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Vol. 17-e 24I 1W4 UNIVERSITY Of CALIFON IIA -j4lr

FED PARLEY JULY 20 IN S.F. |u" Seininr to Ai.1r Prbemns Slt ol he u

%-p r v %is I§91Ib 1 1 1 v V Dt*IA ifLV The California AFL-CIO called for thie dis- "The Dumke administration persists in de- A special seminlar on prob- whlich included Sigmund Ary- mssal of Glenn S. ChanceUor of lems confonting women in the witz, chaimn; Loretta Riley Dumke, thie nyinig fundamental rights thiat have work force will be held at thie and James Booe, all Federa- California State Unversity and Colleges system long been commonplace for Ameri'can workers Jack Tar Hotel in San Fran- tion vice presidents, and Mary yestlerday, charging thiat Dumnke has shown ill bothi public and priv'ate employment. cisco, Saturday, July 20, 1974. Bergan, legislative advocate "scon-tempt and indifference" toward faculty ef- "Chancellor Dumke refuses to allow negotia- for thie Callfornia Federation of forts to set up fai grievance procedures. tions on grievance procedures wfit representa- Topics at the seminar wil tives of the Unitd Professors of Californa or be limited to two broad areas: Teachers. Asserting that Dumk has "failed his public thie California Labor Federation, 1 Other members of. the special trust and should be removed from office," thie AFL-CIO, rep- -Contractural, -legislative committee are Harold Shean, Executive Council of the -Californa Labor Fed- resenting more thian 1.6 milon Californa work- and legal, questions involvinlg ers. and, also a Federation vice presi- eration, AFL-CIO, adopted thie following state- maternity; dent, and Gwen Newvton of. Of- ment at thie concluding session of its two-day "rThe taksessions, which have been held 2-The question of how to in- flee and Professional Employ- meeting at thie Hyatt Regency Hotel in Los An- ovrer the past year and a half, have proved to volve more women in union ees Local 30 in addition to Fed- geles. yesterday. be a fraudulent waste of time since thie Chancel- actdvity. eration President AlIbi1n J. lor has declared that thie meetngs could never Plans for the seminar, which Gruhn and Executive Secre- "'Under Chancellor Dumrke's direction, the be considered as actual negotiations. wil be sponsored by thie Cali- tary-Treasurer John P. Hen- California State University and Colleges have "The state educational system headed by forna Labor Federation, AFL- ning. treated withi contempt and indifference thie con- Chancellor Dulmke is. public -in character and CIO, were approved by thie Official notification of thie cerns of thie United Professors of Califor-nia, must be responsive to public conernms for fair- Federation's Executive Coun- seminar will be sent to all AFL-CIO, and the California AFPL-CIO movement ness in employment relations. Chancellor Dumke cil at its meeting in Los An- Federation affiliates along with with respect to establishing fair and equitable will not recognize tis essential truth. HIe has -geles Wednesday. grievance procedures for the faculties on the thereby failed his public trust and should be credential forms shortly. 19 The plans were developed by All Federation affiliates are campuses of the State sy'stem. removed from office." a subcommittee of thie Federa- ur*ged to plan now to have theier tion's special Committee on organization represented at the Women in thie Work Force semiar. -- Meany~~~~CalIixn'etne~~ '.-V4 mk4m,; --:-: W,,. NOWk-,- "Wom Acion on Farm 'AppesementJ H~~~~~~~~~~~~~itsisCs The American labor move- PIreviewing'* W-Vesident's he has' crippled hiself by his lbr Bills Put ment wiU continue to assert it- iminent trip to Moscow, conduct." self in foreign affairs to assure Meany charged in his address Citing public opinion polL& ver to June21 that "te strength and wealth to -the RWDSU thiat Nixon is thiat show two-thirds of thie Ac'tdon on lgsad spon- of thie nation-created by work- going to "inegotiate" withi the American people have no con- sored' by the Califrnia L- ing..people-is placed sqixarely Sov'iets in an attet"--to -score fidence in Nixon's leadership, CIO and the Untd 'Farm on thie side of human friee,dom a OSE6i co6up and''take public Meank said, 'WManagOments Workers National Union to as- and not on the side of totali- attention away from Watergate would drool at the prospect of sure farm-workers a voice in tarianism," AFL-CIO Presi- and the impeachment process. getting a union to.the bargai- thie selection of thieir own bar- dent George Meany told dele- Meany wa'rned thiat no presi- ing table thiat was supported gainiing agent was put over gates to union conventions in dent should meet withi Leonid by only 27 percent of its mem- until June 26 this week by thie Florida. Brezhnev except from a posi- bers. No wonder Brezhev is A ss e mbl y Labor Relations "Our commitment to dem-~ tion of strengt. so aWous for Nixon to come ALFRED) K. WMITEHXEAD Comite ocracy abroad flows from thie "Mr. Nixon does-not oecupy to Moscow, -Nixon is so eager Assemblyman Leo T. Mc- same source as our commit- a positioii of strength. I doubt to sign an agreement -any I Carthy (D - S.F.), committee ment to social justice at if -he ever will agai. Not -be- agreement -with the Soviets Alred Wiehead chairman, said a waiver of thie home," he declarecl. cause he has been crippled by thiat thie upcomig Moscow rule requiring most commit- "Big profits may be at home partisan enemies, but because (Continued on Pag 3) tees to report out all bills for in any, country, but labor can passage to the S'enate. by June only breathle the air of free- 15 had been obtained from the dom.. It is not at home in total- AFL"10 oard Assembly Rules Commttee for Action Under Way to Bltr Alred K. Whitehead, itarianism,"t Meany said. presi- AB =30 -Burton, the AIRL- Meany expressed concernl for dent of Los Angeles County CIO-backed bill as well as three Fire Fighters Local 1014, an af- thie high price the nation is R& Soane Prodc Boycot AFL-CIO-opposed measures: for "'detenlte"' withi Action to the con- for recruting machinists and fiUate of the AFL-CIO Internla- AB 3816-Maddy; AB 3900-Ber- paying strengthien tional Association of F ir e Communist countries in ad- sumer boycott of products of mechanics in an effort to man; and AB 4161-Duffy. dresses to conventions of the R & G Sloanle manufactur- the strike. Fighters, has just been elect- The bills had been scheduled thie ed as a vice of the Ladies' Garment Workers and ing company of Sun Valley, Just last week, Edward P. president to be taken up by the commt- thie Wholesale & Calif.,. is being urged by the ment's Occupational S a f e t y tee on June 12. Retail, Dept. Murphy, secretary-treasurer of Wednesday, Store Union last week. AFL-CIO Union Label and Serv- thie AFL-CIO Union Label and and Health Admnistration. Earlier tis week, on June ice Trades Departm'ent. Whitehead replaces V i c e 10, a lead editorial in the Los He said that detente should Service Trades Department, President Kenneth Larson in Angeles Times voi"ced support be a two-way street of give and Some 750 members of Local called on all local central bod- Geographical District 3-B. Lar- for AB 3370 saying: take, but the way it's being 6g21 of thie United Rubber Work- ies to conta t local, county and son resignd to take a position "Each, day of the harvest handled by the Nixon Adniin- ers UIiion have been on strike state government agencies. to with e U.S. Labor Depart- demonstrates thie urgency of istration, detente is appease- at the fir since March 1973, find out if any R & G Sloane ment's Occupational S a f e t y creating some mechanism to ment -'pure and simple." steadfastly resisting company type products are being in- *and Health Admninistration. provide secret balloting that "It's a giveaway in search efforts to break the union, ac- stalled in building projects for. Whitehead was elected at a will give the farm worksers of of profits for our corporations cordi'ng. to the union's National commercial a nd' residential two-day meeting of the Fed- California an authientic voice thlrough a eombintion of President, Peter'Bommarito. buildings. eration's 37-member Executive in thieir collective bargaining. American eapital and Sovriet. Bommarito has charged thie "If your survey finds in thie Council at the Hyatt-Regency "T'he' strikes, violence, ob- slave labor, and I contend that R & G Sloane Company withi affirmative, please inform us HIotel in Los Angeles June 12- struction, and confusion show thie President has already giv- thie persistent use of ilegal of thie name or names of the 13. how ussatisfactory thie present en away too much- even be- aliens as strikebreakers and contractors and the individual (Continued on' Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) fore Watergate. thie offerig of bounty payments (Continued on Page 2) Action on Frm Senate IKs Bil to Lif Time oar Bil u Limit i-n -Dsease Case Californa AFL-CIO-sponsor- ldlled by the commtte were: Over t oJne21 ed legislation to elim'mnate thie SB 1531 Marks, which would, (Continued from Page 1) statute of limitations for occu-, have increased the maximum arrangements Ar. No one can pational diseases, SB 1605 in- duration of unemiployment in- be sure of thie real wishes of' troduced by Senator Milton surance benefits from 26 to 3D the workers. In thie julrisdiction- Marks (R-San Francisco), won weeks; al dispute between the Team- the approval of theSSenate Inn sters Union and the United dustrial Relations Conuttee 'SB 1554 -Marks, which Farm Wo rkrer's of America, yesterday but thiree other bills sought to increase the employ. thiere is no assurance thiat the aimed at bolstering benefits er tax base in- the unemploy- workers are even consulted. In for California's jobless workers. ment code; and, some fields, g r o w e r s have apparently died in committee. SB 1555-Marks, which, -as signled contracts withi one un- SB 1605, which amends the amended, would have increas- Ion without consulting the work- labo'r code relating to work- ed themaiu unmly ers, only to see the same work- men's compensation to stipu-. ment insurance benerit from ers walk off the job in a pro- late that ."no statute of limta- $90 to $100 a week. test organized by the compet- tion shall apply to occupation- In othier iug unon. al diseases" won approval by legislative action: "There will be no final res- a 4 to 2 vote. AB 35W6, a California AFL- olut;ion 'of thie chaos and con- Voting for thie bill were: Sen- CIO-sponsored bill introduced fusion until broad labor rela- ators Short, Moseone, Roberti, by John F. Foran (D-S-.F.), tions laws, Like the ones that and. Rodda, all Democrats. aimed at providing equal deaffi now control non-farm workers, ,Opposed were: Senators Stoll benefits to bothi widows- and are put into effect.- That is a, and Biddle, bothi Republicans. widowers, died in thie Finance complex taskr. . . The thiree Federation bills and Insurance Co, ittee. "But there is one small Im- portant step that can be ac- complished Msiis year. That is Calf ALC0Pr Ca S- adoption of AB 3370, the. legis- lation thiat provides state Ima- chinery to assure equitable or- Tax Among Lovwest in-U.. ganiational election. ..."PI 'Me toal per capita tax paid have a per capita tax of 25 Noting thiat uuder thie pro- by AFL00I local unions in Cal cents or more per mont; and visions of AB 3370, "te organ- ifornia for affiliation bothi wfit the per capita tax exceeds 30 izational election would be DIS;TINGUISHE:D CONSUMER SERVICE award is presented thie California. Labor Federa- cents per month i n eight open to aU workers, it would -actor E. 'G. Marshall by AFL-CIO Vice President Frederick 0'- tion and the California Labor states. be held. at the peak employ-~ Neal atL the "fourth' aiinial Consumer Federation of America Council on Potidcal 'Rantig behind Louisiana (45 ment season, -and it would be awards dinner in Washington. A strong advocate of national healthi is among the lowest in the na- cents) and Alak and Wyom- held wthin seven days of thie securityr, Marshall was honored "for dedicated service. to con- tion. ing (40 cents each) are: call for an.election," thie Times sumers in advancing thie case for basic health care reform." O'- This was revealed in a re- Idaeho, Iowa, Monltana, North editoril explained: Neal is president of the As-sociated Actors & Artistes of America. cent survey of 'the monthy per Dakota and Oklahoma, all at "'Appeals, protests, and oth capita dues rates of state cen- 30 cents; Arizona at 28 cents; er 'hearing procedures 'would tral bodies in all 50 states and Florida, Nevada, New Meidco, be held after the election as- Puerto Rico conductedby Stan- Southi Daoa Tea, th suring thiat thiey could not be Aeton Under Way to Bltr ton E. Snuth, coordinator of viriDakotand Texstifp,Uah, used to postpone thie decision StaXandocalCenkl Bdies 25 cents; Aknsas and Ten- unti after thie bulk of the em- I& Sloane Product B¢ycolt of fthe National AFL-CIO. nessee at 23 cents; Northi Car- ployees had moved on to othier (Continu6 from e 1 ) fields an Pag cnwna vitory for trade un- C Lfra ranked 40tfi, along olina at 22% cents; Nlebraska o.ffibter crops." who is responisible 'for lettig to n a unified effort withi Connecticut. wit a total at 22 cents; -Oregon at 21 c'ents; Callig attention to the fact the rmp thiat the bill "specifically states eontract wfitin thie state, for all of us In thie trade unon per capita tax -of 13 cents per Alabama, Colorado, Hawaii, thiat it is not intended to limit county or city government," movemnt."' Murply poine member per mbnth.' Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Min- Murphy said. out. kCaforna fiat Fud nesota- M the boycott," the Times edi- Such dssippWi, Vermont,- torial said that while "'broader information should be The -R & G Sloane Manufac- eight cents per member per at lgsatio, paralleling the Na- sent to Murphy at tile Union turing Company is a subsidiary monthi for afffliation with centsWashig%aanMc at 17cets onal Relations Act (which Laelan Service Trades De- Of thie Susquehann- Corpora- California Labor FederadoIMyadDCMaryland-D.C andn ;cniisconsi bans secondary boycotts) should prent, A"L-CIO, 815 Six- tion. The company distributes and 5 cents pr member r at 16 cents; Georgia, Ohio and be sought," it concluded say- teenth St., N. W., Washingo, plastic pipe .and fittings for' monthi for affiliation wiith 'a- South Carolina at 15 cents; Cal- ing: D. C. 20006. both retaUl trade and whole- ifornia,Labor COPE. fxi n oedu t1 "'It Murphy also asked county sale to> building contractors. - ~~~~~~~cents; India'na, New Jerseyan seems to us that what the central -California and Arizona are Pennsylvrania at 10 c e n t s; state's agriculture cannot .af*- labor councils to call The product line is cale thie only states thiat havte on. all of theOr -a'ffiliates' to in- GSR products adincludes GSR 'a sep. Massachusetts at 9 cents; Mis- ford'is thie chaos of the present- form thieir respective contrac- arate per capita tax for COPE souri at 8% cents; Miosat 8 situation. It is that c-haos and fuseal acid waste systems, although most states earma.rk cents; New Hampshire at 7 its inherent injusticq for both tors as well as their member- drain-waste-vent fittings, plas- part of thieir ship of the nature of the dis- tUet electrical conduit and duct regular per capita cent-s; an.d New York and Puer- worker and grower that woudd pute and ask them not to use tax for COPE. toRico at 5 cents. be resolved in large measure fittings, sewer and drainage The figure means thiat Cal-, by AB 3370." Sloane products which go under .pipefittings, gas energy control Seven states increased thieir thie name of "GSR"l products. ifomnia AFL-CIO uniion mem- per capita tax' last year, - systems, sc'hedUle 40. pressure bers 13 thie until the dispute is resolved. fittings, sphedulle 80 pressure pay cents per member report said. Alfred Whitehead "This effort, which is based fittings,' valves, mobile home. per month or a total of Just on priniples fundamental to and trailer part. fittings, plas- S1-56 each a year -to support Elected to State all of labor, will be successful tic vacuu-m fittings, hot and thie efforts of the Californa LLa- Employers Urgeid if we can eount on your help. cold water fittings and insert bor FPederation to improve. so- T ^ a -AFL=CIO Board The some 300 gallnt strikers fittings. cialI insurance benefits' and Creat Openinp. (Continued from. Page 1) strengthien and protect laws af- FoAprnie A veteran of 20 years service fecting the economic and social FrApeto with the L-os Angeles County well being of all California More employer-sponsors are Fire D)epartment where he at- Hearings on Safety Orders workers. needed to create apprntiee tained the rank of Fire Cap- Within the past four years, oesfrutiiyufs tain, Whitehead has served as Slaedin L.. for June 2 for example, the California La- according to James E.; -Strat- president of Local 1014 for the 1Hearngs on proposed addi- Revisions in thie Board's con- bor Federation has succeeded ton, chief of past five years. The union rep> tions and revis'ions to thie Gen- struction safety orders apply- in winning increases in bene- Standards of-thie State Depart- resents fire fighters in 40 cities 6ral Industry Safety Orders re- ing to the process of accepting fits under thie state's unlemploy. -ment of Industrial Relations. and unincorporated ar e as in lating to machine guarding -and thie design and construction of metinssac,woke' Pointing thiat about 1.5 mil- Ios Angeles Counlty. carcinogens will be held by the trench shields and welding co.mpensation and disability i'_- lion young men and women will FRor the past eight years he State Occupational Safety and huts, which were adopted,by thie surance programs thiat have be graduating from California has served as a member of 'the HIealth Standards Board in Los OSHSB April 23, went into ef- added more -than $271 million high schools duig the next Executive Board of the Na- Angeles on Tuesday, June 25. fect May 30. to the benefits paid each year five years, Stratton said re- tional Committee on PubIic The hearinlgs to open at 10:00 Copies of thie proposed revi- to Californa workers suffering cently thiat: Employee Systems a.m. in Room 1138 of the State sions in the safety orders re- on- or off-te-job disabillties or "We need a broader base of and has been a labor conlsult- Building at 107 South Broad- lating to nmachine guarding and . commu tyb support if we ard' ant specializing in retirement way, will be extended to June carcinogens may be obtained At thie top of the list which to expand the~ of tip- at both the state and 26 thie nulmber" legislation at the same location if need- by contacting Occupational was Preae as dtavi-p000 entie eondth"rsn federal' levels for the past 10 ed. Safety and Health Standards able in January 1, 1974, was 3600erUd9 years. Thle hearing. relating to re- Board at 1006 4t St., Sacra- Louisiana withi a per capita A member of the Los An- visions of the General Industry mento, Ca. 95814 (916-323640). taX Of 45 cents per member geles Federation of Labor and Safety Order on machine guard- per mont. BUt since the 1iSt lbublisher"s Notic COPE executive board, White- ing will include but is not BMLW WaS prepared, Loouisiana in- TeCNfot ^1 head has been active in Prevr0@lng long limited to woodworldng ma- In 1931, thie Davis-Bacon Act creased itS per capita taX to is publishbed w"kl by th CJI;9 thie fight to win collectivre bar- chinery, coo'perage machi-nery, provided for paymenlt of pre- 55 cents per member per fomis Laboo Feileation, AFL- gaining legislation at the state abrasive wheel machinery, vailing rates to mouthi, 15 cents higher ffial CIO, 995 Market Stretp San level for all public employees. miills and calendars in the rub- a.nd mechanics employed by Wyomn and Alaska -whichl Ra"ncilsoo California 94103. Sec. ber and plastics industries, contractors and subcontractors bothihave a per -capita tax of ond classeotg .ld' at SUs Rrst JoblessIIP Lay mechanical. po w er presses, on pubLic construction, accord- 40 cents. Francisco,, Calif.-Subscripto: Wisconsin adopted thie first forging machfines anld mechani- ing to "Important Events in The stucly found thiat 33 states S3.50 a Y"r. Joh F. Huning, unemployment insurance act cal power-transmiission apara- American Labor History," a havre a per capita tax of 20 executive sereai-re. "" in the United States in 1M3. tll8. Labor Department booklet. cents or more per mont;. 17. * - ~~~~~~June14, 194 Mea .. s CalkIMWIWMMM4. Nixonm WMA.mw mm .. IRW m lqwm m m lqw 648,906 Tax I 'Dmtmntm California Tippler Workers Jobless; Bill to Be Sent 'Appeasement', Hits its Cost To Interim Rate Stays 7.6% the (Continued from Page 1) eum, or the Soviet support of is the first Some California work- Legislation opposed by summit could be a disaster for agreement only 648,900 California AFL-CIO"that could Arab terrorists and their raids step on a long and difficult ers were actively seeking but have increased in the American people." on Israeli villages. road to Israel made im- unable to last month joblessness In his speech to the ILG peace. find the state's already depressed MIeany pointed out that ear- portant concessions on its part and the state's seasonally ad- hotel and restaurant industry delegates, Meany wondered lier in order to an end to the rate was rhetorically if the Nixon-Brezh- agreements with the USSR bring justed unemployment was set aside in the Assembly had brought about the in- shooting." 7.6 percent, nearly a full per- Revenue and Taxation Com- nev discussions would cover famous Russian Nowhere in the agreement is than the the repression of Jews and in- wheat deal centage point higher mittee this week at the request that resulted in the higher there any mention of Israel's 6.7 percent rate prevailing in of the measure's As- tellectuals, political prisoners to noted. He 1973. author, or the slave laoor camps, or prices American housewives right exist, Meany May, semblyman Bill Greene (D- must pay for food and in- stressed that it's up to the The jobless rate was .2 per- L.A.). possibly the subsidies to Pepsi- American labor Cola and creased subsidies that Ameri- movement and cent higher than in March, 1974 Greene Occidental Petrol- can taxpayers must cover. all the American people to con- but the same as in said he would not April, 1974, for a vote on bill but He also cited the $1 billion tinue to support the ideals and according to the monthly re- push the Pacts In Spnish in principles of human freedom instead would ask for it to be loans the Soviet Union and port issued June 7 by the Em- sent to interim study. Bill o t h e r Communist countries that are at stake in the Middle ployment Development Depart- Wins OK of have received from the Ex- East. ment. The bill, AB 3924, would have Assembly Panel port-Import Bank at an inter- Although the Watergate dis- Total employment rose from authorized a five percent tax AB 2797, a State AFL-CIO- est rate of 6 percent. Some of closures have made a serious 8,272,300 in April to 8,379,800 to be imposed on alcoholic bev- impact on domestic affairs, in the disclosed. erages consumed on the prem- sponsored bill to require firms these funds are being used by stressed May, report ises. that advertise that they do bus- the USSR for projects that Meany to the ILG that E. D. D. Director Rich Camil- have a the nation's basic democratic li John iness in Spanish to provide military potential, institutions still survive. noted that "approximately F. Henning, executive sales contracts in both Spanish Meany noted. one-third of all new jobs add- secretary-treasurer of the Cal- and English, won the approval He noted the irony of Amer- "Don't for one moment buy ed in California during the past ifornia Labor Federation had of the Assembly Judiciary ican workers being unable to the idea that's being bruited year were added in the service informed Assembly Speaker Committee Tuesday and has obtain mortgages to finance about today that our dem- industries (up 73,200) and med- Bob Moretti, Bill Greene and been referred to the Ways and their homes at the 6 percent ocracy cannot survive a presi- ical services (up 28,200) led the other legislators that the Fed- Means Co ttee. rate being afforded the Sov- dential or impeach- growth. eration and the California State The measure, introduced by iets by the U.S. government. ment. Of course it can survive, Nationally, the Jobless rate Culinary Alliance opposed the Assemblyman Richard Alator- and will survive," he told the rose to 5.2 in bill on grounds that it would Focusing on the situation in applauding delegates. percent May. create "new in re (D-Los Angeles), is similar the Middle East, Meany said The U. S. Labor Department unemployment to a measure that won the ap- "That's why we have a Con- said 4.7 million were an-already stricken industry." the Israeli-Syrian disengage- stitution, to see us through jobless, provAl of both houses of the ment agreement would give an increase of about 170,000 Henning also called on all legislature last year but was times like these. If the Consti- from a month earlier. central Israel a chance to rebuild its tution is inadequate, if for labor councils last vetoed by Governor Reagan. economy. some In the San Francisco-Oak- week to contact legislators reason the courts decide on 17-member com- AFLPCIO to Monitor He said Sec. of State Henry that we have one man who is land Metropolitan Area, the un- serving the Kissinger must be given full above employment rate climbed from mittee from their jurisdictions N"e Wage-Hour Rules the law in this nation, 8.0 in to 8.1 to a "No" on the credit for a remarkable one- then we can amend the Consti- April percent last urge vote The AFL-CIO has set up ma- month, nearly a full percentage bill. chinery in its Dept. of Research man achievement "without tution to see that all Americans point above the 7.2 percent to monitor proposed regulations precedent in modern diplo- are under the law." rate posted in May, 1973. under the 1974 amendments to macy." Total joblessness in the San U.S. JobSerice the Fair Labor Standards Act. "But no one should have any RSA Provsions Francisco-Oakland Area last The U.S. Employment Serv- The AFL-CIO will alert affili- illusions about what was actu- The Fair Labor Standards month was pegged at 106,400 ice, a major unit of the Man- ated unions to the draft regu- ally accomplished," Meany Act contains , compared to 93,600 a year earl- power Administration, directs lations issued by the U. S. Dept. warned the ILG. "As Sec. Kis- maximum hours, pay, ier. the federal-state employment of Labor and the Civil Service singer emphasized on his re- equal pay, record keeping and Total employment in the service system, a nationwide Commission. turn home, the disengagement child labor provisions. state was 8,379,800 last month. network of 2,400 local offices. Jun 14, 1974 IPae 3 Senators Bar Reagan's Choice 27% of Dth: in For Workmen's Comp Board Construction, BLS The Senate Rules Committee lie 'record was anti-worker. No this week refused to confirm member of the committee,- OSIIA Study;Finds Governor- Reagan's appoint- comprised of three Democrats .,Contract construction, which ment of Robert W. Sigg to the and two Republicans, offered accounted for six -Workmen's a on percent of the Compensation Ap- motion Sigg's behalf. total, employment surveyed in peals Board. Sigg, 52, is a former director a recent report by the U. S. The appointment, opposed by of personnel services for the Uureau of Labor Statistics, ac- organized lab;or, was aken in United Steel Corporation in counted for 10 percent of the der submission after commit- Southern CalifQria on-the-job accidents and 27 per- tee members heard lengthy He was appointed to the $37,- cent -of the deaths in 1972. testimony objecting to the aP- 615-a-year Post on the Work- Manufacturing, which ac- pointment, charging Sigg's pub- men's Compensation Appeals counted for 32 percent of the Board March 18 and has been workrorce surveyed, suffered CORRECTION serving in the post pending 50 percent of the accidents and HARRY JORGENSEN H. "WHIT:EY" DISLEY Senate confirmation. 25 percent of the fatalities. Retie from Top Post Elected Nate Holden But Senate Majority Leader The 1972 survey, covering the President George Moscone (D-S. F.) and first full year of record-keep- Won Demo Nod Senator Nicholas C. Petris (D- ing under the 1970.Occupation- Harry Jorgenset i Refires; Disley In Senate R'ace Oakland), chairman of the al Safety and Health Act, in- Elected to In Senate Race Democratic Caucus, charged cluded all U. S. industry ex- Head Marine Firemen Nate Holden, not Frank Hol- that Sigg's six-year record as Harry Jorgensen, president union said "made it difficult cept railroads, mining and ag- of oman as reported in the Call- chairman of the California Un- riculture. the Marine Firemen's Union for him to put in the amount fornia AFL-CIO News of June employment Insurance Appeals since 1969, retired recently. of time as Among other thin'gs, it found Elected to succeed him was required president 7, was the winner of the Dem- Board demonstrated that he that: of the union." ocratic nomination in the 30 was "anti-labor- and pro-busi- * Of 5.7 million cases report- the union's Vice President H. State Senatorial District elec- ness." ed, accidents accounted for 96 "Whitey" Disley. Jorgensen will continue to tion last week. The upshot of the Rules Com- percent and occupational ill- Jorgensen, a member of the serve the union, however, as union for 30 years, retired for union's Holden defeated Holoman by mittee action is that Sigg may nesses for four percent. administrator the a vote of 33,191 to 31,966, ac- continue to serve until the end * Six out of every 100 deaths reasons of health, which the welfare- trust fund. cording to unofficial primary of Reagan's term in office next were due to occupational dis- election results. January 1, but cannot serve be- ease. Holden's victory reduces the yond that date without Senate * An estimated 30 percent of Clothing Workers Union OKs number of COPE-endorsed confirmation. the firms surveyed-had at least State Senate candidates win- The Worlknen's Compensa- one or ill- Pact Ending 11-Day Strike ning their party's noation Appeals Board renders final ad- ness. from 19 to 18 and pares the ministrative decision on dis- The survey covered about 70 Some 110,000 members of the calator provisions, one of the victory margin of COPE-en- putes between employees and percent of all U. S. workers. AFIL-IO Amalgamated Cloth- union's key demands. dorsed State Senatorial candi- employers in cases involving ing Workers of America re- The strike affected about 750 dates from 95 percent to 89 workers who suffer disabilities The item was removed from turned to work this week fol- men's and boys', clothing fac- --percent.-- on the job. the committee's agenda by lowing ratification of a con- tories in 30 states, including It also reduces the overall Confirmation of Commission- Committee Chairman James R. tract ending an 11-day strike some 4,0 union members in victory margin of COPE-en- ers to the Appeals Board re- Mlls. against the nation's manufac- 27 plants in California stretch- dorsed candidates from 86 to quires a two-thirds vote in the Senate Democrats and Con- turers of men's and boys' ing from San Francisco to the 85 percent. Senate. sumer groups charged that Ms. clothing. Mexican border. California Labor COPE en- The Rules Committee also Gayman is unqualified for the The strike, the union's first _,_l dorsed a total of 122 candidates declined to take action on Gov- job. She had served as a Rea- in 50 years, was settled wifth for statewide, congressional, ernor Reagan's appointment of gan scheduling secretary until the approval of a contract call- Elect VetoProof state legislative and Board of Ms. Pat Gayman as Director she was sworn in to the $31,128- ing for a wage increase of $1 Congress Equalization posts. Of these, of the Department of Consum- a-year post to replace John Ke- an hour over the next two Give $2 to COPE 104 - or 85 percent - won. er Affairs. hoe. years plus cost-of-living es- IPeg. 4 J e 14, 1974 THE CALIFORNIA AFL,CIO's DIG EST OF BI LLS The measures below introduced in the 1973-74 regular session of the California Legislature are classi- fied by the California Labor Federation as "Good," "Bad," or "Watch." An asterisk (*) indicates a bill sponsored by the California Labor Federation. Some bills will carry a cross (t) after the "Watch" desig- nation indicating that the Federation will defer to the wishes of affected affiliates on the ultimate classifi- cation of the bill. Such bills are printed in the to inform affiliates involved. No bill may be taken up until 30 days after the date of introduction indicated in the digest, except by a three-quarters vote. When the abbreviation (H.A.D.) appears in the digest following the author's name, it means that the measure has been held at the Speaker's desk in the House of origin and has not yet been assigned to a committee.

SENATE BILLS SB 2000, as amended in Senate May 27, 1974- Roberfi (B & P)- carpool expenses, as specified. Revises provision regulating advertising that refers to cost, price, Requires the California Toll Bridge Authority to grant toll-free charge or fee for commodities furnished or services performed by passage on all toll bridges, tubes, and other toll highway crossings certain licensees to permit any labor organization, employer group under its jurisdiction to specified passenger vehicle carpools. or association having contracted health care services from a plan Requires the authority to submit a claim for the loss in revenues operated by a nonprofit organization to inform its members as to from granting toll-free passage to such carpools to the State Con- the benefits available and the charges therefor. troller, who is required to make reimbursements in the amount sub- Prohibits a health care service plan, or solicitor or representative mitted in the claim from funds appropriated by the Legislature to of such plan from using or knowingly permitting the use of any ad- him for such purposes. vertising soliciation which is untrue or misleading. Requires the State Controller, in consultation with the authority, Requires any new or revised written advertising or solicitation be to adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to implement submitted to the Attorney General before use thereof by a plan. the re toll-free April 4. Miscellaneous-Watcht provisions passage. Defines various terms for purposes of the act. April 24. SB 2223-Petris (Trans.)-Authorizes any board of to im- Taxation-Watch pose an annual surcharge not to exceed $50 on every employer for each of his employee parking spaces within the county. Requires the SB 2224-Alquist (L. Gov.)-Requires local jurisdictions to establish surcharge to be paid by March Ist of every year to the county abatement programs for seismically hazardous buildings on or before treasurer for deposit in the local mass transit fund to be created January I, 1976. by the board. Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for Requires the money in such a fund to be expended by the board allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by of supervisors for mass transit purposes. Requires, in the case of a them pursuant to this act. April 24. Housing-Watcht county within the jurisdiction of the metropolitan transportation commission, that the money be expended in the county for such SB 2234-Moscone (G.O.)-Revises ond rearranges provisions pre- purposes, as determined by the commission, that will best implement scribing powers and duties of the Board of Pilot Commissioners for its adopted regional transportation plan. the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun, and provisions prescribing qualifications for pilots for San Francisco, San Pablo, Allows, in computing personal income taxes, the deduction of and Suisun Bays, prescribing various rights and duties of such pilots, procedures for revocation of licenses of such pilots, and offenses relating to piloting of vessels into or out of harbors or ports on such bays. April 24. Labor Unions-Watcht SPECIAL NOTES SB 2239-Roberti (G.O.)-Requires the Director of General Services SB 1659, as amended April 30, 1974, appeared in the to establish a forms management center within the Department of Digest of Bills on June 7, 1974. If printed when originally General Services for the coordination, orderly design, implementa- introduced to be in proper numerical sequence it would tion and maintenance of a statewide forms management program. have been carried in the Digest of Bills of February 15, Provides that the state colleges and universities and the Univer- 1974. sity of California and agencies of the state shall cooperate with and SB 2000, as amended May 27, 1974, would have ap- support such program'and shall appoint a forms management repre- peared in the Digest of Bills of May 10, 1974 if printed sentative. April 25. State and Local Government-Watch when originally introduced. SB 2240-Roberti (B. & P.)-Deletes requirement that continuing edu- AB 3911, as amended May 22, 1974, should have been cation standards and alternatives be established by Council on Con- published in the Digest of Bills of May 31, 1974 to be in tinuing Education for Health Occupations before January 1, 1975, its proper numerical sequence. and be renewed every 2 years thereafter. Makes related changes. AB 4259, as amended May 23, 1974, should have been Specifies January 1, 1975, rather than January 1, 1977, as the published in the Digest of Bills of June 7, 1974, to be in its date after which knowledge of developments in the registered or proper numerical sequence. vocational nursing field becomes a prerequisite to renewal of a license as a registered or vocational nurse. April 25. Education-Watcht D SS June 14, 1974 SENATE BILLS (Coint'd) SB 2250-Song (Jud.)-Requires the vendee of real property to pay SB 2321-Dills (G.O.)-Makes legislative findings and declarations the costs of an owner's policy of where insurance of with respect to small or disadvantagQd businesses and labor surplus title is required. April 25. Insurance-Watch areas and defines certain terms. SB 2269-Whetmore (Ed.) Authorizes use of state competitive grad- Authorizes, subject to conditions, the Office of Small Business Procurements and Contracts to designate for fulfillment by small or uate fellowship awards at prescribed professional schools. April 29. disadvantaged businesses and in other specified instances, requests Education-..Watcht for purchase by state agencies of specified commodities, equipment, SB 2270-Beilenson (I. & F. 1.)-Gives the Director of the Department or services and specifies the procedure for the awarding of such of Consumer Affairs the authority to evaluate poli- procurements or contracts. cies or plans and health care service plans, both group and individ- Sets forth specified duties of the Office of Small Business Pro- ual, to develop a rating system for the quality of such policies or curements and Contracts. April 30. Miscellaneous-Watcht plans, and to permit consumer advisory groups to cooperate with in SB 2322-Dills (G.O.)-Makes legislative findings and declarations the department these matters. April 29. Public Health-Good with respect to state contracting and procurement activities and SB 2273-Roberti (Rev. & Tax.)-Exempts nonprescriptive medicines defines terms. from state sales and use taxes. Makes an appropriation from the Provides that the Dep6rtment of General Services shall publish a State General Fund for reimbursement to cities and counties. April bulletin containing specified informotion with respect to procure- 29. Taxation-Watch ment and contracting activities of state agencies. Requires state procurement agencies And contracting officers to SB 2275-Roberti (Jud.)-Prohibits commercially printed residential adopt designated procedures to insure availability of specified in- lease forms from containing provisions prohibited by law. Specifies formation for publication in such bulletin. civil liability of printers and residential landlords who violate provi- Provides that state agencies subject to the provisions of the act sions of act. Specifies exceptions. prepare a synopsis of proposed procurements and contract awards. Makes related changes. April 29. Labor Unions-Watcht Makes provisions regarding advance planning with respect to pro- curement information. April 30. SB 2288-Marler (I.R.)-Provides that individuals who are corporate State and Local Government-Watcht officers and control a corporate employer engaged in logging activ- ities, shall nevertheless be considered "unemployed" whenever log- SB 2332-Dymally (B. & P.)-Reduces maximum allowable finance ging activity in the employer's usual operational area ceases due charge on retail installment accounts from 11/2 percent to 5/6 per- to seasonal conditions if the officers regularly perform work in all cent for the portion of outstanding balances not exceeding $1,000 phases of the employer's activities. April 29. and from percent to 5/9 percent on the excess over $1,000 of Unemployment Insurance-Watch outstanding balances. May 1. Consumers-Good SB 2291-Song (Jud.)-Repeals provisions governing the districts of SB 2338-Marks (H. & W.)-Requires the State Department of Health the courts of appeal. April 29. State and Local Government-Watch to reimburse at prescribed rates every school district, county super- intendent of schools, and local health department for specified man- SB 2293-Song (Jud.)-Repeals garagemen's lien laws. dated health services rendered to pupils or children. Makes related changes. April 29. Consumers-Good Requires the State Department of Health, in cooperation with the State Department of Education, to establish standards for health SB 2297-Moscone (I.R.)-Prohibits admission of evidence in any mat- services reimbursement eligibility and regulations for budgeting, ter before the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, maintaining, and allocating all funds appropriated for the purposes or its representatives or referees, which would be inadmissible in of this act. criminal actions in this state because illegally obtained. April 20. Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Department of Unemployment Insurance-Watch Health for expenditure, without regard to fiscal year, for carrying out the purposes of the act. May I. Education-Watcht SB 2310-Behr (Ed.)-Expresses legislative intent re the need for out- door environmental education programs and centers. SB 2340-Marks (B. & P.)-Extends coverage of provision making it Specifies elements of outdoor environmental education centers unlawful to conduct mail order business utilizing a post office ad- with a curriculum subject to the approval of the Department of dress and to fail to disclose the legal name under which business is Education. done and the complete street address where business is actually Provides procedure for computation of a.d.a. and days during conducted to the sale of consumer services as well as consumer which programs and classes may be conducted at such centers. goods. Makes attendance at such classes satisfy the requirement for at- Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for tendance at physical education classes during a like period of time. allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by Requires the Department of Education to annually submit to the them pursuant to this act. May I. Consumers-Good Legislature an of the outdoor environmental education programs for the preceding fiscal year. April 30. SB 2342-Short (P.E. & R.)-Requires that in order to be valid, notice Education-Watcht of punitive action based on any civil service law of this state, must be served on a state employee within a I-year, rather than a 3-year, SB 2311-Marks (Trans.)-Prohibits the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway period after the cause for discipline arose. and Transportation District from letting any contract for the acqui- Provides that in order to be valid, notice of punitive action based sition, construction, or development of projects for its ferry system on fraud, embezzlement, or falsification of records must be served until May 1, 1975, so that the Assembly may have sufficient time to on a state employee within year rather than 3 years, after the review the final report submitted to it by the Legislative Analyst discovery of such offense. May I. pursuant to H.R. 113 of the 1973-74 Regular Session of the Legis- State and Local Government-Watcht lature. To take effect immediately, urgency statute. April 30. SB 2344 Short (I.R.)-Creates the Industrial Relations Unpaid Wage Miscellaneous-Watcht Fund. Permits the Labor Commissioner to collect any unpaid or SB 2320-Song (Jud.)-Adds "employee" of party to the record of benefits on behalf of specified workers without the requirement of any civil action or proceeding or person for whose immediate bene- an assignment from such worker, and to act as trustee of such col- fit such action is prosecuted or defended to list of persons who may lected funds. be ordered to attend a deposition more than 150 miles from their Requires the Labor Commissioner to deposit funds so collected in residence. April 30. Miscellaneous-Watch the fund and to attempt to locate affected workers and to remit to June 14, 1974 p so SENATE LS1 (¢9td) them funds that were collected on their behalf, and upon failure to SB 2348-Petris (G.O.)-Defines the terms "building" and "substand- locate such workers after a specified period of time to transfer ard building" for purposes of the State Housing Law. funds to the general account in such fund for the purpose of reim- Makes rules and regulations: promulgated pursuant to the State bursement of workers whose wages are uncollectable from their em- Housing Law re enlargement, alteration, repairs, moving, removal, ployer. Authorizes commissioner to reimburse unpaid workers from demolition, height, courts, area, sanitation, ventilation, maintenance, fund when wages are uncollectable from former employer. and change of use or intended use of hotels, motels, lodging houses, Provides that specified penalties collected pursuant to law re- apartment houses, and dwellings, or portions thereof, and buildings garding payment of wages on public works shall be paid into the and structures accessory thereto, applicable to new or existing con- State Treasury to the credit of the Industrial Relations Unpaid Wage struction, rather than making regulation re use, maintenance and Fund instead of the General Fund. change of occupancy of buildings and structures applicable to new Appropriates an unspecified amount from the General Fund to or existing construction. Requires such regulations to permit, and the Industrial Relations Unpaid Wage Fund for the purposes of this requires local ordinance, after July 1, 1975, to permit, the replace- act. May 1. Labor Code-Watch ment, retention, and extension of original materials and the contin- ued use of original methods of construction as long as the hotel, SB 2345-Alquist (Rev. & Tax.)-Exempts from property taxation any lodging equipment used to convert a residential or commercial building house, motel, apartment house, or dwelling, or portion from conventional methods of heating and cooling to a solar energy thereof, or building and structure accessory thereto, does not be- system of heating and cooling. To become operative only if an come or continue to be a substandard building. unspecified Senate constitutional amendment of the 1973-74 Regu- Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for lar Session of the Legislature is approved by the voters at the gen- allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by eral election to be held on November 8, 1974. them pursuant to this act. May 1. Housing-Wafcht Exempts from sales and use taxes the gross receipts from the sale SB 2350-Moscone (Jud.)-Enacts Motor Vehicle Reparations Act. of equipment to be used in a solar energy system for heating and Requires, on and after January 1, 1975, each policy of motor cooling in a residential or commercial building. vehicle Provides , as defined, except those covering motor- that, notwithstanding Section 2229 of the Revenue and cycles and motor-driven cycles, to provide for payment without re- Taxation Code, there shall be no reimbursements for any classifica- gard to fault, of personal injury protection benefits, as defined, tion or exemption of property made by this act. including payment for loss of compensation, loss of services, survivor Provides that, notwithstanding Section 2230 of the Revenue and benefits, and funeral expenses, up to specified amounts per person Taxation Code, there shall be no reimbursements for any sales and per accident, and for medical treatment expense, as specified. Re- use tax exemption made by this act. quires insurers to offer policies of insurance providing personal injury Provides that, notwithstanding Section 2231 of the Revenue and protection benefits, and other specified coverages to insureds. Taxation Code, there shall be no reimbursements to local agencies Prohibits operation of any such motor vehicle required to be reg- for costs incurred under this act. istered on highways in this state after January 1, 1977, unless owner To take effect immediately, tax levy. May 1. Taxation-Watch has policy of personal injury protection benefits in effect or is a SB 2346-Dills (Trans.)-Revises the definition of "automobile dis- qualified self-insurer, as defined. Makes it an infraction to operate mantler" to exclude scrap metal processors, as defined, who comply or permit operation of motor vehicle on or after January 1, 1977, with provisions re posting a specified notice that scrap vehicles are without such insurance coverage. subject to inspection. Prohibits payment of pers6nal injury protection benefits on dupli- Permits inspection, by specified officials, of vehicles on the prem- cate basis from more than one policy of insurance or from other ises of specified types of business engaged in vehicle dismantling. specified sources. Exempts licensed dismantler from requirements re certificate of Requires specified arbitration procedure for prompt disposition nonoperation and registration fees for vehicles acquired for dis- of disputes between claimants and insurers under policy concerning mantling upon compliance with specified provisions of law. Requires personal injury protection benefits. payment of a $15, rather than a $5 investigation service fee by any Establishes assigned claims plan to be organized and maintained person failing to comply with provisions re notice of acquisition, by insurers subject to act, and to be funded by assessments made furnishing documents, and business records re vehicles to be dis- against insurers in specified manner. Creates Assigned Claims Fund mantled. as trust fund to be administered by assigned claims plan. Specifies Revises provisions re burden of proof for revocation or suspension assigned claims plan shall be reimbursed from such fund for pay- of a dismantler's license for knowingly receiving a stolen vehicle to ments made under plan. delete requirement that the dismantler have rebutting evidence that Specifies insurer which has paid or may become obligated to pay he had made reasonable enquiry re title to the vehicle. Adds evi- personal injury protection benefits to injured person shall be sub- dentiary presumption re partly dismantled vehicles. rogated to all rights of injured person against any other person, Requires licensed automotive dismantlers to report by mail to the with certain exceptions. Department of Motor Vehicles and Justice and acquisition of a vehi- Prohibits recovery of personal injury protection benefits in civil cle for dismantling within 5 calendar days thereof, rather than within action. 72 hours. Prohibits commencement of dismantling before 10 calendar Establishes doctrine of comparative negligence in civil actions for days, rather than 7 days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holi- damages for injury to person or property resulting from ownership, days, have elapsed after mailing such report. maintenance, or use of motor vehicle, and abolishes defenses of Permits dismantling to begin immediately, upon delivery during contributory negligence, last clear chance, and assumption of risk in such waiting period to the Department of Motor Vehicles of the such actions. vehicle's ownership documents and license plates or specified evi- Makes personal injury protection benefits exempt from execution. dence that such documents are unobtainable or a certificate of li- Specifies act shall apply only to injuries and death resulting from cense plate destruction, as authorized, rather than upon delivery accidents occurring on or after January 1, 1975. of such things within 24 hours of obtaining actual possession of the Appropriates unspecified amount to the State Controller for allo- vehicle exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and prescribed holidays. cation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by them Revises provisions re contents of business records to be kept by a pursuant to this act. May 1. licensed dismantler. Insurance-Good Requires any person other than a licensed dismantler, desiring to SB 2352-Moscone (Ed.)-Provides that the Regents of the University dismantle a vehicle to deliver to the Department of Motor Vehicles of California may hold executive sessions only to consider the ap- the ownership certificate, registration card, and license plates before pointment or employment of a person who at the time of such beginning, rather than to do such things and receive permission meeting is not performing services for or is not employed by the from the department to dismantle the vehicle. university. Deletes provisions permitting regents to hold executive Makes related, conforming changes. May 1. Labor Unions-Wafcht sessions on various matters. May 2. Education-Good D 57 June 14, 1974 SENATE BILS (Cont'd) SB 2355-Moscone (G.O.)-Deletes provisions of the Public Records SB 2381-Boilenson (Trans)-Makes legislative findings and declara- Act which exempted from disclosure records that are personnel or tions re motor vehicle safety-related equipment defects and noise similar files where such disclosure would constitute an unwarranted emissions that are to be included as elements of the demonstration invasion of personal privacy. May 2. program in specified counties for the periodic, mandatory inspec- State and Local Government-Watcht tion of specified motor vehicles. Requires the Department of Consumer Affairs, with the coopera- SB 2360-Rodda (Ed.)-Revises school finance system for school dis- tion tricts, other than community college districts. of the Department of the California Highway Patrol and the Air Resources Board, to includ'e in such program noise emission and Requires Superintendent of Public Instruction to publish annually safety inspection of all motor vehicles registered in such counties, guaranteed revenue schedules for school districts. Provides for ap- and prescribes specified duties in portionment of funds to school districts so that revenue per unit connection therewith. of a.d.a. equals chosen revenue amount, regardless of amount aL- Includes observed patterns of malfunctions in inspected vehicles' tually received by local property tax. safety equipment and noise emissions control systems in the evalu- Provides for annual adjustment of revenue limit of school dis- ation of the inspection program to be reported annually to the tricts, such adjustment based upon whether or not district revenues Legislature. for prior fiscal year were more or less than guaranteed revenue Provides that neither appropriation is made nor obligation created ceiling amount, as defined. for the reimbursement of any local agency for any costs incurred by Prescribes method of annually adjusting maximum school district it pursuant to the act. May 6. Labor Unions-Watcht revenues. SB 2399-Alquist (I.R.)-Permits governing board of a school district Prohibits discontinuance or curtailment of any function performed to authorize the conversion of classified employees' earned and un- by school district because another unit of local government will used into cash lump sum. May 7. Education-Watcht perform such function. Prescribes penalties and legal remedies. Provides for levy and collection of statewide property tax for SB 2403-Behr (Rls.)-Enacts Fair Political Practices Act of 1974 with school support, such tax to increase by specified amounts over 10- authority in Fair Political Practices Commission to enforce provisions year period. thereof. Specifies membership and duties of commission. Makes numerous related changes. Channels campaign expenditures of and contributions to candi- To take effect immediately, urgency statute. May 2. dates for specified offices through a candidate's bank account es- Education-Watcht tablished by the commission in the name of each such candidate. Limits the amount of contributions to and expenditures by candi- SB 2365-Alquist (L. Gov.)-Requires cities and counties beginning dates. October 1, 1975, to annually submit their general plans to the Repeals present provisions on regulation of legislative representa- Council on, Inter-governmental Relations and the Office of Planning tion before the California and Research for review and requires them to indicate the degree Legislature and adds comprehensive new to which their approved general plan meets specified guidelines provisions on such subject. Requires persons employed or retained as a legislative advocate to influence legislative action or adminis- adopted by the council. Deletes provision requiring that the annual trative action report of each city or county planning agency indicate degree of to register with commission. Requires certain persons such conformity. to file monthly statements reporting specified contribution and pay- ment information. Requires persons required to report to keep de- Requires council and Office of Planning and Research to send tailed their comments to appropriate local agency. Requires Office of and accurate accounts for 2-year period. Planning and Research to refer the review of the seismic -safety Prescribes penalties for violation of act. and safety element of the general plan to the Department of Con- Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by servation for their comments. them pursuant Appropriates unspecified amount from General Fund to be allo- to this act. May 7. State and Local Government-Bad cated to Department of Conservation and to State Controller for SB 2407-Dymally-Enacts the California Migrant Services Act cre- allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by ating a Migrant Housing Commission in the Health and Welfare them pursuant to this act as specified. May 6. Agency to establish 4 centers to provide comprehensive services fdr State and Local Government-Watch California migrant agricultural workers, including the construction SB 2368-Walsh (Rev. & Tax.)-Exempts certain commercial vehicles of homes to be purchased by migrants with mortgage ass;stance and cranes from property taxation. payments by the Department of Benefit Payments, information serv- Requires controller to report to the Legislature on the amount of ices, legal services, an employment program provided by the De- claims submitted by units of local government for reimbursement oF partment of Employment Development and education program property tax revenues lost as a result of this enactment, in order provided by the Department of Education and vocational rehabili- that the Legislature may appropriate funds for subventions required tation services provided by the Department of Rehabilitation. by law. May 6. Taxation-Watch Includes migrant and agricultural workers in the state's unem- ployment insurance benefits plan and the Medi-Cal Act. May 7. SB 2373-Zenovich (G.O.)-Declares the intent of Legislature to pro- Labor Unions-Watcht vide a grant of $400,000 to the Property Conservation Division of the Bureau of Building Inspection of the City and County of San SB 2409-Robbins (Rey. & Tax.)-Allows deduction of up Francisco for development of a model residential rehabilitation to $500 per student for educational expenses paid to support stu- assistance program and to fund a prescribed five-month program dents 21 and under in public and nonpublic schools, or if the stu- of instruction re residential rehabilitation assistance programs. dent is a taxpayer, as long as the taxpayer remains a student. Re- To take effect immediately, urgency statute. May 6. quires that student must be a dependent of the taxpayer claiming Housing-Watcht the deduction. To take effect immediately, tax levy, and to apply in compu- SB the 2380-Beilenson (Trans.)-Requires the Department of Consumer tation of taxes for laxable years beginning on' and after January 1, Affairs to establish a pilot study to develop methods of and 1975. May 8. Taxation-Watch retraining mechanics and the evaluation of mechanics for the per- formance of work for safe, low-emission, low-noise automobiles. Spec- SB 2415-Carpenter (Rls.)-Repeals present provisions on regulation ifies matters to be included in the study. of legislative representation before the California Legislature and Requires a preliminary report on the pilot study to the Legislature adds comprehensive new provisions on such subject. Defines terms. by September 15, 1974, and a final report by February 1, 1975, Declares legislative intent. matters to *covering specified relating the objectives of the study. Requires persons employed or retained as a legislative advocate Makes appropriation from Motor Vehicle Fund to carry out the to register with Secretary of State before doing anything to influ- provisions. May 6. Labor Unions-Watcht ence administrative or legislative action, respectively. Requires reg- Junel14, 1974 p so SENATE BILLS (Cont'd) istration within 30 days after beginning of each regular session. SB 2439-Stull (Ed.)-Requires regents to adopt competitive bidding Requires Secretary of State to publish yearly directive of regis- procedures for letting of construction contracts of more than un- tered legislative advocates. specified amount and for sale of property when value exceeds un- Requires certain persons to file monthly statements reporting spec- specified amount. ified contribution and payment information. Makes legislative findings and declara.ions. May 15. Requires persons required to report to keep complete detailed, State and Local Government-Watcht accurate records for a four-year period. Authorizes Secretary of State to conduct audits and investigations. SB 2441-Robbins (Ed.)-Make changes relating to community college Directs the Auditor General to make investigations and audits con- certificated personnel for employment purposes. May 15. cerning materials required to be filed under this act. Education-Watcht Provides misdemeanor and felony penalties. Authorizes Attorney SB 2444-Dills (Ed.)-Authorizes recognized employee organizations General or district attorney to bring civil action to enforce compli- to obtain the names and addresses of school district employees pro- ance with act. vided a fee not less than cost of preparation is paid. Provides that neither appropriation is made nor obligation created Authorizes a district to require such information to be confidential. for the reimbursement of any local agency for any costs incurred by Requires a district to establish a procedure for restriction of ad- it pursuant to the act. dresses of employees who wish to have thei- addresses confidential. To become operative only if an unspecified Assembly constitutional May 16. Education-Watcht amendment is approved by the voters in an unspecified election. SB 2454-Dymally (Ed.)-Establishes a program for in-service train- May 8. State and Local Government-Bad ing of school administrators. Authorizes county superintendents of schools and school districts SB 2416-Robbins (L. Gov.)-Authorizes the board of supervisors of to submit, and the Department of Education, to approve, a county any county to establish, by ordinance, a Department of Consumer master plan for training school administrators. Affairs. Specifies duties and powers of such departments. May 9. Appropriates from General Fund to Superintendent of Public Consumers-Good Instruction $300,000 for each of the fiscal years 1975-76, 1976-77, SB 2419-Marks (H. & W.)-Prohibits any person, on or after July 1, and 1977-78. 1975, from causing or permitting the spraying of any substance con- Establishes of criteria for Superintendent of Public taining asbestos in or upon a building or other structure during its Instruction to apportion funds to participating local school agen- construction, alteration, or repair. cies. May 29. Education-Watcht Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by ASSEM'BLY them pursuant to this act. May 9. Labor Unions-Watcht CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS SB 2425-Bradley (Jud.)-Requires, except for motorcycles, each pol- ACR 203, as amended March 28, 1974-Brown (Ris.)-Declares that icy of automobile liability insurance or motor vehicle liability in- it is essential that legislative printing be provided without interrup- surance, as defined, issued or delivered on or after January 1, 1976, tions and at reasonable cost and directs the Secretary of the Busi- to include provision for payment of personal injury protection bene- ness and Transportation Agency to conduct a parallel test operation fits, rather than medical payments, in not less than specified amounts, at the Stephen P. Teale Consolidated Data Center using as the data to be comprised of specified coverages covering specified persons. for such test a maximum peak workload month as selected by the Permits insured to waive such provision in certain cases, and to Legislative Counsel. elect coverages. Subrogates insurer paying claims to Directs the State Printer and Legislative Counsel to report to the rights of insured against person causing injury or death. Joint Rules Committee by February 1, 1975 the status and results Prohibits recovery of personal injury protection benefits and cer- of such test. tain other "duplicate benefits" for same injury. Directs the Department of Finance to delay disposal of the com- Repeals statutory authorization for insurer and insured under a puter currently used for legislative printing pending approval by the policy of bodily injury insurance covering operation of motor vehicle, Joint Rules Committee. March 13. to delete, by written agreement, uninsured motorists coverage from State and Local Government-Watch such policy. Retains such authorization with regard to such policies as defined. ACR 226-Chacon (Rls.)-Requires either house, upon request of ra- covering motorcycle, dio or television station or network, to permit broadcasting or tele- Abolishes, in actions arising out of ownership, maintenance, or use vising of the house's proceedings by such station or network. April of motor vehicle arising after effective date of act, defenses of con- 16. State and Local Government-Watch tributory negligence and assumption of risk, and doctrine of last clear chance. Substitutes therefor doctrine of comparative negli- ACR 237-Burton (Elec. & Reap.)-Directs Joint Committee on Elec- gence. tion Law Reform to hold hearings on the advisability of limiting the Limits, in action in tort for damages for personal injury arising number of ballot propositions at any statewide election, and to re- out of ownership, maintenance, or use of motor vehicle, damages port its findings and recommendations to the Legislature on or be- recoverable for pain, suffering, and inconvenience to specified fore an unspecified date. May 9. amounts in specified cases. Specifies exceptions to such limitations. State and Local Government-Watch Authorizes juries in automobile negligence cases to render special verdicts based upon written questions when the court so rules or when requested by either party. Provides discretionary authority in SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS the court to maintain control over the substance and structure of SJR 61-Zenovich (Rls.)-Memorializes the President and Congress to the question. accord favorable consideration to national urban homestead program Specifies provisions of automobile liability insutance and motor legislation and to enact legislation establishing such a program. vehicle liability insurance covering personal injury protection benefit April IS. Housing-Watcht payments for specified coverages shall only apply to injuries or death resulting from accidents occurring on or after January 1, 1976. SJR 63-Alquist (Rls.)-Urges the President and Congress of the Makes related changes. Deletes obsolete provisions. May 13. United States to assure the people of California that action will be Insurance-Watch initiated to establish a program to abate seismically hazardous fed- erally owned structures in the State of California and that such pro- SB 2432-Moscone (Ed.)-Repeals Winton Act which governs public gram will consider the elements of abatement programs in existence school employer-employee relations. May 14. Education-Watcht in California. April 29. State and Local Government-Good D 59 June 14, 1974 ASSEMBLY BILLS AB 3911, as amended in Assembly May 22, 1974-Z'berg (Gov. tinuously appropriated to the department for insuring, reinsuring, Adm.)-Imposes a levy on manufacturers in this state on annual and guaranteeing loans under the act. Authorizes the department to net receipts from sale of specified "covered items" at a rate of collect specified insurance fees from borrowers receiving such loans 1% for the calendar year beginning on January 1, 1975, and and requires deposit of such fees in the Section 23 Insurance Re- thereafter at rates established by the Legislature between one- volving Fund. Provides that such fund is the only state fund liable tenth of 1% and 3% for each type of item covered by tax, based for claims resulting from defaults on such loans. on recommendations of State Solid Waste Management Board. Appropriates $500,000 to the Section 23 Insurance Revolving Fund. Imposes similar levy on importers of such items for use or con- May 6. Housing-Watcht sumption in this state, which are not covered under tax on manu- facturers. Provides for administration and collection of such levies AB 4275-Brown (Edtz-.zDeletes policy that scholarship funds received by the State Board of Equalization to be deposited in Solid Waste by college students from federal government be considered as sup- Removal and Recycling Levy Fund, hereby created. plemental and additional to state scholarship; requires, instead, fed- Appropriates such funds for refunds, costs of administration and eral scholarship and grant funds to not be considered to be in lieu for expenditure by the Solid Waste Management Board for specified of state scholarships or grants unless State Scholarship and Loan purposes regarding litter collection, litter law enforcement and re- Commission determines that all or a portion of the federal scholar- source and energy recovery. ship or grant when combined with a state scholarship or grant ex- To take effect immediately, tax levy, but operative on January ceeds a student's financial need, as determined by the commission, 1, 1975. April 18. Miscellaneous-Bad and, in such case, authorizes commission to reduce the state scholar- AB 4259, as amended in Assembly May 23, 1974-Antonovich (Fin. ship or grant so that total will not exceed student's need. Authorizes & Ins.)-Revises provisions relating to Uninsured Employers Fund commission, as alternate to requiring state competitive scholarship under workmen's compensation law. applicants to take a specified test, to accept from college of at- Requires Director of Industrial Relations to issue stop order to tendance, certification that applicant has been selected under selec- employer who has failed to secure payment of workmen's com- tive admissions criteria, including tests utilized by such institution. pensation benefits, requiring employees of such employer to cease Makes related changes. work until employer complies with such security requirements. Re- States legislative findings re state competitive graduate fellowship quires employer to pay regular wage or to such employees program and unusually able but disadvantaged students. Deletes for up to 10 days. Makes it a misdemeanor for employer to fail from factors which may be taken into account, student's financial to obey stop order issued by director. need as an individual, independent in his own right. Requires, in- Imposes additional $100 per employee fine upon unlawfully un- stead, that the financial status of the applicant's parents be taken insured employer in case where no employee has sustained injury into consideration in determining applicant's financial need. or illness and fine of $500 per employee to a maximum of $10,- Increases maximum number of college opportunity grants for fiscal 000 upon unlawfully uninsured employer if injury or illness is sus- years 1974-75 and thereafter, from 2,000 to 4,500 and deletes time tained by an employee. Provides for notice to employer in work- restriction upon the availability of such grants to only fiscal years men's compensation cases alleging he is unlawfully uninsured and 1974-75, 1975-76, and 1976-77. Authorizes the award of such grants imposing penalties therefore, and a hearing procedure after petition to eligible students currently in attendance at college. Authorizes by employer. utilization of grants at summer quarters or terms. Limits aggregate Imposes additional penalty upon unlawfully uninsured employer amount a student who thereby accelerates educational program may of 50% of award to maximum of $10,000 to injured employee or receive to that amount that a student would receive in a 4-year to dependents when compensation awarded by appeals board. period. Creates presumption that employer was unlawfully uninsured un- Deletes requirement that occupational and training grant be less employer controverts allegation within specified time in pro- deemed vacated if recipient does not begin training course within ceedings before the appeals board. 6 months after grant is awarded. Authorizes, instead, commission to Revises provisions authorizing director to provide compensation determine, by rule, the length of time a grant will be held for re- benefits to injured employees of unlawfully uninsured employers cipient to begin training before declaring the grant vacant and and to recover same from uninsured employer. available to another qualified student. Authorizes commission to re- Specifies Attorney General, or civil service attorney employed place an initial recepient who completes his study in less than 2 by Department of Industrial Relations designated by director, shall years, or withdraws from program, or is withdrawn by commission, represent the director and the state in actions and proceedings by another qualified student who shall receive the remaining amount concerning unlawfully uninsured employers. of such grant for not to exceed the remaining duration of such Specifies that all fines and assessments imposed by act upon grant. May 6. Education-Watch employers and paid to director shall be deposited in State Treasury to the credit of the Uninsured Employers Fund. AB 4281-Berman (Fin. & Ins.)-Authorizes Director of Industrial Re- Applicable to injuries and illnesses which occurred or arose on lations to contract with State Compensation Insurance Fund for legal or after March 4, 1972. services to defend against claims against Uninsured Employers Fund. Appropriates all moneys in such fund to director to pay work- Removes authority of Attorney General to defend against such men's compensation benefits to employees of unlawfully uninsured claims. employers and to pay director's expenses in administering the pro- Authorizes director to impose specified civil penalties against visions of the act. uninsured employers. Makes related changes, repeals inconsistent provisions. May 6. Workmen's Compensation-Good Requires employers to post specified notices of certificate of workmen's compensation coverage, and expiration date thereof, and AB 4273-Miller (Urban Dev. & H.)-Authorizes the Department of telephone number of nearest office of Labor Commissioner. Makes Housing and Community Development to insure, reinsure, and guar- violation of such posting requirement a misdemeanor. antee mortgage loans, other than federally insured mortgage loans, Requires uninsured employer against whom claim for workmen's for housing projects which are projected or rehabilitated pursuant compensation has been made to pay, in addition to other penalties, to a housing-assistance payments program conducted under pre- a penalty of 50 percent of the employee's award, to a maximum of scribed provisions of federal law. Requires the department to adopt $10,000, into the Uninsured Employers Fund, rather than a penalty regulations for the administration of such program prior to com- in the amount of annual premium for workmen's compensation based mencing such program, and requires the regulations to contain eli- upon employer's payroll for preceding year. gibility criteria designed to assure implementation of prescribed Transfers specified moneys from Insurance Tax Fund to Uninsured policies. Employers Fund. Transfers any surplus therein at the end of each Creates the Section 23 Insurance Revolving Fund which is con- fiscal year to the Division of Industrial Accidents, upon specified Juno 14, 1974 D 60 ASSEMBLY BILLS (Cont'd)

approvals. Appropriates money so transferred, without regard to mittee, and makes it a felony to form other committees to support fiscal year. him. Prohibits use of signs or billboards to promote nomination or Appropriates unspecified amount to the State Controller for allo- election of specified candidates or to promote passage or defeat cation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by theni of statewide measures. pursuant to this act. May 6. Workmen's Compensation-Watch Provides for creation of a State Campaign Practices Board and local campaign practices boards to regulate campaigns and conduct AB 4286-Keysor (Elec. & Reap.)-Deletes provision requiring adver- debates for candidates for specified offices at general election. tisement, in a newspaper of general circulation, of proposed county Disqualifies from office any candidate who misses more than two or city charter amendment or amendments and substitutes require- debates. Requires various media to give equal time to all candi- ment that clerk mail printed text of charter amendment or amend- dates. Makes political espionage a felony, specifying punishment ments with a sample ballot to each qualified elector. therefor. Disqualifies from office any candidate convicted of violat- Makes technical change. May 6. Labor Unions-Watcht ing any law relative to campaign practices. Provides for $10 income tax credit on proof of voting at each AB 4301-Badham (Elec. & Reap.)-Provides that nonelected officers specified election, and imposes $10 penalty for failure to provide and employees of the state, the Legislature, local agencies, and such proof. school districts shall not participate in political activities of any Provides that there shall be statewide election dates in each kind during working hours. Prohibits public officers and employees even-numbered year, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday from utilizing or making available for others to utilize any equip- in June, and I on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in No- ment, supplies or resources owned or maintained by any public vember. Provides that every state and local election, with certain agency to support specified political activities. May 7. exceptions, shall be held on the next statewide election date. Makes State and Local Government-Watch related changes. Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for AB 4314-Cory (Elec. & Reap.)-Removes the Controller from the allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by State Lands Comrnission and adds a public member to the com- them pursuant to this act. May 8. State and Local Government-Bad mission to serve an elected 4-year term, as specified. May 8. State and Local Government-Watch AB 4323-McAlister (Labor Rel.)-Provides that, in lieu of specifying prevailing wage rates to be paid on public work projects in bid AB 4316-McAlister (Ed.)-Specifies system whereby school districts, specifications, reference may be made to copies of such wage rates other than community college districts, set local tax rates, but pre- on file at the principal office of the body awarding the public scribed amounts of proceeds thereof revert to School District Wealth contract. Equalization Fund, for redistribution to school districts based upon Requires publication of prevailing wage rates by the awarding districts' ratio of assessed valuation to a.d.a. to statewide average body, when such wage rates are incorporated by reference, in lieu ratio of assessed valuation to a.d.a. Specifies that 100% of assessed of actual inclusion, in bid specifications, as well as in the call for valuation shall be redistributed by 1979-80 fiscal year. bids and in the contract itself. May 8. Labor Code-Watcht General Fund to School District Wealth Requires transfer from the Equalization Fund to make up for any deficit in the latter fund. AB 4330-Harvey Johnson (Trans.)-Requires the Department of to on request any employer in Provides for cumulative adjustment in equalization aid based California Highway Patrol notify valuation of the district. this state of all speeding violations committed by his employees upon redistribution of assessed while operating a vehicle owned or leased by the employer and to areawide aid program, and elimination Provides for adjustment used in his business or trade and for which a written notice to on 1980. of such program July 1, appear was issued by a member of the patrol. Provides that the To take effect immediately, urgency statute. May 8. employer requesting nctification shall furnish the department with Education-Watcht lists of his employees and the regisfration numbers of his vehicles and shall pay the department annually an unspecified sum for each AB 4317-Kapiloff (Fin. & Ins.)-Establishes a statewide health bene- benefits. employee listed. fit program consisting of basic health and major medical Creates the Special Services Account in the State Transportation Creates a California Medical Commission to administer such pro- Fund for the deposit of payments received by the department pur- gram and provides for the composition and duties of such commis- suant to this act. Provides that amounts equal to the actual cosls sion. Requires all state residents to be enrolled in a major medical incurred by the department in performing its duties pursuant to plan, as defined, and provides for voluntary enrollment for state to the department and that of state this act are continuously appropriated health benefits at premiums established by the c6mmission any surplus funds shall be available for expenditure by the depart- residence in the statewide program. ment for an unspecified purpose. May 9. Miscellaneous-Watch Establishes a State Medical Association as a public corporation governed by a board of governors. Authorizes the board to promul- AB 4334-Keene (C.A.)-Creates California Constitution Commission, gate professional rules of conduct and sanctions for violation thereof and provides for its membership, powers, and duties. for certain members of the healing arts . Provides the Appropriates unspecified amount from General Fund for purposes procedure therefore and eliminates the power of their various boards of act. May 9. State and Local Government-Watcht to impose such sanctions. Designates medical districts in the state and authorizes the board to create local administrative committees. AB 4337-Russell (Ed.)-Establishes 5-member State Educational Em,- May 8. Public Health-Bad ployee-Employer Relations Board. Prescribes membership, terms, filling of vacancies, principal and other offices, , and execu; AB 4319-Kapiloff (Elec. & Reap.)-Restricts contributions and expen- tive sessions. Provides for legal counsel and staffing. Provides for ditures for nomination of candidates for various offices at direct prosecution of inquiries, investigations, hearings, issuance and en- primary election or election of independently nominated candidates forcement of subpoenas, and related procedures. or write-in candidates at general election, and prohibits contribu- Requires State Educational Employee-Employer Relations Board tions to candidates nominated for such offices at direct primary to determine all issues presented by prescribed petition of a cer- election. Restricts contributions at various other elections. Prohibits tificated employee council, of whether a public school employer has contributions by specified persons and organizations. Restricts ex- failed or refused to meet and confer in good faith and whether any penditures for campaigns to nominate or elect candidates for other item is within the scope of meeting and conferring in good faith. public offices and campaigns for or against statewide measures. Makes related changes to provide for meeting and conferring in Provides for public financing of general election campaigns for good faith. specified offices. Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for Limits candidates for public office to a single committee on his allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by behalf, makes him personally liable for violations of law by com- them pursuant to this act. May 9. Education-Watcht June 14, 1974 D 61 ASSEMBLY BILLS (Cont'd) AB 4339-Beverly (Rev. & Tax.)-Revises basis of apportionment to tax on manufacture or distribution of certain sugar to such fund, and local government of certain gas taxes collected under the Motor appropriates such funds for use by various specified state agencies Vehicle Fuel License Tax Law and certain motor vehicle license fees and schools in various specified nutrition projects. and other specified moneys. May 9. Taxation-Watch To take effect immediately, tax levy, and to be applied to fiscal years ending after the effective date of this act. May 13. AB 4345-Wilson (Ed.)-Authorizes establishment of biweekly work Taxation-Watch schedule for all or certain classified school employees of a school district subject to concurrence of affected employees, as prescribed. AB 4390-Fong (Emp. & P.E.)-Provides that a current state em- Provides for overtime pay in certain circumstances. May 9. ployee performing the duties of a higher class position in state civil Education-Watcht service, shall be placed on the eligibility list for that position without being required to take the examination. May 13. AB 4364-Russell (Fin. & Ins.)-Creates California Business Develop- State and Local Govornment-Watcht ment Corporation to assist in the location of new business and in- dustry in the state and to rehabilitate existing business and industry. AB 4391 Fong (Emp. & P.E.) - Makes technical, nonsubstantive Provides that corporate members shall consist of banking organi- change. May 13. Labor Code-Watch zations, insurance and companies who shall loan money to corporation up to specified limits with corporate powers to be ex- AB 4393-Dunlap (Emp. & P.E.)-Prohibits certain officers and em- excised by a board of directors consisting of 15 persons. ployees of the state, or any county, city and county, city, or district, from engaging in specified conduct with respect to meetings and Empowers the corporation to engage in specified activities, in- May 13. cluding borrowing and lending money, purchasing and holding real organizations of recipients of public assistance. and personal property, and acquiring securities. State and Local Governm.nt-Watcht Provides for issuance of capital stock in the amount of 20,000 AB 4394-Bagley (Rev. & Tax.)-Exempts from sales and use taxes shares of no par value. Total obligations of such corporation shall the sales or consumption of certain meat and food products fur- not exceed 10 times the amount of its paid-in capital and surplus nished or served to children's athletic events. exclusive of earned surplus or 50 million dollars, whichever is greater. Appropriates an unspecified amount from the General Fund to Authorizes loan committees to assist business in certain specified the Controller tc make the disbursements required by Section 2230 state economic regions. Designates loan committee membership re- of the Revenue and Taxation Code. quirements. May 13. State and Local Government-Watch To take effect immediately, tax levy. May 13. Taxation-Watch AB 4365-Russell (Fin. & Ins.)-Enacts California Industrial Bond Law authorizing counties and cities to provide for nonprofit corporations AB 4396-Ingalls (Health)-Renames the California Hospital Disclo- to promote local industrial development by issuing revenue bonds sure Act as the California Health Facilities Disclosure Act. Makes to acquire property for the purposes of leasing or selling it to pri- such act applicable to health facilities licensed under state law, vate industry. May 13. State and Local Government-Watch rather than to prescribed hospitals, facilities, and public institutions. Deletes provisions establishing the California Hospital Commission. AB 4369-Alatorre (Labor Rel.)-Includes discrimination in employ- Creates th9 California Health Facility Commission with prescribed ment because of age as a basis for investigation and regulation by membership and provides that such commission succeeds to all the the State Fair Employment Practice Commission. duties, powers, purposes, responsibilities and jurisdiction vested in Provides that the commission shall have the power and duty with the Californa Hospital Commission, which is abolished. respect to discrimination to undertake specified regulatory and Requires the transfer of specified officers and employees and supervisorial actions with regard to specified persons transacting property of the California Hospital Commission to the California business with the state. Health Facility Commission. Authorizes the California Health Facility Repeals inconsistent provisions. May 13. Labor Code-Watch Commission to use the unexpended balance of funds available in the California Hospital Commission Fund and creates a California AB 4370-Alatorre (Emp. & P.E.)-Requires that every state and local Health Facility Commission Fund with prescribed revenues payable agency submit an annual report to the Fair Employment Practices into such fund. Makes related changes. Commission setting forth specified information concerning the sex, Enacts special provisions re accounting and reporting by skilled ethnic origins, age and salaries of such agencies' employees. Re- facilities intermediate care facilities under the act. quires submission at same time of information concerning affirma- nursing and tive action plans adopted by such agencies. May 14. Public Health-Watch Declares such reports and information to be public records. AB 4400-Brown (C. & P.U.)-Revises membership of the State Board Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for of Accountancy, the Board of Architectural Examiners, the Califor- allocation and disbursement to local agencies or school districts for nia State Board of Landscape Architects and the State Board of costs incurred by them pursuant to this act. May 13. Barber Examiners by providing for a majority of public members on State and Local Government-Watch each board, May 15. Labor Unions-Watcht AB 4371-Alatorre (Emp. & P.E.)-Deletes prohibitions applicable to AB 4401-Brown (C. & P.U.)-Deletes the authority of the boards state and local agency employmert practices against use of criteria within the Department of Consumer Affairs to elect a secretary. that is not job related and provides, instead, that such agencies Provides that on and after January 15, 1975, the executive secre- shall not devise any employment criteria or test that has a dis- tary of the Board of Dental Examiners, the Board of Medical Ex- criminatory or adverse impact upon the employment of persons of aminers, the California Board of Nursing Education and Nurse Reg- any particular racial, elhnic, sex, or age group. istration, the Board of Vocational Nurse and Psychiatric Technician Provides that proof that no alternative was available that would Examiners and the State Board of Optometry shall be appointed by have had a lesser impact on any such group shall be a defense to the Governor and be under the direction and supervision of the any action challenging such employment practices. Declares that Director of Consumer Affairs. May 15. proof that an employment criteria or test is job related shall not State and Local Government-Watcht be a defense to such action. May 13. State and Local Government-Watch AB 4404-Cory (Ed.)-Enacts Equal Education Support Act of 1974. Specifies intent of Legislature in enacting such act, including the AB 4389-Fong (Rev. & Tax.)-Imposes a tax of 1/2 mill per pound on creation of a funding scheme whereby the quality of education is the manufacture of certain sugar, and in the alternative, on the not a function of the wealth of a particular school district. States distribution of such sugar in this state. that a new tax structure will be employed as part of the funding Creates the California Nutrition Fund, distributes proceeds from scheme. May 15. Education-Watch June 14, 1974 D 62 ASSEMBLY BILLS (Cont'd) AB 4410-Lancaster (Health)-Provides for the registration and regu- AB 4434-Fong (Emp. & P. E.)-Requires establishment of affirma- lation of orthotists and prosthetists by the Board of Medical Ex- tive action hiring programs to eliminate the underutilization of aminers. minorities and women in state civil service, the University of Cal- Makes legislative finding and declaration. ifornia, and the California State University and Colleges. Appropriates an unspecified amount to the State Controller for Specifies the duties of the Executive Director of the State Per- allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred by sonnel Board, the President of the University of California, the them pursuant to this act. May 15. Labor Unions-Watcht Chancellor of the California State University and Colleges, and various other officials with respect to such programs. May 16. AB 4416-Chacon (Urban Dev. & H.)-Enacts the Mutual Self-Help Equal Rights-Watch Housing Law in order to accomplish designated purposes. Requires the Commission of Housing and Community Develop- ment to adopt rules and regulations establishing a mutual self-help AB 4446-Wakefield (Labor Rel.)-Repeals California Occupational housing technical-assistance grant program and a research and Safety and Health Act of 1973, which revised laws generally regu- planning-assistance grant program to be administered by the De- lating industrial safety, and restores, without substantive change, the partment of Housing and Community Development. laws to form antedating such act. Authorizes grants to eligible sponsors, as defined, with priority to Re-creates Industrial Safety Board in Division of Industrial Safety those with demonstrated experience and capability and to new of Department of Industrial Relations. Abolishes Occupational Safety sponsors in joint venture with sponsors with proven capability in self- and Health Standards Board and the Occupational Safety end help programs, for carrying out a program of technical and super- Health Appeals Board in the department. visory assistance, as determined by regulations adopted by the com- Makes various related changes. May 16. mission, to aid low-inccme families and individuals, as defined, in Stato and Local Government-Watcht mutual self-help housing projects, as defined. Authorizes grants to eligible sponsors for carrying out planning research and feasibility studies for mutual self-help housing projects AB 4447-McLennan (Ed.)-Requires the governing board of each in specified geographic areas, that are required to include surveys school district having 500 or more a.d.a. to provide at every school as to need and market analyses which consider specified factors. of the district during regular school hours at least one person, stu- Limits such grants to 6 months and limits the amount of such grants dent or employee, who has been certified as being competent to to not more than $15,000. administer emergency first aid. Establishes the Mutual Self-Help Land-Development Loan Fund and Prohibits the governing board of any school district or any school requires the department to administer the fund as a revolving loan administrator to require to coerce any student or school employee fund to make interest-free, short-term loans for land acquisition and to undertake an emergency first aid training course. development suitable for use in mutual self-help housing projects. Specifies that no person shall be obliged to administer first aid Authorizes the department, after approving an application for a nor shall any person be held liable for civil damages as a result of mutual self-help housing project on a form prescribed by the depart- rendering such aid in good faith pursuant to this act. ment, to make such short-term loans on such terms and conditions Provides that neither appropriation is made nor obligation cre- and in such amounts as it deems necessary to accomplish the pur- ated for the reimbursement of any local agency for any costs in- poses of this act. Requires land acquired and developed with such curred by it pursuant to the act. the loans to be sold or conveyed at cost, as prescribed. Authorizes To take effect immediately, urgency statute. May 20. department to approve the use of loan funds to provide for a state Education-Watcht guarantee in lieu of improvement security requirements of the Sub- division Map Act. Authorizes the department to establish procedures to disburse AB 4451-Thurman (Health)-Provides that an applicant for loan funds and technical-assistance grant funds directly to the per- as a clinical social worker must have one year's experience, either son or entity performing a service involved rather than to the eligi- under professional supervision or with professional consultation or ble sponsor or the low-income individual or family. both, in the use of psychosocial or psychotherapeutic methods in a Appropriates $4,285,000 to the Department of Housing and Com- hospital, rather than requiring such hospital experience be had only munity Development to be used according to a specified schedule under professional supervision. May 21. Labor Unions-Watcht to accomplish the purposes of the act. May 16. Housing---Watcht

AS 4417-Bagley (Rev. & Tax.)-Provides for annual computation by AB 4452-Briggs (Fin. & Ins.)-Requires workmen's compensation in- Franchise Tax Board of rate of interest to be paid on various state surers which make any projection, estimate, or other statement con- and local taxes. cerning payment of dividends or other designated payments, to Provides that no appropriations shall be made for state-mandated make them in writing. Requires insurers to make specified followup programs, pursuant to Section 2231 of the Revenue and Taxation statement. Prohibits payment of lower dividend or other designated Code, because increased interest revenues exceed administrative payment except for stated reason. May 22. costs caused by this act. May 16. Taxation-Watch Workmen's Compensafion-Bad AB 4428-Z'berg (Emp. & P.E.)-Appropriates such funds as are nec- employee in state service essary to increase the salary of every state AB 4454-Waxman (G. O.)-Provides that overpayment made to for the month of July 1974, in- an amount equal to amounts that not be deemed to be April 30, 1974 but citizen of California by a state agency shall would have been reteived from July 1, 1973 to an overpayment or collectible under certain circumsfances. May 22. for the action of the Cost of Living Council. State and Local Government-Watch To take effect immediately, usual current expenses. May 16. State and Local Government-Good to recruit and AB 4455-Fenton (Fin. & Ins.)-Enacts Truth in ,Act. AB 4429-Z'berg (Ed.)-Requires personnel commission Requires Insurance Commissioner to adopt life insurance cost com- examine all classified school employees. parison regulations for prospective purchasers of life insurance which Makes various technical changes. May 16. Education-Watcht shall contain specified information. AB 4431-Briggs (Rev. & Tax.)-Increases special personal income tax Establishes designated principles of good faith consumer protec- credit for single persons who are at least 65 years of age during the tion to be followed by life insurers and their agents in life insurance taxable year. sales transactions. To take effect immediately, tax levy. May 16. Taxation-Watch Adds related provisions. May 22. Insurance-Good D 63 June 14, 1974 ASSEMBLY BILLS (Cont'd) AB 4456-Fenton (Fin. & Ins.)-Enacts Legibility in Insurance Act. AB 4468-Waxman (Fin. & Ins.)-Requires insurer transacting liability, Prohibits Insuranca Commissioner from approving any policy or common carrier liability, and workmen's compensation insurance .to plan for issuance or delivery in this state on or after July 1, 1975, include in its required annual staernent a schedule of its experience unless specified criteria are met as to clarity and understandability. under policies of such insurance by category, rather than in such Requires commissioner to promulgate a standard supplemental form as Insurance Commissioner prescribes. disclosure form, to contain designated information to aid prospective Requires insurers transacting liability insurance covering mal- buyers of insurance in comparing various policies and plans, and the practice of persons licensed under Dental Practice Act and Medi- benefits and limitations thereunder. cal Practice Act to report to Insurance Commissioner by unspeci- Prohibits insurers, and their employees and agents, from offering fied date each year specified information concerning claims, in- insurance for examination or sale on or after July 1, 1975, unless a cluding lawsuits, against insurer's insured dealt with during preceding completed standard supplemental disclosure form, approved and calendar year. May 23. Insurance-Good certified by the commissioner, is provided to prospective purchaser. Requires commissioner disapprove or withdraw approval of insur- AB 4479-Waxman (Jud.)-Provides that administrative order or de- ance policies or plans not meeting requirements of this act. May 21. cision may not be stayed in proceeding for writ of mandate to re- Insurance-Good view such order or decision unless good cause is shown that public interest will not suffer, and unless notice is given to opposite party. AB 4458-Fenton (C. & P. U.)-Requires corporate licensee to main- May 23. Miscellaneous-Watch tain stock register at corporation's principal office and provides that register shall be available to the Contractors' State License Board. Requires that corporate licensee report to the board the SENATE CONSTITUTIONAL issuance or transfer of shares of stock to any person where issuance AMENDMENTS or transfer results in person owning 10 percent or more of corpo- rate stock, upon change of corporate officers, or upon change in SCA 49-Alquist (Rev. & Tax.)-Authorizes Legislature to exempt members of board of directors. from property taxation all or any portion of property used as a Exempts from such requirements corporation whose stock is listed solar energy system for heating and cooling. May 1. on New York Stock Exchange or exchange in this state, financial Taxation-Watch institution or title company to which license is issued in fiduciary SCA 50-Stull (E. & R.)-Provides that office of Secretary of State capacity, or corporation which is required by law to file periodic shall be nonpartisan. May 7. State and Local Government-Watch reports with Securities and Exchange Commission. SCA 51-Mills (Rls.)-Provides that on July I, 1975, and on July I Authorizes the board to suspend or revoke any license or corpo- of each year thereafter, annual compensation of Members of the ration subject to provisions of act where conditions exihs. in relation Legislature shall be adjusted by an amount determined by the State to any person holding 10 percent or more of corporate stock of Personnel Board, or its successor, as necessary to provide for cost- such corporation or in relation to any person in a controlling or of-living increases, but limits maximum adjustment to the amount responsible position in the corporation which would constitute produced by multiplying the current salary by the percentage that grounds for disciplinary action against such person if he was the figure representing the California consumer price index, as licensee. May 22. Miscellaneous-Watcht compiled and reported by the California Department of Industrial Relations or its successor, has increased during the twelve-month AB 4462-Antonovich (Ed.)-Prohibits elementary pupils from being period ending March 31 of the same year. May 8. enrolled in any particular grade unless pupil's reading ability is at State and Local Government-Watch least equal to prescribed reading ability of pupils in next lower grade. Requires reading ability to be determined in manner prescribed SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS by State Board of Education and requires State Board of Educa- tion to prescribe a different level of reading ability for each grade. SCR 126-Marks (Rls.)-Directs the Department of Housing and Com- May 23. Education-Watcht munity Development to submit to the Legislature a plan for progress reports, publicity, and public input relative to and preceding adop- AB 4464 Montoya (Labor Rel.)-Includes within activities prohibited tion of the California Statewide Housing Element and for further by the industrial homework laws the manufacture of wearing apparel review following its adoption. April 24. Housing-Watcht of any kind, rather than wearing apparel for use of children 10 years of age or under. SCR 138-Short (Rls.)-Urges the State Board of Barber Examiners Requires order of Division of Industrial Welfare discontinuing and the Director of Consumer Affairs to take proper action to manufacture by industrial homework to set forth types of manu- implement specified legislation which authorized the employment facturing prohibited. Makes various other changes and modifica- of examiner-field representatives to examine and inspect barbers tions pertaining to orders of discontinuance including requiring and barber colleges, as specified. May 28. Labor Unions-Watcht hearing after rather than before issuance of order. SCR 139-Mills (RIs.) - Under the existing Joint Rules, after Authorizes division to seek court order to enable it to have ac- June 15 no committee of either house, other than the fiscal and cess to, and to inspect, premises of any industrial homeworker or rules committees of each house, may report for passage a bill distributor in this state. introduced in that house and after August 15 the fiscal committee Increases fees for industrial homework license. of each house may not report for passage a bill introduced in that Increases penalty for violation of industrial homework laws. house. Imposes $25 fee upon permit to do industrial homework. In- This measure provides that after June 15, the Secretary of the creases fines for offense of failing to have such a permit. Senate and the Chief Clerk shall not receive a report from any Removes authorization of certain persons under 16 years of age committee other than t'he fiscal and rules committees of each to obtain permits to do industrial homework. house, respectively, which requires further action on a bill in- Requires division to destroy all articles or materials manufactured troduced in ihat house and after August 15, the Secretary of the in a home in violation of industrial homework laws. Removes au- Senate and the Chief Clerk shall not receive a report from the thority of owner or person entitled to possession of such articles fiscal committee of each house, respectively, which requires further or materials to request their return. action on a bill introduced in that house. Makes various related changes. This measure also deletes the provision authorizing a committee Appropriates unspecified amount to the State Controller for to report a bill after the deadline if it was heard before the dead- allocation and disbursement to local agencies for costs incurred line and the committee wishes to report the bill out with amend- by them pursuant to this act and to the division to carry out the ments that have not been prepared by the Legislative Council. purposes of this act. May 23. Labor Code-Watch May 29. State and Local Government-Watch Juite 14, 1974 D64