11 ÷ªÙÞœüŒî¦ô¢Ù 4 íƇvñ÷J 2020 email:
[email protected] Ecology and Environment 8 Marks Question Largest zone of the Lake is? 1. Describe lake as an ecosystem giving H Still deeper are the submerged plants such examples for the various zones and the 4 Marks Questions as Limmetic biotic components in it? ⎯→ Hydrilla Zone 1. What is summer stratification? Explain. A. Lake eco system: To understand the funda- ⎯→ Chara Littoral A: During summer in temperature lakes, the ⏐ Zone mentals of an aquatic ecosystem, let us take density of the surface water decreases ⎯→ Potamogeton a 'lake' as an example. This is fairly a self- H because of increase in its temperature sustainable unit and rather a simple exam- The free bloating vegetation includes ° ⎯→ (21-25 C). This ‘upper more warm water ple that explains even the complex interac- Pistia layer’ of a lake is called epilimnion. ⎯→ tions that exists in an aquatic ecosystem. Wolffia Profundal Below the epilimnion there is a zone in Lake Ecosystem Zone Lakes are large inland water bodies con- ⎯→ Lemna (duck weed) which the temperature decreases at the taining standing/ still water. They are deeper ⏐⎯→ Azolla rate of 1°C per meter in depth and it is than ponds (pond is not an ideal example as it ⎯→ Eclihornia Target-2020 called thermocline / metalimnion. The is very shallow). Most lakes contain water H The phytoplankton of the littoral zone bottom layer is the hypolimnion where throughout the year. In deep lakes, light can- → cosinodisus Junior Inter water is relatively cool. Stagnant and not penetrate more than 200 meters, in depth.