Technology Induced Change in Film/Television Distribution Jon Chang Kai-Wei Chang Jason Chu Yunchong Lee Yan Zhao

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Technology Induced Change in Film/Television Distribution Jon Chang Kai-Wei Chang Jason Chu Yunchong Lee Yan Zhao Technology Induced Change in Film/Television Distribution Jon Chang Kai-Wei Chang Jason Chu Yunchong Lee Yan Zhao* June 2, 2003 *This paper was written as part of the Applied Management Research requirement for the junior authors, at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. The research was supervised by Prof. Uday S. Karmarkar who also participated in the study, and was part of the Business and Information Technologies (BIT) project being conducted at the Center for Management in the Information Economy (CMIE). The Business and Information Technologies (BIT) Research Project The Center for Management in the Information Economy (CMIE) The Anderson School of Management at UCLA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 1 3 Scope of Analysis............................................................................................................................ 1 4 Research Methodology .................................................................................................................... 2 5 Motion Picture Industry................................................................................................................... 3 5.1 Industry Structure.............................................................................................................................................................................3 5.2 Production.........................................................................................................................................................................................3 5.3 Window Release Distribution .........................................................................................................................................................4 6 The Value Chain ............................................................................................................................. 6 7 Technology Drivers in Changing the Consumer Entertainment Experience....................................... 7 7.1 Bandwidth – Faster Delivery and More Choices ...........................................................................................................................7 7.2 Mobility – Wireless broadband.......................................................................................................................................................7 7.3 Video Compression..........................................................................................................................................................................7 7.4 Processing Power .............................................................................................................................................................................8 7.5 Storage ..............................................................................................................................................................................................8 7.6 Applying Technology Drivers to Consumer Benefits ...................................................................................................................8 8 The Emergence of Digital Cinema in Theatre Exhibition................................................................ 11 8.1 Film Exhibition ..............................................................................................................................................................................12 8.2 The 35mm Film Format.................................................................................................................................................................14 8.3 Digital Cinema Technology ..........................................................................................................................................................16 8.4 Digital Cinema Value Analysis.....................................................................................................................................................18 8.5 Necessary Conditions to Induce Change ......................................................................................................................................21 9 VOD and the Cable/Satellite Industry Battle .................................................................................. 24 9.1 VOD Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................................................................26 9.2 Factors to VOD Deployment.........................................................................................................................................................27 9.3 Satellite Competition .....................................................................................................................................................................28 9.4 VOD Content Acquisition .............................................................................................................................................................30 9.5 Projected VOD Platform Winner..................................................................................................................................................31 9.6 VOD Summary...............................................................................................................................................................................32 10 Presence of PVR as a Disruptive Device ........................................................................................ 32 10.1 PVR Technology......................................................................................................................................................................33 10.2 Economics ................................................................................................................................................................................33 10.3 PVR Providers & Business Models........................................................................................................................................34 10.4 Summary of PVR Adoption Dynamics ..................................................................................................................................38 11 HDTV........................................................................................................................................... 38 11.1 Technology Attributes .............................................................................................................................................................39 11.2 HDTV Standards......................................................................................................................................................................40 11.3 Evolution of HDTV .................................................................................................................................................................40 11.4 HDTV Value Chain Impact.....................................................................................................................................................41 11.5 Summary of Video Distribution to Theatres and Homes ......................................................................................................41 12 Emerging Mobility ........................................................................................................................ 42 12.1 Technology Overview .............................................................................................................................................................42 12.2 Content – Value Proposition and Costs..................................................................................................................................46 12.3 Incentives & Economics across the Wireless Value Chain...................................................................................................49 12.4 Ways to the Future –Recommendations.................................................................................................................................58 13 Final Research Conclusions across the Entertainment Value Chain................................................. 59 13.1 Digital Cinema Findings .........................................................................................................................................................60 13.2 Implications of VOD and the Cable/Satellite Battle..............................................................................................................61 13.3 New Business Models Upon Wide Adoption of PVR...........................................................................................................64 13.4 VOWD Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................................65 14 Closing Remarks........................................................................................................................... 66 15 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 67 15.1 Research Reports
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