download har file viewer

Download har file viewer. Если вы не знаете, как получить HAR-файл, ознакомьтесь с инструкцией на странице загрузки для трех самых распространенных браузеров: Chrome, Firefox и . Нажмите кнопку выбора файла. Выберите HAR-файл для анализа. Воспользуйтесь ей, чтобы выбрать файл для анализа. Записи могут быть показаны вместе или с разбивкой по страницам. Временные метки записей в таблице могут быть относительными или абсолютными. В первом режиме метки, которые соответствуют каждой записи, располагаются на временной шкале обработки страницы, а во втором метка каждой записи занимает всю ширину столбца. Относительный режим используется только при группировке записей по страницам. – полезный инструмент, позволяющий выполнять сложный поиск в HAR-записях. Самый простой способ поиска – ввести несколько поисковых слов, например [получить диск]. В результате будут найдены записи, содержащие все эти слова в ответе и запросе. Обратите внимание, что словосочетания в кавычках обрабатываются как единый поисковый запрос, поэтому для запроса [неделя "количество событий"] будут показаны результаты, где есть фраза "количество событий". Кроме того, поисковые запросы могут быть представлены парами "поле – поисковая фраза", например [requst.url:поисковая_фраза request.method:поисковая_фраза response.status:поисковая_фраза]. Для более сложного поиска можно использовать операторы, создавать группы и указывать поля. Оператор влияет на непосредственно следующую за ним поисковую фразу, изменяя способ ее поиска в целой группе или запросе. Поддерживаемые операторы: & : оператор по умолчанию, выполняющий операцию AND для результатов следующего поискового запроса и результатов всех предыдущих операций. | : выполняет операцию OR для результатов следующего поискового запроса и результатов всех предыдущих операций. ^ : выполняет операцию XOR для результатов следующего поискового запроса и результатов всех предыдущих операций. - : исключает результаты следующего поискового запроса. Выберите HAR-файл. Как получить HAR-файл. HAR (HTTP-архив) – формат, используемый инструментами записи HTTP-сеансов для экспорта данных. По сути, это объект JSON с особым набором полей. Обратите внимание, что не все поля являются обязательными и часто в файле сохраняется не вся информация. содержимое страниц, скачанных во время записи; файлы cookie (они позволят любому, у кого есть этот HAR-файл, использовать ваш аккаунт); вся информация, которую вы отправили во время записи (личные данные, пароли, номера кредитных карт и т. д.). Вы можете записать HTTP-сеанс в самых разных браузерах, в том числе в , Edge и Mozilla Firefox. Opening a HAR File. HAR files mostly belong to e-Sword by Rick Meyers. e-Sword is an effective way to study the Bible in a free software package. How can I open a HAR file? You need a suitable software like e-Sword from Rick Meyers to open a HAR file. Without proper software you will receive a Windows message " How do you want to open this file? " or " Windows cannot open this file " or a similar Mac/iPhone/Android alert. If you cannot open your HAR file correctly, try to right-click or long-press the file. Then click "Open with" and choose an application. You can also display a HAR file directly in the browser : . Just drag the file onto this browser window and drop it. Sending a HAR file saved on Chrome via Java. A HAR file can be saved in Chrome opening Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+J), then clicking on the Network Tab, then finally right clicking and choosing save entry as HAR. After downloading this, how can I send a HTTP request using this file as input in Java? 1 Answer 1. You can check, which allows you to easily read HAR files and map them to Java objects. The next step would be writing some factory that would build Http Requests on base of Har objects. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged java har or ask your own question. Related. Hot Network Questions. Subscribe to RSS. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. rev 2021.7.7.39676. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Capture a browser trace for troubleshooting. If you're troubleshooting an issue with the Azure portal, and you need to contact Microsoft support, we recommend you first capture a browser trace and some additional information. The information you collect can provide important details about the portal at the time the issue occurs. Follow the steps in this article for the developer tools in the browser you use: Google Chrome or (), Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML), Apple , or Firefox. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) are both based on the Chromium open source project. The following steps show how to use the developer tools, which are very similar in the two browsers. For more information, see Chrome DevTools and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Developer Tools. Sign in to the Azure portal. It's important to sign in before you start the trace so that the trace doesn't contain sensitive information related to your sign-in. Start recording the steps you take in the portal, using Steps Recorder. In the portal, navigate to the step just prior to where the issue occurs. Press F12 or select > More tools > Developer tools . By default, the browser keeps trace information only for the page that's currently loaded. Set the following options so the browser keeps all trace information, even if your repro requires going to more than one page: Select the Network tab, then select Preserve log . Select the Console tab, select Console settings , then select Preserve Log . Select Console settings again to close the settings pane. Select the Network tab, then select Stop recording network log and Clear . Select Record network log , then reproduce the issue in the portal. You will see session output similar to the following image. After you have reproduced the unexpected portal behavior, select Stop recording network log , then select Export HAR and save the file. Stop Steps Recorder, and save the recording. Back in the browser developer tools pane, select the Console tab. Right-click one of the messages, then select Save as. , and save the console output to a text file. Package the HAR file, console output, and screen recording in a compressed format like .zip, and share that with Microsoft support. Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) The following steps show how to use the developer tools in Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML). For more information, see Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) Developer Tools. Sign in to the Azure portal. It's important to sign in before you start the trace so that the trace doesn't contain sensitive information related to your sign-in. Start recording the steps you take in the portal, using Steps Recorder. In the portal, navigate to the step just prior to where the issue occurs. Press F12 or select > More tools > Developer tools . By default, the browser keeps trace information only for the page that's currently loaded. Set the following options so the browser keeps all trace information, even if your repro requires going to more than one page: Select the Network tab, then clear the option Clear entries on navigate . Select the Console tab, then select Preserve Log . Select the Network tab, then select Stop profiling session and Clear session . Select Start profiling session , then reproduce the issue in the portal. You will see session output similar to the following image. After you have reproduced the unexpected portal behavior, select Stop profiling session , then select Export as HAR and save the file. Stop Steps Recorder, and save the recording. Back in the browser developer tools pane, select the Console tab, and expand the window. Place your cursor at the start of the console output then drag and select the entire contents of the output. Right-click, then select Copy , and save the console output to a text file. Package the HAR file, console output, and screen recording in a compressed format like .zip, and share that with Microsoft support. Apple Safari. The following steps show how to use the developer tools in Apple Safari. For more information, see Safari Developer Tools overview. Enable the developer tools in Apple Safari: Select Safari , then select Preferences . Select the Advanced tab, then select Show Develop menu in menu bar . Sign in to the Azure portal. It's important to sign in before you start the trace so that the trace doesn't contain sensitive information related to your sign-in. Start recording the steps you take in the portal. For more information, see How to record the screen on your Mac. In the portal, navigate to the step just prior to where the issue occurs. Select Develop , then select Show Web Inspector . By default, the browser keeps trace information only for the page that's currently loaded. Set the following options so the browser keeps all trace information, even if your repro requires going to more than one page: Select the Network tab, then select Preserve Log . Select the Console tab, then select Preserve Log . Select the Network tab, then select Clear Network Items . Reproduce the issue in the portal. You will see session output similar to the following image. After you have reproduced the unexpected portal behavior, select Export and save the file. Stop the screen recorder, and save the recording. Back in the browser developer tools pane, select the Console tab, and expand the window. Place your cursor at the start of the console output then drag and select the entire contents of the output. Use Command-C to copy the output and save it to a text file. Package the HAR file, console output, and screen recording in a compressed format like .zip, and share that with Microsoft support. Firefox. The following steps show how to use the developer tools in Firefox. For more information, see Firefox Developer Tools. Sign in to the Azure portal. It's important to sign in before you start the trace so that the trace doesn't contain sensitive information related to your sign-in. Start recording the steps you take in the portal. Use Steps Recorder on Windows, or see How to record the screen on your Mac. In the portal, navigate to the step just prior to where the issue occurs. Press F12 or select > Web Developer > Toggle Tools . By default, the browser keeps trace information only for the page that's currently loaded. Set the following options so the browser keeps all trace information, even if your repro requires going to more than one page: Select the Network tab, then select Persist Logs . Select the Console tab, select Console settings , then select Persist Logs . Select the Network tab, then select Clear . Reproduce the issue in the portal. You will see session output similar to the following image. After you have reproduced the unexpected portal behavior, select Save All As HAR . Stop Steps Recorder on Windows or the screen recording on Mac, and save the recording. Back in the browser developer tools pane, select the Console tab. Right-click one of the messages, then select Export Visible Messages To , and save the console output to a text file. Package the HAR file, console output, and screen recording in a compressed format like .zip, and share that with Microsoft support. How To Use a HAR File to Find The Hidden Performance Bottlenecks in Your App. App performance can be a killer problem for any digital company, especially when the performance issues take too long to identify. That's why it's important to know how to use a HAR file viewer. In fact, what I have found by working with many of our customers is that the answer can be hiding in the HAR file data — which is why you should always check them. What Is a HAR File? HAR (HTTP Archive Viewer) is a JSON file that contains a record of the network traffic between client and server. It contains all the end to end HTTP requests/responses that are sent and received between the two network components. How to Use a HAR File Viewer. Using a HAR file viewer allows you to view HAR files. These files allow developers and testers to learn what actually happens when a transaction is executed and to help find performance bottlenecks and security issues in the original and 3 rd party code. Example: One of our customers came to me with a recurring performance degradation in their native mobile app. They had no idea what was causing the given issue; no big changes were pushed to the code and the problem was not reproducing on the Dev/QA environments. After collecting the file from the production environment, we found that the analytics calls were taking twice as long because of a change made by the 3 rd party analytics company. How to View a HAR File. You can view a HAR file by using different tools. Here are two UI tools I suggest in order to help you visual the HAR data and help focus on the interesting data. HAR viewer - - a free web based tool showing a waterfall graph of all the calls with the ability to drill down to a specific request. Charles Proxy - Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor which allows you to record and see the data. How to Record a HAR File. In order to record the HAR, you should set a proxy between the server and the client. All the data which goes through the proxy will be stored in a HAR file. A couple tools that can be used to record data : Charles Proxy MITM Proxy How to Analyze Performance With a HAR File Viewer. 1.Execute one and record the data. In the following example I went to amazon and searched for a laptop. Total transaction time was 12.45s , a good performance, but what is causing the difference in the displays? 2. Drill down to a specific request. In the drill down I found that as part of the display request the server also executes a request from the mobile-ads which takes 80% of the time. I did the same exercise with Best Buy by opening a page and searching for a laptop. This site transaction took 42.8 seconds!! I traced the longest calls and drilled down: The search call took 1.1s. As shown on Charles I can see that the delay (server query) took 1 sec. One of the useful features in Charles is to get curl url – it gives you the full url call which you executed from your command line, in this case I found that this specific call for device details took around 2 seconds: curl -H 'Host:' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-G935F Build/MMB29K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like ) Chrome/62.0.3202.84 Mobile Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/,image/,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Referer: st=XBOX&_dyncharset=UTF- 8&_dynSessConf=&id=pcat17071&type=page&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=&sp=&qp=&list=n&af=true&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960&keys=keys' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Cookie……..c?id=pcmcat303600050004' It helps to isolate the issue and now I can drill down to the code and understand where the bottleneck is occurring. On the Best Buy page I also found that the ad image size is 1000x1000, good for big desktop but when I search on mobile I should get a smaller image. On mobile it takes time to download big images ( network ) but also to display it on screen ( rendering) . By reducing the image size, it will not affect the mobile user experience and it will improve the site performance. Summary. User expectations are raising the bar on app performance and release velocity are requiring Dev & QA to fix fast. In most cases the performance issues are related to access to the databases or network. Analyzing the HAR file will give you more information about both and help you with the following: What has been transferred over the network How much time it took to execute specific transaction How the third party integration affects your app Was the right image matched to the right screen size. Keeping everything we just spoke about in mind and how beneficial these files can be, it is also important to understand that this process is very complicated and requires manual actions to set them up. This is why the Perfecto cloud made it simple to collect data from these files as part of the automation scripts. This gives you the ability to analyze mobile and web applications and improve quality based on network data.