The Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2017-2020

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The Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2017-2020 FIRE AUTHORITY Date:Thursday,, 15 JuJune 2017 14:00hr Fire and Rescuee SerService Headquarters Hinchingbrookee CottCottage, Brampton Road, HUNTIUNTINGDON, PE29 2NA AGENDA Open to Public and Press 1. Election of Chairman/wman/woman 2. Appointment of Vice-Chairman/woman 3. Apologies for Absencesence 4. Minutes of the Firere AutAuthority meeting held 9th February 2017 5 - 12 5. Chairman's announcemuncements 6. Declarations of Interesterest Guidance for Councillorsillors on declaring interests is available at: Page 1 of 94 DECISIONS 7. Integrated Risk Management Plan 2017 to 2020 13 - 50 8. Negotiations to Increase Daytime Fire Cover - report to follow 9. Sharing of Brigade Managers in times of operational resilience 51 - 76 10. Member Allowances Scheme 2017-18 77 - 90 11. Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies 91 - 92 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 12. Update on development of the Police and Crime Commissioner's 93 - 94 local business case for Fire and Rescue Service governance The Fire Authority comprises the following members: Councillor Andrew Bond Councillor Mohammed Jamil Councillor David Over and Councillor John Peach Councillor Donald Adey Councillor Simon Bywater Councillor Ian Gardener Councillor Derek Giles Councillor John Gowing Councillor Sebastian Kindersley Councillor Mac McGuire Councillor Lucy Nethsingha Councillor Paul Raynes Councillor Kevin Reynolds Councillor Terence Rogers Councillor Jocelynne Scutt and Councillor Mandy Smith For more information about this meeting, including access arrangements and facilities for people with disabilities, please contact Clerk Name: Dawn Cave Clerk Telephone: 01223 699178 Page 2 of 94 Clerk Email: [email protected] The Fire Authority is committed to open government and the public are welcome to attend from 10.00am It supports the principle of transparency and encourages filming, recording and taking photographs at meetings that are open to the public. It also welcomes the use of social networking andmicro- blogging websites (such as Twitter and Facebook) to communicate with people about what is happening, as it happens. These arrangements operate in accordance with a protocol which can be accessed via the following link below or made available on request. Public speaking on the agenda items above is encouraged. Speakers must register their intention to speak by contacting the Democratic Services Officer at least three working days before the meeting. Full details of the public speaking scheme for the Fire Authority is available at Page 3 of 94 Page 4 of 94 Agenda Item no. 4 CAMBRIDGESHIRE AND PETERBOROUGH FIRE AUTHORITY: MINUTES Date: Thursday 9 February 2017 Time: 2:00pm - 3:20pm Present: Cambridgeshire County Council: Councillors Sir P Brown (Chairman), B Ashwood, R Butcher, S Bywater, D Divine, D Giles, R Henson, M Loynes, L Nethsingha, P Sales and M Shellens Peterborough City Council: Councillors J Peach (Vice Chairman), M Jamil and D Over Officers Present: C Strickland, M Warren, S Ismail, R Hylton, D Cave 203. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Lillis, M McGuire and J Schumann. 204. MINUTES OF THE MEETING ON 8 DECEMBER 2016 The minutes of the meeting on 8 December 2016 were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman. 205. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman advised that the Chief Officers were wearing colourful ties in honour of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) history month, which the Fire Authority had supported over the years. He highlighted that the Fire Service had a good record in supporting LGBT staff and promoting a cohesive culture. Members were reminded that the LGA Fire Conference would be taking place from 7th to 8th March in Gateshead. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Cllr Jamil and Chief Officers would be attending. Any Members interested in attending were asked to contact Deb Thompson. The Awards night at the Marriott Hotel had been a great success, and was a good reflection on the excellent work being done across the Fire Service. The Chairman paid tribute to all the award winners, commenting that there were exceptionally high standards this year. He paid particular thanks to JJ Penney and the communications team for the excellent organisation of the event. The Police and Crime Commissioner legislation had recently been enactedand matters had progressed since then. Chief Officers and the Chairman had met last week with three organisations, and were moving forward with PA Consulting, who would be drafting the Business Case. All three had indicated that the timescales given were very tight, but a first draft copy of the Business Case would be available in about three 1 Page 5 of 94 Agenda Item no. 4 weeks. It was noted that decisions would probably need to be made at a Fire Authority meeting following the elections in May, as there could potentially be many new Fire Authority Members with whom this decision making would rest. 206. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 207. FIRE AUTHORITY BUDGET 2017/18 The Fire Authority considered a report on its budget requirement and precept for 2017/18 council tax. The Deputy Chief Executive advised that consultation results showed that 73% of the respondents supported the Council Tax increase for the Fire Service. It was noted that many respondents had referred to issues not related to the Fire Service, e.g. many responses referred to issues that were within the remit of local authorities. Since the agenda had been published, the final Business Rate estimates had been received, and the forecast collection rate was £200,000 less than originally anticipated. Whilst this did not impact on the Council Tax figures, the way in which the Capital Programme was financed would need to be changed slightly, using some reserves. A paper setting out these estimates, and revised recommendations, was tabled. It was stressed that the new Business Rate figures were estimates, and the amount collected may exceed those predictions. The final figures for Revenue Support Grant were not expected until the end of February, but no major changes were anticipated. Members asked the following questions in relation to the budget: a Member observed that there were different perspectives on future interest rates, and asked how these might impact on the Fire Service. The Deputy Chief Executive responded that the key factor would be pay inflation. The material impact of the Government’s current 1% estimate would be quite small, but if inflation started to increase, it could be problematic. He confirmed that reserves were healthy; a Member observed that the Fire Service was having fewer call outs, due in part to more modern homes, fire alarms, etc. With this in mind, he queried whether it would be appropriate to extend the life of the fleet, and perhaps negate the need for the 1.9% Council Tax increase. The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that fleet life was regularly reviewed. However, savings that could be realised from adding a year or two to the life of fire appliances were minimal, because although purchase costs were high, the cost of an appliance was written down over the life of the vehicle; a Member queried why 37 service vehicle would be replaced in 2017/18, but only 14 in 2018/19. Officers explained that this was the legacy of when the lease scheme finished, and whilst the replacement programme was smoothed out where possible, this did result in some inconsistencies in the numbers of vehicles to be replaced. 2 Page 6 of 94 Agenda Item no. 4 On behalf of Members, the Chairman thanked the Deputy Chief Executive for his excellent work in bringing the budget together. It was resolved, by a majority: 1. that approval be given to a Fire Authority budget requirement of £27,987,000. 2. that approval be given to a recommended Fire Authority precept for Authority Tax from District Authorities and Peterborough City Authority of £18,375,558. 3. that approval be given to an Authority Tax for each band of property, based on the number of band D equivalent properties notified to the Fire Authority by the District Authorities and Peterborough City Authority (275,166): Band Authority Band Authority Tax Tax A £44.52 E £81.62 B £51.94 F £96.46 C £59.36 G £111.30 D £66.78 H £133.56 4. that approval be given to the Prudential and Treasury Indicators as set out on page 9 of the Budget Book 2017/18. 5. that approval be given to the Treasury Management Strategy Statement on pages 8 to 13 of the Budget Book 2017/18. 6. that approval be given to the Capital Programme detailed at page 6 of the Budget Book 2017/18. 7. that approval be given to the MRP Policy Statement detailed at page 14 of the Budget Book 2017/18. 208. DRAFT PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2017/18 The Fire Authority considered the draft Pay Policy Statement for 2017/18, in line with the duty under the Localism Act 2011 for Fire Authorities to produce Pay Policy Statements. The Deputy Chief Executive explained that the Pay Policy continued to be reviewed and strengthened in line with recommendations made following the Member- Led Review of Pay Policy in 2014. Members’ attention was drawn to the following key changes in the Pay Policy: that any gender pay gap would be reported annually, as required by the Equality Act 2010; the ratio of the pay of the organisation’s top earner to that of its lowest earner was included in the policy: the ratio was currently 1:8.4, which reflected the reduction in the Chief Fire Officer salary; in addition, a policy had been established whereby the salaries of Principal Officer roles below Chief Fire Officer (Deputy Chief Executive and Assistant Chief Fire Officer) were published.
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