ANEMONES COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION Aggregating Anemone Anthopleura elegantissma Mid/Low Many small anemones clustered together; pale green tentacles

Giant Green Anemone Anthopleura Low Solitary and xanthogrammica large; emerald green

WORMS COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION Sand-Castle Worm Phragmatopoma Low Tubes made of californica sand; tubes form honeycomb shape; lavender tentacles

CHITONS COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION Spiny Chiton Nuttallina sp. Mid Black/dark brown w/ white stripes; girdle has bristles

Hartweg’s Chiton Lepidochitona Mid Olive green with hartwegii (under brown stripes; algae) girdle is banded and smooth

SNAILS: COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION Eroded periwinkle Littorina keenae High Shell: small, smooth, conical, brownish to nearly black

Black Turban Snail funebralis Mid/Low Shell: mostly black w/ etched band on middle

Speckled Turban Snail Tegula gallina Mid/Low Shell: dark w/ checkered pattern Guilded Turban Snail Tegula aureontincta Mid/Low Shell: larger w/ orange (hole) Beaded Turban Snail Tegula eiseni Mid/Low Shell: smaller w/ white umbilicus (hole) Norris’ Top Snail Norrisia norrisi Low Shell: smooth, orange w/ green umbilicus (hole); bright red foot

NUDIBRANCHS COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION California Sea Hare Aplysia californica Low No shell, red/purple color, in tide pools or within Hopkin’s Rose Hopkinsia rosacea Low No shell, deep rosy pink w/ finger-like projections covering body

Spanish Shawl Flabellina iodinea Low No shell, body is deep purple with orange finger-like projections on back

LIMPETS COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION Rough Lottia scabra High/Mid Shell: low (point), heavily ribbed with scalloped margin; dark dots on side of foot Shield Limpet Lottia pelta Mid/Low Shell: tall apex, smooth; white foot Owl Limpet Lottia gigantea Mid Shell: largest of the , low apex near front; light orange foot File Limpet Lottia limatula Mid/Low Shell: low apex, fine, radial ribs; fine parallel dark lines on side of foot Fingered Limpet Lottia digitalis Upper Shell: apex at front, strong, radiating ribs, chevron patterns Volcano Limpet Fissurella volcano Mid/Low Shell: small in size, hole in apex, red stripes

Giant Keyhole Limpet Megathura crenulata Low Shell: large in size, hole in apex, large, black foot

MUSSELS COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION California Mussel Mytilus californianus Mid Blue/black streaked with brown; ridges

BARNACLES: COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION Little Brown Barnacle Chthamalus dalli High Smooth round (small acorn barnacles) margin. Smooth Chthamalus fissus brownish plates Irregular margin. White plates. Rough Large Acorn Barnacle Balanus glandula High/Mid Larger in size than Chthamalus

Brick red and volcano shaped; ridged Red Thatched Barnacle Tetraclita rubescens Low or thatched in appearance Gooseneck Barnacle Pollicipes polymerus Mid/Low Stalked with white plates

CRABS COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION Blueband Hermit Crab Pagurus samuelis Mid (in Bright blue bands tidepools) circle walking legs. Red antennae

Hairy Hermit Crab Pagurus hirsutiuculus Mid (in White bands on walking legs; brown tidepools) antennae with bands Striped Shore Crab: Pachygrapsus crassipes High/Mid Reddish purple with green and black stripes across front

SEASTARS & SEA URCHINS COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE DESCRIPTION Ochre Seastar Pisaster ochraceus Low Can be purple, orange, or brownish red; 5 arms

Purple Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus Low Purple with short purpuratus spines



Sea Staghorn (Dead Codium fragile Low Man’s Fingers)

BROWN ALGAE COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE Sea Cauliflower Leathesia difformis Mid

Banded Tidepool Zonaria farlowii Low Fan

Feather Boa Kelp Egregia menziesii Low

Double Eisenia arborea Low Pompom Kelp (Southern Sea Palm)

Spindle-Shaped Pelvetia fastigiata (old name); Mid Rockweed Silvetia compressa (current name)

Sargassum Sargassum muticum Low

RED ALGAE COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE Encrusting Coralline Lithothamnion sp. Mid/Low Algae

Stone Hair Lithothrix aspergillum MidLow

Tidepool Coralline Corallina chilensis Mid/Low Algae

Nail Brush Endocladia muricata High


COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ZONE Surf-Grass Phyllospadix sp. Low