English Class V Lesson-4 The Story of A. Hard Words: 1. cellar 2. grumble 3. personage 4. ridiculous 5. stockings 6. scholar 7. gracious 8. twitching

B. Word meanings: 1. cellar: a room below ground level in the house 2. lame: unable to walk properly due to an injury 3. grumble: complain in an annoyed way 4. personage: person 5. parson: a member of the clergy 6. stockings: long socks worn by men 7. round about: in all directions 8. butcher: a person who sells meat in a shop

Read and Write A. Choose the correct option. 1. The title ‘M.D’ meant that John Dolittle was a proper b) doctor 2. People thought Dolittle to be a clever man when they saw him walking down the street in his high hat. c) clever 3. John’s sister , Sarah Dolittle , was housekeeper for him. a) housekeeper 4. The doctor kept many kinds of pets. b) pets 5. Jip was the name of the doctor’s dog. a) dog 6. Sarah thought that all the animals made the house untidy. a) untidy

B. Answer these questions. 1. Describe the Doctor’s pet? Ans: The Doctor’s pet were Dab-Dab the duck, Jip the dog, Gub-Gub the baby pig, Polynesia the parrot and the owl Too-Too. 2. What did Sarah use to grumble about? Ans: Sarah used to grumble about all the pet animals as they made the house untidy. 3.What happened when an old lady with rheumatism came to see the doctor? Ans: The old lady with rheumatism sat on the hedgehog who was sleeping on the sofa when she came to see the doctor. 4. Why had people stopped coming to consult the doctor? Ans: The people stopped coming to consult the doctor because he had a lot of pet animals. 5. What did the people say to each other when they saw the doctor after he had become poor? How did the animals and children behave with him? Ans: People said “There goes John Dolittle , M.D! There was a time when he was the best known doctor in the West country- Look at him now – He hasn’t any money and his stockings are full of holes!” But the dogs and the cats and the children still ran up and followed him through the town. 6. What suggestion did Cat’s-meat-Man give to the doctor? Why did he say so? Ans: The suggestion that the cat-meat-an gave to the doctor was that he should become a animal doctor because he knows more about the animals then the vets in the city. 7. What did Polynesia say about the other animal-doctors? Ans: Polynesia said that none of the other animal-doctors are good at all. 8. Who told everyone that John Dolittle had become an animal doctor? What happened then? Ans: Cat’s-meat-Man told everyone that John Dolittle had become an animal doctor. The old ladies began to bring their pet pugs and poodles who had eaten too much cake and farmers came many miles to show him sick cows and sheep.

C. Answer with reference to context. 1. ‘And she read your book to me’. a) Who is the speaker? Ans: iii) Cat’s-meat-Man b) Who is ‘she’ in the above line? What does the speaker think of it? Ans: ‘She’ in the above line is Cat’s-meat-Man’s wife. The speaker thought that she is a scholar. c) What was the book about? What did the speaker think of it? Ans: The book was about cat’s. The speaker thought it was wonderful book. 2. ‘Looks to me though he were scratching his ear’. a) Who said this to whom? Ans: John Doliitle said to Polynesia the parrot. b) Who is ‘he’ in the above lines? Ans In the above lines ‘he’ is Jip the dog. c) What did the listener say then? Ans: The listener said that animal’s don’t always speak with their mouths. They talk with their feet, ears, tails -with everything. d) After a while , what did the speaker learn with the listener’s help? Ans : After a while the speaker learnt the language of the animals.

Grammar: There are four kind of sentences. They are: affirmative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory. You have learnt about this in your previous class. A. Identify these sentences: 1. What will you do during the holidays? Interrogative 2. Tim knows what he will be wearing to the party. Affirmative 3. What a wonderful painting Sheetal has drawn! Exclamatory Homework: 4. Please tell me what would you like to have with your tea, 5. You need to figure out how to solve it by tomorrow. 6. How soft and moist the cake is! 7. Rajeev has been thinking of how he can save more money. 8. How are your pets doing?