LCS Meeting Thursday 21st November

Our second meeting this November brings former spin bowler back to Grace Road

Geoff was accompanied by his friend LESTER, who had heard the talk before and remained unimpressed throughout the evening

Howard introducing Geoff Cope to about 130 members and guests. On arriving members were handed a questionnaire, to ascertain the views of our members regarding, the possibility of a lunch time meeting, with the addition of food. The results will be made known and your committee, will discuss the matter in full, at the next committee meeting in January. Howard told us that Geoff had a career spanning 14 years, from 1966 until 1980, with Yorkshire county club. Howard then told the audience that on Geoff’s test debut, he took a hat trick, which at the end of the evening, gave Robin Whait, the chance to recall, this event with Geoff. Much to Geoff’s regret, the then captain, Mike Brearley, decided that, he wold not claim the catch, and recalled the batsman back to the crease. Geoff told us that Mike Brearley, had said that, for the sake of the test series, he needed to withdraw his appeal for a catch.

Robin asking about the hat trick ball good to see my mates on the front row enjoying Geoff’s talk See what I mean, Alan is still smiling

One man who does often go unnoticed is John Stew, the catering manager at Grace Road, it’s thanks to John and his staff, that we have the venue, set-up, warm and ready for our meetings on cold winter nights.

everyone intent on what Geoff is saying, he spoke for almost an hour and a quarter, with much recourse to his notes.

Geoff started his talk by saying, Good Eveing Ladies and Gentlemen, well with my eyesight, I presume there are ladies, the good news is, I found the right place to speak. This opening made sure, that he had won over the LCS audience, for the rest of the evening.

As always many thanks to everyone who brought items for the raffle, in particular, I would like to thank the gentleman who brought along the item on the left hand side of the table, this prize would have graced any prize draw. With your continuous support, another £120 was put into the funds. Your generous backing of the raffle, enables Roger Stead, to keep bringing fantastic speakers to Grace rd. I can report the “Arts and Crafts” “STYLE” magazine rack was won, however the lucky ticket holder refused publicity. Geoff in full flow, telling us about spin bowling. In Howard’s introduction, he said that twice, in 1972 then again in 1978, that Geoff, had had to remodel his action, after suspension by the cricketing authorities.

here Geoff is talking with great passion, about the coach and mentor, Johnny Wardle, who worked hard on remodelling his action. Geoff said he ended up calling Wardle “DAD”.

We made certain that Lester had some water, but as you can see, he was still not interested.

Geoff started by telling us, that his cricket career got underway, at junior school, with a headmaster by the name of Ernest Smelt, and a sports teacher by the name of Ken Fletcher. With his Mum and Dad, these were the people who set him on the way to playing first class cricket for Yorkshire. He went on to talk about Arthur “Ticker” Mitchell, who was the county head coach at this time.

everyone interested in Geoff’s talk, the guy on the very end of the front row, John Evans, comes all the way from Nottingham to our meetings, we must be getting it right.

Geoff talking about his first encounter with F.S. “Fiery Fred” Trueman

a story about steak and kidney pie, rich onion gravy and Trueman’s and Cope’s plan, how to bowl, Milburn and Northants out.

Geoff went on to talk about the “Brains Trust” as he called it, he said when you have, Close, Illingworth, Binks and Trueman, in the dressing room you know its “som’ert special”. In March 2019, Geoff was elected to be President of Yorkshire County Cricket Club. One question asked during the Q&A was, as a Yorkshire man and cricketer, what was it like to be chosen for this high office. Here Geoff is telling us of the immense pride, he felt at being selected to this position.

Lester ended the evening has he had begun with a nap I will end with this, Geoff Cope has collected over £200,000 for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Treasurer Robin Whait gave the formal vote of thanks on behalf of the LCS members

Our next meeting is just before Christmas, on Thursday 12th December, when

ex Warwickshire CEO Colin Povey will be our guest speaker.

Phil Veasey

On behalf of the LCS committee