■' i An ITnAntskrA Uh> ffiallotofU tocal Netoe. by telegraph POLITICAL. The THE local anO £Ute Yesterday morning we receive.! the following Inews November Elections. FfiVEH. -TO THB- despatch from Dr. Harlow, Superintendent of the Examinations io oar public schools will occur COWGILL*® STATEMENT, Hill & Hoyt are selling goods at remarkably NEW Insane Hospital. the present week, ss follows HAMPSHIRE. low prices. Xeunebft Journal A. B. Bank* Interviewed on the Florida New Orleans, November 1L There have “Moses this at 9 Ilatlg Concord, Complete returns lrom every Owen died o’clock.” A. Noe. 13. voting been no morning Laughton School, Wednesday M., in tbe State deaths and no new caeee in the 24 of A root 44 44 Elcctioa. precinct have been received, and tbe peat Diphtheria is aging in many portions These few words chronicled the close of a lile Atherton bours. Tbe mortuary for the week 44 vote for governor stands as report eadimr Loudon Hill * P. MAINE NEWS BY follows: took count*. was wae M., TELEGRAPH. Sunday night, shows the total deatha were that unfinished, Mr. Owen 44 44 44 44 | New Yoke, November 11. Andrew D. Banks Head, republican, 162, incomplete. South Mann 38.086 against 193 the * was interviewed iu relative previoas week. Of thcee 31 were roeet« this brought to the from on the drat 44 Baltimore, Sunday, to McKean, democrat, 31,083 The Republican State Committee hospital, Hath, North Mann Thursday A. M., Noe. 14. Fire*. from yellow fever, agaiast 69 for the week 44 44 44 44 Uawgilfa statement. Banka admitted be was in Brown, greenback, previ- 1 8,385 and at the House. day of November. Why he was brought here Vaughan 11. Florida ous, 13 from various ft vers, 20 for the evening Augusta 44 44 Gardiner, November A b»rn owned while the vote for preaipeut was canvass- Piobibitoryand 129 against Warren, P. by scattering previous week. when so near his we cannot tell. He was M.# ed, and had several interviews with iu Head's 488. end, 44 44 44 44 Wm. Hollins cf Chi Ives, was burned Sunday Cowgill re- msjority, The are to get out Page. to business The first hoys making preparations then suffering from and was in a fail gard matteis. As to the allegation bunse of repiesentatives chosen under bRnEVEPoNT, November 11. All qaareatiaee parslyeis, Two (irammar school*. Friday all day, Noe. 15. night, together with fifty tons of hay. Loss about the were that be said to “If vote for Tildes blennnial will be smaller 95 mem- raised to the Board their double runners. condition with slim of life. He School will close Noe. 22. Cowgill, you system by day by of health. ing prospects English High Friday, (11300; insured; cause unknown. electors woo cao have what bera than the same partially you desire in office or | body in 1878. Under tbe new Vicicsni Ro, November 11. There have been in the Universalist was unable to talk, his mntterings being quite The annual festival of the Universalist Society, Hank* was noo api>ortiooujeut a full do Rev. Miss Angel preached Calais, November 11. Tbe bouse and barn of money.’ committal. He neither house would be composed of deaths or new cases. admitted or denied hut ~98 but a chi ivh at last Sunday. incoherent. He was in a private apart- in this city, will occur on Wednesday evening it, insisted he had not read members, number of towns have failed Bangor placed Robert of were burned Jackson, November 11. There here been Ive McC'oomb Calais, Sunday the letter with sufficient caie to know to elect, owing to combinations. ment, and had every care possible, but sank rapid- next, November 13, for which occasion an attrac- exactly greenback lever cues since a what was He it Katnrdsy night. Two deaths Meeting of Monument Association at Grand by dcf- ct ve cbimuey. Loss, 91500; insured charged. gave as his opinion, ere nneou«ciou« a deal of the time, tive programme has been MASSACHUSETTS. expected to-night. ly, being good prepared. however, thst Cowgill ought out to have written Theie Army Hall this evening ; ladies invited. 91000. Boston, November 11. were three deaths at Bolton Inst until yesterday morning, at 9 o’clock, when he •ueb a letter. The recent vote for night Pedeatriuniara. member of congress in the third was son Notice to Our Patrons, district, shows Mr. Benjamin Willis of Bangor, died the other died, at the age of 3ov. Nlcholls Denounces Them. who made tbe recent Tbs children’s fair held on afternoon by is much talk. The hall will be Saturday at our a« we cannot be for day next, making count, are composed only of democrats. advantages that wealth and estraordinarv talents expense; responsible A at St. Catharine’s Hall, a decided success. its bate otherwise. with a track a la Bertha von PROBABLE HOSTILE REPLY proved delivery provided Hillern. New Ulouc isteh, November 11. A recount of tbe could afford. Hr graduated at Rowdoin Prni.IHIIEHB OF Joi'HNAL. York, November 11. A New Orleans The sum of dollars was realized. College, Miss Sherman not walk in votes for in tbe sixth FROM THE AHEEK. forty-six will continuously the special says the executive committee of the citi- congressman distiict, gives io the class of ’61, we believe, and gave promiae 1 I.oimg 2G moie, 1 and Carlton two same Uiiection, but will reverse, so that the strain zens* association visited Governor Nicbolls at his Boynton lees, The school in District No. I, on the east side of attainments in the less than tbe ward count. of brilliant literary world. But sworn Net gain for Coring on the be house, yesterday, and laid before him the Reasia Orders the the Miss Melissa closed jHarrirtJ. body mar not unequal. twenty-seven. Constracliwa ot Sev- river, taught by E. Fraiu, in early life he drinking habits, which testimony of several hundred witnesses as to out- acquired Arrested. eral Ironclads. last after a term of eleven weeks. rageous frauds in the recent munici- NEW Friday, more especially in a genial, companionable na- In this city, Nov 9, by Rev. C. F. Penney. John perpetrated YORK. Sheriff Hall arrested a young lad Sat- elections. The governor was asked if with W Mason of Amherst, Nova to Ellen M. Deputy pal Niw \ oKk, November 11. At a tnre like his, were destined to prove his rnin; Scotia, in meeting of Phill C. Dolliver is having good success since Cox of for of some law-books and a small these facts view it were not possible to aunul the executive Augusta. urday larceny committee of the national green- London, November 11. The Timet’ corres- which indeed have shattered all his blight pros- the recent election and order a new one. He removing to his new establishment, where for a sum of from Messrs. it Hidlon. P‘n7> it was claimed that pondence at believes as money Fogg it as his b*cbJ,?bor to-day, they Derjeerliog there it prob- pects in life, sud brought him to a gave opinion that his power lay only with cavl votes in the or the little more than a he has beeu his premature 1'he arrested bOjJOO State at the late election. ability of the Ameer oi year giving young burglars Friday state that the legivlatuie. The governo: was extremely in- reply Afghanistan death. Poor Mosel he had t soul as white and Qtrt. | to the British ultimatum, ethsrwies then customers “fits.” broke- into on Commercial dignant and said aD occurrence of this . being they Donovan's, street, character, hostile, unless under Russian He pare ee ever human breast covered, and by the but more the events enacted Maui n Chunk, November 11. Both guidance. fn Bath Nov. S. Harriet K.. wife of Sam el and seeing a man sleeping in tbe counting room, particularly recently Albright couches it in ambiguous in order to Potatoes were evidently falling yesterday—at in the contribute to substantiate and hlot* claim to terms, poet- side of the unconscious clay we will remember l>ain, aged :ift years and 6 month*. 1 country, greatly be elected to congress Irom an were scared off without pone inevitable war until be ie better least one farmer’s for a full of them fell getting anything. the made the the eleventh district. The prepared were; hag him only as the sweet poet, whose chaste and charges by republican party against official retains are not to resist our forces. in. No estimate out of cart on Hines’ Louisiana. gives either candidate more than h>s yesterday morning Hill, lines have chattned us A CARD. Beaconifleld's tpeeh created n beautiful in hours of med- . seven plurality. Saturday night over the favorable The tone and they were scattered ground. comfort in The return impression. general of des- itation, brought times of despoadency, As report* are being circulated without the least judges will meet Tuesday. patches end Fatal Accident. OFFICE SEEKING. press comments on the situation Indi- Haskell seems to be selling goods in the hoot end an added joy in seasons of sunshine. Con- foundation, that the Mate Street Laundry has FLORIDA. cate a subsidence of the recent nneasineee. been I wish to infoitn the Hath. November II. bis short we think it is not ton closed, public that Lequiret Clough, aged Effort* to Oast Architect Hall. St. and shoe line cheaper than ever. Yon can pur- sidering life, much 1 JecooNviLLS, November 11. Official and un- 1’ETinsBune, November 11. Tha Goloe while Mr aud Mrs. who are in, being caught in tba Downes, employed fatally injured by belting official returns considers Lord there a of calf boots with over- to that he had no among our Maine rece.ved, give Biabee, Beeconrfield's chase good pair eay auperior there, by me, give as good satisfaction in every re- Id Couant A Cb.’a pulp mill to day. republican, speech pacific, Collector Smith ol Chicago an a General for coogiess, 232 though it shows that the beeis of hie is still shoes to with the same, for poets. He had something of the style of Edgar aped as they have thus far, it will not be closed. Death. majoriiy. policy go $3.50. Cheap To-day is the for enmity to Russia. If the proprietor of the Augusta calls Guardian. legal day closing the canvass enough. Allen Poe, though perhape not quite so weird. Laundry John Jonea died a few daye ago at Great Falla, in the seveial counties. __ again on our regularcustomers for their work, Constantinople, November 11. Midhat Fa His lines on “The Returned Maine Rattle Flags,” •t the age of 73. He bad for over fifty years betn Bisbee telegraphs from Alachna “The she is Governor Has Eb. Pillsbory got his plan for the harmo- with any such report, they may know it ia not Nxw York, November 11. The Times’ Wash- county: appointed General of Syria. in id tbe employ of a manufacturing company a* board here are aibitralory returns. nious distribution of State offices ? The printed and hung frames in the retunda of the true. ington special says rigorous efi'oits to briug about rejecting good Rom, November 11. It ie here that completed watchman. Have a ITnited States marshal come to-morrow reported If it should be closed at time in the the removal of Architect Hull con- Russia has ordered the unfortunates are interested to know what they are capitol, have been reckoned among his best any future, Supervising without fail.” construction of several to (iaxette. the public will be duly informed. tinue to be made by Collector Smith and other ironclads. going have.—[Dexter specimens. We pity the man who can read them . E. T. Bartlett. Chicago persons, who are urging for the position MISSOURI, It is thought that Count Corti, who ie going to Is that the Pillsbury who New a stumped Hamp- unmored. In 1873 he published volume of po- November 12, 1878. novI2 *tf an architect of that city, named Peiis end ie commietioaed Augusta, Fire. Uayiugton. They St. Louis, November 11. About one hundred Loudon, to arrange shire I claim to sufficient for common ems, entitled “Plymouth Church and other poems,” poaaess personal influence with counties ol this State give the following result in action in the East. Northkiei.*, November 11. Two barns, with the to their which contsined many of bis fugitive but president accomplish purpose, despite the senate: Democrats 15, PnsTii, November 11. The demand for n The lediei of the Free Baptist society hold their pieces, CUVTJIM DEPARTMENT! dwelling bouse and contents, to Aaron the fact that republican l, green- sup- belonging heretofore chargee against Hull, in backs 2. In the house: Democrats credit to meet the not a tithe of his works, io that direction. He Smith of Moretowu, were bo rood 97, republi- plementary expenses of the ac- monthly sociable in tbe vestry of their church Saturday night. the interest of the same element, pressing Bay- cans I and of the Turkish Lost small insurance. t, greenbacks independents 19. copetion Provinces, said to am oust cream was called several times to delirer poems on $2000; iogton, were investigated aeaiataut thie evening. Ice and various refresh- pub- NASON & by secretary to 40,000,000 dories, bee been presented to tho the HUNTINGTON, CO. Death. French, and were dismissed. ARIZONA. ment* Will be offered for sal*. There ii no *d- lic occasions. But silver cord is loosed, the delegation!. In addition to bis duties as collector of customs Prisi/ott, November 11. The is the Count broken at the cistern. of the The great success we h id last spring and sum- Mrs. Sarah W. Lountberry, aged eighty-seven following Schoavaloff has left Vienna for Paeth, to miation fee, and the public are cordially invited. pitcher Something at William Smith has assumed a vote cast for to mer in our Custom Department, in consequence of died at North and ia Chicago, Henry delegate congress, as far as count- remain several daye. sadness of his life is reflected in a little years, yesterday Clarendon, piece he the extremely low prices at which w* made suits sort of general gnardianabip over the United ed : A letter addrresed to the Mayor Franklin said to have been tbe only Revolutionary pension- The council of ministers have by wrote several entitled "At to measure encourage* unto offer the same induce- Slates, and all federal officers who refuse to ac- Davis egaia iliiniseeil years ago, Last,” er in the Stale. 1,178 the Greek note tha Simmons, nod dated London, October 28, says: ment* for the coming Fall and Winter season. We hit are aad askiug appointment of del^ which we : knowledge supremacy aouoyed perse- Campbell 1,296 quote are now to show our customers the lar- gotoe to settle the frontier question. It is saserted “I intend to begin tbe model lor the prepared cuted. lie seems to possese more authority in Stevens 1,161 August* At last short lived have sunk in gest stack of 8UITINU8 and OVERCOATINGS M A9«Al'lftlfiETIh. that a decision favorable to an was my Joys sorrow, custom! matters and to he more potential general- Woolsy 870 arrangement monument ** soon ns I arrive in Rome, which And night and darkn iss have their ever offered in Augusta. and was submitted to usurped at tbe than the The to bear from will reached, the saltan for his reign; Marine News. ly treasury department secretary precinct probably elect sanction. will be in a few days." Mr. Simmons will mske himself. Smith Twas but a that such mor- operates directly through tbe Campbell, independent democrat. day brought gloomy Men's All Wool new The has handed the three eastern a model for tbe soldiers’ monument Suits, Niwburtpobt, November II. Tbe steam- White House. port* Rsnms- proposed here, row. lien made from measure, er l’aotber, for this port, ran ashoro commissioner! e draft of a constitution for which will be submitted to our For one baa gone wbo may not come It is generally understood about the treasury UOLD AND SILVER. all citizens (or in- again. off the mouthPhiladelphia of tbe Eaatern Roumelia. harbor, Sunday evening, but that General Arthur was At last the pitcher, can-led often has bee* SIO.OO S1N.OO S^O.OO. department suspended spection. broken, was towed off this forenoon by the tog Mattie from the custom house the de- The silver chord i* loosed, all hope has fled, upon The Estimate of Director Lindermaa* ot I the FALL Sargent. mand of Smith, and it is said Smith boasts of this CALIFORNIA. So tbe Waterville Journal has "gone where Tet still llnver, though word he spoken OVERCOATS the Miat. That bids me wander from the Hilled. feat among hit friends. the woodbine twineth." saintly dead. made from It lived but tix weeks, measure, Tbe investigation made into methods Harder. At last I I knew lhat all earth’s Bobtor. November 11. At Malden, tbit fore recently but that was to joys were fleeting, flit ol the Silver long enough demonstrate that it a woman named while a of appraisment of merchandise at the principal Opinion Policy. Sam Jon, November 11. Hen- Tet still I fondly hoped ’twas not my fate, noon, Heffion, leading Sunday night, was $15.00. >' ports waa made Smitn’s demand. He first fifteen wae wasn't wanted. The field already well filled And life sped on with glad and merry greeting, — calf rota tbe Boston A Maine Railroad, was upon ry Younger, aged years, that by Eth- A so could not tbe and were requested such investigation, at the tame N«w an about the tame and ho has dace tbe which and a day golden longer wait, struck b; engine both killed. making York, November 11. Director Linder- Moody, age, by Mail, through industry WINTER OVERCOATS. time direct Mr. died. * charges against James, chief of men’i mint report eUtea that the domestic The tronble eroee from Younger ordering' cloae attention to local wants, deserves a Mv thoughts go back ’o lhat glad snnny morning. Meeting of Creditor*. pro- hearty Brown customs divisiou, anu ufficers of tbe New York ducts the of Moody off hit fetber’e whom When life was young, and earth and sky seemed Black, and Oxford Mixed Eljslan past year, gold it #47,266,107; silver, premises, Moody The there will A meeting of the creditors of tbe firm of cuetom house. This was not acted wae •upport. people learn hy the de- bright, Bearers, Clark, request upon #46,726,314. bunting. Williams A Clark, was held to-day, at which a as as mith and when that served feilnre of its would-be rival, that it is nei- Oh happv day that brought auch glorious dawn- promptly desired, dig- I.iederman estimates the probeble amount of Shooting Affair. Silk velvet fine Mohair statement was submitted tbe made a formal an collar, binding, showing liabilities to nitary demand for investigation gold consumed in the arts and manufactures this ther profitable or gratifying to run after be and San Feancibco, November 11. J. O. "strange llow could you leave me in such gloemv night l $251,000, assets, $170,000. and forwarded his resignation, which he desired at and To-day, year #2,600,000, computes the stock of Glenn end shot and killed each gods." Failure. to have accepted in case his demand was not com- bullion in the Walupia Aetorigo In va’n, I* vain, I ask I the breeze Is sighing. $16.00 $20.00 $23 00. gold country at #244,353,390. other et plied with, the investigation was ordered, end tons Tebachapi. The crimson leaves now flutter from the trees, I). C. Griswold A have Silver coin and bullion exported during the The lectuie,to young people delivered by Rev. Co., dry goods dealer*, William Smith continues to direct the af- And Nature speaks e’en In her verv dying, BLACK, BLUE AND BROWN PLAIN failed. Liabilities reported at from $20,000 to Haary year above the amount of importationa, he fixes Mr. Whitney in tbe Uaiversallst church «o seek yonr answer—It Is found in these! fairs of tbe country from the custom house at at and lha Sunday BEATER!?. $250,000, the greater part being due New York #8,045,600, probable amount used in CANADA. waa well attended, a number Chicago. arts and msuuiactures at This will evening, large of The Man Who Want a ‘•Boss.” parlies. Asset* not given. #3,000,000. If Smith should present to the President the al- leave e net balance nt The ladiea and men The with velvet collar., #88,090,557 as the stock of Fisheries Award. young young being present. Ctshnoc Nov Suicide. ternative of hit or of seed- Heights, 11, 1878. accepting resignation silver coin and bullion in the June 20th, November 11. A. discourse was a fine and the Mr. country, Ottawa, T. Galt la here (s production, good ad- Filitnr:—Some months linre you gave an John McBay. aged 27, committed suicide ing the head of the supervising architect to Chi- and a total of both $1500 $16.00 $20.00. to-day 1878, gold and silver of #332,- silting the governor in the preparation of the vice in it could not account in the Journal of Father Eason In at Mass. cago, of course the headsman Smith will be in- given help being appreciated yonr by hanging, Everett, 443,947, which is an increase this year of Canadian ease in the Work and fit warranted in all cases. #89,588- fishery disrate for informa- zeal to eulogize that venerable man, the son in Woolens by structed to do hia duty. 080. bv the old a* well aa the Mi a. Fannie the at low Accident. tion of the British foreign and it aoder- young. Mr. Charles Alberts was yard very prices. office, law, entirely overlooked. He believes #26.000,000 was added to that Mr. Charles Johnson, and Mr. J. Thos. Shehan fell from a staging while stood be will be sent to England by the dumiiiea Milliken, D. Perhaps an ontline of this gentleman mar be in- hoisting THE MOUTH CAKOLINA ELECTION amount to October 1st. coal to and received fatal up government in order to tho cats. rendered tbe ehoir teresting to some of readers. He is 81 day, probably injuriea. present Myrick valuable assistance in your CLOTHING FRAUDS. Of the silver dollar he aeyi at the date of the rears of age. Ia politics a black His DEPARTMENT, Hum Did It. Marine Iteme. making tbe services interesting. republican. passage of this act authorizing the coinage of the religious views, uolike the veaershle father-in- men Duluth. November 11. It ie rumored an RECORD FMI'lR. Two young named Holmes and Gerry, Ballot Box tbe Wholesale. dollar of 412 1-2 grains, in Persia the price of bar that are somewhat His mind Staffing by It was almost with prophetic vision that the edi- law, vague. rnns more were found Uaad in bed at their respective homes silver was about 55 pence per ounce British stand- American tag has been seized at Sault by Domin- on a "hoss", although he is fond of ion officials for In Censdino tor of th* Aroostook 8nnrise paiticularlv MEN’S WINTER in East Stoughton, Sunday evening. They had ard. wrecking waters. (greenback) wrote almost all kinds of tnimals and SUIT?, Nxw York, November 11. The Times’ Wash- fowl, lie keeps been drinking together in the afternoon, and died From that date, August 28th, left, the price these words on tbe of the recent : two |».00 $10.00 says that Congreasman Mackav, day elections dogs, several cats, two pigs, one of which is $12.00 $13.00 $13.00. soon alter Cause of death is not ington epecial declined nntil it leached 49 1-8 separating. who was tbe for on gradually pence MEXICO. heart* one ye«r old, snd good sav that ho republican candidate congress •‘To-night many will heat for jnv to think judges will known, hut it is thought they most have acciden- the 17th of October. The price at date of this re- dress at leosl 35 Ibo. This nna MEN’S WINTER Tuesday last, in tbe Charleston, that right and justice are coming to the front and Mr. Alberts in- OVERCOATS. taken An will at once port it 60 1 4 pence. The Border Troubles. tally poison. investigation has written a letter in which be describe! a harrier to the wiles of tends to kill The other is four months old. The be made. district, The entertained portraying mighty specu- expectation by many that re- New Yobh, November 11. General re- same say that be will alive from $4.00 to $20.00. the methods adopted by the democrats to make Ord lations and fraud. Tha granite hills of Mew judges weigh Sentenced. monetization of silver would be followed an from the twelve to fifteen that SUie solid. by ports Mexican frontier that his (mill Hampshire will bur-t forth in rapturous at pounds. He has refused fifty I.srge .lock of in the value of is not real- melody after lha numerous in- appreciation silver, yet commend him one available soldier to tbe result of work and the sombre cents for him. him in a shoe box and in- Lowell, November II. In the superior court Mackay, describing ized. gives only to-day's ; vis- Keeps 120 miles of t* ha tends to him over. These John Devine of was sentenced stancss of violence practiced npon republicans, every square territory protect- age of the "Old Mao" will smile down upon the keep bogs evidently Children's Suits to-day, Cambridge, Liodermao thinks the to to in the that moat cases of ballot box ought ed. He leys explorations af with sarcastic to shove who have an ear for music and are undoubtedly very eight years house of correction, for kill-! •ays outrageous be by scouting parties, valley smile, attempt very cautious in Its silver the west of as AND two with a occurred at the polls in ward 3, Charles- policy. mountains Pacos, barn itwslusf na- to defraud the people of their duet." happy, they are constantly singing ‘‘Mary and ing persons pistol, the jury returning a •luffiiog verdict of ton. At the Palmetto house, si peeled ly well watered sad quite extensive Martha have just gone along,” "What shall the manslaughter. engine polling place THE gras- W. STEWART BODY ROBBERY. ing lands, both and load and Ben Butler, to a western harvest be,” and the smallest one of Itte has tak- Overcoats democratic manager U. Daggett, foreman of plain valley. Silver, according newspaper, Shot. have en to the Newa and Courlei office, stuffed copper been discovered, and of waa once to a young in singing "Whoa Emma.” Mr. Alberts AT job printing specimens engaged lady Waterville, Woht'ESTBR, November 11. W. A. Williams, 2500 false tickets into tbe box. After the Various the both silver end ores Goa. Ord re- wheels the swill for the bogs on a wheelbarrow polls Reports Concerning Finding gold brought and to break off the match, which for some reason a piomment member of tbe Worcester 46 killed end 6 wounded from the of the State this is county closed tbe managers finding that there 3,509 bal of the Remains. ports persons by the In- vicinity Honse; where Low was hit the notablo Prices. dar, shot this afternoon bv John Grady, a for- lots in the declined to throw out but die us since October 1st, 1877. displeased him, npon expedient of he misses a horse. He keeps a flock of hens, box, auv, All of our is ofour mer tenant. The ball struck Sir. Williams' collar a and roosters, which he is in to to clothing manufacture. Work counted them all. and returned the vote of that What the Police are going npon feigned spree jammed an inof- mostly hopes sell and fit warranted. bone, and tbe wound it not considered Reported to Have the grccnbick party next fall. He also does dangerous. poll at 461 for Mackey and 3,108 for U’Connor. BRITISH COLUMBIA. fensive citizen's hat over bis eyes. Tbe young quite Grady was arrested. Said. so extensive business in farming, finished harvest- At tha other poll in this ward, tbe same act was man was arrested and fined. Tbe to and its promply girl ing bis beans in the snow storm last Saturday, HUNTINGTON, NASON & CO., Going Start Up. performed, managers retorted 121 for Death. Mackey and for so that one ward New York, November 11. About 2 this morn- wrote a letter repudiating him ; her father threat- snd came near losing them no "hoss" 1 The Mills at have re- 1,866 O'Conner, November 11. Hon. Hanrr by having Pesbody Newboryport one of ihe Victoria, Rhodes, to in. 190 Water St., Aognsta. out of eight in this was made to a ma- ing, police actively engaged in working ened to kick him out of if be ever haul them Mr. Alberta is overrun with ceived two new steam of two hundred city, gire consul from the Hewanin Swedish end doors ventured engines the Stewart stated as a Norwegian work. he : TnThuAS.Itf of 4 802 for U'Co-inor. up case, positive fact that Says "I have got eight houses to hank, and fifty horse power each, which will be in jority governments, died yeeterdev after n ill- near tbe boose, and the wily yoang man chnekled put The utter of tbe of the detectives had at last succeeded in lingering which is all cash, if I only had a hoss." A and tbe mills 250 impossibility voting 3,.569 obtaining ness, He bed been n immedistely started, employing information relative to the prominent merchant since at tha snccetl of hi* innocent k a at one in twelve hours needs wbereaboats of Stew- greatly stratagem. neighbor idled “hots” a few days ago, one operatises persons poll hardly 1840, eud formerly resided in Honolulu. E. to be lefuted. As the examined each art's remains. The entire facts, said tbit oficial, that be bad bad for year*, the tnitn*l being worn HASKELL, managert The Gardiner bis these iee items : S. and in cavea will be made public toon. It is now a Reporter out. Mr. Alberts said it was the meanest thing HHODE ISLAND. vote separately many consumed from very only some question ot a brief time when the remains will be FOREIGN NEWS. II. Allen A Co who now have charge of the ice ever perpetrated on the heights, in killing the SHOES three to lour minutes questioning voters, it BOOTS, ,nd RUBBERS! Found Dead. is safe to the time conaumed in secured. We have learned enough to indicate housee lormerlv owned hv the Ken. Land A Lum- ’•boss" instead of giving the animal to him, as he say average voting man waa one where tbe remains are and are sore of November 11. is overrun with work if he only had a “boss". I Pkovidbrcb, November 11. William Carriso, for each minute, which would allow bidden, London, Lord Justice Chris- ber Co., in I'ittston, with one crew and Now Is vour time to buy boots an i overshoes. able to arrest ths thieves. shipped learn that Mr. Alberts is now aged twenty-one veart, was found dead ia bed at 720 peraona to vote, provided there waa a continu- being tian of the Court of Appeals, in Ireland, has re- negotiating with Ton can buy a good pair of one tons a ous stream of voters for twelve hoars. A correspondent the over slip, 1,900 of ice in six days recent parties for a ‘‘host.” He aavs that the parties noon, with pistol wound in bis bead, and a toy By this Washington sayt descrip- signed. lesion to a tion of the man who to tne Lance A also loaded one ask $50 snd he bas offered them for pistol in hit pocket. It it be committed method Choi is msde give O'Connor attempted purchase Co., cotton broken of Liverpool, have ly. They schooner Tuesday with $50 biro, supposed of its and ”if we can Calf Boots and Arctic suicide. An will be held to morrow. of 6525, or e than the en- body preservative proprietor, in New York, failed. ol ice in tea ice adds, think alike I shall probably Overshoes inquest majority majority larger 693 tons boar*, all grooved and tire democratic vote of the is Ueorge A. Christian, the well known The Northamberland coal buy him." He says if he is successful in getting Fatal Accident. ciiy. grave miner* accept 12 1 2 alow for $3 robber of that wbo is under indictment an a biated. Nothing very about that. T. B. the "boss” he intends this winter to peddle tin 3ft, Throughout the county and district, boxes were city, per cent, redaction. Thomas Forrest, a weaver at acci- resurrectionist. A Son had a train of 20 cara ware and dust Lonedale, stuffed in tbe same way. Not satisfied with stuff- The subscriptions in Glasgow for the relief of Chase arrive Wed- paos. J. A. J. if to the in you only go right place. dentally shut himself the bead to day, while ing boxes, tbe democrats, Hading it impossible to During an interview with a reporter, this morn- Glasgow bank shareholders, bare reached £83,000 night for ice, and another train of 20 a revolver. There are no of his Hilton intimated nesday Bnproit* Judicial X ourl —I.lbbry, J. prr- bandliug hopes •toff tbe ba!lot|box at Washiagion engine house, ing, Judge that tbe body of A. and in Edinburgh £27.009. Ladies’ Lace He haa a wife and two children in T. Stewart bad been Tbnraday evening. They will all be filled end sUtag. Serge Soots /or S/.OO recovery. ward six, because of the vigilance of the United traced, and can be taken pos- There were numerous wreck* on the English England. 8tatee out tbe stole the box session of at say time. const e started soon. Mondat, November, 11th. Ladies’ India A'id Sutton Soots supervisor, put lights, Sunday, by heavy gale. and It, because I had a of Police Superintendent Walling langhs at the Mr. S. was on destroyed majority Cauix, November 11. The Gne- Eugene Fogg, motion of I„ Clay, NEW YORK that the has been and the Spanish brig Personal. /or $I.2fi. about 500 there. report body found, says Minor, from New arrived admitted to commence as an have no dalquiver, Capt. York, Prof. C. H. of the Slate eud Esq., practice attor- On Edisto Island, where 1000 voters reports foundation. Fernald, College, Al«o all the best o'goods on republican Saturday, leaking. She loet the captain and two Quslity constantly Death. Humors are still afloat and the is ney and counselor at law in the courts of reside, aad where the democrats have oaly about impreesion a hia wife and son, are to aail for Europe the last of judicial hard at hot om prices. Ladies’ and Gents’ tine men overboard, end jettisoned portion of the New York, November 11. Hob. N- B. 40 or 50 Lire democratic eommissioners fail- that some information as to tbe wbereaboats of Main*. Mr. I* an and bas boo's made to measure at the shortest possible Judd, votes, cargo. the month. They will remain abroad Fogg Augusta boy. Stewart’s remains during the notice. eged sixty six years, died of paralyaie this morn- ed to open the polls, thus actually disfranchising is in possession of Judge Hil- been a student in the office of D Robin- Madhib, November 11. The trial 94 Jana long winter vacation. lately C. iug. He has been chairman of tbe republicnn these voters. ton. Knows Where the stale central collector of member Moocaei, who attempted to assassinate the King, Mr. Thot. Sherman, Mr. Blaine’s son, Esq. everybody Pltee Is. committee, port, A Columbia despatch says tbe frauds on tbe bal- gentlemanly of and was THE MANHATTAN BANK. Oct. 25, commenced to-day. The prose- The snd trial ot Ware congress, appointed minuter to Berlin lot boxee stage!• belief. Civil strife was a pas- public secretary ia in tbs dry tediona vs. Gould cutor asked tbs court to pass sentence of private city. by Fresident Lincoln. time all during election day, and was not made death, has dragged its slow along another E. HASKELL, A Clue but the defence urged that the whole The charming Mrs. Scott Siddona is soon to length Decision. secret. Tbe tissue tickets sre Reported of the Whereabouts of proceeding 178 WATER toy paper general be re-commenced. State. day, the testimony not being conclnded till 3.15 in ST., AUGUSTA, HE., that emanated from the reading* in thie Barret of the a throughout, showing they Robbers. give the afternoon. n Judge supreme court, hat girea The prosecution ebowod from Moacasi’s own It is most unfortunate exhibition W End Mis* Clara Nichols, the Opposite est K< nm bee Bridge. decision e mandamus to the headquarter!. cenfession that tha crime was Searsport prims donna, in all its petty details, of a quarrel between neigh- denying compel premeditated since to another Niw York, November It. The has a three with the bors, who have been and still to he novlMAwIJinl comptroller pay million dollert as New police sty 1877. He bed then intended to attempt it when signed yeara' engagement ought friends. Nomination. to the robben of tbe Uanhat- Mutual York's contribution towards tbe completion of they expert capture the King eisited Tarragona. The defence Carl Rosa Rosa’a ia to good offlrea between them seem after- ton arged Opera Company. tronpe tbe Boston, November 11. Tbe Butler faction of Saviogt Bank soon, and recover the bonds was or wards in had tamper to have become the Commissioners’ Brooklyn bridge. that Moncesi insane, et tha moat only at- In London on the first of subject Notice. the democratic nominated Hon. they stole. appear January. of on party to-night (o inflict bodily harm. charge account, resulting in a lawsuit which Commisslonera For Europe. tempted M. A. for undersigned, appointed by Frederick O. Prince for mayor. Another despatch says nothing new bad occur- The sentence of death will be Mia* Libby, several years in the will cost them enough to have maintained a good the Judge of Probate for of paaaad to-morrow. THE Kennebec County, Returns commerce from this port for the last red in regard to the op to three o'clock school six no to receive robbeiy, millinery husinest In Gardiner, hm transferred private months, matter how the ju- and examine the claim* of creditors week show that toe exports of domestic produce this afternoon. ry may decide it. Ibe jury took the case at 5 P. against the e*tate of Elia* T. Tyler, late of China outran the of Last AN ALASKA TRIP. her business to Bowdolobam. deceased imporla foreign goods. year CONUENSKU IU,1!URA». M. and came back with their verdict at ff.15. represented in«elvrrit, give notice that at the data the «ix month" frem IheJW.th corresponding importe reached WEST . Camp meeting John Allen of Farmington, has found a ten day of September, 1878, They balance of dollars in the deft 's or about more than tho ot of the Keveuue are allowed lor raid creditor* to present and prove $275,742,941, $33,500,000 Report Capt. Hailey General Escobedo is lit la hit Mexican attended nine different campmeetings tbe past sea- favor. very their claim*, and that thry will be in session for exporU. Marine Service. Capture of Illicit Stills, prison. 460, Nelson Bowman vs Noah Pinkham,Trustee. the o| said claims son. pnrpoee receiving and proof, at Railroad .Hatter*. Washington, November 11. Collecton Brown Vose for plf., J. Baker for deft. This is a writ of the office of E. W. Whitehonse I" Augusta, at 10 Thomu Carlyle will b# 83 years old December Mrs. Arthur of returned from The A Boston telegraphs from West that a Berry Gardiner, entry to recover title and of a of o’clock in the forenoon of each on Saturday Troy Railroad waa mortgaged to- Washington, November 11. Tbe de- Grafton, Virginia, 4th. possession parcel day, treasury returned last California by her land with the situated in West Gardi- the 7lh dar of December, and on the 28d day. A million dollar* mortgage bonds wore it- baa received from of tbe raiding party night, after capturing Saturday, accompanied daught- buildings, Saturday partment Capt. Bailey two No one koows the whereebonts ol Perron Ven- ner. day of March next. •ued to take fir* hundred thousand bonds dhe illicit distilleries and a thousand gallons of er, Mre. Wilcox. Counsel agreed to withdraw tbe case from up revenue marine eerviee, a report of steamer Hich- lete of New K. W. WIIITEHOU9E, in and mash. burgh, Jersey. the jury and report tbe evidence to the full coart frAmmi„,__Commissioners. 1882, liquidate the fontiag debt. ard'a cruise to Alaska, made UDder tbe Hon. D. H. Thing end wife, of Mt. Vernon, will J r PLUMMER, j authority Peutecost sad Stebbins, tbs revivalists, n for their decision, and the evidence was accord- Sait. of a Congressional of begin noylJ-tAwSw special appropriation 9*25,- mouth’s at Fall soon. on tbe I4th, leave for Richmond, to attend aod the conrt then OHIO. campaign River, Va., ingly got out, adjourned. The suit of 000 for protection of laberiea and sea otter bunt- Cornelia* Vanderbilt to recover #1,- The ef Austria bus the 12th eession of the National which 00(1 ing gruiiude. Emperer (rented general Grange, 1.00*1 a. 000. from W. H. Vanderbilt, has been indefi- Sentenced. Ik«wk<|«( tbat with the amnesty io Bosnia end Uarsegovina. commenced on the 20th. Received nitely postponed, owing to the will contest. Captain Bailey reports exception Last week gave ns about two inches of snow, Subscriptions of a small smuggling of liquor in tbe territory Canton, November 11. Geo. Feeder, the de- Mrs. Don Cameron will spend the winter hi Vaiulboro’ Local*. Temperance. faulting treasurer ol Stark Co., was sentenced to- north followed by quite e blow. It has largely disap- AT through Behring Sea, which cannot without un- Washington, where she it as ytt unknown to so Francis Murphy.tha temperance revivalist, be- due be the interests of day to 12 ycare in the penitentiary, at hard labor, Last Sunday evening the churches of thia place and we have again mild weather. The expense prevented, govern- ciety. peared, a and to a fine of and gins serins ot temperance in this city, ment are faithfully protected. Matters at tbe Fur pay $60,000 coats. E. P. Crowell of held a onion temperance meeting in the travelling in this community has been very good, meetings Professor Aashsrst College, In Baptist PIERCE BOOKSTORE to-day. Iilanda have received attention and are hut the warns ana manufactured a little reported Discharged. one of the mrmbsre-elect of the lower bonw of church, for the benefit and encouragement of the Sunday satisfactory. mud for us. An anal Meeting. Col.liMBl's, November 11. Ten female attend- the Mettechutctlt legislature. Reform Club recently organised. Several of FOR Tbe cruise extended to the western the We have in our village ten schools. AU closed The U. 8. Board of Trade held their annual extremity ants in tne female lunatic asylum, wbum investi- the ef the of the Aleutia Islands, some 2,800 milea from Sit- Upon simple question greeabuckism, members nerd all of whom said last tbe which con- convention gation have been in the habit of present, they Friday, except high school, NORTH AMERICAN at Masonic Hall, Wednesday of thia ka. proved ducking Boston Traveller doubts whether more than 30,000 REVIEW, iu violation of the were were gled they aigned the pledge, and expressed tinues two weeks longer. It has been s very week. patients rales, discharged votes could be polled in Massachusetts. profitable term in all of them. Skewhegan village to-day. a string determination to keep the seme. Rev. Harper'* Fublloatlona, Challenge. Rev. W. H. H. Murrey is still n sufferer tram at the time mav well he its present prondof schools WASHINGTON. bit recent accident, end the have for- Mr. Applabee gave statistics showing the enor- from the Capt. Bogardoa ha* Dr. Carver to physicians primary to tbe high school and academy, And all other challenged ILLINOIS. bidden hit in the mous amount of life end that are ahoot a match with kind ot a for speaking public for present. property annual y which for some years has been under the instruc- any gna, #1000 Appointments. sacrificed to the rum traffic, after which Dr. But- to #5000 a lido*. Freight Rates. Four men were killed in the Spring ceilinry, it tion and direction of J> ffereon Taylor, a oativa of PKIUODICALS Washington, November 11. The President ler. with a half hour lectors, held the whets con- Locust Gep, Ft., Monday. Two cars being hoist- Vaaealhoro’aad ■ graduate of Colby University, Miutag. has appotuted Russell Harrison at Chicago, Novembsr 11. Although ssscrtsd deeply interested. The auhjcet of tem- assayer Helena, ed together became nmhackeled end the rear ear gregation assisted by Miss Bell Holt, daughter of A. F. AT John Irwin, a Brooklyn has been Montana, vica Charles lust week the reeeot conference of the trnnk line has been discussed so much that merchant, Rumley, superseded. ran down the slope, killing the work- by many Holt of Kew'Shtran, who was a graduate of tbe for several it i* with fir* thou- mSDSgers bed resolved to edvence rates five cents furiously is considered aod stale, hut the Doctor musing day a, aaid The 4 Per Cents. men. rranee dry puts Female College et Kent’s Hill. We feel that PUBLISHER'S PRICES. sand dollar*. on fourth class freight from November 25th, it is a that makes it it in such way very interesting, Hr. Teylor with his assistant has given his srhoel Washington, November 11. Tbe subscriptions currently reported thii morning that cutting rates Mr. V. S. Grout, jr., bee contracted for the eroo- and we think it would he for the of AUGUSTA, ME. Marder and Saicide. the 4 advantage a character end a reputation for thorough instruc- to per oeut. loan to-day were §1,285,450. are in progress, and that a break in paaaenger tion of n cottage on a lot recently bought by him throughout these sever- Mrtdtf temperance organisations tion second to none on the river. Bikouimpton, November 11. A long stand- Personal. rates from the west bad occurred, the Wabash be- at Asbury Perk, N. J.. the structure to be earn, al towns to secure a lecture from the feud between next settee. occasionally Sunday evening leet, Mr. Sterbird, who was in ing four brothers named Tabor, ro- charged with having initiated a reduction pleted tor hit occupancy Doctor on this augumta Owing to ill health, John A. has re- ing subject. Singing hy the choir town in the Interests of Hood Laundry, sining at Battle Creak, resulted io tha killiog of Campbell said to average $10 from tbs west to New Templarisro, spoke tnrnad from Basle, wbere be ha* York, It W stated that the mental faculties ol An Wid- from their new books was greatIr appreciated. on the of end State Street, next houee South of Ifaneion Haute James on with a bwilzeiland, Baltimore and Baston. No subject temperanre its interests In Sunday, pitchfork, by David, been ae , change who is still at New Mias Clara P. who intended to a Lot. U. 8. Consul. ow of Daniel Webster, living Lincoln, open the State of Maine, in the High street church. I who than blew out hi* owa brains. in rates to the west. The district passenger egent to in Rochelle, N. I., are so that shale shop engage the dress making business, has Tbe Iteform club end tbe The subscriber ha* the above Postal Matters. association of meet here to impaired hardly temperance citizens in purchased Laun- Chicago Wednesday, of her surroundings, while the is a given it up. She has engaged to canvass Boston town a and will continue to do flret claa* cognizant peer propose bolding series of anion temper dry, work. All MINNESOTA. The report of tbe appointment office of the post reed just the brokea rates. it 78 the sale of musical Mira Lincoln called for and delivered free of total bleak. Sha yaart eld. in iastrumanta. ance meetings in tbe different chnrehea, when n good* charge- office shews that the total number of officers In la well for thia as she has a novS-taodlm R. W. BARRETT, Railroad A Are at the State lunatic atvlnm at MiHedgU' adapted business, lecture will he given by tbe eeverel pastors. Proprietor. Matters. June 30, was Of these TENNESSEE. of operation 1878, 38,258. thorough knowledge music. The year Tbe lete eleetions have been St. November of Iba 1570 were Sled and ville, Go., destroyed several oat hand- past very encouraging EXPERIENCED TEACHER deal re* to ea Pan., 11. The earnings by Preetdeatiel appointment, yesterday, she has kindly officiated at the organ and assisted to tbe Pool The Situation. iage, storehoasat and supplies. No out injured. republicans and hard money men In town. A AN gage e aehool for the winter term. Addreaa, St. Railroad tb# Ant week ia November 3688 by tea Postmaster General. in the singing at the Methodist church. Her re- look et n greenhacker’e face would readily tell F. A. A. HEATH, were #180,000 against #21,277 tha sam* period MiMi'His, November 11. The rapid improve The troop ship (irontea, from Cyprus via Malta, moval to Boston will be a great loss to this society. bow tbe election bad gone—so mote it be. eeptd-lMHallowell, Me. last year. The nat earnings of tb* Chicago A R. meet ie bu.ioete daily manifested is e surprise to sod Bermuda, bat arrived at Halifax whfo the the close of the sermon last Weather Indication* tor To-day. At Sunday, Mr. Ap- 1. Railroad for the first siv month* of the carreot the most sangnine. Merchants wharf to-day ia 101st regiment. Those was a great deal of sick- tbet Stop coughing; if yon do not it may kill Five Minutes Walk from Post Oflce. fiscal year era #2.144 9fi7, sarplus esraingt #663,- For New England and tha Middla State*, lined with steamers discharging freights, sod nett but no deaths on the passage, over 30 tick yon. A bottle of Bull’e 366. ie the in- were left at mad an arrival here 00 Pr. Oongh Syrup only or three boardere wanted for the This an increase of #414.911 over cloody rainy wsather, warm rontberly veering to stores ate crowded with cestomers from the Malta, mile service rendered. We wish her aueoeaa in ber ousts van M and Its nee mar winter, were taken to oento, timely ssye TWOat 171 State Stbebt, Aral door aoutb of Eree tame period loot year, equal tc teveo and one-third colder aorthweet winds, falling followed by rising terior, The general aspect in commercial circles the boepital. The ‘JOth regiment new undertaking. on yoer lift. Baptist oh urch, Auguata, noyS-Rf par cent, on the Mock. barometer. is most snetureging. embarks the 0routes Wednesday for Qfyreji