First Collection Records of Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from New Jersey

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First Collection Records of Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from New Jersey SHORT COMMUNICATION First Collection Records of Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) From New Jersey 1,2 3 1 DANA C. PRICE, DONALD E. GUNTHER, AND RANDY GAUGLER J. Med. Entomol. 48(2): 476Ð478 (2011); DOI: 10.1603/ME10170 ABSTRACT The phlebotomine sand ßies Lutzomyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar) and Lut- zomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) vexator (Coquillett) are reported for the Þrst time from New Jersey. Both species were collected from ultraviolet CO2-baited Centers for Disease Control light traps during a state-wide phlebotomine survey conducted in 2007 and 2008. L. shannoni has previously been reported from New Jersey; however, this observation was made in error. These collections do not represent a northern range expansion for either species. KEY WORDS phlebotomine, sand ßy, leishmaniasis, Lutzomyia shannoni, Lutzomyia vexator The phlebotomine sand ßy genus Lutzomyia contains shannoni exhibit facultative autogeny in the labora- Ϸ400 species (Young and Duncan 1994), of which 14 tory, although they will readily take multiple blood- are found in North America (Young and Perkins meals to facilitate egg development (Young and Per- 1984). We report, for the Þrst time, collections of kins 1984, Young and Duncan 1994). Oviposition and Lutzomyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar) and Lut- larval development occur in cryptic habitats (crevices, zomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) vexator (Coquillett) from burrows, tree holes) rich in organic detritus (Rosabal New Jersey. These are the Þrst collections of any and Miller 1970). This species feeds on large warm- phlebotomine from within the state, and the only two blooded hosts, including deer, swine, and humans species known to occur in the northeastern United (Comer et al. 1994). States. Previous reports of L. shannoni from southern L. vexator has a broad distribution, ranging from New Jersey (Ostfeld et al. 2004, Duprey et al. 2006) Mexico to the Canadian provinces of Alberta and were erroneously based on misinterpretation of a map Ontario, and spans both coasts of the United States. It marker located over Wilmington, Delaware, as being has been recorded from Alabama, Arkansas, Califor- within New Jersey (Young and Perkins 1984) (R. nia, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Ken- Ostfeld, personal communication). tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Montana, Mississippi, L. shannoni is associated with hardwood forest hab- New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, itats ranging from Argentina to the northeastern Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming (Young United States (Young and Perkins 1984). Adult ßies and Perkins 1984, Ostfeld et al. 2004, Haddow et al. are generally collected from, or in proximity to, but- 2008, Minter et al. 2009). The species has been re- tress roots and other tree hole habitats (Comer et al. corded from diverse habitats ranging from grassland 1993). Phlebotomines are weak ßiers, and neither sex and pasture to mixed hardwood forests (Chaniotis and of L. shannoni dispersed Ͼ163 m in previous mark- Anderson 1968, Ostfeld et al. 2004). Gravid females recapture studies (Alexander 1987). Within the oviposit within fecal chambers of rodent burrows, United States, the species has been collected from where the larvae feed on feces before pupation and Arkansas, Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Ken- emergence. The host preferences of wild L. vexator tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Caro- populations are poorly characterized; however, they lina, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee (Young and have been reported to feed on various reptiles and Perkins 1984, McHugh 2005, Haddow et al. 2008, amphibians (Chaniotis and Anderson 1964). Minter et al. 2009). L. shannoni populations on Os- sabaw Island, Georgia, produced as many as three Materials and Methods generations from April through November and over- wintered as larvae (Comer et al. 1993). Female L. An extensive phlebotomine sand ßy survey was per- formed in New Jersey during 2007 and 2008. Fifty-four 1 Center for Vector Biology, Rutgers University, 180 Jones Avenue, collection sites spanning all 21 counties and Þve phys- New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8536. iographic provinces were sampled for Lutzomyia spp. 2 Corresponding author: Center for Vector Biology, Department of using incandescent and ultraviolet (UV) Centers for Entomology, Rutgers University, 180 Jones Avenue, New Brunswick, Disease Control (CDC) light traps (BioQuip, Rancho NJ 08901Ð8536 (e-mail: [email protected]). 3 Sussex County OfÞce of Mosquito Control, 150 Morris Turnpike, Dominguez, CA) hung from tree branches at a height Newton, NJ 07860. of 0.75 m from trap hood to ground. Traps were sup- 0022-2585/11/0476Ð0478$04.00/0 ᭧ 2011 Entomological Society of America March 2011 PRICE ET AL.: PHLEBOTOMINE SAND FLY COLLECTIONS FROM NEW JERSEY 477 plemented with a canister of compressed CO2 gas (Travi et al. 2002, Lawyer et al. 1987, Claborn et al. Þtted with a 15 psi regulator. A CO2 volume of 500 2009, Ferro et al. 1998). All four pathogens are infec- ml/min was maintained by a ßow rate oriÞce (Clarke tive to humans and are causative agents of visceral (Le. Mosquito Control, Roselle, IL) attached to rubber chagasi), cutaneous (Le. mexicana, Le. major), and tubing. The tube end was hung adjacent to the trap mucocutaneous (Le. panamensis) leishmaniasis. The hood. Each site had two traps, one incandescent and ßy has only been implicated in transmission of Le. one UV, running concurrently for a single trap night. mexicana to date (Lawyer and Young 1987). Comer at Sites were sampled from the period 1 June through 30 al. (1990) found L. shannoni to be an overwintering September, coinciding with the New Jersey State Vec- reservoir and competent vector of vesicular stomatitis tor Surveillance Program. In addition, individual New virus New Jersey serotype in Georgia. Collections of Jersey county mosquito control programs from 10 this species from Delaware have been made farther counties provided bycatch from New Jersey Light north along the Atlantic coast; thus, this collection Traps (John W. Hock, Gainesville, FL) used to track does not represent a northerly expansion of its range. adult mosquito populations. Adult male Lutzomyia L. vexator exhibits vector-borne disease potential spp. were identiÞed using the keys of Young and Per- among cold-blooded vertebrates. Anderson and Ayala kins (1984) and placed in the Rutgers University En- (1968) found that California toads (Bufo boreas halo- tomological Museum. philus) became infected with an unknown trypano- some after feeding on infected L. vexator. Hemogre- garines of the genus Hepatozoon, thought to be derived Results and Discussion from wild snakes, have been isolated from this sand ßy The Þrst and only record of L. shannoni from New (Ayala 1973). It is the primary vector of Plasmodium Jersey is represented by a single male collected from mexicanum, or saurian malaria, in the western fence an UV CDC light trap on 27 August 2007. The site was lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) (Ayala 1971). The located in Salem County, Pennsville (39Њ38ЈN, eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulates) is highly Ϫ75Њ29ЈW), and consisted of a deciduous hardwood susceptible to P. mexicanum, as 69% showed infection forest located in the extreme southwest of the inner after a single L. vexator bite (Klein et al. 1987). coastal plain province at an elevation of approximately The presence of these hematophagous insects 2 m. Tree type was predominantly oak (Quercus spp.) within New Jersey, coupled with their vector poten- interspersed with low-lying holly (Ilex spp.). Subse- tial, warrants further study as to their exact range, host quent collections from this site and the surrounding preference, and vectorial capacity. Ostfeld et al. area in August 2007 and July 2008 yielded no other (2004), in responding to a Leishmania infantum out- specimens. break in a New York foxhound kennel, light-trapped We collected the Þrst records of L. vexator (six the immediate area for potential phlebotomine vec- males and nine females) in New Jersey from incan- tors. They recorded the Þrst specimens of L. vexator in descent and UV CDC light traps on 29 July 2008. The the state Ͻ10 km away from the disease focus. A site was located in Sussex County, Sussex (41Њ15Ј N, follow-up study conducted between April 2000 and Ϫ74Њ30Ј W), at an elevation of 290 m within the high- December 2003 noted at least one hunting club in New lands region of the Appalachian Mountains. Tree type Jersey with hounds positive for Leishmania spp. (Du- consisted primarily of red maple (Acer rubrum) and prey et al. 2006). Although the authors hypothesized oak (Quercus spp.). Rocky outcroppings of crystalline dog-to-dog mechanical transmission as the cause for metamorphic rock were plentiful, as were rodent bur- the Leishmania outbreak, the discovery of L. shannoni rows, exposed tree roots, and extreme slope, all of within New Jersey coupled with previous isolations of which have previously been associated with L. vexator this pathogen should extend vector research within (Ostfeld et al. 2004). A subsequent collection made the state beyond the borders of mosquitoes. from the same site during the trap night of 10 August 2009 yielded large numbers of phlebotomines. A single UV light trap placed 1 m from the base of a steep rock Acknowledgments shelf collected 104 L. vexator. An identical trap placed 12 m away collected 20 sand ßies. Additionally, eight We thank D. Carle, N. Slavin, and M. Groncki for assis- tance with Þeld collections, and Ary Farajollahi for edits to locations within a 1,200-m radius of the initial collec- this manuscript. We thank all 21 New Jersey county mosquito tion site were sampled for L. vexator, with all collecting control programs for providing trap bycatch and/or logistical sand ßies. Expanded surveillance yielded collections support. This is New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station of one to four sand ßies from three additional locations Publication D-08-08292-02-10 (supported by state funds with as far away as 25 km, indicating this species is distrib- partial support from the New Jersey State Mosquito Control uted throughout extreme northwestern New Jersey, Commission and the New Jersey Mosquito Control Associ- but is only locally abundant.
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    Q Or. FERAL SWINE SURVEY - REGION 4 j t-• INTRODUCTION: •- : .-', :-,) \ In response to questions raised by Region 4 refuge managers conceriihgMe-impact ox feral swine on Southeastern refuges, a survey was developed to obtain the desired information. The survey form (Appendix A) included questions designed to assess the distribution, abundance and damage caused by feral swine on Region 4 refuges. Information was also requested on types and effectiveness of control methods. Survey forms were mailed to all Region 4 refuges with a two week response deadline. After two weeks, a second mailing was made to all refuges that had not responded. A total of 66 refuges from Region 4 responded to the survey. iGi- %r. 1TT0 •fi-Sst. K^ ~—=-A~««, Off. s. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Pile The raw data obtained from the questionnaire are shown on the summary sheet in Appendix A. Basically, approximately two-thirds of refuges reported feral swine populations on the refuge and/or on surrounding lands (61% and 70% respectively). Of those reporting swine present, 40 of 42 (95%) assessed the populations as stable or increasing while only 2 (5%) felt that populations were decreasing. Primary to the survey was the Managers' assessment of the extent of damage caused by feral swine. Twenty-five of 53 (47%) assessed hog damage as either significant or severe. Related damages included habitat/crop damage, competition with native wildlife, levee and road damage, erosion problems, threatened and endangered species depredation, diseases, and numerous other incidental impacts. These include reduction of oak regeneration, killing of trees by rubbing, and interference at bait sites for waterfowl banding.
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