PORTRAIT 2014 The Oetker Group

The Oetker Group Key Indicators

2012 2013 2014 %* NET SALES (IN EUR MILLION) 10,942 10,844 10,934 0.8 Food 2,501 2,577 2,622 1.7 Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages 1,844 1,843 1,929 4.7 Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits 675 687 697 1.5 Shipping 5,468 5,254 5,186 –1.3 Other Interests 454 483 500 3.7 INVESTMENTS (IN EUR MILLION) (excluding companies consolidated for the fi rst time) 531 777 667 –14.2 Food 119 158 132 –16.6 Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages 97 105 121 15.1 Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits 18 12 16 25.4 Shipping 247 450 348 –22.7 Other Interests 50 52 50 –2.3 EQUITY (IN EUR MILLION) 2,847 3,105 3,484 12.2 As a percentage of the balance sheet total 37 40 41 BALANCE SHEET TOTAL (IN EUR MILLION) 7,695 7,770 8,499 9.4 EMPLOYEES 26,406 26,907 28,354 5.4 Food 11,752 12,272 12,790 4.2 Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages 5,725 5,689 5,757 1.2 Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits 2,040 2,028 2,007 –1.0 Shipping 4,512 4,491 5,360 19.3 Other Interests 2,377 2,427 2,440 0.5

* Percentage change 2013/2014. The percentages relate to the exact amounts rather than the rounded totals.

2 The Oetker Group

Key Indicators / Divisions

The Oetker Group Divisions

Food Shipping

Dr. Oetker is the umbrella for brand product com- The Hamburg Süd Group connects all five panies in the areas of ambient food, frozen food, ­continents with its logistics network. It operates chilled products and bulk consumer business.­ The container ships, bulk carriers and product Martin Braun Group and Frische­Paradies Group ­tankers. It recently acquired the container line complete the range. New thereby is ­Conditorei business of CCNI. Coppenrath & Wiese.

Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages Other Interests

With 14 brewing locations, the Radeberger Budenheim, the Oetker Collection, Dr. Oetker Group is ’s largest private brewing Verlag, OEDIV Oetker Daten- und Infor­ group. It includes the premium mineral mationsver­ arbeitung,­ Handelsgesellschaft water Original Selters, the alcohol-free thirst ­Sparrenberg and Roland Transport are quencher Bionade and the refreshing tea Ti. ­bundled in the ­Other Interests division.

Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits Banking

Henkell & Co. is not only Germany’s most Bankhaus Lampe is one of the leading private ­exported sparkling wine brand, but is a leading banks in Germany with its 12 German branches, provider of sparkling wine, wine and spirits further locations in Vienna and London and in Europe. The Group is represented in 20 na- a cooperation in New York. tions and exports to more than 100 countries.

1 The Oetker Group The financial year 2014 in brief

Shares in total sales revenue Sales revenue (previous year)

Shipping EUR 5,186 million 47.4 % (EUR 5,254 million)

Food EUR 2,622 million 24.0 % (EUR 2,577 million)

Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages EUR 1,929 million 17.6 % (EUR 1,843 million)

Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits EUR 697 million 6.4 % (EUR 687 million)

Other Interests EUR 500 million 4.6 % (EUR 483 million)

Distribution of sales revenue by region

34.2 % Germany 23.6 % Other EU 5.1 % Other European 37.1 % Rest of the world

Distribution of Investments by Division

52.2 % Shipping 19.7 % Food 18.2 % Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages 7.5 % Other Interests 2.4 % Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits

2 165 212 9

The Oetker Group

The financial year 2014 in brief

The Oetker Group Key Indicators

398 28,354 consolidated companies employees

2012 2013 2014 %* NET SALES (IN EUR MILLION) 10,942 10,844 10,934 0.8 Food 2,501 2,577 2,622 1.7 Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages 1,844 1,843 1,929 4.7 Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits 675 687 697 1.5 Shipping 5,468 5,254 5,186 –1.3 Other Interests 454 483 500 3.7 INVESTMENTS (IN EUR MILLION) (excluding companies consolidated for the fi rst time) 531 777 667 –14.2 Food 119 158 132 –16.6 Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages 97 105 121 15.1 Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits 18 12 16 25.4 Shipping 247 450 348 –22.7 Other Interests 50 52 50 –2.3 Sales of more than EUR EQUITY (IN EUR MILLION) 2,847 3,105 3,484 12.2 124 As a percentage of the balance sheet total 37 40 41 billion years of corporate history BALANCE SHEET TOTAL 10.9 (IN EUR MILLION) 7,695 7,770 8,499 9.4 EMPLOYEES 26,406 26,907 28,354 5.4 Food 11,752 12,272 12,790 4.2 Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages 5,725 5,689 5,757 1.2 Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits 2,040 2,028 2,007 –1.0 Shipping 4,512 4,491 5,360 19.3 Other Interests 2,377 2,427 2,440 0.5 The Numbers

* Percentage change 2013/2014. The percentages relate to the exact amounts rather than the rounded totals. With around 28,400 employees and sales of just under EUR 11 billion, the Oetker Group is one of the major ­European family businesses. Broad ­diversification in six business divisions characterizes the­internationally active ­company, which can now look back on a history of more than 120 years.

3 Food

In round 40 countries around the world, people rely on delicious food from Dr. Oetker. The Food Division bundles its brand product com­ panies under this umbrella. It is completed by the Martin Braun Group and the FrischeParadies Group. Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese­ joined the Group in July 2015. In financial year 2014, 12,790 employ­ ees realized sales revenue of EUR 2,622 million.

oetker.com oetker.de oetker-professional.de coppenrath-wiese.de frischeparadies.de martinbraungruppe.de

4 The Oetker Group


Dr. Oetker FrischeParadies Group Dr. August Oetker founded a small company The FrischeParadies Group knows its business in Bielefeld more than 120 years ago. He sold when it comes to the finest food. 560 employ- health cocoa, tinctures and baking powder. ees work at Germany’s biggest deli­catessen, Today, 10,820 employees worldwide in the which offers more than 12,000 delicacies Dr. Oetker family business produce more than from around 70 countries. Apart from the full 3,500 products – still including baking pow- range offered in the eight German and two der and many other baking products, but also Austrian markets, these delicacies are also baking mixes, decorations, desserts and delivered to Denmark, Poland, the Czech sweet meals, chilled desserts, preserving prod- ­Republic, the Baltic States and Majorca. These ucts, ready cakes, Vitalis Müsli, frozen pizzas delicious products are also available to pri- and snacks, refining products, a broad range vate customers via the online shop. for bulk consumers and lots more. Martin Braun Group Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese The Martin Braun Group markets a full range Sweet enticements are the main business of of convenience products such as sweet and the family business Conditorei Coppenrath & ­savory bakery products, breads and rolls, des- Wiese: The confectioner is a leading manu- serts and ice cream for bulk consumers. facturer of frozen tarts and cakes, which are With Agrano, C. Siebrecht Söhne, Cresco, produced by 2,200 employees in Osnabrück Capfruit, Delite, Martin Braun and Wolf and Mettingen. Besides cream cakes, baked ­ButterBack, it comprises all companies in the cakes, sheet cake, cream rolls and slices, sector of bulk consumer baking and em- strudels, biscuits and desserts, the company’s ploys more than 1,400 staff at 13 locations. range also includes frozen rolls and baguettes. With their products, the Group is repre- sented in around 70 countries worldwide.

5 Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages

Whether traditional or innovative, the Radeberger Group offers beers and nonalcoholic beverages of all kinds. 14 brewing locations, a mineral spring in Selters an der Lahn, the Bionade brand from Ostheim vor der Rhön and Ti, the alternative refreshing tea, represent the great diversity of the beverages offered by Germany’s largest privately run brewing group. This Group forms the Beer and Non­ alcoholic Beverages Division, where 5,757 employees generated EUR 1,929 million in sales revenue in 2014.


6 The Oetker Group

Beer and Nonalcoholic Beverages

Beers With its extensive product portfolio, the In addition, the brands of the Radeberger Radeberger Group reflects the diversity of the Group are also represented by different varie- German beer market: with the national ties in the market for nonalcoholic beers. premium brands of Radeberger Pilsner, Jever Pilsner and Schöfferhofer Weizen, the International import brands like Guinness, Group offers top-class, strong-selling beers. Kilkenny and Estrella Damm round off the National specialties such as the Clausthaler portfolio. At the same time, the growing ex- brand, the nonalcoholic among the beers, port business proves that the brands of the round off this segment. Radeberger Group find great respect inter- nationally as ambassadors of the German True to the old brewers’ motto, “beer needs a brewing art. home,” regional beers are enjoying grow- ing popularity in the German beer market. Nonalcoholic Beverages As leading German brewing group, the With mineral water of the Original Selters Radeberger Group can demonstrate its multi- brand, organic drinks of the Bionade brand faceted skills especially in this area with a and the refreshing tea Ti, which is made of large number of long-established beer brands. tea of outstanding organic quality, the diversity Allgäuer Büble Bier, Berliner Kindl and of the Radeberger Group is just as broad in Berliner Pilsner, Brinkhoff’s No. 1, Dort- the area of nonalcoholic beverages. In addi- munder Kronen, Sion Kölsch, Ur-Krostitzer, tion, the Radeberger Group has been co- Freiberger, Stuttgarter Hofbräu and Tucher, operating with PepsiCo Deutschland since to name just a few of the brands, offer a major the beginning of 2015 and is producing range of regional premium brands for beer and marketing the Pepsi, Mirinda, 7Up and aficionados and connoisseurs. Schwip Schwap brands in selected regions.

7 Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits

Henkell – this name stands for Germany’s most exported sparkling wine brand. And it stands for the Henkell & Co. Group, whose companies rich in tradition with 2,007 employees form the Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits Division. In the 2014 financial year they generated sales revenue of EUR 697 million. The Group, which is based in the historic headquarters building in Wiesbaden, is re­ presented with its own companies in 20 countries and exports to more than 100 nations worldwide.


8 The Oetker Group

Sparkling Wine, Wine and Spirits

Sparkling Wine The Henkell & Co. Group offers all relevant wines completes the Group’s range: The two varieties of sparkling wine from its own pro- German vineyards Fürst von Metternich- duction. Besides well-known German sparkling Winneburg’sche Domäne Schloss Johannis- wine brands such as Henkell, Fürst von berg and G.H. von Mumm’sches Weingut Metternich, Deinhard, Kupferberg Gold and can look back on several centuries of experi- Söhnlein Brilliant, the portfolio comprises its ence in making exquisite wines and pro- own Champagnes and Crémants from France, ducing world-famous Riesling wines. Interna- Prosecco from Italy, Cava from Spain and tionally, the BB, Víno Mikulov, Habánské Krimsekt from the Ukraine. In addition there Sklepy and I heart wines set important accents are the sparkling wine brands from Hungary, for the Group. the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Slovakia which have been established for de- Spirits cades. Henkell & Co. is the number one for Henkell & Co. is also a market leader in the sparkling wine in Austria, Sweden, Hungary, spirits segment – for vodka in Germany, for Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and gin in Poland and for brandy in Slovakia. The Canada and for alcohol-free sparkling wine in portfolio includes Wodka Gorbatschow, France and for Prosecco in the United States. Kuemmerling, Fürst Bismarck, Jacobi 1880, Scharlachberg, Pott Rum, Batida de Côco, Wine Mangaroca Cachaça and Cardenal Mendoza Besides numerous sparkling wines, a collec- brands. tion of well-known German and international

9 Shipping

With more than 250 offices, the Hamburg Süd Group is represented at key locations on all continents. With more than 160 ships, of which 46 are owned by the Group, it counts among the world’s twelve biggest container lines and is a leading provider in north–south traffic. In 2014 it realized sales ofEUR 5,186 million with 5,360 em­ ployees. Its core business is container line shipping, including all upstream and downstream logistics services with Hamburg Süd as German carrier and Aliança as a Brazilian shipping line.


10 The Oetker Group


Line shipping Hamburg Süd has a network of approxi- A. Oetker (RAO), Furness Withy Chartering mately 45 line services at its disposal, in which and Aliança Bulk (Aliabulk). When and where a good 110 container ships and a pool of which ship will be loaded and where it more than 450,000 containers are deployed. will sail to, depends on the customer and their To guarantee high logistics quality and load. Bulk ships carry bulk goods such as optimum transport conditions, most of the fertilizers, wheat or coal. Apart from that, the container ships are designed to suit the Group’s service portfolio includes product particular needs of the regions they operate tankers, which transport bulk liquids such in. Besides standard 20- and 40-foot boxes, as diesel oil and aviation fuel, but also mo- special containers are used that take into ac- lasses, vegetable oils and light chemicals. count the different requirements of certain raw materials, semifinished and finished prod- Other services ucts, industrial goods, but also natural prod- Columbus Shipmanagement GmbH (CSG) ucts. This applies in particular to the reefer handles the technical management of the segment, where refrigerated container tech- Group’s own line ships and support for their nologies preserve and even improve the qual- crews. It also supports new shipbuilding, ity and shelf-life of fruit, vegetables, meat, which takes place above all in Asia. The ship- poultry or fish. ping Group holds interests in a terminal in Brazil and operates its own container depots Tramp shipping and transport companies primarily in South Unlike in line shipping, there are no fixed America. Hamburg Süd Reiseagentur, a spe- schedules and routes in tramp operations. cial service provider for business travel, Here the Group is present on the seven seas cruises and other tourism products, rounds in bulk and product tanker shipping with off the service spectrum in the Shipping more than 50 ships under the names of Rudolf Division.

11 Other Interests

The Other Interests Division comprises with its companies the chemical industry, publishing, luxury hotels, information technology and logistics and thus has a very diverse product and service port­ folio. The 2,440 em ployees of this division generated sales revenue of EUR 500 million in the 2014 financial year.

budenheim.com oetker-verlag.de oetkercollection.com oediv.de roland-transport.de

12 The Oetker Group

Other Interests

Budenheim OEDIV Oetker Daten­ und The traditional company Budenheim has its Informationsverarbeitung origins in the town of the same name in OEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informations- Rhine-Hessen. On the world markets, it has verarbeitung operates not only the Group’s developed into an international and leading own data centers, but also IT systems for manufacturer of premium phosphates and external companies. Focal points are the ap- special chemicals. 940 employees here pro- plications from SAP and Microsoft and duce more than 1,000 products for around associated solutions for mapping integral 6,000 customers in over 100 countries – for process chains. special technical applications, food and phar- maceutical products. Oetker Collection Unique elegance and distinct hospitality – Dr. Oetker Verlag they symbolize the “Masterpiece Hotels” of the Founder Dr. August Oetker showed the way. Oetker Collection. Four of these master- He printed recipes on the back of his products. pieces – the Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa, the The first collection of recipes appeared in Hôtel Le Bristol, the Château Saint-Martin & book form in 1911 – the legendary “Dr. Oetker Spa and the Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc – belong Schulkochbuch.” The Dr. Oetker Verlag pub- to the Group. Five further Grand Hotels lishing house was then founded for these pop- complete the Collection. Their management ular books in 1950. With its diverse printed is entrusted with the Oetker Hotel Manage- and digital range, it is today Germany’s best- ment Company (OHMC). known cookery book publisher. Roland Transport Handelsgesellschaft Sparrenberg Roland Transport is a service-oriented partner Market competence, services, tools: Handels- for logistics services. With audits and pro- gesellschaft Sparrenberg supports the Oetker cess optimization, the company provides for Group and selected external companies in efficiently designed services in an overall strategic purchasing with information and package. consulting services in the area of procure- ment market research, product group ana- lysis, tender management and coordination/ pooling.

13 Banking

Bankhaus Lampe is one of Germany’s leading private banks and stands for quality. The select customer base includes wealthy private customers, companies and institutional clients. With 654 em­ ployees, the Group of the same name forms the Banking Division. Besides Bankhaus Lampe with twelve branches and other locations in London, New York and Vienna, it comprises several subsidiaries and equity participations.


14 The Oetker Group


Bankhaus Lampe Hermann Lampe founded the bank in Minden As a bank of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, in Eastern Westphalia in 1852. Today it is this traditional company operates in the headquartered in Bielefeld. There are other market with total independence and conti- branches in , Bonn, Bremen, Dresden, nuity and thus offers ideal conditions for Düsseldorf, am Main, Hamburg, long-term and trustful business relationships. Munich, Münster, Osnabrück and . “Going the extra mile” is the aspiration to Like in its early years, Bankhaus Lampe today which the bank and its staff always feel com- still finances entrepreneurs and companies mitted. Bankhaus Lampe faces the competi- and advises them on issues surrounding equi- tion from the major banks with a balance of ty and external capital. In addition, it is spe- exclusivity, personal advice and state-of-the- cialized in financial consulting and manage- art processes and offers a trendsetting model ment for wealthy private customers, as well in the area of private banks. as the investment business and asset manage- ment for institutional clients.

15 The Oetker Group History

1949 Acquisition of the Bankhaus Lampe founded in Minden 1923 in 1852 and re- location of the com- Budenheim pany’s headquar- acquired. 1941 ters to Bielefeld. Acquisition of the 1891 majority share in Brenners Park The pharmacist, Hotel & Spa. Dr. August Oetker, lays the foundation for the company Dr. Oetker with the de velopment of the baking powder Backin.

1944 The founder’s grand- 1936 son, Rudolf­August ( ) Participation in the Oetker 1916–2007 shipping company takes over the manage- Hamburg Süd. ment of the family business and continu- ously opens new divi- 1950 sions. Dr. Oetker Verlag founded.

16 The Oetker Group


1958 Acquisition of Söhnlein Rheingold Sektkellerei. Today’s international Henkell & Co. Group was formed through the later merger with Henkell & Co. 1994 Acquisition of the hotel Château St.-Martin & Spa (France).

1981 August Oetker becomes general partner of Dr. August Oetker KG. 1969 Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc (France) ac quired.

1990 Acquisition of Martin Braun, from which today’s 2010 Martin Braun Group 1978 evolves. Richard Oetker 1952 becomes general part- Le Bristol Paris ner of Dr. August Acquisition of Binding-Brauerei AG acquired. Oetker KG and takes in Frankfurt am Main; the city over as Chairman of the is today the headquarters of the Management Board of Radeberger Group. Dr. Oetker GmbH.

17 PORTRAIT 2014

Published by Dr. August Oetker KG carbon neutral Public Relations natureOffice.com | DE-329-964113 Lutterstraße 14 print production 33617 Bielefeld www.oetker-gruppe.de