ISSN 2277 – 3126 RNI NO. UPENG/2011/37063 `100 US$ 10

Vol. 4 Issue 6 NOV – dec 2014 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Streamline your intelligence planning from beginning to end with unparalleled search THE GXP ENTERPRISE SOLUTION. functionality, exploitation capabilities, and product creation for the GEOINT community. Discover your data and reference materials MAXIMIZE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY – with GXP Xplorer®. Search multiple data stores across the enterprise with a single query to locate imagery, terrain, text documents, FROM DISCOVERY, TO EXPLOITATION, and video. View data in any format in a Web browser with GXP WebView. Exploit data with TO PRODUCT GENERATION. SOCET GXP® to create geospatial intelligence products for planning, analysis, and publication using advanced feature extraction tools, annotations, and 3-D visualization. Deliver actionable intelligence when it counts with the GXP enterprise solution.

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EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Inside GUEST ARTICLES Leveraging Lasers in Counter Stealth Cloud for GIS Systems Lt Gen VK Saxena, DG & Sr Col Comdt, Lt Gen AKS Chandele, PVSM, AVSM AD (Retd) Managing Editor As a counter stealth mechanism, LiDAR GIS Cloud is seen as a perfect tool to has rapidly emerged as a viable means upgrade conventional GIS applications to defeat the contemporary stealth and provide a broad spectrum of services technologies. to users across the globe. Pg 35 Pg 17

Warship Sensors as Elements of INTERVIEW Chairman MP Narayanan Geo Intelligence Publisher Sanjay Kumar Rear Admiral Dr S Kulshrestha, (Retd) Managing Editor Lt Gen (Dr) AKS Chandele (Retd) Senior Fellow New Westminster College, Executive Editor Bhanu Rekha Canada Product Manager Harsha Vardhan Madiraju Sub Editor Sanskriti Shukla The evolution of network-centric warfare, which enables enhanced Senior Designer Debjyoti Mukherjee situational awareness, rapid target Circulation Manager Ashish Batra assessment, and distributed weapon Circulation Executive Vijay Kumar Singh assignment, is dependent upon the geospatial information collated from Owner, Publisher & Printer Sanjay Kumar warship sensors. Printed at HT Media Limited, B-2, Sector-63, Pg 25 Noida (U.P.) 201307 David J Alexander, Director, Publication Address A - 92, Sector - 52, Geospatial Management Office, Office Gautam Budh Nagar, Noida, India UAVs: Flying into the Future of the Chief Information Editor Sanjay Kumar Lt Gen PC Katoch, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM Officer, US Department of Homeland Security. Price `100, US$ 10 Successful use of UAVs and their invaluable contribution to battlefield Pg 38 Geospatial Media and Communications Pvt. Ltd. surveillance have made them an A - 145, Sector - 63, Noida, India important part of military services. Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs) Tel + 91 120 4612500 Fax + 91 120 4612555/666 REGULAR SECTIONS are rapidly becoming the weapon of choice for military forces, thereby Editorial...... 05 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER Geospatial Media and Communications Pvt. revolutionising the face of warfare. Ltd. does not necessarily subscribe to the views News...... 06 Pg 30 expressed in the publication. All views expressed Events...... 41 in this issue are those of the contributors. The publication is not responsible for any loss to anyone Image Intelligence ...... 42 due to the information provided. GEOINTELLIGENCE 3 | Want to update your communication details? Reach us at [email protected] to continue receiving Great the magazines regularly Subscription Offer 600* FOR 1 Year

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subscription ad.indd 3 16-09-2014 16:07:44 Need to ensure self reliance in emerging defence technologies

echnological superiority will be the decisive battle winning factor in future warfare. It is, therefore, imperative to build indigenous technology capabilities relevant to the needs of our armed forces, both for conventional and sub conventional conflict. Experience has shown beyond doubt that availability of desired defence technologies Tfrom other countries cannot be relied upon. Even friendly nations would be reluctant to part with the latest emerging and critical defence technologies. These would necessarily have to be developed through indigenous Research & Development(R&D).

Investment in defence R&D by Indian industry is very low. That there are very few defence related patents filed in India is an obvious manifestation of this malaise. Our Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO) established over five decades ago, with more than 50 labs catering to various defence related

Editorial technologies, has virtual monopoly in the field of defence R&D. However, it has very few successes to show for its relatively high level of staffing and funding, with most projects having huge cost and time overruns. India’s space, missile and nuclear scientists have no doubt demonstrated their capability to innovate and indigenise in the face of technology control regimes, but this unfortunately does not apply to most other critical defence technologies.

India’s ordnance factories and defence public sector undertakings have so far been satisfied with manufacturing under licence, weapons and equipment of foreign origin, without the transfer of critical technologies. With the recent emphasis on indigenisation and the ‘Make in India’ initiative, Indian defence industry is being encouraged to partner with foreign design and manufacturing organisations and obtain transfer of critical technologies. The liberalisation of FDI limit in defence sector to 49% is another step in this direction. DRDO, which has the responsibility of defence technology forecasting, has issued a list of the critical technologies it requires and an elaborate offset policy has been promulgated to ensure this. A Technology Perspective and Capability Roadmap (TPCR) has been issued by the Ministry of Defence, based on our Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan (LTIPP), with a view to channelising indigenous R&D in defence technologies, both in the public and sector, with the active participation of academia.

Emerging technologies are bound to revolutionise warfare in the years ahead. Nations that can create sustainable eco systems for nurturing indigenous emerging defence technologies, synergising the same with Lt Gen (Dr) AKS Chandele PVSM, AVSM (Retd) innovative operational doctrines, ensuring organisational adoption and Managing Editor raising the technical threshold of users, will achieve much higher levels [email protected] of relative military effectiveness. For a country like India to be able to NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER exercise its own independent foreign policy in the interest of its national security, it should achieve self reliance in critical defence technologies, enabling it to pursue an independent military strategy while providing the nation with vital techno-economic strength. Self reliance in emerging defence technologies should be a ‘National Mission’. GEOINTELLIGENCE |



and deliver its new LCR-350 Attitude and The easily integrated capability combines Heading Reference System (AHRS) for the near zero latency tracking of JHMCS several helicopter platforms. The LCR-350 with a modern digital eye piece for a sim- AHRS can be used in military applications ple, but very effective plug in design. on rotary and fixed-wing platforms, pro- viding critical flight control data regard- Wearable Computers for ing an aircraft’s attitude and heading. The Battlefield Intelligence LCR-350 will be certified for various Airbus Raytheon Company unveiled its wearable Helicopters platforms. Production of the computing Intel-Ops solution at the AUSA DNI Unveils the 2014 National LCR-350 is expected to begin in 2016. 2014 Exposition. The new technology Intelligence Strategy merges with wearable computer system Airbus Helicopter James R Clapper, Director of National with situational awareness capabilities Intelligence, US, has unveiled the 2014 to create an enhanced real-time view of National Intelligence Strategy — the the battlefield for commanders and their blueprint that will drive the priorities for . The new intelligence and operations the nation’s 17 Intelligence Communi- convergence solution provides a near-term, ty components over the next four years. affordable way for warfighters to overcome The National Intelligence Strategy (NIS) challenges in delivery of relevant intelli- is one of the most important documents gence and operational information at the for the Intelligence Community (IC) as it battlefield’s tactical edge by integrating sets forth the strategic environment, sets existing Programmes of Record. priorities and objectives, and focuses re- According to a company spokesper- sources on current and future budgets, ac- son, Raytheon’s innovative solution lev- Credit:Northrop Grumman quisitions and operations decisions. Most erages investments already made in its importantly, the strategy builds on the According to a company spokesperson, deployed Air Warrior wearable comput- success achieved with integrating intelli- LCR-350 AHRS features a high-perfor- ing technologies and couples that with gence since the previous NIS, as demon- mance, micro-electro-mechanical system the DCGS-A Lite capability that enables strated by both high-profile operational inertial measurement unit and is based on troops to receive intelligence and gener- achievements and significant enterprise the standard LCR-300 AHRS. Additionally, ate new intelligence as they perform mis- improvements. the system enables directional gyro mode sions in bandwidth-challenged areas. The The National Intelligence Strategy lays operation, which minimises magnetic combination offers customers cost and out the strategic environment and identi- compass errors. time efficiencies as they address their In- fies pervasive and emerging threats. While tel-Ops convergence requirements. key nation states such as China, Russia, Rockwell Collins, Elbit Systems North Korea, and Iran will continue to Unveil Digital EyePiece NVCD NGA Publishes Gamification challenge US interests, global power is Rockwell Collins and Elbit Systems of Software to GitHub also becoming more diffused. New align- America Vision Systems (RCEVS) has The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agen- ments and informal networks, outside of introduced a new enhanced night vision cy (NGA) unveiled gamification software

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER traditional power blocs and national gov- solution for fixed wing aircraft. The code earlier this month on its organisational ernments, will increasingly have signifi- Digital Eye Piece (DEP) Night Vision account on GitHub, an open-source, collab- cant impact on global affairs. Cueing Display (NVCD) is fully qualified orative software development environment. and available to fit all fielded Joint Hel- The software gives awards or badges to users Northrop Grumman to Supply met-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) and operates as a standalone application or AHRS System for Airbus Copters helmet mounted displays. The new solu- can be integrated with other Web-based ap- Northrop Grumman Corporation has been tion allows pilots to fly and train at night plications to increase learning, processing

6 | GEOINTELLIGENCE selected by to certify just as they do with the JHMCS in the day. and output. enhanced sustainment dueto remote apps from the Android device, andhas using othernon-robot related mission reference materials, checking email and members orremote observers. from theoperator’s controller to otherteam and allows model, virtual for data sharing ulation direct with control ona ofthearm ing capability, thesystem simplifies manip- to holdadesired heading, record andvideo - mous modes, driving including vector drive through tight spots. Integrated autono with - predictive lines to guide drive operators to steertherobot,the main feed video and lows to touch users anddrag anywhere on system features joystick, a virtual which al- Android-based touchscreen tablets, the tors tomore focus onthemission. nipulation enabling and inspection, opera- fy robot operations, including driving, ma- control system (MRC) isdesignedto simpli- uPoint Robot Radio, the uPoint multi-robot up of an android-based controller and the customersand industrial worldwide. Made are by forces, used armed first responders trol system foritsunmanned vehicles, which iRobot has anewuniversal developed con- Control System iRobot DevelopsUniversal geographic regions. large area, but manage the work insmaller geographic across structured observations a tasking system that allows teams to collect including GeoQ, anopen-source geographic source software packages ontheplatform, in April 2014andhas released eight open awards. NGAlaunched itsGitHub account translates by into users actionsperformed badges and a configurable rules engine that tomisable Web interface fordisplaying gamificationsoftware provides also a cus innovationtion technology lead, NGA’s According to Ray Bauer, anNGAinforma- The system is capable ofconsulting Compatible a range with of consumer NEWS - ed AgileSubmarineed Hunter (DASH) pro- awarded thecontract underitsDistribut of acost-plus-fixed-fee contract. DARPA mately phase 14 million,isthefourth USD valued at ofperformance approxiriod - sensors. This award,pe- two-yearwith a initial fixed ocean number ofnewdeep development production along with ofan (DARPA)Agency to provide research and AdvancedDefense Research Projects contract has aprime won Leidos by the Sensors toDARPA Leidos toProvide Ocean tions. and built-intutorials maintenance func software updates, training embedded signals, even against bright, sunlit cloud backgrounds. integrated low-noise lightning electronics weak optics to with detect andspecialised 1.8 megapixel focal plane, (500 frames second), per strument is a high-speed in- oftheGLM The heart the Western Hemisphere. United States andmost of continuous coverage ofthe orbit, with geostationary track lightning flashes from vides anewcapability to prospokesperson, GLM - 2016. launchedto be inearly as thesatellite isexpected GOES-R spacecraftthe first preparing integration with Environmental missions, Satellite Series. The team is (GOES) knownastheGOES-R Atmospheric Administration’s next-generation (NOAA) Operational Geostationary to more accurate tornado warnings.will fly onthe sensor The National Oceanic and instrument that provide will ofdeveloping early severe alerts andcontribute storms MartinLockheed hasLightning deliveredGeostationary thefirst Mapper (GLM) Mapper Instrument Lightning UnveilsFirst Geostationary Lockheed Martin According to acompany instrument Lockheed’s lightning mapper geostationary - - in operationally-relevant areas. demonstrated through multiple tests sea battery-operated system, which has been throughmobility rapid deployment ofa giveslance operationalmission. TRAPS deployed(DNS) - forward acoustic surveil the Navy’s Network Distributed System offers TRAPS majorperson, benefits to sions. According to acompany spokes broad range mis ofacoustic surveillance modification after a Phase 4 to support the Navy systems can these without utilise the manufacturing that so nodes ofTRAPS al Reliable Acoustic Path System (TRAPS). Division fortheagency’s Transformation- gramme to Leidos’s Maritime Operations Leidos will implement will proceduresLeidos for

Credit:Lockheed Martin - -


Raytheon Awarded Contract to US Strategic Command and three allied next generation Patriot solution, which in- Build New US Air Force Radar nations signed a memorandum of under- corporates: a new Common Command and The US Air Force has recently awarded standing on combined space operations to Control (CC2) system that offers open ar- Raytheon Company a USD 19.5 million strengthen deterrence, enhance resilience chitecture and multi-role capability, which contract for engineering and manufac- and optimise resources. builds on and preserves the combat-prov- turing development of new expeditionary Officials from DoD, STRATCOM, en functionality of Patriot and its inherent radar that will detect, identify and track Australia, Canada, and the UK signed the US/NATO interoperability; introduction drones, missiles and aircraft. The total con- Combined Space Operations (CSpO), In- of a 360-degree multi-function radar us- tract, including all options, is currently es- itiative memorandum of understanding. ing the latest advanced radar technology timated at USD 71.8 million and includes According to the DoD officials, the ini- to provide unmatched performance, un- the procurement of an additional three ra- tiative will give participating nations an precedented operational readiness and the dar systems, for a total of six radar systems understanding of the current and future lowest maintenance cost and; the potential and product support. The radar, called the space environment, an awareness of space for integration of a new advanced Low Cost Three Dimensional Expeditionary Long capability to support global operations and Interceptor (LCI) to further expand Patri- Range Radar, or 3DELRR, is one of the first military-to-military relationships to address ot’s ability to simultaneously fire multiple programmes under the DoD’s Better Buy- challenges and ensure the peaceful use of missile types to address the continuously ing Power initiative to be designed for ex- space. Focus areas for combined space op- evolving threat spectrum. portability, enabling US forces, allies and erations include space situational aware- security partners to benefit from the sys- ness, force support, launch and reentry as- Lockheed Martin Unveils tem. According to David Gulla, Vice Presi- sessment, and contingency operations. DAGIR Capability dent, Global Integrated Sensors at Raythe- Lockheed Martin has enabled the US Army on Integrated Defense Systems, Raytheon’s TELDAT and Raytheon Partner to conduct more realistic live fire training 3DELRR system is a gallium nitride (GaN)- to Develop New Patriot Router and accelerate learning with the delivery based radar that operates in the C-band Raytheon Company is partnering with of the Digital Air Ground Integration Range of the radio frequency spectrum. By using TELDAT to develop and produce advanced (DAGIR). DAGIR is the first range in US GaN, Raytheon was able to affordably in- militarised routers for the Patriot Air and Army history to integrate air and ground as- crease the radar’s range, sensitivity and Missile Defense system. TELDAT engineers sets across a digitally powered range, provid- search capabilities. and technicians will design, integrate and ing higher-fidelity performance data so that qualify the key communications network- soldiers receive more comprehensive feed- US DoD Signs Space Opera- ing technology for Patriot. back during training. Delivered to the US tions Agreement With Allies The company’s offer for WISLA includes Army Program Executive Office Simulation, Officials from the US Defense Department, the development with Polish industry of a Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI), DAGIR allows ground manoeuvre units and Sikorsky Introduces S-97 Raider Helicopter attack aviation to coordinate, synchronise Sikorsky Aircraft has un- and engage targets in the same battle space veiled the first of two S-97 for maximum weapons training effective- S-97 Raider Helicopter Raider helicopter proto- ness. During the government acceptance types, which are being test, Lockheed Martin demonstrated range offered for the US Army’s capabilities including a Combined Arms Armed Aerial Scout (AAS) Live Fire Exercise. programme, at its facility According to a company spokesperson, in Florida, US. According DRTS ranges are low-risk, mature and flex- to a company spokes- ible systems. From crew-level to platoons, person, the launch sig- soldiers are immersed in realistic live fire nals the start of activities training exercises with threat, neutral and in the programme’s test friendly simulations. Earlier this year, the flight phase, and marks a Credit:Army Technology company inserted new technologies into significant step towards demonstrating the new and first armed reconnaissance ro- DRTS enabling after-action reviews with torcraft featuring X2 technology, which is designed for military missions. almost movie-like visuals, ensuring vehicle Based on Sikorsky’s X2 rotor coaxial design, the S-97 Raider features crew evaluators have top-calibre visual, au- next-generation technologies in a multi-mission configuration, including armed dio and virtual feedback to help crews learn

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER aerial scout or light assault. Powered by a single engine, the helicopter features a from their training experience. composite airframe and a maximum gross weight of slightly more than 11,000 lbs, and can carry an array of weapons and sensors. The helicopter’s cockpit will seat two General Dynamics to Develop pilots, while the flexible cabin space will carry up to six combat-equipped troops, Mission Computers or additional fuel and ammunition for extended missions. Sikorsky’s coaxial coun- General Dynamics Advanced Information ter-rotating main rotors and pusher propeller can provide cruise speeds up to 220 Systems has won a USD 16.2 million knots, which is more than double the speed of legacy helicopters. contract by the US Navy to produce

8 | GEOINTELLIGENCE Type-3 Advanced Mission Computers the capabilities oftheHigh Energy Laser Army have andthe US Boeing proven Laser inMaritimeEnvironments Boeing DisplaysHighEnergy company spokesperson. to any operating environment, revealed a graphics processing, and is configurable purpose, input/output, video, voice and processing general system performs also craft sensors. Theintegrated information processes high-speed data rates from air high-performance ruggedised, AMC treme environmental conditions, the Australia. to operate Designed inex the Type-3 Navy AMCs to theUS and produce,will build, test anddeliver combat systems control. the Navy situational with awareness and center oftheSuper Hornet andprovides the F/A-18 asthenerve which serves AMC, namics has produced, tested anddelivered Hornet aircraft.- Since Dy 2002General fortheF/A-18(AMC) E/A-18G Super is more than 20years old. ten timesthedata UHFsatellite capacity ofthe legacy communications system that nications system offers smartphone-quality voice communications andmore than displays. According to apress release from thecompany, satellite theMUOS commu - to watchpersonnel theaircraft’s flight ontheirmission tracking/statusworkstation satellite anddown to thePRC-155 radio intheoperations center Force allowing Air aircraft’s flight computers traveledsecurely from the PRC-155 radio, over the MUOS plays. Data from the cockpit mission dis mation onportable playing theinfor and aircrew, dis directly to the pilot command center changes from the route flight-path working suite to net airborne pled cou- aloosely used PRC-155 radio also from the aircraft to theoperations center Force at Air Scott Base. TheMUOS Manpack and data communications, including in-flightposition andlocation information, two-channel radios aboard theaircraft consistently sent andreceived secure voice thecourse ofthefour-dayOver demonstration, theMUOS-Manpack PRC-155 flight status oftheaircraft satellite using theMUOS communications system. Base were C-17 theairborne able to aircrew, talkwith exchange data andmonitor the radios located intheaircraft andontheground, Force Air Force at Air Scott observers erations center Force at Air Scott Base, Illinois. Using AN/PRC-155 MUOS-equipped Force C-17 aircraft, mobility flying over the witha simulated Ocean, Pacific airlift op- satellite(MUOS) communications (SATCOM) demonstration by Air connecting aUS DynamicsC4SystemsGeneral has completed aMobile UserSystem Objective General DynamicsDemonstratesMUOSSATCOM Capability Under the contract, Dynamics General - - - - Credit:General Dynamics Credit:General MUOS Satellite CommunicationsMUOS - - fire withoutrepeatedly expending valu- system fuel, thelaser the cost can ofdiesel duction incost engagement. per With only andoffera strike weapons significant re- cantechnologies augment kinetic existing ing isdemonstrating that directed energy Army. the US platform built to be anddemonstrated by (C-RAM) rocket, andmortar artillery first mobile, high-energy laser, counter vehicle. Thedemonstratormilitary isthe onanOshkosh installed laser tactical a10-kilowatt,HEL MDused high energy systems. In therecent demonstrations, ofdirected utility energy tential military environments, demonstrating- thepo engaging oftargets avariety indifferent ble ofconsistently acquiring, tracking and Systems,gy isreliable HELMD andcapa- DeYoung, Director, Directed Boeing Ener Force Base inFlorida. According to Dave targets at ofaerial a variety Eglin Air itime conditions, successfully targeting Mobile Demonstrator inmar (HELMD) With capabilities like HELMD,- Boe - - explained DeYoung.explained able munitions or additional manpower, areas ofinterest sensitivity. superior with smaller to observe used be will ing sensor phenomena across theearth, whilethestar ofmissile launches andnaturalsurveillance provide will scanning sensor area awide it times over constellation. the legacy The andareductionsensitivity inarea revis provide thesatellite improved with infrared scanninged sensors, andstaring which will payloadGEO-4 includes highly sophisticat a press release by thecompany, theSBIRS warfighters on the battlefield. Accordingto andbolstersity situational awareness for try’s technical intelligence gathering capac system,missile defense expands thecoun- capability, thenation’s supports ballistic enhances global missile launch detection and other keymakers. decision The system commanders, theintelligence community States, ofDefense, combatant theSecretary information to the President of the United missile warning andinfrared surveillance gram delivers timely, reliable andaccurate sembly, integration and test. The SBIRS pro- the SBIRSsatellite GEO-4 bus infinal as now integrated 30,will be September with System (SBIRS). The payload, delivered on Force’s Air of theUS Space BasedInfrared satellite Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) Earth have delivered thepayload forthefourth MartinLockheed and Northrop Grumman Payload forGEOSatellite Delivers Lockheed Martin der the GISS contract der theGISS include the following and standards. un- services The support functions consistent Army directives with highest state ofreadiness, and business deployed, maintained andrepaired at the software suites, facilities that are developed, systems, prototype intelligence hardware/ systems, Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) Reconnaissance (ISR) systems, security ic systems, Intelligence and Surveillance to: limited intelligence analysis, electron- of various missions including but not It abreadthSCOM). supports anddepth Intelligence Command (IN andSecurity contract administered by Army theUS Pool.ed is a Multiple-Award GISS IDIQ Indefinite Quantityery (IDIQ)–Unrestrict Indefinite (GISS) Deliv Services Support ontheGlobal position Intelligence a prime (Sotera) Solutions hasSotera won Defense INSCOM GISSContract Sotera BagsUSD5Billion ------


vious versions, leaving plenty of capacity US Air Force Expands RQ-4 to host additional payloads. Global Hawk Fleet Global Hawk The PlanetiQ radio occultation sen- The US Air Force has awarded Northrop sor will receive signals from all four major Grumman Corporation a USD 354 million pri- Global Navigation Satellite Systems—GPS, marily firm-fixed-price contract to expand their GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou—allowing RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft system the constellation to collect over 30,000 oc- (UAS) fleet by three aircraft. Global Hawk oper- cultations per day. Data will be delivered ates multiple sensors simultaneously to gather to customers in less than three minutes intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance from being collected via the Inmarsat (ISR) data. The new aircraft are Multi-INT mod- communications satellite network. This els that carry sophisticated imaging and elec- near real-time delivery is critical to the tronic signals sensors capable of collecting mul- weather and space weather forecasting re- tiple types of intelligence from high altitudes quirements of meteorological agencies, mil- for up to 32 hours. The contract also includes Credit:AUVSI itaries and numerous industries worldwide. retrofit kits to add Airborne Signals Intelligence Payload (ASIP) sensors into two of the existing RQ-4, providing them with Multi-INT ca- Lockheed Martin Receives EW pability. ASIP is an advanced ISR collection sensor also built by Northrop Grumman. Contract by the US Navy The aircraft will bring the Air Force RQ-4 fleet size to 37 in 2017. The ASIP retrofit The US Navy has awarded Lockheed kits are scheduled for delivery in late 2016 and in 2017. All RQ-4 UAS fuselages are Martin a USD 147 million contract to up- built at Northrop Grumman facilities in Moss Point, Mississippi, with final assembly grade the fleet’s electronic warfare de- and acceptance testing is conducted in Palmdale. The different variants of Global fenses against evolving threats, such as Hawk have flown more than 126,000 flight hours supporting diverse global missions. anti-ship missiles. Under this low-rate Carrying a variety of ISR sensor and communications gateway payloads, According initial production contract for Block 2 of to the company, Global Hawk supports antiterrorism, antipiracy, humanitarian as- the Navy’s Surface Electronic Warfare Im- sistance, disaster relief, airborne communications relay, information-sharing and provement Program (SEWIP), Lockheed the full range of operational combat missions. Martin will provide 14 systems to upgrade the AN/SLQ-32(V)2 system on all US air- craft carriers, cruisers, destroyers and oth- areas: intelligence and security operations; government payloads as a subcontractor er warships with key capabilities to deter- information operations; mission support to Millennium Engineering and Integra- mine if the electronic sensors of potential for facilities management, logistics, training, tion Company. PlanetiQ, which plans to foes are tracking the ship. and intelligence systems support; and sus- launch the first commercial constellation According to Joe Ottaviano, SEWIP tainment services — including programme of weather and climate satellites, and the Programme Director for Lockheed Martin management, strategic planning, adminis- Millennium are partnering under a con- Mission Systems and Training, the con- trative and requirements analysis services. tract awarded by the Air Force Space and tract allows Lockheed Martin to continue Missile Systems Center (SMC) through providing much needed technological ad- New Patent Extends RF/ its Hosted Payload Solutions programme. vances that will help outpace adversaries Microwave IP for GPS Tracking The multi-award contract is worth up to and protect warfighters. API Technologies has been awarded a new USD 495 million. patent for antenna technology for GPS and PlanetiQ’s initial constellation of 12 Harris Corporation Bags USD 19 asset tracking applications. US Patent Num- Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites is ex- Million Tactical Radio Contract ber 8810474, titled ‘Antenna with High K pected to be fully deployed by 2017, with Harris Corporation has been awarded a Backing Material,’ features an API-designed six more satellites planned for launch by USD 19 million IDIQ contract to provide topology designed to boost antenna perfor- 2019, providing the US government with the Air Force Special Operations Com- mance. According to the company, API’s flexible payload and launch opportuni- mand (AFSOC) with up to 1,500 Falcon unique design reduces weight and delivers ties at a much lower cost than traditional III AN/PRC-152A wideband radios and consistent performance, even when sur- LEO missions. The PlanetiQ constella- accessories. The AN/PRC-152A is a key rounded by a metallic structure, such as the tion will collect over eight million ob- body of a UAV/UAS or missile casing. Given servations per day for greatly enhanced Falcon III AN/PRC-152A wideband radios its low-profile, surface mount design, the weather forecasting, climate monitor-

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER antenna is easily disguisable and well-suited ing and space weather prediction. The for covert applications. primary technology onboard will be the fourth-generation radio occultation PlanetiQ to Provide Hosted sensor, licensed exclusively by PlanetiQ Payload Solution to the US and based on the gold standard for radio PlanetiQ has received a contract from the occultation sensors currently on orbit. The fourth-generation sensor is smaller,

US Air Force for the provision of an ad- Credit: Today Satellite

10 | GEOINTELLIGENCE aptable on-orbit platform for hosting US lighter, and requires less power than pre- ter marineenvironment —capabilities low altitude over water andinahigh-clut AI3 missiles intercepted targets both at (UAS). Fired from theAvenger launcher, destroyed system anunmanned aerial cept Initiative missile. An AI3missile also sile by theAccelerated Improved Inter achieved thefirst intercept mis ofacruise Raytheon Company Army andtheUS MissileTargetFirst Cruise Raytheon AI3MissileIntercepts network-centric operations worldwide. requirements,dio System (JTRS) as aswell military’s theUS porting Joint Tactical Ra- III® isthenext generation ofradios sup- mation to warfighters onthemove. Falcon real-timedelivering critical tactical infor situational awareness on thebattlefield by tactical radios provide unprecedented munications. Harris Falcon III wideband beyond-line-of-sight com- andwideband ing afullsuite ofintegrated line-of-sight, and emerging mission requirements us wideband tacticalThe currentradios meet situational awareness ofthebattlefield. to-air communications andenhanced system, providing mission ground- critical component ofAFSOC’s communication ity gapity terrain oftaxing analysis. legitimate asa verifying itsefficacy combat legacy capabil solution tothe multiplierand - it has indicated been that are users giving apositive response to theSAGE programme, training astheJoint aswell facility, Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana, US, academy. New atArmy, undertaken Fort Also US military Jersey Dix, US readiness and Marine US Divison, inThailand,Division (Light 82ndAirborne andthe Infantry), successfullytool completed user-evaluation at and validation the 10th Mountain surveys Common Ground theDistributed within used System-Army (DCGS-A) worldwide, the cess, intelligence preparation ofthebattlefieldsoldier-leading and procedures. Currently echelons, making to create decision pro ofthemilitary tactical- aidsinsupport decision the terrain. such as estimates ofhow quickly theenemy can march through adesignated area dueto aidsintelligencetool analysts in rapid identification ofthe landscape andenvironments of data,types including elevation, terrain categorisation, roads and mapthe imagery, decisions.leading to informed Using four oftheimpactedge ofterrain andweather, commanders’ understanding andknowl- (SAGE) isdesignedto tool helpincrease the uational awareness geospatially enabled ResearchGeospatial Laboratory, thesit Researchneer andDevelopment Center’s locations. by Army Engi Developed theUS - ers better plan theirroutes in unfamiliar analysis totool help combatant command- US Army geospatial The anew has developed ToolsAwareness withG-tech BoostsTerrainUS Army SAGE enables geospatial engineers, professionals GEOINT and analysts at various ------listic and cruise missiles,listic andcruise revealed Brig ly identify ballistic, anddetect - semi-bal easi- high altitudes whileitcan very also andmicrogets UAVs at low, and medium km (1550miles)andcan stealth detect tar radar system covers a range of over 2,500 (Sky).known as the Sepehr Sepehr The tically produced long-range radar system, Iran has successfully tested a new domes Long-range Radar System Iran SuccessfullyTests New rockets, andmortars. artillery engage and defeat UAS, missiles, cruise systemweapon designedto acquire, track, Block is a mobile, 1. IFPC ground-based Indirect Fire Protection Capability (IFPC) is the key requirement Army’s of the US to defeat UAS missile threats andcruise andradar. seeker semi-active The ability made possible by upgrades to themissile’s (SAGE) tool (SAGE) Situational awareness enabled geospatially

- - reducing to civilians. therisk against terrorist forces, whilesignificantly Command’s ability to conductoperations increase will theIraqiWS Army Aviation for thefirst time. integrated radar network and airdefense assessment test was into fed thecountry’s tion gathered by the radar its last during Base.fense Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia- De Air ShahrokhGen Shahram, Lieutenant defence capabilities. and strengthen itsinternal andexternal capacity to maintain operations security to improve The port. sale isexpected Iraq’s ements oflogistical andprogramme sup - asotherrelated aswell services, el- port equipment, technical andlogistics sup- pair parts, training personnel andtraining equipment,and test support spare andre- Iraq has requested 2,000APKWS, weapon Under theestimated 97millionsale, USD and associated equipment to Iraq. precision killsystems weapon (APKWS) sale (FMS)ofadvancedforeign military has recently apotential (DSCA) Agency CooperationSecurity Defense US The Weapon SystemsfromUS Iraq SeeksPrecision-kill like newstealth foreign submarines with en thegreen signal projects to long-term (DAC), chaired by Jaitley Arun has giv The Defence Indian Acquisition Council on Key Defence Deals TakesIndian Government Call secure constructions. defense that capable wouldbe oftargeting highly developingsia isalso ammunition special Biological (RChBD) Defense troops, Rus the Head ofRadiological, Chemical and According to Maj Eduard Gen Cherkasov, Obnosov.2020, added most ofitsarsenal modernise byarmy will ofsound.Thecountry’stimes thespeed velocity to reach ashigh aseight speeds aircraft’s thefirst, will use carrier and early air-launched be missiles will personic at has recently revealed that theRussian hy - of General Tactical Missiles Corporation, coming years. Obnosov, Boris Director launched hypersonic missiles inthe Russia isplanning to build thefirst air- Hypersonic Missilesby2020 Russia toBuildAir-Launched According to Shahram, theinforma- It that isbelieved thesale ofAPK - - -


collaboration in India, deals for anti-tank capable of detecting capable of detecting will be operated by the Qatari armed forces. guided missiles (ATGMs), midget subma- launches of existing and test missiles. The solution will be interoperable with the rines for special covert operations, Dorn- The creation of an integrated space sys- other communications systems in service ier aircraft and Russian Uran missiles for tem is one of the key directions in which within the Qatar Armed Forces, including warships. The DAC has decided to come Russian nuclear deterrent forces will be combat radios and fixed networks. up with a committee that will identify the developed. As a result, armies will be able public and private Indian shipyards that to detect sea and ground launches of var- India Test-Fires Nuclear have the potential to indigenously build ious types of ballistic missiles, including Capable Agni-I Missile the six submarines in line with Modi’s prototypes, explained Shoigu. According The Indian Army’s Strategic Forces Com- ‘Make in India’ policy. The request for pro- to Shoigu, the system will replace Sovi- mand (SFC) has test-fired the indigenous- posal will then be issued to the compliant et-made ballistic missile early warning ly built short-range Agni-1 missile from shipyards, which in turn will tie up with a systems. The integrated space system will Wheeler’s Island, off the Odisha Coast. Pro- foreign collaborator, to submit their bids. comprise next-generation space vehicles pelled by solid rocket propellant system, According to Jaitley, National security and modernised space centers that would the nuclear capable surface-to-surface is of paramount concern for the govern- ensure control over the satellites and al- missile was tested for its full strike range ment. All hurdles and bottlenecks in the low for automatic information processing. of 700km and was carrying a total payload procurement process are being addressed mass of 1,100kg. SFC carried out the launch expeditiously so that the pace of acquisi- Thales to Supply SATCOM as part of a periodic training exercise to fur- tions is not stymied. System to Qatar ther consolidate operational readiness. Thales has bagged a contract to provide Sophisticated radars, telemetry obser- Advanced Weather Radar in Qatar Armed Forces with a military satellite vation stations, electro-optic instruments Kashmir by Toshiba communications system. The ground seg- and naval ships tracked the trajectory of Indian Meteorological Department ment supplied by Thales will provide Qatari the missile until it hit the target area with (IMD) has been making several efforts to ground and naval forces with long-range pin-point accuracy. Agni-1 features a spe- bring in the best of world technologies communications capability to enhance na- cialised navigation system, which helps the in weather radar, in order to avoid the tional security and protect vital interests. missile to reach target with a high degree of mishaps that occurred in Uttarakhand Thales will supply the systems needed to accuracy and precision. Agni-I is designed and Kashmir. According to a recent press transmit and receive communications via to bridge the gap between the indigenously release by Toshiba, the company has been satellite, and to process data on the ground. built short-range Prithvi and medium-range awarded a contract to implement the ad- According to a company spokesperson, the Agni-II. Powered by both solid and liquid vanced weather radar system in Kashmir. solution is built around Thales’s high-per- propellants, the 15m-long missile weighs Toshiba has partnered with Electronics formance System 21 technology to provide around 12t and is capable of carrying a com- Corporation of India (ECIL) to handle the secure, high-data-rate transmissions. bined conventional and nuclear payload IMD project. ECIL, with several superi- Thales will also provide a network oper- of nearly one tonne. The missile is capable or technologies like antenna and several ations centre that will be used for planning of carrying both conventional and nuclear branches and service centres across the and managing the complete system, which payloads at a speed of 2.5 km/s. nation, will maintain the weather radars after being installed. Weather radars emit electric waves towards the sky and ob- India’s DRDO to Develop Nirbhay serve rain and wind by receiving electric Variants waves that is reflected upon raindrops. Buoyed by the successful flight testing of indig-

Conventionally, the technology used is enously developed cruise missile Nirbhay from Credit: NDTV called Klystron Transmitter but Toshiba a land based launching platform off the Odisha has put this functional it in a small semi- coast, DRDO has embarked on a mission to de- conductor chip which is called Solid-state velop the weapon’s other variants making it an Transmitter. Traditional weather radar all-weather and all-terrain system. provides data about every 10 minutes, but Initially built as a land attack weapon system, Nir- Nirbhay missile solid-state weather radar gets the data in bhay will have ship, air and submarine launched variants in the near future. While more detail in lesser time and spatially the Army version of the missile is expected to go for production in the next three also. By analysing the particles in a spe- years, DRDO is planning to make its Naval and Air Force variants ready in the next cial technology, one can also identify rain, five years. According to DRDO Chief Avinash Chander, the country has proved its

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER snow, hailstone and measure the wind. capability of developing long range cruise missiles. The missile’s other versions would be developed in a phased manner and integrated with the terminal guidance system, Russia to Create Space-Based making the missile more lethal. While Nirbhay’s ship and submarine launched ver- Ballistic Missile Warning System sions are being planned to have a strike range of nearly 1,500 km, the range of its Air According to an announcement made by Force version may vary from 250 km to 1,500 km. The size of the air version, which Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, can be fired from fighter aircrafts like Sukhoi-30MKI, would also be less compared to Russia is planning to a create a space- the land variant as it will have no booster.

12 | GEOINTELLIGENCE based ballistic missile warning system standing to combine their strengths in Tactical Advanced Land Inertial Tata Power SED Sign Landmark simulation and training to offer indus- Navigator (TALIN) Agreement for India’s Defense try-leading, high fidelity solutions to Indi- Industry an military customers. Honeywell Aerospace has signed a licens- Jim Walker, Vice President and Man- ing agreement with Tata Power’s Strategic aging Director of Asia Pacific for Rockwell Engineering Division (SED), enabling it to Collins, believes that India is a very prom- produce Honeywell’s Tactical Advanced ising market for the aerospace and defense Land Inertial Navigator (TALIN) in India. sectors and the company wants to work The Honeywell-patented technology ena- closely with the industry to ensure they bles vehicles and artillery to navigate very Credit: Honeywell Aerospace have easy access to innovative solutions. precisely, even where GPS satellite guid- The company also plans to establish a long- ance is not available, to increase safety and maximise mission success. term partnership to provide advanced According to Arijit Ghosh, President India, Honeywell Aerospace, TALIN repre- solutions and services in India. The mem- sents the latest in GPS-free navigation and positioning technology, designed to im- orandum of understanding marks the first prove asset safety and ultimately mission success. By partnering with Tata Power SED time that a global simulator original equip- on the production of TALIN the company is aligning with the Government’s aim of ment manufacturer has partnered with an increasing locally manufactured technologies for India’s defense industry and giving Indian simulator manufacturing company the Indian Armed Forces an easy-to-justify option for navigation on the 21st Century to cater to the Indian defense market. battlefield. China Test-fires 10,000 km- Saab Launches Newly day, night and adverse weather missions. Range Dongfeng Missile Developed Carl Gustaf M4 The Qatar sale is an option under the US China has successfully tested a new variant Saab has unveiled newly-developed next Army’s Lot 9 contract, awarded to Lock- of its 10,000km-range Dongfeng missile, generation Carl-Gustaf M4 at the 2014 Asso- heed Martin earlier this year. The option which can reportedly reach most US and ciation of the US Army exhibition in Wash- includes production of M-TADS/PNVS European cities. The People’s Liberation ington D.C. The Carl-Gustaf M4, known targeting and pilotage systems and spares Army (PLA) launched the missile from in the US as M3A1 MAAWS, is the latest for the Qatar Emiri Air Force’s new fleet of the Wuzhai missile and space test centre, man-portable shoulder-launched mul- AH-64E Apache attack helicopters. which is also known as the Taiyuan satellite ti-role weapon system from Saab designed launch centre, in Shanxi province. to provide users with flexible capability and Rockwell to Supply Training According to the South China Morning help troops to remain agile in any scenario. Solutions to Indian Military Post, the test of the mobile intercontinen- According to a company spokesper- Rockwell Collins and Zen Technologies tal ballistic missile (ICBM) demonstrates son, the new light-weight Carl Gustaf have signed a memorandum of under- to the world that China is reinforcing its M4, weighing approximately 15 pounds, offers significant weight savings to the soldier. It is also compatible with future Mars Orbiter Spacecraft Inserted into Mars Orbit battlefield technology such as intelli- India’s Mars Orbiter Spacecraft successfully entered into an orbit around planet Mars gent sighting systems for programmable by firing its 440 Newton Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM) along with eight smaller liq- ammunition. With a wide variety of mu- uid engines. The Mars orbiter was launched into parking orbit around the Earth on nitions available, it is a weapon system November 5, 2013, aboard the workhorse launch vehicle PSLV of India. It escaped capable of handling multiple tactical orbit on December 1, 2013 situations, bridging the gap between full and reached Mars on Sep- scale operations and low intensity con- tember 24, almost a year flicts, and providing the modern warf- later. ISRO’s mission has ighter with unprecedented flexibility and made the organisation the capability on the battlefield. fourth space agency to send a spacecraft to orbit Mars Lockheed Martin Wins Contract successfully. The Mars Or- for Pilotage Systems biter Mission (MOM) also Lockheed Martin has won a USD 90.6 mil- released its very first 3D lion foreign military sale contract from the image of the Red Planet re- US Army to provide Modernised Target cently. According to ISRO, Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night the anaglyph 3D image of Vision Sensor (M-TADS/PNVS) systems to Mars was generated using the Qatar Emiri Air Force. Fielded in 2005, multiple pictures acquired M-TADS/PNVS provides Apache pilots with by Mars Color Camera. 3D picture of the red planet long-range, precision engagement and

pilotage capabilities for safe flight during Credit: ISRO NEWS

nuclear deterrent. The launch of the DF- IRNSS -1C satellite system designed to provide po- 31B missile follows tests on the DF-31A, sition information in the Indian region an earlier version of the missile. This was and 1500 km around the Indian mainland. the second time that the PLA’s second ar- IRNSS would provide two types of servic- tillery corps had tested a DF-31 missile in es, namely, Standard Positioning Services the past three months. The DF-31 system’s (SPS) — provided to all users — and Re- range is capable of delivering a nuclear stricted Services (RS), provided to author- warhead to the capitals of Europe or the ised users. west coast of the US. The missiles are be- ing developed for use over rugged terrain India Buys Missiles from Israel, and in difficult road conditions. Rejecting Rival US Offer India has chosen the Israeli-built SPIKE Surface-to-Air Akash Missile missile to meet its anti-tank guided weap- Test Fired Successfully on (ATGW) system requirement. New Delhi India has successfully test-fired the in- selected SPIKE over a rival US offer of Javelin digenously developed surface-to-air missiles. The US had lobbied hard to win Akash missile from the Integrated Test this contract. SPIKE is a manportable fire- Range in Chandipur, India. and-forget anti-armor missile produced by The test firing was part of the user Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defence Systems.

trial by the Indian Air Force (IAF). “The Credit: ISRO It is believed that India wasn’t content with missile hit the para-barrel target. It was The second navigational satellite in the se- the Javelin’s Technology Transfer details. successful,” said MVKV Prasad, Director, ries, IRNSS 1-B, was launched on 4 April. Also, the cost of the Israeli missiles was Chandipur ITR. ISRO needs to launch at least four of the less than the US rival. India will procure at The Akash missile, developed by the seven satellites to start operations of the least 8,000 SPIKE missiles and more than Defence Research and Development Or- IRNSS, ISRO officials said. IRNSS-1C is 300 launchers. This deal is worth INR 3200 ganisation (DRDO), is a medium-range the third of the seven satellites constitut- crores (USD 525 million). surface-to-air anti-aircraft defence sys- ing the space segment of the Indian Re- Analysts estimate that India, the tem with a strike range of 25 km. It can gional Navigation Satellite System. IRNSS world’s largest arms buyer, will invest as carry a warhead of 60 kg, has the capabil- is an independent regional navigation much as USD 250 billion in upgrading its ity to target aircraft up to 30 km away and is packed with a battery that can track and attack several targets simultaneously. APKWS laser guided rocket Laser-Guided With its capability to neutralise aerial tar- Rocket Highlights gets like fighter jets, cruise missiles and Precision Strike air-to-surface missiles, defence experts Capability compare ‘Akash’ to the similar weapons The Australian Defence of many other advanced countries. Forces recently conclud- ed a highly successful India Launches its Third trial of BAE Systems’ Navigation Satellite IRNSS-1C Advanced Precision ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, Kill Weapon System PSLV-C26, successfully launched IRNSS- (APKWS) laser-guided 1C, the third satellite in the Indian Region- rocket for use on its al Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) from Army and Navy heli-

Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. Credit: Technology Army copters. The ground trial The initial launch was postponed due to marks the first time the technical reasons. After injection, the solar APKWS technology, which transforms a standard unguided 2.75-inch (70-millimeter) panels of IRNSS-1C were deployed auto- rocket into a precision laser-guided weapon, has been demonstrated on a Forges de matically. ISRO’s Master Control Facility (at Zeebrugge (FZ) rocket. Hassan, Karnataka) assumed the control During the ground-based live fire event, the APKWS laser-guided technology was on of the satellite. As part of its aspirations to target with all seven shots fired while integrated with the FZ90 rocket motor and war-

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER build a regional navigational system equiv- head. There was no modification required to the guidance kit to integrate with the FZ alent to the Global Positioning System of rocket. Conducted by the Australian Aerospace Operational Support Group, the trial was the US, ISRO plans to send seven satellites designed to qualify the APKWS rocket for use by the Australian military to bridge the cur- to put its Indian Regional Navigational Sat- rent capability gap between unguided small-diameter rockets and larger-diameter an- ellite System (IRNSS) in place. ti-armor munitions. According to a spokesperson from the company, the flexibility of the India is expected to have its own satel- APKWS technology allowed the to move from concept to live lite navigation system by the first quarter fire trial in a matter of months while using its current rocket inventory and equipment. | GEOINTELLIGENCE

14 of 2015 with four of its satellites in space. crews 240-degrees with vertical by 85-de - and visual display platform, providing the tegrated into host theexisting computers ators were andseamlessly in- added both Image andanewPC-based Gener jectors simulatormise downtime. to helpmini- ahead ofschedule pleted Tiger and was FFMSintheworld, com- els of ‘out of the window’ realism of any dual-dome simulator has thehighest lev to Thales, theupgrade ensures that the Accordingvisual display system (VDS). the company upgraded the simulator’s Pacific and Aviation, contractorprime Group Airbus Australia (FFMS). Working in collaboration with icopter’s fullflight mission simulator Army Tiger reconnaissance armed hel- amodernisationpleted oftheAustralian Thales Australia has successfully com- HelicopterSimulator Army’s Thales UpgradesAustralian and WCS. velopment and certification ofthe TCS ensure theindependent, yet parallel, de- acrossbaseline helps allsubmarines also bi-annual basis. Thecommonprocessing and academic entities onanannual or bybilities developed commercial, defense the rapid integration ofadvanced capa - architectureopen framework facilitates controlweapons The systems (WCS). for thetactical control and systems (TCS) AN/BYG-1 modernisation programme tralian Navy submarines, of the as part system aboard Navy US andRoyal Aus theAN/BYG-1porting combat control 50milliontototaling continue USD sup- awarded contract two modifications Dynamics (GD)hasGeneral been Submarine Modernisation GD AwardedContractfor upthemilitary’sspeed modernisation. ment cap onIndia’s to defenceindustries government has raised theforeign invest three timesasmuch ayear ondefence. The gap onstrategic China, rival which spends Soviet-era hardware military the andclose The latestgeneration BARCO F35 pro- ASIA PACIFIC - - - - es around the world. defence forc ofmodern the needs to meet tailoredto be andcontinually developed versatility of the designmodular enables it latest It technology. that isbelieved the capacity andexcellent the with mobility Unit, Patria combines AMV high payload ViceSenior President, LandBusiness According(ADF). to Markku Bollmann, of the Australianthe needs Force Defence Modular Vehicle to meet solution (AMV) to delivertogether aPatria 8x8Armoured for BAE Systems.workwill The team armoured vehicles andisanideal partner the market 8x8wheeled leader ofmodern BAE Systems contractor. asprime bat Reconnaissance Vehicle with (CRV), ofaCom- for theacquisition andsupport Land400Phaseed programme 2Defence work to secure together will theanticipat vehicle programme. companiestwo The up to pursue amajor Australian combat BAE Systems andPatria have teamed Land 400 PhaseII ADF’s BAE andPatria JoinForcesfor Dequivalent)(Level accreditation. quired 5 to maintain FSD-1 Level CASA its Recurrent Fidelity Check, which isre- stage oftheupgrade, theFFMSpassed grees horizontal fieldofview. In thefinal British Army tothe Platforms Deliver SCOUTSV Dynamics to General multinational situations across awide-range offuture operating environments. can SV operate and a reduced in combined-arms with logistics footprint. SCOUT full-spectrum and network-enabledto conductsustained, expeditionary, operations and recognition (ISTAR) capabilities. Its range allowArmy ofvariants will theBritish reliability andall-weather andmobility intelligence, surveillance,target acquisition Army, providing fortheBritish best-in-classcles (AFV) protection andsurvivability, represents SV release by thecompany, thefuture SCOUT ofArmoured Fighting Vehi- at oftheArmoured Brigade theheart structure. Infantry serve According to apress and 2024, alongside the provision and training, support of initial in-service and will forms, consisting ofsix variants, delivered be 2017 will Army between to theBritish provide essential capability to theArmoured Cavalry Army 2020.Theplat within Army to to theBritish platforms hicle (SV) Specialist VeSCOUT - (MoD), to deliver 589 ofDefence Ministry a contract by theUK UK has awarded been Dynamics General According to the company, Patria is - - tional tactical radios andcommunications opera andcertify - tosystem verify used “Astronics’ Bowman RTS testis a critical eral Bowman DynamicsUKled program. supplied by- Astronics oftheGen aspart man RTS equipment, which was originally and management oftheBow- support providealso design engineering services systems currently Astronics fielded. will analysisport required to maintain the 80 managementlescence and logistics sup- calibration, spares provisioning,- obso repair(RTS), including and necessary for Bowmanport Radio Test solutions Astronics provide will fulllogistical sup - support. ment modernisation, logistics, supply and tical communications system test- equip (MoD) ofDefense BowmanMinistry tac theUK Kingdomed to support Limited, year contracts by DynamicsUnit General Astronics Corporation five- has two won Contract Radio Support MoD Bowman UK Astronics Wins SCOUT SV platform SCOUT - - - Credit: General Dynamics 15 | GEOINTELLIGENCE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NEWS

equipment for the UK MoD’s current tac- systems level integration, verification and Saab Provides Next Generation tical radio fleet. We originally supplied the validation testing. Vehicle Simulators to Norway equipment to this program over 10 years Saab has been awarded a contract from the ago. With these wins, we will continue to UK Dstl Awards Contracts for Norwegian Army for development and seri- support the MoD’s strategy to ensure con- Defence Simulations al deliveries of the new generation GAMER tinuous capability for voice and data com- The UK Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) De- vehicle simulators (a dual-simulator train- munication,” said Peter J Gundermann, fence Science and Technology Laboratory ing system). The total order amounts to SEK President and CEO of Astronics. (Dstl) has awarded a contract to an XPI 142 million. Norway is an important mar- Simulation-led team to improve simulated ket for Saab. The company will deliver an Poland’s PIT-RADWAR Signs technology. Awarded under the synthet- advanced military training system for vehi- Letter of Intent with Raytheon ic environments (SE) tower of excellence cles that will have the best training effect, ex- project, the EURO 3.6 million contract re- plained Henrik Höjer, Head of Saab Training quires the team, which includes QinetiQ, & Simulation. The BT46 two-way simulator Cranfield University and Thales UK, to can be adapted to meet a huge variation of investigate future cost-effective methods needs. A two-way simulator has the ability and technologies to improve force and to simulate the ballistics and time of flight of environmental representation in simu- a projectile in real time, with a high level of lations and synthetic environments. The precision and simultaneously give immedi- XPI-led team will focus on force and en- ate and realistic feedback to the gunner and vironmental representations in support of the target. PIT-RADWAR signs Letter of training, concept development and exper- Intent with Raytheon

Credit: Raytheon imentation, as well as acquisition, evalua- US to Supply Javelin Missiles tion and mission preparation. to Estonia Raytheon Company has signed a Letter Specific areas to be addressed include of Intent with Poland’s PIT-RADWAR to representations of the outside world envi- Javelin missile cooperate in mutually beneficial business ronment such as terrain, features, weath- opportunities related to Poland’s air er and electromagnetic waves, as well defense architecture, as well as significant as force behaviour, including systems, exports to global markets. The companies equipment and people. The agreement will examine areas for partnership in will enable integration between the joint, categories like radar equipment and land, sea and air simulated forces and en- subsystems design, fabrication and vironments, and between NATO nations integration; common C2 equipment, sub- and other coalition partners, leading to systems and software; mission planning cost-effective national and multi-national architecture, simulation and software and, defence exercises and experimentation. Credit: Murdocoline The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency has notified Congress of a potential MEADS Fire Control Radar Proves Capabilities foreign military sale of Javelin missiles and The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) programme has completed a six- associated equipment to Estonia. Under week performance test of its 360-degree Multifunction Fire Control Radar (MFCR) at the estimated USD 55 million sale, Estonia Pratica di Mare Air Base near Rome, Italy, and at MBDA Germany’s air defense center has requested 350 Javelin guided missiles, in Freinhausen in the presence of representatives from the German Air Force and guests along with 120 command launch units with from MEADS partner nations. integrated day/thermal sight, 102 battery MEADS radars are designed to protect troops and assets on today’s 360-degree coolant units, 16 enhanced performance battlefield, where missile attacks are omnidirectional. Using plug-and-fight capa- basic skills trainers and missile simulation bility, the MFCR acts as a node on the MEADS network, and like all other MEADS rounds. major end items, can be dynamically added or removed as missions dictate, without Approved by the US State Department, shutting down the system. The the sale is expected to improve Estonia’s MEADS Multifunction Fire X-band MFCR employs active capability to address existing and future Control Radar phased array technology using threats, and also provide greater security for transmit/receive components its critical infrastructure. The enhanced ca-

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER developed in Germany. It pro- pability will be used by Estonia to strength- vides precision tracking and en its homeland defence. Equipped with an wideband discrimination and automatic self-guidance system, the FGM- classification capabilities. An 148 Javelin is a portable, shoulder-fired advanced Mode 5 Identifica- anti-tank guided missile, suitable for op- tion Friend or Foe subsystem erations against existing and future threats allows for improved threat from armoured combat vehicles, in all | GEOINTELLIGENCE Credit: MEADS AMD

16 identification. environments. GIS Systems across the globe. across theglobe. ofservicestousers spectrum applications and provide abroad toupgrade conventionaltool GIS isseenasaperfect GIS Cloud C location-independent resource- pool mand self-service; rapid elasticity; has five characteristicskey (on-de- the cloud, orboth. Cloudcomputing out at theclienttion carried side, in and thecoordination andcomputa- fromcally selected ofservices apool of anapplication, which isdynami- er side. isthat Ascenario component and data are kept at serv the(virtual) clients, whiletheapplication software viaa platformWeb can accessed be basis. Applications onsuch running resources available onanas-required environment thecomputing anduse Cloud for can “plug-in” to avirtual in which anorganisation to theconceptofautility loud computing issimilar - cloud providers. lays down AnSLA are customers and upbetween set requirements, (QoS) Quality ofService which include Agreements (SLAs), to external data centres. Level Service sourcing theirentire infrastructure IT on theInternet out to enterprises hostingend-users theirpersonal data ranging ofservices, variety from the tire computing stack. It provides a approach andencompasses theen- community, andhybrid). deployment (private, models public, infrastructureand four as a service) andIaaS— platform asaservice, — (SaaS —software PaaS asaservice, pay-per-use), models three delivery and ing; ubiquitous network access; Cloud computing has aglobal - Virtualisation enables consolidation ministrators, providers. andservice developers, engineers, system ad- lenges forsystem andapplication tant software andhardware. out buying activitieswithout exorbi - butforcarrying oftheworld, also part theirpersonal dataacquiring from any Users leverage thecloud notonly for infrastructureIT from cloud vendors. trative costs andeffort their by hiring cut downmaintenance andadminis cloud. Enterprises can considerably idea ofmoving theirbusiness to the ranty forusers, whoare to the open asawar serve ties fordefaults. SLAs agreed by upon allparties, andpenal- deliverables the detailsofservice Cloud computing unveils chal- - -

17 | GEOINTELLIGENCE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 18 | GEOINTELLIGENCE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 A broad overview ofthescenarioenvisionedbyCloudcomputing(Figure1) A broadoverview academic organisations andindustrial platforms available. Recently, several an increasebe inthenumber ofcloud less oftimeandlocation. Therewill to access ondemand,terprises regard- PaaS andSaaS forconsumers anden- towards providing cloud platform as isleaning The computing industry Cloud asaplatform data andapplications hosted. ensure for thedesired level ofprivacy towards providers isfundamental to operations.critical Therefore, thetrust host important data orto perform and infrastructures to services party Cloud computing involves ofthird use theentirefects cloud computing stack. af inparticular andtrust. Security cy - priva to a cloud is ensuring security, vices. Amajor concernwhenmoving forhosting oneormore ser of servers Negotiations ofQoS Property Service Providers Programming Virtualisation Service Type User Access Value-added Parameters Framework COVER STORY Web APIs Interface Dynamic Focus System Machine Image(AMI) Linux-bbased Amazon OS Levelrunninga OS Compute, Storage Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Xen hypervisor Command-line Infrastructure Customizable (Amazon S3) Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 (EC2) None Tools Yes Yes - - charges the user for the time when charges for the time when the user AMIs.of theuploaded Amazon EC2 can start, stop, andmonitor instances Simple (S3),before Storage they Service the created AMIs orselected to Amazon areThe user then required to upload from ofglobally available alibrary AMIs. ciated configurationsettings, select or applications, data, libraries- andasso Machine Image (AMI)that contains the have to create theliberty anewAmazon Linux-basedrun applications. Users puting environment that to helpsuser (Figure(EC2) 1)delivers com- avirtual es are given inFigure 1. linkag industrial cloud- platforms with Nebula. Theleading six representative include Virtual Workspaces and Open for cloud computing. Academic efforts ing andinfrastructure technologies have investigating started andrefin- administration console Application container Web Application Amazon Compute Elastic Cloud Web-based Platform Google Python None Yes No devices with Live Mesh Microsoft LiveMesh Desktop andany Desktop Web-based Live Not applicable Infrastructure Unknown OS Level OS Installed Storage None No scripts, SunGridWeb phones) from anywhere intheworld. (suchdevices ascomputers andmobile that across can accessed be required tralised location to store for a user data MeshLive onproviding focuses acen- million page month. viewsper Microsoft up to 500MBofstorage andaround 5 Presently, App Engine theGoogle offers to easilyuser manage web applications. Administrationbased forthe Console App EngineGoogle provides also aWeb- manipulation, The andemail services. Accounts,Google URLfetch, image Interfaces (APIs) forthedatastore, Applicationsupports Programming Appard Engine Google also library, stand- er than thePython supporting programmingPython language. Oth- web applicationsrun using written the charges forany data transfer. the instance isalive whileAmazon S3 Sun Sun Solaris OS Java,C, Solaris OS Job management system (Sungrid Job submission C++ FORTRAN Infrastructure Google App EngineGoogle allows to auser (Sun Grid) engineer) Compute portal None Yes Yes Resource Managerand different programming different programming Reservation onAneka Reservation Solaris OS Java,C, Solaris OS other. Net supported other. Netsupported other. Net supported other. Netsupported SLA-based resource SLA-based models inC#and models inC#and Web-based portal C++ FORTRAN API’s supporting supporting API’s API’s supporting supporting API’s Workbench, languages languages Scheduler Compute side Yes No Grid WebGrid theuser orAPI. Once portal monitor theapplication using theSun Sun Finally, Grid. hecan execute and naries andinput data) andupload itto related scripts, libraries, executable bi- bundled ziparchive (including allthe to create thenneeds Theuser Grid. a similarsigned to to be that ontheSun development environment that isde- cations inalocal andruntimescripts hasuser to build anddebug hisappli- FORTRAN applications. based The Java,to run OS, C++,Solaris and C, usinged Secure Socket Layers (SSL). whileallfiletransfersLogin, are protect and authenticated via hisWindows Live MeshLive isprotected by apass code Mesh Live with software. Each user’s Desktop Live based orhisowndevices applications anddata through aWeb- is The user able to access uploaded Sun theuser permits Core Middleware Cloud ComputingReferenceModel(Figure2) Middleware User Level System Level - User Level tion with the rest of the enterprise Grid. the resttion with Grid. of the enterprise and itactsasasingle point ofinterac Aneka container services isto initialise desktop computer. ofthe The purpose ing on eachrequired selected services configurable Aneka container host an instance ofthe to start only needs provider the service gGrid, enterprise rent Aneka environment. To create an influencingwhenever without a cur the favored can changed be selection arrangements suchand security that ous application models, ingenuity Grids. It isdesignedto helpnumer platform enterprise forconstructing is a.NET-based service-oriented commercialised through Manjrasoft, environment forreviewing. tion results to hislocal development requiredbe to download theexecu- has completed theapplication, hewill Cloud Programming &Tools QoS, SLA Mgmt,Monitoring, QoS, SLA GRIDS labGRIDS Aneka, which is being Billing, Execution Cloud Applications Cloud Resources VM Management&Deployment VM Apps HousingPlatforms - - - - administrationsupplier. given necessities to be by the Qos the the client to arrange andconcur upon BrokerGridbus additionally empowers ly through Broker. theGridbus The remotecess theAneka Enterprise Grid - meeting thedeadline). Theuser can ac cost that to pay iswilling theuser for completed in) and budget (maximum which theapplicationriod to be needs such asdeadline (maximum- timepe requirements can QoS the user specify that so Aneka provides support SLA assets, which constitute theestablish- the stack isportrayed by thephysical classified. Themostlevel of reduced key components are organised and reference into model which all the scenario (FigureThis 2)identifies a model Cloud computingreference Adaptive Mgt Cloud Economy -


ments of the cloud. These assets can Vendors (ISV) can depend on the cloud developing cloud-based applications be of diverse nature — groups, serv- to oversee new applications and ad- that are platform-agnostic is essential. er farms, and desktop machines. On ministrations. Enterprises can leverage With efforts like giving new top of these, the IT infrastructure is the cloud for providing services to their life to HTML5 through JavaScript, the deployed and managed. Commercial customers. Other opportunities can be web will become a major platform for cloud deployments are more likely to found in the education sector, social cloud-based applications. be constituted by data centres hosting computing, scientific computing, and • BYOD and the personal cloud in hundreds or thousands of machines, Content Delivery Networks. enterprise IT: The BYOD movement while private clouds can provide a is already hitting enterprise envi- more heterogeneous environment, Emerging trends in cloud ronments and is expected to expand in which even the idle CPU cycles of computing in 2014. As end-users put more of desktop computers are used to lever- Cloud computing developments their own data into personal cloud age the compute workload. which would be of importance in the services for syncing, streaming, and The physical base is overseen by the future are as under: storage, IT executives are finding centre middleware whose destinations • Hybrid Clouds: The debate over ways to incorporate personal cloud are to give a suitable runtime envi- public cloud versus private cloud services in the enterprise environ- ronment to applications and to use architecture in enterprise IT may ment through techniques such as the physical assets. Virtualisation finally end with the creation of hy- mobile device management. technologies provide features such as brid clouds — architectures that • PaaS continue to Grow: More com- application isolation, QoS, and sand- combines the security of private panies will be looking to adopt PaaS boxing. Among the different solutions clouds with the powerful, scala- solutions in the upcoming years. for virtualisation, hardware-level vir- ble, and cost-effective benefits of PaaS allows businesses to lower IT tualisation and programming lan- public clouds. This should encour- costs while speeding up application guage-level virtualisation are the most age many businesses to adopt a development through more efficient popular. Hardware-level virtualisation cloud-based infrastructure. Hybrid testing and deployment. According guarantees complete isolation of appli- clouds open up a range of customis- to analyst firm IDC, the PaaS market cations and a partitioning of the phys- able provisions for IT leaders, while is expected to grow from USD 3.8 ical resources, such as memory and keeping both security and big data billion to USD 14 billion by 2017. CPU, by means of virtual machines. advocates happy. • Graphics as a Service: Running Programming-level virtualisation gives • The industrial Internet takes off: high-end graphics applications typ- sandboxing and managed executions The Industrial Internet (a.k.a. the ically requires massive hardware to applications created with a program- Internet of Things) should start infrastructure, but cloud comput- ming dialect or particular engineering. transforming operations in 2014, ing is changing that. With emerg- Virtualisation technologies help as solutions combining intelligent ing cloud-based graphics technol- in creating an environment in which machines, Big Data analytics and ogies by companies like AMD and expert and business services are inte- end-user applications begin to roll NVIDIA, end-users will run graph- grated. These include negotiation of out across major industries. Cloud ically intensive applications using the QoS, admission control, execution computing platforms will play a nothing more than an HTML5 Web management and monitoring, ac- big role in creating the next genera- browser. counting, and billing. Physical infra- tion of intelligent, software-defined • Identity Management in the Cloud: structure and core middleware repre- machines that are operable and Cloud services offer accessibility, sent the platform where applications controllable entirely from central- convenience, high-power, and re- are deployed. This platform is made ised, remote locations. dundancy, but with cloud-based available through a user-level middle- • Web-Powered Apps: If scalability applications taking over businesses, ware, which provides environments and efficiency are among the key there is a need to rethink security and tools simplifying the development benefits of cloud computing, then policies. Look for identity and the deployment of applications in the cloud. They are Web 2.0 interfac- es, command line tools, libraries, and GIS cloud is a suggestive approach to programming languages. The user-lev- NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER el middleware constitutes the access upgrade conventional GIS applications point of applications to the cloud. At the top level, different types of appli- in order to provide a broad spectrum of cations take advantage of the offerings provided by the cloud computing ref- services to users across the globe erence model. Independent Software 20 | GEOINTELLIGENCE cutting become criticalmeans become cutting and cost optimisation when especially manyhelp can which businesses, providescloud GIS authoritative tools be accepted as the serious contender as the serious accepted be ciples which characterise GIScloud to reduction are- basic prin Some critical. whenoptimisationpecially, andcost which can helpmany businesses, es GIS cloud provides authoritative tools The needforGIScloud customers on-demand. secure cloud infrastructure IT to the Cloud) which provide reliable and Hyper-V),dows Server and IBM (IBM (Microsoftsoft Windows Azure, Win- Amazon (Amazon &S3),Micro EC2 - GIS Cloudinfrastructure providers are to theirusers. World’sservices largest are committed to provide on-demand to CloudComputing Paradigm and leap andtaken atechnological shift etc have already taken thequantum organisations GISCloudLtd like Esri, increasedthe cloud global with drive; applications have moving been into i.e., cloud computing paradigm. GIS to shiftitto more alternative superior put to aquestionbeen mark whether sive of GISover use the decades has acrosses to users theglobe. Theexten- to provide abroad ofservic spectrum conventional GIS applications in order a suggestive approach to upgrade the cessing workflows. GIS cloud been has tics andcontrols geographic data pro- produce reports, graphics andstatis analytical operations onthisdata to manipulativewhich performs and graphic image, digitally summarised), (topographic, demographic, tabular, hardware, software andspatial data GIS is an integrated system of computer GIS cloudasaconcept in 2014. paradigms to thecloud ofsecurity management new to bring solutions - - -

•  •  • paradigm are: for next generation GIS computing no bigger straight implementation Forservices. customers, this means more complex responsibilities and ments, andletting themdeal with care ofbasic information require- in-house staff from having to take for highly skilled complementary be already have GIScapability, itwill capabilities. For organisations that for basic geo-information access forin-houseGISpotentialthe need capabilities. GIScloud eliminates skills and elevatedised technical tion requires- special with people an organisain-house GIS within - Maintenance: Implementation of and Plummeting Support across theglobe. spread ofGISacross anofficeor rative enhance utilitiesfurther the and visualisation. Simple collabo- data creation, sources andprovides fullaccess to ticated hardware andsoftware re - scribers’ to leverage sophis virtual for geographical data enables sub - GIS cloud asacomputing paradigm Help Technology Infrastructure: andconsumed. lished ic data pub easily to be - accessed, make theorganisational geograph- tion hosting fortheorganisations to provides Web-services andapplica- authored, andmanaged. GIScloud graphic data easier analysed, to be organisations, business- andgeo increase theassistance, making the cloud resources can to exploited be tions previously invested inGIS, GIS ness data andsystems. For organisa- framework forgeo-enabling busi- GIS cloud provides thededicated Application Infrastructure: Giving nlss editing analysis, - •  •  •  • the transformation andimporting impliesA data conversion service Data Conversion Presentation: and to be supportive forusers. supportive to be of spatial forstorage andmanagement services addition to that GIScloud advanced manipulate spatial information. In ers capabilities to input, analyse and atGIScloudity provides will. theus canusers increase ordecrease capac nature ofGIScloud makes itsure that net-enabled devices. The rapid elastic available through standard Inter made component ofthecore services ties to provide theunderlying data as vendor. TheGIS cloud has capabili - obtain andprocess from aspatial data considerable amount to ofmoney GIS application providers itcosts a other spatial data are For encrusted. acts asafoundation against which andtopographic mapping,ry which ofGISisto provideessence image- Data Command:The Leveraging bandwidth use and/or storage. use bandwidth a combination of computing power, are charged ontheirusage of based GIS cloud ensures that consumers user. The pay-per-use property of source assigned to any individual frastructure re noparticular with - are across balanced acommonin- Processing andstorage demands tion-independent resource pooling. dous capability ofproviding loca - GIScloud hasPooling: thetremen - Resource Independent Location to alarge extent. that threshold iseliminated to entry tions to customers. With GIScloud, isations don’tprovide any- GISsolu the main reasons why many organ- can quite large, be which isoneof cause thecostGIS to fanenterprise nance. Thisismost significant be- in timeandcost, mainte orpartial - There isno initial investmenthuge and the geospatial infrastructure,geo-technology the viding its consumers the advanced has tremendous capability of pro- GIScloud cost: usage Diminishing andmaintenancesupport burden. ing reductions intheirin-houseIT investments andsignificant ongo- nomto prove information - - -


from one format into a new data- ture alternative that can reduce costs. The proposed GIS cloud architecture base. For any GIS it is of utmost End users, the media and financial can be broadly divided into two parts importance and requires dedicated analysts have still other perspectives which are GIS Cloud Web Interface & in-house technical resources which on what cloud computing represents. GIS Server. include infrastructure, software For GIS applications, the GIS cloud GIS cloud Web interface: The idea services and skilled manpower. GIS can prove to be an approach to pro- behind GIS cloud Web interface is to cloud provides spatial data conver- vide compute or storage capacity as a give adaptable, robust and cost-effec- sion services without any require- service, provisioned from a parallel, tive web-based interface to the clients ment of in-house resource capabil- on-demand processing platform that by taking the help of Web 2.0 and re- ities. The advanced features like 3D leverages economies of scale to var- lated technologies. The GIS cloud web presentation of spatial information ied shade of users and organisations interface will be one of the vital com- in GIS cloud eliminates the tradi- requiring GIS application services. ponents of GIS cloud which will be tional “pancake perspective” that Having said much about the GIS actually a zero downtime web-appli- flatten all of the interesting facts into cloud capabilities, it is crucial to under- cation with real-time content updates. force-fitted plane geometry. stand the different layers of GIS cloud The main aim will be to provide users system. Figure 3 shows proposed GIS a better experience by downloading it Cloud architecture for GIS cloud architecture which can be fol- in less than 10 seconds. Some providers look at cloud com- lowed to develop a consolidated, elas- ▶ Allow user personalisation and puting as way to provide compute or tic pool of compute and storage system complete interactivity. storage capacity as a service, provi- to gather, manipulate, analyse, and ▶ Make content available using varied sioned from a parallel, on-demand display spatial data. We have followed technologies like broadband, mobile, processing platform that leverag- a multi-tiered architecture approach RSS etc. and enhance employee pro- es economies of scale. Others may which separates different logical com- ductivity by creating a CMS which ex- equate cloud computing with soft- ponents of GIS cloud system to exploit ecutes the workflow (from accessing ware as a service, a delivery model for the capabilities of each component at raw content and delivering the pro- making applications available over its best. The given system will be capa- cessed copy) for publishing content the Internet. IT pioneers view cloud ble of providing flexible solution, het- in 3-5 minutes in routine situations computing from the perspective of erogeneous platform, scalable (hori- and have exceptions to the process to variable pricing without long-term zontally and vertically) infrastructure, take care of emergency scenarios. commitments and massive elastic secure and personalised environment, ▶ Allow the GIS team to analyse user scaling of services. IT leaders view extensive business intelligent system behavior and all online properties like cloud as an infrastructure architec- and elastic platform to the GIS users. online map production to chart out a

Cloud architecture for GIS (Figure 3) NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 22 | GEOINTELLIGENCE • ing five tiers: offollow comprise - will cloud server infrastructure. Theproposed GIS andhighbases powered processing communication interfaces, data- side utilities, logic, server tion, server shared resources such as, configura- resources forGIScloud that manages isto haveserver scalable computing Thebehind idea theGIS server: GIS ▶ rity and privacy constraints. and privacy rity There the same level to enforce data- secu handled be at also mechanisms will authentication and authorisation into theGIScloud system. The non-spatial data over time)data (the evolutionspatial ofboth and spatial, non-spatial andtemporal tions like creating andimporting providerthe GISservice organisa- providing enhanced capabilities to responsible be will modules for Thededicatedtechnology). logical paradigm shift(adoptionofcloud vider organisations, mainly for requirements pro - forGISservice for all the serve (n)} which will ranging from {Module1-Module dedicated be logicalwill modules cloud communication layer. There theGIScloud systemwith via GIS organisations communicate will cated at provider theGIS-service the in-housecomputer systems lo- outside Figure world. 3shows that GIScloud systembetween andthe munication) and communication Cloud System (Inter-Layer Com- cation processes the GIS within and controlling allthecommuni - responsible be will for managing (n)}.This layer 2…Service Service 1, ule 2…Module (n)andService ical components {Module 1,Mod- - oflog composed of theGISserver acommunication be will interface GIS cloud communication layer CommunicationLayer: Cloud GIS grate maps inthesystem. and allow andinte to view,edit users - more robust future growth roadmap the spectrum. maps each etc.otheracross with of texttion in terms /audio /video/ interlinking ofgeospatial informa - Integrate all elements, which allows • • ArcGIS inthecloud(Figure4) ArcGIS cloud Web interface. the GIScloud system utilising GIS data andbusiness processes with spatial, non-spatial andtemporal thatso can enterprises integrate requirements theuser upon based services consume these will terface tion layer. TheGIS cloud Web in- (n)} at theGIScloud communica- of Web-Services {Sevice1-Service orientation in the form for service interoperability, anddirect support computing,to distributed broad system formanageable approach messaging oriented service XML present be also will astandardised layer contain forcomplex will logic thebasis ofthesystem.forming This containsystem and will allthelogic ofGIScloud actasthe‘Heart’ will This layer Layer: Logic Cloud GIS andnavigation.verse geocoding, dress lookup, mapping, routing, re- GISutilitiesforad- other focused conversion, data compression and schedulers, system logging, data include systemities will profilers, cloud system asawhole. Theutil- functioningand seamless oftheGIS theoptimisationutilities to support ofsoftware acollection be er will This lay- Utilities Cloud Layer: GIS

Credit: Esri maps Community Task services Map services Online Amazon EC2 on Server ArcGIS Server •  •  be monitoring the system monitoring be perfor logical which will modules based performance. Therebe thread-will and ofitsconsistency tion interms maintainwill thesystem configura- the GIScloud configuration layer uration ofthesystem asawholeand resultwill to achange intheconfig- change inthe GIS cloud framework nent oftheGIScloud system. Any management andstorage compo - be a will system configurationThis Configuration Cloud Layer: GIS sion aidto assist data users. spatial databases, andtreated- asdeci which should stored be ofthe aspart layer holdspatial also will metadata tial data in the GIS cloud system. This store andaccess ofspatial, non-spa- mechanisms and procedures to used governwill This alltheprocesses, ing spatial databases inthesystem. etc formaintain- Spatial, Server SQL system such asDB2,PostGIS, Oracle and the spatial DBMS for the used nication aGIScloud system between layer which unifythecommuitory - layer data an API be based repos will This Layer: Repository Cloud GIS of GIScloud system. business anddata logic access logic processing tasks, presentation logic, Community analyst Community Business AnalystOnline ArcLogistics SaaS * Comingsoon Arcpad* Mobile - -


mance, consistency and change on top of the ArcGIS Server on Am- Generation computer Systems vol 25 issue of state. The above discussed GIS azon EC2. 6 June2009 cloud system can be placed on any Esri has been providing Software b) Muzafar Ahmad Bhat , Razeef Mohd of the reliable and secure cloud in- plus Services (S+S) for some time, Shah ,and Bashir Ahmad ,Feb 2011 “Cloud frastructure like Amazon EC2 & S3, allowing customers to leverage Computing: A solution to Geographical Microsoft Windows Azure, Windows their on-premises solutions with Information Systems (GIS )” international Server Hyper-V and IBM Cloud etc. on-demand services. Esri’s ArcGIS journal on computerscience and Engineer- Since one of the major attributes of Online map and GIS services provide ing Vol3No2,Feb2011 cloud computing is universal system S+S users with immediate access to c) Muzafar Ahmad Bhat, Razeef Mohd access i.e., accessing cloud services cartographically designed, seamless Shah, Bashir Ahmad and Inayat Rasool through standard Internet-enabled basemaps to which they can easily add Bhat, December 2010, “Cloud Computing: devices eliminating the bottlenecks their own data in an Esri on-premises A Solution to Information Support Systems for information access, the GIS product. As a community cloud, the (ISS),” International Journal of Computer cloud system will be accessed either ArcGIS Online Content Sharing Pro- Applications 11(5), 5–9. 2010. by GIS cloud Web interface or by the gram enables users and organisations d) Rajkumar Buyya, Chee Shin Yeo, and Sri- in-house computer systems located to contribute geographic data content. kumar Venugopal, “Market-Oriented Cloud at the GIS service provider organi- Leveraging Amazon’s EC2 and Sim- Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality for sations. ple Storage Service (S3) compute and Delivering IT Services as Computing Utili- • ArcGIS in the Cloud: The basics of storage services allows Esri to host ties,” Keynote Paper, Proceedings of the 10th cloud engineering (Figure 4) are not the content and provide access 24/7. IEEE International Conference on High Per- hard to understand. Yet independent ArcGIS Explorer users can consume formance Computing and Communications from anyone else, this technology ready-to-use basemaps and layers (HPCC 2008, IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, has no use — the worth originates from ArcGIS Online services in the CA, USA), Sept. 25-27, 2008, Dalian, China. from how it is utilised. GIS servic- S+S model. Arclogistics allocates soft- e) Spatial Cloud Computing (SC2) White es are available in the cloud so that ware and access to online services that Paper 2009: “A New Paradigm for Geo- ArcGIS users and developers can help you make ideal vehicle courses graphic Information Services,” Presented by: access ready-to-use maps includ- and schedules HughWilliams, SKE Inc. August 2009 ing imagery, topography maps, and f) Victoria kouyoumjian,”The New Age of street base maps as well as task ser- Conclusion Cloud Computing and GIS” Esri IT strategy vices such as routing and geocoding. The 21st century demands better data architecture, Esri Arc Watch Jan2010 The ArcGIS Server in the cloud. Esri computing speeds, support for ongo- g) Suhas Sreedhar “Seven Cloud computing uses the cloud today in several differ- ing IT applications and techniques, Trends 2014” sungard ASvoice”www.forbes. ent ways. ArcGIS Server can be de- deal with access spikes, and provide com ployed in the cloud via the Amazon more reliable and scalable services. h) Executives Guide to Cloud computing a EC2 so that organisations and devel- The emergence of cloud computing book by Eric A Marks and Bob Lozano opers can publish and quickly deploy provides potential for solutions with i) VOGELS, W., 2008, “A Head in the Clouds custom GIS mapping applications an elastic on demand computing. It – The Power of Infrastructure as a Service,” within minutes. has become a platform to integrate In First workshop on Cloud Computing and • ArcLogistics, Business Analyst observation systems, data processing, in Applications (CCA ‘08) (October 2008). Online (BAO), or Community analytical visualisation and decision j) Large Scale Network-Centric Distributed Analyst: GIS Software as a Service support. Somehow, GIS applications Systems, edited by Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Al- provides focused, cloud-based cli- are suitable for the cloud in light of the bert Y. Zomaya ents and applications that easily fact that they depend on voluminous k) Cloud Computing, Nariman Mirzaei, solve complex business problems changing information sets, putting Fall 2008 using GIS tools and data but don’t both the information and apparatuses l) Medical Instrument Design and Develop- require GIS expertise to use. to work in the cloud. ment: From Requirements to Market (book) • ArcGIS Mobile: More mobile GIS by Claudio Becchetti, Alessandro Neri services are coming to the cloud References m) IBM Global Technology Servic- soon so that an organisation’s field a) Market-Oriented Cloud Computing: es, “Defining a framework for cloud staff, business professionals, and Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT adoption,”Thought Leadership White Paper NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER consumers can access GIS capabil- Services as Computing Utilities Rajkumar May 2010.. ities and data using nearly any mo- Buyya, Chee Shin Yeo, and Srikumar Venu- bile device. With ArcPad, users can gopal Grid Computing and Distributed send edits back to the enterprise Systems (GRIDS) Laboratory Department geodatabase directly from the field. of Computer Science and Software Engi- Lt Gen (Dr) AKS Chandele PVSM, AVSM (Retd) Managing Editor Edits from ArcPad can be enabled neering The University of Melbourne, Future [email protected] 24 | GEOINTELLIGENCE Warship SensorsasElements information collated from warship sensors distributed weapon uponthegeospatial assignment,isdependent enhanced situational awareness, rapid and targetassessment, The evolution ofnetwork-centric warfare, whichenables Credit:Indian Navy Credit:Indian sors foritsoperations.sors these, radar, ashiputilises sonar, andcommunication- sen sounders andsatelliteor echo signal receivers. Apart from density sensors, ship’s orlogs, sensors speed depthsensors meteorological sensors, temperature conductivity, and required for practically alloperations at sea. include These has basic sensors, implying thereby that theiroutputs are W WARSHIP SENSORS during peace time as well as war. time peace as well during A warship sure ofawarship at thesurvivability sea from amultitude ofsensors. en- Sensors arships at are sea humming inputs with ofGeoIntelligence ▶ is oneofthemanufacturers forsuch systems. operations, rocket gunnery, and missile firings, etc. AGIMET parameters. Thisis required for tasks includingvarious flight pressure, humidity and other local environmental measurement anddirection, speed temperature, ofwind Awarship requiresMeteorological accurate sensors: Basic sensors logs providelogs ship’s andangle at speed all drift speed, dopplerlogs, asdualaxis well are available. The speed as longitudinal logs speed single anddualaxis speed, For measurement Log: ofaship’s transversal and Speed


times and in any depth. Raytheon Expendable Bathythermograph Anshutz manufactures some of the popular ship logs. Conductivity, temperature and density (CTD) are used extensively for the measurement of temperature and salinity, and also for deriving pa- rameters of density and speed of sound. Teledyne RDI Citadel CTDs fall under this category. Credit: Jelly ▶ Expendable Bathythermograph: It is used by a warship to ob- tronically and automatically chart the tection, acquisition and tracking, missile tain an ocean temperature ver- position, and provide control signals and gun direction, airborne systems, sus depth profile. It is useful for required to maintain a vessel on a research and so on. Military radars can anti-submarine warfare (ASW) by preset course. With the advent of au- be classified in many ways. They can warships and for anti ship warfare tomated position fixing and electronic for instance be based upon the type of by submarines. Lockheed Martin charts, modern navigation is almost platform, i.e. land-based, ship-borne or Sippican has manufactured over 5 completely an electronic process. The air/space-borne; or be mission-based million XBTs since the 1960s. mariner is constantly tempted to rely for example, early warning, tracking, ▶ Echo Sounder: Data consisting of solely on electronic systems. But elec- fire control, weather, etc; or they may be the immediate depth and a record tronic navigation systems are always classified based upon radar characteris- of soundings are required for nav- subject to failures, like user mistakes, tics like wave form, frequency used, type igation. Kongsberg’s EN 250 is one multipath interference, satellite and of antenna, etc. Most prevalent clas- such navigation echo sounder. receiver clock errors, orbit errors, sat- sification is according to frequency or ▶ Satellite Signal Receivers for ellite geometry, atmospheric inter- waveform utilised. Communication and Navigation: ference and “selective availability by Radar technology has largely kept As far as communication systems intentional degradation” (limits ac- pace with the miniaturisation as well are concerned, use of satellites is curacy of satellite signals) of the GPS as digitisation of electronic compo- fairly well understood and is com- system by the nation operating the nents. It has also been possible for the mon knowledge with deep inroads satellites. radar designers to meet the changing made by mobile telephony and the Thus, with convergence of sensors multi-mission requirements of mod- Internet. Methods of navigation have on board through integration we see ern naval warfare post the cold war. changed throughout history. New that geospatial information has now Today, by using single multi-func- methods often enhance the mari- become the cornerstone of not only tion radar, a ship can track and attack ner’s ability to complete his voyage navigation but also a host of other op- emerging fast cruise missile and air- safely and expeditiously, and make erations such as precision weapon fir- craft threats, ballistic missile attacks, his job easier. Commonly recognised ings and weather predictions, etc. For swamp attacks by fast small craft in types of navigation methods which better appreciation of major sensors, littorals and carry out various missile involve ‘sensors’ are: a brief description of radar, sonar and and gunfire surface warfare functions. • Piloting: Involves navigating in re- communication systems is provided in The versatility and adaptability of the stricted waters with frequent or succeeding paragraphs. radar technology has thus ensured its constant determination of position continued relevance to the naval de- relative to nearby geographic and Radar signers and war fighters. hydrographic features. Radar is used in a range of diverse appli- • Radio Navigation: Using radio waves cations in the civil and military field. The Specific types of radars to determine position through a va- applications include, weather sensing, Stealth Radars or low probabil- riety of electronic devices. air traffic control, navigation, target de- ity of intercept (LPI) radars: LPI • Radar Navigation: Using radar to determine the distance from or bearing of objects whose position is With the advent of automated NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER known. • Satellite Navigation: Using radio sig- position fixing and electronic nals from satellites for determining position. charts, modern navigation is almost Modern integrated systems take inputs from various ship sensors, elec- completely an electronic process. 26 | GEOINTELLIGENCE Copyright © : Lockheed Martin nating system combatants for surface X-band multi-tracking, target-illumi- Raytheon’s AN/SPY-5, which is an Navy.German Array by is in use (AESA) technology the Activedar with Electronically Scanned ranomenon etc.- TRS-4D surveillance birds, reflectionsweather due to phe- ences such aselectronic interference, removing hostile environmental influ- in defence, since itcan targets detect by of type This radar has great applicability mines atarget’s radial velocityaswell. Capable of3Dfunctionsand deter radar: 4D radar isPulse-Doppler class of guided missile cruisers. phased array radar onTiconderoga formation. Anexample isAN/SPY-1 addition provides theelevation in- mation about the target. 3D radar, in provides range andazimuth infor A 2D radar 2D, 3D, 4DRadars: and Navy.of theUS radar inSuper Hornet isused aircraft passive radar systems. detection Such makes radars LPI difficult todetect by dars emitting low power signals. This continuous wave, ra bandwidth - wide intercept receiver.LPI The radars are are difficult todetect byanenemy radars transmit signals, weak which An example of good radar is radarAn example ofgood is - -

assault ships as well as corvettes. assault ascorvettes. shipsaswell deck aircraft andamphibious carriers make suited forlarge- well itequally and overall self-defense capabilities terminal homing. SPY-5’s size, weight, and missile midcourse guidance and simultaneous threat illumination; gunfiremissile andsurface control; search; surface volume search; cused fo- clude low-altitude search; horizon coverage. Themission capabilities in- es providing full 360-degree azimuth consists ofthree 120-degree fac beam and airthreats. Asingle radar system and precisely track multiple surface that can simultaneously search, detect, D Band, MR-310U Angara- airsurveil 3-D, MR-90 Orekh fire control, Signaal phased array, MR-760 Fregat M2EM radarsof theimported are MF-Star 3D from theeast both andthewest. Some radars,ported ithas amixofradars gation radar APARNA. Among theim- radar Revathisurveillance andnavi- indication radar RAWS 03Upgrade, 3D F Band combined warning andtarget radar RAWLsurveillance MKII&III; the indigenous radars, ithas LBand radars.digenous andimported Among The Indian Navy ofin- has types various Radars inIndianNavy Ground-based mobileGround-based radar systems - sify surface targetssify at surface long ranges. Inverse SAR can detect, image andclas (SAR) andinverse SAR capability. The fare. It has synthetic both aperture radar anti-surface andanti-submarine war andreconnaissance surveillance (ISR), forintelligence,vides mission support under allweather conditions. It pro- radar capable of operating day and night multi function,long-range surveillance to India, operating be will AN/APY-10 aircraft, which was recently delivered search etc. TheP8i patrol Maritime lance, Garpun-Bal fire control, MR-352 lance, MR-775 Fregat- MAEairsurveil ral environments ocean. and deep that suitable be forboth, S2087will litto- extensively.has used It been isclaimed signal processing hardware andCOTS Type 23frigates. in Digital technology 2050 bow-mounted active sonar onUK’s inconjunctionSonar that with performs towed active andpassive sonar system avariable designedto be depth, been andproducedveloped Sonar 2087.It has sonar.similar in benefits target inradar detection has yielded niques adapted from improvements in and sophisticated- tech forming beam Use of multiple transducer sensors of image and robustness of the system. insonarods has increased thequality sonar. Use ofsynthetic aperture meth- radar systems have adapted in been ing. Many applicable aalgorithms to digital electronics, andsignal process the advances in with enormously tion range andanonymity. the advantage oflonger target detec the host platform. Passive sonar has since itcompromises thelocation of ships,to surface aircrafts, helicopters, Use of active sonar is generally limited greater range, which isundesirable. ables at theemitter detected to be afar of targets atrange, acertain en- italso radar in that while it allows detection information. Active sonar issimilar to the reflectedecho andprocesses itfor sound signals andreceives or itsends pending whetheritonly listens upon to Sonar can passive be oractivede- type Sonar Thales SystemsUnderwater has de- Sonar systems have benefited - - - -


Raytheon has developed the Radio communication has become AN/SQQ-90 tactical sonar suite for the US Navy’s DDG 1000-class a specialised field of electronics. multi-mission destroyer. It compris- es the AN/SQS-61 hull-mounted Naval communication systems vary high-frequency sonar, AN/SQS-60 hull-mounted mid-frequency sonar, in complexity depending upon their and the AN/SQR-20 multi-function towed array sonar and handling role, compatibility, and flexibility. system. Atlas Elektronik will supply Active Towed Array Sonar (ATAS) to the Indian Navy, which will equip the face targets through passive listening, plex interconnections provide the Delhi and Talwar class ships. ATAS interception of signals and active trans- ability of selectively switching differ- would be subsequently manufactured missions of acoustics signals. It has both ent configurations. in India under cooperation with BEL. analogue and digital external system Communication technology devel- EdgeTech, has delivered 12 interface. It is modular and rugged in opments to provide ever-increasing advanced side scan sonar systems design with upgradeable performance requirements of multiple bands and (mine warfare) for the Indian Navy. features. The underwater communica- bandwidths, foresee a need for large tion system has multiple mode acous- rotating antennas. These pose sever- Indigenous Sonars with tic communication in dual frequency al problems on board warships like Indian Navy to meet NATO and other requirements, space availability, electromagnetic in- Indigenous sonars held by the Indian voice, telegraph, data, and message terference and increase in ships radar Navy are manufactured by Bharat modes of operation. Its obstacle avoid- signature. The trend is tilting towards Electronics (BEL). Two important ance sonar is a high frequency short development of single unit consolidat- sonars manufactured by BEL are the range sonar with rectangular transducer ing antennas and sensors. Advanced Active cum Passive Integrat- array and its transmission covers three US Navy has begun the deployment ed Sonar System (HUMSA-NG) and the sectors of 30° each. of wireless link interface technology on Integrated Submarine Sonar (USHUS). board 97 of its ships for maritime inter- HUMSA-NG is an advanced active Communications ception operations. The wireless sys- cum passive integrated sonar system Navies use visual, sound, and electrical tem will allow communication direct- to be fitted on a wide variety of Indian means for communications. Telecom- ly with boarding teams several miles Navy platforms such as the Project 17, munication includes in its ambit trans- away. Interdiction units will be able Project 15A and Project 28 class ships. mission, reception, signals, images, to transmit biometrics data, scanned HUMSA-NG is an advanced version of sounds, and intelligence information documents, digital photos, and emails, the HUMSA sonar presently fitted on by visual, oral, wire, radio, or other elec- back to the ship using the data link. The P16, P15, Ranjit, and Talwar Class of tronic systems. Ships use radiotelepho- US Navy has successfully tested micro- ships. It is designed for enhancing the ny because of its ease of operation, di- wave-based wireless wide-area net- system performance, reliability, and rectness, and convenience. In navy, it is work (WWAN) between ships to enable maintainability. It is capable of detect- used for communication between ship- incorporation of Long-Term Evolution ing, localising, classifying, and track- to-ship, ship-to-shore, shore-to-ship, (LTE) standard, generally referred to ing sub-surface targets in both active air-to-ship, ship-to-air, air-to-ground, as 4G LTE. The LTE network would let and passive modes. The system pro- and ground-to-air. The most important sailors on ships receive real-time video vides simultaneous long-range detec- use of radiotelephone is in short-range streaming from air nodes mounted on tion in active and passive modes. The tactical communication. helicopters, which in turn would per- sonar is capable of localisation and Radio communication has become mit officers to make accurate decisions. automatic tracking of up to eight tar- a specialised field of electronics. Oceus Networks is the likely provider of gets in both active and passive modes. Naval communication systems vary the systems. The sonar integrates the operation of in complexity depending upon their Vitavox has been providing the the UWT and XBT systems. The system role, compatibility, and flexibility. world’s largest navies with military com-

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER is integrated with FCS systems such as Due to scarcity of space on board a munications equipment since 1933. The IAC MOD ‘C and CAIO for exchange of ship, the communication equipment audio equipment provided by Vitavox relevant information. is spread across the ship’s compart- can be used in a variety of applications, Integrated Submarine Sonar ments; however, it is ensured that the both above and below deck as well as (USHUS) is used to detect, localise, and sets are capable of operating sepa- above and below surface. classify underwater submerged and sur- rately as well as concurrently. Com- Rohde & Schwarz in Europe was 28 | GEOINTELLIGENCE Credit: NDTV Some noteworthy systemsSome already on systems extensively onitswarships. The Indian Navy isusing indigenous Indian Navy in Communication Systems ation ofFrench submarines in2017. incorporatedto be inthenext gener tested onFrench naval shipsandis networks. It has successfully been wirelesstems andotherproprietary is built around Ethernet existing sys byaccessed thesailors. The system and othershipboard can be sensors andinfraredlinked video cameras ship using handheld devices. Internet wirelessly from anywhere onboard a exchange ofvideo, voice, anddata tions andtracking system. It enables commercial wireless communica- and tactical communications. system (MMHS) covers strategic both messagenavy-wide handling military sight (BLOS) radio communications. A line-of-sight (LOS)andbeyond-line-of- internal communications andexternal tions have forshipboard defined been voice anddata communications- solu itime patrol aircraft (MPA). Tailored tions, coastal minehunters, andmar many diverse applica sizes andwith - vettes, patrol boats, landing craft of encompassing shore stations, cor navy-wide communications network commissioned to design andbuild a IRNSS-1C DCNS has SySmart, developed DCNS a - - - - •  •  •  manufactured by BEL. ment onshipsunderproduction are board forfit warships andscheduled functioning ofdifferent systems in a manner. Thisimplies anin-tandem simultaneously inanintegrated havesors different to feed systems and geographicalsen- The position. of ship’s course, water speed, depth, combat systems require information example, awarship’s navigation and various systems andequipments, for mation flow isnecessitatedbetween and combat systems. Thus, infor functioning ofvarious navigation A warship requires concurrent Antennas andSensors Future Trend —Consolidated trol ofradio equipment. accessing and con- and monitoring ment andremote onboard user for radio- between equip connectivity data integrated network providing tion. It isdesigned asavoice and shore andship-to-air communica- that provides ship-to-ship, ship-to- ATM communication based system Mk III:It(CCS) isanewgeneration CommunicationSystem Composite one single broadband network. ontoand communication services It integrates allsensors, weapons, for Ship’s Household Data (SHHD). and anumber ofotherequipment Organization), Fire Control Systems, (Computer Information Aided CAIO namely EW Systems, Radars, Sonars, equipment and systems onboard infrastructure. It integrates various nications onto asingle broadband andtraditionalvideo data commu- to converge allvoice traffic, real time vices shipboard network designed Network It (AISDN): isamulti-ser Data Integrated Shipboard Based Synchronous Transfer (ATM) Mode all classesofships. figurable and be configuredcan for system and is highly flexible re-con- systems onboard naval ships. The of status ofvarious equipment and munication facilitiesanddisplay designed to provide internal com- Mk(VCS) III: It is a versatile system Versatile Communication System - - - tremendous force ontheadversary. space transparency enabling of bearing would provide unprecedented battle manned vehicles, from sensors services, surveillance, information from un- spatial data infrastructure, space-based integrated functioning of the national Satellite System fusion with (IRNSS), India’s own Indian Regional Navigation constitute itselements. In future, with centric warfare andwarships sensors todaynology isat thecore ofnetwork precision targeting.- tech Geospatial munication systems, navigation, and control elements, operations,- telecom time domain awareness, command and in mari- can witnessed technology be and display hardware. and data processing, signal generation ofapparatuscommon set signal with warfare andcommunications into a is theintegration ofradar, electronic multifunction radio concept frequency functions. oftheadvanced Theobjective radarfrequency andcommunications and management forradio technology 18contractsed to develop integration in asingle unit.US The Navy has award- and electro-optical subsystems andIFF ta-link communication systems, radar suite, houseradio which will andda- integrated andcommunications sensor upgrades andnewequipment. It should have to integrate flexibility it to systems intheacceptable format. extract relevant information, andfeed hend thelanguage ofdifferent units, tion unitshould able be to compre- differentwith standards. The integra- units sourced from multiple sources diverseelectronichighly complex, taskis aformidable since systems are coordinated andunified manner. This [email protected] College, Canada Senior Fellow, NewWestminster Rear Admiral DrSKulshrestha,Retd. The profound impactgeospatial of Thales Netherlands is developing its

29 | GEOINTELLIGENCE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 TECHNOLOGY UAVs: Flying into the Future Successful use of UAVs and their invaluable contribution to battlefield surveillance have made them an important part of military services. Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs) are rapidly becoming the weapon of choice for military forces, thereby revolutionising the face of warfare Credit:

he history of Unmanned But then just 14 years later, the aircraft, especially small drones so Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) unmanned missions went for Space that these gliders can stay aloft for goes back many decades. — Sputnik I and Sputnik II of USSR weeks, deployed for communications, Their first prominent use in in October and November 1957, re- surveillance, tracking movement Tconflict perhaps was 71 years ago, in spectively, followed by Explorer I of including in the ocean. World War II during the Gran Sasso raid USA in January 1958. And the race The US Naval Postgraduate School NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER in September 1943 when gliders were had begun. UAVs have come a long in Monterey, California is developing used for Mussolini’s rescue. Since the way since then for tasks encompassing a hand-launched Tactical Long En- rescue troops resorted to firing from communications, surveillance and as durance Unmanned Aerial System the air, perhaps it was the very basic weapon platforms. Today, research- (TALEUAS) that needs an electric form of the Unmanned Combat Air ers are exploiting wind power to en- propeller to get airborne, but having Vehicles (UCAVs) as well. hance the capabilities of unmanned reached a reasonable altitude, it can 30 | GEOINTELLIGENCE With this, theTALEUAS is expected ing enough energy to last the night. alithium-ionone capablewith ofstor replace itslithium-polymer battery generate theday, power during and craft’s cellsthat solar with wings will However, plans are to afoot cover the powered. being battery load, these quirements ofitselectronics andpay- TALEUAS by is limited the power re - at gliding. drone ismore efficient than they are were fortheirweight, weak too asthe mals were they attempting toitin join casions, thebirds found that thether their brood. Interestingly, oc onsome flights,during acknowledging itas accompanying theTALEUSserved vultures andeagles have ob- been that vultures andeagles use. In fact, tage ofitusing thesame technique lift andspirals around to take advan - encounters the athermal,itsenses airthermals.of warm TALEUAS When fly all day just risingriding currents by At present, the endurance of - - -

looked at by the Woods Hole- Ocean albatross development whose isbeing ‘robot glider’, anartificial virtually air andwhere to avoid downdraughts. eagle in knowing whererising to find sailplaneof askilled pilotoravulture/ Such software replicates thebehaviour byclouds formed rapidly hotair. rising employs cameras to spotcumulus might generate orographic lift. It also duce thermals, that andforridges large flat areas that are likely to pro - air. It analyses thelocal landscape for al approaches to thesearch forrising Their combinessever waves caused by strikingmoun- wind by blowing over wind aridge, andlee orographic liftproducedthermals; likely propitious to be inadditionto air inplaces where thehunt ismost allowing TALEAUS rising actively seek element of chance, researchers are ing thermals. To eliminate even that has onlocating to depend - and rid to stay aloftindefinitely,it still albeit Concurrent to the Taleaus is the - peating thismanoeuvre, itcan fly thou- to glidedowninany direction. By re- height like akite inabreeze, thenturn upandfaceinto gaining thewind, rise few metres above. analbatross So can justwhen itisblowing powerfully a even ofthesea still near thesurface called dynamic The airisquite soaring. at different heights, using a technique which isthedifferencewind speed in birdartificial wind shear, harnesses Like itsnatural counterpart, USA. this ographic Institution, Massachusetts, without anonboardwithout pilot. to deliver (attack weapons targets) licate this.UCAV The isa UAV designed ‘Robot The the wind. Bird’ plans to rep- an averagewith six times that speed of where, regardless direction, ofthewind wings, andby tacking itcan travel any- sands ofkilometersflapping without its der real-time human control, but Currently operational UCAVs are un- operation Towards autonomous


Elimination of onboard human US and NATO forces have used crew in a combat aircraft that may be shot down over enemy territory has UAVs/UCAVs extensively in obvious advantages. In addition do- ing away of a cockpit, flight controls, Afghanistan and Iraq ejection seat, oxygen, etc., results in decrease of weight, allowing greater payloads (armament, ammunition, cameras etc), plus increased range future versions may enable autono- off and land on the deck of a ship. In and manoeuvrability. Interesting- mous operation. US and NATO forces an earlier flight, the X-47B had taken ly, Thales is assisting Qatar Armed have used UAVs/UCAVs extensively off from an aircraft carrier and landed Forces in developing an Optionally in Afghanistan and Iraq, as also there on ground. The X-47B is different from Pilot Vehicle — Aircraft (OPV-A); a have been numerous Predator UCAV the US Predator and Reaper drones. high performance Intelligence, Sur- attacks inside . At present, The latter two are not actually pilotless veillance, target Acquisition and Re- Predators are seeking out targets in the but are remotely controlled through connaissance (ISTAR) system with Iraq-Syria occupied Islamic Caliphate. instruments resembling those of a tra- full end-to-end training solution. The US had developed the reusable ditional aircraft cockpit. Conversely, OPV-A airframe selected by Qatar will space plane X-37B by 2012, but in July the X-47B is pilotless. Its operations oc- be integrated with a mission system 2013, the US Navy made aviation his- cur because of onboard software code capability to enable the optionally pi- tory by successfully landing a highly that the computer system executes loted capability as a hybrid between a autonomous drone on an aircraft car- with flight paths pre-programmed. conventional aircraft and an Unarmed rier at sea. The batwing-shaped X-47B However, in case of malfunction, take- Aircraft System (UAS). It will be able to (developing and funding having cost over by human control is possible. fly with or without a pilot on board the an incredible USD 1.4 billion over Having successfully completed the aircraft. eight years) executed one of the hard- test, US Navy is looking at developing These days UCAVs are being est manoeuvres in aviation, catching the successor of the X-47B successor; mounted with lasers and ordnance the arrested-landing gear on the deck the Unmanned Carrier-Launched with better precision. MBDA has suc- of the USS George HW Bush. Never be- Airborne Surveillance and Strike robot cessfully demonstrated its Dual Mode fore had a robot performed such a feat (UClass) for use in missions considered BRIMSTONE missile on an MQ-9 executable only by the best of naval pi- dangerous for human pilots but firing REAPER remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) lots world over. The drone, followed by of onboard weapons with human con- in January 2014, scoring nine direct manned aircraft, flew from a Maryland currence. hits against a range of targets including airstrip on a pre-programmed flight America’s Prompt Global Hawke very high speed and manoeuvring ve- path, once cleared by the landing put is designed to travel halfway around hicles in high collateral risk and urban its hook down, caught the wire, writing the world from launch to target in less environments. These trials are another a new chapter in naval history. than 30 minutes. While the weapon is step in the ongoing spiral development Some 70 nations have UAVs/UCAVs launched by the Minuteman Missile, of weapon systems for UCAVs, broad- of varied sophistication and military the missile release hypersonic ‘gliders’ ening its application to deliver a true applicability, but only US has one the that are satellite guided and the gliders multi-role and multi-platform land and size of an F/A-18 Super Hornet and in turn release the 1000 pound deep maritime attack capability. powered by a jet engine able to take penetration bomb. Concurrent to development of drones is the ongoing research to bring Dual Mode BRIMSTONE Missile down enemy drones. The world, espe- cially superpower US, was astounded when Iran downed the US Stealth Drone RQ-170 in December 2011. Hitherto, the downing of drones was only through chance direct hits. Advanced countries have developed laser weapons to down

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER drones that are increasingly the weap- on of choice. However, this particular downing evoked massive interests be- cause Iran claimed that the drone had been brought down ‘intact’ using its ra- Credit: dio electronic warfare skills and vulner- 32 | GEOINTELLIGENCE cover along the LAC throughcover along herex the LAC already portedly has 24x7surveillance capability since China especially re- sance ofChina’s considerable drone India congni to take- needs serious How Chinadoesit from abroad, China. especially about concerned long hacking been into companies. US officials US have espionage charges hacking forallegedly cyber with officials five military Chinese Inneering. May indicted 2014,theUS through particularly ogy reverse engi- resortingbeen to leapfrogging- technol kistan andNorth Korea) have similarly first place. China and her protégés (Pa- may noreason be inthe so to suppose the original, itisnomean feat andthere what lower incapability compared to copycat RQ-170 stealth drone- issome siles, drones andfighterjets. Even ifthe tanks, armoredcarriers, personnel mis in itsdefencesector, producing itsown Iran has made significant achievements delegation. The fact is that sian military ScanEagle to a of visitingthe US Rus presented a functional copycat model production 2013, lineandinOctober released images ofaScanEagle drone multaneously, 2013,Iran in February Sentinel RQ-170US stealth drone. Si- CIA’s data from surveillance thedowned thesoftwaredecoding andextracted year Iran announced ithad completed entered Iran from thePersian Gulf. Last 2xRQ-11 and1xScanEagle that drones; hunted more downtwo ofUS types Afghanistan. Since 2011,Iran has also deployedbeen forcovert operations in Sentinel RQ-170US stealth drone has the IRGC’s Aerospace The Exhibition. alongside theoriginal oneat downed estingly, Iran showcased theduplicate Lockheed firm Martin. American Inter original having by developed been ca ofCIA’s RQ-170 Sentinel drone, the againworld by showcasing therepli- crash-landing. any visible damage itsalleged during many, since thedrone didnotsustain The claim isconsidered plausible by base. instead ofitsdesignated military itintotrick landing onIranian territory abilities intheSentinel’s receiver, GPS to Early thisyear, Iran the surprised - - - - elling at five times the speed aspeed vehiclepersonic inJanuary 2014trav China successfully flight-tested a hy- bombs. It important to note isalso that ing oflasers, variety precision guided and packs four hard points formount (20 hours), has arange of4,000km has thesame endurance astheReaper more significant isthat the Loong Wing ofoneReaper,price however what is buy 25-30 Wing drones Loong forthe point to note isthat you can perhaps gies andcapabilities may but the vary million range. Admittedly,- technolo drone‘Reaper’ that 30 isintheUSD 1million,comparedUSD to theUS drone reportedly costs aroundLoong’ vis-à-vis asymmetry to bridge theUS. pitch andherfeverish pace ofthePLA rowed themodernisation considering difference in numbers could have nar pared but that to 280by China PLA was thenoperating 6,709drones com- Institute ofStrategic Studies, theUS 2012 whichthe International quoted According to a report in the largest droneUS. after the fleets flict. China couldpossibly be having groups carrier US intheevent ofcon- reach into thePacific and swarming to expandwould be China’s military aimofsuch large droneOne fleets drones to accomplishgoals. these arrayestablished wide of indigenous na’s complex has military-industrial defences through numbers. sheer Chi- theenemystrikes andoverwhelming scouting battlefields, guiding missile envisions its dronemilitary swarms tensive satellite network. The Chinese Interestingly, ‘Wing theChinese Guardian in - - - liver bombs andchemicals. Thenthere on your doorstep, can so terrorists de- robotswinged to deliver your orders can autonomous use byupon terrorist organisations. If drones aremilitary being worked also UAVs. Commandeering ofciviland greatlytiplied proliferation with of craft. Thethreat from air has mul- commandeered commercial US air own helicopters, and9/11 terrorists had aircraft, owned theUSWA has its has danger ofgetting caught. LTTE ing physical reconnaissance which Terrorists forundertak can these use dia. Many may have unnoticed. gone have reported in been the Indian me - es of doing any this without authority forprivateuse filming,some instanc catastrophic.been one millionpeople, which wouldhave spraying, had they enough Sarinto kill bycopter part part. Had aerial used they even smuggled in aRussian Mi-8 heli- had andthey runs crashed trial during trolled helicopters which had luckily The cult actually two had remote-con- loss1000people. ofvision to some rary severely injuring 50andcausing tempo- eral linesoftheTokyo Metro, killing 13, nated attacks, was Sarin released onsev the Aum Shinrikyo cult. In five coordi- extremism perpetrated by members of Subway on20March, 1995was anactof ly. The Sarin Gas attack on the Tokyo make terrorist attacks much more dead- the terrorist, availability ofdrones can targets at ofMach thespeed 10. of sound,aiming eventually to attack (ISTAR) system Acquisition and Reconnaissance Intelligence, target Surveillance, Small-sized drones already are in has technology While empowered - - - -


Communications ance UAV. The MALE concept calls but also within the country to monitor for aircraft which can operate virtual- internal threats. We must be prepared and effective ly autonomously, programmed with to win all types of conflict situations. route and target details to undertake UAVs are the weapons of the future and system control the mission without help from human there is pressing need for India to think controllers; missions like suppression seriously about their use. The numbers are still big of enemy AD, electronic warfare, sur- should match the threat environment, veillance, precision strike and associ- including surveillance and pinpoint tar- challenges UAV ated operations. MALE’s surveillance geting of fleeting terrorist targets. Leap- version is expected to have an endur- frogging technology requires special developers are ance of 24 hours, operational ceiling emphasis and the India government’s up to 35,000 feet, autonomous take-off call to foreign firms to ‘Make in India, facing if they and landing, wheeled undercarriage Sell Anywhere’ should facilitate joint and a single (Rotax) piston engine. We ventures (JVs) with advanced countries want unfettered certainly need to pick up pace con- like the US and Israel. EU firms like sidering the Chinese capability in this Dassault of France and Saab of Sweden access to US sphere. MoD’s 2010 Technology Per- who have developed have advanced spective & Capability Roadmap iden- combat drones too need to be cashed airspace tifies DEWs and ASAT (anti-satellite) upon. However, such JVs would only be weapons as thrust areas over the next possible given the right level of FDI and 15 years, but the UAV and MAV pro- streamlining the Defence Procurement grams of DRDO must be not only ac- Policy (DPP) in a manner that both are mosquito-sized drones that can be celerated, but integrate foreign tech- make the Indian Defence Sector un- used for surveillance and for dropping nology to improve their quality. ambiguously lucrative to foreign firms. short flying-cum-crawling cockroach We have procured UAVs from Israel The Department of Industrial Policy and bombs that control the biology of in- and indigenously developed the Nis- Planning (DIPP) of the Indian Ministry sects and turns them into insectoid hant and Lakshya for the military but of Commerce and Industry, based on bombs. The US Government Account- the latter two are far below expecta- thorough research, has been batting for ability Office (GAO) unmanned air- tions. As for lasers, only the Laser Daz- 74% FDI in case of transfer of technolo- craft update of 2013 shows continued zler that impairs vision temporarily to gy (ToT) and 100% FDI in case of state- network, software challenges. Com- control unruly crowds is being oper- of-the-art technology for a long time, munications and effective system con- ationalised. DRDO’s Laser Science & which needs to seriously considered. trol are still big challenges unmanned Tech Centre (LASTEC) is developing The DPP too needs to be dispassionately aircraft developers are facing if they ADITYA — a vehicle-mounted gas reviewed by an independent body rather want unfettered access to US airspace. dynamic laser-based DEW system than cosmetic changes within the MoD. The bottom line for now seems to be as a technology demonstrator and a Permitting the asymmetry vis-à-vis the that while research and development 25-KW laser system is under devel- PLA to widen will be to our grave disad- efforts are under way to mitigate ob- opment to hit a missile in terminal vantage. This needs to be bridged and stacles to safe and routine integration phase at a distance of 5-7 km. In terms overtaken. We have to leapfrog technol- of unmanned aircraft into the national of technology, we need riposte ability ogy if we are to overcome our asymmet- airspace, these efforts cannot be com- to paralyse enemy C4I2 infrastruc- ric infirmities and tilt them to in India’s pleted and validated without safety, ture, stand-off weapons to pre-empt favour. Finally, to reiterate, drones will reliability, and performance stand- enemy attack, adequate mix of DEW, play a vital role in future. They are much ards, which have not yet been devel- PGMs, ASATs etc, ability to disrupt cheaper compared to manned aircraft oped because of data limitations. This enemy logistics etc. Space combat, and have multiple uses. We must have is something that India must stream- cyber space combat, radiation com- them in right numbers and of the right line with likely proliferation of civil bat, robotic combat, nano-technology quality as early as possible drones, both big and small, which is combat will add to existing forms of bound to happen with India’s techno- combat, zombie war being the latest logical and economic rise. addition — in all of which drones will NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER play an essential role including round The Indian scenario the clock surveillance and keeping the In the Indian context, the DRDO is de- communications through. veloping the Medium Altitude Long The expanding terror threat from our Endurance (MALE) UAV as a forerun- volatile neighbourhood requires 24x7 Lt Gen PC Katoch, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM ner to the High Altitude Long Endur- surveillance; not only along our borders [email protected] 34 | GEOINTELLIGENCE T muscle saw the conventional move sensors towards bi-static fast revamping towards total opacity. at play inthedefender’s domain thethreat to detect that is pared to thecosts offielding stealthy offensive platforms. cutting-edge counter-stealth shieldat fractional costs com- last laugh because itwouldinvariably possible to be fielda the fact that in the race of dollars vs. cents, have he will the tially. Ofcourse, joy theadded ofthe defenderresides in in thefieldofcounter-stealth are growing also - exponen arewarriors taking inthefactthat solace thetechnologies of the cutting-edge technologies, the humble air defence ing theirstealthy platforms by exploiting theenabling wings While thebabyWhile steps infielding thecounter-stealth It isnowonder, therefore, that multiple are technologies technologies. theattackers While are revamp- reflects sides rivaltwo building inthe unabated. In thestealth domain, thesame the airthreat andthedefenders continues theprosecutorshe eternal duelbetween of Counter Stealth Leveraging Lasersin contemporary stealth technologies contemporary stealth the defeat to rapidly asaviable emerged means LiDAR has mechanism, As acounter stealth There no lookingbeen has backever since,PCL-based as Sentry’, inthe1990s. which debutedthistechnology with products domain Martin’s were inthePCL Lockheed ‘Silent Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T). Thevisible ti-bands, namely FM,Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) and sive radars endeavoured stealth to detect by exploiting mul- orthe‘Passivewas thePCL Coherent Locators’. In this, thepas more enabling technologies. toThe firsttechnology surface bi-static ormulti-static architecture sensor towards embracing demanding, thecounter stealth arsenal moved onfrom the directions, randomly andunpredictably. incident radar ofthe energysame in ordeflection multiple acquired thecapability ofnear complete absorption ofthe composites,di-electric metalfibres and nano-materials, andradarterials) energy deflectors,with their complete oflatest intheform solutions RAMs (Radar Absorbent Ma- stealthy targets, thestealth threat, using state-of-the-art and thenonto themulti-static fordetecting the solutions As theproblem stealth to detect becamemore and more -


LiDAR, thermal and imagery system

Credit: Bluesky

sensors with dual-mode functions nology are called the LiDAR, which While most of the stealthy plat- could be prominently seen in the 2014 stands for Light Detection and Ranging forms are either designed to attenuate Paris Air Show, EADS Cassidian being as extrapolated from RADAR (Radio through absorption (using a variety of the frontrunner. Cutting-edge research Detection and Ranging). Some Sub- RAMs) or deflect the incident radar in this field is now focused on the en- ject Matter Experts (SMEs) also refer to energy lying in the electromagnet- hancement of range, minimal RCS and them as Laser Infrared RaDar or Laser ic (EM) radio frequency (RF)range, locational accuracy, as also, to rope in Integrated Detection and Ranging. these are not so optimised for the light the TV and the FM radio transmissions waves lying in the laser range. Typical in the PCL fold. This is largely due to the What makes LiDAR a laser waves have extremely short near vertical climb of the mobile tele- good fit wavelengths. For example, while a communication technologies over the Many technologically-enabled advan- Nd: YAG laser normally lases at 1.06 last decade. tages, essentially precipitating out of μm to 1.4 μm, there are lasers which While the PCL may be growing in the beam signatures of LiDAR make can operate in the Deep Ultra Vio- its own vertical, the real front-run- them a good fit to defeat the contem- let (DUV) region of < 250 nm to long ners in the counter-stealth domain are porary stealth technologies. The ob- wave IR (11μm). On an average, the the laser-based technologies. Coun- jective of this article is to highlight the familiar laser wavelength bands lie ter-stealth radars based on laser tech- nuances of this good fit. between 0.532 μm through 1.064 μm to 10.6 μm. At such low wavelengths and hence very high frequencies A large number of or extremely high frequencies, the typical stealthy aerial threat vehicles technologically-enabled advantages, which are optimised for opaqueness or near opaqueness to RFEM waves, essentially precipitating out of the give away their location owing to higher reflectivity. NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER beam signatures of LIDAR make them While most of the contemporary stealth platforms have a low/very a good fit to defeat the contemporary low reflectivity with respect to RF EM waves, the same gets highly enhanced stealth technologies. against the light (laser) waves. Typical aircraft materials like the aluminium 36 | GEOINTELLIGENCE Credit: Astronautics Credit: Radar warningRadar receivers LiDAR systemsLiDAR employ plurality oflaser ability ofstealthy platforms, typical systems.LiDAR smaller wavelengths of light emitted by scattereffectively EMenergy lying at the vehicle cannot stealth ofanaerial type shown that regardless oftheshape, a of stealth possible. have Experiments higher than theRCS, making detection 0.532 μmto 10.6μm)are invariably signatures (forlasing waves between high theLRCS measuring accuracy, strongity, direction ability andvery havefrequency high qual- beam very impinging onthetargets at tremendous tropic scattering. Since thelasing waves unitareaer per - when thetarget isiso area ofthetarget to thescattered pow- ratio oftheincident power intheunit scattering ability ofthetarget. It isthe which isthemeasureRCS), ofthelaser latter, (Laser iscalled LRCS theRCS and lasing waves. In thecontext ofthe different both RFEM values for waves Radar Cross This (RCS). has RCS Section onthereductionstealth isbased ofthe theabove, with Connected the game of The ConceptofLRCS degrees.visible invarying stealthy platforms are likely to become systems, based ser most ofthecurrent laser-DUV spectrum. Against la- these multi-band covering lasers the entire contemporary systemsLIDAR employ In order increase to further detection, wave,ence to alaser lasing at 1.064μm. titanium alloy has refer 47-48% with alloys have areflectivity of55%and In order to increase prob detection - - immune to. stealthy UAV probably platform will be a cockpit.something Thisis to which likely blinding/dazzling ofthepilot/ manoeuvrablebecome because ofthe to defeat thetarget, thesame islikely to cumulative energy beam isnotsufficient foralonger period Even, ifthe targeted directly asone laser effect on to herent suffer the same will beams laser target passing through thearray ofco- andnotonly meretended a detection, incases whereSecondly, laser-kill isin- own signal henceenhancing detection. trained ononetarget, each returning its amounts to ‘many eyes’ capable of being plurality has advantages. two Firstly, it coherent intheatmosphere. beams This ofparallel ented asto achieve so agrid The transmitters areso paired - andori a coherent oflight beam along anaxis. transmittersser is adapted to transmit ofdifferentsets angles. Each ofthe la- transmitters mounted in onthesupport passes throughpasses theair. This turbulence that anaircraft behind forms asit reference signature. Turbulence. Air or Clear a becomes This clear atmosphere is referred to as CAT quantity inanambient situation and a Shift measurable. Themeasure ofthis return signal, thus making theDoppler astrongerwith signal to that close ofthe which, return theweak signal ismixed ing heterodyne in technology, detection minimal. This is made detectable by us corresponding Shift very Doppler isalso relatively small intheatmosphere, the lent detectors. is Sincespeed the wind μm have typicallyasturbu being used - havingLiDAR wavelengths below 10 and water vapours, etc. Pulse Doppler the atmosphere, such asdust particles from thenatural aerosols present in oflaser-emittedcy energy scattered ment Shift ofDoppler inthefrequen- achievedthroughbeen themeasure- atmospherictect turbulence. This has traditionally (right from the 90s) to de- have beams laser accuracy, used been strong direction ability, high measuring Based onitshigh coherence, beam key advantage Wake signatureasa Wave turbulence istheturbulence - new advances inthefuture. opment in thisarea surely will unfold fence. Research devel- andtechnology andde- ofoffense interms both bility andunparalleledindependence - flexi mainweather offers higher accuracy, as F-15, F-16, F-18 andB-52. capability to distinguish platform such haveexperiments shown the TWDD sourceopen unclassified data on altitude, Also, heading andairspeed. threat of range, vehicles interms that such capability can aerial detect Database). have Experiments shown (TurbulentTWDD Wave Detection SMEs refer to thisthreat as library solving theabiding oftheIFF. riddle froma friend afoe, thus assisting in built upasathreat to detect library this quantum of measurement can be signatures respect with to agiven CAT, haveplatform will specific wake dars operating Shift. ontheDoppler defeat the early warning/fire control ra- bybeing used theattacking aircrafts to defeated by Notch’, the‘Doppler atactic system less be likelysor wouldalso to be being tracked. aturbulent-sen Second, - are (RWRs) unlikely thefactof to detect on-board Radar Warning Receivers is tracking theaircraft, behind well the aircraft but itsturbulence wake which systemdetection isnotilluminating the accrue.also First, since theturbulence signature. is impossible for it to conceal its wake signature threat ofanaerial vehicle, it wash.and jet Irrespective ofthestealth aircraft such asthewingtip, vortices includes various components ofthe DG &SrColComdt, Army AD Lt GenVKSaxena The use of LiDAR inanti-stealth of The use do- further,Going aerial since every this,Besides otheradvantages two

37 | GEOINTELLIGENCE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 INTERVIEW ‘Geospatial Community Needs to Adapt the First Responder Mindset’ Geospatial technology has moved beyond its niche towards a level of ubiquity. David J. Alexander, Director, Geospatial Management Office, Office of the Chief Information Officer, US Department of Homeland Security, explains how this technology is enmeshed in the fabric of the organisation.

ow does geospatial geographic area such as a debris line, understanding required to generate information play an disaster zone, incident location, etc. the actionable information that deci- important role in DHS uses geographic data and image- sion makers need and facilitate unity homeland security? ry to assess risk, monitor infrastruc- of effort across the whole community. HNearly all homeland security mis- ture, secure the border, to expedite sions from back office functions such assistance to disaster survivors and to What is the scope and mandate of as facilities management, benefits ad- accelerate community recovery, and the Geospatial Management Office ministration and human capital plan- rebuild after a catastrophic event. (GMO)? ning to front line operations in disaster Our human existence is a very The GMO resides within the Office of response, border protection, customs visual experience. We understand our the Chief Information Officer, a divi- enforcement, critical infrastructure environment and our relationships in sion of the DHS Management Directo- and threat reduction rely on geospa- spatial terms. We react to our changing rate. In addition to directing the GMO, tial capabilities to conduct their oper- landscape based on our ability to com- the GIO serves as the chief represent-

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER ations. prehend and interpret what we under- ative for geospatial information and There is a geospatial component stand is happening around us. Geo- technology for the Homeland Security to nearly everything that Department spatial capabilities enable us to link Enterprise and coordinates the strate- of Homeland Security (DHS) does disparate information coming in from gic roadmap for the Department’s ge- — whether it is a discreet latitude/ multiple channels and stitch it togeth- ospatial architecture. longitude or address or an indiscreet er to reveal the necessary context and The primary objective of the GMO 38 | GEOINTELLIGENCE fit which the GeoCONOPS providesGeoCONOPS fit which the is landscape. Themost importantbene- can adapt and respond to its evolving document to anonlineresource that is movingGeoCONOPS from astatic andthe fluidenterprise isavery ty Homeland- securi infrastructure protection, andother natural disasters, law enforcement, nation’s including homeland security differentsupport missions for our tor, non-governmental, andcitizens) elons (federal, state, local, private sec and how key activitiesacross- allech DHS understand who, what, when, provides amission blueprint to help is aseminalofthisstrategy. piece It Concept ofOperations (GeoCONOPS) sion requirements.Geospatial The geospatial capabilities onmis based geospatial strategycurity is to deliver the department. the geospatial investment of portfolio ance andhelpstheGMOto manage sharedhelps theGIOwith govern GIT - andpractice. policy gy, This structure the geospatial information,- technolo areas that cover thecore elements of spatial functional IT excellence. across thedepartment to ensure- geo tial information policies technology includes standardisingalso - geospa Further, of the DHS GMO the scope dinated for DHS’ support missions. geospatial system(s) to facilitate coor that all department have interoperable efforts.and technology Thedesire is direction forgeospatial information is to establish policy clear andconcise to therightpeople right technologyatthetime focus ondeliveringthe integrated withthemission. Itmust interoperable, easytouse, and Geospatial needstobefast, reliable, Part oftheoverall- homeland se In anutshell, on theGMOfocuses - - - System for Emergency Responders Responders System forEmergency Navigation and Accountability Location Geospatial (vUSA) and Virtualfrom multiplepartners. USA reliable, up-to-date information and relevant, quickly easily and access must responders In anemergency, referencebility architecture. PM-ISE on the geospatial interopera- ards theODNI andleadership with through stand- Geospatial theOpen vancing geospatial interoperability readiness. Store andApple iTunes fordisaster to theapps available Play onGoogle - similarthe communitybe which will for develop applications andservices the advantage catalogue ofthe open to resources, innovators take further will andotheronline the GeoCONOPS tation oftheGMOisthat by making operating guidelines. Afuture expec paredness andpractice standard with Council to advance geospatial pre- tional States Information Geographic Assessment Tool (CARAT) andNa - GIS ontheCapabilities andReadiness the National Alliance forPublic Safety grammes. collaboration asdrive well across pro- theircapabilitiessess andreadiness as practitioners andprogrammers to as provide forgeospatial apoint ofentry tures, able be to will theGeoCONOPS the geospatial community. Asitma- geospatial data sources available to practices, technical resources, and a catalogue missions, ofsupport best The GMO is also involvedThe GMOisalso inad- with The GMO partnering been has - - cess, dissemination, andduplication studies identified data dissonance, ac 2004 and2008.These between pleted which wereof theDepartment com- mation capabilities andtechnology and assessments ongeospatial infor tions from several internal studies created onthe recommenda based - Information Infrastructure (GII)was Geographic security The homeland existingsystem? the has strengthened GII elaborate how Infrastructure canyou and Information of Geospatial development to the What led information.critical the feasibility ofsharing near real-time pilots such that asvUSA demonstrate E911anddata sharing oflegacy cesses leverages andsuc learned thelessons by location aware which technology that areband andGLANSER enabled forpublic safetycludes broad support sponder Group. in- This partnership ence andTechnology anditsFirst Re- has astrong- DHSSci with partnership private, TheGMO andcitizen sectors). (federal,partners state, local, tribal, atives that integrate across andamong thistrendsupported by fostering initi- phone, forth. andso TheGMO has tips—intheircar,ger intheirsmart have mapping capabilities at theirfin- level to Everyone ofubiquity. expects moved to a aniche technology beyond recognisealso that geospatial has Exercise Program. theDHS\FEMANationalship with capabilities and readiness in partner ular exercises to assess our geospatial accomplished bybe conducting reg - the first responder mindset. This can community to adaptGeospatial needs at theright timeto the right people. cus ondeliveringtheright technology grated themission andmust with fo- interoperable, easy to use, andinte- fast, to be needs reliable,Geospatial of geospatial preparedness mentality. The GMO a been has proponenthuge initiatives? inthese helping been has GMO Can youelaborate how process. upthe that aim to speed projects such are two (GLANSER) The geospatialThe community must - - - - -


Credit: NOAA

The Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) model is run by the National Hurricane Center (NHC). SLOSH estimates storm surge heights and winds resulting from historical, hypothetical, or predicted hurricanes.

of products and systems as key issues GII is providing a common operating This was recently updated on July plaguing the homeland security geo- platform for numerous DHS internal 14, 2014. What are the geospatial spatial community. Users were creat- and external partners. aspects of this updated digital ing maps based on different, multiple strategy? sources of the same data. They were What are the major challenges that The President’s Management not able to distribute these products you faced in creating a common Agenda has been very supportive in a GIS-ready consumable format, architecture for various agencies of place-based initiatives. This and therefore, many map products to share the geospatial information includes the geospatial platform that were duplicated. The GII was engi- that you provide? provides support to the opendata. neered to be agile to the evolving re- There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ technical gov initiative which is a key facet quirements of the homeland security architecture or solution. Competition in of the digital government strategy. enterprise by offering core services the market place is an important driver Geospatial is inherent in the digital for hosting common geospatial data of innovation. The major issues faced in government strategy as it will help services in a secure, virtual comput- achieving a national geospatial infor- the government better target its ser- ing environment. It also provided mation technology ecosystem were: en- vices, aid citizens in discovering ser- collaboration tools which helped GIS suring open standards that enable com- vices, and provide government data analysts to upload, manage, publish, petition and innovation while ensuring in a more consumable and efficient and share their products directly with the whole community is accessing the manner. For example, the national mission operators and systems. The most authoritative and trusted informa- public alerts, warnings, and notifi- tion, and providing identity and access cation and the AMBER alert systems management (ICAM) that ensures ac- leverage geospatial capabilities to Geospatial is cess to the right data at the right time. disseminate important messages to subscribers and the community on inherent in the On May 23, 2012 President Oba- disaster and law enforcement. Cli- ma issued a Presidential Memo- mate scientists and risk managers digital government randum: Building a 21st Century are using government data to better Digital Government. The CIO also assess the risks and costs associated strategy as it released the strategy entitled with changes in sea level or local ge- “Digital Government Building a omorphology. These are the types NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER will help the 21st Century Platform to Better of innovations and advancements Serve the American People”, which that I expect to grow exponential- government better provides agencies with a 12-month ly as geospatial information and roadmap that focuses on priority technology rapidly expands into our target its services areas enabling a more efficient and government data systems and across coordinated digital service delivery. the fabric of our lives. 40 | GEOINTELLIGENCE EVENTS


4th Annual Qatar Defence Sea Air Space 2015 GeoIntelligence India Logistics and Support Forum April 13-15, 2015 June 11-12, 2015 November 25 – 27, 2014 National Harbour, MD, New Delhi Doha, Qatar US India

DECEMBER LAAD Defence & Geoint 2015 Security 2015 June 21-24, 2015 Exponaval April 14-17, 2015 Washington D.C., December 2-5, 2014 Rio de Janeiro, US Valparaíso, Chile Brazil Valparaíso, Chile Counter Terror JULY Special Operations Summit Expo 2015 Land Forces Africa 2015 December 15 - 18, 2014 April 21-22, 2015 July 5-8, 2015 Tampa, Florida, US Olympia, Midrand Gauteng London South Africa FEBRUARY ITEC 2015 SEPTEMBER Avalon 2015 April 28-30, 2015 February 27- 1 March 2015 Prague, Czech Republic DSEI 2015 Geelong, Victoria, Australia September 15-18, 2015 London, UK MAY MARCH LANPAC Symposium NCT eXplosive Europe Airborne ISR and C2 Battle and Exposition 2015 September 22-24, 2015 Management May 19-21, 2015 Honolulu, Belgrade, Serbia March 10 - 12, 2015 Hawaii, London, UK US Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance 2015 GeoIntelligence IMDEX Asia 2015 September 23-24, 2015 March 14-15, 2015 May 19 to 21, 2015 London, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Singapore UK NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER



BEFORE The Battle for Kobane

The city of Kobane has been at the epicentre of a battle between ISIS militants and Syrian Kurds (aided by foreign airstrikes). Satellite images captured by DigitalGlobe and analysed by UNOSAT, show several buildings in the Kobane region have been severely damaged and vehicle traffic is almost absent throughout the city. Residential buildings have been reportedly destroyed by air AFTER strikes carried out by US against ISIS positions in town. More than 1000 people have been killed since the ISIS jihadists launched an offensive on the Syrian town in September. Refugees, who fled the fighting have set up camps on the Turkish side of the border and abandoned their vehicles on the roads. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group, has revealed that US strikes have killed around 750 ISIS fighters in the country, of which hundreds are October 15: The images above show a portion of the northern part known to have been involved in the of the town of Kobane where several buildings were destroyed or fighting around Kobane. According severely damaged (blue arrows), possibly by airstrikes. A large crater is also visible next to the damaged structures (red arrow). to The Straits Tmes, UN chief Ban Ki Images copyright 2014 DigitalGlobe, processed by UNOSAT. Moon has urged action to prevent a massacre of civilians in the city as jihadists continue to fight Kurdish defenders. Turkey has repeatedly appealed for a no-fly zone to enable the establishment of safe havens inside Syria for the many families still fleeing the violence. The influx of some 200,000 refugees from Kobane has pushed Turkey’s Syrian refugee population to 2 million, according to Ahmet Davutoglu, Prime Minister of Turkey.





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