Understanding Religious Literacy Content Creators and Providers in Education, Journalism and New Media A Report for the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations August 2021 Background The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations (AVDF) commissioned the Aspen Institute Inclusive America Project (IAP) to conduct a review of content providers and creators of religious literacy materials in the categories of new media, education, and journalism. IAP partnered with the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC) to undertake the review, focusing on those three categories. This collaborative effort has two aims: to distill findings and recommendations that might inform an approach to building on content creators’ current work; and to offer resources to funders as they explore opportunities to participate in this work. For all inquiries related to the Inclusive America Project, please contact:
[email protected]. Copyright © 2021 by The Aspen Institute The Aspen Institute 2300 N Street, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20037 Published in the United States of America in 2021 by The Aspen Institute All rights reserved Overview This report seeks to help practitioners, content creators, academics, and funders understand the landscape of religious literacy content being developed in education, new media, and journalism. Our hope is to provide these individuals with a broader perspective on what has been created so that they can situate themselves within this Constructing the landscape, find a community of fellow travelers with whom they 1 category of what is can foster new collaborations, and learn and grow their own work. and is not religion In doing so, they may contribute to a larger collective effort.