Protected Agriculture- Fu Tfie Arabian Peninsula
?fv~Acr-?~ ( I(l~) ~lf; Protected Agriculture- fu tfie Arabian Peninsula ~, / , - (1, Ll , i -I OMJllil , .;~(Jt:Jf , .. ~I~ '" .... " _}',;.".; J~ ,1/:t:ri , JL IFAD FAO MMAA,QATAR ICARDA /'\.L' / - / fll -f'- C-r- ../ / : ,~ Protected Agriculture in the Arabian Peninsula Summary Proceedmgs ofan InternatIOnal Workshop 15-18 February 1998, Doha, Qatar EdItors Ahmed T. Moustafa Department ofAgrrcultural & Water Research, Doha, Qatar Abdulrahman AI Mohammadi Department ofAgrrcultural & Water Research, Doha, Qatar Ayman Abou-Hadid Am Shams Unrverslty, CaIro, Egypt and John M. Peacock ArabIan Penmsula RegIonal Program, ICARDA, Dubal, UAE Sponsors Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO) Department of Agncultural & Water Research, Qatar (DAWR) International Center for Agricultural Research In the Dry Areas (ICARDA) International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) 1998 I © 1998 International Center for Agricultural Research In the Dry Areas (ICARDA) All rights reserved ICARDA encourages fair use of thiS material Proper Citation IS requested Citation: Moustafa, AT, A AI-Mohammadl, A Abou-Hadld and J M Peacock 1998 Protected Agriculture In the Arabian Peninsula Summary Proceedings of an International Workshop, 15-18 February 1998, Doha, Qatar International Center for Agricultural Research In the Dry Areas, Aleppo, Syria x + 104 pp Language Editor Guy R Manners ISBN 92-9127-081-4 ICARDA POBox
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