
ƒ€igsev e‚„sgviƒ

et —l „r—nsforming ™—re —nd intelle™tu—l dis—˜ilities „—ylor

IS g—re u—lity gommissionF gount we in PHIHX‚esults of the PHIH x—tion—l U elex—nder ‚„D rirem—th eD ghester †D qreen pxD qun—r—tn— stD ro—re ƒF

gensus of snp—tients —nd €—tients on ƒupervised gommunity „re—tment in iv—lu—tion of tre—tment out™omes from — medium se™ure unit for

went—l re—lth —nd ve—rning his—˜ility ƒervi™es in ingl—nd —nd ‡—lesF ggD people with intelle™tu—l dis—˜ilityF edv went re—lth sntell his—˜il PHIIY SX


V „—ylor tvD xov—™o ‚‡F e ˜rief s™reening instrument for emotion—lly

IT hep—rtment of re—lthF †—luing €eopleXe xew ƒtr—tegy for ve—rning

unst—˜le —nd disso™i—l person—lity disorder in m—le offenders with

his—˜ility for the PIst genturyF hep—rtment of re—lthD PHIIF

ESQF intelle™tu—l dis—˜ilitiesF ‚es hevelop his—˜il PHIQY QRX SRT

W y9frien qD „—ylor tvD vinds—y ‡‚D roll—nd etD g—rson hD €ri™e uD et —lF IU ‡olfens˜erger ‡F ƒo™i—l role v—loriz—tionX — proposed new term for the

e multiE™entre study of —dults with le—rning dis—˜ilities referred to prin™iple of norm—liz—tionF went ‚et—rd IWVQY PIX PQR EWF

servi™es for —ntiso™i—l or offending ˜eh—viourX demogr—phi™D individu—lD

offending —nd servi™e ™h—r—™teristi™sF t ve—rn his—˜il yffen feh—v PHIHY IX

IV w—nsell tD iri™sson uF heinstitution—lis—tion —nd gommunity vivingX


sntelle™tu—l his—˜ility ƒervi™es in ƒ™—ndin—vi—D frit—in —nd the ƒeF

gh—pm—n —nd r—llD IWWTF IH re—lth —nd ƒo™i—l g—re snform—tion gentreF ve—rning his—˜ility gensus

‚eportF rƒgsgD PHISF

IW eiden rD w™g—rthy eF gurrent ettitudes „ow—rds his—˜led €eopleF ƒ™opeD

II xrƒ ingl—ndF g—re —nd „re—tment ‚eviewX€oli™y —nd quidelines F xrƒ PHIRF

ingl—ndD PHISF

PH iqu—lity —nd rum—n ‚ights gommissionF ridden in €l—in ƒightXsnquiry IP xrƒ ingl—ndF €eople with — ve—rning his—˜ility r—ve — uey ‚ole E hr tulie

into his—˜ilityE‚el—ted r—r—ssmentF ir‚gD PHIIF rigginsF xrƒ ingl—ndD PHITF ev—il—˜le —t httpsXGGwwwFengl—ndF nhsFukG

le—rningdis—˜ilitiesGPHITGHSGPTGjulieEhigginsEQG @—™™essed IS ƒeptem˜er

PHITAF PI hep—rtment of re—lthF „he fr—dley ‚eportXvord fr—dley9s ‚eview of €eople

with went—l re—lth €ro˜lems or ve—rning his—˜ilities in the grimin—l tusti™e

IQ gumell— ƒtF €u˜li™ poli™y in intelle™tu—l —nd development—l dis—˜ilityF

ƒystemF hep—rtment of re—lthD PHHWF

EPHF gurr ypin €sy™hi—tr PHIHY PQXRIU

IR re—lth —nd ƒo™i—l g—re snform—tion gentreF snp—tients porm—lly het—ined PP vou™ks xF xo yne unowsXyffenders with ve—rning hif®™ulties —nd ve—rning

in rospit—ls under the went—l re—lth e™t IWVQD —nd €—tients ƒu˜je™t to his—˜ilitiesF ‚eview of €rev—len™e —nd esso™i—ted xeedsF €rison ‚eform

gommunity „re—tmentXennu—l ‚eportD ingl—ndD PHIQGIR F rƒgsgD PHIRF „rustD PHHTF

€reventX wh—t is preE™rimin—l sp—™ec


h—vid qold˜ergD ƒushrut t—dh—vD „—rek ‰ounis



niversity gollege vondonD vondonD

ƒumm—ry €revent is — uEwide progr—mme within the government9s —ntiEterrorism


  Á  uY niversite du ue˜e™ — wontre—lD

str—tegy —imed —t stopping individu—ls from supporting or t—king p—rt in terrorist

wontre—lD g—n—d—

—™tivitiesF xrƒ ingl—nd9s €revent „r—ining —nd gompeten™ies pr—mework requires

gorresponden™e to ƒushrut t—dh—v

he—lth profession—ls to underst—nd the ™on™ept of preE™rimin—l sp—™eF „his —rti™le


ex—mines preE™rimin—l sp—™eD — new term whi™h refers to — period of time during

pirst re™eived PW w—r PHITD ®n—l

whi™h — person is referred to — spe™i®™ €reventErel—ted s—fegu—rding p—nelD gh—nnelF st

revision PS tun PHITD —™™epted QI eug

is un™le—r wh—t the ™on™ept of preE™rimin—l sp—™e —dds to the €revent progr—mmeF „he PHIT

term should ˜e either ™l—ri®ed or removed from the pr—meworkF

f PHIU „he euthorsF „his is —n openE

—™™ess —rti™le pu˜lished ˜y the ‚oy—l

he™l—r—tion of interest xoneF

gollege of €sy™hi—trists —nd distri˜uted

under the terms of the gre—tive

gommons ettri˜ution vi™ense @httpXGG


RFHAD whi™h permits unrestri™ted useD

distri˜utionD —nd reprodu™tion in —ny

mediumD provided the origin—l

is properly ™itedF


‚—di™—lis—tion is ™omp—r—˜le to other forms of exploit—tionY „he €revent „r—ining —nd gompeten™ies pr—mework ˜egins

it is therefore — s—fegu—rding issue st—ff working in the he—lth


se™tor must ˜e —w—re ofF ‘ FFF“ƒt—ff must ˜e —˜le to re™ognise

–€revent is p—rt of the qovernment9s ™ounterEterrorism

signs of r—di™—lis—tion —nd ˜e ™on®dent in referring individu—ls

str—tegy gyx„iƒ„ —nd —ims to stop people ˜e™oming

who ™—n then re™eive support in the preE™rimin—l sp—™eF9 @pF SA

terrorists or supporting terrorismY —s su™h it is des™ri˜ed —s

the only long term solution to the thre—t we f—™e from „he pr—mework is ™—s™—ded down the x—tion—l re—lth

terrorismF €revent fo™uses on —ll forms of —nd

ƒervi™e @xrƒA hier—r™hies in ingl—nd to ensure th—t —ll

oper—tes in — preE™rimin—l sp—™eD providing support —nd reE

frontEline st—ff in the xrƒ re™eive m—nd—tory tr—ining in

dire™tion to vulner—˜le individu—ls —t risk of ˜eing groomed in

to terrorist —™tivity ˜efore —ny ™rimes —re ™ommittedF the €revent pro™essF xrƒ st—ff refer p—tients ™onsidered PHV

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ƒ€igsev e‚„sgviƒ

et —l ‡h—t is preE™rimin—l sp—™ec qold˜erg


vulner—˜le to r—di™—lis—tion to lo™—l €revent le—ds —nd —nd gh—nnel huty quid—n™eD preE™rimin—l sp—™e is €revent

onw—rd to €revent ™—se m—n—gers —nd the gh—nnel p—nelF likely to st—rt on —™™ept—n™e of — referr—l of — person within

„he gh—nnel —™ts —s — multiE—gen™y p—nel —long the lines of the gh—nnel p—nelD or perh—ps on referr—l or dis™ussion of

other s—fegu—rding p—nels in ingl—ndF the possi˜ility of referr—l ˜y xrƒ st—ff to gh—nnel

„his „r—ining —nd gompeten™y pr—mework follows personnelF „husD preE™rimin—l sp—™e h—s tempor—l —nd


the gh—nnel huty from the €revent huty quid—n™eD sp—ti—l —spe™tsF es the time —nd sp—™e is de™ided ˜y


—nd the gh—nnelX †ulner—˜ility essessment pr—meE quid—n™e negoti—tion with —nd ˜etween profession—lsD the term —lso


produ™ed ˜y the following gyx„iƒ„X work h—s interEprofession—l dimensionsF „his is supported ˜y


„he nited uingdom9s ƒtr—tegy for gountering „errorism pr—mework n—ming do™uments th—t fo™us on effe™tive

—nd the gounterE„errorism —nd ƒe™urity e™t PHISF „he multidis™iplin—ry work r—ther th—n the €revent —nd


pr—mework does not n—me these do™uments ˜ut mentions gh—nnel huty guidelinesF

two other do™uments whi™h fo™us on multiE—gen™y workingF „he pr—mework do™ument views the €revent


det—ils „he ®rstD ƒ—fegu—rding ghildren —nd ‰oung €eopleD progr—mme —s p—rt of the wider s—fegu—rding —gend—F

the roles —nd ™ompeten™ies for he—lth™—re st—ff when roweverD there is one import—nt differen™e ™omp—red with

working with other profession—ls to s—fegu—rd ™hildren other s—fegu—rding p—nelsX the ™oordin—tor of the gh—nnel

—nd young peopleF „he se™ondD fuilding €—rtnershipsD pro™essD the gh—nnel €oli™e €r—™titioner @g€€AD is — poli™e


stresses the import—n™e of effe™tive interE ƒt—ying ƒ—feD of®™er or is employed ˜y the poli™e @refF QD p—r—F QHAF „husD

profession—l workingF unlike other s—fegu—rding pro™eduresD the poli™e h—ve —

„he fo™us of the pr—mework is on tr—iningF emong the ™entr—l ™oordin—ting fun™tionF

™ompeten™ies listed within is to underst—nd the ™on™ept of

preE™rimin—l sp—™eF „his —rti™le ex—mines this term using

goining of –preE™rimin—l sp—™e9

pu˜li™ly —™™essi˜le government do™uments —nd internet

„he term preE™rimin—l sp—™e is newF st w—s introdu™ed ˜y se—r™hes performed on qoogle —nd qoogle ƒ™hol—rF st is —

this pr—mework —nd ™—s™—ded to —ll trusts ˜y xrƒ ingl—ndF

textu—l —n—lysisD re—d in the ™ontext of other government


„he term does not o™™ur in nonExrƒ €revent do™uments or whi™h presumes th—t wh—t is re—d m—y not do™umentsD

in gyx„iƒ„F ‚eferen™es to preE™rimin—l sp—™e ™e the term ne™ess—rily ˜e wh—t the —uthors initi—lly intendedF we—nings

w—s introdu™ed —re l—rgely found in trust do™ument—tion —pplied to wordsD p—rti™ul—rly new ™ompound wordsD g—in


—nd xrƒ €ower€oint present—tionsD together with some yne of the presumptions of signi®™—n™e over time —nd useF

journ—list reports —nd ˜logsF por inst—n™eD the „elegr—ph this method is th—t textu—l —n—lysis m—y not rel—te dire™tly

™omments on the poli™e use of the term —nd possi˜le

to wh—t is h—ppening in pr—™ti™eF


reper™ussions on st—te Ewuslim rel—tionsF

ell xrƒ trusts in ingl—nd —re m—nd—ted to en—™t the

€reE™rimin—l sp—™e in the xrƒ ingl—nd

pr—mework do™ument —nd produ™e poli™y or guid—n™e


do™umentsF xone of these do™uments de®ne preE™rimin—l

sp—™e —ny furtherF w—ny use preE™rimin—l sp—™e with –€reE™rimin—l sp—™e9 —ppe—rs four times in the pr—mework

quot—tion m—rksD — few pref—™ing the term with –soE™—lled9F do™umentD in™luding twi™e in the introdu™tionX

„he usu—l st—tement is — reiter—tion of –€revent oper—tes

I –€revent fo™uses on —ll forms of terrorism —nd

in the preE™rimin—l sp—™e9F y™™—sion—lly the hyphen is

oper—tes in — preE™rimin—l sp—™e9 @pF SA

repl—™ed ˜y — sp—™e ˜etween –pre9 —nd –™rimin—l9 ˜ut the

P –FFFindividu—ls‘FFF“ ™—nthenre™eivesupportin

words —re never pl—™ed dire™tly togetherF „he most det—iled

the preE™rimin—l sp—™e9 @pF SA

de®nition we h—ve found ™omes from — gloss—ry in — €revent

Q –FFF—w—re‘ness th—t“ ‘FFF“ the he—lth se™tor

do™ument from wersey g—re xrƒ „rustD ˜eginning with —

™ontri˜ution oper—tes in preE™rimin—l sp—™e9 @pF VA

pre™—ution—ry noteX –„hese de®nitions rel—te to €‚i†ix„

R– nderst—nd ‘ F F F “ the ™on™ept of preE™rimin—l sp—™e9

—nd —re not —lw—ys —uthorit—tive in —ny wider ™ontextF9 –€reE


grimin—l e™tivityGƒp—™e9 is expl—ined ˜y fo™using on –multiE

„he me—ning of –preE™rimin—l sp—™e9 ™—n ˜e dedu™ed from

—gen™y working to ensure th—t individu—ls —re diverted —w—y

these quotesF –€revent fo™uses on —ll forms of terrorism —nd II

˜efore —ny ™rime is ™ommitted9F „his de®nition merges

oper—tes in — preE™rimin—l sp—™e9 suggests th—t preE™rimin—l

–sp—™e9 with multiE—gen™y —™tivityF

sp—™e m—y rel—te to spe™i®™ physi™—l sp—™es —nd times where

profession—ls –oper—te9 or —™t within the —ims of the €revent

henot—tion —nd ™onnot—tion

progr—mmeF „he st—tement th—t –individu—ls ‘ FFF“™—nthen

ƒo f—r we h—ve —rgued th—t preE™rimin—l sp—™e refers to the re™eive support in the preE™rimin—l sp—™e9 suggests th—t the

time when — person is eng—ged ˜y the gh—nnel p—nel —nd profession—l —™tivity involved is –support9F ‡h—t ™onstitutes


rel—ted profession—lsF st denotes the timeD sp—™e —nd interE „he f—™t –support9 is det—iled in the gh—nnel huty quid—n™eF

profession—l —™tivity involved in pl—nningD ™oordin—ting th—t –the he—lth se™tor ™ontri˜ution oper—tes in preE™rimin—l

support —nd possi˜ly monitoring in the xrƒ ingl—nd sp—™e9 implies th—t other he—lth se™tor —™tivities m—y not

€revent progr—mmeF ‡h—t is un™le—r is whether the oper—te in the preE™rimin—l sp—™eF sn wh—t w—y xrƒ —™tivity

gh—nnel pro™ess —nd p—nel meetings —re in —ny w—y in this –sp—™e9 is different from th—t in other sp—™e is not

different from other multiE—gen™y —™tivitiesF „his m—y ˜e st—ted —nywhereF „he need for he—lth profession—ls to

dedu™ed ˜y ex— possi˜le ™onnot—tions of the term underst—nd –the ™on™ept of preE™rimin—l sp—™e9 suggests

˜—sed on p—rti™ip—nts9 underst—nding of l—ngu—ge use in its th—t there is —n import—nt differen™e ˜etween wh—t preE

so™i—l ™ontextF ™rimin—l sp—™e is —nd wh—t it is notF ‚e—d in the ™ontext of PHW

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ƒ€igsev e‚„sgviƒ

et —l ‡h—t is preE™rimin—l sp—™ec qold˜erg

we—kened from extern—l —ss—ult or intern—l de®™ien™yY €reE™rimin—l sp—™e ™onsists of three termsX –pre9

me—ning ˜eforeD –™rimin—l9 —s — person who h—s ™ommitted stru™tur—l support is provided from outside so the individu—l

— ™rime or repe—ted ™rimesD —nd –sp—™e9 —s — ™ontinuous ™—n withst—nd potenti—l —ss—ults or thre—tsF iven the ‡‚e€

physi™—l —re—F –€re9 —ppe—rs to modify the se™ond termD —™ronym @‡orkshops to ‚—ise ew—reness of €reventA suggests

–™rimin—l9D r—ther th—n sp—™eF ryphens —re not usu—lly used physi™—l ˜odily prote™tion —g—inst extern—l thre—tF „he

—fter pre®xes su™h —s –pre9D unless the resulting me—ning ™rimin—l justi™e terms @iFeF r—di™—lis—tionD extremismD

˜e™omes —m˜iguousD for ex—mple –preEorder9 r—ther th—n gyx„iƒ„D ™ounterEterrorismD str—tegyA suggest — heightened

–preorder9F „husD the use of the hyphen ˜oth gives —

sp—ti—l met—phorD pol—ris—tion —nd dire™tion of movementF

sep—r—tion ˜etween preE™rime —nd ™rime —nd ™re—tes the

„he ™re—tion of the term preE™rimin—l sp—™e m—y ˜e —n

linkF „he term implies th—t the –sp—™e9 is preE™rimin—lD not

—ttempt to ˜ridge the he—lth —nd poli™e use of met—phorX the

the individu—lF ‡hile the use of the term –sp—™e9 suggests —

he—lth met—phor —iming for st—˜ility —nd predi™t—˜ilityD while

physi™—l sp—™eD su™h —s — meeting roomD there —re no

the ™rimin—l justi™e met—phor fo™uses on —d—pt—˜ilityF „he

referen™es to where the vulner—˜le person is to ˜e

l—™kof effe™tive de®nition of preE™rimin—l sp—™e —llows for

supportedF –ƒp—™e9 in this ™ontext is used —s — rel—tion—l

evolving interE—gen™y norms during the gh—nnel pro™ess to

™on™eptD ™ommon in expressions su™h —s –s need sp—™e to

v—ry with ™ontextF

think9D me—ning –s need — pl—™e for myselfD —w—y from ™ert—in


sf new ™on™epts emerge ˜y visu—l —n—logyD preE

so™i—l rel—tionships9F

™rimin—l sp—™e ™—n ˜e seen —s —n extension of ™rime

preventionF st ™—n ˜e visu—lised —s — system of ™ontinuous

„he deriv—tion of preE™rimin—l sp—™e —nd ™ont—ined p—ss—gesF €rior to the vent @derived from the

v—tin rootD —s in preventAD profession—ls dire™t r—di™—lsD „he etymology of the term is signi®™—nt to the dis™ussionF

people who h—ve —n —ttr—™tive or repulsive ™h—rge or energyD –€reE™rime9 —nd –sp—™e9D —s sep—r—te wordsD suggest they —re

potenti—lly independent ™on™eptsF „he term –pre™rime9 w—s p—st the vent —nd into the ™h—nnelF es the r—di™—ls p—ss

s—id to ˜e ™oined ˜y s™ien™e ®™tion writer €hilip uF hi™kin —long the vent their ™h—rge or energy ˜e™omes less strong


„he dr—m— is ˜—sed on the his short story winority ‚eportF —nd the r—di™—l no longer moves tow—rds the extremeF

™on™ept th—t ™rime h—s not o™™urred yet ˜ut will o™™ur in sf the term preE™rimin—l sp—™e mo˜ilises he—lth™—re

future unless me—sures —re t—kenF „he ˜elief th—t ™rime ™—n profession—ls —nd gh—nnel p—rtners tow—rds — ™rime

˜e prevented ˜y identi®™—tion —nd intervention h—s — long prevention role of he—lth interventionD preE™rimin—l sp—™e

historyF sn the IWth ™enturyD v—m˜roso9s theory of ™rimin—l

h—s the potenti—l to —™t —s — form of –ex™it—˜le spee™h9 to

IT —t—vism f—mously purported to identify future ™rimin—ls ˜y

—lert listeners to the thre—t of terrorismF „he rhetori™—l

their —˜norm—l physi™—l —ppe—r—n™eF sn re™ent ye—rsD

use of the term preE™rimin—l sp—™e during the gh—nnel

™riminologists use the term preE™rime to ™riti™ise the

pro™ess ™ould ˜e per™eived —s —n —ttempt to persu—de

move to ™rimin—lise people prior to the ™ommitting of

profession—ls to dis™lose inform—tion or m—ke de™isions they


wore re™entlyD the term –preE™rimin—l sp—™e9 h—s ™rimeF

would otherwise not m—ke in other s—fegu—rding forums —nd

˜een used in the ƒ se™urity industry in rel—tion to ssl—mi™

in ™omp—r—˜le ™ir™umst—n™esF IR

‡e ®nd no eviden™e th—t the fund—ment—list terrorismF

™on™ept of –sp—™e9 in preE™rimin—l sp—™e derives from

—™—demi™ theorising —˜out sp—™eF hepending on ™ontextD


howeverD sp—™e ™onnotes elements of time —s well —s

„he „r—ining —nd gompeten™y pr—meworkis —n —™tion pl—nD physi™—l or —˜str—™t forms of sp—™eF ƒp—™e in preE™rimin—l

l—ying out who does wh—tD when —nd with whomF por the sp—™e ™—n thus g—in different met—phori™ —sso™i—tions

depending on the immedi—te so™i—l ™ontextF €reE™rimin—l implement—tion of €reventD terms need to ˜e de®ned to

sp—™e m—y des™ri˜e the physi™—l sp—™e where –support9 is su™h — degree th—t the p—rti™ip—nts ™—n underst—nd the

pl—nnedD –oper—ted9 or monitoredF st m—y —lso rel—te to the ™on™epts involvedF sndeedD the pr—meworkitself —sksxrƒ

time th—t the person is su˜je™t to the gh—nnel p—nel pro™essD st—ff to underst—nd the ™on™ept of preE™rimin—l sp—™e @pF IHAF

or to differen™es in the so™i—l rules of interprofession—l €reE™rimin—l sp—™e ™le—rly denotes — period of time in the

inter—™tionD —s ™omp—red with different s—fegu—rding p—nel €revent pro™ess without —dding further me—ning —nd

dis™ussionsF pin—llyD it m—y refer to differing so™i—l identities keeping open the opportunity for the term9s possi˜le

of the person referred to the gh—nnel p—nel —nd the

rhetori™—l use in gh—nnel meetingsF

profession—ls involvedF

yne synonym for preE™rimin—l sp—™e is ™rime preventionF

„his r—ises the possi˜ility of ™h—nging the wording of the

pr—meworkto repl—™e this o˜s™ure —nd newly ™oined term ‚hetori™

with –™rime prevention9F eltern—tivelyD dis™ussion —nd

„he pr—meworkprovides —n —˜˜revi—ted —nd re—soned

™l—ri®™—tion of the ™on™ept of preE™rimin—l sp—™e would

—rgument in support of the €revent progr—mme —nd the

—llow it to de®ne the p—rti™ip—nts9 rel—tionships —s the ™rime involvement of he—lth profession—lsF vike —ll —rgumentsD it

prevention —™tivity pro™eedsF purther multidis™iplin—ry persu—des through the use of the met—phori™ qu—lities whi™h

rese—r™h linking xrƒ do™uments to pr—™ti™e m—y en—˜le the words g—in in useF „here —re two sets of met—phors within

€revent guid—n™e —nd fr—meworkto ˜e linked with pr—™ti™eF the pr—meworkD one pertinent to xrƒ profession—ls —nd the

‡hen the time ™omes for the €revent fr—meworkto ˜e other to the poli™eF „he he—lth met—phors —re ˜orrowed

upd—ted @—lthough no su™h d—te is given in the do™umentAD we from stru™tur—l engineeringD with vulner—˜ility —nd support

re™ommend th—t the term should ˜e ™l—ri®ed or removedF Estress modelF „he person is suggesting the di—thesis PIH

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ƒ€igsev e‚„sgviƒ

et —l ‡h—t is preE™rimin—l sp—™ec qold˜erg

S rw qovernmentF gyx„iƒ„X „he nited uingdom9s ƒtr—tegy for gountering e™knowledgements

„errorismX ennu—l ‚eport for PHIRF rw ƒt—tionery yf®™eD PHISF

‡e th—nk the xewton sntern—tion—l pellowshipD supported ˜y the ‚oy—l

T ‚oy—l gollege of €—edi—tri™s —nd ghild re—lthF ƒ—fegu—rding ghildren —nd

ƒo™ietyD the fritish e™—demyD —nd the e™—demy of wedi™—l ƒ™ien™esF

‰oung €eopleX ‚oles —nd gompeten™es for re—lth g—re ƒt—ff @snter™ollegi—te

ho™umentD Qrd ednAF ‚g€grD PHIRF

U hep—rtment of re—lthF fuilding €—rtnershipsD ƒt—ying ƒ—feX „he re—lth e˜out the —uthors

ƒe™tor gontri˜ution to rw qovernment9s €revent ƒtr—tegyX quid—n™e for

h—vid qold˜erg is — †isiting‚ese—r™her in the hivision of €sy™hi—tryD re—lth™—re ‡orkersF gentr—l yf®™e of snform—tionD PHIIF

niversity gollege vondonD —nd medi™—l —nthropologistD vondonD uF

V p—ir™lough xF griti™—l his™ourse en—lysisX „he griti™—l ƒtudy of v—ngu—geF

ƒushrut t—dh—v is — ™onsult—nt psy™hi—tristD g—mden 8 sslington xrƒ

‚outledgeD PHIHF

pound—tion „rustD vondonD —nd glini™—l ƒenior ve™turer in grossE™ultur—l

W sser ‡F „he e™t of ‚e—dingX e „heory of eestheti™ ‚esponseF tohns ropkins €sy™hi—tryD niversity gollege vondonD uF „—rek ‰ounis is — €hhG€syh

niversity €ressD IWVHF   Á  ™—ndid—te —t niversite du ue˜e™ — wontre—lD g—n—d—D —nd ™onsult—nt for

 the wontre—l poli™e reg—rding er—˜Gwuslim ™ommunity issuesF IH ‚ussell tF w—king —n opinion illeg—l is not going to stop terrorismF

„elegr—ph PHISY IQ w—yF

II ƒ—fegu—rding edult ve—dD €revent ve—dF €revent @version PAF wersey g—re ‚eferen™es

xrƒ „rustD PHISF

I xrƒ ingl—nd xursing hire™tor—te edult ƒ—fegu—rdingF xrƒ ingl—nd E

IP hi™k €uF winority ‚eportF qoll—n™zD PHHPF €revent „r—ining —nd gompeten™ies pr—meworkF xrƒ ingl—ndD PHISF

IQ edner vF €reE™rime —nd preEpunishmentX — he—lth w—rningF gtw PHIHY

P rw qovernmentF €revent huty quid—n™eX quid—n™e for ƒpe™i®ed


euthorities in ingl—nd —nd ‡—les on the huty in the gounterE„errorism

—nd ƒe™urity e™t PHIS to r—ve hue ‚eg—rd to the xeed to €revent €eople IR ‡eine ƒD gohen tD fr—nneg—n hF woving feyond wotiveEf—sed g—tegories

from feing hr—wn into „errorismF rw qovernmentD PHISF of „—rgeted †iolen™eF ergonne x—tion—l v—˜ @exvAD PHISF

Q rw qovernmentF gh—nnel huty quid—n™eX €rote™ting †ulner—˜le €eople IS resse wF wodels —nd en—logies in ƒ™ien™e @revisedD edFAF xotre h—me

from feing hr—wn into „errorismF rw qovernmentD PHISF niversity €ressD IWTTF

IT futler tF ix™it—˜le ƒpee™hX e €oliti™s of the €erform—tiveF ‚outledgeD R rw qovernmentF gh—nnelX †ulner—˜ility essessment pr—meworkFrw

IWWUF qovernmentD PHIPF

hrug inform—tion upd—teF etypi™—l —ntipsy™hoti™s

—nd neurolepti™ m—lign—nt syndromeX nu—n™es —nd

pr—gm—ti™s of the —sso™i—tion


ƒiddh—rth ƒ—rk—rD xitin qupt—



ell sndi— snstitute of wedi™—l ƒ™ien™esD

ƒumm—ry xeurolepti™ m—lign—nt syndrome @xwƒA is — r—re ˜ut potenti—lly f—t—l


qovernment xew helhiD sndi—Y

—dverse event —sso™i—ted with the use of —ntipsy™hoti™sF elthough —typi™—l

wedi™—l gollege —nd rospit—lD

—ntipsy™hoti™s were initi—lly ™onsidered to ™—rry no risk of xwƒD reports h—ve

gh—ndig—rhD sndi—

—™™umul—ted over time impli™—tingthem in xwƒ ™—us—tionF elmost —ll —typi™—l

gorresponden™e to xitin qupt—

—ntipsy™hoti™s h—ve ˜een reported to ˜e —sso™i—ted with xwƒF „he ™lini™—l pro®le of @nitingupt—TSWdy—hooF™oFinA

xwƒ ™—used ˜y ™ert—in —typi™—l —ntipsy™hoti™s su™h —s ™loz—pine h—s ˜een reported to


˜e ™onsider—˜ly different from the xwƒ produ™ed ˜y typi™—l —ntipsy™hoti™sD with PQ ƒep PHITD —™™epted PW ƒep PHIT

di—phoresis en™ountered more ™ommonlyD —nd rigidity —nd tremor en™ountered less

f PHIU „he euthorsF „his is —n openE

frequentlyF „his —rti™le ˜rie¯y dis™usses the eviden™e rel—tingto the o™™urren™eD —™™ess —rti™le pu˜lished ˜y the ‚oy—l

gollege of €sy™hi—trists —nd distri˜uted present—tion —nd m—n—gement of xwƒ indu™ed ˜y —typi™—l —ntipsy™hoti™sF

under the terms of the gre—tive

gommons ettri˜ution vi™ense @httpXGG he™l—r—tion of interest xoneF


RFHAD whi™h permits unrestri™ted useD

distri˜utionD —nd reprodu™tion in —ny

mediumD provided the origin—l work

is properly ™itedF

xeurolepti™ m—lign—nt syndrome @xwƒA refers to —n th—t h—s ˜een —sso™i—ted with ˜oth ®rstE —nd se™ondE


st o™™urs in —˜out HFHPEQ7 of idiosyn™r—ti™ severe —dverse re—™tion —sso™i—ted with the use gener—tion —ntipsy™hoti™sF


xwƒ is individu—ls who —re pres™ri˜ed —ntipsy™hoti™sF of —ntipsy™hoti™sF st is — r—re —nd unpredi™t—˜le sideEeffe™t PII

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