journal of pentecostal theology 27 (2018) 245-258 Hannah at Pentecost On Recognizing Spirit Phenomena in Early Jewish Literature Reed Carlson1 Harvard University, Cambridge, usa
[email protected] Abstract This essay argues that Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel 1–2 is an example of a ‘spirit phenom- enon’ in the Hebrew Bible. The story displays an uncanny sensitivity to Hannah’s psy- chological state, which is consistent with how spirit language is used as self-language in biblical literature. Hannah describes herself as a ‘woman of hard spirit’ (1 Sam. 1.15) and engages in a kind of trance, which is disruptive enough to draw the attention of Eli. Through inner-biblical allusion and intentional alterations in the Old Greek and Dead Sea Scroll versions of 1 Samuel, Hannah comes to be associated with other prophetic women in biblical literature. Several Second Temple Jewish interpreters read Hannah as a prophetess and as a practitioner of spirit ecstasy, culminating in Philo’s associa- tion of Hannah with Bacchic possession and in Hannah’s experience at Shiloh serving as a model for Pentecost in the book of Acts. Keywords spirits – possession – ecstasy – prophecy – Philo – intertextuality For readers of a certain temperament, there are few stories in the Hebrew Bible that engender as much pathos as that of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1–2. Its brevity and terseness seem devised specifically to emphasize Hannah’s own feelings of insecurity, isolation, and desperation. In contrast to the sweeping narratives of national conflict that will follow in the books of Samuel, Hannah’s struggle is conspicuous for its plainness and universality.