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I- v,, \_-Y Vol. 17-e 24I 1W4 UNIVERSITY Of CALIFON IIA -j4lr FED PARLEY JULY 20 IN S.F. |u" Seininr to Ai.1r Prbemns Slt ol he u %-p r v %is I§91Ib 1 1 1 v V Dt*IA ifLV The California AFL-CIO called for thie dis- "The Dumke administration persists in de- A special seminlar on prob- whlich included Sigmund Ary- mssal of Glenn S. ChanceUor of lems confonting women in the witz, chaimn; Loretta Riley Dumke, thie nyinig fundamental employment rights thiat have work force will be held at thie and James Booe, all Federa- California State Unversity and Colleges system long been commonplace for Ameri'can workers Jack Tar Hotel in San Fran- tion vice presidents, and Mary yestlerday, charging thiat Dumnke has shown ill bothi public and priv'ate employment. cisco, Saturday, July 20, 1974. Bergan, legislative advocate "scon-tempt and indifference" toward faculty ef- "Chancellor Dumke refuses to allow negotia- for thie Callfornia Federation of forts to set up fai grievance procedures. tions on grievance procedures wfit representa- Topics at the seminar wil tives of the Unitd Professors of Californa or be limited to two broad areas: Teachers. Asserting that Dumk has "failed his public thie California Labor Federation, 1 Other members of. the special trust and should be removed from office," thie AFL-CIO, rep- -Contractural, -legislative committee are Harold Shean, Executive Council of the -Californa Labor Fed- resenting more thian 1.6 milon Californa work- and legal, questions involvinlg ers. and, also a Federation vice presi- eration, AFL-CIO, adopted thie following state- maternity; dent, and Gwen Newvton of. Of- ment at thie concluding session of its two-day "rThe taksessions, which have been held 2-The question of how to in- flee and Professional Employ- meeting at thie Hyatt Regency Hotel in Los An- ovrer the past year and a half, have proved to volve more women in union ees Local 30 in addition to Fed- geles. yesterday. be a fraudulent waste of time since thie Chancel- actdvity. eration President AlIbi1n J. lor has declared that thie meetngs could never Plans for the seminar, which Gruhn and Executive Secre- "'Under Chancellor Dumrke's direction, the be considered as actual negotiations. wil be sponsored by thie Cali- tary-Treasurer John P. Hen- California State University and Colleges have "The state educational system headed by forna Labor Federation, AFL- ning. treated withi contempt and indifference thie con- Chancellor Dulmke is. public -in character and CIO, were approved by thie Official notification of thie cerns of thie United Professors of Califor-nia, must be responsive to public conernms for fair- Federation's Executive Coun- seminar will be sent to all AFL-CIO, and the California AFPL-CIO movement ness in employment relations. Chancellor Dumke cil at its meeting in Los An- Federation affiliates along with with respect to establishing fair and equitable will not recognize tis essential truth. HIe has -geles Wednesday. grievance procedures for the faculties on the thereby failed his public trust and should be credential forms shortly. 19 The plans were developed by All Federation affiliates are campuses of the State sy'stem. removed from office." a subcommittee of thie Federa- ur*ged to plan now to have theier tion's special Committee on organization represented at the Women in thie Work Force semiar. -- Meany~~~~CalIixn'etne~~ '.-V4 mk4m,; --:-: W,,. NOWk-,- "Wom Acion on Farm 'AppesementJ H~~~~~~~~~~~~~itsisCs The American labor move- PIreviewing'* W-Vesident's he has' crippled hiself by his lbr Bills Put ment wiU continue to assert it- iminent trip to Moscow, conduct." self in foreign affairs to assure Meany charged in his address Citing public opinion polL& ver to June21 that "te strength and wealth to -the RWDSU thiat Nixon is thiat show two-thirds of thie Ac'tdon on lgsad spon- of thie nation-created by work- going to "inegotiate" withi the American people have no con- sored' by the Califrnia L- ing..people-is placed sqixarely Sov'iets in an attet"--to -score fidence in Nixon's leadership, CIO and the Untd 'Farm on thie side of human friee,dom a OSE6i co6up and''take public Meank said, 'WManagOments Workers National Union to as- and not on the side of totali- attention away from Watergate would drool at the prospect of sure farm-workers a voice in tarianism," AFL-CIO Presi- and the impeachment process. getting a union to.the bargai- thie selection of thieir own bar- dent George Meany told dele- Meany wa'rned thiat no presi- ing table thiat was supported gainiing agent was put over gates to union conventions in dent should meet withi Leonid by only 27 percent of its mem- until June 26 this week by thie Florida. Brezhnev except from a posi- bers. No wonder Brezhev is A ss e mbl y Labor Relations "Our commitment to dem-~ tion of strengt. so aWous for Nixon to come ALFRED) K. WMITEHXEAD Comite ocracy abroad flows from thie "Mr. Nixon does-not oecupy to Moscow, -Nixon is so eager Assemblyman Leo T. Mc- same source as our commit- a positioii of strength. I doubt to sign an agreement -any I Carthy (D - S.F.), committee ment to social justice at if -he ever will agai. Not -be- agreement -with the Soviets Alred Wiehead chairman, said a waiver of thie home," he declarecl. cause he has been crippled by thiat thie upcomig Moscow rule requiring most commit- "Big profits may be at home partisan enemies, but because (Continued on Pag 3) tees to report out all bills for in any, country, but labor can passage to the S'enate. by June only breathle the air of free- 15 had been obtained from the dom.. It is not at home in total- AFL"10 oard Assembly Rules Commttee for Action Under Way to Bltr Alred K. Whitehead, itarianism,"t Meany said. presi- AB =30 -Burton, the AIRL- Meany expressed concernl for dent of Los Angeles County CIO-backed bill as well as three Fire Fighters Local 1014, an af- thie high price the nation is R& Soane Prodc Boycot AFL-CIO-opposed measures: for "'detenlte"' withi Action to the con- for recruting machinists and fiUate of the AFL-CIO Internla- AB 3816-Maddy; AB 3900-Ber- paying strengthien tional Association of F ir e Communist countries in ad- sumer boycott of products of mechanics in an effort to break man; and AB 4161-Duffy. dresses to conventions of the R & G Sloanle manufactur- the strike. Fighters, has just been elect- The bills had been scheduled thie ed as a vice of the Ladies' Garment Workers and ing company of Sun Valley, Just last week, Edward P. president to be taken up by the commt- thie Wholesale & Calif.,. is being urged by the ment's Occupational S a f e t y tee on June 12. Retail, Dept. Murphy, secretary-treasurer of Wednesday, Store Union last week. AFL-CIO Union Label and Serv- thie AFL-CIO Union Label and and Health Admnistration. Earlier tis week, on June ice Trades Departm'ent. Whitehead replaces V i c e 10, a lead editorial in the Los He said that detente should Service Trades Department, President Kenneth Larson in Angeles Times voi"ced support be a two-way street of give and Some 750 members of Local called on all local central bod- Geographical District 3-B. Lar- for AB 3370 saying: take, but the way it's being 6g21 of thie United Rubber Work- ies to conta t local, county and son resignd to take a position "Each, day of the harvest handled by the Nixon Adniin- ers UIiion have been on strike state government agencies. to with e U.S. Labor Depart- demonstrates thie urgency of istration, detente is appease- at the fir since March 1973, find out if any R & G Sloane ment's Occupational S a f e t y creating some mechanism to ment -'pure and simple." steadfastly resisting company type products are being in- *and Health Admninistration. provide secret balloting that "It's a giveaway in search efforts to break the union, ac- stalled in building projects for. Whitehead was elected at a will give the farm worksers of of profits for our corporations cordi'ng. to the union's National commercial a nd' residential two-day meeting of the Fed- California an authientic voice thlrough a eombintion of President, Peter'Bommarito. buildings. eration's 37-member Executive in thieir collective bargaining. American eapital and Sovriet. Bommarito has charged thie "If your survey finds in thie Council at the Hyatt-Regency "T'he' strikes, violence, ob- slave labor, and I contend that R & G Sloane Company withi affirmative, please inform us HIotel in Los Angeles June 12- struction, and confusion show thie President has already giv- thie persistent use of ilegal of thie name or names of the 13. how ussatisfactory thie present en away too much- even be- aliens as strikebreakers and contractors and the individual (Continued on' Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) fore Watergate. thie offerig of bounty payments (Continued on Page 2) Action on Frm Senate IKs Bil to Lif Time oar Bil u Limit i-n Job-Dsease Case Californa AFL-CIO-sponsor- ldlled by the commtte were: Over t oJne21 ed legislation to elim'mnate thie SB 1531 Marks, which would, (Continued from Page 1) statute of limitations for occu-, have increased the maximum arrangements Ar. No one can pational diseases, SB 1605 in- duration of unemiployment in- be sure of thie real wishes of' troduced by Senator Milton surance benefits from 26 to 3D the workers.