Lutzomyia Spp. (Diptera: Psychodidae) Response to Olfactory Attractant- and Light Emitting Diode-Modified Mosquito Magnet X (MM-X) Traps

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Lutzomyia Spp. (Diptera: Psychodidae) Response to Olfactory Attractant- and Light Emitting Diode-Modified Mosquito Magnet X (MM-X) Traps BEHAVIOR,CHEMICAL ECOLOGY Lutzomyia spp. (Diptera: Psychodidae) Response to Olfactory Attractant- and Light Emitting Diode-Modified Mosquito Magnet X (MM-X) Traps 1 RAJINDER S. MANN, PHILLIP E. KAUFMAN, AND JERRY F. BUTLER Department of Entomology and Nematology, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Building 970, Natural Area Drive, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611Ð0620 J. Med. Entomol. 46(5): 1052Ð1061 (2009) ABSTRACT Mosquito Magnet-X traps were modiÞed for use with blue, green, red, and blue-green- red light-emitting diodes and olfactory attractants to determine the response of Lutzomyia shannoni (Dyar) and Lutzomyia vexator (Coquillett) (Diptera: Psychodidae) Þeld populations to these at- tractants. Red and blue-green-redÐbaited traps captured the highest numbers of Lu. shannoni and Lu. vexator, respectively, although, there were no signiÞcant differences between the colors. Baiting the traps with CO2 attracted signiÞcantly higher numbers of Lu. shannoni but showed no effect on Lu. vexator capture. In comparison with CO2 alone, Lu. shannoni preferred 1-octen-3-ol and 1-hexen-3-ol (0.05 g per trap) in combination with CO2. KEY WORDS sand ßy, Lutzomyia shannoni, Lutzomyia vexator Phlebotomine sand ßies (Diptera: Psychodidae) are of aldehydes, and carboxylic acids containing kairomone worldwide importance because of their ability to compounds from the fox Vulpes vulpes L., which stim- transmit Leishmania parasites that affect humans in ulated olfactory organs of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz Ͼ80 countries (Desjeux 1996). Sand ßies also carry & Neiva). Pheromone and host odor and a combina- and transmit other zoonotic pathogens such as Bar- tion of both attracted higher numbers of Lu. longipal- tonella bacilliformis, the causative agent of human pis females than did the hexane used as control treat- bartonellosis, and arboviruses causing health prob- ment (Bray and Hamilton 2007). Santana et al. (2002) lems in humans and other animals. Adult female sand demonstrated the attraction of Lu. longipalpis to 1-oc- ßies usually require vertebrate blood for production of ten-3-ol (octenol) in air currents. Octenol reportedly eggs, although autogeny (egg production without a serves as a kairomone for several mosquito species and bloodmeals) occurs occasionally but usually only in some species of Ceratopogonidae (Kline et al. 1994, the Þrst gonotrophic cycle, after which a bloodmeal is 2007). required for subsequent gonotrophic cycles (Young The role of vision and the use of color vision to and Perkins 1984). The biting activity of sand ßies is locate a host by sand ßies have not been ascertained considered to be crepuscular or nocturnal with few with the exception of a few studies documenting sim- species known to bite during daylight (Killick-Ken- ilar spectral sensitivity of Lu. longipalpis to that of the drick 1999). Lutzomyia shannoni (Dyar) is one of the tsetse ßy, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood, and more thoroughly studied species in the United States the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) (Mellor et al.1996). because of its proven vectorial capacity for vesicular The eyes of adult Lu. longipalpis respond maximally to stomatitis virus and its actual or suspected capability light in the UV region and blue-green-yellow region to transmit Leishmania species and sand ßy fever virus (Mellor et al. 1996). Mellor and Hamilton (2003) pro- (Lawyer and Young 1987, Tesh 1988, Comer et al. vided evidence that Lu. longipalpis is more attracted to 1991). Lutzomyia vexator (Coquillett) feeds on rep- UV, blue, green, and yellow wavelengths and were tiles and has been shown capable of transmitting the able to discriminate between wavelengths indepen- lizard malarial parasite Plasmodium mexicanum (Klein dent of intensity. However, Phlebotomus papatasi et al. 1987). (Scopoli) were attracted to red light produced from Female sand ßies are attracted to several compo- light-emitting diodes (LED) more than incandescent nents of host odor. Host odors and sex pheromones, blue and green light (Hoel et al. 2007). when present together, synergize the attraction, com- Interest in improving trapping efÞciencies through pared with the sex pheromone or host odor alone. host-seeking behavior studies have focused on the Dougherty et al. (1999) identiÞed ketones, alcohols, Culicidae and Ceratopogonidae because of their wide- spread distribution and close association with human 1 Corresponding author, e-mail: mannrs@uß.edu. interests. However, due to recent interests in sand ßies 0022-2585/09/1052Ð1061$04.00/0 ᭧ 2009 Entomological Society of America September 2009 MANN ET AL.: Lutzomyia SPP.RESPONSE TO ATTRACTANTS AND LEDS 1053 and emergent challenges with Leishmania, we evalu- avoid positional biases. Traps were baited with the ated the response of Lu. shannoni and Lu. vexator to attractant Red Mix (RM) obtained from USDAÐARSÐ light produced from colored LEDs and the attractive- CMAVE (Gainesville, FL) at 0.01 g per trap and CO2 ness of olfactory chemicals with an objective to de- to maximize collections. The RM contained 0.5% by velop a highly effective light trap to collect Lutzomyia volume each of 1-octen-3-ol and 1-hexen-3-ol in ace- spp. for rearing purposes. tone. The blend was developed originally as a mos- quito attractant that proved to attract sand ßies in the Þeld (U. R. Bernier and D. L. Kline, personal com- Materials and Methods munication). Studies were carried out in San Felasco Hammock The RM was placed on a cotton swab within a plastic Preserve State Park (29Њ 45Ј N, 82Њ 30Ј W), Gainesville, tube that was suspended below the MM-X trap at the Alachua County, FL. The study site was selected for CO2 outlet (Fig. 1). Carbon dioxide was provided internal consistency of vegetation, nature of habitat, through a 9-kg compressed gas cylinder, delivered to area, accessibility, and previous reports of Lutzomyia the traps through 2-m-long, 6.4-mm-diameter plastic spp. abundance (Young and Perkins 1984). The state Tygon tubing taped at the underside of the rain shield. park covers 2,306 ha of land, with a variety of plant A ßow rate of 500 ml/min was achieved using a 15 psi communities, including the largest protected stand of single-stage regulator (Flowset 1, Clarke Mosquito climax mesic hammock in Florida (Dunn 1982). Struc- Control, Roselle, IL). Traps were suspended on shep- turally, these forests have a closed canopy, a diverse herdÕs hooks with an odor outlet 15Ð20 cm above the understory, and a deep layer of leaf litter (Platt and ground level. Traps were operated with 12-V batteries Schwartz 1990). The area is characterized by moder- that were replaced with charged batteries after every ate winters (15Ð20ЊC average temperature) and hot 48 h. All traps were activated between 0800 and 0900 summers (30ЊC average temperature) with variable hours and run for 24 h before collection and rotation. rainfall (average 1,370 mm) occurring between June The lid at the trap inlet (Fig. 2) was replaced with and September. The fauna of this site includes a 1.2- by 1.2-mm mesh bag to exclude mosquitoes and salamanders, frogs and toads, turtles, lizards, snakes, prevent other large-sized insects from damaging col- opossums, armadillos, lagomorphs, rodents, wild ani- lected sand ßies. Each trap was provided with an apple mals, and many bird species (Florida Department of (Malus spp.) slice in the traps as a sugar source for Environmental Protection 2003, Florida State Parks captured sand ßies. The apple slice was Þxed on ex- 2005). Complete descriptions of plant and animal terior of the larger inner airßow pipe with a rubber communities and ßora of San Felasco Hammock may band. Sand ßies were collected and counted daily after be found in Dunn (1982) and Florida Department of placing the traps in a Ϫ20ЊC freezer. A cool air was Environmental Protection (2003). sucked into the traps by operating the traps inside the Counter-ßow geometry traps (Mosquito Magnet-X, freezer for 45Ð60 s. Sand ßies were chill immobilized MM-X model, American Biophysics Corp., Kingstown, for identiÞcation and counting. RI) were modiÞed with blue (B), red (R), green (G), Treatments evaluated light combinations, as well as and blue-green-red (BGR) LEDs (Digi-Key Corpo- reßected light over transmitted light. The traps were ration, Thief River Falls, MN) wired in parallel to modiÞed for reßected light by placing an aluminum motors on the bottom ring of the MM-X trap. Traps rain shield above the LEDs to redirect the 45Њ upward- with only one color of light (blue, green, or red) had angled LED output off of the aluminum shield (Fig. 2). three LEDs of the same color afÞxed and the tri-color The treatments comprised of six combinations that ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ (BGR) traps had nine LEDs afÞxed to the trap. All included red light Red Mix CO2 (R RM CO2), diodes had a viewing angle of 30Њ. Color, part number, red light ϩ Red Mix (RϩRM), red-blue light Þxed at Њ ϩ ϩ Њϩ ϩ wavelength, and millicandela (mcd) chosen for test- 45 angle Red Mix CO2 (RB45 RM CO2), ing were blue (P 466-ND, 470 Ϯ 30 nm, 650 mcd), red-blue light ϩ Red Mix (RBϩRM), red-blue- Ϯ Њ ϩ ϩ green (67Ð1755-ND, 502 25 nm, 1,500 mcd), and red reßected light Þxed at 45 angle Red Mix CO2 Ϯ Њϩ ϩ (67Ð1611-ND, 660 30 nm, 1,800 mcd). Each diode (RBRL45 RM CO2), and CO2 alone (control). was provided with a 180-Ohm resistor to prevent over- The traps were outÞtted with red and blue lights based driving of LEDs. Each LED was inserted in the bottom on the results obtained with single and tricolor trap ring of the trap at an angle of 90Њ to the ground. results. BGR- and green-lighted traps captured the Sand ßy response to light under Þeld conditions was fewest sand ßy adults and therefore were not used in evaluated for individual light color and combinations further studies.
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    Biomédica ISSN: 0120-4157 [email protected] Instituto Nacional de Salud Colombia Nieves, Elsa; Buelvas, Neudo; Rondón, Maritza; González, Néstor The salivary glands of two sand fly vectors of Leishmania: Lutzomyia migonei (França) and Lutzomyia ovallesi (Ortiz)(Diptera: Psychodidae) Biomédica, vol. 30, núm. 3, septiembre, 2010, pp. 401-409 Instituto Nacional de Salud Bogotá, Colombia Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Biomédica 2010;30:401-9 Salivary glands of Lutzomyia migonei and Lutzomyia ovallesi ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL The salivary glands of two sand fly vectors of Leishmania: Lutzomyia migonei (França) and Lutzomyia ovallesi (Ortiz) (Diptera: Psychodidae) Elsa Nieves, Neudo Buelvas, Maritza Rondón, Néstor González LAPEX-Laboratorio de Parasitología Experimental, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. Introduction. Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease transmitted by the intradermal inoculation of Leishmania (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) promastigotes together with saliva during the bite of an infected sand fly. Objective. The salivary glands were compared from two vector species, Lutzomyia ovallesi (Ortiz,1952) and Lutzomyia migonei (França,1920) (Diptera: Psychodidae). Material and methods. Protein profiles by SDS PAGE of salivary glands were compared among species as well as their development at several times post feeding. First, mice were immunized to salivary proteins by exposure to biting by L. ovallesi and of L. migonei. Antibodies in these mice against salivary gland-specific proteins were evaluated by immunoblotting.
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