 576 Kelownjee, h. - 1065 I3'5 Kangnee, h, 1268 Kaz, p. 500 Kelum,/>. -1287,1305 Kaiy phul, h. - 884 Kanjee, 25 Kebabeh, a. 1273 Kemadreeyoon, a. 530, Kajeereh, v. ' - 44 Kanfa, h. 944 Kebooter, p. 811 1308 Kakeleh, a. - 1228 Kanta, h. 597 Kechoor, h. 1278 I Kemafeetoos, a. - 1307 Kakeleh feghar,/). 18, 1427 Kantch, h. 26 Keeka, h. 77 Kemoon, a. - 1310 Kak jungee, h. - 2 Kareeloon, h, 1318 Keel, a. - 1258, 1323 Kendul, h. - 356 Kaknuj,/!. - 743, 1261 Kafenee, h. 1267 Keer, p. - 927, 1258 Keneer, b. - 895, 1314 Kalee dakh, h. - 194 Kafhem, a, 1264 Keera, h. - 881 Kennub, a. - 104.6 Kalee tulfee, h. - 948 Kafir ul hejr, v, - 1254 Keeray key beej, h. 448 Kenovvl, /?. - 1414 Kallanag, h. - 122 Kafnee, p. 1426 Keeth, h. - 143 Kepafs, - 1272 Kamfeh, a. - 1229 Kafnes birree, p. - 1180 Kef derya, p. - 954 Kera, - 1237 li Kerafya> 4 j


No. No. No. No. Kerafya, a. - 1227 Khar kufuck, v. - 684 Khoon fyowfhan, p. 899 Kileeya, 1256 Kerefs, a. - 1289 Khar poofht,- a. - 826 Khoor, h. - 1 148 Kilkul, a. 100 Kerefs kouhee, p. - 333 Khar fhooter, p. - 611 Khoofhkar, a. - 857 Kimun, a. 984 Kerefs ul maa, />. - 1 243 Khar wazgoon, p. 57, 666 Ivhoofii nuzir, ^. - 1361 Kinnub, a. 1257 Kerem peelah, p. - 903 Khayeh, p. - 863 Khopra, h. - 722 Kirg, a. 1291 Kerem ubreyfhem,^. 903 eblees, p. - 242 Khowjeh geeah, a.' - 879 Kirm daneh, a. 1359 Kereyla, p. - 1232 Khebbazee, a. - 835 Kowkh, a. - 876 Kirnub, a. 1287 Kerfet ul keremful, a, Khefafli, a. - 866 Khowkh akra, a. - 877 Kirfeneh, p. - 1357 1240 Khtlak, a. - 868 Khowlinjan, a. - 878 Kiflimifh, a. 951, 1300 Kerm, a. - 1294] Khelal, a. - 870 Khubz, a. - 831 Kiflmee khufh, p. 692 Kerm defhty, ^. - 1202 Kheman, a. - 874 Khiil, h. - 601 Kifhneez, p. - 910

| Kermes, - ^ol, 1236, Kherateen, a. - 809, 845 Khull, a. - 869 Kiflir, - J 247 Kermez, a. - 1236 Kheroos, /). - 912 Khumeer, i^. - 872 KUe, - 970 - Kern, a. - 1241 Kheraheen, a. 846 Khumeer mayeh, p. 872 Kitran, a. - 1253 Kern ul behr, a. - 1235 Khezjhein, /). - 1178 Khumr, a. - 871, 1393 Kohul, a. - 1282 Kerocn us fembel, 1239 Khirbooz, a. - 839 ul hymar, a. 873 Kokir, /j. - 912 Keroot, v. - 589 Khirbooza, h. - 499 Khungalee, h. - 483 Kokub ul urz, a. 1137 Koleejun, Kerownda, h, - 1286 Khirbooza telkh, p. 817 Khunfa, a, - 875 - 1306 h. - Khirboozeh, - Khur,;.. - Kolinjen, h. - Kerownjee, 737 ^. 499 733, 813 jS6 Keruey badam keyjir, h. Khirbuc abiyuz, a. 838 Khurfa, a. - 847 Konar, p. 580, 1312 177 us wud, a. - 837 Khurgoofli, p. - 107 Konwul kejir, h. 196 Kerunful, a. - 1238 Khirchung, a. - 843 Khurma,/). 630,836,932 Koochela, ^. 58, 825 Kerunjewa, h. - 242 Khirdul, a. Khurmaiy heeroon, p. 419 Kooknar, p. - 859 Kefa, a. - 1231 Khirdul birree, p. - 784 Khurzereh,^. - 1314 Koolinjan, h. - 878 Kefaul hymar, a. - 1232 farfee, a. - 853 Khufhub ulh fliooneez, a. Koolt, V. 1254, 1356 Kefeera, "y. - 1118,1277 Khirfa, a. - 841 858 Koondir, z>. 1313, 1330 Ketad, a, - 1230 Khirfuc, a. - 842 Khus kafh, a. - 859 Koondir zuckir, v. 1342 Ketah, a. - 1233 Khirnoob hindee, a. 852 zubedu, p. 659 Koordumana, ^. 1234 - Kewreh ka phool, />. - 87 mi free, a. 851 Khufroo daroo, a. - 855 Koorkum, a. - 1294 ka gatch, h. 89 nubtee, a. 850, Khufs, a. - 854, 1266 Koornafs, a. - 1288 Keyla, h. - 1389 1441 Khufiick, p. - 482 Koorfh, <7, - 1290 Keynchewa, h. - 845 fhamee, a. 849 Khufuckdaneh, 450,856 Koortem, a. - 1242 Keynkera, h. - 843 Khirwa, a. - 840 Khufyeh, a. - 863 hindee, a. 1244 Keyfir, a. - 968, 1321 Khirzereh, a'. 848, 131 Khufyet ul behr, a. - 862 Koorut I'ain, a. 1243 Keyfoo, a. - 1323 foork'i, /). 935 ul kelb, a. - 861 Kofumbh, h. 44, 1298 Keyul, p. - 967 Khiflit pokhteh, p. - 40 us faleb, a. 860 Koctkee, /j. - 8^7 Khakifter, ^. - 936 Khitmee, a. - 865 Khuzlaf, a. - 864 Kootn, a. - 1252 birree, - Khalid, a. - 867 1173 KhyaV, a. . - 881 Kowl, ^ 1340 - Khoobanee, h. Khyar Khama aktee, a. 829, 414, 623, chumber, a. 521, Kownpul, h. - 390 1436 1377 880 Kow-wa, - 1304 uz zeeb, a. Khoobs ul fizeh, a, Khyar draz, /). - Khamalauneek 834 1231 Kowyla, h. - 969 ul hedeed, a. Khyar 824 143, fhember, a. - 880 Kubir, a. - 1271 Khanek ul kelb, a. - 825 830 Khyzran, a. - 882 Kubeekuj, h. - 1270

• ul nohafs, a. Kibreet, - ul melic, a. 828 832 a. 121^9 Kubk, p. - II — ul refafs, a. Kid, u!i nemr, a. 827 833 669 Kuckree, h. 887, 1231 Khar, - Khoon, p, - Sgj Kilee, a. - p. 597, 1316 1256 Kuckree key beej, 43 Kudewee 1


No. No. No. No. Kudewee telkh, p. 1283 Knngir, v. - 786 Kufiioombh key beej, h. Kutan, a. 1276 Kudoo, p. 1237 Kunghnee, h. - 1076 450 Kutcheree, h. 650 Kudiim, h. 1284 Kunghnee key jir, h, 590 Kiiffeb, a. - 1249 Kutch-hewa, h. Kufmereim, Kungnee, h. - - p. 178 1033 bewa, a. 1 248 Kutchie dakh, h. 795 - Kulb, a. 1255 Kunjed, p. - 1036 us fooker, a. 1 250 Kutchie kehjoor, h. 525 Kulga, h, 486 Kunj uflik, p. - 1 170 us zereereh, a. Kutchloon, h. - I2§I Kullie, V. - 86 Kunneh, v. - 368 672 Kutchnar, h. 1272 Kullee, h. 145 Kiirgudan, p. - 1291 Kuft, a. - 1245 Kutchoor, h. - 961 Kulfa, p. 1360 Kurvveeya, a. - 1285 hindee, a. 1246 Kutheera, h. 1277 Kulthce, h. 741 Kurweya jebulee, 1 234 telkh, p. 1246 Kuthul, h. 1275 Kurn, p. 1230 Kufhoos, V. - 802 Kuftooree, A. 1299, 1376 Kutuc, a. 1274 Kumufra, a. 131 roomce, a. 1301 Kufur, a. - 1297 Kyfoom, a. 1259

Kunfuz, "v. 826


No. No. No. No. Laldanum, LeeliTng, a. - 1344 Liflan us faur, a. 1265, Lootoos, a. - 1340 Labut birbirree, a. 1336 Leemoo, a. - 1345 1334 Lcte, - 111, 478 - - - Lac, 1327 Lehm, a. 1331 Litharge of lead, 1 367 Lotus, 819, 1340 qum. 1392 Leheet ul tees, a. 1332 Live coal, - 47 Lowha, h. - 783 Ladun, a. 1325 Lehfoora, h. - 487, 997 Lizard, - 696 Lowha ka keet, h. - 635, Lagheeyett, a. 1326 Lehfun, h. - 653, io6r Loadjlone, - 774, 1382 830 Lajwird, v. 1324 Leopard, - 88 Lociijl, - 675, 1385 Lowng, h. - 1238 LakI/, h. 1327 Lettuce, 452, 854, 1266 Long pepper, 187, 585 883 Lowz, a. - 380 Lignum aloes, 1 Lohoo, h. - Lowz helou murr, a. Lalkeneer, h. 935 215, 193, 897 wu Lapis lazuli, 1324 - 1440 Looban, a. - 1342 1339 Lapwing, 558 Lilac, - 383, 522 Loobeeya, a, ^33^ Luab dehn, p. - 458

Lar, h. 458 Lily, 182, 1054 Loof, p. - 67, 1 341 Lubab ul kumeh, a. 1407 Laurel, - 939? 1197 Lily of the valley, - 1 038 Look, V. - 1327 Luban, a. - 1330 Lazjewird, a. 1324 Lime, - 341, 778 Lookhree, h. - 648 Lublab, /». - 516, 1328 Lead, - 116, 301, 1002 Linfeed, 270, 459, 1276 Looloo, a. - 1343 Luck Tiowree cent, h. 40 Leather, 690 Lion, - 1 24 Loombree, h. - 648 Lufah, a. - 1337 Leaven, 872 Liquorice, 180, 582, 929 Loon, h. - 1384 Lungs, - 949 Lebn, a. 1329 LiiTan ul kiml,^. 72, 1335 Loonya, h, - 847 Lupin, - 394, 395, 609 Leech, - 846, 914 918 ul kulb, a. - 1333 Loonya key beej, h. 433, Lyicum, - ^96 Leech-root, - 591, 600 us afafeer, a. 259, 470 Leed, h. 955 309 Loonya fag, h, - 506 Leek, - 94, 1288

M, 6 2 . t INDEX.

No. ! No. No. No.

a. - Mazoo,

- - ! Maiden hair, 424 Meidook, h. 1127 Mittee, ^. - 1142 Mudhoo, - 1 1 67 Majoophul, /;. 1 177, 1354 Mejeeth, h. - 942, 1361 Mizmar ur raiy, a. 1214- Mugusaful,^. - 1402. Makeyap,^. - 887 Meilh, /). - 1 1 26 Moghrah, a. - 1381 Mughar, a. - 937 Makoey, /j. - 11 84 Melekh deryai, p. - 97 Mokul, ^. 222, 408, Mugheelan, p. - 400 Mallows, 471, 474, 640, Melh, ^z. - 1384 1383 Mughz hunzel, ^. 1086 835, 865 Mc/ilof, - 138, 964 Mongooje, - 14 Mughz fir, p. - 898 Mameeran, a. - 1351 Melon, - 445, 499 Moo, /I. - 1090 Mugur mutch, h. 629 Mameefa, a. - 1346 Melub, c. - 1362 Mooeygeeali, a. 1387 Mugworty. 73, 201, 413 Mandrake, 137, 173> I337> Meraneeyeh, a. - 1373 Moohluttee, 180 760 1432 Mercury, - 15 Moohtee, h. - 800 Mulberry, - 638 Manna, 6ll, 1296, iioi, Mcrjan, a. - ^372 Moojiuij, a. - 1360 Mullein, - 60, 553 1 105, 1386 Merjan goofli, p. - 62 Moolee, h. 607, 1208 Mubc, a. - 675, 1385 Mar, p. - 230, 823 Meroiu, - 1366 Moolee key beej, h. 460 dereeaiy, h. 676 now, p. - 51 Meruck, ^. - 1371 Moolee ka teil, ^. 221 Mummy, - 615, 1391, — fyah, p. - 122 Mevveez, /I. - 951 Moom, p. - 1096 Munn, a. - 1386 ubluck, /. - 93 ungoor bey da- Moomeeyi, v. 615, 1391 Murghabee, p. - 6 Marble, - 776, 1369 neh, p. - 1300 Moond, h. - 929 Murghmoodi, p. - 102B Marcafite, - 82, 1364 Mey, p. - 1393 Moonga, h. - 417 Murr, a. - 1368 Marchoobeh, a. - 1353 Meyhuc,^. - - 1238 Moonjlone, - 773 MufaluE, a. - 1358 fjngee, a. Margecah, - 1353 Meyndeh 1394 Moor, h. - 1 1 28 Muflieng tclkh, - 1155 - Mezereo--!, - - Marjoram, 1 3 7° 54, 159, 195, Moordarfiinj, a. - 1367 Muprooni) 1 03 1, 1214 Marmahee, a. - 1347 468, 1350 Moofi),j9. - 1206 M'^, - 1299, 1376 Marmaheej, a. - 1347 Mignee, h. - 503 Moofnk, p. 1376, 1299 Muflceh,/). - 952

Marjh rnaVi'.ivs, - Miknatees, a. - 1382 P/ioofliuc, - 1 Mnjk rat, - 302 p. 1 74 867 Martin, - 332 Am, - 1329. 1373 A-loo-flikhoor, />. - 867 Mufnan, a. - ^359 - Millet, Masfir, v. 1298, 1380 103, 131, 170, 250 Moowa badul, h. ~ 119 '1/ ujlard, 123,844,1005 Mafh, a. - 1349 658", 888, 1268 Mofs, - 165, 816 Muthur, h. - 1357

daroo, /). - Minhaee, h. - thyme, Zi. - Mafh 1307 95, 815 Mother of 1 41 Mufoor, 537

hindee, , Mi/^t, - Mountain cow, - Muftaroo, ^. - Ma(h p. 741 1 356 559, 749, 1409 34.7 224 - Mirdumgeea, - - Mafs, p. 260, 1 331 137 Mountain pine, 1 159, I2QO Mufteka, a. 1379 Mafiich, 104, 1 1 82, 1379 Mirjan, /). - 417 Moufe, - IIJ4., 1:06 Muftroo, p. - 1350 Ma us Ihieer, a. - 1348 Mlrka Ihee fha, a. - 82, Mcufe ear, _ _ 62 Muftucka, y. - 1182 Maziryoon, a. - 1350 1364 Mowng, /;». - 1349 Mutchlee, h. 820, 1034 Mutha, 1 3 1 81 3


No. No. No. No. - Mynphul, h. - Miitha, h. 906 720 Myrohahms, 204, 273,338, Myrrh, - 176, 1368 M)da, h. - 821 Mynful, h. - 113 339» 342, 524, 604, 1423 Myrtle, 127,140,152,1388


No. No. No. No. 82-2 Naruni, I ^q6 - Nag, Z'. Neml, a. 141 Nockerah, p. _ 121 N;iryel, Nagbejl, ^. h. 722 NefhaRe'n, p. 22, 1407 Nohafs, a. - i^y^ Nafhpatee, Ncttk, Nagdone, h. 466 p. 319, 323, 472 Nokra,/.. - 94.1 Nazbu, p. 048 Neywul, h. - Nageyfir, 14 Nooreh, _ yjg h. 608 Nazov/, p. Nie, - Novvftadir, Nagputter, / +J p. 1249 p. - 76 T "200 Neel, V. - I '244, I4-I s Nie hindee, p. - Nuckel Nakdown, a. 1353' 374 khojeh, p. 679 Nakhood, Neela thotha, h. Nie fhuckir, ^. - 1250 Nukh, h. - p. / / 977 135- - Neeleh,/>. Night jhade, Nakhun buy a a. 1395 1413 288, 943, Nukhel, <7. - 1403 - Neelufir, 1016 Nakliun deo. a. 14C0 p. 1340, 1414 Nurgis, p. 1 152, 1405 Nc;iis, perfumed. 208, Neeluj, a. 1413 Nimuck,/. - 1384 Nurjifs, a. - 1405 1395. 1400 Neemboo, h. 1345 derya, />. - 1039 NulFreen, a. - 1406 NeerbiiKic, Nan, p. 27 h. 398 feey-dh, p. 409, Nutmeg, 660, 711, 712 Neft, a. Nana, a. 1409 1410 Nutroon, 714, 1408 Neh!, a. (heeflieh, Nankhr.h, p. - 41, 1 40 1402 ^. 1281 Nypal, h. - 1416 Narcijj'us, - 1152, 1405 Nehung, p. 629 llioor, p. - 131 Nyfwul, h. - 1421 Nard, 1049, 1398 Nehung defhtee, p. - 126 —— fung, p. - 1063 Nardecn, v. 1049, 1398 Nekhaleh, a. 1404 Nifvvul, /;. - 608 Narjeel, 722, 1397 Neman, a. 1412 Nitre, - 9


No. No. No. No. Onl, 531 Oont ketara, h. - 11 00 Owd ud derkeh, a. II93 Ownanees, a. - 331 Okab, p. 267 Opium, - 226 ul utas, a. 1 192 Ownoo malee, a. 337 Okh-hywan, a. - 235 Opopanax, - 1 74 us feleeb, a. II91, Owrmalee, a. 33^ Olihaimm, 133° Orach, 403, 456, IC06 1203 Owflia, a. 332 Olive, 987 Orange, - 1396 Owdafaliyoon, a. 333 Owfpeyd, a. 328 Olive oil. Origanum, - 1 1 Owkelariyoon, a. Owz, a. 985 1 335 330 Onager, 814 Orpiment, 1 01, 102, 113, Owkunj, a. 327 Owzir, a. 329 Onion, 498 350, 960, 962, 1422 Owkymun, a. - 334 Ox, 5^5 Ookh, h. 1250 Ouihneh, /). - 1113 Owl, 555 Oxymclf 1017

Oon, h. - . 1 1 24 Owd, p. - 215, 352 Owla, h. - 625, 1435 Oonte, h. 702 hindee, j). 1 194, 1440 Owmada, a. 326


No. No. No. No. I Padra, h. 3:9 Padzeher, ^. 371, 614 Paiy zeher, p. 371 Pakir, h. - 370 Padul, 359 Padzirkanee, p. - 1204I Pakhen bhied, ^. 369iPala, h. 651, 689, 699 Kk PalaiTpapra, 11 2


No. No. No. No. - PalafTpapra, k. Peeyaz dertitee, p. * 39 Pindekee, h, - 1207 Poft fung poft, p. - 916 Palm tree. 1403 Pelafs, h. 528 Pine, 730,745, 1 121, 1 122 Powdeneh, p. - 559, 749 I'alma chriftu 84, 578, Peiafs pilpil, h, 535 Pine kernels, - 695 abee, p. - 739 Peleh, 748, 840 p. 528 Pirlheyau daroo, a. 426 birree, p. 509, 1 147 Paluck, h. Pelung, p. 88 Pirflioom, a. - 420 boftanee,^. 762 Pan, h. Pembeh, Pirfyowihan, a. - 381, 594 p. 1252 42 \. Powey, h. ~ 563 Panee, h. 329 Peneer maveh. -211 Pifhkel, p. - 503 Privet, - 95 Papyrus, 428 Peneer mayeh khurg oofh. Plfta, h. - 480 Pudloon, h. - 409 Para, h. 15 p. 312 Pijlathio, - 480, 121 Piilgoofh, p. - 67 Parrot, 399 Pentafeloon, a. 544 Pilbn lug, a. - 487 Pulwul, h. - 536 Parjley, 38, 181, 193, Pepper, bLck, - 397, 1216 P.fteh,/;. - 1 212 Punjeh miriem, a. 543 333, 1289, 1434 long, - 187,883, Piftjow, a. - 488 Punjungooffit, 83, 539, Partridge, 1 1217, 1221 Pitch, - 927,971,1253 - 1223,

Pat, h. 360 white. 1218 • dry, - 1297 Punjpalyeh, p. - 843 Pauth, h. 20 Perfumed nails, 208, 1395, Pitpapra, - 401, 1067 Puneer, p. - 665 Pea, 1349. 1357 1400 Plane tree, - 896 khurma, p. - 700 Peach, 624, 876 Perfian earth. 1 1^5 Plantain, - 1320, 1389 inaych, p. - 134 Peyhlir, Plum, Punk,h, - Peacock, 1128 p. 863 39, 56, 1 31 2, 1066 947 Pear, 274, 131 Pheajant, 603 Poifon, - 1026 Punna, - 9"3 Pearl, 1343 Phelinda, h. 661 Polypody, - 200, 483 Punwar, h. - 1356 Peeaj, h. 498 Phephra, h. 949 Pomegranate, 100,331,922 P'lr, p. - 947 Peeh, h. 1085 Piiitkerry, h. 575 Jour, - 938 Purewa, h. - 811 Peeloo, h. 588, 664 Phokir mool, h. - 572 Poombeh, p. - 423 Purjlain, 433, 470, 506, Peeloo ka gatch, h. - 90 Phool, h. 1302 Poombeh daneh,/7.55o,757 507' 847 Peenoo, h. 589 Phul, h. 735 Poopoo, - 558 Puruftook,^, - ig Peeplamool, h. 581, 1221 Phulfa, h. 566 Poplar, - 109, 203 Pufheh, p. ~ ^04 PecDul, h. - 585 Phyfic nut. 720 Poppy, - 859, 1346 Pufhin, p. - 1124 Peetul, h. 587 Pigeon, 8£I Porcupine, - 826 Piiteera, h. - 428 Puthree, - Peeyar, h. 579 Pilpil, h. 1 217 Po(h derbendee, a. - 562 h. 1229 PeeyaZj p. 498 Pindaloo, 548 Port, _ 690, 1247 Putjeay, h. - 402 859, !

No. No. ^uickjil'.ver. 986 ^^ince, - 28, 754, I0I2

No. No. No. Ko. Radijh, - 460, 607, 1208 Ral, h. 458, 1258, a. 927 Rafoo, ^. 14 Rateenej rocnie e, a. 924 Raifins, - 951, 1300 Ram, 810 Rafs, a. 926 Rat's bane. 1028 Raiy i:l humam, a. Ram till fee, ul ufeiy, Rattan, 933 388 j - 52 576, 882 Raj hunfs, h. - 424 Rana, a. 922 Rafun, a. 928, 981 Rawend, a. 925 Rakh, h. - 936 Ranga, h. 86 Rat, 1206 Razeeanij, a. 923 Razyaneh 1 1 2


No. No. No. ! No. Razyaneh roomee, p. 304 i?^«w/,i34, 311,312, 313, Riey, h. 844 Rub us foos, a. - 929 Red earth, - 1139,1381 314, 315, 316 Rihan, a. - 948, 1074 Rucket chundun, ^. 1120

- 1 Refafs, a. - Robah, 648 Ruckut - Red lead, 20, 1003 86, 931 p. phup, h. 935 Red wood, - 519, 1361 Reftiad, a. - 930 Roba tirbuc, p. 943, 1 1 84 Ruby, - - 14^0 - Refowt, h. - Rocket, Rue, wild, Reebafs, a. 946 796 677 3, 114, 13^, Rock - Reed, - 169, 1249 Rewey, - 423,1252 fait, 992, 1063 788, 998, looo - Rcghen, Rukah, _ Reem ahun, p. 143, 830 Reyg, p. 386 p. 911 a. 934 - kullie, ^. - 833 Reyt mutchlee, /?. - 126 bulfan,^. 236 Ruman, a. - 922 - inif?, ^. - 832 Rey wind, p. - 925 gaw, p. 1037 hiimaz, a. 938 - Reeib, a. - 947 Reywun cheenee, f>. 925 toorb, p. 221 ul bir, a. 937 Reetha, h. - 551, 721 Rahp'ontic, - 946 zietoon, p. - 298 Runas, - 942 Reeyeh, a. - 949 Rhinoceros, - 1 29 Roopa, h. - 941, 1213 Rund, a. - 939 Rhododaphne, Root Runf, - Rehfhee, a. - 945 848, 131 4, offuccory, 166 a. 940 1419 Roots, general name, I161 Rung kefumbh, h. Reig mahee, p. - 126 966 - Rhubarb, 925 Rootee, h. 27 P^.iifs, h. - ii66 Rejel ul gherab, a. - 1 Ribwort, - 72, 379, 42:, Rofe, 1418 Rutty, h. - 759, 1319 Remad, a. - 936 461, 919 Rouh tootya, p. 683 Rutub, a. "932 Reml, a. - 386 Rice,^ - 85 Rowey, p. 944

No. No. No. No. Saam, a. SaHn. 1047 ~ ul kaf, a. II07 1055 Sea flit, - 1039, 1318 Sehoond ka doodh, h. 223 Sadij hindee, v. Sambherloon, h. - S^howra, h. - 877 , 990 992 Sabiflins, 487, 997 1060 Safeefa, g. 645 Samian earth. 1 140 Seboofs, p. 1404 Sehuck gundum, p. 77 Sa^Tiver, Samp, h. S"C fubr, Seindur, h. - 44, 450, 856, 230 , 823 p. 263 120 - 966, 1298, I169, Sand, 386 Sedaweran, a. - 828 Sekunjibeen, a. - 1017 1242, 1380, Sandal wood, 710, I I 20, S3eah daneh, a. 738,1065, Sel, a. - 1 114 Saffron, 968, 1294, I321, II23 1098 Selenites, - 493 H53 Sa'':darach, Seeal, h. Scleekheh, a. - 1025 1045 29 1 Sagapanum, 1014 Saunders, 1 190 Seeb, p. Sclt, a. - 1019 619 j Sag chowlie, h. 261 Sanv/a, h. 1068 birree, p. "1273 S.-luck, a. - 686 Saghareer, a. 650 SarsocoUa, 290, I 187 Seed, 602 ul ma, V. - 657 Sagoon, h. 993 Sarefs, h. 991 Seel, a. 213, 654 Semak, a. - 1^33 Sag paUick, h. 121 Sathee, h. 995 Scemab, p. 15 Semarough, a. - 1031 Saj, a. 988 Sdther, h. ion Seeng, h. 1241 Sembel hindee, a. - 1048 Sajee, 873, 994, 1256 Satoo, h. 1052 Seenwiey, h. 206 roomee, a. 1 049, I, Sal, h. 9S8 Satur, a. lOI 1113 Seepee, h. 1 1 1 - - 1398 Sal ammoniac, 76 Saturee, h. 1000 Seepiftan, a. - 997 ul teib, a. - \ 50, Salajet, a. 1020 Si'tyrion, 860 Seer, p. 653 929 1061 726, 1042 Salamander, 1030 Saunders, 1 190 Seerkeh, p. - 869 Semoor, p. - 332 Suleb, a. 648 Saweek, a. 1053 Seers ka gatch, h. - 66 Semoofeh, - 1373 Semrchab, 51 1 j.


No. No. No. No. i Smole, Semrchab, - 12C0 Sheblbee, a. 1080 ; Shing'rf, p 345 889 Semuc, a. - 1034 She-eer, a, - 1089 Shlnh, I 26 Snake, 51, 230, 823 Semugh bil fliereen, p. Sheeh, a, - 1103 Shooft aloo, p. 624, 876 Snake's head, 52 Sneezivort, - 160 SLrcp, - 1 1 266 Sh ooneez, a. 1098 219. iigr fudab kouhee, Perfian, - 266 Shoorba,/). Snow, 651 - Soad, a. - - 64 Sheer,/). - 124 Shoorb fowkhteh, p. 8 lO! o Soap, teratees, p. - 160 Sheer buc fheer, a. 11 04 Shooreh, p. 9 1 108 Shooter, Soap Semun, a. - 1037 Sheer derukht zekoom, p. p. 702 afies, 873, 994,1107, Semunder, a. - 1030 223, I2TO Showk, a. 1 100 1256 Sohaga, h. loon,^'), - 1039 Sheereh nei fhnckir,/). 11 66 Shovvkeran, n. 1079 554, 633, 1059 Shecrgeeah, /). - 1050 Showkt ul byza, a. Sorafoin, a. - p'neen, h. - 954 - 3^^5 1036 - Shrimp, — Sonjab, - Senna, - - 1040 Sheer khoofhk, 1105 97, 676 a. 1043 Sheer khufli kalb, p. 226 Shubb, a. Soof, a. - Senobir beybir, f. - 80 1077 1 1 24 - Siiub Soofr, a. - kobar, a. - 1121 Shcrrkiflit, a. i roi purreh, p. - 866 91.4. Sheefheh, - 26 Shub yemenee, - Soom, — feghar, a. 730, p. ^. 575 p. 653, 733, 1 148 - Soon 1 1 22 Sheetenij, «. 727,1102 fuckir, p. - 1015 mukhee, //. - 1-^64 Seiiore, a. " 1044 Sheetureh, - 11 02 Shulghum,/). 1024, 1093 Sooparee, h. 1224. - Soorb, Sepabeenee, h. 19 Shegoofeh anar, ^. 331 Shiiljuin, a. _ 1093 a. J002 Sepeidar, v. 109 Sheghal, p. - 29 Shuma, a. - 1096 Sooree, h. 1058 Shehud, - 1 Soorinjan, Sependan, a. 998 ^. 167 Shiimbeleed, a. - 1097 p. 179 Shehum, a. - 1085 hmdee, Sepifian, a. 487 Shnmfliad, a. 1095 v. 797 Shehum hunzel, a. - 1086 Soorkh, Sepoorz, p. 628 Shungerf, p. 976 p. 759 Sheir, - 1329 S!itii)kar, Sormeh, Sepund fovvkhtenee, p. 3 p. 4, 283 p. 1282 Shejer ufhir, a- - Soorun, Sefanie feed, - 626, 1036 248 Shidh, p. 949 h. 1056 miriem, meal, - 945 Shejereh v. 407 ShyluiT!, a. 1106 Soorniij, a. 1003 Sewa, p. - 399 Shejerut ul beragliees, a. Sidonian earth, 605 S')()frnar, a. 1051 keybecj, h. - 1083 Siekran, a. 1062 Sjofptind, a, Siway 439 j 1050 \il dub, a, io8r S lotleh, Seydir, a. - looi S.larrus, a. 1021 a. 1 125 ul liyat, a, 1082 Sorrel, - Shadanug, a. - 1071 Silk, 20, 360 454, 764, 805 Shadenuj, a. 772, 1072 ul rnoofa, fl. 1084 o:uivjrm, 903 Snliin, a. - 1054 j - S )v..'a, Shah aloo, p. - 1066 Shekakul, v. 682, 1091 Silver, 941. 121;' h. _ 1078 Shekayek ul narnan, a. - Sindah loon, S.iu tread, Shah beloot, a. 531, 1070 1063 167, 407, 543, Shah boo, a. - 1075 1092 Sinjjhara, b. 104 II56 v. - Sowna, Shah uijeer, a. - 1069 Shekumbeh, 1290 Simaroogh, p. 1214 h. - 596, c)20 Shell Tune, - Sownchur Shahlooj, a. - 106 145 Sir, /. 929 loon, _ 1055 Sheman, a. - Sownf, Shahtereh, p. - 401, 1067 894 Sireys, h. 158 y6. - 204 - Shepherd' 61, 1112, Sownf Shahteruj, a. 1067 s Jiaff, Sireyfhem, p. 158 keyjir, _ 172

II71, - Shah us ferum, a. - 1074 1374 Sirgeen, p. 955 Shcrab, Shair, fl. - 1090 - 1087 Sirkeh hindee, 1009 Sowtee, /a _ i,^o5

Shakh, p. - 1 24 Sherab ungooree, 871 Sirmuc, a. 1006 'Sparrow, - 1 70 1 Shakh ka zletoon, p- 205 Sherab wu alRil, a - 337 Siroe, a. 1C07 Sparrow's tongue, 259, 309 Shalook, a. - 1073 Sherbet, 1087 Sirfhuf, a. 1005 Spider, _ 1186 Shamakh, a. - ig68 Sheflitereh, a, 1088 Sirfooji, h. 1005 Spikenard,- 150, 724, 726, Shaneh deihty, «. - 1076 Shibit, a. 1078 Sirtan, a. 1008 1042, 1048, 1387 Shafheh, - 561 Shibrim, v. - 43, 1079 Sirukhs, a. 1004 Spinnace, - m - Shebeh, p. - 996 Shimleetj v, 800, 1093 i Skin, 690 Spleen, - 628 Splccmvirti 8 7


No. No. No. No. - Spkefwjort, - 141, 793 Sugarcane, 1250, 1166 Sumbool khar, h. - 610 Sung da»eh, p. - 1229

Sugar candy, - 1 1 SpoKge, - 119 29 Siunegh, a. - 1 1 15 jehoodan, p. - 768 - Sug beenuj, a. - 1014 — Spurge, 43» ^°79 arebee, - 1 1 19 — pu(ht, p. - 392 piltan, - firmeh, p. - Squills, r39,494,497,ii89 Sug 997 ul kuiTad, a. 1 1 18 34 Squirrel, - 1045 Sug ungO(3r, a. - 1016 ul mehroos, a. - yefhem,^. 765,1438 - Starch, - 22, 1407 Sukhir, a. - 1015 1117 Sungeeyazehr, h. liy:) - Sunj, - Stocchas, - 128 Su!j, a. 651 ul fudab, a. 1 1 16 799 Storax, - 185, 1020 — cheenee, a. ~ 652 Sumruf, a. - 406 funkh, h. 799, 1047 Subeh, a. - Sunoor, a. - 996 Suljum, a. - 1024 Sumun, /7. - 1038 1029 Succory, - 116 Sulk, a. - 1022 Sun, a. - 1046 Suparee, h. - 999

Sucmoonya, a. - 1013 ' key beej, h. - Supruc, - Sn!k ulmaa, a. - 10 1 435 p. 839 Sudab, a. — I coo - - Sulphur, - 1 269 Suna, a. 1040 Surenjan, a. 1053 Suda goolab, h. - 303 Sulura, a. - 1023 Simdul abiyaz, a. - 1123 SufTa, - 107

Sudee, a. - 647 Sum, a. - ioi6 ahmer, (2. - 1120 Swallow, - 19 Sudeed ul hedeed, a. 11 10 ui far, 610, 1028 fefeid,/). 710,1 123 Szueet hafll, 171, 364, 388, Sud pyvi und, a. - 11 12 ul hymar, a, 1027 foorkh,*. - 1 1 20 389,416, 508,627, 948, Suduf, a. - nil ul rt;miic, a. 1035 Sun flower, - 671 1074, 1209 Sufiijiil, a. - 28, 1 012 Sumach, - 631, IO32 Sungahun roba, ^. - 774, Sweet flag, 237, 245, 141 Sugar, - 1 015 Sumak, 631, 820, 1032 1382 Sybir,/.. - 344, 1 1 09 Sugar of bamhoes, - 546, Sumbhaloo, h. - 83, 539 belore, p. - 769 Syhee, h. - 826 1 - - 595' 130 ke beej, h, - 35, 439 bufree, p. 636 Synhud, h. 972


No. No. No. No.

- ' Tail, A. 911 Teen fhamccfh, a. I 140 Thorn apple, - 552,717 Tokhem, p. 602, 735 kheroos, - general name, anar defLtee, Taj v. 486 urmenee, a, 1 143 Thorny plants, ^. 752 Talc, - 16, 1 Tegiirg, a. - 1 afpift, p. - 1 37 625, 1435 172 469 Tamarind, - - beid injeer, 325, 632 Tehf, a. - I [38 Thyme, 731 p. 748 Tamariflz, - 36, 406, 680, Teindoo, h. - 644 Tibkan, a. - 597 bung, p. - 435 - iri2, 1295 Tela, a. - 1 136 Tibn muckeh, a. 598 bung roomee,^. 1 099 Tamba, h. - 592, 1375 Temr, a. - 630 Tibr, a. - 596 bulfan, - 756 keei, h. - chukindir,^. - Tamba key 832 hindee, /». 325,632 Tiddee, h. 675, 1385 457 Tambool, a. -, - 594 Tenneedeh unkaboot, p. 5 Tien, a. 293 p. 472 Tamir, a. - 593 Terafecs, a - 1133 Til, h. 626, 1036 guzir feraiy,^. 477 ~ Taous, a. 1 1 28 Teriac, c. - 614 Tilla,/). 596 hy ul aalum, p. 23 Tares, -. 1106 rowftyan, a. 612 Tillee, h. 628 janwar, p. 584 - '?"/«, TarregoHf 1135 toorree, /7. - 615 86, 683, 931 kahco, p. 452 Tebalheer, ^7. 595,1130 ul hihyeh, a. 613 Tincal, 633, 1059 kaj, p. 745 Teedero, p. - 603 Terunjebeen, a. 73- Timfah, a. 629 kafnee, p. 432 Teen, a. - 643, 11 42 Teyjpat, h. 990 Tinkar, p. 554, 633, 1059 keweh, p. 545

ahmer, i?. - 1 Tezurj, a. - khelal kheleel, 1 39 603 Tirabfyda, a, 605 p 2 faifee, a. - \ 145 Thewer, h, 972 Titreek, h. - 599 kherefeh, p. 433 —.— kubruffee, a. 11 44 Thiflle, 1 100 Tobacco, - 405 kerefs kouhee, p. "^r— mukhloom, fl. 11 41 Thorn, 597 Tohlub, a. - 1 131 1215 LI Tokhem 2 11' 11


No. No. No. I No. Tokhem khyar balung, p. Tokhem zirduck, p. 476 Tripe, - 1290 Turab ul hallck, a. 610 - 448 Toodree, 471, a. 640 Triphela, h. - 604 Turab ul kie, a. - 617 • khyarzeh, p. - Tcombree, h. 642, 1283 Tubal ul hedeed, a. 635 Turbid, a. - 608 kitf, p. 456 Toon, h. - 637 Tubir zud, d. - 1 129 Turhlth, ~ 608, 1421 —— kullum, p. 436 Toorb,/. - 607, 1208 Tublheer, p, - 546 Turbooz, - 502 kunkwa, - birree, - Tuck, - ^. p. 1429 p. 428 Tureh khoraffanee, p. 364 kutaii, Toorfheenuck, /). - 81 Tuckir, h. - p. 459 142 'teyzuc,/. «. 930 marchowbeh,/). 466 Tooruck,/). - 506 TufFah, a. - 619 Turenj, p. - 30 meveez,/>. - 740 Toot, a. - 638 birree, a. - 622 Turenjeebeen, «. - 611 • muftru, p. - 468 fehgool,/). 639,1181 parfee, a. - 624 Turfa, a. - 1^32 punjungooflit, p. 35 wudiee, a. - 639 urmenee, a. 623 Turiey, h. - 641 pyaz, Tootee, - Ill gin, - p. 462 p. 399 621 Turkhoon, <7, - 1^35 - - —— feefumber, p. 465 Toctkpick tree, 90, 588 ul urz, a. - 620 Turmeric, - 963, 11 60, — fepcndan, p. - 123 Tootya fubz, p. - 980 Tiij, h. - 1025 1163, 1434

• - - fliulghum, p. 438 zird, a. 636 Tukh, a. - 601 Turmifs, a. - 609 firoe kouhee, Tortcife, ' - Tulc, - p. 17 392 p. i6, 1 137 Turnip, 438, 1024, 1093 - toorb, p. 460 Tottoije Jhell, 916 Tulfee, h. 171, 220, 388, Turpemiiie, - 501, 924 tiireh teyzuc, Towta, h. - p. 787 399 627, 1209 tree, - 738 turruck, - Tragacanth, key p. 470 1277,1118,12 30 becj, /j. 467 Turfiieh turenj, /. - 803 turflieh, - Treacle, - 614 Tumbacoo, h. - p. 454 405 Turfoos, a. - 1 134 - turuck, p. 433 Trehutee, a. - 616 Tumtuin, a. - 631 Tufh meezuj, a. - 618 \V0AvheI,/>. - h. - 606 Tun, h. - 17 Trimeera, 634 1 utlee, h. ~ 6co


No. No. No. Kfo. Ubhel, a. ^7 Ugherfctis, a. Ukroohuck, 213 a. 249 Ulut roomee, a. - 263 Ubhir, a. 1152 (jghleekeh, a. 214 Ukrub, a. II78 Ulyou, a. - 265 Ubhruch, h. -16, 1137 Ugir, h. 215 Ukrufus, a. 247 Umafcen, . - Ukeil nefseh, a. Ulbanees, a. 1177, 1354 254 261 Umrood, a. - 274 Ufkar, a. 219 Ukhberufeh, a. Ulfeah, a. 53 266 Unab, a. - 1 185 Ufrehunj, a. 218 Ukhyoon, a. 52 Uliek, a. I181 Unaeeylus, a. — 297 Ufshoordeh, 217. 1 168 Ukhyul, a. p. 50 Ulmaf?, a. 260 Unaleekee roomee, a. 324 Ufshurej, a. Ukhzum, a. 217 51 Uloo, 555 Unberbarees, a, - 294

Ufsunteen, a, 224 Ukit, a. ' - 234 Ulfa, a. 256 Unda, - ^84 Ufyloon, a. 225 Ukitmuckit, a. Ulfee, k. - 242 270, 1276 Underookhuroon, a. 308 Ufyoon, a. 226 Ukmooyezan, a. Ulfinetul afafecr, 252 a. 259 Undryo takis, a. - 296 Ugbar, «. 210 Ukrefs, a. Uluk bag-hdanee, a. 246 1182 Undum, a. - 11 90 Unfak, ,


No. No. No. No. Unfalc, a. 298 Urghamoonee, a. lie Ufhturgliar, a. 56 Ufilil US foos, a. - 180 Unfckeh, a. - 134, Urghewan, p. 99 Ulhuck, a. 60 us fofun ul alTman Unfeketul ejil, a. - 316 Urine, 561 Ufkeedooleyoon, a. 46 joonee, a. - 197 feres, a. - 313 Urjan, a. 98 Uflioolookoonderyoon a. us fofun ul ubyeez, jeme!, a. - 315 Urjeekeneh, a. 105 41 - 1S2 khifhif, a. 3H Urjoowan, a. 99 Ufkooloos, a. ut tumbool, a. 186 — urneb, a. - 312 Urkan, a. 95 Ufkooreedoos, a, - 34 ul unjedan ul khora- Urkum, a. fanee, - Unfeteena, fy. 280 93 Ufkooroon, a. 43 a, 199 Unfukun roomee, a. 3^3 Urkut, a. Ufluc, a. 35 ul urtenyfa, a. 167 Ungoor, a. - 'l()2, 885 Urmak, a. Ufmoofa, a. - 112, 53 uz zurt, a. - 170 fhefa, a. - Urmal roomee, a. - UfTur - Ungoor 288 91 Ufpeghool, p. 430, 1251 , ur raiy, 11 12, Ungoor zietonee, p. 194 Urmaneekooii, a. - 94 Ufrub, a. i6j 1171 - Ungoofht kuneezuckan, Urmat, a. 87 Ufrureh, a. ro Udeh khurma, (7. - xr^' 171 Urmeena,(7. 76 UflTareh, a. - 217, 68 Ufteruck, a. - 185 Ungiibeen, a. 318 Urmeneen, a. 100 mehuc, v. 929 L'ftirkha, a. - Unjebar roomee, a. 295 Urnub behree, 108 neel, v. - 1413 Uftir matoos, a. 135, v. Unjeedeh, a, 310 Urniib birree, a. 107 UlTud, a. 24 Ilfpund - Unjeer, ^. 293 Urook, <7. 1 161 UlTud ul urz, a. 36 Ufiookoodoos, a. 128 Unjen, 34, 307, 1282 Urook humraj a. - 1157 Ufful fintafeloon, a. Uftrung, a. 137

• - Unjereh, a. - 319 us febagheen, 1 162 kufiah, a. 93 ' Uftukhan,;), 1175 Unjernck, a, ^ 299 us fefr, a. 1 1 60 neelufirhindee,«, g6 Ufwud falikh, a, 122 (Jfyoos, a. Unjeyfa, a. ^ 283 Uroofucdirpirdeh, a . 1 164 ul arbaa, a. 92 129 Unjil, — - Utan, a, a. ^ 302 Urfaneekoon, a. 101 ul afiif a. 84 33 Unjooj, a. - 291 Uffckeloon, a. 102 ul fil, a. S7 Utba ul kelbeh, a. I 207 Unjookiick, a, - 30c ' Ui fhud, a. 82 ul gherb, a, - 68 Utmeefa, a. 202 Utraf Unjudan, a. ^ 305 jUrfud, a. 83 ul hinduba, a. 66 zietoon, a. 205 Utrar, Unkt-boot, a. - 1 186 Ui'taneefa, a. 1 56 Ill jewafheer, a, 74 a. 31 i 1 - Utrej, Unkirdya, a. - 2S4 Urtub, a. 1158 ul kerefs, a. 81 a. 30 j Unkiflit afrokhteh, ul khunfa, a. - Utryeh, a. 47 \ Urur, a. 1159 98 206 - u! kubir, a, - Unkumeh, a. 323 Urzeez, p. 86 75 Utum, a. 1 154 Unoomya, a. - 285 Urzeh, a. 9'3 ul kuireb,a,i69,i 66 Utungun key beej, h. 251 ul loof, Unfafa, a. <- 282 Urzim, p. 1168 a. 83! 473 - ul loofah, a. - Uzeez, Unfool, a. 1 1 89 Ufel, «. 36 73 a, 1 165 ul ul Uzfar Unteleh fowda, a- - 287 Usfir, a. 1 1 69 lowz murr a. ut teib, a, - 208 Untoonya, a. - 1 Uzm, a. 286 Usfoor, a. 1 70 77 I175 Unub, a. - 289 Usgundeh, h. 149 ul mazriyoon, a. 95 Uzmoot, a. 201

- ul murr, - Uznab ul kye), a. - Unzeroot, a. 290, 11 87 Ufhkylcheflium, a, - 162 a. 76 66 Urak, a. - 90 Ulhm.oofa, a. 153 ul neel, a. Uzrafs ul kelb, a. - 200 - Uzu], a. Urbeeyan, a. - 97 UOinan, a. 163 ul nehl, a. I 1274 Urdefheeran, a. - 96 Ufhnaz daoud, a. - 155! ul rafun, a. Uzut, a. 1172 Urdum roomee, a. - 92 Ullineh, a. 165 ur razeeanuj, a. Uzwird, a. III

No. No. No. No. Valerian., 933, 1088, 1225 VermtU'ion, 345 Vine, 1293 Vitriol, - 950, 977, 980 Verdigris, - 975 Vervain, 384 Vinegar, 867 Vermlcelle, - 2c6 Vetch, ^38, 537 Violet, 540 1 11 1 5 : 6



No. No. No. 1 No.

Walnut, - - 46, Weruck neel, 1420 Wild olive, - 1 Wood Jorrcl, 247 p. 1 54 804 Water, - - 329 Wheat, 411, 818 Wild onion., - 492 Wool, I 124 Water crejjes, 785, 1270, Wheat jlour, 821 PFild parjlej, - 1 21 Worm, «o9, 845 1243 White ant. 913 Wild pomegranate, - 475 Wcrmjeed, 649, 672, Water fowl, - 6 While lead. 117 Wild rue, 114, 78'8, 998 685, 794, 892, I 103, Water lily, - 196, 1340, White thorn. 241 PFild fuccory, - 11 80 1 41 - - 1414 Wild carrot, 112, 477, Wild wheat, 48, 53, 547 Wormwoid, 224, r";oi n ^ Water melon, - 502 682, 109I Willow, - 567, 868 V/ui, p. - 1417 - - - a. Water mint, . *?39 Wild cucumber. 1232 Wine, 8; I, 1087, 1393 Wurd, 1418 - 1 3 Wild - Winter cherry, — cheenee, Water mofs, 1 jafmin, 1 149 146, 713, p. 693' Wax,A - 1096 Wild leek. 121 126, 443, 743, 1 1 64 1406 - Weruck bartung, p. 59, Wild mallows, - ^173 Wlf, - 921, 1292 diflee, a. 1419 a. 422, 1335 Wild mint. =- J 1 47 Wolfsbane, - 8,24 Wufmeh, 1420^

No, No. No. No..

Yeacoot, a, - 1430 Yekh, p. 699 Yekinjooj, a. 1440 Yukteen, a. 1439. Yeafmeen, a. - 1431 Yekhcheh, p. 1435 YeHif, a. 1438 Yumboot, a. 1441. Yeafmeen birree, p. 1 149 Telhw wood, I35I Yetua, a. 1433 Yuzkeh, a, 1436. Yebroojjfl.^- 137, 1432 Yeiamya, a. 1437 Yukhfis, a. 1434

No. No. No. No.- Zafran, fl. -968,/). T153 Zeiawund draz,^. - 959 Zinjebeel, p. 979, 1057 Zubd ul behr, a. - 954 Zafran ahun, ^. - iiio geerd, p. - 958 riitb, a. - 974 Zubul, a. 916 Zag, V. - 1304 mudehruj, a. 958 fhamee, a. - 982 Zufaiy rutb, a. - 982 Zaj, a. - 950 tewed, 75,959 tur, p. - 55 Zufaiy yeabus, a. - 983 Zan, a. - 11 26 Zerareeh, a. - 917 Zir, p. - 596, 920 Zufd^'h, a. 1127 - Zaroor, a. 622 Zereer, />. - 105, 250 Zirdaloo, p. - 1377 Zijfeerah, a. 1147 Zaroos, v. - 1322 Zeriflik, «. - 964 Zird choobeh, v. - 963, Zughal, a. 969 Zat uzze wanib, a. 412 ZerneekhfoorLh,(7. '13,960 1163, 1424 Zughun, a. 970 Zeeb, a. - 921 Zerneekh zird, a. - loi, Zirduck, p. - 144, 681 Zujaj, a. 956 Zebeeb, a. - 962, 1422 defhte?, 682 Zumurud, a. 951 p. • 973 Zedoary, Zerumb^d, 398, 668, 957, p 961, 1278 Zireer, a. 964 Zungar, p. 975 1352 Zerung, a. 965 Zir food, a. - 963 made nee. a. 980 a. - Zerufhk, Zeebuc, 986 p. 31 Zirtuck, a. g66 Zungbar, a^. 977 Zeera, h. - 984, 13 10 Zhaleh, p. - - 1435 Zifl kooHik, p. - .^297 Zungbaree, p. - 924 - 1026 ZibI, a. Zeher, p. 955 Zooia, p. 155 Zungcehar, h. - 338 mohra, A. Ziet, Zehr 371, 1204 985 Zoorut, V. 1139 Zunjar, a, 975 Zehub, a. - 920 Zietoon, a. 987 Zubab, a, 915 Zunjefir, a. 976 Zekoom, a. - 972 Zietoon kouhee,/» 1154 Ziibad, a. 953 Zunjerf, a. 978 Zeloo, />. 846, 914, 918 Zift, 971 Zubbee, a. 1 146 Zuroor, a. - 967 Zenub ul far, a. - gig Zilf, a. 1 148 Zubd, a. 952; Zyan, a. 1 149
