Uncertain Refuge, Dangerous Return: Iraq's Uprooted Minorities
report Uncertain Refuge, Dangerous Return: Iraq’s Uprooted Minorities by Chris Chapman and Preti Taneja Three Mandaean men, in their late teens and early twenties, await their first baptism, an important and recurring rite in the Mandaean religion. The baptism took place in a stream on the edge of Lund, in southern Sweden. Andrew Tonn. Acknowledgements Preti Taneja is Commissioning Editor at MRG and the Minority Rights Group International gratefully acknowledges author of MRG’s 2007 report on Iraq, Assimilation, Exodus, the following organizations for their financial contribution Eradication: Iraq’s Minority Communities since 2003. She towards the realization of this report: United Nations High also works as a journalist, editor and filmmaker specialising Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), The Ericson Trust, in human rights and development issues. Matrix Causes Fund, The Reuben Foundation Minority Rights Group International The authors would like to thank the following people: Abeer Minority Rights Group International (MRG) is a non- Dagestani, Salam Ghareb, Samira Hardo-Gharib, Kasem governmental organization (NGO) working to secure the Habib, Termida Salam Katia, Nuri Kino, Father Khalil, rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and Heatham Safo, Kate Washington, all those who contributed indigenous peoples worldwide, and to promote cooperation their time, skills and insights and all those who shared their and understanding between communities. Our activities are experiences with us during the research for this report. focused on international advocacy, training, publishing and Report Editor: Carl Soderbergh. Production Coordinator: outreach. We are guided by the needs expressed by our Kristen Harrision. Copy Editor: Sophie Mayer. worldwide partner network of organizations, which represent minority and indigenous peoples.
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