Ithy the Dancing in the Steet Has Died S-Train Bacl S-TRAINS

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Ithy the Dancing in the Steet Has Died S-Train Bacl S-TRAINS THE C 1{Et$ I lt)^I Iil Ithy the dancing in the steet has died S-train bacl S-TRAINS By Greg Vendena _ and Copenh -_- tion are up Long-time city resident, after four da sh Press Law) the musician Yul Andetson, and cancel has left the city to pursue on the stretc his career abroad track passinl were severe I rKE TRYII{G to prepare a I meat with unlikely ingrc- a train tore I d,.nt. that seem brzarre to cal wire an, Lcombine, Yul Anderson's last week o music acfually manages to cook Boysen, Cop the classical and the psychedelic ager for RaiJ produce result. It scribed the i fThe Copenha- to a succulent the worst cr rase contact might go a littte like this: mix one cup of Hendrix, chop a fuIl damage was bunch of Debussy, blend one and extensiv teaspoon of Muddy Waters, and working aror elcomes grated Bach the problen editoi. add some finely to rs,to the only during are at the taste. Bake in a KeithJarrett im- 'ns Thursday ar ; and comments proviser until whole. but garnish services ori 1 .te o-r at: with unblended pure ingredients. dk The resulting dish is a flow- celled over t ing and natural impressionisfic for his music yul Anilersen has. been a common sight on Stroget but is now off exploring new markets Expensive d Marketing .ollug.. The inffuences can be &ertising and felt, and arb often quoted di- "When I first performed this hi1n well here in Copenhagen. a headbandlike set of head- IF YOU'RI department. phones called 'tubesurround', - rectly, but the result is definitely way, some elder folks who came He pioneered the idea ofplay- yourself in t unique. In more general terms, for the nice piano music were ing unique ven-ues such as riru- which uses a tube and six speak- now expect it carries the correctness and quite shocked by the Hendrix seums, planetariums, and movie ers on independent channels for 1,000 krone Director sophistication of classical mu- and left," he revealed to The Co- theatres. According to Ander- the surround sound effect. Cur- bill is seekin sic with the emotion and spirit penhagen Post. "l.{ow the elder son, these evening concerts rently Panasonic is evaluating it, rent fines iss of jazz and blues. Actor and folks are the ones that want to were part of the inspiration for but there has also been interest of violation director John Malkovich calls see Hendrix and stay.' 'Culture Night' - when all cul- from other companies. tions. Fines it "liquid piano", and he com- The guitar was his fust in- fural v.enues are open for one Thoseaccustomedtobump- public urinal missio4. ddnderson to produce strument at the age of eight, evening in Octoberi' Loial An: ' ing into Anderson on Stroget' ba.lls at peop a Sting for hisfiln; tThe Dancer which he learned from:his {a; a" utt-*io"tttiraveb6engiven should not assume he is a Co-' for,.no reasor "Now Upstairs', his first filn as a di- ther, a reputable blues man He over the years at Nikolaj Kirke, penhagen fixture. I'mjust qtich hasn' rector. l{is selectir5a ofthe track began perforiiii4g att@age of the Glyptotek, Tivoli, and most moving about," he said, seeking clared as sal 'thrc. new expe:ie4gg* gdj4u+e1l!e$, fol a @qe scene in tre film was 12 in$p,!an Francisco arya and recenff a-f Blac&-,p.!arng:rd ereas-e frem istb regular elsry,hee+=-ul.i$!1pBd;.Clrrrent=' no surprise, given the feehng o[ by tfid ag. of 14, he had ht$t ,...::..4sdersoq,atsa' =,. konerGvel issue rates are movemeht often preseht in An- himself how to play the piano3:: #eet p".fo.--rr,,-oten givinglf't'he iS' fifn'and-{buiing'ini ner. For son derson's worlc After graduating from the freeconcerts, InCopenhagen,he France and also regularly visits of 1,000 kro. ;Anderson is not limited to University of California, he is usually found near Rundetaarn Germany and Austria. enough. Il I egarding distri- the piano; he also dabbles in helped to organize and played in totheamazementofthestrolling When asked if he will be up in a figh d to: vocals and: guitar. One of his concerts for Amnesty lntema- pedestrians. He petforms on the back in Copenhagen sometime' 3,000 krone r-dk concerts might see him give tional in the early 1980s, which street to connect more directly he said: "When music becomes also states people, take a performance oli a classic included major acts like Tracy with his audience, to practice, a friend to I can't judges in ea, grand piano followed by some Chapman and U2, after which and to promote concerts. lhat away. As long as peoPle aP- decide whet straight-up amplified psyche- he settled in Copenhagen. Yul Andersont unconven- ' preciate the music I will always els should t delic-sryle reinterpretation of a His free-wheeling Hendrix- tional ways have led to him be- play. If people want to hear it circumstanti Hendrix classic. California attitude has served coming an inventor. He invented then I'11 be back." !'rg mamm I ODENSE I learning (OUH) is n Facehook no friend uhen it come$ t0 classroom ceive pregni over Denmi rp Kurlansky Social network sites teeth, but the temptation is too tween 130 r Koch intenupt classes for high great. The students surfing the web and downloading YouTube writes Fyenr rccepts no school students videos tell us that they want the paper. OUF ntent of mate- the teachers to help them control in obstetricr dsers. The Co- I NEw STUDY lrom women, har ihed weekly by ioanish School ol Educatton themselves," said Arnt Louw beds made d by Dagbladet, ll..u.als that students use ta- Vestergaard, a scientific assistant en weighin5 cebook heaviiy during lessons. at the Centre lorYouth Research. have establi Students recognized that theY Vestergaard underscored roduction in pr lose rheir abilirv to focus and that the problem is not limited to for both .
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