Girls Will Revel in Legal Man-Grab Debate Groups Victors Dinner Marks Drag Sadie Hawkins Recognition of in All but Two Tries Frosh Men Dates to Chase Sat
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Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 11-14-1951 The aB tes Student - volume 78 number 07 - November 14, 1951 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 78 number 07 - November 14, 1951" (1951). The Bates Student. 1074. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ? vy 5MHT faro Vol. LXXVIII, No. 7 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, NOVEMBER 14, 1951 By Subscription Girls Will Revel In Legal Man-Grab Debate Groups Victors Dinner Marks Drag Sadie Hawkins Recognition Of In All But Two Tries Frosh Men Dates To Chase Sat. By Warren Carroll The men of the campus will at- By Boris Davenport Four Bates debating trams were victorious in 18 out of their 20 tend a Freshmen Recognition Din- Hey, fellas, head for the hills. Sadie's back! debates held at the University of Vermont debating tournament last ner in the Commons next Monday. Saturday night all Bates women teetering on the brink of spinster- Friday and Saturday, a percentage bettering slightly the 14 out of Sponsored by the Student Coun- hood will attempt to improve their position with the connivance of 16 total compiled by the debaters at the same tourney last year. cil and its advisors. Dean Rowe, Mr. the Chase Hall Committee and Marryin' Sam. The traditional Sadie This was the sixth annual debate Lindholm. Prof. Sampson, and Dr. Donovan, the dinner marks the ac- Hawkins' Day Dance festivities will start at 8 p. m. tournament held at the University the negatives won over Emerson ceptance of the freshman men as of Vermont in Burlington, Vt. Rep- and Wcllcsley. In Round III the resentatives of 4.1 colleges and uni- affirmatives were victorious over an integral part of the campus versities, some from as far south as Anilicrst and Wesleyan, while the scene. Washington. D. C, took part in the negatives were successful against The dinner will be served by wai- tresses, and chicken will highlight tournament, sending a total of 64 St. Peters and Princeton. urns to participate (since several Results Satisfactory the menu, with seconds on vege- tables. Smoking will be allowed, the schools sent two or three teams on In Round IV Bates suffered its both the affirmative and negative only two -defeats. The first affirma- cigarettes supplied by the Stu-C. sides of the question). Five rounds tive lost to Harvard and the sec- The doors of the Commons will of debates were held, two on Friday ond negative team to New Hamp- open at 5:45 and dinner will be and three on Saturday. 320 debates shire. Meanwhile the second affir- served at 6. Festivities will be over in all. by 7:30 and the sit-down meal will mative team defeated Pcnn State Bates Wins Twelve and the first negative team defeated be the only one served Monday Bates sent two affirmative and Brooklyn. evening. two negative teams to this tourna- In Round V Bates was again vic- Men will be required to wear suit ment to debate the proposition: torious, the affirmative teams de- coats, shirts and ties. Sport shirts "Resolved, that the federal govern- feating Cham-plain and Suffolk and will not be permitted. ment should establish a permanent ,the negatives St. Michaels and Following the dinner a quartet program of price and wage con- George Washington University. All and other frosh will entertain. Pres- trols." The first affirmative team of these debates were in the var- ident Phillips will speak and the consisted of Alan Hakes and David sity division of the tournament; freshman class officers and Stu-C Moore, the second of Mary Ellen Bates sent no novices, as was done representative will be introduced. The freshman election is Monday Bailey and Margaret Brown. The last year. THIS may happen to you. Marion Shatts captures Pete Whitakcr. first negative team was composed of Coaches Judge morning. Robert Rubinstein and'Stanley Pat- The judging was done by coaches Telephone calls from the women for each inch of the fellow's waist, terson, the second of Warren Car- of the various schools participating arc expected to flood the men's the total not to exceed $1. roll and Richard Breault. in the tournament, one for each de- Calendar dorms Thursday evening, the caller For those gals lucky enough to get their man, Marryin' Sam will The Bates teams won all twelve bate. After each debate they an- Thursday, Nov. 15 being identified only by a number. f their debates in the first three nounced their decisions and gave a CA dancing class, Chase Hall, 4- be there to make things legal-like. The men are obligated to accept the Chase Hall will be suitably deco- rounds. In Round I the Bates af- criticism of each team. This was 5:15 p. m. first call. firmatives defeated Vermont and done because the main purpose of Friday, Nov. 18 rated with paintings of Lil Abner, Saturday evening the girls, cos- Daisy Mae, Hairless Joe, et al, Navy, while the negatives defeated the Vermont tournament is to pre- Faculty Round Table, Chase Hall. tumed as Daisy Mae. Mammy through the efforts of Mary-Edge New York University and Roches- pare debating teams from various 8 p. m. Yokum. Sadie Hawkins, or the Merrill and Robert Lennon. Ruth ter. In Round II the affirmatives colleges for future tournaments, to Gould International Relations Club defeated Hamilton and Union, while (Continued on page two) and French Club, joint meeting, Wolf Gal, will call for their dates Scammon and Robert Rudolph will and present them corsages of vege- brew the Kickapoo Joy Juice. Lois Libbey, 7-8:15 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 17 tables suitable to the occasion. The Miller will publicize the fracas. men are expected to resemble Expected at the Sadie Hawkins' Hinshaw Returns To Talk Sadie Hawkins Dance, Chase Hall, 8-11:45 p. m. (faintly) Lil Abner, Pappy Yokum, Day Dance will be the 2.000th per- Marryin' Sam. or Hairless Joe. The Sunday, Nov. 18 son to attend a Chase Hall function At Open Meeting Tuesday Open House, Thorncrag, 2-5:30 p.m. corsage, by the way, may be worn this year. That person will be ad- or eaten. There will be prizes for mitted free and, in addition, will re- Cecil E. Hinshaw, lecturer for the Monday, Nov. 19 Stu-C frosh elections, chapel, 9:05 the best dressed of Batespatch. ceive a carton of Chesterfield*; to American Friends Service Commit- In great demand for the evening repeat, CHESTERFIELDS! tee, will speak at the monthly open a. in. Stu-C recognition dinner, 6 p. m. will be the slim"waistcd. As is.cus- To contact a Bardwell Bachelor meeting of the CA next Tuesday. tomary the charge will be 3 cents call Smith North 2-9065. This open meeting, at 7:30 in Chase Tuesday, Nov. 20 Hall, will be on some phase of CA monthly meeting, Chase Hall, moral warfare, as an alternative to 7:30 p. m. Plan Return Of Tries All-College physical war. Portland Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, chapel, 7-9:30 Last spring Dr. Hinshaw's lecture p. m. Bowdoin Items Coed Dining Again »n the same topic aroused so much Wednesday, Nov. 21 The date for the freshman ban- Coed dining was the chief topic interest and discussion that the Thanksgiving recess begins, 11:20 quet has been changed to Monday, of discussion at last week's Stu-G CA has asked him to return. It is a. m. Fresident Harris announced at last meeting. Judi Nevers. Larch Foxon, hoped that this year's question pe- No-cut day. Wednesday's Stu-C meeting. The and Marlenc Ulmer reported that riod will be as controversial and Monday, Nov. 26 affair will feature a program of en- Mrs. Cross is willing to let Stu-G intellectually challenging as was the No-cut day. last. tertainment including freshman tal- try it again on the condition that ent. A special meal and a number both Rand and Commons are oper- Former College Prexy of speakers will round out the eve- ated on a cafeteria basis. The old Dr. Hinshaw studied at Friends Chapel Schedule ning. method of obtaining tickets will be University in Kansas, the Univer- The receipt of a letter requesting used. Sunday. December 9, the day sity of Denver, the Iliff School of Friday, Nov. 16 the return of various articles pil- after the Christmas formal, is the Theology, and Harvard University. Howard Schomer, speaking on the fered from Bowdoin fraternities tentative date set for the trial. He served as president of William activities of UNESCO. caused no little concern. The Coun- Plans were discussed for having a Penn College in Iowa for over five Monday, Nov. 19 cil's decision was that President coed coffee in he Women's Union years, and since 1949 has been lec- Service Committee and the Fellow- Musical program arranged by Mr. Harris send a written reply to the following dinner. turing for the American Friends ship of Reconciliation. Smith. (Continued on page two) (Continued on page two) SO TWO THE BATES STUDENT, NOVEMBER 14, 1951 Me. Outing Club Country's Power Aided Representatives Meet At Camden By Resource Control "A country is only as great as the natural resources it controls," Representatives of Maine's out- said Mr.