Cynnabar History 06

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Cynnabar History 06 A Short History of THE SHIRE OF Cynnabar by David S. Hoornstra known in the Society for Creative Anachronism as Daibhid “Ruadh” MacLachlan, Baron of the Court Read Me First COMING SOON; The purpose of this record is not merely to sing the praises of the shire, but COLOR to explain Cynnabar’s development, group philosophy and sources of its strength and unity. It is being written by the only member of the group active with the PHOTOS group continuously since its inception. As the group’s seneschal for its ten most (the color formative years, I was closely involved with the main actors in this tale. I apolo- version gize in advance for any errors that may creep in. of this Supplementing the narrative are several “sidebars” which cover topics whose document impact would be lost if handled in piecemeal chronological fashion. and its links were lost in Text conventions the easy part • I have used italics to designate SCA persona names of SCA members at of the their first appearance in the story, or after a long absence. present • For reasons which will become obvious, the name “Daibhid” undifferenced century. by any surname will indicate Daibhid “ruadh” MacLachlan, your not-very-humble (We have the author. (Now and then, David has found the pronoun “I” even simpler.) technology!) • Every now and then you will notice a phrase in present tense. It is not a typo; it is the “historical present” and often indicates wording lifted direct from my Domesday reports from 1980 to 1990. Complete sentences lifted are indi- cated by italics. Background and Origins The group that became known as the Royal Borough of Cynnabar was founded on July 23, 1978, at the main stage of the Ann Arbor Me- dieval Festival.1 It was not, however, the first significant SCA presence in Ann Arbor. Of all the communities in the Midwest in the 1970s, Ann Arbor was probably the choic- Died 2008 est spot in which to start an SCA chapter. A Tongue, more often called Yang the Nauseat- classic university town, it is the site of the ing) was pursuing an alternative medieval re- Cook Law School with its Quadrangle, a 7/8- creation model with his “Great Dark Horde,” scale near-replica of the Tudor-era King’s Col- which became not a local chapter but the SCA’s lege at Cambridge. In addition to the renowned first —and for many years only— national Art Fair, there was an established annual Me- household. Although modelled on the Golden dieval Festival supported by the School of Mu- Horde of Genghis Khan, it welcomed all nation- sic and professors in the Residential College (U- alities and set up as the “Loyal opposition” to M). There was a Morris dance troupe, and fenc- the mainstream “feudal” “Kingdom establish- ing was being taught in four different venues. ment” represented perfectly by Northwoods). Yet, strangely, from 1970 through 1976 From 1970 to Cynnabar’s founding, Ann Ar- there was no SCA chapter here like the North- bor was well-known throughout the young SCA woods barony. The reason was a singularly by the unofficial name of “the Crossroads.” strong personality who dominated the Ann Ar- Yang’s house, “the Snake Pit,” was the center bor SCA scene. Bob Asprin (Yang of the Silver of SCA activity until the summer of 76, when 1. That festival was held every summer for 19 years, he resigned the Dark Horde and its center of the last in 1989. See also p. 5. activity drifted towards Madison, Wisconsin. 1 Yang’s time was notable for unpleasant re- Buzzell (Korok Starbear) and others, agreed that lations between the Ann Arbor Dark Horde Ann Arbor needed a better SCA representation members and the people of Northwoods. than the Dark Horde could provide. Cynnabar was born among the still-warm ashes More important, we thought that an Ann of that adversarial relationship. I was welcomed Arbor resident ought to be able to join the SCA into the Horde before I ever saw the SCA; in- without choosing between the Dark Horde and doctrinated in Horde rhetoric before I met my out-of-town. first non-Horde member. That was Duke An- We visualized a group which would avoid drew of Seldom Rest. some of the evils of the SCA we saw then, in- What I didn’t know was that the Horde I cluding the “power” struggles of the Dark Horde, joined in 1974 was already dying at the core. the lack of knowledge (or concern) about the Most of the old Ann Arbor Horde was already real Middle Ages, and the generally low level of gone, and my own Khanate of the Cat was the quality in the way the SCA did things then. We only Ann Arbor SCA organization by 1976 when believed the SCA had wonderful, but Yang resigned. I was called David of the Cross- unexploited, possibilities for the support of ide- roads until about 1978 (certain oldtimers still alistic fantasies. call me that). The Founding The Cynnabar inheritance I mentioned our ideas to Rory O’Tomrair, Cynnabar’s spirit of independence –from then Midrealm Seneschal, at whose home I fre- establishment dogma, from unearned author- quently stayed for Chicago-area events. He ap- ity, from unquestioning respect for SCA rank or proved the idea of my founding an SCA chap- anything else– was an indirect legacy from Yang. ter, and promised a seneschal’s warrant as soon But it was also a product of Ann Arbor’s free- as I provided the necessary member informa- thinking student protest tradition of the 1960s. tion. Because many of us were active in the Ann If it’s true that the Great Household of the Arbor Medieval Festival, we planned to launch Dark Horde was founded in Ann Arbor’s mar- the group using the Festival’s main stage, in tial arts community, it is just as true that the late July. Ann Arbor Sword Club, devoted to western Eu- Unbeknownst to us, Linda Glasscock (Lady ropean swordplay tradition, is central to the an- Belinda of the Flowing Waters) had moved to cestry of Cynnabar. Elen Wechsler (6 years later Ann Arbor, and, supported by her Household Duchess Elen o Dynevwr) joined the Sword Club, Foundering Fen, had decided to inaugurate an the Horde and the SCA all in the same two-week SCA chapter. Unaware of our plans, they had span. She and Joseph Radding (see 1980) were chosen the very time and place we had set up, both active in USFA competition. only to hear the festival’s jester (Korok) an- David Craig (known in the SCA as David nounce our meeting. MacDougal) supported the Sword Club’s fight The two groups met, along with a crowd of choreography adventures in 1977 as strongly recruits, on the grass just south of the main as he supported Cynnabar’s baronial process in stage. The last thing our circle wanted to do was 1997. David Glauser (Daibhid Fitheach-Gaolach have a power struggle in front of the new people, – we just called him David Fiyach) was my best so when Linda declared her firm, immovable performance-swordfight partner when he joined intent to be the group’s seneschal, and pointed the SCA. And Chuck Lauer (Cirion the Left to her A.O.A., we didn’t argue; we became the Handed) was my fencing student when he in- “once and future” founding group. If we had troduced me to Yang. had enough of groups “led” by people trying to For its first year and a half, our group also be charismatic and bossy, we had also seen our owed much of its blood to Household Founder- fill of power struggle (after Yang’s resignation). ing Fen, centered in Detroit. For reasons that The other founding offices were decided will become apparent, its influence on the his- pretty much the same way. tory of Cynnabar was transitory. Good-weather meetings were held in the In early 1978, my circle of friends, includ- courtyard next to the Michigan Union, others ing Elen, David Craig, David Glauser, “Buzz” at Linda’s house. After fall semester began, we 2 met sporadically at West Quadrangle. Chris Sometime during the year (unclear in my Clayton (Christophe von Neuland) became Mas- notes and reports, Jack Smith (Aethelbert the ter of Arms. (I confess to not recalling what that Quiet) came on the scene and became Knights’ office did.) I, Daibhid dhu, became “Practice Marshal. Also sometime during the year, Bork Master,” sort of a proto-Knights’ Marshal. became inactive and was replaced as Pursuivant George Hunt (Bork the Indestructible, Yang’s by Ross Anderson (Malcolm of Skaith). former right-hand man) became pursuivant. In Fall term 1979, U-M law student George Elen Wechsler (then called Elen der Gruffyn of Cole (no SCA name) joined the group. He had the Wanderwood) became Exchequer. Our Mis- joined the SCA in the Bay area (California), and tress of Arts was Carol Lynn (Gwynnedd of York, recruited enough law students to make it legal 18 years later founding Baroness Roaring for us to use a couple of rooms in the beautiful Wastes). We had a Master of Science, Bob Sarber Law Quad from time to time. (Horst von Grunwald). Attendance by Foundering Fen members fell The group’s original name off rapidly during fall semester, as the seneschal became essentially inactive. A brainstorm was held to name the group, and the result was “Dierne Ansilet.“ As I un- 1980 A PIVOTAL YEAR derstand it, the first word is Gaelic for “en- By January 1980, only 3 to 5 people were chanted” and the second is an assemblage of warming themselves by the fire in the Cook letters from the names Ann Arbor, Silver Swords Room.
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