contact info GREECE Enterprise Greece S.A 109 Vasilisis Sophias Avenue 115 21, Athens T + 30 210 3355700 F +30 210 3242079
[email protected] FRANCE Embassy of Greece Commercial Section 17, Rue Auguste Vacquerie 75116, Paris T +331 47202660, 4709215 F +331 40701904 E
[email protected] SIAL Paris 2018 Message from the Chairman and CEO Enterprise Greece, the national invest and trade agency of Greece, is proud to welcome visitors from all corners of the world to SIAL Paris 2018. Greek food, the essence of the Mediterranean diet, has been recognized internationally for its healthful properties, fresh ingredients, and intense avours. Our exhibitors represent all regions of Greece with PGI and PDO labels for many of their ne products. Whenever you buy Greek food you are investing in taste, quality and the good life. Our message is an open invitation to food traders and industry profession- als to join us in this growth market that offers great potential for development and expansion. We invite you to invest in taste with us, in Halls 2, 7, 5A, B,& C where our exhibi- tors will showcase their nest Mediterranean products, as only Greece can. We, at Enterprise Greece, encourage you to meet with our exhibitors and become a part of this global business movement which is investing in the world’s favourite food. Grigoris Stergioulis Chairman and CEO “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Hippocrates 460 BC- 370 BC Find us at Halls oor plan Paris Porte Maillot 2.5A .5B .5C .7 1 Visitors’ car park