
J. Field Ornithol., 68(3):400-412


GARY VOELKER BurkeMuseum and Departmentof Zoology Box 353010 Universityof Washington Seattle,Washington 98195 USA

Abstract.--Molt-datafrom museumspecimens of Arctic (Sternaparadisaea) were an- alyzedand consideredin relationto other life-historyaspects. Differences in shapeand color of outer tail featherswere reliable indicatorsof age class,allowing second-year to be distinguishedfrom third-yearbirds, and second-and third-yearbirds from after-third-year birds. No differencesin molt pattern were found betweensubadult age classes,or between subadultand adult age classes.The duration of primary molt wasestimated at 99 d for adults and 221 d for subadults.This differencein time allottedto molt probablyresults from con- straintsimposed on adultsby migrationand breeding.Adults replace all their flight feathers on the winteringgrounds, whereas subadults often completethis molt in tropicallatitudes where they summer.Arctic Terns appear to exhibit the secondinner primary molt featured by most other Sternaspecies.

EL CICLO DE MUDA DE PARADISAEA Y COMENTARIOS SOBRE LOS CRITERIOS PARA ASIGNAR EDADES Sinopsis.--Seanalizaron los datosde muda de especimenesde museode Sternaparadisaea y se consideraronen relaci6n a otros aspectosde su historianatural. Las diferenciasen la forma y el color de las rectricesexternas fueron indicadoresconfiables de las edades,per- mitiendoque avesdel segundoafio se puedandistinguir de avesdel tercerafio, y que aves del segundoy tercer afio se puedan distinguirde avesmayores de tres aftos.No se hallaron diferenciasen los patronesde muda entre las clasesde avessubadultas, o entre las clasesde edad adultosy subadultos.La duraci6n de la muda primaria se estim6en 99 diaspara los adultosy de 221 dias para los subadultos.Esta diferenciaen tiempo asignadoa la muda probablementeresulta de limitacionesimpuestas en los adultospot la migraci6ny la re- producci6n.Los adultosremplazan todas sus plumas de vuelo en las1ocalidades invernales, mientrasque los subadultosa menudo completanesta muda en latitudestropicales donde pasanel verano. Sternaparadisaea parece exhibir la muda de la segundaprimaria interna caracteristicade la mayoriade las otrasespecias de Sterna. The yearlyenergy budgets of birds are taxed by three major costs:molt- ing, breeding,and migrating.Although a major energeticdemand in the annual cycle (Murphy and King 1992, Murphy and Taruscio1995, Tarus- cio and Murphy 1995, Walsberg1983), molt has been little studied.This is true despite the fact that museumspecimens constitute a huge and readily availabledata set for the study of molt (Rohwer and Manning 1990). Given the metabolic, thermoregulatory,and flight costsof molt, quantitativeknowledge of molt cyclesof individual ,rather than relianceon sweepinggeneralities of patternsamong groups, is criticalto understandingthe life-historystrategies of birds.A casein point is the Arctic Tern (Sternaparadisaea). The only quantitativedata availableon the molt cycleof adultsis a descriptionof feather conditionin 15 speci- mens,just five of which were activelygrowing primaries (Stresemann and Stresemann1966). This lack of data has led to conflictingspeculations as

400 Vol.68, No. 5 ArcticTern Molt [401

to when and how long Arctic Terns molt, as well as to conflictingideas over which feather tracts are involved in each molt and how often feather tracts are replaced (Cramp 1985, Ginn and Melville 1983, Stresemann and Stresemann 1966, Watson 1975). Furthermore, based on this limited data set, it was assumedthat this speciesdid not exhibit the secondre- placement of inner primaries (b' seriesof Stresemannand Stresemann 1966) characteristicof most other Sternaspecies. This studywas undertaken to attempt to clarifyand resolvethese issues. I present data that show that Arctic Terns appear to possessa second inner primary molt; they also replace at least some crown featherstwice in one nonbreeding season,a pattern similar to other speciesin the ge- nus,but a pattern which seemsto havebeen misinterpreted.Both of these molt featuresmay have important life-historyfunctions beyond the simple need to replace worn feathers (Voelker 1996). In this paper, I seekto (1) define reliable age charactersfor placing Arctic Terns in year classesand (2) describe the molts of the Arctic Tern.

MATERIALS AND METHODS This studyis basedon 338 ArcticTern specimens:230 adult specimens and 108 sub-adultspecimens. Of these, 56 adult and 25 subadultspeci- menswere replacingflight feathers.Specimens were assembledfrom (1) major museumsfrom throughout the world, (2) museumsin countries with a history of Research,and (3) larger museumsin countries within the range of the Arctic Tern (for museumsand museum abbrevi- ations, see Acknowledgments). Scoringmolt.--Arctic Terns have 11 primariesand 18 secondaries(Ginn and Melville 1983) per wing, and 12 rectrices.Primaries were numbered P1-P10, P1 being most proximal (closest)to the body. The eleventh pri- mary is vestigial(Stresemann 1963, Stresemannand Stephan 1968), and I did not include it in this study.Secondaries were numbered S1-S18, S18 being most proximal to the body. Rectriceswere numbered R1 (in- nermost) to R6 (outermost) on each side. I determined the presenceof molting flight feathers by lifting covert featherswith forcepsand a dis- sectingprobe. A molt scorewas assignedto each flight feather (remiges and rectrices)as follows:(0) old; (1) missingor in pin; (2) opened pin to one-third grown; (3) one-third to two-thirdsgrown; (4) two-thirdsto full-grown, with sheathing; (5) full-grown, with no sheathing (Ashmole 1962, 1963, Ginn and Melville 1983). Possiblescores range from zero (all old feathers) to 340 (all new feathers). I consideredmissing or partially grownfeathers to be molting only if molt wasoccurring, or had recently been finished, in the correspondingtracts on both sidesof the body. Becausebirds tend to begin molt with primary feathers, I considered growing tail feathers that preceded initiation of primary molt to have been lost adventitiouslyunless replacement was symmetrical.I also ex- amined the head and body of each specimenfor molt, using a dissecting probe to lift feathers so I could examine feather basesand tracts,assign- ing a plus (molting) or minus (not molting) to the following regions: 402] G. Voelker J.Field Ornithol. Summer 1997

head, upperbody, and underbody. Molt terminology followsthat of Hum- phrey and Parkes (1959). I estimatedthe rate and duration of molt using Pimm's (1976) regressionmethod employingdate as the dependentvari- able and molt score as the independent variable, which providesan esti- mate of molt duration for individuals.For the regressionanalysis, collec- tion dateswere convertedto Julian dates (e.g., 1 Jan. = JD 1, 31 Dec. -- JD 365). Becausethis speciesmolts acrosstwo calendar years, I made Julian dates additive in the secondyear. Few specimenswere collected awayfrom the breeding range. To add birds from as many different datesas possible I included sevenmolt scores that are based either on birds I did not examine, or on birds with uncer- tain collection dates. I examined one (AMNH 448054) of the six speci- mens collected by the British, Australian, and Expedition; the other five are unaccountedfor (B. Gill, pers. comm.). Falla (1937) gavea descriptionof the stageof molt for all six of these specimens,and basedon my examinationof AMNH 448054 and the descriptionsgiven by Falla, I have given a molt scoreto the five missingspecimens. Because body, primary, and rectrix condition were accurately described for the specimenI examined, I scored these feathers on the unseen specimens accordingto the given descriptions.Secondaries were not described,but becauseAMNH 448054 had almost completed secondarymolt, and be- causemost molting specimensin the studyhad finished growing second- aries before primaries, I assumedthat the secondariesfor the other five subsequentlycollected specimenswere new and fully grown. Friedmann (1945) described the body and primaries of a specimen collectedby H. M. Bryant on 25 Feb. 1940; I assumedcompleted growth of both the secondaries and rectrices. The seventhscore requiring explanation was assignedto AM 22090, a specimen with no collection date and of dubious collection locality, known to have been collected by Mawson'sExpeditions to Antarctica, 1911-1914. I examined both the specimenand Mawson's(1915) accounts of his expeditions,and found that he noted the collectionof Arctic Terns on two occasions,the first being on Macquarie Island. As the collection occurred on 6 Aug. 1913 and the is heavily molting, I have ruled out Macquarie Island as the collecting site. The other bird was collected on 16 Jan. 1914, a date that, by comparison to the molt stage of other Antarctic specimensobserved in January (Zink 1981a) would fit this spec- imen. The exact collectionlocality is not listed,but on 17 Januarythe position of the expedition was 62ø21'S,95ø9'E. I have used this as its collection locality. Molt and migration.--Becausethe Arctic Tern has a circumpolarbreed- ing distribution (Cramp 1985, Harrison 1983), I consider any specimen collected at greater than 50ø North latitude to be on the breeding grounds (n = 142). Becausemost Arctic Terns are generally associated with pack ice on their wintering grounds (Cline et al. 1969, Erickson et al. 1972, Zink 1981b, but see Morant et al. 1983), and the limit of pack ice varies around Antarctica between 50ø and 60ø (Espenshade1991), I Vol.68, No. • ArcticTern Molt [403

treatedbirds from greaterthan 50ø Southlatitude as being on their win- tering grounds(n = 81). Migratory range includesany specimencollect- ed between 50ø South and 50ø North latitude (n -- 115). Ageidentification.--Subsequent to losingjuvenal ,Arctic Terns in basicplumage are difficultto assignto ageclass (Cramp 1985).Because the majority of individualsbegin breeding in their fourth or fifth year (Bianki 1977,Coulson and Horobin 1976, Cramp 1985,Horobin 1969), I sorted all specimensinto the following age classes(from Pyle et al. 1987): hatchingyear (HY), birdsin their first calendaryear; second year (SY), birds in their secondcalendar year; third year (TY), birds in their third calendaryear; and finally,after third year (ATY), anybird in at least their fourth calendaryear. Hatching year, sub-adult (SY and TY), and ATY plumagesare generallywell described(Cramp 1985, Fjelds51977, Har- rison 1983). Identification of HY birds and ATY birds is simple due to "scaling"on mostfeathers of HYbirds and lengthyouter rectricesof ATY birds.Adults in the processof replacingthe characteristicouter rectrices can be confusedwith sub-adultbirds, but they may still be identified as adultsby their lack of a carpal bar (Harrison 1983). DistinguishingSY and TY birds is difficult. These twoyear classesclosely resembleeach other year-round.To find plumagecharacters that would distinguishthese two age classes,I sortedall birds by month, identified HY and ATY birds, then evaluated several different characters that others had suggestedwere usefulin identifyingsub-adult age classes.Carpal bar (Harrison 1983) and plumage and soft part coloration (Hawksley1950, Palmer 1941) all were unreliable, but I did find a reliable difference in rectrix coloration and shape that distinguishesSY and TY birds. Addi- tionally,I measuredthe lengthof the sixthrectrix and differencebetween the lengths of the fifth and sixth rectricesfor SY, TY, and ATY birds to determine if tail morphometricsare usefulin discriminatingbetween age classes.I performed one-wayANOVA and Tukey HSD PairwisePost-hoc Comparisons(Wilkinson 1989) on thesemeasurements. I used multiple regression(analysis of covariancewith interaction; Wilkinson 1989) to determine if differencesin molt duration existedbetween these two age classes.

RESULTS Distinguishingsecond, ear from third-yearbirds.•The shapeand color of the outermostrectrices proved to be a reliableindicator of age classfor thesespecimens. During their first flight feather molt (end of HY/begin- ning of SY) birds lose their sixth rectriceswhich are short, with either both vanesmostly white (this study)or with the outer vane gray and the inner vane white (Cramp 1985), and replace them with gray feathers; theserectrices are carried during most of the SY.Both vanesof thesenew featherswere dark grayand generallytipped with a white spot.The feath- ers are alsoshaped differently than thosefound after later flight feather molts:after the first flight feather molt, sixthrectrices are wedgeshaped, after subsequentflight feather molts,sixth rectrices are narrowlytapered. 404] G. Voelker j. FieldOrnithol. Summer 1997

TABLE1. Betweenage-class comparison of tail length and differencebetween fifth and sixth rectrices. Measurements are in millimeters.

Difference between Tail length rectrices5 and 6 Age (n) • SD • SD SY (10) 136.1 7.1 32.4 6.8 TY (3) 139.6 5.4 33.8 3.6 ATY (9) 171.2 5.6 54.0 5.3

Two specimens(USNM 394707,394708) prove that the distinctivegray rectricesare acquired after the first flight feather molt. Both still retain severaljuvenal body feathers (i.e., "scaled"), but have acquired the outer rectrix shape and coloration that is carried during the secondyear. After the secondflight feather molt (end of SY/beginning of TY) birds possess sixth rectricesmore adult-like in both coloration and feather shape (little gray and tapered). The length of the sixth rectrix and the differencein lengthsof the fifth and sixth rectricesdo not significantlydiffer betweenSY and TY birds for either character (P- 0.68 and 0.93, respectively).However, both char- actersare significantlygreater in ATY than in either SY or TY birds (Ps < 0.001; Table 1). I found other potential plumage charactersused to define age classin Arctic Terns to be either ambiguous, impossibleto assesson museum specimens,or missingfrom most specimentags. I found the useof carpal bar color (Harrison 1983) and body coloration (Hawksley1950, Palmer 1941) too variable acrossSY and TY birds. I was unable, using either criterion, to place individual SY and TY birds from a given month con- sistentlyinto the same age category.While perhaps useful in the field, specimen soft part colors are typicallyuseless due to fading, and unfor- tunately these data are infrequentlyrecorded on specimentags. Naming molts.--Tomaintain a homologousnomenclature across Sterna, I have named the body molts of Arctic Terns in keeping with other pub- lished accountsof molts in Sterna (Cramp 1985, Wilds 1993). However, the flight feather molt of the Arctic Tern does not lend itself to being easilyhomologized with the flight feather molts of other Sterna.Some Sternaspecies breeding in the northern hemisphere initiate a second primary molt after, or simultaneouslywith, the completion of the initial replacement of all primaries (Stresemannand Stresemann1966). Al- though the Arctic Tern also exhibits this pattern (see below), the timing of the molts compared to other species(see Cramp 1985) is not homol- ogous.Still other Sternaspecies do not exhibit this pattern of primary replacement. Maintaining homologies is difficult, and therefore flight feather data are presentedseparately from prebasicand prealternatebody molt data. Prebasicbody molts.--I found only two HY birds that were replacing Vol.68, No. 3 ArcticTern Molt [405 some body feathers,both collected in November,and speculatethat they are beginning first prebasicbody molt. Although this requiresverification if and when more material become available, Arctic Terns as well as other tern specieshave been observedreplacing juvenal body plumage (i.e., in first prebasicmolt) as early as October (Cramp 1985, Wilds 1993). Iden- tification of this molt as the first prebasicbody molt allowsme to maintain homologiesfor later molts. The first prebasicbody molt shouldbe a com- plete body molt which causesa conspicuouschange in appearanceby replacing the "scaled"juvenal plumagewith subadultplumage. I found six SY specimensundergoing secondprebasic body molt, and two TY specimensundergoing third prebasicbody molt. Molt occurson the head, upperparts, and underparts, and imparts no overall change in aspect.Of theseeight birds, four were collectedon the breeding grounds and four within the migratory range, all betweenJuly and September. The definitive prebasicbody molt has historicallybeen deemed a com- plete molt of the head, upperparts,and underparts (Cramp 1985). In the resulting plumage, ATY birds supposedlydisplayed a white crown and underparts, fresh gray upperparts, and perhaps some new rectrices. I found no evidenceto support this. I examined no adult specimenswith a completelywhite crown, or with completelywhite underparts.Instead, this molt servesprimarily to "motile" the crown and, to a lesserextent, suffuse the underparts with a varying number of white feathers. The crown remains predominantlyblack, the body predominantlygray. The most noticeable difference between definitive basic and definitive alter- nate crown is coloration: definitive basic crown plumage in- cludes a scatteringof white feathers in an otherwise black crown that is strikingly different from the solid black crown of the definitive alternate crown plumage. I found no black feathers being grown in the crown during this molt. The definitive prebasicbody molt occursbetween June and November, predominantlyon the breeding grounds.Of the 31 specimenscollected during southwardmigration, 68% had completeddefinitive prebasic body molt, 13% were activelymolting, and 19% had not yet initiated molt. Prealternatebody molts.-•l head, upperbody,and underbody feathers are replaced during thesemolts. First and secondprealternate body molts occur in conjunction with the first and second flight feather molts, re- spectively(Table 2); there is no significant overall change in body plum- age appearance. Given that SY and TY birds have no fixed movement pattern (Morant et al. 1983), these molts can begin on the wintering groundsor in the migratory range, and be completedin either of these regions as well. Definitive prealternatemolt is a completemolt of the head, upperbody, and underbody,that resultsin the black cap and gray upper- and under- parts of breeding birds. This molt occursin conjunctionwith the defini- tive flight feather molt (Table 2) on the wintering grounds. Flightfeather molts.•Arctic Terns initiate flight feather molt for the first time in their life while still in their HY and complete this molt early in 406] G. Voelker J.Field Ornithol. Summer 1997

TABLE2. Number of SY,TY, and ATY specimensmolting variousfeathers by month. Num- bers in parenthesesin rowsdenoting flight feather molt indicatethat only rectrix molt is occurring, dashesindicate no specimensin that category.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Body + flight feathers SY 2 o o o -- (5) o TY 1 4 1 + (1) 2 (6) (1) ATY 6 42 2 + (6) 0 0 (2) Flight feathers only SY -- 1 0 0 -- 0 TY 0 1 1 (1) ATY 0 0 0 0 Body only SY 0 2 2 2 0 TY 0 1 0 0 0 ATY 1 2 11 10 4 None SY 1 -- 0 0 1 4 4 2 1 7 9 1 TY 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ATY 0 1 4 20 47 37 21 1 2 2 0 No molt, but mottled crown ATY -- 1 3 6 1

their SY. Their secondflight feather molt is initiated at the end of their SY and completed in the beginning of their TY. Definitive flight feather molt occursin birds completing their TY and beginning their fourth year (ATY), and in all subsequentcalendar year boundaries.All ATY speci- mens in flight feather molt where collectedon the wintering grounds,as were all subadultswhich were replacing primaries. Eleven subadultscol- lected in the migratory range where still replacing rectrices. I wasunable, given the low samplesizes of molting subadultsavailable, to detect any differencesbetween the sequenceor extent of primary re- placementin first, second,and definitive flight feather molts, and so pres- ent these data together. Primaries are replaced distallyfrom at least P6 to P10, as evidencedby the fact that in all but four cases(which indicate a specialmolt pattern, and are discussedelsewhere) any given proximal feather is alwaysfurther along in the molt replacement processthan is the next most distal feather. I found no specimensmolting P1-P5, so neither the direction of replacement (distallyor proximally), nor whether P1-P5 form part of the samemolt seriesas P6-P10 can be inferred. How- ever, P1-P5 were in all instancesnew featherson specimensmolting P6- P10, and limited data on other Sternaspecies indicated that primariesare replaced from P1-P10 (Stresemannand Stresemann 1966). However, in severalspecies of albatross,P1-P5 and P6-P10 molt accordingto different rules, and in different directions (Langstonand Rohwer 1995). One subadultArctic Tern specimen (NMCAN 60245) has P2-P8 -- 5, P9 = 4, P10 = 3, and, surprisingly,P1 = 1. Since P2-P8 are new, this specimen along with three adult specimensexhibiting the same pattern (NMCAN 60244, 60246, USNM 536538), shows that at least some Arctic Vol.68, No. 3 ArcticTern Molt [407

TABLE3. Relationshipsaxnong secondary feathers for all specixnensactively replacing sec- ondaries (left wing only; S18 = closestto body).

Secondarynumber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Next most proximal Ion- ger/More fully grown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 30 10 3 0 0 -- Next most distallonger/ More fully grown -- 1 2 3 4 4 6 9 14 22 26 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Both adjacentlonger/ More fully grown -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 36 0 0 0 0 0 --

Terns exhibit the secondinner primary molt (SIPM) displayedby many other speciesof Sterna (Cramp 1985, Stresemannand Stresemann1966 and referencestherein). That a SIPM in Arctic Terns hasgone unnoticed is becauseit overlapsin time with the molt of the outermostprimaries and, thus, doesnot result in inner primariesappearing fresher than outer primaries. One subadultspecimen (BM[NH] 44.1.1829) from the wintering range was in flight feather molt, but not body molt, had nearly completed sec- ondary molt, and just begun rectrix molt. This bird has delayedprimary molt to suchan extent that P1-P7 are growingsimultaneously, and are all approximatelythe samelength (all category2); P8-P10 haveyet to be dropped. This condition has been documentedon severaloccasions (Par- melee 1977). Secondariesare replaced bidirectionally. Sll is part of an outer sec- ondary series(S1-Sll) that is replaced proximally;S12 is part of an inner series (S14-S12) that is replaced distally (Table 3). Although data from Table 3 suggestthat S15 is part of the S14-S12 series,an open-wingdia- gram in Bierman and Voous (1950) indicates that it is likely the first feather to be replaced in a proximally replaced seriesS15-S18. S12 is most often the last secondaryto be replaced as evidencedby specimens having feathersadjacent to S12 more fully grown. Therefore, the inner seriesof secondariestypically finishes replacing feathers last, with one exceptionwhere Sll wasstill growingand S12 wasmore fully grown (Ta- ble 3). I have no specimensto verify the directionof replacementof some secondaries (S16-S18; but see Bierman and Voous 1950). The sequenceof rectrix replacementvaries among individuals.In cases where I could infer which rectrix would have been the last to reach full growth R6 wastypically the last to complete growth (n = 40) and R5 next most frequent (n = 18). OccasionallyR2 (n = 6) or R1 (n = 3) would have been last. Although subadultrectrices are often being replaced in June, along with somebody molt (Table 2), they are not part of a second limited tail molt as has been inferred (Cramp 1985, Ginn and Melville 1983), becausethere are no apparent wear differencesas would be ex- pected if they were replaced later. Adults are alsofrequently still molting 408] G. Voelher J.Field Ornithol. Summer 1997

14 JUL ......

15MAY O • 16MAR

ø15 JAN f 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 MOLT SCORE

FIGUREl. Regressionestimating duration of first and secondflight feather molts.

rectricesand body feathers after completing the primary and secondary series (Table 2). This is clearly a completion of the flight feather molt and prealternate body molt, rather than a distinct, limited molt of the tail and body feathers. In order to derive some estimate of molt duration, I made two assump- tions about primary replacementin Arctic Terns. I assumedthat P1-P5 are replaced distallyfrom P1 and that P1-P10 form a single seriesand are molted successivelyfrom P1. This is consistentwith other Sterna. Multiple regressionindicated molt score to be a significantpredictor of date (F1,26= 12.02, P = .0018) for birds in first and second flight feather molt, but the difference between these age classesis not signifi- cant (F2.24-- 1.13, P > 0.05). The regressionestimate gives average flight feather molt initiation date for SY and TY birds as 8 October, and the averagecompletion date as 17 May, with a duration of 221 days(Fig. 1). The regressionestimate for ATY birds gave an averageinitiation date of 20 November,and averagecompletion date of 27 February(99 days;Fig. 2).

5APR y= .29x +3•:3.59, •2 .21 O •

, fl: o½ 6MAR o oo O o •4 FEB n • 0 0 0 '•' 0 0 5 JAN 200' 2•0' 2,•0' 2•0- 2•0' 3•0- 3•0' 340 MOLT SCORE

FIGURE2. Regressionestimating duration of definitive flight feather molt. Vol.68, No. 3 ArcticTern Molt [409


Although I examined 20 HY specimenscollected either on the breed- ing grounds or within the migratory range, none of these specimenshad as yet begun the first flight feather molt. Based on the initiation dates derived from the regression (Fig. 1), at least some of these birds could have been expectedto be exhibiting flight feather molt. That none does suggeststhat HY Arctic Terns probably do not start flight feather molt before reaching the wintering grounds. At least some subadultsare known to accompanyadults into the win- tering grounds(Cramp 1985, Parmelee 1977; this study,USNM 394707, 394708), and adult birds are known to havereached pack ice as earlyas October (Cramp 1985). Therefore, a delayed or protracted migration period may have created a delayin the molt for thosespecimens collected after 8 October but not yet on the wintering grounds.A delayedor pro- tracted migration period may also explain why some subadultbirds have been observedreplacing a large number of primariesat once (Parmelee 1977; this study,BM[NH] 44.1.1829).Delays in reachingthe wintering groundswould reduce the time availablefor molt and so predictivecue (s) for regulatingthe end of molt (Hahn et al. 1992) might necessarilyhave forced more feathers to be replaced at once. Experimental manipulation of environmental factors has been shown to decrease the interval between the molting of primaries and to increasethe rate of replacement (Chit- gren 1978, Moore et at. 1982). This would suggestthat subadultsmay be energeticallyincapable of replacing all flight feather tractsconcurrently, and must instead replace them sequentially.If tractsare replaced sequen- tially by subadults,this would serveto explainwhy rectricesare stillbeing replacedwell into June (Table 2). While it seemsfirst flight feather molt is not initiated until HY birds reach the wintering grounds,banding recordsindicate that subadultscan be found year-roundoff the coastsof South America and (Cramp 1985, Morant et at. 1983) making it unclear as to whether or not individ- uals actuallyreturn to the wintering groundsbefore initiating the second flight feather molt. Although all subadultsin the early stagesof flight feather molt where found in the wintering range, it appearsthat at least somebirds leave the wintering groundsprior to completingflight feather molt (Table 2; all June specimensstill molting rectriceswere collectedin the migratory range). Becausesubadults are estimatedto begin molt so much earlier than adults,and take twice the time to replace flight feath- ers, subadultsmay be under lesstime constraint to molt flight feathers than adults (due to the time involvedin breeding and migration). Adult Arctic Terns reach the wintering groundsbefore beginningflight feather molt. With individualsarriving on the wintering groundsas early as October, and leavingon northward migration asearly asMarch (Cramp 1985), the molt duration estimate of just over three months, which is certainly skeweddue to few data points from early in the molt period, 410] G. Voelher j. FieldOrnithol. Summer 1997 neverthelessfits well within estimatesof the up to eight months being spent in migration and breeding efforts. Despite the limited time available to molt, several specimenswere found to be undergoing the secondinner primary molt exhibited by most Sternaspecies (Cramp 1985, Stresemannand Stresemann1966). Differ- ential wear such that inner primaries become more worn than outer pri- marieshas been argued as the reasonfor the two moltsof inner primaries (Stresemannand Stresemann 1966). Given that only a few months are spentmolting, it is unlikely that Arctic Terns replace inner primariestwice on the wintering grounds due to wear. Indeed, if differential wear were driving two primary molts in this genus,we should expect that the outer not inner primaries should be replaced twice becauseouter primaries wear more quickly (Jenniand Winkler 1994, Langstonand Rohwer1995). If this pattern of replacementis widespreadin Arctic Terns, it hasgone unnoticed due to two factors. First, Arctic Terns do not molt some num- ber of inner primarieswhile still on the breeding grounds,as many other speciesof Sternado (Cramp 1985, Stresemannand Stresemann1966). Second, the secondreplacement occursso quickly,in fact overlappingin time the end of the first replacement, that no color contrast is evident between inner and outer primaries, as is easilyvisible on breeding indi- viduals of other species.If this color contrastis a measure of quality for mate choice in those speciesthat exhibit it (Voelker, submitted manu- script), then the inability of Arctic Terns to expressthis signalmight be due to time constraintsimposed by the length of breeding and migratory periods. Indeed, Arctic Terns may be phylogeneticallyconstrained to fea- ture such a molt; alternatively, the contrast may have been suppressed recently,as the length of migration increasedfollowing range expansion into higher latitudes following the most recent glacial retreats in the northern hemisphere.Also interestingis the head molt pattern displayed by this species.Data presentedhere indicate that the prebasichead molt is a partial molt, wherein only a limited number of black crown feathers are replaced by white feathers, while the prealternate head molt seems complete with all crown feathers replaced with new black feathers. This finding contradictsprevious accounts, which imply that the head molt is complete (e.g., Cramp 1985). Becausemost tern speciescarry a mottled crown in basic (nonbreeding) plumage (see Harrison 1983), we should, if previousaccounts are correct,find birds collectedin migrationor short- ly thereafter that are replacing both black and white feathers on their heads. This would indicate that the head molt was complete. If other Sternaachieve a mottled crown in the same way that Arctic Terns seem to, we should only find white feathers being grown after breeding. Re- gardlessof how the pattern of crown feather replacement is achieved,the mottled crown effect has interestingimplications for the function of the nonbreeding crown plumage in terns (Voelker 1996).

ACKNOgVLEDGMENTS I am gratefulto D. E Parmeleefor inspiringboth thisproject and my interestin collections. S. Rohwerprovided invaluable guidance throughout all phasesof the study,without which Vol.68, No. 3 ArcticTern Molt [411 my abilityto interpret molt in the larger context of life-historywould havebeen undeveloped. I wassupported by a Burke MuseumEddy GraduateFellowship during portionsof this pro- ject. J. Broughton,N. Hillgarth, R. Huey, N. Langston,M. Leu, G. Orians,T. Slagsvoid,and C. Thompsoncontributed many helpful and insightfulcomments on the manuscript.The manuscriptbenefitted immenselyfrom discussionswith C. Wilds.J. Herron helped with the statistics.I am grateful to the followingmuseums and their curators,collections managers and staff for the loan of Arctic Tern specimensunder their care: Academyof Natural Sci- ences, Philadelphia,American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), AustralianMuseum (AM), BritishMuseum (Natural History) (BM[NH]), CanadianNational Museumof Natural Sciences(NMCAN), Durban Museum (South Africa), East London Museum (South Africa), Institut Royal des SciencesNaturelies (Belgium), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County,Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science,Museum Alexander Koenig (Bonn), Museum of ComparativeZoology, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelie (Paris), Universityof KansasMuseum of Natural History,University of MichiganMuseum of Zoology, Museumof VertebrateZoology, National Museum of Victoria (),National Museum of New Zealand,San Diego Societyof Natural History,National Museumsof Scotland,Queen Victoria Museum(Australia), Naturmuseum Senckenberg (Frankfurt), SouthAfrican Muse- um, South Australian Museum, TransvaalMuseum, Universityof Nevada at Las Vegas,U.S. National Museum of Natural History (USNM), Universityof WashingtonBurke Museum, WesternFoundation of VertebrateZoology, Zoologisk Museum (Copenhagen).


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