12 THE LONDON-GAZETTE, JANUARY 4, 1887, with depths of 4 to 11 fathoms, and to lie with NOTICE TO MARINERS. the following bearings:— (No. 306.)——WEST COAST. Dohul Bahut Islet, N. 25° E. Raz de Sein— Intended Alterations in Lights. Anafi Minaret, Musawwa, S. 6° W. THE French Government has given notice, Eas Harb, S. 88° W. that it is intended, probably about 15th June, Position, lat. 15° 48£' N., long. 39° 271' E. 1887, to make the following alterations in the [The bearings are magnetic. Variation 4£° lights of the approach to Raz de Sein :— Westerly in 1886.] 1. .—This, light will be a fixed light By command of their Lordships, of the third order, visible, as described, through W. J. L. Wharton, Hydrographer. the following sectors:— Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, London, a. Three sectors of white light between the 22nd December, 1886. following bearings :—The first from S. 49° W. to This Notice affects the following Admiralty S. 3° E.; the second from S. 3?!° E. to S. 56° E.; Charts:—Red Sea, Nos. 2523, Sd. (sheet 4); the third from N. 54° E. to N. 24 W. Musawwa Channel, 164. Also, Bed Sea Pilot, b. Two sectors of red light between the follow- 1883, pages 101, 105 ; and Bevised Supplement, ing bearings :—The first from S. 3° E. to S. 37^° 1886, to Bed Sea Pilot, page 26. E.; the second from N. 24° W. to Coumadoc Point. c. Lastly, one sector of green light from S. 56° NOTICE TO MARINERS. E. to N. 54° E. (No. 304.)—BLACK SEA—KERTCH STRAIT. Position, lat. 48° 2' 15" N., long. 4° 45' 30" W. Shoal South-Eastward of Cape Yenikalc. 2. Isle de Sein.—This light (fixed and flashing THE Russian Government has given notice, white) will show one sector of red light through dated 15th November, 1886, of the existence of a an arc of 31°, or between the bearings of S. 66° shoal composed of rock or stones lying in the W. and N. 83" W., covering the dangers sur- fairway of the northern part of Kertch Strait:— rounding Trevennic Islet. This shoal, about 30 yards in extent, with a 3. On the same date, the two fixed white lights, depth of 18 feet, and 24 to 26 feet around, lies one on the summit of Point du Raz, the other on with Cape Yenikale Lighthouse bearing N. 32^° Bee du Raz, will be discontinued. W., distant 1-33 miles. NOTE.—Bee du Raz Lighthouse will be main- The position of the shoal is marked by a parti- tained as a landmark. La Plate Rock will be coloured perch. marked by a beacon constructed of masonry. [The bearing is magnetic. Variation, f° [The bearings are magnetic, and are given Westerly in 1886.] from seaward. Variation 19° Westerly in 1886.] By command of their Lordships, By command of their Lordships, W. J. L. Wharton, Hydrographer. W. J. L. Wharton, Hydrographer. Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, London, Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, London, 22nd December, 1886. 23rd December, 1886. This Notice affects the following Admiralty This Notice affects the following Admiralty Charts:-—Sevastopol to Kcrtch, No. 2233 ; Sea Charts :—North , eastern part, of Azov, No. 2234 ; Kertch Strait, No. 2205. No. 2060a ; British Islands to Mediterranean Sea, Also, Black Sea Pilot, 1884, page 74. No. 1 : , No. 1598 ; Raz de Sein to He d'Ouessant, No. 2643 ; I. de Groix to Raz de Sein, No. 2646. Also, Admiralty List of Lights on the western shores of Europe, 1886, NOTICE TO MARINERS. page 30, Nos. 201, 203, 204 ; and Sailing Direc- (No. 305.)—NORTH AMERICA—WEST COAST.— tions for the West Coasts of France, Spain, and GTJLF OF CALIFORNIA—G-UAYMAS HARBOUR Portugal, with Appendix, 1885, pages 23, 31-34. APPROACH. Fixed and Flashing Light on Cape Haro. THE Mexican Government has given notice, INSTRUMENT substituting the New Church that on 1st December, 1886, a light would be of Saint Paul, within the Parish of Saint Paul, exhibited from a lighthouse erected on C:ipe Haro, in the city of Worcester, for the Old Church approach to Guaymas Harbour from the south- thereof. ward :— To all to whom these presents shall come, The light is a fixed and flashing white light, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Eng- showing a flash every thirty seconds. It is land send greeting : elevated 346 feet above the sea, and should be WHEREAS a new church has lately been built visible in clear weather from a distance of about within the new parish of Saint Paul, in the city 24 miles. of Worcester, and in the diocese of Worcester, The illuminating apparatus is dioptric, or by and has been consecrated and dedicated to Saint lenses, of the fourth order. Paul. The lighthouse is constructed of iron frame And whereas the Right Reverend Henry, work. Bishop of the said diocese of Worcester,,and as Position lat. 27° 50'30" N., long. 110° 54' 25* W. such Bishop the patron of the said new parish of By command of their Lordships, Saint Paul, Worcester, and the Honourable and W. J. L. What ton, Hydrographer. Reverend Henry Douglas, Clerk in Holy Orders, Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, London, the Vicar or Incumbent of the same new parish, 22nd December, 1H86. have, by an instrument under their hands, bearing This Notice affects the following Admiralty clato on or about the fourth day of December, in Chnrts: — Cape Corricntes lo Kodiak Island, No. the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty- 787; Cape San Lucas to San Diego Bay, No. six, certified to us, the said Ecclesiastical Com- 2324 ; Guaymas Harbour, No. 2222. Also, missioners for England, that it would be for the Admiralty List of Lights in South America, convenience of the said new parish of Saint Paul, 1886, No. 806. Worcester, that the said new church of Saint Paul, situate within such new parish, should be substi-