WHEREAS, Dr. Lawrence H. Moore Science Technology Academy's mission is to engross students in a rigorous standards-based learning environment that promotes and develops essential problem solving and critical thinking skills through Mathematics, Science and Technology; and

WHEREAS, Learning opportunities are determined by the nature of the schoolwork (literacy-based knowledge) that students are assigned or encouraged to undertake. It is the responsibility of teachers and administrators to ensure that students are provided with those strategies of schoolwork at which they experience success and confidence and learn those things that are of most value to them, to the community and to the society at large; and

WHEREAS, Teachers are leaders, just as executives are leaders; principals are leaders of instruction or leaders of leaders. The curriculum is the raw material upon which students' work and all parts of the school's system are organized in whatever fashion that produces the greatest likelihood that the students will be successfully engaged in work with thorough knowledge and comprehension; and

WHEREAS, Positive engagement enhanced by responsible parents and community leaders stimulate quality education. The Lawrence H. Moore Math Science Technology Academy has the right to certain expectations in terms of safety, efficiency and services. They recognize that parents and communities are vital components of highly visible programs susceptible to criticism and will use this as a driving force on accomplishing their goals; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Lawrence H. Moore Math Science Technology Academy will provide tiered instruction and intervention that address the academic, social and emotional development of each student through equal opportunity for engagement in an enriching and collaborative learning community. Their students will engage in learning experiences which will prepare them with the necessary tools for life in the 21" Century.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that on this day, December4, 2012, the Los Angeles City Council honors The Dr. Lawrence H. Moore Math Science Technology Academy for their dedicated service to our residents, as well as our community as a whole. May you prosper in all your future endeavors.

Presented by:· ~ Herb J. son, Jr. seconded by: (}(~ ADOPTED DEC 0 4 2012 LOS ANGElES CllY COUNCIL DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC.

WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1913 by 22 students at Howard University. The Sorority has been visible and active as a public-service organization for 83 years with a rich history of community-based events throughout the Los Angeles area; and

WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta's work is divided into 7 regions, and is a part of the Farwest Region. There are nearly 90 chapters with more than 6,000 members in the Farwest Region, which include California, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Utah in the USA, along with Japan and the Republic of Korea; and

WHEREAS, Today, there are more than 250,000 predominately African-American college educated women with established programs throughout the world based upon our Five Point Programmatic Thrust: Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, and Political Awareness and Involvement; and

WHEREAS, These services and resources range from providing scholarship aid to high school seniors, Delta GEMS & ACADEMY (long-term mentoring programs for young women), EMOBDI (longer mentoring program for young men), conducting literacy programs for elementary school-aged children, organizing events which highlight the artists of color, African, and African-American contributions to the Arts, and STEM (encouraging young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math); and

WHEREAS, Other projects target resources and volunteers to augment specific community organization, projects, and initiatives.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that on this day, December 4, 2012, the Los Angeles City Council honors The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for its 83 years of dedicated service to our community at its kick-off Gala in Los Angeles, on Tuesday, January I, 2013. May you prosper in all your future endeavors. R!iP'"'''·'''

Presented by:~/#~ Herb J. Wefson, Jr. ~ Seconded by: u']. ~' ADOPTED DEC 0 4 Z01Z LOS hNGELES CI'IY COUNCil RESOLUTION

Youth Speak Collective

WHEREAS, Youth Speak Collective, founded in 2005, is a youth-driven organization founded on the idea that all young people can succeed if provided with the right opportunities; and

WHEREAS, Youth Speak Collective empowers students throughout the Northeast San Fernando Valley with programs that focus on building intellect, talent, academic skills, in addition to strengthening the students' investment in their own communities; and

WHEREAS, In 2012, more than 5,000 students were served through several different programs offered by Youth Speak Collective which resulted in significant educational gains for the program participants by improving academic performance in their classes and reducing drop out rates; and

WHEREAS, The surrounding communities also benefit from the youth's involvement as these students have clocked over 3,000 hours of community service which have resulted in community gardens, environmentally conscious pocket parks, and artistic projects and murals that beautify the community; and

WHEREAS, 24/7 Dad is a program that helps young and expectant fathers increase their knowledge of fatherhood, in this sense by teaching fathering skills, personal development, financial literacy, work readiness and communication; and

WHEREAS, The Career Internship Program equips youth with professional work skills, interviewing skills, and hands-on experience by shadowing professionals working at banks, schools, veterinary clinics, and hospitals; and

WHEREAS, Club Futbolito was modeled to challenge our youth to become disciplined and encourage them to challenge themselves as individuals as they play teams across Los Angeles and compete at higher level in a fast paced version of traditional soccer; and

WHEREAS, The Creative Tech Center offers youth the ability to build their computer literacy by engaging students in classes such as graphic design, web design, digital photography and video production, and also offers a full-access computer lab and meeting space that is open to the community; and

WHEREAS, Youth learn how to film, direct and edit short films in the Digital Arts Program, which gives at risk youth a creative outlet to express themselves and highlight issues they find important; and

WHEREAS, Graduates from the Digital Arts Program often move on to the Youth Speak Media Solutions program where they partner with working professionals to offer non-profit organizations high quality video content at competitive rates, and

WHEREAS, Youth have the opportunity to engage in street art by participating in art shows and developing murals in the Visual Arts program; and WHEREAS, Project Youth Green gives low-income youth and families access to green space and hands-on educational opportunities to learn how to grow fresh fruits and vegetables while making this a sustainable part of their diets; and

WHEREAS, Youth Conncil gives youth the special opportunity to identify, document, and analyze problems in their community that they would like to address through community development projects; and

WHEREAS, Youth Speak Collective recognizes the importance of family stability and offers Family Support services to develop the capacity of a parent to act as a champion and advocate for their children; and

WHEREAS, The successes of Youth Speak Collective would not be possible without the dedication of volnnteers, contributors and community leaders who have taken an active role in supporting our community's youth; and

WHEREAS, As a result of this invaluable programming, participation in the Youth Speak Collective has given its participants increased self-esteem and self-confidence and has had a direct impact on increased scholastic achievement, increased high school graduation rates, and job-retention abilities.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the adoption of this Resolution, the Los Angeles City Conncil commends Youth Speak Collective for it's commitment to the youth of the San Fernando Valley and providing it's youth with the necessary tools to strengthen and invest in their own communities.


WHEREAS, Azim Noordin Khamisa was born in Kenya, Aftica and had early training in mathematics, economics and international finance; and

WHEREAS, Azim was a successful international investment banker with over 35 years experience conducting business in Africa, Middle East, Europe and Asia; and

WHEREAS, in January 1995, Azim committed his life to halting the vicious cycle of violence after his 20-year-old son Tariq was senselessly murdered while delivering pizzas by Tony Hicks, a 14-year-old gang member; and

WHEREAS, out of unspeakable grief and despair, Khamisa forgave Tony and founded the Tariq Khamisa Foundation (TKF) in November 1995 to break the cycle of youth violence; and

WHEREAS, a month after establishing the foundation, Azim invited Pies Felix, Tony's grandfather and guardian, to join him in sharing their story and message of hope and forgiveness; and

WHEREAS, the duo have reached a haifa million elementary and middle school children and over 20 million via video, guiding millions of youth to choose a life of non-violence and forgiveness; and

WHEREAS, because of his powerful story and message, Azim is a highly respected leader and a sought after speaker nationally and internationally, having given 400 keynote address speeches all over the world- including an audience of300,000 at the "Stand for Children" rally in Washington D.C. in 1996; and

WHEREAS, Azim has received more than 60 regional, national and international awards, including the National Crime Victims Special Community Service Award presented by President Bill Clinton, the prestigious "Search for Common Ground" international award along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Ted Koppel, and "The Spirit of Crazy Horse Award" alongside Muhammad Ali, among others; and

WHEREAS, in June 2004, Azim participated in the Synthesis Dialogues, with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, held at the Pope's summer residence in Castelgandolfo, Italy; and

WHEREAS, Azim's profound work has been featured in , Oprah Magazine, People Magazine, Parade Magazine, Washington Post and US.A. Today as well as on NBC's Today Show, Nightly News, CBS's Early Morning Show and KPBS' Fresh Air; and

WHEREAS, Azim is an award-winning author of the books Azim 's Bardo- From Murder To Forgiveness- A Father's Journey, From Forgiveness to Fulfillment, and co-authored The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit: How to Bounce Back from Life's Hardest Hits with Jill ian Quinn; and

WHEREAS, Azim was inducted onto the Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Sponsors of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia and is the founder of the CANE! restorative program; and

WHEREAS, Azim lives La Jolla, California and is the proud father ofTasreen and grandfather to Khalil and(Sliahin . .,,,, .. _,_._,,,'.·)' i';.1,\ .. ·._;;:_. :.. _.., -' NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by the adoption of this resolution, the Los Angeles City CoullC:i!C!d§Js hereby commend Azim Noordin Khamisa for his unwavering commitment to teaching non-violence and for'1l\t;tg'!l true beacon of peace in the world. !fCffi··~jJl

PRESENTED BY:_,.'1.~?-,J:~~~ "'9' ,/ """"''''""' ADOPTED TONYC DENAS DEC 0 4 2012 Council ember, 6'"District DEC - 4 2012 lOS ANGElES CllY COUNCIL SECONDED BY: Lz.-e;:;;.;:_,-? ~ I F CITY OF LOS ANGELES

RESOLUTION Korean American Day January 11, 2013

WHEREAS, Los Angeles and its adjacent cities are home to approximately 700,000 Korean-Americans - the largest concentration of Koreans outside of the Korean peninsula; and · • . ... · ,

WHEREAS, while the Korean community is dispersed throughout California, the area known as Koreatown in Los Angeles is still the commercial, cultural, social and spiritual hub for the majority of Korean-Americans; and

WHEREAS, the history of Korean immigration to America began as 102 courageous Korean men, women, and children, ventured across the vast Pacific Ocean aboard the S.S. Gaelic to land in Hawaii, on January 13, 1903; and

WHEREAS, the hopes ofthese Koreans for the promised land of opportunity, were quickly frustrated by social, economic, and language barriers of unforeseen magnitude; and

WHEREAS, they did not falter in their pursuit of the American dream, but through tenacious effort and sacrifice, established a new home in a new land and educated their Korean American children; and

WHEREAS, while the first Korean immigrants fought for the freedom and independence of the motherland, invaded by the Japanese Empire, their children grew up to be patriotic American citizens, served in the Armed Forces of the United States during World War II, and made other important contributions to mainstream America; and .

WHEREAS, when the lives of the first wave of 7,226 immigrants gradually faded away, and the Korean American community approached near-extinction, a timely enactment of the Immigration Act of 1965 opened wide the doors for a second wave of Korean immigration; and

WHEREAS, in search of better opportunities for their children, beginning in the 1970's, a multitude of dynamic Koreans joined the increasing flow of immigration to the United States; and

WHEREAS, with diligence, fortitude, and a strong belief in the American dream, these immigrants turned depressed areas into thriving communities and raised their children as productive Korean Americans; and

WHEREAS, in a quarter of a century, young Korean Americans joined the mainstream and began to make significant contributions in the fields of finance, technology, medicine, education, arts, media, and government, as well as in other areas; and WHEREAS, as the community enters a new era and creates new history, we must instill in the upcoming generations, proper appreciation for the courage and value of their ancestors, a deep sense of their roots, and pride in their own cultural heritage, so that they may better contribute to this great nation, rich with ethnic and cultural diversity;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by the adoption of this Resolution, the Council of the City of Los Angeles hereby declare January 11,2013 as Korean American Day in the City of Los Angeles.



Maestro Los Angeles Living Cultural Treasure 50 Years

WHEREAS, Zubin Mehta was born in Bombay, and received his early musical education under his father Mehli Mehta, who was a noted concert violinist and the founder of the Bombay Symphony Orchestra. After a short period of pre-medical studies, he left for Vienna in 1954 where he eventually entered the conducting program at the Akademie fur Musik; and

WHEREAS, Zubin Mehta won the Liverpool International Conducting Competition in 1958 and was also a prize-winner of the summer academy at Tanglewood. By 1961, Zubin had already conducted the Vienna, Berlin and Philharmonic Orchestras; and

WHEREAS, Zubin Mehta was Music Director of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra from 1961 to 1967 and also assumed the Music Directorship of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in 1962, a post he retained until 1978;and

WHEREAS, in 1969 he was appointed Music Adviser to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and was made Music Director of that orchestra in 1977. In 1981, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra awarded him the title of Music Director for Life. He has conducted more than 3,000 concerts with this extraordinary ensemble including tours spanning five continents. In 1978, he took over the post of Music Direct of the New York Philharmonic commencing a tenure lasting 13 years, the longest in the orchestra's history. Since 1985, he has been Chief Conductor of the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Florentino in Florence; and

WHEREAS, Zubin Mehta made his debut as an Opera Conductor with Tosca in Montreal in 1963. Since then he has conducted at the Metropolitan Opera New York, the Vienna State Opera, the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, La Scala Milan, and the opera houses of Chicago and Florence as well as the Salzburg Festival; and

WHEREAS, between 1998 and 2006, Zubin Mehta was the Music Director of the Bavarian State Opera in Munich. In October 2006, he opened the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia in Valencia and is since then the President of the Annual Festival del Mediterrani in Valencia; and

WHEREAS, Zubin Mehta's list of awards and honors is extensive and includes the "Nikisch-Ring" bequeathed to him by Karl Bohm. He is an honorary citizen of both Florence and Tel Aviv and was made an honorary member of the Vienna State Opera in 1977, of the Bavarian State Opera in 2006 and of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Wien in 2007. The title of"Honorary Conductor" was bestowed to him by the following orchestras: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (2001), Munich Philharmonic Orchestra (2004), Los Angeles Philharmonic (2006), Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (2006), Bavarian State Orchestra (2006). In October, 2008, Zubin Mehta was honored by the Japanese Imperial Family with the "Praemium Imperiale". In 2006, he joined a most prestigious group of esteemed artists as a Kennedy Center Honoree; and DFf WHEREAS, Zubin Mehta continues to support the discovery and furtherance of musical talents all over the world. Together with his brother, Zarin, he is a co-chairman of the Mehli Mehta Music Foundation in Bombay where more than 200 children are educated in Western Classical Music. The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music in Tel Aviv develops young talent in Israel and is closely related to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, as is a new project of teaching young Arab Israelis in the cities of Shwaram and Nazareth with local teachers and members of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra; and

WHEREAS, on March I, 2011, Zubin Mehta received the 2,434th star on the World Famous Hollywood Walk of Fame- making his mark in more ways than one in Los Angeles. And on October 2, 2011, he received the Echo Klassik in Berlin, for his life's work; and

WHEREAS, on December 13th, 2012, Zubin Mehta will return to conduct the very program with which he inaugurated his tenure fifty years ago. This program will be a varied collection of pieces from the Classicism of Mozart, to the Romanticism of Dvorak and the twentieth-century Expressionism ofHindemith, each work heralds from an entirely different musical time period, and each reminds us what there is to love about their respective, disparate worlds:

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the adoption of this resolution, the Los Angeles City Council hereby congratulates Maestro Zubin Mehta on the 50th anniversary of his Music Directorship of the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Further the Los Angeles City Council declares Zubin Mehta to be a Living Cultural Treasure for his significant contribution to Los Angeles in, through, and on behalf of music, arts and culture. Zubin, the Los Angeles City Council hereby salutes you for your 50 years of rich contributions to the City's cultural landscape! PRESENTEDB(JM~ ADOPTED TomLaBonge DEC 0 4 2012 Councilmember, 4th ~~!~.S}, LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCil Form 99



Los Angeles Paralegal Association 40th Anniversary 1972-2012

WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles recognizes the contribution and work of the Los Angeles Paralegal Association; and

WHEREAS, the Los Angeles Paralegal Association (LAPA) is dedicated to developing strengthening, and advancing the paralegal profession; and

WHEREAS, LAPA was formed in 1972 by Local paralegals in response to the growing need for an organized professional association throughout the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area; and

WHEREAS, LAPA puts on a multitude of Mandatory Continuing Legal Education seminars, networking mixers, and events that assist the community such as the LAPA Pro Bono Fair, Public Counsel's Run For Justice, the LAPA Charity Wine Tasting, Public Counsel's Adoption Day, and the LAPA Holiday Benefit Gala; and

WHEREAS, the LAPA Charity Wine Tasting and the LAPA Holiday Benefit Gala events raise funds for organizations that assist the underprivileged; and

WHEREAS, in September 20 12, LAPA's Charity Wine Tasting event raised funds for the Court Appointed Special Advocates, a special organization that advocates