Japanese Golden Eagle Conservation Science: Current Status and Future Needs
Review article Conservation Japanese Golden Eagle Conservation Science: Current Status and Future Needs Rob OGDEN1 )* , Tomokazu FUKUDA2 )* , Takayuki FUNO3 )* , Mamoru KOMATSU4 )* , Taku MAEDA5 )* , Anna MEREDITH1, 6)*, Masaya MIURA4 )* , Haruki NATSUKAWA7)*, Manabu ONUMA8 )* , Yuki OSAFUNE9 )* , Keisuke SAITO10)*, Yu SATO11)*, Des THOMPSON12)*and Miho INOUE-MURAYAMA11)*, ** 1)Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and the Roslin Institute, Easter Bush Campus, University of Edinburgh, Midlothian EH25 9RG, UK 2)Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Iwate University, 4-3-5 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate 020-8551, Japan 3)The Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, 6 Yayoigaoka, Sanda, Hyogo 669-1546, Japan 4)Akita Omoriyama Zoo, 154 Hamadakatabata, Akita, Akita 010-1654, Japan 5)Iwate Prefectural Research Institute for Environmental Sciences and Public Health, 1-11-16 Kitaiioka, Morioka, Iwate 020-0857, Japan 6)Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, University of Melbourne, Corner Flemington Rd and Park Dr, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia 7)Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University, 79-7 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-8501, Japan 8)National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan 9)Raptor Conservation Center, Ministry of Environment, 71-1 Kusatsuazayunodai, Sakata, Yamagata 999-8207, Japan 10)Institute for Raptor Biomedicine Japan, 2-2101 Hokuto, Kushiro, Hokkaido 084-0922, Japan 11)Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University, 2-24 Tanakasekiden-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 606-8203, Japan 12)Scottish Natural Heritage, Silvan House, 231 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH12 7AT, UK [Received 5 June 2019; accepted 14 February 2020] ABSTRACT According to current trends in census size and reproduction, the Japanese golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos japonica) is at risk of extinction this century, leading the Japanese government to recognize the subspecies as endangered.
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