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onsibility and the future

Syndication: ******+** *5 -DIGIT 57105 IihIIIii, luiIIIIIi ;iulllllnlliIlnnliliilliIINd First run running over BC198902 NOV96 REG472**CR18 UNIV OF SIOUX FALLS NORMAN B MEARS LIBRARY 1501 S PRAIRIE AVE SIOUX FALLS, SD 57105 -1623 First there was 6 (mhz), now they're talking 2

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CASTLE ROCK. óa NvkAnt t 1995 Tornee Program Samcaa. Inc, M R*9S Flamed

Must Reading from BROADCASTING & CABLE nisi lack November 13, 7995 TOP OF THE WEEK

Spectrum In play Congressional budget -writers last week agreed to direct the FCC to study digital TV broadcast- ing, including spectrum auctions. / 4 Group W/CBS team to be named Peter Lund of CBS/Broadcast Group, Bill Korn of Westinghouse Broad- casting and CBS Entertainment's Leslie Moonves are expected 18 more members were to run the merged Westinghouse/CBS assets. / 6 inducted into BROAD - CASTING & CABLE'S Trinity renewal denied An FCC administrative law judge Hall of Fame last week. /20 denied renewal of wHFT Miami, saying Trinity Broadcasting used a minority licenseholder to evade ownership caps. / 8 FCC squabbles over kids TV Three FCC commissioners asked Chairman Reed Hundt to take back a request made to the networks for information on children's educational TV. /32

BROADCASTING SPECIAL REPOR i Hispanic broadcasting Hispanic TV network is planning to make its Syndicators on a first-run roll The director of the most serious run in years at rival . But the gap it first "Mad Max" movie will produce and direct a weekly must cross is a large one: Univision claims 75% of His- action hour based on the film. Other first -run syndicated panic viewers, Nielsen says. Meanwhile, Spanish -lan- series in the works for next fall are MCA's reality strip guage cable networks continue to build cable carriage in Justice and ITC's Beach Patrol. / 50 the U.S. while developing specialized programing for Look who's talking now niche audiences. / 70, 72 -former- CABLE ly Bakker-gets her own "squeaky- clean" talk hour íX won't pull on uniform Despite Fox's plans to with Jim J. Bullock. Syndi- form a cable sports network with TCI, the fourth network Spumco- an 82 cators have launched two the Ren & has no plans to remake fX as ESPN. / other talkers, one with author Stimpy' z studio -is TECHNOLOGY John Bradshaw and the other animating with comedian Teddy three new prrjects, including Digital `Fever' Garth Brooks's latest single, "The super-porcine 'He Hog.' / 56 Carpenter. / 54 Fever," was distributed simultaneously to radio stations all over the country via the DG Systems digital network, STORY COVER eliminating the vagaries of mail delivery. 88 Murphy: Broadcasters' / broadcaster Telem ,, Thomas S. Murphy, chairman/ et CEO of Capital Cities /ABC, is Companies unite to integrate Nortel and Antec at the pinnacle of his career, have joined to bid against companies including AT &T, overseeing the dramatic im- Scientific -Atlanta and General Instrument for systems - provement in the company's integration contracts. 93 cable profits and good perfor- / mance by ABC owned- and -op- Dialing for games Interactive Television Network Thomas Murphy on his erated stations. Those factors will test its low -tech way to play interactive games, in- plans for CapCitles/ made the in the $ I9 ABC's merger with Dis- difference cluding blackjack and trivia, over TV. The only equipment ney: "l plan to take as billion commanded for the corn- required of the cable subscriber is a telephone. / 94 much in Disney stock pany's recent merger with Dis- as they'll let me. "/48 ney. Murphy praises the compa- Changing Hands 63 Editorials 118 nies' coming together, saying, "The people in control Classified 96 Fates & Fortunes 114 the business we're in." Cover photo really understand Closed Circuit 100 In Brief 115 by Steve WinterBlackStar 40 / Datebook 112 Washington Watch 36

Broadcasting & Cable November 13 1995 3 Hill leaves FCC door ajar to DTV auctions Broadcasters hear warning of plans to shrink second channel, losing HDTV capability By Chris McConnell and would have broadcasters Christopher Stern required Con- that their digital gress to revisit spectrum might Congress handed broadcasters a the issue before be auctioned or setback last Friday by adopting any licenses parceled into language that leaves them were awarded. tiny bits. exposed for at least another year to an Broadcast Auctions of auction of digital spectrum. lobbyists were the digital spec- The agreement directs the FCC to disappointed trum "could kill study whether TV stations should bid that Congress the public's for spectrum rather than receive it free did not slam the free, universal as now proposed. But no second -chan- door on spec- service as we nel auction can take place unless Con- trum auctions. Pressler Hundt know it," Asso- gress authorizes a broadcast spectrum "Broadcasters ciation for Maxi- sale. Auction supporters say the digital were rolled," said one observer. But oth- mum Service Television Chairman spectrum could be worth as much as ers expressed confidence that Congress Edward Reilly said in opening the $100 billion. would ultimately give TV stations digi- association's ATV Update conference. Under terms of the agreement, the tal channels, regardless of the FCC rec- "The Senate language would snatch FCC will not award any digital TV ommendation. defeat from the jaws of victory," Reilly licenses until November 1996. The pro- The action places FCC Chairman added, urging the audience to get vision worked out last Friday is a partial Reed Hundt in a position of advantage. involved in the industry's campaign to victory for Senate Commerce Commit- Two weeks ago, he told Pressler that secure the second channel. tee Chairman Larry Pressler (R- S.D.), his plan for the FCC study had "real Broadcasters also are worried that who wanted to delay the allotment of merit." The commission already has their 6 mhz second channel could be digital TV licenses until Jan. 1, 1998. launched a proceeding to set rules on shrinking. Several lobbyists last week Pressler originally wanted the study to digital TV implementation. reported that Capitol Hill staffers were be conducted with an eye toward auc- Word of the compromise language eying smaller spectrum parcels as an tions and also had favored language that followed a week of worry among alternative to assigning each broadcast- er a 6 mhz slice of spectrum. The alternative -aimed at conserv- ing frequencies -would call for the Update on ATV industry to deliver digital, "standard - Broadcasters last week got a look at a definition" pictures over the smaller new transmission technology that engi- channels rather than the HDTV pro- neeers say will cut the cost of delivering grams or multiple streams of SDTV digital TV. possible over a 6 mhz channel. Discussing the transmission cost Broadcasters and others stressed that issue at last week's ATV Update con- channels of less than 6 mhz would ference, CBS's Joseph Flaherty foreclose the option of delivering high- showed broadcasters a Westinghouse definition TV or using the Grand A new transmission module will cut semiconductor module that will allow Alliance transmission system. transmission costs, engineers say. digital transmitters to operate at higher Although the system can deliver sever- temperatures. Engineers say the al standard TV channels within 6 mhz, amplifier will reduce transmitter costs by cutting down on the number of it does not work over smaller channels. components needed in a transmitter and the unit's cooling requirements. "Instead, an entirely new transmission "It moves the technology along," said PBS engineer Ed Williams. "It's a system would have to be designed and welcome addition to bring in a new technology that will permit high effi- tested," said Advisory Committee on ciency and lower costs." -CM Advanced Television Service Chair- man Richard Wiley.

4 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable THE PROGRAMING VOID THAT PRECEDES THE NEWS. It's Lund, Korn, Moonves:

The top of Group W/CBS Management team may be set next week for merged broadcasting operation

By Steve McClellan turning the network around -as well as rule changes). Mason likely would specific management roles -as soon as take charge of the CBS radio networks Westinghouse Electric is expect- the FCC rules on the planned merger- as well. ed to announce as early as next expected as early as Nov. 20 but no Johnathan Rodgers now runs the week that CBS /Broadcast later than Dec. 7. CBS owned group, Group President Peter Lund, Westing- Still unclear are the exact roles and and Nancy Widmann runs the net- house Broadcasting Chairman Bill titles to be held by Lund and Korn, and work's radio operations. "Whatever Korn and CBS Entertainment President lines of authority and reporting you do, don't start firing people in Leslie Moonves will form the top tier between them and to Jordan. Sources print. It's way too early for that," offers of executives running the merged say that is still not resolved. "But one source close to the situation. "The Westinghouse /CBS broadcasting unless something very untoward hap- company will need a lot of managerial assets. pens [this] week," offers one source, expertise." As of deadline last week, Lund's "the organization will contain both But clearly, firings and layoffs are post- merger involvement was seen as a Lund and Korn. With them and top -of -mind for many of the net- done deal, barring any unforeseen Moonves and a lot of input from Jor- work's employes -especially veter- glitches this week. "That's what both dan and his guys- that's the brain ans who were there when Larry Tisch Peter and [Westinghouse Electric trust." took control of the network a decade Chairman] Mike Jordan have told me," Also playing key roles at the merged ago. reports Ralph Gabbard, president of company: Jonathan Klein, president of "There will be cuts, absolutely," Gray Communications' broadcasting Group W Television, and Dan Mason, one CBS manager says of the net- division and chairman of the CBS affil- president of Group W Radio. Klein is work's ranks, which now number iate board of advisers. "They both responsible for the Group W TV prop- some 6,000. believe it's happening and that they erties and the four -station CBS /Group Westinghouse and CBS executives want it to be." W joint venture, which has been up and told prospective financial lenders last Gabbard met with Jordan, Lund, running since August. summer that there would be layoffs Moonves and other top CBS execu- "Unless he drops dead of a heart where there is redundancy. Areas ripe tives at an affiliate board meeting attack, Klein will get the CBS stations for the knife include accountants and several weeks ago in Naples, Fla. as well," reports one source. The com- other general office support providers, "It seemed that Leslie and Peter ment was corroborated by other insid- sources say. had sincere and genuine good rela- ers. But sources also stress that some tionships with Mike Jordan," says On the radio side, Mason would be areas of the company may be reduced Gabbard. responsible for the operation of 39 sta- while others expand. Jordan also has CBS and Westinghouse spokesmen tions now owned by both companies pledged to spend money and resources declined to comment on the company's (although it's possible a spin -off or to fix problem areas, including prime post- merger plans. But Westinghouse two may be required, depending on time, news, sports and the owned sta- is expected to lay out its strategy for how Congress sorts out ownership- tions.

6 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable THE COMPANY WITH THE EXPERIENCE TO PRODUCE THE SNOW TO FILL IT. =Ifo °C MG N7oGC AU denies Trinity renewal in Miami Grants competing application; decision calls into question status of owner's other stations By Chris McConnell stations, but that limit is increased to TRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK'S 11 STATIONS 14 if at least two of them are con- Tunity Broadcasting of Florida 11.35% coverage of total U.S. TV households* trolled by minorities. is not qualified to hold a TV Ch. Market % coy.* Chachkin said Trinity exercised broadcast license in Miami, WTBY(TV) Poughkeepsie (New York) 54 1 3.493 de facto control over NMTV and an FCC administrative law judge KTBN -TV Santa Ana () 40 2 2.566 used the company to apply for said last week. KDTX -TV Dallas 58 8 .950 attributable interests in a 13th and Issuing an initial decision in a WHSG(TV) Monroe, Ga. (Atlanta) 63 10 .826 14th full -power TV station. He also challenge to Trinity's Miami televi- KTBW -TV Tacoma, Wash. 20 12 .764 said Trinity used NMTV to make sion license, Administrative Law WDLI(TV) Canton (Cleveland) 17 13 .757 claims on FCC minority prefer- Judge Joseph Chachkin denied the WHFT(TV) Miami 45 16 .699 ences in translator and low -power -TV Phoenix 21 17 .610 company's application to renew the KPAZ television applications. KTBO -TV Oklahoma City, 14 43 .305 license for WHFT and granted a "The findings establish that TBN WKOI(TV) Richmond, Ind. 43 53 .262 competing by and [Trinity President Paul] Crouch application Glendale WCW(TV) Bloomington, Ind. 42 109 .117 Broadcasting Co. to build a new created a `sham' corporation to take For calculating coverage of station group, BROADCASTING a CABLE fol- station on the channel. lows lead of FCC ownership rules. As reflected in chart, UHF are advantage of the minority prefer- The move calls into question the credited with covering only half the actual percentage of total TV ence," Chachkin said. "In light of homes in each market. Rules limit single company to 12 stations and status of the group owner's 10 25% total coverage. (Company at station limit may own interest in the egregious misconduct...the loss other TV licenses, three of which two additional stations. it controlled by minorities.) 'National Minority of its license is mandated." TV also has one station -KNMT -TV Portland, Ore. that could be have competing applications filed affected by the AU decision. Trinity has a month to appeal the against them. Trinity also owns Sources: BROADCASTING A CABLE, Nielsen ruling to an FCC review board, a one AM and one FM. The com- step Trinity attorney Nathaniel mission likely will wait for the appeals its stations after a 1980 FCC finding Emmons says the company will take. process to run its course before consid- that it was an unfit licensee. Trinity contends that NMTV was a ering whether or how to apply the Denying the religious broadcaster's legitimate minority -controlled compa- Miami decision to Trinity licenses in license renewal application in Miami, ny operating stations under its own other markets, an FCC official says. Chachkin said Trinity had used another control, says Emmons, a lawyer with Those officials could not recall the licenseholder, National Minority TV Washington's Mullin Rhyne Emmons last example of such a finding, but Inc., to evade FCC national ownership & Topel. Beyond the review board, the cited RKO, which was forced to divest rules. The rules limit a company to 12 company also will be able to appeal the ruling to the full commission and the courts. Trinity will retain the Miami 'Mad' sells in Second City TV license during the process. The Miami license is one of 11 that Fox stations prove big fans as CTTD locks up more markets Trinity holds, and NMTV holds another license in Portland, Ore. Companies By Cynthia Littleton WNYW -TV New York, and the net- have filed competing applications for work's affiliates appear to be equally Trinity stations in Santa Ana, Calif., Columbia TriStar Television Distri- mad about the romantic comedy. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and Monroe, Ga., bution closed off-network deals The series was purchased by Fox as well as NMTV's Portland station. for Mad About You in nine more affiliates in El Paso, San Antonio, Tex., Chachkin held a hearing on the Monroe markets last week, including Chicago. and Madison, Wis. Fox O &O KTTV -Tv station but has issued no decision. Tribune -owned WGN -TV bought the is said to be a leading contender in Los Additionally, civil rights groups rights to the hit NBC sitcom in Chica- Angeles. L.A. station sources say bids have petitioned to deny Trinity and go, where CTTD had set a $65,000 per - have so far been below CTTD's NMTV license renewals in Portland, week floor price. Officials from both $100,000 floor price. Dallas and Santa Ana. In those peti- companies declined to comment on the Other affiliates scooping up the sit- tions, the groups have charged Trinity price, but sources say the series went com last week were the NBC outlets in and NMTV with the same violations for about $58,000 per week. Salt Lake City and Hartford, Conn., and cited in the Miami case. CTTD is offering stations a 3 1/2- ABC's KEYT -TV Santa Barbara, Calif. Challengers to Trinity licenses in year license term for at least 100 epi- CTTD also signed indies KTVK -TV other markets hope the decision on the sodes of Mad About You, available Phoenix and wTTv -Tv Indianapolis. Miami license will carry over to Trini- next fall, for cash plus one minute of "We've established a real momen- ty's other TV markets. barter. Based on the sales thus far, tum with the show and we are very But the prospect of waiting for Trini- license fees for Mad About You could pleased with the clearances we're get- ty to exhaust its appeals worries the climb as high as $1.5 million per ting," says CTTD President Barry company's challengers, who say a leng- episode. Thurston, noting that NBC's KSL -TV thy appeals process might threaten to CTTD's first sale of Mad About You Salt Lake City will be running the hold up the other pending competing went earlier this month to Fox O &O series in prime access. applications and renewal challenges.


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OR FALL `96 WARNER BROS. DOMESTIC TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION nTA, W..,., L!4 romp, oivn W.,..8 . Mxpnx...... o TL)J MCp@l-- Stations talk back to talk N Some are threatening to drop programs if they don't clean up their acts

By Cynthia Littleton America plans to cials are grandstanding on orchestrate a protest a hot -button issue as they Dissatisfaction with some of the campaign like the prepare to dump low - racy topics on TV talk shows was one it waged earlier rated shows. simmering at the station level this year against "These guys are just long before Washington politicos Time Warner over pounding their chests," launched a campaign to end "the "gangsta rap." says one high- ranking syn- parade of pathologies and dysfunctions At press time last dication executive who seen on talk TV." Friday there had would not speak for attri- Dino Corbin, general manager of been no response bution. "We're not seeing CBS affiliate KHSL -TV Chico, Calif., from the executives shows doing a 4 or a 5 get- says he pulled Jenny Jones off the air in contacted, accord- ting canceled strictly the nation's 126th -ranked TV market ing to Empower because of con- last month because the show frequently America spokes- tent." clashed with the standards and values woman Nicole Gid- Corbin coun- of the community. dens. Letters were ters that Jenny "These kinds of talk shows are not sent to the heads of Jones was averag- Talk shows what we as broadcasters should repre- Sony Corp., Tribune under the gun: ing "close to a 9" sent," he says. "The television industry is Co., All American KHSL -TV has when he opted to capable of so much more, and the public Communications, pulled 'Jenny risk being sued deserves and expects a whole lot more." King World, Time Jones' (above); for breach of con- by KOAA -TV is Corbin's sentiments are echoed Warner, the Para- threatening to tract by yanking John Gilbert, VP/GM of NBC affiliate mount Television drop 'Maury the show. Corbin KOAA -TV Colorado Springs. Gilbert has Group and Gannett, Povich' (r). says he has warned Paramount and Warner Bros. which is acquiring warned Twentieth that he will pull the plug on Jenny Multimedia Entertainment. that Gordon Elliott's days on KHSL -TV Jones, Carnie and Maury Povich if his In a statement, Jim Paratore, president also may be numbered. concerns aren't addressed by Dec. 31. of the Time Warner unit that produces Others contend that viewers are A similar warning has been sent to Jenny Jones, responded to the moves by gradually being turned off by the sen- talk show producers by William Ben- KHSL -Tv and KOAA -TV: "The concerns of sationalistic subject matter. Last sum- nett, co- director of the nonprofit group our viewers, our advertisers and our sta- mer, ABC affiliate KESQ -TV Palm Empower America, and Senator Joseph tions are of primary importance to us.... Springs, Calif., dropped Sally Jessy Lieberman (D-Conn.). We continue to strive to be responsive Raphael, Ricki Lake and Donahue. At Last week, a letter signed by Bennett and responsible producers." the time, station manager Bill Evans and Lieberman was sent to the parent Station reps say that at least a half - said that KESQ -TV was "getting out of companies of major talk show producers dozen small- market stations also are the trashy talk business," although he asking executives to "take the necessary considering dropping some new and admits the decision had as much to do steps to clean up the programing you are established talkers. But some on the with ratings as with standards. putting on the air." Otherwise, Empower supply side suspect that station offi- Ricki Lake was picked up within a few weeks in Palm Springs by KMIR- Tv, the NBC affiliate. Station officials Toning down talk say the show has not prompted a major New talk shows in the works for next fall are tak- outcry from viewers after running for ing a less sensationalistic tack. For example, nearly three months at 4 p.m. Multimedia is pitching Pat Bullard as a comedian But even in large, urban TV markets, with "integrity, maturity and values." MGM Televi- some station officials say they are sion's The Bradshaw Difference will be hosted by uneasy with the risqué approach shows a best -selling author of self -help books. Twenti- often take to attract viewers. "I've eth Television's Donna Willis, M.D. will focus on never contemplated dropping a talk health and medical issues. Warner Bros.' The show over content," says Kevin Maureen O'Boyle Show has been marketed as O'Brien, VP/GM of Fox affiliate KTVU an upscale talker suitable for a news lead -in. Maureen O'Boyle's new Oakland, which carries Jenny Jones, "Clearly, there is a movement toward more talk show is one of Jerry Springer and Mark Walberg. centered talk programing next year," says Dick several being positioned as an "But surely there's got to be a way to Kurlander. vice president/director of programing alternative to attract an audience without giving for the Petry station rep. -CL traditional talk shows. exposure to every wacko organization and individual in the ."

12 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable The #1 tool for trimming the hedge.

The 1 tool for mowing the lawn. The #1 too i for Home Improvement delivers not just "mot This supercharged strip ranks #1 in every key demo, anl

Men 18 -34 #1 Home Improvement 5.5 2 Seinfeld 4.6 3 Simpsons 4.2 4 Married w /Children 3.2 5 Fresh Prince 2.6

Men 18 -49 #1 Home Improvement 5.o 2 Seinfeld 4.1 3 Simpsons 3.3 4 Married w /Children 2.9 5 Wheel of Fortune 2.6

Men 25-54 #1 Home Improvement 5.1

2 Seinfeld 4.2 3 Wheel of Fortune 3.3 4 Jeopardy 3.o 5 Simpsons 2.9

Women 18 -34 #1 Home Improvement 6.1 2 Oprah Winfrey 4.9 2 Seinfeld 4.9 4 Simpsons 4.6 5 Roseanne 4.4

Women 18 -49 #1 Home Improvement 5.4 2 Oprah Winfrey 5.2 3 Seinfeld 4.3 4 Wheel of Fortune 4.2 0 5 Entertainment Tonight 4.0

Women 25-54 0 #1 Home Improvement 5.3 i Oprah Winfrey 5.3 0 3 Wheel of Fortune 5.2 4 Jeopardy 4.5 5 Entertainment Tonight 4.4 Buena Vista Television Source: NTI M -F 9/11 -10/22/95; GAA where available. raki n 9 i n ower," but unprecedented off-net success. :ores the highest off-net male demos in the last 5 years!

Buena Vista Television rJU eI_I LII I L/-wL.S The first -year show, from the produc- ers of Frasier, has been losing a signif- CBS, NBC make more icant portion of its Frasier lead -in in the Tuesday 9:30 -10 p.m. slot. Taking its place will be The John Larroquette moves Show, which moves from Saturday at 9 -9:30. The switch may be in effect `American Gothic,' `Pursuit of Happiness' killed, only this week (Tuesday, Nov. 14), `Due South' returns to prime time lineup however, since the network has special sweeps programing covering that time By Steve Coe slot for the rest of the month. NBC is also apparently considering CBS and NBC made more schedule canceling seaQuest after its initial 13- adjustments last week. Given that episode order is up. The network networks typically don't like to reportedly is giving serious thought to introduce new series during the holi- pulling the sci- fi/action series from the days, when viewer levels are down and Wednesday lineup and moving Jag schedules are spotted with holiday pro- from Saturday nights to fill the graming, the next round of changes may Wednesday 8 p.m. slot. not occur until early 1996. In new -series pickup news, Fox has CBS pulled American Gothic from its given Party of Five an order for nine Friday 10 p.m. slot and replaced it with more episodes, leaving only Strange Picket Fences which had been airing at Luck awaiting word. NBC gave Broth- 9 p.m. The network has brought Diag- erly Love eight additional episodes nosis Murder off the bench to air at 9 'Pursuit of Happiness' got pulled by NBC. and was on the verge of giving The and ordered eight episodes of Due Home Court an order for seven or South -which ran on CBS last sea - latter being canceled and the former eight more. son-for the 8 -9 p.m. time period. The put on hiatus midseason. According to The only other NBC shows without latter, produced by Alliance Communi- speculation, American Gothic, which a pickup are the just -pulled Pursuit of cations, was not picked up when sched- was picked up for the remainder of the Happiness and Minor Adjustments. ules were announced last May, but pro- season, will move to the Wednesday CBS picked up the back -nine of Can't duction continued on the series because 10 -11 p.m. time slot and replace Cour- Hurry Love last week, leaving The it airs to solid numbers on Canadian thouse, which thus far has not been Client, Courthouse and New York television. picked up. News awaiting word. Due South replaces Dweebs and The NBC, meanwhile, is pulling The Additionally, ABC picked up seven Bonnie Hunt Show, which were pulled Pursuit of Happiness as expected more episodes of both The Drew Carey from the schedule two weeks ago, the (BROADCASTING & CABLE, Oct. 23). Show and The Naked Truth.

Baseball's new TV rights contract 's new five -year, $1.7 billion TV rights package (BROADCASTING & CABLE, Nov. 6) combines broadcast networks Fox and NBC with cable networks ESPN and / (although the latter doesn't join the deal until 1997). The deal replaces The Baseball Network, a two -year cooperative between MLB, MAJOR LEACUE BASEBALL' ABC and NBC, and it eliminates last year's regional telecasts, returning postseason play to national TV. For the first time, some playoff games will be available only on cable. The 28 MLB teams each expect to earn $10 million per year from the contract over its five years. The deal breaks down as follows:

BROADCAST hour dedicated to kids. Extends current regular from Liberty's 15 regional Fox NBC season package of Sun, network telecasts; a Price tag: $575 million Price tag: $475 million day/ Wednesday night weekly sports program Gets World Series in Gets World Series in games to 2000 ($215 mil- will precede fX games; 1996, 1998, 2000; All -Star 1997, 1999; All -Star lion); gets 6 -12 divisional Liberty Media (renamed Games in 1997, 1999; Games in 1996, 1998, playoff games not shown Fox Sports) will carry non- splits league champi- 2000; splits league cham- by Fox or NBC ($240 mil- exclusive games on its 15 onships with NBC; five pionship series with Fox; lion). regional sports networks. divisional playoff series three divisional playoff Fox Sports/ games each year; weekly games per year. Liberty Media Other regular season Saturday Price tag: $172 million Expected revenue from Game of the Week starting CABLE Gets two midweek games international broadcast in June; one -hour show ESPN for national telecast on and cable rights totals before game, with half- Price tag: $455 million Fox's fX network chosen $118 million. -JM

16 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable 5765)T, @1'? ton administration. The White House is particularly concerned about provi- House, Senate moving sions in the House bill that it maintains would virtually end broadcast, cable and newspaper crossownership restric- tions. on compromise bill Broadcast lobbyists have been push- First agreement allows telcos to buy cable in small markets ing for a compromise that they say would preserve the House's approach By Christopher Stern Despite the progress on the cable/ on crossownership rules while address- telco buyout provision and the long ing the administration's concerns about In the first sign of progress in ongo- hours that staffers are logging around diversity of voices in the marketplace. ing talks to reconcile the House and the conference table, few observers As a counterproposal, broadcasters the Senate telecommunications bills, expect the negotiations to be com- have suggested a change that would congressional staffers have reached an pleted before the Nov. 15 deadline allow crossownership as long as at agreement that would allow telephone set by Senate Commerce Committee least three separate voices were pre- companies to buy cable companies in Chairman Larry Pressler (R- S.D.). served in the market. markets with a population of 35,000 or However, participants in the One industry source insisted last fewer. House -Senate negotiations, and the week that Senate and House confer- The agreement also would allow lobbyists who closely track their ees have shown no interest in water- buyouts in rural markets of 50,000 or progress, do not rule out a final agree- ing down deregulation of the radio fewer where there are no contiguous ment by Christmas. Their optimism is ownership rules. Both the House and cable systems, sources say, and would based on the idea that budget battles the Senate bills eliminate national and prohibit cable and telcos from owning between the White House and Con- local radio ownership caps. more than a 10% financial interest in gress will keep everyone in Washing- However, other broadcast lobbyists each other. There has been no official ton until Dec. 23. and some Democratic conferees say a announcement on the agreement, since Sources say the conference has not compromise may be worked out that the staff -level talks are taking place yet focused on media concentration would impose some limits on local behind closed doors. issues-another sore point for the Clin- radio deregulation. The agreement is a setback for cable, but is not likely to shake the industry's support for the bill. "I would prefer no FTC examining Time/TBS merger limitation, but I would also prefer a bill," said Steve Effros, president, The Federal Trade Commission Cable Telecommunications Associa- has asked Time Warner and tion. Staffers still are negotiating big- Turner Broadcasting System to ger- ticket items, such as cable rate supply it with additional informa- deregulation and rules for entry into the tion about their proposed $8 bil- telephone business. lion merger. Also on the table last week was a Lawyers close to both compa- proposal to extend the current cable nies say they have anticipated rate regulations for 36 months from the the FTC action since the terms of date of the bill's enactment. Like the the deal were first filed. One cable /telco buyout provision, any source who has seen the FTC extension of rate regulation beyond the request says the companies will in 15 months allowed in the House bill respond time to close their Ted Turner and Jerry Levin at the would be seen as a setback for cable. deal in first quarter 1996. September announcement of their $8 As news of the agreement leaked The request comes on the billion megamerger. out, some Democrats were declaring heels of news that the FTC sub- victory. But some consumer groups poenaed and Continental in connection with the merger. Both still were critical of the provision. The MSOs have an ownership interest in Turner and oppose the deal, claim- agreement would allow buyouts in ing that it gives competitive advantages to Tele- Communications Inc. 40 % -50% of the nation, according to Also, legal representatives from the United States Telephone Association the Consumer Federation of America's have met with the FTC to discuss their concerns about the deal. USTA Bradley Stillman, telecommunications says it does not oppose the deal, but does want Time Warner to sign a policy director. consent agreement that lays out how the company will make its program- Democrats argued last week that the ing available. agreement is the first sign that Republi- TCI owns 21% of Turner, and its approval is necessary for the merger to can leadership now understands it can- go through. Continental and Comcast were critical of the deal because it not ignore the Clinton administration's allegedly would give TCI a preferred rate on Turner programing for 20 years. objections to the bill. Republicans "are Under terms of the deal, TCI would own 9% of the merged company. in a more aggressive mode to find Once the companies reply to the request, the FTC has 20 days to either agreements," said one source familiar file against the deal in federal court or reach a settlement. -CSS with the talks.

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Back row (from left): Harvey, Bochco, Cornelius. Front row (from left: Caesar, Coca, Quello, Redstone, Laybourne, Rigas

Hroadcastiiig & fahle Hall of Fame Class of 1995

BROADCASTING & CABLE'S fifth annual Hall of Fame dinner saw the induction of 18 more members, honored for their last- ing contributions to the Fifth Estate. Sam Donaldson of ABC News was master of ceremonies for the black -tie affair at New York's Marriott Marquis hotel. The class of 1995 comprised radio pioneer Earle C. Anthony *; Merlin Aylesworth *, NBC's first president; pioneer disk jockey Martin Block *; television writer /producer Steven Bochco; actor Raymond Burr *; television's pioneering comedy team of Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca; Soul Train producer Don Cornelius; former president of WSM Inc. John H. DeWitt Jr.; long- time ABC Radio commentator Paul Harvey; ABC News anchor Peter Jennings; Nickelodeon President Geraldine Layboume; FCC Commissioner James Quello: Viacom Chairman Sumner Redstone; cable system pioneer John Rigas; singer /entertainer Dinah Shore*: Pacific Northwest radio -TV pioneer Bill Smullin *, and the first head of CBS News, Paul White *. This year's Hall of Fame inductees bring the honor roll to 137. *Posthumous

Hall of Fame honorees and industry notables mingled at a reception before the dinner and ceremony. Among them (l -r): MCA Television Group's Greg Meidel, Hall of Fame member Kay Koplovitz, Bochco, Television Bureau of Advertising's Ave Butensky, Veronis Suhler's Gene Jankowski and CBS's Peter Lund.

20 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable TIME PERIOD PROD AVG




OCT '94 OCT '95

RTG /SHR RTG /SHR nOL:Ii!JÏA 2.1/10 2.3/11 Sally Jessy Raphael 4.0/14 4.1/14 Jerry Springer 3.8/13 3.7/12 Gordon Elliott 2.0/8 1.9/7 Geraldo 3.2/11 3.0/11 Montel Williams 4.0/11 3.7/10 Maury Povich 4.2/15 3.8/14 Jenny Jones 4.2/15 3.6/13 Ricki lake 4.9/13 3.9/10 Donahue 3.4/14 2.6/10

Source: NSINJRAP Single Issue Talk Shows. WTD AVG HH RTG /SHR, Overnight Markets. % CHANGE


-5/-13 -6/Flat -8/-9 -10/-7 -14/-13 -20/-23

-24/-29 PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED BY "I was just looking at those clips and, who knows, maybe there will be some more." -Sid Caesar

"1 love you more than I can say." -Imogene Coca

"It's a special pleasure to share my evening with Gerry Layborne. She's a star in her own right and her energy and her enthusiasm and her talent are symbolic of the Viacom manage- ment team that 1 am so fortunate to be a part of The people here tonight owe their success to the strength and contributions of colleagues and associates." -Sumner Redstone

Broadoastillg & Cable Hall of Fame Class of 1995

"Good evening Americans. When it all began at the age of 14 at Acvoo in Tulsa, with mixedfeelings once in a while I would encounter somebody else in conversation and overhear: 'That Paul Harvey, he sounds pretty good for his age.' Recently, again with mixedfeelings, I've been hearing the same thing. There were a lot of WKRP's between then and now." -Paul Harvey.

"I accept this great honor on behalf of Nickelodeon. Frankly, when I entered this industry 15 years ago, I never imagined that we could actually do what we set out to- transform the landscape of children's television and do it in a way that was good for kids and good for business. I'm darn proud of that." -Geraldine Laybourne (with BROADCASTING & CABLE Editor Don West)


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SYNDICATION SALES: NATIONAL AD SALES: STON E NEWEW WORLD STANLEY SALES AND MARKETING 7RODUCTION5 jGENESISENTERTAINMENT //// New York (212) 5276500 Chicago (312) 6444244 YEW WORLD ENTC.RTAINMENT COMPANY In Ossociation N.V. (212)527 -6400 L.A. (310) 444-1344 All. (770) 563.9607 with infinity Broadcasting Tap OGDG,N7G® "I was one of those people that was at the right place at the right time. I can't help but at this time reflect on the lit- tle person that gave me that first loan, the Greek communi- ty that pitched in to help me buy the Coudersport Theater that led me to cable TV, to all the little bankers and now the large financing people, the investors that have had con- fidence in Adelphia and John Rigas, and to all of my employes that have sweated and given of their talents so I could move ahead with the company. Without their efforts, I wouldn't be here."-John Rigas (right)

"Heartfelt thanks for the most pretigious and memorable of what I humor- ously call my pre -posthumous awards. As a fugitive from the actuarial table of averages I especially appreciate receiving this distinctive honor while I'm here and able to enjoy your company. I have to give special thanks to my very loyal FCC staff and legal assistants. There's one not so distant rel- ative who also merits an award, my wife Mary. We were married over 58 years ago and I've been lucky in all these years she's never filed a petition to deny the license."-James Quello (above, left)

Broadoastilig & table .. Ilan of Fame class of I!145

BROADCASTING & CABLE Publisher Peggy Conlon with ABC's Sam Donaldson, the evening's emcee.

"I can' t really express what a thrill it is to receive this recognition along with and on the same night as such mas- "The television business, sadly, often enough doesn't live up w either its ters of invention and creativity. If you look at the previous promise or its responsibilities. To the degree that' s true, I'm neverthe- list of inductees in the BROADCASTING & CABLE Hall of less struck by the fact that against all odds, television has managed to Fame, the list is just as awesome. It's great that it comes in its body produce- within frequently dreary and overstuffed of work a year when we are celebrating our 25th season of Soul -a lean but muscular volume of entertainment. And to be recognized Train and I'd he remiss if I didn't mention the good people for making a small contribution to that volume is an honor I'll always at , for they have made the last 10 be grateful for." -Steven Bochco years of this run possible." -Don Cornelius

28 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable

Fasten your seat belts, and get ready for the ride of your life. VIPER is back, primed and raring to go down the road it was designed for - syndication. All -new pedal -to- the -metal action and the same adrenaline -pumping premise that pulled in winning numbers of adults 18 -49 on NBC. Hop in for a thrill -packed joyride, as the hottest show on wheels is now ready to roll. amen, To og ffGpigNI@oM,-- Deadline nears for competing applicants Radio competitors have until Dec. 15 to settle differences and make deals By Chris McConnell ington threw out the criteria the com- December deadline nears. Smithwick mission was using to select license says that some of the applicants he rep- adio license applicants are hoping winners from competing applications. resents are nearing agreements. to pick up the pace on settling Seeking to set an alternate path for "There's a bunch of them in the hop- R competing claims on new stations moving the applications, the commis- per," says Harry Cole, who also repre- before Dec. 15. sion in September waived rules that limit sents station applicants. Cole has asked The applicants have until then to the payments applicants can make to the FCC to have administrative law take advantage of an FCC waiver others to drop competing applications. judges eliminate applicants not meeting aimed at clearing a path to such deals, The commission hopes the waiver also the licenseholder qualifications before but so far only one settlement proposal will help parties reach agreements in the other applicants begin their negotia- has found its way to the commission pending applications for new TV licens- tions: "The idea is to weed out [unqual- since the FCC instituted its waiver. es (BROADCASTING & CABLE, Nov. 6). ified applicants] now." "I've not seen a whole lot of activi- Onlookers say the window could Once any settlements reach the corn - ty," says Washington lawyer John provide the last opportunity to secure mission, officials will have to invite Pelkey, who represents some of the the licenses before Congress puts them petitions to deny the applicants if they roughly 600 applicants seeking a radio on the auction block. Pending Senate decide to accept a settlement proposal. construction permit. "It's almost like language calls for auctioning the new Pelkey voices concerns about reach- we're playing a game of chicken." station applications. ing settlements if the applicants wait The applicants are after about 160 "The train is leaving the station," much longer to start negotiations. He new licenses for commercial stations. says Gary Smithwick, who represents says some of the licenses with multiple The competing applications have been applicants for some 27 new radio sta- applicants could require weeks to set- stuck at the FCC since a 1993 decision tion licenses. But Smithwick and others tle. "I'm getting concerned about the by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Wash- say they expect more activity as the logistics," Pelkey says. Kids controversy at commission Barrett, Chong and Quello object to information requests sent to networks and affiliates By Chris McConnell Independent Television Stations (INTV) and Children's TV data has sparked a University of Califor- new squabble among FCC corn - nia -Santa Barbara pro- inissioners. fessor Dale Kunkel to Commissioners Quello (I), Barrett (second from right) 1 rce of them last week asked FCC supplement children's and Chong (r) asked Chairman Hundt (second from left) I to revoke a commission request for kids TV information. Chairman Reed Hundt to take back a TV data they submitted request for information on children's earlier to the FCC. Commissioner Susan Ness did not educational TV that the FCC's Mass "We are unaware of any other infor- sign the memo, instead electing to send Media Bureau made of the three net- mation request of such an extensive her own to Hundt. Ness voiced support works last month. In a memo to Hundt, nature being made without, at mini- for the goal of gathering the additional commissioners Andrew Barrett, mum, the informal consent of a major- data, but objected to not being consult- Rachelle Chong and James Quello said ity of this commission," the three corn - ed about the request: "A still useful but the letters and other information missioners told Hundt. less controversial information request requests were sent without their knowl- They said the request of the net- might have resulted from constructive, edge or approval. works could burden the broadcasters collegial discussions." The Oct. 26 letters, sent to each net- and delay the FCC's children's TV The commissioners discovered the work affiliate group as well as the net- proceeding. The commissioners also letters when they were circulated works, asked that the networks prepare said the request violates the Paperwork among commission offices after they children's TV surveys of their affiliates Reduction Act. They asked that the let- had been sent, FCC sources say. similar to one submitted to the FCC ters to the networks "be withdrawn A high- ranking FCC official coun- last month by Fox (BROADCASTING & immediately" and that commissioners tered the complaints, saying that the CABLE, Oct. 30). A series of Oct. 25 have the opportunity to add questions commission's work would bog down if letters also asked the National Associa- to the letters sent to Kunkel, NAB and the bureaus consulted each commis- tion of Broadcasters, Association of INTV. sioner before sending out an informa-

32 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable Where Cops Ends, Justice Begins. For the first time on television, be there when the backroom deals are made.

JUS 111 erland vvv \rMN Top 00 tLIcGLZ Lion request. "It isn't a secret," the offi- FCC sources say the networks do not networks." cial said of the information- gathering have to respond if they do not want to. Stewart and Kennard defended the effort, adding that the FCC received no But the commission is not planning to information gathering in a memo last complaints from the networks about recall the request. "We want the infor- week to the other commissioners. The the request. mation," an official says. two responded for Hundt, who was out Industry sources say the networks Commissioners Barrett, Chong and of the country. Stewart and Kennard still are considering how they will Quello said the information requested contended that the request was consis- respond. Several agree the task would of the networks might duplicate infor- tent with the spirit of the Paperwork require time and effort: "It's not some- mation in the NAB survey. Mass Reduction Act, and said that the bureau thing that merely requires some but- Media Bureau Chief Roy Stewart and would publish the letters in the Federal tons be pushed." says one source. Oth- FCC General Counsel William Ken- Register to "cure any objections" based ers point to the difficulty of getting nard countered that surveys similar to on the act. They also said they wel- affiliates to respond to a survey. "You the Fox study would "provide a clearer come any suggestions to supplement can only go to the well so many times," base for comparing children's pro- the information requests sent to NAB, adds another onlooker. graming performance across different INTV and Kunkel.

FCC wants to waive rate rules for Dover It asks for comments on temporarily changing policy during VDT test

By Chris McConnell a permanent VDT system...will insure offer 192 channels over the Bell that the rates the operators charge for Atlantic system and FutureVision's Bell Atlantic's video dialtone trial cable programing services will not be plans to offer 96 channels. in Dover Township, N.J., could unreasonable," the commission said in The waiver would affect rates trigger another trial in deregulat- its proposal. charged by Adelphia Communications' ing cable rates. Bell Atlantic plans to launch a 384 - Clear TV Cable system and Cablevi- The FCC last week proposed tem- channel service in the area that, over sion Systems Corp.'s Cablevision of porarily waiving rate -regulation rules three years, will reach 38,000 homes. Monmouth system. in Dover Township once Bell Atlantic The company hopes to start later this "We applaud the FCC's proposal as fires up its fiber -to- the -curb dialtone year with a trial service that will the first step toward pricing flexibili- system in the area. The proposal would reach 200 volunteers. Commercial ty," a Cablevision spokesman says of lift regulation of the cable programing deployment is slated for the first the plan. service tier. The FCC also invited com- quarter of next year. Other cable industry observers voice ment on whether the local franchising The FCC proposed lifting the cable similar approval, citing pending legis- authorities in Dover Township should rate rules upon initiation of the VDT lation that would lift rate regulation be allowed to waive rate regulation on service in Dover Township and then once the FCC authorized telephone the basic tier. revisiting the waiver after two years. companies to enter the video market. "Provision of video programing by Issuing the proposal, the commission "This could be very relevant to im- multiple independent programers over cited plans of Rainbow Holdings to plementing the legislation," says Washington cable lawyer John Seiver. Seiver points to a difference between Fox moves to the commission's proposal to waive the rate rules once the service starts and Continental Cablevision current House language that would lift Continental Cablevision has signed Brenda the regulation once a service was Fox to head its new Washington office, which authorized. is scheduled to open in January. Fox, who Washington lawyer Frank Lloyd was named vice president, federal relations, says that the proposal could offer the will leave the Washington -based law firm commission a chance to experiment Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Before 1992 Fox with deregulating cable rates on a was with the National Asso- case -by -case basis in case Congress ciation, where she served as general coun- does not approve new rules. "The sel and vice president for special policy pro- commission wants to test the waters," jects. Robert Sachs, Continental's senior Lloyd says. vice president for corporate and legal affairs, Others hope the commission will said that the company wants a stronger take similar action as tcicos offer com- Fox voice in Washington as the rules for cable's peting video systems in cabled areas. entry into telephony are hammered out. Con- "The logic behind the proposed tinental became the nation's third -largest cable operator this year when it waivers would apply equally," one acquired 800,000 subscribers from the Providence Journal's Colony source says. Communications. -CSS Bell Atlantic is less enthusiastic about the proposal, maintaining that it

November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable For the first time on television, be there when the sidebar secrets go public.

Demand vvv" '' l Mir ,N Top Ol f íG®L%oC@Gg still will be subject to FCC common rates, while the cable companies tern, and not Bell Atlantic, will be the carrier rules, unlike its two cable could raise and lower their prices at ones competing with cable. A commis- competitors in New Jersey. A spokes- will. sion official says the FCC will examine woman says the telco might have to Cable executives counter that the the issue when it receives comments on wait more than a month to adjust programers on the Bell Atlantic sys- the proposal, which are due Dec. 13.

The Washington Legal Foundation says FCC basic legal requirements of what they would consider Chairman Reed Hundt has auction fever and should 'good' government." recuse himself from the pending decision to sell spectrum for mobile radio. "Chairman Hundt is so biased in these wsnw(rv) Winston Salem, N.C., was hit with a proceedings in favor of competitive bidding that he has $15,000 fine last week for allegedly violating the an unalterably closed mind on the subject," writes WLF. FCC's equal employment opportunity rules. The The FCC is considering whether it should dispense the notice of apparent liability stems from a settle- licenses by auction, lottery or comparative hearings. ment between the station's owner, ACT III WLF supports lotteries for the four nationwide noncom- ii.. Broadcasting, and the NAACP. Although the mercial licenses yet to be tti017' FCC found no evidence of discrimination, it awarded and contends that did find that the station the four remaining nation- ¡ash, failed to keep adequate wide licenses should be recruitment records. As part awarded by lottery, since of the settlement, the almost 3,800 regional licenses for the 220 -222 ngton NAACP agreed to drop its mhz service were awarded by random selection. petition to deny the station's WLF's petition quotes Hundt's statement at a (` I renewal application. July 28 public meeting, noting that he sees some promise in comparative hearings. "We could hold Pacific Telesis is lobbying a comparative hearing in which we said we're Edited By Chris Stern Congress to modify its ca- going to compare the applications on the follow- ble /wireless cable crossown- ing basis: the one who wants to give us the most money ership restrictions. The telco, which invested $175 wins the hearing," said Hundt. "Chairman Hundt's pre- million in Cross Country Wireless last April, wants the judgment in this particular proceeding is no laughing ban lifted in markets where there are two or more wired matter," writes WLF. cable providers. Neither the House's nor the Senate's telecommunications bill addresses the issue. The National The Media Institute, Cable Television Association already has cited the Washington's conserv- crossownership ban in its effort to block telcos from pro- ative First Amendment viding multichannel programing over microwave frequen- think tank, has pub- cies. Referring to the wireless cable /cable crossownership lished a book of essays ban, NCTA has urged the FCC to block Bell Atlantic from on freedom of speech. building wireless cable systems in the same markets in The Public "Speaking Freely, the which it plans to launch video dialtone networks. Interest ù1 lin;cücricu 5ieoLü Public Interest in Unfet- tered Speech" is a col- Washington lawyer Michael Gardner had a lot to .u.. Al M.... D. CORRY BANDOW THIER. lection of five essays be proud of at this year's World Radio Communications D..v[E E.&.alT that tackles issues cen- Conference in Geneva. Among the participants were TROY GUSTAVSON tral to broadcasters, BY IL (AV.!. WITH AN 1N7BODLCIIDV EDWARD including TV violence, Essics From A indecency, children's television, commercial speech and the fairness doctrine. The essays generally oppose any limitation on content regulation as an intrusion of the federal bureaucracy on broadcast commerce and free speech. In his essay on TV violence, The American Spectator's John Corry writes: "The First Amendment says government may not inter- fere with speech, and the meaning of its opening words - 'Congress shall make no law` -is unmistakable." The almost 100 alumni of the United States Telecommunica- essays can be equally adamant on the issue of public inter- tions Training Institute, which Gardner founded in 1982. est. "Conservatives," writes the Heritage Foundation's USTTI provides U.S. training for foreign communications Adam Thierer in an essay on children's programing, professionals. Gardner (center, in pink tie) reports that 27 "...should reject the public interest paradigm of broadcast USTTI graduates either headed or were vice chairs of regulation on the simple grounds that it does not satisfy their developing countries' delegations.

November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable For the first time on television, be there as the plea bargain negotiations go down.

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Thomas S. Murphy has always stood tall among his Broadcaster's broadcasting colleagues, and never more than now, at the pinnacle of his career. The chairman and chief executive officer of Capital Cities/ABC Inc. epitomizes the broadcaster as public trustee, and has found the pursuit of that goal no barrier to fortune as well. The CapCities /ABC he has headed since 1986 is preeminent among broadcasting/cable organizations and has just effected a $19 billion merger with the Walt Disney organization. In this interview with BROADCASTING & CABLE Editor Don West, Murphy talks about the responsible approach to a broadcaster' s programing obligations and offers an insightful analysis of the Fifth Estate' s future.

We wanted to talk to you about being a broadcaster. The way I was brought up in the business, the first thing we Looking back at this stage of your career, it's obvi- discussed when we went to the office every day was whether ous that you've become the consummate broadcast- what we were doing was living up to our responsibilities as er. I hope you're not the last of the breed. a broadcaster to our community. And then, after you figured I'm . mainly not the last, nor the best. out that you were doing everything you should in that area, you paid attention about what you could do to knock the Well. it's an evolving situation. We're particularly con - brains out of the competition, which is what most people do cerned about the responsibility that goes with being a most of the time. broadcaster. What does that mean to you? Something wonderful comes with that. It makes people

40 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable ^?;'c °

feel that what they do is something special, that they have a record in that area is pretty good. responsibility to be concerned with the welfare of their com- munity. That's the commitment that's at the head of our What do you think about the broadcasting Industry's annual report. It was written by Frank Smith, the founder of record in general, on children's and violence and things CapCities, who said our responsibility was to do the best job like that -the things that so concern Congressman we could for our community, for our employes and then for Markey [Edward, D- Mass.] that he wants a V-chip. our stockholders. Markey wants the V -chip because it's a way to help parents. And so I always thought, and I still think, that being a And at first blush you say, well, what's wrong with that? The broadcaster is something special. It's a great privilege to be trouble is it's the government telling us what to do, putting a broadcaster. regulations and ratings on shows. You know, I regretted it when the FCC changed the rule Take a look at prime time. You tell me where there's any that said you had to operate a broadcast property for three violence on the ABC television network prime time sched- years before selling it again. It was commented that we ule. Wherever there is, we hope it's meaningful in the could sell stations like refrigerators. I don't think that's the drama. And we put parental advisories on all those. Usually right way, to sell stations for short-term, quick profit. it's something like a "Rambo" movie on Sunday night at 9. And any professional in this business should know that all Do you think you need government regulation to help? those shows are edited for violence. We do not run the orig- Well, certainly some rule like the three -year rule is an indi- inal "Rambo." We take out anything that we think is extra- cation that you do have a special responsibility, which I neous in that area. think you do. NYPD Blue is the other one on which we put a parental advisory. That's primarily for language; it isn't for violence. Have you continued the Frank Smith practices at CapCi- There may have been a violent act committed, but no one ties /ABC? shows the violent act. We just talk about catching the guys who committed it. Absolutely. I give a talk every year about the philosophy of But what we worry about is not just the V -chip. It's the S- the company, and I'm really dead serious about it. That in chip and all the other chips that will be coming after it. I we work effect have the right kind of place to and to grow agree with your position on that. and prosper, and that you can make mistakes but only honest I really admire your position on the First Amendment, and mistakes. There's no second chance if you discredit yourself I agree that with it goes the responsibility that broadcasters and your company with unethical or dishonest actions or deliver. I hope we deliver. activities. And that's the way we run the company.

I think there's more evidence or certainly concern about One of the problems that FCC Chairman Reed Hundt is having sex during prime time than there is about violence. right now is trying to square the public trustee concept with Although Markey won't give you an Inch on that. the marketplace philosophy. He thinks that if broadcasters are not public trustees, then they might as well be required No, because he wants to get his V -chip. I guarantee you, to buy their spectrum. Which way do you want to go? he'll shift from V to S as soon as the first V gets in. Well, as far as the new spectrum is concerned, it's the FCC that wants us to move from one to the other because they Well, what is the future likely to be for broadcast televi- think it's good for the American public. From our point of sion? view, we're delighted to try that, but at the outset there will There's more and more competition. It's a fact of life. And be only great cost for us, with no commensurate returns. as you know very well, we're competing with ourselves with You're talking about something- high -definition and digi- off -network programing on a lot of these cable channels. ital television- that's going to take years to develop. But You have so many more choices than you had before. that's what they think is in the public interest. ESPN takes [some] of the men, MTV takes the children, We do have responsibilities to do a good job for the public, Nickelodeon takes the children, our own Lifetime takes the and you're right that we have to be sure as broadcasters that women, CNN -when there's a breaking news story-eats we deliver on that. Otherwise the government does step in. into our news shows. But, as you know, on a regular basis But as far as having to be ordered by a transfer of control from CNN's ratings are very low when there's not much going on. Capital Cities to Disney about how many hours of children's But we're still the only game in town that can deliver educational programing we have, this certainly is not the right major unduplicated audience. And that will continue. As you place to do it. If the FCC wants to do something like that, it have more competition, the competition's going to be feeding should be something it does to everybody. By rulemaking. off the other stations as much as they have been feeding off By the way, I think our record's quite clear on that and, the network. It used to be all ours, and then that was taken moreover, it's good on the matter of children's programing. away. But in the future, new channels -the Golf Channel, for And when you think about it, it's almost surprising that instance -will take a little from everybody. It will probably they'd be asking us to do something with Disney as the take more from ESPN than from any of the networks. buyer, with that company's reputation for children's pro- So some of the new cable channels may be competing graming. On top of that, unrelated to anything else, we've more with other cable channels than with our network. There just announced a five -year partnership with Jim Henson Pro- are not going to be too many broad -based cable channels ductions to produce TV programing, including children's created in the future. programing. That's a deal that's been in the works for some But the interesting thing to me is that radio was supposed time; those things just don't happen that quickly. I think our to be dead 30 years ago. Now it's stronger than ever, with

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 41 more frequencies than ever. And I think over- the -air televi- since we were in the controlling position we didn't notice sion will be able to do that, too. any of that. But I think Dan did a great job of trying to inte- grate the two. Are you enthusiastic about the second channel as a way to enlarge the reach of over -the -air television? I was just wondering, or anticipating. what might happen No. Its major impact on us will be cost. with Disney. We're going to find out, aren't we? We have an advantage Even if they allow multiplexing? with Disney, in that the people in control really understand Our position is that if we ever try to make money from the the businesses we're in. Michael Eisner spent 10 years at multiplexing, in effect syndicate it, we ABC. The last job he had was vice would certainly be willing to pay the president in charge of entertainment government for that. We'd make some on the West Coast, which, as you sort of deal. No, I visualize this only as know, is the guts of the prime time an improved service to the American schedule of the entire television net- public. And I'll be a lot older before work, which means everything. So the network could ever possibly see he's a pro in that area. And Michael any advantage from it. Do you realize Ovitz obviously understands the busi- the time frame you're talking about? ness, too, because his business has No, I don't see that at all. been selling movies or television. So we're advantaged that way. And I find it curious, although I'm sure I also think we're advantaged that you'll find it less so. that you ended we've got two allied businesses that up in a $19 billion merger and CBS are like to say immodestly -well ended up in a $5 billion merger. -I'd What made the difference? There run. When you put them together it's must have been more than just Tom going to be terrific, and I'm delighted Murphy. that we have the two Michaels to run it. As you know, Bob Iger's got a new You have to give a lot of credit to the long -term contract to run the ABC fact that we took over a different Capital Cities portion. company than Larry Tisch did. And he ended up selling assets, while we Where are you and Warren Buffett kept all of ours. going to put your money? Then we had a dramatic improve- I plan to take as much in Disney stock which were ment in our cable profits, as they'll let me. You'd have to ask Lifetime & Enter- "Our corporate philosophy: `Least ESPN, and Arts Warren about what he'll do. tainment, and we also did quite well expensive means hiring the best with the ABC owned- and -operated The last thing I saw him buy into television stations. possible people and not having any was GEICO insurance. The question That's the difference between us. is: Does he think there's that much appreciation left in the broadcast He sold off his publishing and he sold more personnel around than you off his music, and we did not do that. business? So the major difference between the need to get the job done.' '" .Ask `i'arren. I wouldn't be surprised deals is partly because we make more if he took it in Disney stock. Knowing money with our broadcasting proper- him, he'll make that decision at the ties. But then there are these last minute. immensely attractive cable networks. But if you could buy into only one distribution system -like That was when you were in the cardinal's residence off broadcasting, cable. DBS, telcos -in this business. where

Fifth Avenue. I remember interviewing Dan Burke at the would you invest? Where do you think the greatest future time, and it was so quiet: there was nobody around. is going to be? There wasn't anybody. When we took over, our vice president I personally am very comfortable putting all my money with in charge of public relations was my secretary. Whenever any- Disney. It gives me broadcasting and cable and movies. Dis- one got a call for public relations, the switchboard operator ney movies. I've got everything. would push a special number on my secretary's phone. And Let's just say this: I would put my money in the software she'd say "Public Relations" and answer the question. We had business. no corporation counsel or anything like that. It's just as we say in our corporate philosophy: "Least As opposed to the distribution business? expensive means hiring the best possible people and not Yes, I would think so. I've always said, even before we having any more personnel around than you need to get the made the Disney deal, that our future had to be in the pro- job done." duction and ownership of programing for our network. That's where the future is. Was there any kind of culture clash when CapCities joined The proof of that is in the deal that was just announced on with ABC? baseball, which involves NBC and Fox as broadcast networks It would be better to ask an ABC person than me because and ESPN, Turner and Liberty in cable. That's all software.

42 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable EVER NOTICE HOW SOME IDEAS ARE SO CRAZY...


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# # A WORLDVISION A SUBSIDIARY OF I a A IAAINIA ilAlliNi NIINAAA SPELLING ENTERTAINMENT GROUP INC. DESIGNED FOR TELEVISION STATIONS BY TELEVISION STATIONS @oeGC 'go And they're doing better than they had before the last year. But what will happen if you have to spread your economic base over 500 channels? I've always said that the name of the game was distribu- Well, of course, only the ones that remain financially tion systems, whereas the conventional wisdom is that the healthy will survive. That's one way to look at it. One of the name of the game is programing. But most of the people things you have to worry about, which is kind of interesting, I've known who've gotten very wealthy or done very well have owned the plant. Just look at John Malone with the is what would happen if you got enough fractionalization of huge ICI distribution system, which enables him to control the over -the -air networks so that we couldn't continue to the programing. pour the kind of money we do into the shows. That could a dilemma. That's because he has a monopoly. Malone can get away The one thing you're sure of is that there's a dearth of cre- with it because he has the only game in town in 25% of the ative talent to produce the quality. Look at this new season. country. And he's brilliant. But we don't have a monopoly We spend all this money, all these four networks, and we distribution system in broadcasting anymore. don't have any out -and -out hit as far as I know. Marcy Carsey's right. No, but you've still got a three- or four -way split. And you've had that for years. In asking the question? We made more money on ESPN in the last 10 years than we made on the ABC television network. Take those numbers Sure. home. But distribution is the greatest business in the world if I have a question that sort of completes the about there's more demand for your pipeline than you can handle, the people who run this business. How will this next gen- eration of megamedia leaders will differ from the Golden - up. because the price keeps going Look what happened to son- Murphy, Paley- Stanton and David Sarnoff generation? my distribution system when, all of a sudden, Ron Perelman made his move to Fox. It cost me $60 million a year for 10 At home here, Bob Iger, who's 44 and has spent 20 years at years, maybe more. It cost NBC $100 million a year. That's ABC, is a trained professional broadcaster and executive, a distribution system. and he will give the American public the best programs he And it's usually capital intensive. Now on the other side, can. I would not visualize any change from him. For better the creative side, it's tough to make hits. The television net- or worse, he's been around Dan and myself for the last 10 work program business is a better business than the movie years. business because at least you can get some of your money As far as the other guys are concerned, Westinghouse had back by pushing it through the snake, the python. Whereas the greatest heritage of any group broadcaster in the business with a movie you can have an "Assassins" come out at $60 when I came in over 40 years ago. It had Don McGannon, million, or whatever it is, and die, which it just did. who in my opinion was in the same league as Frank Stanton. We wouldn't have made the deal with anybody else but Dis- He really worried about his commitment to the American ney. We did not have to make that deal. It was just the right public, and he showed it in his programing. So Westing- deal for my stockholders and employes. But the thing that house has that background. makes Disney different is its unique brand name with a lock on You know, Fox is a little like ABC was 20 years ago, but the animation business, which is a marvelous movie business. they've come along very successfully. They're quite prof- itable now. So you've got to tip your hat to Murdoch for the Ted Turner did all right, finally, in the library business. job he's done. He's certainly been in the news business around the world. And he's in the production business. Yes, but that wasn't making movies. That was buying the I think they'll do just fine. I really do. whole thing there. Well, Ted Turner has been a spectacular success in our business. He's just been spectacular. Do you think that consolidation is going to continue?

Have you ever worked with him, dealt with him? Well, an awful lot of it's happened already. NBC might buy a studio, but I can't imagine General Electric merging with I tried to make a deal with him, but we could never agree on Sony or somebody, you know what I mean? I don't know price. The idea was that we would acquire him. But I didn't what else can happen. want to pay a premium for the right to have that happen. Everyone acts like one thing happens because of another. But the CBS/Westinghouse thing happened completely I've got what I call the Marcy Carsey [of Carsey- Werner] ques- tion. She was on our Interface superpanel a couple of weeks unrelated to us. The only person I would have made a deal ago. She really is not very interested in information highways with is Disney. and convergence and things of that sort, but she said they're all OK with her as long as they produce better television. And I But wasn't Eisner trying to buy CBS at the time? could not answer her: "Oh, sure, we're going to get better television." Are we going to get better television? I think he would have if he hadn't made a deal with me. No. And that gave me a little inspiration; I did not like the idea of his going the other way. I asked Michael why he didn't buy CBS and he said he didn't want to fix it. He also want- Are we going to get worse television? ed our cable. Big time. I'm glad. I'm very happy we made No. You'll get the best that creative efforts can develop and the deal. that money can buy, which is what you're getting now. I Unfortunately, I'm going to be unemployed. You know don't see any revolutionary thing coming because you have what my plan is? I'm going to become a character actor at interactive television or something like that. Disney.

46 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Syndicators prep new action, reality, relationship, talk shows / 50, 54 Arbitron under-reports black, Hispanic listeners in New York, other markets / 68

1 November 13, 1995



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CASH BACK END NOW AVAILABLE Telepickures, Syndicators on a first -run roll `Mad Max' action hour, two reality shows, weekly matchmaker are among projects for fall By Cynthia Littleton

Bodies of water, courtroom dra- matics, life in a post-apocalyptic world and love in the present one are the focal points of four new first -run TV series in the works for next fall. Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution is adapting the successful "Mad Max" movie franchise into a weekly action hour. Mad Max: The Road Warrior already has been cleared in 20% of the country, thanks to a group deal with Chris Craftowned stations in New York, Los Angeles, , Minneapolis, Phoenix and Portland. WBDTD officials say the big -bud- get series will remain faithful to the premise of the "Mad Max" movies and WBDTD is rolling out 'Mad Max' action hour for fall. "whisk the audience into an apocalyp- tic world unlike any other on televi- better movie franchise to turn into a TV Schwab, president of MCA TV. "Court sion." George Miller, director of the show in terms of delivering male TV is one -dimensional -our show is demographics," Carlin says, adding 3 -D." that the level of violence will be toned down for the TV series. ITC hits the beach Also making waves on the reality front MCA seeks justice is Beach Patrol, the first new syndicat- While WBDTD is banking on fast - ed TV project to come from the ITC paced action and zippy special effects Entertainment Group since the compa- to deliver ratings, MCA Television is ny was bought out by PolyGram hoping to do the same by tapping into Filmed Entertainment. public fascination with the legal sys- The weekly hour will be hosted by tem. Beverly Hills, 90210 star Ian Ziering. MCA's new reality strip Justice will The series will use a combination of present a mixture of courtroom venté -style footage and re- enactments footage and behind -the -scenes to cover mishaps, crimes and catastro- glimpses of plea bargains, sidebar con- phies occurring near oceans, rivers and ferences, attorney client meetings and lakes around the world. even jury deliberations. Each half - ITC is aiming for prime time and hour will distill the highlights of two weekend time periods for Beach or three cases -ranging from misde- Patrol, which will be sold on an even `All You Need Is meanors to murder-into eight- to 10- seven -minute local /national barter Love' host minute segments. split. John Schneider MCA is offering Justice, produced "This show is different because we by Dave Bell (Unsolved Mysteries) won't be dealing with just law enforce- first "Mad Max" movie, will produce and former Paramount TV executive ment or paramedics," says Michael and direct the series, but no casting Clifford Lachman, for cash plus 1 1/2 Russo, executive vice president of ITC decisions have been made. minutes of barter. MCA officials say Distribution. "We're going to be deal- Shooting for prime time slots, the broad -based appeal of reality pro- ing with lifeguards, federal agencies WBDTD is offering the show on a graming makes the series flexible and any other organization that deals five- minute -local /nine- minute -nation- enough to run in early fringe, access or with problems that crop up around the al barter split. Scott Carlin, executive late night. world's waterways." vice president of WBDTD, says the "We've already got arrangements proven Mad Max brand name will help with courthouses in eight states to let All American love story the series stand out among action our cameras in on the day -to -day work- All American Television has signed hours. "We could not have picked a ings of the justice system," says Shelly former Dukes of Hazzard star John

November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable

approach - storytelling. It's an unconventional'news format entertainment is all about. to the 111311111111101D It's what RCCESS:

"%- NEW WORLD ENTERTAINMENT NEW WORLD SALES AND MARKETING, INC iuGJiSLIIGtIW Schneider to play Cupid on a weekly singer, will travel around the U.S. You Need Is Love on a straight 7 -7 basis next fall for All You Need Is seeking to spark new relationships or barter basis. Love. reunite old lovers with pretaped "video "Ali You Need Is Love is an upbeat, The hour series, based on a popular love messages." fast -paced series that will appeal to Dutch television show, is described as All American, which is attempting audiences in all dayparts," says a "positive look at love in the '90s." to license the Beatles' 1967 sing -along Lawrence Lamattina, president and Schneider, also known as a country hit for the show's theme, is offering All CEO of All American Television.

Jim (Bullock) and Look who's still talking Tammy Faye Three new shows join large and lately besmirched genre

By Cynthia Littleton will host the hour show aimed at young, and Steve McClellan urban viewers. Carpenter has appeared on Fox's Uptown Comedy Club, NBC's Despite the negative publicity talk Showtime at the Apollo and other com- shows have received lately, syn- edy series in addition to a recent stint as dicators took the wraps off at host of BET's Video LP series. least three new talkers last week. Tribune officials say the show will MGM Television is out to make a capitalize on the strength of Tribune's difference in the minds of talk show station group, which reaches nearly 28% viewers next fall with a new first -run of the nation's TV households and near- strip hosted by best -selling author John ly 40% of black households. Outside of Bradshaw. those markets, Tribune is offering the The Bradshaw Difference is being show on a straight 7 -7 barter split. pitched as "a thought show for the "We feel this show has the potential to '90s," aimed at daytime viewers turned be a strong cross- off by the sensationalistic approach of over hit, but we're some talkers. not going to try to topics. He says with Teddy "The approach we're taking the be all things to all Carpenter will much research was show is not to make a spectacle of peo- people," says Rick host Tribune's done in developing ple but to make a difference in their Jacobson, president new late -night the show to deter- lives," says John Symes, president of and CEO of Tri- show mine if Tammy MGM Worldwide Television. bune Entertain- Faye's past asso- Bradshaw, author of "Homecoming: ment. "The late - ciation with the Reclaiming and Championing Your night audience is al- electronic church Inner Child" and other self -help titles, ready so fragment- and her former hus- hosted the talk show Bradshaw On: ed -this show is band's transgres- Homecoming for PBS. He will tape the going to target a young, hip audience." sions had hurt her image. "She was as hour -long show from his home base in much a victim as anyone," he says. Houston. Jim and Tammy "She has reinvented herself and is anx- Symes says the series will fill a void Jim and Tammy Faye together again? ious to move on with her life." She has for viewers looking for thoughtful dis- Well, no, not that Jim, but yes, that since remarried and is now Tammy cussions and pragmatic counseling on Tammy Faye. Faye Messner. relationships and other issues. He also The former wife of fallen television "Some of you may be thinking this is noted that the show was in develop- evangelist is teaming with crazy," John Ryan, president and CEO, ment long before Washington politicos Jim J. Bullock (Boogie's Diner, Too Worldvision, told reporters during a came out swinging against racy subject Close for Comfort) in an hour strip that teleconference announcing the show matter on first -run talk shows. debuts Dec. 26 in about 35 markets last week. Ryan said that that was his MGM is offering The Bradshaw Dif- (25% of the country) on stations affili- initial reaction when Lambert pitched ference on a straight barter split of ated with the Partner Stations Network the show to him. After he saw the pre- seven minutes national and seven min- program cooperative. sentation he still thought it was crazy, utes local. The show is being produced by but concluded that "it just might work." Foxlab and syndicated by Worldvision Both Ryan and Lambert say the con- Tribune builds with Carpenter for cash and barter. It is being posi- cept was driven in large part by station Tribune Entertainment is hoping to fill tioned as a "squeaky clean," advertiser - frustration with so- called trash talk the late -night gap left by the demise of friendly alternative to sensational talk television. They say Jim and Tammy The Arsenio Hall Show with a talk/ fare. Faye is an effort to capture the light variety strip slated to premiere next Michael Lambert, president and gen- banter, fun and entertainment that summer. eral partner, PSN, says the program make Regis & Kathie Lee work. Stand -up comic Teddy Carpenter will avoid sensational, tabloid -esque Indeed, that is why PSN station part-

54 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable LD o Liug) ner Barry Baker, president, River City ings performance," he says. "The trade Foxlab's Dan Weaver is executive Broadcasting, supports the project. "If ads for these new shows are bragging producer. His credits include John & you look at the new talk shows, you about ratings between a 1.5 and 2.5, Leeza, Geraldo, Donahue, Home Show have to be underwhelmed by the rat- and that is a sorry state of affairs." and Hour Magazine. Nielsen to measure LPTVs Network One reaches agreement for new rating system

By Steve Coe For Nielsen, the benefit is attracting possibly 400 new clients to its service, Low -power stations are taking an- the number of commercial, for -profit other step toward parity with full - low -power stations. power stations with the decision "Network One is primarily concerned by Nielsen to adopt a new system for with attracting national and primary measuring the performance of LPTVs. regional advertisers," says Chandos An agreement was reached last week Mahon, executive vice president, Net- between Nielsen and Network One, a work One. "The more mainstream, low -power- station network comprising blue -chip advertisers have not been able 42 affiliates. to advertise with us in the past because Chandos Mahon The new measurement system is there wasn't the research available for Nielsen reports. Under the agreement, designed to give LPTV stations more them to show to justify to their clients." Nielsen will begin monitoring LPTV accurate audience research in hopes the Under the existing system, Nielsen performance in the areas within the data will attract major advertisers to measures viewership across an entire DMA that they cover. Nielsen will use Network One. The modified ratings Designated Market Area (DMA). both diaries and metered systems to service will be in place in time to mea- However, because many LPTVs cover measure the stations. sure Network One stations' perfor- only a portion of a DMA, their num- Of the more than 1,700 low -power mance during the November sweeps. bers may or may not show up on stations now operating, only about 400

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Broadcasting & Cable November 13 1995 55 tions were disorganized. We had to get PBS/`Reader's Digest' pact to critical mass and begin doing quali- tative and quantitative research to PBS and Reader's Digest have created a five -year, $75 million alliance to prove what we have. We started con- produce programs and spin -off products such as home videos and CD- versations with K -B Limited in 1994 ROMs. No word on specific projects, but programs will focus on such top- and knew we had to work with Nielsen ics as children, family, lifestyle and education and will adhere to "PBS's on geographic boundaries. The prob- customary editorial, programing and quality standards," the parties said in lem in the past was that low -power sta- a joint statement. Reader's Digest will produce the television shows that tions weren't organized, and the are developed and will provide worldwide distribution of home videos, Nielsen process didn't have geographi- books, CD -ROMs and other multimedia products spun off from the TV cal capabilities," he said. shows that are created by the alliance; PBS will handle worldwide televi- According to Mahon, Network One sion distribution and domestic home video distribution. -SM has made a "six -figure investment" in bringing about a more accurate mea- are commercial for -profit stations, provide specific demographic informa- surement system including a "substan- which operate similar to full -power tion about the viewers within those tial payment" to Nielsen. The net- stations. "It's that 400 we're targeting areas, including income, age, gender, work's affiliate lineup consists mainly with the Nielsen research," says John education and occupation. of larger- market stations, says Mahon, Kompas, president, K -B Limited, a Mahon says that the need for a more "because those are the most important consulting and marketing firm that spe- organized and accurate measurement to advertisers." cializes in low -power stations. system for low -power stations was evi- Kompas says K -B Limited's mapping The company is supplying much of dent when the network was formed in of low -power stations has been complet- the geographical mapping that identi- December 1993. "We saw that there ed on roughly 100 of 400 commercial fies the boundaries of low -power sta- was great potential for advertising LPTV stations that will be able to begin tions. In addition, K -B Limited will sales, but as a whole, low -power sta- receiving the Nielsen information. Brik? Liquor? He Hogg Its Spumco Ren & Stimpy animator says. "Adults, kids -it doesn't mat- ter. People watch cartoons for laughs. has three new projects All it takes is cool characters and on drawing board good stories." Coming up with cool charac- By Cynthia Littleton ters is Kricfalusi's forte. One such creation is He Hog the Spumco, the animation studio that Atomic Pig, which Kricfalusi brought us The Ren & Stimpy calls a "throwback to old - Show, is poised to take advantage style superheroes." of the growing market for high -quality As envisioned by cartoons with three new series. Spumco's animators, He Hog Spumco's founder and president, became endowed with super- porcine John Kricfalusi, has a simple philoso- abilities by wallowing in a mud pit phy when it comes to creating hit near a nuclear power plant. For mys- shows and endearing characters like terious reasons, orange marmalade is the high- strung chihuahua Ren and the only substance that can block He his faithful kitty sidekick Stimpy: It's He Hog Hog's super- sensitive taste buds and "Give the people what they want," he to the rescue the other powers he uses to aid `Boy Meets World' meets syndication Buena Vista Television says the off -network sales cam- work show with kids and teens, and we expect it to per- paign for ABC's hit T.G.I.F. sitcom Boy Meets World, form equally well in syndication." slated to bow in syndication in fall 1997, will get under Now in its third season on ABC, Boy Meets World way at the end of the month. The sitcom, produced by stars Ben Savage as a teenager coming to grips with all Disney's Touchstone Television, will be offered for cash that adolescence and high school have to offer. A plus barter. recent study by station rep firm Petry found that 44% of "Boy Meets World is the most watched series within the audience for Boy Meets World during last May's the T.G.I.F. lineup," says Janice Marinelli- Mazza, sweeps fell into the 2 -17 demographic, while women

senior vice president of sales for Buena Vista Televi- 18 -34 accounted for 1 4% of the viewership and anoth- sion. "The series has grown to be the number -one net- er 8% were men 18 -34. -CL

56 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable This announcement is under no circumstances to be construed as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any of these securities. The offering is made only by the Prospectus.

New Issue October 18, 1995 8,500,000 Shares Broadcasting Corporation 4f1011111Fi11ity will Class A Common Stock

Price $32.875 Per Share

Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained in any State or jurisdiction in which this announcement is circulated from only such of the undersigned or other dealers or brokers as may lawfully offer these securities in such State or jurisdiction.


The above shares were underwritten by the following group of U.S. Underwriters.

Merrill Lynch & Co. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Alex. Brown & Sons Incorporated Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation Smith Barney Inc.

Allen & Company CS First Boston Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. Chase Securities, Inc. Incorporate Lehman Brothers NatWest Securities Limited PaineWebber Incorporated Salomon Brothers Inc Schroder Wertheim & Co. UBS Securities Inc. S.G.Warburg & Co. Inc. Wasserstein Perella Securities, Inc. Moran & Associates, Inc. Securities Brokerage

1,700,000 Shares The above shares were underwritten by the following group of International Underwriters. Merrill Lynch International Limited Goldman Sachs International Alex. Brown & Sons International Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation Smith Barney Inc.

Paribas Capital Markets SBC Warburg UBS Limited roadcasbing crime -fighting efforts around the gram, as a prime time series. A third project in active develop- globe. The latter show centers on an all - ment at Spumco's Hollywood produc- Kricfalusi is tight -lipped about American guy Kricfalusi describes as tion offices is an adult -oriented sci -fi potential outlets for his shows, but "a one -man walking environmental series tentatively titled Brik Blastoff of industry sources say He Hog is in disaster-with a heart," a widower the Outback. development at UPN, while - struggling to instill old- fashioned, Kricfalusi, who also serves as a edly is developing another Spumco ultra -macho values in his teenage creative consultant for Hanna -Bar- concoction, The George Liquor Pro- nephew Jimmy. bera, says market forces are driving


`ET' nips `Oprah' winner will be announced Nov. 21. Moon -a -thon Buena Vista Television's late -night Paramount Domestic Television's DIC Entertain- strip The Stephanie Miller Show is Entertainment Tonight edged out ment is offering holding a contest to find a Miller Oprah Winfrey in national Nielsen stations a pow- look -alike. Viewers are being asked household ratings for the week of erful incentive to send in videotapes of their best Oct. 16, marking ET's first win over to take a long impressions of the host. Three final- Oprah since the week of March 6. look at its low - ists will be flown to Los Angeles to For the week of Oct. 16, ET 's 7.0 rated animated appear on the show Nov. 27, with the household rating edged out Oprah's strip Sailor winner invited back for a second 6.9 for the number -four spot on Moon. DIC will appearance on Nov. 28. Nielsen's national syndication rank- make a specially produced four -hour ings. The following week, the shows Sour note marathon of the show, dubbed Sailor tied for fifth place with 7.0. Oprah re- Moon's Moon -a- Thon /Toon -a -Thon, mains almost a full ratings point ahead A Los Angeles radio disk jockey has available free to stations to air during of ET for the season -to -date, howev- filed a lawsuit against New World the week of Nov. 13 through the er, boasting an average 7.4 in house- Television over its upcoming late - week of Dec. 18. The marathon, holds compared with a 6.6 for ET. night series Loveline, based on a already cleared in 50% of the coun- long -running radio call -in show of try, may also be broken up into one- Car talk the same name. James "Poorman" hour blocks to air during the same Trenton claims that he created the Rysher Entertainment is hoping that time frame. The series about Japanese format and title for the radio - the chance to win a car or a trip to teenage girls endowed with special turned show, which features two Hollywood will convince more day- -TV powers to save the world from the hosts fielding calls on love and rela- time viewers to watch The George & forces of evil has averaged a 0.6 tionships. A New World spokesman Alana Show. Rysher has teamed with national Nielsen rating among kids 2- says the suit has no merit and the TV Guide and direct marketing giant 11 for the season -to -date. But Sailor company will go ahead with plans to Val -Pak to distribute more than 100 Moon also has averaged a 2 rating or launch the first -run strip next fall. million entry forms for a national better in many metered markets and The radio version of Loveline origi- sweepstakes promotion. George & is due for time period upgrades in nated on Infinity Broadcasting's Alana will announce the winners on- New York and Los Angeles, KROQ -FM Los Angeles in 1983. Tren- air in February. Prizes include a '96 ton, who also has a suit pending Raycom New Year Plymouth Voyager or a trip for two to against Infinity, was a co -host the Hollywood and a role as an extra on of Raycom has cleared its 90- minute series until he left the station in 1993. the Fox series Space: Above and syndicated New Year's Eve special Beyond. Rysher officials say the $4.8 co- hosted by Extra anchor Arthel million ad campaign for the sweep- NSS POCKETPIECE Neville and General Hospital star (Nielsen's top ranked syndicated shows for Vanessa Marcil in more than 70% of stakes will help raise awareness of the the week ending Oct. 29. Numbers represent morning strip, which has averaged a average audience. stations,% coverage.) the country. The special will origi- 1.1 national rating since its September 1. Wheel of Fortune 11.6ß24/96 nate live from Universal Studios premiere. Rysher has committed to 2. Jeopardy! 9.5/220/96 theme parks in Los Angeles and another year of the show, positioned in 3. Home Improvement 8.5/215/97 Florida. Motown pop stars Boyz II 4. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 7.7/233/98 Men are scheduled to appear along most markets to compete with Buena 5. Entertainment Tonight 7.0/170/94 Vista Television's morning mainstay, 5. Oprah Winfrey 7.0/234/99 with other R &B artists. The special Live with Regis & Kathie Lee. 7. NFL on TNT '95 6.6/3/72 will also feature a year -end retro- 7. Seinteld 6.6/214/98 spective and celebrities divulging 9. Imagination III 6.5/144/95 Contests, take two 10. Simpsons 5.9/185/96 their New Year's resolutions. The Meanwhile, Regis & Kathie Lee is 11. Hercules: Journeys 5.8/222/97 Dec. 31 broadcast for New Year's holding its own contest for the 12. Home Improvement -wknd 5.7/203/93 Eve Coast to Coast from Universal 13. Inside Edition 5.4/163/91 Studios runs from 11:30 p.m. to 1 November sweeps, offering a vaca- 14. Xena: Warrior Princess 5.2/198/96 is tion for four to Maui, where the shdw 15. Fresh Prince of Bel -Air 5.1,158/90 a.m. Raycom offering the special will tape four special remote seg- on an even 10 1/2- minute local /na- ments at the end of the month. The tional barter split. -CL

November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Justhowfar will D ygo? -' c .C


Buena Vista Television ©Buena Vista Television all the way to the topf


"HE'S CLEARLY THE BEST of the new breed, so far living up to his promise to bring fun back to daytime TV." CHICAGO SUN TIMES


"HIS IRREVERENT STYLE SEEMS PERFECT FOR YOUNG VIEWERS, yet he's also expected to do well among boomers" - SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS

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"WE HAVE TO CONCEDE, Bonaduce makes a good fit for the blab business." - PASADENA STAR NEWS O-ó-`-rï"cJ the series development push at Spurn - has focused its efforts on toy merchan- million lawsuit against Nickelodeon, co. WB and UPN have targeted chil- dising, comic books and other media. accusing the cable network of infring- dren's programing as an area of Spumco stopped producing Ren & ing on its merchandising rights to the expansion, while MTV and other Stimpy for Nickelodeon in 1992 after a Ren and Stimpy characters. Nick- cable networks are seeking out unusu- dispute over contractual and creative elodeon spokeswoman Liz Noyer says al animated fare. issues. the suit has no merit and will be "vig- During the past few years, Spumco Last month, Spumco filed a $100 orously defended."

PEOPLE'S CHOICE: Ratings according to Nielsen, Oct. 30 -Nov. 5 411I Week 7 NBC

8:00 26. The Nanny 11.5/17 61. Brotherly Love 8.5/13 84. Star Trek: Voyager } 66. The Marshal 7.6/12 45. Melrose Place 10.0/15 4 8:30 33. Can't Hurry Love 10.9/16 62. Minor Adjustm'ts8.1 /12 6.1/9 17. Murphy Brown 13.1/19 84. Partners 6.1/9 Z 9.00 7. NFL Monday Night 20. NBC Monday Night at 97. Nowhere Man 3.2/5 0 9:30 Football -Chicago 27. High Society 11.4/17 84. Ned and Stacey 6.1/9 the Movies- Degree of 210:00 Bears vs. Minnesota 23. Chicago Hope 12.2/20 Guilt, Part 2 12.5/20 10:30 Vikings 16.8/28 14.8/25 7.0/12 10.7/18 ). 8:00 15. Roseanne 13.4/22 65. John Grisham's The 52. Wings 9.3/15 97. UPN Special 63. Fox Tuesday Night 4 8:30 35. Hudson Street 10.7/17 Client 7.7/13 48. NewsRadio 9.8/16 Presentation -John Movie -Here Come the 6. Home Imprvmt 16.9/26 16. Frasier 13.2/20 Carpenter's Body Bags 9:00 Munsters 8.6/13 77. CBS Tuesday Movie - 3.2/5 9:30 8. Coach 16.0/26 55. Pursuit/Hap'ness 9.2/15 Edward Scissorhands 10:00 9. NYPD Blue 15.8/28 6.7/11 29. Dateline NBC 11.3/20 10:30 13.5/22 6.6/11 9.5/16 8.4/14 3.1/5 8:00 19. Ellen 12.7/21 71. Bless This House 7.3/12 37. Beverly Hills, 90210 101. Sister, Sister 3.1/5 4 83. seaQuest 2032 6.2/10 2 8:30 39. Drew Carey 10.4/17 52. Dave's World 9.3/15 10.6/17 101. The Parent 'Hood 3.1/5 9:00 10. Grace Under Fire 15.3/24 97. The Wayans Bros. 3.2/5 89. Central Park West 6.0/10 31. Dateline NBC 11.2/18 82. Party of Five 6.3/10 9:30 24. Naked Truth 12.0/20 97. Unhap Ever After 3.2/5 10:00 10. Primetime Live 15.3/27 95. Courthouse 5.4/10 32. Law & Order 11.0/20 10:30 8.2/13 7.9/12 21.2/33 8.00 49. Murder, She Wrote 3. Friends 19.7/30 68. 7.5/12 Q 59. ABC Movie Special p 8:30 - 9.7/15 5. The Single Guy 17.8/27 81. The Crew 6.4/10 Father of the Bride 9:00 2. Seinfeld 22.0/33 72. New York Undercover 9.0/14 76. New York News 6.8/10 D 9:30 4. Caroline in /City 18.3/28 7.2/11 10:00 78. Murder One 6.6/11 69.48 Hours 7.4/12 1. ER 24.7/41 10:30 11.8/21 6.0/11 10.4/18 7.9/14 8:00 29. Family Matters 11.3/21 92. Touched by an Angel 41. Unsolved Mysteries 94. Strange Luck 5.6/10 )- 8:30 39. Boy Meets Worid10.4 /18 5.7/10 10.3/18 9:00 41. Step by Step 10.3/18 78. Picket Fences 6.6/11 25. Dateline NBC 11.7/20 43. The X -Files 10.2/17 9:30 57. Hangin' w/Mr. C 9.1/15 IL 10:00 57. Homicide: Life on the 12. 20/20 15.0/27 92. American Gothic 5.7/10 10:30 Street 9.1/16 6.9/12 11.1/19 6.5/11 6.3/11 8:00 66. Jeff Foxworthy 7.6/13 51. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Q 73. JAG 7.0/12 84. The X -Files 6.1/11 p 8:30 75. Maybe This Time 6.9/12 Woman 9.6/17 4 9:00 69. Before They Were Stars 27. Touched by an Angel 90.John Larroquette 5.8/10 78. The X -Files 6.6/11 9:30 7.4/13 11.4/19 95.Home Court 5.4/9 10:00 84. Planet Hollywood 21. Walker, Texas Ranger 73.Sisters 7.0/13 10:30 Comes Home 6.1/11 12.4/23 si;.1 10.3/16 13.0/20 12.0/19 8.1/12 1.9/3 7:00 45. Am Fun Home Vid 10.0/16 (nr) NFL Football Game 2 90. Space: Above & Beyond 105. Pinky & Brain 2.0/3 14.60 Minutes 13.9/22 } 7:30 18. Am Fun Home Vid 12.8/20 16.4/27 5.8/9 106. Kirk 1.9/3 8:00 38. Cybill 10.5/16 22. Mad About You 12.3/18 45. 10.0/15 103. Sister, Sister 2.8/4 4 34. Lois & Clark 10.8/16 Z 8:30 60. Almost Perfect 8.7/13 44. Hope & Gloria 10.1/15 63. Martin 8.0/12 104. Cleghorne! 2.1/3 9:00 49. Married w /Chld 9.7/14 107. First Time Out 1.4/2 52. ABC Sunday Night 13. CBS Sunday Movie 35. NBC Sunday Night 9:30 - 55. Married w /Chld 9.2/14 108. Simon 1.1/2 Movie-Nowhere to Nothing Lasts Forever, Movie-Made in Ameri- 10:00 Run 9.3/15 Part 2 14.2/22 ca 10.7/17 10:30 WEEK AVG 11. /18 9. 15 11.6 19 7.7/1 UPN: 3.9 6; WB: 2.4 4 STD AVG 12.1/20 9.4/15 12. /20 7.3/12 UPN: 3.4 5; WB: 2.3/4 RANKING/SHOW (PROGRAM RATING /SHARE) TOP TEN SHOWS OF THE WEEK ARE NUMBERED IN RED YELLOW TINT IS WINNER OF TIME SLOT (nr)=NOT RANKED 'PREMIERE TELEVISION UNIVERSE ESTIMATED AT 95.9 MIWON HOUSEHOLDS; ONE RATINGS POINT= 959,000 TV HOMES SOURCE: NIELSEN MEDIA RESEARCH COMPILED BY KENNETH RAY

62 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Broadcasting bottom line for '94: Up again Annual Veronis, Suhlen report shows operating income rose 33%

By Steve McClellan improved economy, the report says. totaled $2.01 billion, a 35% gain. Com- Operating cash flow (defined as the panies operating both TV and radio sta- As a group, broadcasters last year sum of operating income, depreciation tions generated revenue of $4.1 billion, posted their third consecutive and amortization) climbed 26.7 %, to up 6.1 %, with operating income of double -digit earnings increase, $5.6 billion. almost $908 million, up 23.8 %. according to Veronis, Suhler & Associ- The improved earnings came on an Companies operating television sta- ates' 13th Annual Communications 11.3% revenue gain for the year, to tions had revenue of $3.3 billion, up Industry Report. $23.2 billion. Over the past five years, 18.6 %, with operating income of But VSA warns that a "decelerating broadcast revenue has grown at a corn- almost $835 million, up about 40 %. economy" will offset projected pound rate of 4.7 %. companies had increases in viewership and affect With the improved earnings came revenue of $1.6 billion, up 23.8 %, with advertising growth in the next few improved performance margins. Oper- operating income of $272.1, up 80.7 %. years. The yearly report, to be made ating income margin (operating The report shows that companies public today, predicts that radio adver- income divided by revenue) was operating television networks (includ- tising growth will continue to outpace 19.2 %, almost 5 percentage points ing the four major U.S. networks, Can - television advertising growth, given higher than in 1990. Operating income West, Grupo Televisa, Telemundo and radio's adaptability, mobility, format return on assets (operating income Univision) had combined revenue of popularity and affordability. divided by the average of the current almost $15 billion in 1994, a 6% gain. Operating income for broadcasters and prior years' assets) was 14.3 %, up The group's operating income for the in 1994 soared 32.9% over the prior 7.8 percentage points from 1991. same period totaled almost $2.61 bil- year, to $4.5 billion, the result of the Local station operators generated lion, up 23.4 %. industry's stricter attention to costs, the revenue of $9 billion, up 13.3% from VSA is a media research, financial revived advertising marketplace and an 1993. Local station operating income advice and investment firm.

FM: Spanish Broadcasting System Price: $5.6 million Changing Hands Inc., N.Y. (Raul Alarcon Jr., presi- Buyer. wiBx -wLzw: Forever Broad- dent/59% owner), also owns casting Inc., Rome, Ga. (Kristen The week's tabulation KXED(AM) Los Angeles and KLAX -FM Cantrell, president), no other broad- of station sales Long Beach, Calif.; WCMQ -AM -FM cast interests; WTNY -AM -FM and WMSA: Miami Springs -Hialeah, WZMQ(FM) WFRG Inc., Altoona, Pa. (Carol Proposed station trades Key Largo and wSKP -FM Key West, Logan, president). Logan also owns By dollar volume and number of sales; Fla.; and wxLx(AM) Newark, N.J. /New WFGi(FM) State College and does not Include mergers or acquisitions York and wsKQ -FM New York. WFBG(AM)- WFGY(FM) Altoona, Pa.; and involving substantial non -station assets Seller: Park Communications Inc., WODZ -AM -FM Rome and WRUN(AM)- This week: Lexington, Ky. (Wright M. Thomas, WFRG(FM) Utica, N.Y. TVsnOnO president); owns WBMG -TV Birming- Seller: Black River Broadcasting, ham, Ala.; wNLs(AM)- wTNT(FM) Talla- Watertown (Donald C. Alexander, Combos o $120,095,126 n 16 hassee, Fla.; KWLO(AM)- KFMW -FM president/CEO); no other broadcast

FMs o $3,678,800 E 8 Waterloo, Iowa; wrvo -TV Lexington, interests AMs r_ $2,903,953 n 14 Ky.; KALB -TV Alexandria, La.; Facilities: wiBx: 950 khz, 5 kw; wt-zw: Total n $126,677,879 n 38 KJJO(AM)- KMJZ(FM) St. Louis Park, 98.7 mhz, 25 kw, ant. 660 ft.; Minn.; WUTR -TV Utica and WHEN -AM- WTNY(AM): 790 khz, 1 kw; wTNY -FM: So far in 1995: FM Syracuse, N.Y.; WNCT- TV -AM -FM 93.5 mhz, 4 kw, ant. 330 ft.; WMSA: TVs n S3,131,325,545 L:117 Greenville, N.C.; KWJJ -AM -FM Port- 1340 khz, 1 kw Combos $2,121,374,936 o 200 land, Ore.; WNAX -AM -FM Yankton, Formats: wiBx: full -service informa- FMs -i $713,838,930 n 328 S.D.; WDEF- TV -AM -FM Chattanooga tion; WLzw: adult contemporary; AMs o $84,403,357 174 and WJHL -TV Johnson City, Tenn.; WTNY(AM): MOR; WTNY -FM CHR; WTVR -TV -AM-FM Richmond and wSLs- WMSA: adult contemporary Total o $6,076,400,668 n 817 ry Roanoke, Va., and KEzx(AM)- Broker: Richard A. Foreman Kwjz(FM) Seattle. Associates COMBOS Facilities: AM: 930 khz, 5 kw; FM: 93.1 mhz, 5.3 kw, ant. 1,420 ft. WJIM -AM -FM Lansing, Mich. WPAT -AM -FM Paterson, N.J./New York Formats: AM: easy listening; FM: soft Price: $2 million Price: $103 million ($19.5 million for adult contemporary, talk Buyer: Jencom Broadcasting Inc., AM + $83.5 million for FM) Broker: Media Venture Partners Okemos, Mich. (James A. Jensen, Buyer. AM: Heftel Broadcasting president/owner) Jensen will resign Corp., Las Vegas (Cecil Heftel, WIBX(AM)- WLZW(FM) Utica, WTNY- as president of seller, Liggett Broad- chairman), also owns 17 other radio AM-FM Watertown and WMSA(AM) cast Inc., when sale closes. stations Massena, all N.Y. Seller: Liggett Broadcast Inc., Lan-

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 63 Facilities: AM: 1540 khz, 1 kw; FM: Three up 100.3 mhz, 3.35 kw, ant. 295 ft. Big revenue in 3rd quarter Formats: AM: news, talk; FM: smooth ABC, CBS and NBC reported a combined gain in third -quarter net revenue jazz of 4.8 %, to $1,621,376,000, according to figures compiled by Ernst & Broker: Richard A. Foreman Young and released by the Broadcast Financial Management Association. Associates Two categories, however, were down substantially -children's pro- WKTY(AM)- WSPL(FM) La Crosse, Wis. graming and news. Kids advertising, hurt by gains made by cable and WB, Price: $1.3 million was down almost 17 %, to $21.6 million. Buyer. HIPPI Radio LLC, Madison, News revenue dropped more than 12 %, in part due to commercial -free Wis. (Thomas A. Walker and Gayle coverage of the O.J. Simpson trial. Prime time accounted for about half of Olson, managers/25% owners); no the total net revenue for the quarter, at $813,383,000, up 5.3 %. other broadcast interests Sports accounted for the second -biggest chunk of money and showed Seller: La Crosse May Broadcasting the largest gain year -to -year, with a 19.2% increase, to $248,160,000. LP, La Crosse (Edward W. May Jr., Daytime revenue for the Big Three totaled $211,051,000, up 2.3 %, while general partner /25% owner). May is late -night advertising was up 10.6 %, to $66,196,000. 51% owner of KFOR(AM)- KFRx(FM) Lin- Advertising agencies earned commissions totaling $285.5 million for the coln, Neb., and 25% owner of quarter, up 4.8 %. -SM KMA(AM) Shenandoah and KKBz(FM) Clarinda, Iowa. sing (Robert G. Liggett Jr., presi- WADKIAM) Newport and WOTBIFM) Facilities: AM: 580 khz, 5 kw day, 1 kw night; mhz, kw, dent/ owner); owns WHNN(FM) Bay Middletown -Newport, R.I. FM: 95.7 50 ant. 410 ft. City /Saginaw and WFMK(FM) East Price: S2 million Formats: AM: C FM: Lansing, Mich.; and is selling WGRD- Buyer: Bear Broadcasting Co., Provi- &W, news; adult AM-FM and WLHT -FM Grand Rapids, dence, R.I. (Philip Urso, president/ contemporary WELL-FM Marshall and WELL -AM and GM); also owns WHTM(AM) Provi- WXVA -AM -FM Charles Town, W.Va. WBXX -FM- WBCK -AM Battle Creek, all dence and wERI(AM) Westerly, R.I. Price: $633,327 Mich. Urso also owns WDGE(FM) Wakefield - Buyer. Charles R. Walmer, Thurmont, Facilities: AM: 1240 khz, 1 kw; FM: Peacedale, R.I. Md. (after sale, 52.8% owner, Her- 97.5 mhz, 28 kw, ant. 440 ft. Seller: Bernard and Jane Perry, itage Broadcasting Co. LP); also Format: AM: news, info, talk; FM: Westport, Conn.; no other broadcast owns wmu(AM) Thurmont adult contemporary interests. Seller: Gene E. McCoy, Arlington, Va. Facilities: AM: 1550 khz, 5 kw; FM: 98.3 mhz, 3 kw, ant. 300 ft. Formats: AM: ; FM: oldies CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS WCVAIAM)- WCUL -FM Culpeper, Va. has acquired Price: $630,000 Buyer: Culpeper Broadcasting Acqui- sitions Inc., Rockville, Md. (Stanley WHP -TV Karas, president/37.1 % owner). Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Karas also is 33.3% owner of WHAP(AM) Hopewell, Va. from Seller: Culpeper Broadcasting Corp., Culpeper (William D. Cannon Jr., WHP TELEVISION, L.P. president); no other broadcast inter- ests for Facilities: AM: 1490 khz, 1 kw; FM: 103.1 mhz, 3.3 kw, ant. 299 ft. $30,000,000 Formats: AM: standards, talk; FM: country The undersigned acted as exclusive broker Broken Gordon Rice Associates in the transaction and assisted in the negotiations. INDBIAM)- KTSBIFM) Sioux Center, Iowa Price: $600,000 Buyer: Sioux County Broadcasting Inc., Spirit Lake, Iowa (Mark P. Hedberg and Paul M. Kieffaber, VPs and 45% owners). Hedberg also is 50% owner of KAYL -AM -FM Storm Lake, 30% owner of KRIB(AM) -KLSS -FM Mason City and Kalil & Co., Inc. 25% owner of Kuoo(FM) Spirit Lake, 3444 North Country Club Tucson, 85716 (520) 795 -1050 all Iowa Seller: Tri -State Broadcasters Inc., Sioux Center; no other broadcast

64 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable MEDIAWEEK Magazine, the newsweekly of media,

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lt All MEMO -11 o tíl41l interests 100.9 mhz, 630 w., ant. 641 ft. Facilities: AM: 1090 khz, 500 w; FM: Formats: AM: news /talk; FM: adult SOLD!_ 94.3 mhz, 3 kw, ant. 300 ft. contemporary Formats: AM: country, gospel; KASR -AM -FM Perry, Okla. FM: adult contemporary Price: $185,000 KNPTIAMI- KYTE(FM) Newport, Ore. Buyer. Singer Broadcasting Group Price: $546,798 Inc., Tulsa, Okla. (John M. Singer, Buyer. Yaquina Bay Communications president/owner); no other broadcast KNDO -TV, Yakima Inc., Newport (David J. Miller, presi- interests dent/owner); no other broadcast Seller: Starlight Broadcasting Inc., Washington, and KNDU- interests Anthony, Kan. (James W. Dunn, TV, Richland, Washington Seller: Central Coast Broadcasting president); no other broadcast Co. Inc., Newport (George M. Car- interests from Farragut man, president) Facilities: AM: 1020 khz, 400 w day,

Communications, Inc., Facilities: AM: 1310 khz, 5 kw day, 1 250 w night; FM: 105.1 mhz, 6 kw, Marvin L. Shapiro, kw night; FM: 102.7 mhz, 66 kw, ant. ant. 328 ft. 881 ft. Formats: AM: country; FM: adult con- President to Federal Formats: AM: adult standards, talk; temporary light FM: adult contemporary Broadcasting Company, WNBY -AM -FM Newberry, Mich. Dale G. Rands, Chairman KTLQ(AM)- KEOK -FM Tahlequah, Okla. Price: $30,000 Price: $465,000 Buyer. Gerald Feutz, Newberry and CEO for $13,000,000. Buyer: Drake Communications Inc., (before sale, half -owner, F &W Rogers, Ark. (Jeff Hutton, president, Broadcasting Inc.; after sale, 100% and wife Renee Hutton, owners); owner) Brian E. Cobb also owns KTLK(AM) and KWMo(FM) Seller: William A. Wilson, Galt, Calif. South West City, Mo. (before sale, half- owner, F &W Broker Seller: Demaree Communications Broadcasting Inc.; after sale, no Inc., Tahlequah (Paul and Martha interest)

Demaree, owners); no other broad- Facilities: AM: 1450 khz, 1 kw; FM: cast interests 93.7 mhz, 3.5 kw, ant. 262 ft. Facilities: AM: 1350 khz, 1 kw day, 61 Formats: AM: easy listening; FM: w night; FM: 101.7 mhz, 6 kw, ant. oldies 328 ft. KRKY(AM) Granby and KRKM(FM) BRIAN E. COBB Formats: Both country Kremmling, Colo. CHARLES E. GIDDENS Broker: Sunbelt Media 703-827-2727 Price: $1 WMNS(AM)- WMXO(FM) Olean, N.Y. Buyer: Grand County Wireless Inc., RANDALL E. JEFFERY Price: $375,000 Dillon, Colo. (Rocky Mountain RANDALL E. JEFFERY, JR. Buyer: CAM Communications Inc, Radio Network Inc., 75% owner; 407-295-2572 Ridgway, Pa. (Jon Buehler, presi- Granby Broadcasting Systems Inc., dent); also is buying wKvE(FM) St. 25% owner). Rocky Mountain ELLIOT B. EVERS Marys and wxve(FM) Spangler, Pa. Radio also is buying KHTH(AM) Dil- 415- 391 -4877 Seller: Erin Communications Inc., lon, KSKE(AM) Vail and KDMN(AM) Fairport, N.Y.; also owns wLSV(AM)- Buena Vista, all Colo. (see "AM" GEORGE I. OTWELL 513-769-4477 WJQZ -FM Wellsville, N.Y., and has item, below) permit to build FM at Galeton, Pa. Seller: Grand Broadcasting Inc., Dil- Facilities: AM: 1360 khz, 1 kw day, 30 lon (Ron Crider, president). Crider is w night; FM: RADIO and TELEVISION 101.5 mhz, 1.55 kw, VP /50% owner with wife of Rocky BROKERAGE APPRAISALS ant. 405 ft. Mountain Radio. Formats: AM: news/talk; FM: adult Facilities: AM: 930 khz, 4.5 kw; FM: contemporary 106.3 mhz, 3 kw, ant. 1,050 ft. Formats: Both dark WKOY(AM) Bluefield and WKMY(FM) Princeton, W.Va. Price: $280,000 RADIO: FM Buyer: Country Broadcasting Corp., Bluefield, W.Va. (Richard T. Judy, WWWZIFM) Summerville -Charleston president); also owns 49% of and WMGL(FM) Ravenel -Charleston, WSVG(AM)- WSIG(FM) Mt. Jackson, Va. S.C. MEDIA VENTURE Seller: Mountain Broadcasting Corp., Price: $2.45 million PARTNERS Luray, Va. (debtor -in- possession, Buyer. Mayo Radio Inc., Olympia Earl Judy Jr., president); owns Fields, Ill. (Barry A. Mayo, chair- WASHINGTON, DC wuRN(FM) Marietta, Ohio; wsIG(FM) man /president); no other broadcast ORLANDO. CINCINNATI and wsvG(AM) Mount Jackson, and interests SAN FRANCISCO WMoc(FM) Westover and WPDX -AM -FM Seller: William G. Dudley Ill, Mt. Clarksburg, W.Va. Pleasant, S.C.; owns WKBF(AM) and Aibjea to F.C.C. approval Facilities: AM: 1240 khz, 1 kw; FM: WHTS(FM) Rock Island, Ill.; and is

66 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable buying WJUK(FM) Mt. Pleasant. all Kan.; and is applying to build FM Facilities: 96.7 mhz, 6 kw, ant. 390 ft. Facilities: wwwz: 93.5 mhz, 1.1 kw, at Lamed, Kan. Format: CHR ant. 459 ft.; WMGL: 101.7 mhz, 3 kw, Seller: Lake Region ., WTKFIFM) Atlantic, N.C. ant. 482 ft. Eden, S.D. (Jack Adams, president); Price: $95,000 Formats: wwwz: urban contemporary; no other broadcast interests Buyer. Lockwood Phillips and Walter WMGL new adult contemporary Facilities: 102.9 mhz, 100 kw, ant. Phillips, Morehead City, N.C. (after 496 ft. WRPL(FM) N.C. sale, each 47.5% owner, Atlantic Wadesboro, Format: Country Price: $2.425 million Ridge Telecasters Inc.); no other Buyer: Bible Broadcasting Network WDME -FM Dover/Foxcroft, broadcast interests Inc., Charlotte, N.C. (Lowell L. Price: $275,000 Seller: Casey Warrington, Newport, Davey, president /16.7% owner). Buyer: Mid -Maine Media Inc., Ran- N.C. (before sale, 100% owner, Network also owns wYFD(FM) dolph, N.J, (Richard Thau and Joyce Atlantic Ridge Telecasters; after Decatur, Ala.; WYFB(FM) Gainesville, L. Wemer, co- owners); no other sale, 5% owner); no other broadcast WYFE(FM) Tarpon Springs and broadcast interests interests WYFO(FM) Lakeland, Fla.; WYFA(FM) Seller. Ganley Communications Ltd., Facilities: 107.3 mhz, 7 kw, ant. Waynesboro, wYFK(FM) Columbus, Dover - Foxcroft (brothers James and 607 ft. WYFS(FM) Savannah and WYFW(FM) Richard Ganley, principals); no other Format: News /talk Winder, all Ga.; KYFW(FM) Wichita, interests broadcast KZTX(FM) Refugio, Tex. Kan.; KYFL(FM) Monroe, La.; WHPE- Facilities: 100.3 mhz, 6 kw Price: $30,000 FM High Point, WYFL(FM) Henderson Format: Adult contemporary, news, Buyer: Fred Hoffmann, Corpus and wYFQ(AM) Charlotte, all N.C.; sports Christi, Tex.; 76% owner of KXCC -TM WYFG(FM) Gaffney, WYFH(FM) North Broker. Kozacko Media Services Rockport, Tex.; and 35% of KORO -AM- Charleston and WYFV(FM) Cayce, all FM Cuero, Tex. S.C.; WYFC(FM) Clinton, Tenn., and KFXY -FM Morgan City, La. Seller: James Henry and Tommy But- WYFN(AM) Nashville; KYFA(FM) Amar- Price: $196,300 ler, Refugio; no other broadcast illo, KYFL(FM) San Antonio and Buyer: Tiger Island Broadcasting Inc., interests KYFT(FM) Lubbock, all Tex.; KYFO- Morgan City (Dennis C. Miller, presi- Facilities: 106.1 mhz, 25 kw, ant. AM-FM Ogden, Utah; and WYFI(FM) dent/80% owner); no other broad- 299 ft. Norfolk, WYFJ(FM) Ashland and cast interests Format: Adult contemporary WYFT(FM) Luray, all Va.; and is Seller. Tri -City Broadcasting Inc., applying to build noncommercial Morgan City (Warren J. Fortier, FM in Honolulu. owner); owns KMRC(AM) Morgan City Continues on page 108 Seller. WRPL Partnership, Wades - boro (Allen Lyon, general partner); no other broadcast interests Facilities: 93.5 mhz, 3 kw, ant. 328 ft. This notice appears as a matter of record only. Format: Religion

KZSR(FM) Reno, Nev. Price: $350,000 Buyer. Larry E. Oakley, Reno; no FPL GROUP, INC. other broadcast interests Seller: Anthony Ocepek, Cleveland has contributed its cable television assets to a partnership with (receiver for Sure Broadcasting Inc., which owns KHxs(FM) Abilene, Tex.) Facilities: 92.9 mhz, 45 kw, ant. 2,653 ft. ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS Format: Dark CORPORATION KBWS -FM Sisseton, S.D. Price: $300,000 The undersigned served as exclusive financial advisor to FPL Group, Inc. Buyer. James River Broadcasting and Inc., Valley City, N.D. (Robert E. Ingstad, president/owner); also owns Adelphia Communications Corp. KGFX(AM) Pierre and KQKD -AM -FM Redfield, and is building FM at WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION Lowry, S.D. Ingstad also owns KASM- AM-FM Albany, KOPR(FM) Albert Lea, P. KNFX(AM) Austin, KDHL(AM)-KQCL(FM) Joseph Duggan Faribault, KMFX -FM Lake City, Vice President KWEB(AM)-KRCH(FM) Rochester, KNFX- FM Spring Valley, KMFX(AM) Wabasha

and Kxss(AM)- KLzz(FM) White Park, all 30 Rockefeller Aare Minn.; KQVC -AM -FM Valley City and WALLER CAPITAL Suite 4350 KDDR(AM) Oakes, N.D.; 90% Of New York, NY 10112 CORPORATION 1212) 632-3600 KFLA(AM) -KSKL(FM) Scott City, Kan.; 80% of KBUF(AM) Holcomb, KKJQ(FM) Garden City and KYBD(FM) Copeland, Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 67 L3POBw Arbitron undersamples seven markets Blacks, Hispanics received fewer diaries; company will boost mailings for rest of survey ly intended to "high- density ethnic vey. Radio areas" with heavy populations of His- Arbitron Advisory Council Chair- panic and black households in New man Bill Kelly said that Arbitron's By Donna Petrozzello York and five other markets- Buffalo, "seven -market snafu" will be discussed N.Y.; Albuquerque, N.M.; Milwaukee; at the council's next meeting. In a press ANrbitron's first phase of its fall Dallas, and . A similar release, Kelly said Arbitron's mistake 1995 radio listener surveys for error forced Arbitron to cancel its "casts doubt on the reliability of the fall ew York and six other markets phase -one returns for Fresno, Calif., rating period in the affected markets as include sampling errors that pro- after discovering that 39% of house- well as the overall service" of the com- gramers say may have affected ratings holds in the market scheduled to be pany. "This series of errors sets Arbi- for Hispanic and urban -skewed sta- sampled never received diaries. tron back quite seriously and is particu- tions. The first phase report was deliv- To make up for the error, Arbitron larly frustrating to us on the council," ered to New York market subscribers officials say the company will sample Kelly wrote. on Nov. 7. more households than usual in black Early fall ratings reports for the Urban -formated WQHT(FM), WRKS- and Hispanic areas of the seven mar- other affected markets are due to be FM, WQCD(FM) and WBLS(FM) each kets for the remainder of the fall sur- released by Nov. 22. dropped slightly in Arbitron's Sept. 21- Oct. 18 survey (when the sampling errors occurred). From Arbitron's sum- R I D I N G G A I N mer 1995 survey to its early fall returns, WQHT dropped from a 6.6 rating to a 6.2, Evergreen 3Q returns best in Infinity pays $1 million of WRKS-FM dropped from a 6.1 to a 5.3, company's history total $1.7 million fine WBLS dropped from a 3.2 to a 3.1 and WQCD dropped from a 3.5 to a 3.3. Evergreen Media Corp. reported dou- Infinity Broadcasting has made its By contrast, ratings for Spanish ble -digit gains in both net revenue initial $1 million payment to the two dance WSKQ -FM improved from a 4.7 and broadcast cash flow for the third U.S. Treasury, the first of last summer to a 4.9 for the early fall quarter, ended Sept. 30, and for the installments the company will pay in survey, and Hispanic full- service first nine months of 1995. its settlement with the FCC WADO(AM) improved from a 1.3 last According to Evergreen's latest announced in September. summer to a 1.9. fiscal report, net revenue increased by The settlement resolved several The errors Arbitron made during the 11.7 %, to $47.8 million, on a pro pending violations of rules governing first four weeks of its current fall 1995 forma basis, for the third quarter over broadcasting indecency that Infmity survey cut short the number of diaries the same period last year. Broadcast incurred to comments by radio mailed to black and Hispanic households cash flow for the quarter gained shock jock Howard Stern. Infinity in the New York urban metro area. 13.3 %, to $19.6 million, over last syndicates The Howard Stern Show Thom Mocarsky, Arbitron vice pres- year. Year -to -date returns show a to two dozen radio stations. ident of communications, said the per- 14% increase in net revenue, to Infinity is scheduled to pay the centage of diaries returned by black $115,177,000, and a 14% increase in remaining $715,000 by the end of and Hispanic listeners in the first phase broadcast cash flow, to $45,322,000, first quarter 1996. FCC Chairman of the survey was slightly lower (by both on a pro forma basis, over the Reed Hundt said, "The settlement 1% and 2 %, respectively) than the mar- same period last year. represents the largest amount ever ket's proportion of black and Hispanic Evergreen Chairman and Chief contributed to the U.S. Treasury by a populations. A total 6,489 diaries were Executive Officer Scott Ginsburg broadcast station licensee." called the company's financial returned by New York listeners in the Fans line up for Stern's first phase of the fall 1995 survey (the results for the third quarter "the full survey period is Sept. 21 -Dec. 13), highest quarterly results in the com- new book Mocarsky said. pany's history. Hundreds lined up to be among the John Mullen, assistant program "By anticipating the changes in first to own Howard Stem's new auto- director and research director of urban radio ownership rules and adhering to biography, "Miss America," which contemporary WBLS, said it "seemed our top -l0 -market focus, Evergreen went on sale Nov. 7 at selected book odd that all the urban stations were has dramatically enlarged its station stores in New York, Los Angeles and down" especially since they are in the group at attractive multiples," Gins- a few other cities. midst of major promotional sweeps. burg commented. "This strategy has Stem fans at the midtown Manhat- "We've all suffered setbacks," Mullen positioned us as the nation's third - tan Barnes & Noble outlet scooped up said. "Arbitron should not be making largest radio broadcaster as measured more than 1,000 copies between 6:30 mistakes like this." by both revenue and broadcast cash a.m. and 9:30 a.m. The same day, In a letter to stations two weeks ago, flow." Evergreen owns and operates Book Soup in West Hollywood sold Arbitron officials said the company 22 radio stations in 10 markets. out of its initial 800 copies. Stem is had mailed fewer diaries than original-

68 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable D

R I D I N G G A I N ings mark a downward spiral Rabin last week. Westwood One offi- for the adult contemporary for- cials said it was the NBC Radio Net- mat, which claimed 10.7% of work's turn in the revolving pool of the national audience a year radio network news agencies to cover ago. The country audience Clinton's next overseas trip when share also slipped slightly from Rabin was assassinated. Westwood an 11% share to 10.3 %. One is the parent company of the NBC Dedicated Howard Stern fans line up in The audience for news /talk Radio Network. the early morning to buy his new book was relatively constant at As the lead network news agency, 14.3 %, but urban formats NBC News coordinated live news feeds scheduled to start a national book sign- gained a significant audience share, from Rabin's funeral. Westwood One ing tour on Nov. 16. moving from a 9.9% share last summer reported on the assassination throughout to 10.4 %. the weekend and Westwood One White Interep study shows news/talk Big share- losers in Interep's survey House correspondent Peter Maer inter- formats popular were album- oriented rock, which viewed Clinton and former presidents dropped to a 5.8% share from a 6.9% George Bush and Jimmy Carter on their According to data from Arbitron's most one year ago; classic rock, which Air Force One flight to Israel. recent summer radio listenership survey, dropped from a 4.2% share to 3.6 %, and researchers at The Interep Radio Store contemporary hits, which dropped from NPR to simulcast PBS found that news/talk stations have a larg- a 5.6% share to 4.9 %. 'Issues er audience share than any other format. Convnetion' In Interep's new format share study, Westwood One covers National Public Radio will align with news /talk stations claimed 14.3% of the the Service to overall radio audience, urban formatted Rabin assassination broadcast the nation's first National stations claimed 10.4 %, country stations Westwood One Radio Networks pro- Issues Convention, a dialogue forum claimed 10.3% and adult contemporary vided live coverage of President Bill between 1996 presidential candidates claimed 9.6% of the audience. The find- Clinton's journey to attend the funeral and American citizens next January of slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak from Austin. ft "CLASSIC fM takes the fear out of being a classical

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Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 69 Hispanic Broadcasting Telemundo chief looks to challenge Univision Takes steps to compete with rival

By Steve Coe grow the net- work's owned - The battle between Hispanic televi- and- operated sion networks Univision and station lineup. Telemundo could become more Last week, Tele- competitive in the coming months as mundo acquired Telemundo makes its most serious run 74.5% of WSNS- in years at its rival. TV Chicago for TELEMUNDO According to recently installed pres- approximately ident and chief executive officer $44.7 million. The addition gives the Roland Hernandez, Telemundo has network majority ownership of TV sta- taken a series of steps to try to regain tions in the top seven Hispanic markets, parity with its older and more widely plus one in Puerto Rico. viewed competitor. When Hernandez took over, the net- The gap is a large one, with Univi- work's overall share of the Hispanic sion claiming three- quarters of Hispan- viewing audience had slipped to ic viewers, according to the most approximately 20 %, its lowest level Telemundo's 'El y Ella' talk show recent Nielsen numbers. But Telemun- since the network was founded in 1987. do remains undaunted. "Through February 1995 we had had One of the first steps toward improv- Hernandez took over leadership of three years of ratings slippage," he says. ing those ratings, says Hemandez, was Telemundo in March, succeeding "In 1992 we had about a 42% share of to begin counterprograming many of Joaquin Blaya. Hernandez had served the audience. So my overriding man- Univision's successful shows. on the Telemundo board of directors date in coming in was to correct the rat- Rather than taking on novellas with since 1989 and is also one of the net- ings slippage." In the eight months novellas, Telemundo began to produce work's largest shareholders. since he took over, Telemundo's audi- more of its own programing. One focus for Hemandez has been to ence share has inched up to 24 %. The best example of that strategy is

last year after concluding that Univision and Tele- Grand entrance mundo, the two primary Hispanic networks in the Grand Entertainment, formed last U.S., weren't serving all the programing needs of year to serve the fledgling Span- their affiliates, he says. ish- language program syndica- Sieracki says that Nielsen has helped companies tion market in the U.S., will launch like his syndicate Spanish -language programs in the its first TV series next April. U.S. by creating its Hispanic television ratings service. The show, Corazon Corazon The service gives would -be distributors hard ratings ( "Heart to Heart") is a weekly inter- `Loco Veneno,' an offering from and sales data previously unavailable. national entertainment-and - Grand Entertainment's Grand's initial offering was what the company Spanish- language barter -movie first -language lifestyle magazine produced by network called the Spanish barter -movie net- Spain's RTVE. Reuters Television work in the U.S. The network, which debuted four will produce weekly segments for the show, which will focus months ago, is called El Gran Estreno (The Big Pre- on entertainment news and features in North America. miere) and consists of 52 weekly feature films produced "It's kind of a global Entertainment Tonight," says Tom primarily by or in association with RTVE. Sieracki, a partner in New York based Grand Entertain- El Gran Estreno is cleared on 27 stations covering ment. Sieracki and two other veteran program syndica- almost 70% of U.S. Hispanic households, says Sier- tors, Carl Dietze and Peter Yaman, formed the company acki. -SM

70 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable Hispanic Broadcasting

El y Ella ( "He and Mexico," says Hernan- increase, new programing and a tighter She "), which debuted in dez, adding that talks rein on expenses, Telemundo has a April. Since its debut, have resumed with Mexi- long haul before it achieves parity with the talk show, which can network Grupo Univision. features male and Azteca about Telemun- In the most recent numbers from female hosts and focus- do's acquiring some of its Nielsen, Univision captured a 76% es on gender -based top- product. share of Hispanic households corn - ics, has averaged a 30% Hernandez hopes pared with Telemundo's 24 %. share of the audience Telemundo's upcoming Among women 18 -49 the gap is 79% against a Univision quarterly financial to 21 %. In addition, Univision still novella. results will be another airs the top -rated Spanish- language In order to facilitate a indication that the net- series. Despite Univision's domi- beefed -up production work is on the move. nance, Hernandez remains unde- Telemundo Group slate, Hernandez opened President/CEO Roland He expects the results terred. "Telemundo is making a a Hollywood -based pro- Hernandez to show an improvement comeback, and I don't think it's far- duction office. Five over recent financial fetched to say Telemundo is on the shows are being produced out of that report cards. One reason for his opti- way up to where we were in 1992. office, including El y Ella. Telemundo mism is the approximately 10% cut in We've been at parity with Univision now produces roughly 55% of its operating expenses that he has effected before, and we can be at parity domestic programing out of its Holly- since taking over. "In addition to the again." wood and Miami production offices. ratings slippage, I also had the mission Univision was contacted for this Hernandez says that part of the rea- to return the network to financial story, but for at least the past year exec- son for opening a Hollywood office is strength. We began by intense manage- utives at the company have been oper- to try to produce programing that ment focus and going back to broad- ating under a no- press- contact mandate appeals to the Mexican -American casting principles. We're much more issued by Jerrold Perenchio, control- audience, which constitutes the largest tightly run now. And we've gone out to ling partner of Univision Network segment of the overall Hispanic audi- advertisers and told them that Telemun- Limited Partnership, the operating ence. "Sixty -five to seventy percent of do is a viable way to serve their clients. company for the network. The network the Hispanic audience is Mexican - Prior to March, I don't think the indus- did supply ratings information as well American. Hispanics in the West, try saw Telemundo that way." as other documents concerning the net- Southwest and as far East as Chicago Even with the audience -share work's performance. are predominantly Mexican," he says. Hernandez insists that Telemundo is not forfeiting the East Coast audience, made up primarily of Puerto Hispanic TV's hot in Los Angeles Rican -Americans and Cuban- Ameri- What's driving the boom in Spanish -language TV in the Los Angeles mar- cans, in favor of the Mexican- Ameri- ket? can audience. For starters, the area is home to the world's fifth -largest Hispanic pop- In underscoring the importance of a ulation. The purchasing power of the audience served by the flagship sta- strong showing in Los Angeles, Her- tions of the Univision and Telemundo networks has grown an estimated nandez notes that that market contains 66% during the past five years, according to statistics provided by Univi- 1.4 million Hispanic households, com- sion's KMEX -TV. pared with 900,000 Hispanic house- The region's 5.1 million Hispanics are expected to spend more than holds in and 430,000 in $60 billion on consumer products this year. By 2010, the number of His- Miami. panics living in the greater Los Angeles area is projected to exceed the One of the challenges for Telemundo non -Hispanic population by a slim margin. in attracting more of the Hispanic audi- It's these kinds of statistics that have sent national -brand advertisers ence is to develop programing that flocking to Spanish -language media. Yet station officials at KMEX-TV and appeals to all of the Hispanic groups in Telemundo's KVEA say that misconceptions about Hispanic TV viewers the United States. A historical disad- still abound. vantage that Telemundo has had to The biggest misconception about Spanish -language TV programing is overcome is the popular programing that it skews old," says Augustine Martinez, KMEX-TV's general manager. that Univision acquires from Mexico - "But there's a young, vibrant audience watching Spanish -language TV." based Televisa, part owner of Univi- Local news is KMEx -TV's greatest strength. The station's 6 and 11 p.m. sion. newscasts routinely lead all the general market stations in 18 -34 and 18- "We expect to have a balanced lineup 49 demographics. Both KMEx -Tv and KVEA offer locally produced morning that holds the East Coast audience but shows, weekend sports packages and public affairs programing. And proves to be effective to viewers in the both have plans to expand their slate of children's shows. West and Southwest. We hope to do that `We're in a position right now where there's room for growth in every aspect with more product from our L.A. -based of our business," says Eduardo Dominguez, KVEA station manager. -CL facility and more acquired product from

Broadcasting & Cable November 13 1995 71 Hispanic Broadcasting Hispanic world on a wire Networks look to build audience, develop niches

By Jim McConville over the 6 million subscriber mark by gaining cable carriage Hispanic cable pro- on cable graming is a hot systems in Phoenix and Cable - commodity in the vision in Ventura County, U.S. Spanish-language net- Calif. works continue to build MTV Latino last September cable carriage while devel- expanded its schedule by oping specialized program- adding MTV Sports, a half - ing aimed at capturing hour that covers the youth - niche audiences. market sports of rollerblading, There are an estimated skiing, surfing and lacrosse. 27 million Hispanics living HTV is the newest Hispanic in the U.S. Nielsen Media cable network launched in the estimates that there are 6.1 U.S. The 24 -hour all- music- million -6.4 million His- MTV Latino's 'Cafe Tacuba Unplugged'- video network launched on panic cable TV house- 10,000 Aventura Cable house- holds. With Hispanic cable penetration holds in Miami this month. at 30%-35%-compared with 60% for First launched on cable sys- the U.S. cable market overall- indus- tems in Latin America in Sep- try experts say there's still lots of room tember, HTV features a mix of for growth. oldies and pop music videos Despite the overall logjam in new by Hispanic artists. cable channel carriage, Hispanic net- Galavision, trying to cap- works are finding room on some ture the 18 -34- year-old Span- systems that have put out the "no ish youth market, last year vacancy" sign for English - launched two Spanish -lan- speaking networks. guage channels: Telehit, a "Channels are being freed for GEMS talk show host music video network, and Rit- Maria Spanish- language programing Laria moSon, a music video channel because operators have finally fornia, Ari- for children and teens. realized that the Hispanic mar- zona, Texas, Showtime en Español and HBO Olé, ket represents a good opportuni- and both launched in 1994, are Spanish -lan- ty to grow their overall sub base," says . Morrison says the network guage versions of Viacom's and Time Tom Morrison, vice president of affili- will increase its U.S. subscriber base Warner's premium movie channels. ate sales for Hispanic cable network from 1.5 million to more than 2 million Both are distributed to approximately 5 GEMS Television. "As a result, chan- households by the end of 1995. million subscribers in the U.S. and nels are being freed up." Galavision remains the largest and Latin America. With 40% of the U.S. Hispanic pop- most widely distributed cable- exclu- Looking to find a niche in the His- ulation concentrated in Los Angeles (6 sive network in the U.S., with 2 million panic movie market is CineLatino, a million), New York (3.3 million) and U.S. households -up 500,000 over last 24 -hour movie channel that airs origi- Miami (1.4 million), according to year. Other incumbent Hispanic net- nal Spanish -language films. Launched Miami -based market research firm works in the U.S. include Canal de in October 1993, CineLatino is distrib- Strategy Research Corp., most Hispan- Noticias NBC, MTV Latino, Showtime uted in Southern and plans to ic cable TV distribution is concentrat- en Español and HBO Olé, all of which expand to Texas and Arizona next year. ed there. now face competition from recently Canal de Noticias NBC, a 24 -hour But this year several Hispanic cable launched networks. Hispanic news service launched in the networks have branched out, launching Established Hispanic networks, in U.S. market by NBC in 1994, reported- on cable systems in Arizona and Texas the face of competition, have begun to ly reaches 4.6 million households in and on select systems in the Midwest expand their programing, trying to cap- the U.S. Produced by Charlotte, and the Northeast. ture special niche audiences in the U.S. N.C. based NBC News Channel, the GEMS, launched by parent company Launched in 1993 to serve Latin network just added 275,000 house- Cox Communications in 1993 as a net- American cable markets, Viacom - holds by launching on a Paragon Cable work aimed at Hispanic women, this owned MTV Latino last September system in San Antonio, Tex. year gained carriage on systems in Cali- boosted its U.S. market distribution base Also going after the Hispanic news

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market is Sur -Canal de Canales, a tional Hispanic sports channel launched international sports network. Latin America based network that in the U.S. last March by Tele- Commu- retransmits live daily newscasts from nications Inc. owned Liberty Sports, The Q word Latin America and is carried on 13 provides a national feed of sports pro- As Hispanic network distribution cable systems in southern Florida and graming to Liberty Sports affiliates increases and competition intensifies, single systems in Virginia, Boston and throughout the U.S. It's sent to approxi- viewers are starting to demand better New Jersey. mately 1.3 million cable subscribers in programing quality. Hispanic cable Other Spanish- language cable net- California and Florida on 31 cable sys- executives say they're trying to change works include Los Angeles based tems. their image by upping the production VivaTelevision, which offers enter- La Cadena Deportiva airs internation- value of their shows. tainment, cultural and education pro- al boxing and soccer as well as Spanish - U.S. cable companies, meanwhile, graming, and Miami -based TeleCom- language broadcasts of U.S. sports, aren't standing still. They're going ras Shopping Network, launched in including basketball after Hispanic international market November 1994. and L.A. Kings hockey games. The net- opportunities and launching their own Going after the Hispanic sports mar- work may figure in TCI's recently struck Hispanic cable networks in the Latin ket is La Cadena Deportiva, the interna- partnership with News Corp. to create an America market.

TV advertisers target Hispanics Spending rose 22% in 1994; next boom predicted is in cable

By Jim McConville Business says that TV spending in 1995 ney, Kmart and Montgomery Ward will be up 20% over that of '94 and pre- recognized the new buying potential of The amount of advertising spent by dicts that total Hispanic ad spending in Hispanics and boosted their overall ad U.S. companies on Hispanic TV all media will top $1 billion. budgets. The biggest single jump came last year grew by nearly 22 %, "Over the past five to six years there's from Chicago -based Montgomery accounting for almost half of the $953 been a real acceptance among the differ- Ward, which increased its spending million spent to reach the Hispanic ent clients of going into the Hispanic from $1.3 million to $5.2 million. market, according to Hispanic Busi- marketplace. Now the new growth area Sears, Roebuck & Co.'s Hispanic -ad ness magazine. is the whole concept of Latin America," spending rose 86 %, from $5 million in TV spending- network, national says Tom Morrison, vice president of 1993 to $9.3 million, moving it from and local -jumped 21.9 %, from affiliate sales, GEMS Television. 13 to 6 on the list of top 50 Hispanic $372.6 million in 1993 to $454.2 mil- Who advertises on Hispanic TV? advertisers. Other companies with lion in 1994. The '94 total was split Virtually the same companies that run healthy boosts in ad dollars included between network/national ($240.8 mil- ads on English -speaking TV. Philip Morris, Coca -Cola Co., Ford lion) and local ($213.4 million). "It's every major advertiser out Motor Co. and Quaker Oats Co. San Francisco/San Jose, Calif., was there. Look at ABC, NBC and CBS The next step for advertisers, say the fastest- growing market for Hispan- and virtually every advertiser you see executives: Hispanic cable TV. "Cable ic TV advertising. As the area's His- on the air with those guys is now is really emerging in the U.S. for the panic population has increased so has involved with Hispanic markets," says Hispanic household," says Morrison. its TV media spending, jumping nearly Morrison. "You're looking at Colgate - "Up until a year ago, Telemundo, Uni- 60% last year. Palmolive, Coke, Pepsi, the banking vision and Galavision were the options Overall gross advertising expendi- industry; it literally goes the full as far as buying advertising. The His- tures in the Hispanic media market gamut." panic agencies are really looking to increased $123 million, from $829.6 The biggest Hispanic -ad spenders in cable much like the Anglo ad agencies million to $952.8 million, a 15% 1994 included consumer product com- have done on the other side by looking increase over 1993. Not all the ad dol- panies, national retailers and communi- at networks like Lifetime and ESPN." lars went to TV: National and local cations companies. Procter & Gamble Companies are now developing a radio accounted for a combined $290.2 topped the list at $37.6 million, spend- pan -regional concept of advertising, million. ing almost twice as much as the num- says Morrison, looking for networks And with Hispanic consumer spend- ber -two company, AT &T, which was a with distribution in both the U.S. and ing in the U.S. projected to be $260 bil- distant second with $19.2 million. Latin America. lion for 1995, advertisers are likely to Rounding out the top five were The watershed year for Latin Amer- invest even more in Hispanic TV next McDonald's Corp., $9.6 million; ica TV advertising was 1993. "GEMS year. The reason: Major U.S. advertis- Anheuser- Busch, $10.4 million, and was the fifth network going into Latin ers now see Hispanic cable as a viable Colgate -Palmolive, $9.6 million. America in 1993. Today there are over vehicle for their campaigns. Hispanic National retailers Sears, J.C. Pen- 60," Morrison says.

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By Donna Petrozzello barely achieved a 2.0 rat- helped by surveying ing with a format of var- more Hispanic house- Hispanic radio stations are earning ied Spanish music, Alon- holds in urban areas. devoted audiences and top rat- so says. "Part of KLVE'S success ings in major markets as Spanish- In Los Angeles, Span- is the accuracy of Arbi- language music programers cater to ish ballad KLVE(FM) tron," he says. distinct listener niches. ranked second in the In a recent report on In urban markets such as New York, market, with a 4.8 rating, Hispanic radio listeners, Los Angeles and Miami, Spanish -lan- just behind contempo- Arbitron determined that guage music stations earned ratings rary hit KPW(FM). In the population of His- equivalent to-and in some cases sur- Miami, Spanish ballad panics in the U.S. has passing- English -language adult con- WMA(FM) ranked sec- increased from 22 mil- temporary stations, according to Arbi- ond in its market, with a lion in 1990 to 27 mil- tron's latest summer 1995 survey. And 5.4 rating for summer Richard Heftel, president/ lion in 1995. Arbitron across the country, leading Hispanic 1995, up from a 2.0 rat- general manager, KrNO(AM)- predicts that by 2000 the stations have tailored their formats to ing for summer 1994 KwE(FM) Los Angeles population will swell to specialize in Tejano, banda, salsa or when the station programed a broader 33 million. Arbitron also found that merengue music to match the Mexican Spanish -music format. And in San 45% of Hispanics prefer Spanish -lan- or Caribbean heritage of Hispanic lis- Antonio, Tex., Tejano- formatted Kx N- guage formats over all others. teners in their markets. FM, owned by Hispanic broadcaster As a result, Arbitron has increased Hispanic programers say that Tichenor Media Systems, swept its the number of diaries sent to Hispanic redefining Spanish -language music market with a 9.9 rating in the latest households in proportion to the growing formats to fit their niche audience has summer survey. Hispanic population and is using bilin- increased the time Hispanics spend lis- "Spanish radio has definitely gual interviewers and written material tening to their stations and has ushered arrived," Alonso says. "Spanish radio for Spanish -speaking respondents. in the next era of Spanish- language is now formatted to compete in the Responding to the increasingly radio. general market. Spanish broadcasters strong presence of Spanish -language "We are learning how to make sta- now don't want to be just the number - stations in major markets, Katz Com- tions have more appeal to their target one Spanish station in the market, they munications Inc. has dedicated a divi- audience," says Bill Tanner, vice pres- want to be the number -one station in sion of its national rep service to His- ident of programing for Heftel Broad- the market, period." panic radio. casting. "We're seeing a splintering of The ratings success of KLVE and Kathleen Bohan, director of research the format much the way contemporary WSKQ -FM is especially notable consid- and marketing for Katz Hispanic hit radio has developed. Now you have ering that Los Angeles's population is Media, which represents national ad rhythmic Top 40, alternative Top 40 40% Hispanic and New York's popula- sales for stations owned by SBS and and hot Top 40. I think you'll see the tion is about 25% Hispanic, according Tichenor, says the "Hispanic popula- same thing happening in Spanish." to U.S. Census Bureau statistics. Both tion is being recognized as an impor- "If you look at Spanish radio three or stations earned ratings comparable to tant factor." four years ago, it was trying to reach all those of English -language stations that The Interep Radio Store, whose Hispanics with a varied format that was program to the majority, not minority, national sales rep list includes Heftel's not targeted to any specific group," segment of their market. Spanish -language stations, recently says Alfredo Alonso, vice president/ Broadcasters contend that although merged with Caballero Spanish Media general manager of Spanish Broadcast- the number of Hispanic listeners in to become one of its full- service rep ing System's New York division. "The their markets has remained stable dur- firms. The alliance brings under way we look at broadcasting today is ing the past few years, format changes Interep's umbrella 140 Spanish -lan- different. Instead of trying to be a little to their stations have encouraged His- guage stations with combined annual bit for everyone out there, we're much panics to listen to the stations longer, billings of $30 million. more niche -targeted." which translates into better ratings. Hispanic broadcasters agree that Niche targeting apparently has paid "The broadcasters are doing a better their ratings success has to begin to off. In Arbitron's summer survey, job at delivering a quality product that translate into greater attention from Spanish dance formatted WSKQ -FM people can listen to for longer periods of advertisers and increased ad revenue. New York earned a 4.7 rating and tied time," says Richard Heftel, president of Alonso contends optimistically that for fourth place in the market with KnvQ(AM)/KLVE Los Angeles. "success in the ratings is still far ahead mainstream soft adult contemporary As Spanish -language formats are of success in ad revenues, but the rev- WLTW(FM). Two years ago, WSKQ -FM evolving, Heftel says, Arbitron has enues are starting to pick up."

76 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable Turner gets $40 million third -quarter boost / 78 fX won't get sports makeover / 82 November 13, 1995

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Chairman and CEO Jones International, Ltd.

77 ßnß0

TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM 3Q Turner Broadcasting (Figures in thousands) Advertising Revenue 3Q 1995 3Q 1994 gets 3rd -quarter boost TBS 5104,296 576,527 TNT 55,726 45,803 Earnings up $45 million over year ago Cartoon Network 5,429 2,764 year CNN 49,807 51,360 Headline News 19,782 18,312 By Rich Brown cable networks contributed to CNN International 11,581 8,979 Turner's gains for the quarter. Intl Entertainment Nets' 1,793 1,427 Strong gains by the Turner Broad- the majority of the increase in Subscription Revenue 3Q 1995 3Q 1994 was the casting networks helped boost revenue tied to syndi- TNT $112,757 $98,198 company earnings to $40 million cation of Seinfeld. The hit Cartoon Network 6,215 4,343 for third quarter 1995, representing a series, produced by Turner - Turner Classic Movies 4,696 1,655 $45 million increase over a $5 million owned production company CNN 57,552 53,277 loss in the same period last year. Castle Rock, helped boost Headline News 4,811 4,744 Advertising revenue for the enter- third -quarter syndication fees CNN International 13,410 9,519 tainment networks increased $40 mil- to $199 million. Intl Entertainment Nets* 9,885 7,316 lion, or 32 %, excluding ad revenue The company's news ser- 'Consists of TNT Latin America, Cartoon Latin tied to the 1994 Goodwill Games. Ad vices, which covered the cele- America, TNT & Cartoon Network Europe and revenue rose as a result of higher brated O.J. Simpson trial dur- TNT & Cartoon Network Asia, when applicable. prices and increased viewership for ing the quarter, saw revenue Source: Turner Broadcasting (unaudited numbers) company -owned networks like TBS rise to $ 177 million during the and TNT. Subscription revenue rose quarter. The gain represented an 8% Total company revenue was $1 bil- by $22 million, or 20 %, due to higher boost over $163 million for the same lion for the third quarter versus $739 rates and an increase in subscribers. quarter last year. Propelling growth million for the same period last year. Entertainment segment revenue dur- was an increased number of sub- Turner released its third -quarter results ing the third quarter rose to $772 mil- scribers to the news services here and as the company awaits regulatory and

lion, a 43% boost over $542 million for I abroad as well as improved interna- shareholder approval of its $7.5 billion the same period last year. While the tional advertising revenue. merger with Time Warner. Playboy pay per view is hopping Entertainment group posts profits, thanks in part to 45% pay -TV revenue boost By Rich Brown remote control. English says he can't reveal buy rates for Playboy on the Direct broadcast satellite sub- DBS services, but that it is safe to say scribers are helping Playboy TV's the user -friendly technology is produc- buy rates to multiply like rabbits. ing buy rates better than Playboy's Orders for Playboy TV by DBS cus- average of 10 %. Playboy's strong per- tomers helped Playboy's Entertain- formance on DIRECTV prompted the ment Group post a $1.2 million profit DBS service earlier this fall to expand for the quarter ended Sept. 30, 1995, Playboy TV carriage from 10 hours to versus a $1 million loss for the same 24 hours daily. period last year. Playboy's domestic In addition to significant direct -to- pay -TV revenue during the quarter home growth during the quarter ended rose to $9.4 million, a 45% boost over Sept. 30, Playboy TV's numbers grew the same period last year. as a result of a 16% increase in average Playboy TV's direct -to -home rev- pay -per -view buy rates over the same enue alone grew to $10 million for the period last year. The average buy rate fiscal year ended June 30, a 64% boost was 10% for the quarter (including the over the previous year. The company's conversion of 340,000 monthly sub- direct -to -home sales include distribu- Pamela Anderson on Playboy scribers who do not order Playboy TV tion via high -power DBS services on a pay -per -view basis). DmEcry and Primestar as well as direct describing the DBS carriage. He says Buy rates are growing as distribution and retail sales to the backyard -dish DBS now offers the most effective continues to build. Playboy TV's avail- market. platform for ordering Playboy TV ability grew to 10.9 million address- "It's a very important lift to our busi- because viewers do not have to phone able cable households as of Sept. 30, ness," says Jim English, president, in their order and can instead request up 10% from the end of the first quarter Playboy Networks Worldwide, the program by a simple click of the last year and 3% from the end of the

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6OOd Medicine For Ymir Bottom Lim) second adult PPV channel, AdulTVi- Rainbow cool to hot programing sion, is expected to reach at least the break -even mark in fiscal 1996. Play- If cable programing giant Rainbow Programming wants to launch its own boy launched the second channel in adult service, it will get the chance in spring 1996. July 1995 to complement its Playboy A 10- year -old non -compete agreement between Rainbow and Playboy TV channel and to protect against com- will expire April 30, 1996, thereby enabling Rainbow to launch an adult ser- petitive pressures from other adult vice. As of last week, however, a Rainbow spokesperson said the compa- channels. The adult movie channel is ny fast PPV had no plans to enter the -growing adult business. now available to 1.1 million cable Playboy in 1986 had assumed marketing and distribution responsibili- addressable homes and to the direct -to- ties for The Playboy Channel and other North American Playboy pay -TV home market. products from Rainbow. Under the terms of the deal, Rainbow has Internationally, Playboy this month received a monthly royalty of 5% of revenue received by Playboy for the is rolling out a marketing and subscrip- service, subject to a minimum royalty based on number of subscribers. tion campaign in the United Kingdom The royalty was to be payable until April 30, 1991, if Rainbow had received for its fledgling overseas network. The payments of $15 million by that date, or April 30, 1996, if that level was not premium service, Playboy's first over- reached by April 30, 1991 (it wasn't). seas TV network, is a partnership with Rainbow, the programing arm of the sixth -largest multiple cable system Flextech (which is majority owned by a operator, Cablevision Systems Corp., owns a broad portfolio of program- subsidiary of TCI and British Sky ing services, including American Movie Classics and several regional Broadcasting). sports networks. -RB Playboy last month launched a channel in Japan in partnership with previous quarter. The service is also 1.5 million households via DIRECTV Tohokushinsha Film Corp. and was in available to about 3.7 million direct -to- and Primestar). several meetings at MW to discuss fur- home households (including roughly Playboy TV executives say their ther global expansion. Fx won't get sports makeover Original charter for channel still holds, says Sweeney By Jim McConville sports network "sepa- haven't done the exer- rate from fX," she says. cise yet to figure what F. is getting a major league play- When first reported, the programing in er with the addition of profes- the Fox /Liberty deal 1997 looks like," she sional baseball to its programing was described as con- says. "We need to get mix, but contrary to initial indications, verting fX into a to that in the next cou- parent Fox has no plans to remake the national platform ple of weeks." channel in the wake of its recent for Fox's MLB The network's live sports deals. games, with fX pro- schedule allows fX flexi- Tele- Communications Inc. pro- graming to be jettisoned to bilty in setting up its baseball graming arm Liberty Media and make room for sports. telecasts. "We have a unique ability 's News Corp. are "There's been a lot of confusion the to do more with baseball to run the partnering to form a cable sports pro- last two weeks that fX was being trans- games and a pregame show," says graming network to compete world- formed or converted into a sports net- Sweeney. "We can be setting it up at wide with Capital Cities /ABC owned work," says Sweeney. "The answer to breakfast time, during our live chan- ESPN (BROADCASTING & CABLE, Nov. that is clearly no." nel hosting during the day or by 6). In addition, Fox has just sewn up a FX, she says, will fit baseball into its inserting baseball news during our rights deal for Major League Baseball overall schedule and probably won't live news updates." through 2000. need to cut its programing. The Fox/Liberty pairing will give DC As part of the new deal, fX will tele- Fox's original vision has always a better position from which to pursue vise two MLB games a week national- been to build DC into a general enter- rights for other sports as well as for ly starting in 1997. But adding baseball tainment network that includes sports. syndicated programing, which now won't be at the expense of the net- "It's always been part of the vision that makes up roughly two -thirds of its pro- work's slate of original and syndicated we would provide distinctive original gram grid, says Sweeney. entertainment programing, says Anne programing, high -quality acquisitions For now, she says, fX will keep Sweeney, chairman /CEO of DC net- and sports," Sweeney says. "It was acquiring syndicated properties, pursu- work. Sports, she says, has always always there; we were always trying to ing them as they become available to been part of the overall plan. get sports -MLB is the first." national cable. Programing to be added The Liberty /Fox deal calls for Adding baseball means shifting to fX in 1997 includes off -network putting Liberty's regional sports pro- around DC's weekly schedule. Sweeney episodes of ABC's NYPD Blue, sched- graming under the Fox Sports banner says fX has a large window for live uled to begin on the channel next Sep- and launching another basic cable programing built into its schedule. "We tember.

82 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable AFTER

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*formerly Broadcasting Magazine Source: Broadcasting & Cable Readership Study, December, 1994. Conducted by AHF Marketing Research, Inc. CBS/Group W may get retrans boost Group W channels could benefit from CBS retrans status

By Jim McConville with a retransmission consent deal, carriage for CMT and Z Music was while ABC (ESPN), NBC (America's part of their post- merger plans. CBS's proposed merger with Talking) and Fox (fX) have successful- "It's really up to what [CBS] decides Westinghouse may help the new ly negotiated retransmission consent to do strategically next year," says company gain an advantage in deals for their cable networks. Mark Harrington, senior vice president, retransmission consent negotiations CBS last August told cable systems it new media, for CBS. "You'll know with cable operators. had tabled retransmission consent talks once Westinghouse and CBS decide If the Westinghouse /CBS deal goes until next year, granting a one -year what their strategic vision of cable is." through early next year, Group W may extension in the seven markets where it Steve Hildebrant, chief counsel for be able to exploit CBS's retransmis- owns stations: Los Angeles, New York, Westinghouse, says Group W "looks sion consent status to gain better cable Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami, Min- forward to working with cable systems carriage for Westinghouse -owned neapolis and Green Bay, Wis. to get a successful retransmission deal Gaylord Entertainment's Country John Tinker, financial analyst, Fur- with regard to the CBS stations." Music Television, The Nashville Net- man Selz, says landing a retransmis- Frank Bodenchak, financial analyst work or Z Music, a Christian /gospel sion deal for the channels is "one possi- for Furman Selz, says CBS might be music cable network Gaylord has the bility" Group W /CBS could pursue. taking a gamble trying to leverage better option to acquire. Tinker says it is more likely they would carriage for Westinghouse's cable prop- More than two years after broadcast- go after better carriage for Z Music, erties. "Given CBS's current network ers gained the right to compensation which has more growth potential. health, I'm not sure how aggressive they from cable operators for carriage of CBS and Group W executives can be, given [that] they have essential- their signals, CBS has yet to come up declined to say whether pursuing better ly been shut out in the past." Split decision on Bowe/Holyfield buys Presence, then absence, of Tyson competition may have taken toll; TVKO says buys were beyond expectations

By Jim McConville buy volume expected." 2.4% buy rate with That compares with approximately 650,000 Mike Tyson and fight promoter an estimated 4.8 buy pay -per -view buys. Don King may have gotten the rate, or approximately "We believe that if last word after all. 1,190,000 PPV homes, [TVKO] had achieved The final irony in the Nov. 4 pay- for Showtime Event 500,000 buys under per -view heavyweight battle between Television's Tyson - these unique set of cir- the Mike Tyson- Buster Mathis Jr. McNeely fight last cumstances, that would fight on Fox and Time Warner's August, according to TVKO have been successful. TVKO Riddick Bowe-Evander Holy - Gould Media. That Six hundred fifty thou- field PPV fight may be that TVKO fight generated an estimated $51.2 mil- sand buys is well beyond the expecta- could have pulled in better buy rates if lion with a $43 average pay -per -view tions that we have been looking at for Tyson's fight hadn't been canceled at price. three months," Taffed says. the last minute. Gould says the most recent buys Taffed attributes TVKO's buy At least that's the word from Barry represent the estimated "half million increase to a last- minute surge "specif- Gould, president of Gould Media, a diehard boxing fans" who buy all ically relating to the cancellation of the market research firm that tracks PPV pay -per -view heavyweight fights. Tyson fight." sports events. "Tyson pulling out hurt Backyard C -band satellite dish own- On the eve of the fight Seth Abra- the buy rates," he said last week. "The ers may push the figure toward ham, president of Time Warner Sports, last -minute change threw everyone 600,000 when a final buy rate figure had predicted roughly 700,000 pay - into a state of confusion about what is available, he says. per -view buys. fight was canceled and not canceled." Mark Taffed, senior vice president, Gould says TVKO might have Gould estimates that the fight scored TVKO, says the figure already goes reached that number if it had had no a nationwide average buy rate of 2.1, or higher than that. other competition at the outset and had approximately 550,000 pay -per -view Based on 16.5 million households marketed the fight differently. "Obvi- buys. In addition, he said, "the rate card reported out of a potential universe of ously, if the TVKO fight had been of the fight was less than normal, giv- 27 million addressable subscribers, scheduled without another fight, it ing them less to keep based on the low Time Warner estimates it scored a would have been marketed another

84 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable way, resulting in a higher buy rate," he But Michael Klein, vice president of that would be a little fearful of doing a says. "It could have gone to 800,000 programing for pay -per -view operator heavy promotion [given] the fact that buys if it had been pushed heavily by Viewer's Choice, says his company's there would be a fight on free TV at the the cable operators." marketing efforts were "as full force as same time." Given all the obstacles TVKO had to any other pay -per -view event. We still "Between cross -channel spots and deal with, Gould called his 550,000 did a heavy, concentrated marketing our barker channel, we treated it pretty estimate "a tremendous amount of effort and encouraged cable operators much like any other major pay -per- buys at $40 a buy." to do the same." view event," says Barry Rosenblum, The two -fight conflict likely resulted Klein says scheduling two fights at general manager, Time Warner Cable, in cable operators spending half of the same time might have stymied New York City. Rosenblum says what they normally do on marketing a some operators' marketing efforts. TVKO's fight netted "average results," PPV fight. says Gould. "Clearly there might be some operators as had been expected.


Playing golf Cablevision's next step in its plan to rently directs a staff of 30 Atlanta - complete a News 12 Metro -New based international assignment edi- The Golf Channel has signed a distri- York ring from networks in Long tors and oversees CNN's 20 interna- bution agreement with cable system Island, New Jersey, Connecticut and tional bureaus. Intermedia Partners. Intermedia, Westchester County markets. partly owned by Telecommunica- Subscription revenue up tions Inc., has roughly 600,000 sub- -Fi scribers in 11 states: Tennessee, Sci high Subscription TV revenue totaled North Carolina, South Carolina, Sci -Fi Channel in Europe premiered $22.7 billion in 1994, a 10.6% rise over 1993, according to the just - Georgia, Maryland, Illinois, Min- on Nov. 1 with the highest first -day nesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, California average ratings of any ad- supported released 13th Annual Communica- and . channel launched in the United King- tions Industry Report by Veronis, dom during the past three years, Suhler & Associates. Overall operat- Round one according to BSkyB Research sup- ing income margins was 16.4% in 1994, down three points from the HBO Sports will televise a double- plied by USA Networks. The channel previous year. Overall segment per- header of World Championship Box- received a 1.8 rating in total multi- formance was slowed by reduced ing live at 7 p.m. ET on Saturday, channel homes (cable and satellite) rates from FCC regulations, contin- Nov. 18, from the Convention Center during its premiere night with a line- ued deceleration in penetration in Atlantic City. The HBO en up featuring "Apollo 13: The Real growth and high costs of expansion Espanol broadcast team will call the Story" and "Star Trek II" in growing segments like SMATV action for the fight. The boxing spe- and wireless cable. cial will feature welterweight fighters Sesno replaces Headline Pernell Whitaker vs. Jake Rodriguez CNN veteran Frank Sesno has been HBO Aces high and Felix Trinidad vs. Larry Barnes. named Washington bureau chief for the cable news network, replacing Home Box Office tops the list of win- Free TV Bill Headline. Sesno, who joined ners in the Craft and International cat- Primestar by TCI, the division of CNN 11 years ago and has served as egories of the 17th Annual CableACE Tek- Communications Inc. that dis- executive editor of the bureau for the Awards with nine honors. Also win- tributes Primestar direct broadcast past year, steps into his new post Jan. ning honors are Showtime (4); TNT satellite (DBS), will conduct a live 1, 1996. Headline, who served in the (3); A &E, Comedy Central and The national press conference to bureau chief post for 12 years, will Disney Channel (2 each); The Discov- announce its commitment to provid- continue as a CNN vice president. ery Channel, The Learning Channel, ing free educational services to rural, Headline will be responsible for a Lifetime and MTV (1 each). The inner -city and other schools where number of special projects including Craft and International Awards recog- cable is unavailable. Part of the pro- work with CNN's Special Events nize directing, writing and editing as gram will connect free of charge to unit. Included in the Washington well as other craft categories and educational research resources not reorganization is the promotion of international programing. They will available to them. The press confer- Peggy Soucy to deputy bureau chief be honored at a VIP reception prior to ence will be Nov. 14, at 9:30 a.m. ET. and chief of Washington Bureau the live CableACE telecast Dec. 2. news operations. In other shifts, News expansion CNN's senior vice president for Let's eat CableVision Systems Corp., through international newsgathering, Eason Kathy Najimy, Mo Gaffney, Kevin its subsidiary Rainbow Programming Jordan, has been named to head Nealon and Sander Vanocur have Holdings, will expand its News 12 CNN International. He replaces Peter signed as anchors for Let's Make Westchester operations to 24 hours a Vesey, a 16-year CNN veteran who Sure Everybody Eats 95, a hunger day, seven days a week, starting is leaving at the end of the year to relief telethon airing live on TV Food Nov. 13. News 12 Westchester's start an unspecified new business. Network on Nov. 19 at 6 p.m. -mid- expansion to an all -news channel is Jordan joined CNN in 1982 and cur- night ET. -RB, IM

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 85 WORLDWIRE

Following complaints from UK cable operators, the Office of Fair Trading has ordered that the Disney Channel, which debuted in the UK on Oct. 1, be offered on a "non- exclusive" basis. The channel is now offered to BSkyB cable and satellite subscribers who also take the two top movie channels. Disney officials will meet with cable operators to hammer out new supply agreements. Aiming to get more Scottish fare on British screens, Scottish Tele- vision is planning to launch a cable channel early next year. The Scot- tish Channel will draw on STV programing.

Turner International says it has cut a deal to supply China's Min- istry of Radio Film and Television with 50 movies and a block of Car- toon Network programing for unnamed satellite services. Sources in Beijing say the programing probably will be used on CCTV's upcoming pay movie channel, which will launch when AsiaSat -2 goes up in late November or early December. The announcement that News Corp. and TCI International will com- bine forces to create a global sports programing entity (BROADCASTING & CABLE, Nov. 6) has left the Asian Broadcasting Union's planned Asian Sports Channel without a global partner. TCI's Prime Interna- tional was to lead the service with cash and expertise. but is now firm- ly wedded to Star TV's channel. Supporters of ASC are We help thought to have opened negotiations with ESPN Asia. kids with -By special correspondents Michael Katz and Anna Carugata asthma breathe PEOPLE'S CHOICE: TOP CABLE SHOWS easier. Following are the top 15 basic cable programs for the week of Oct. 30 -Nov. 5, ranked by households tun- ing in. The cable- network ratings are percentages of the total households each network reaches. The U.S. ratings are percentages of the 95.9 million households with TV sets. Source: Nielsen Media Research. So their HHs. Rating Program Network Time (ET) (000) Cable U.S. parents can, 1. NFL Regular Season ESPN Sun 8:OOp 6,902 10.3 7.2 2. Pro Football Post ESPN Sun 10:49p 5,791 8.6 6.0 too. 3. CFA College Football ESPN Thu 7:57p 4,097 6.1 4.3 The American Lung Association 4. McLintock TNT Sun 8:OOp 3142 4.8 3.3 fights lung disease by helping 5. NFL Sports Center ESPN Sun 10:50p 2,764 4.1 2.9 6. Roadhouse TNT Wed 8:OOp 2,600 4.0 2.7 kids and their parents control 7. Rugrats NICK Sun 10:OOa 2,313 3.6 2.4 asthma. Call 1- 800 -LUNG -USA 8. Doug NICK Wed 7:OOp 2,226 3.4 2.3 to learn more. 9. Silk Stalkings USA Sun 10:OOp 2,166 3.3 2.3 Because...when you can't 10. Rugrats NICK Sat 8:30a 2,164 3.3 2.3 breathe, nothing else matters' 11. America's Funniest Videos TBS Wed 7:35p 2,097 3.1 2.2 12. Aaahh!!! Real Monsters NICK Sun 10:30a 2,091 3.2 2.2 13. Rugrats NICK Wed 6:30p 2,086 3.2 2.2 14. The Ren & Stimpy Show NICK Sun 11:OOa 2,065 3.2 2.2 15. Rockos Modern Life NICK Sun 6:OOp 2,061 3.2 2.1 tAMERICAN Following are the top five pay cable programs for the week of Oct. 30 -Nov. 5, ranked by households tun- LUNG ing in. Source: Nielsen Media Research. ASSOCIATION® 1. Movie 'Forrest Gump' HBO Sat 8:OOp 5,235 21.8 5.5 2. Movie 'Hard to Kill' HBO Sun 8:OOp 2,059 8.6 2.1 3. Movie 'Rage' HBO Fri 10:OOp 1,996 8.3 2.1 1- 800 -LUNG -USA 4. Movie 'Maverick' HBO Sat 10:30p 1,974 8.2 2.1 5. Movie 'Natural Born Killers' HBO Sun 10:15p 1,833 7.6 1.9

86 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable DG Systems transmits new Garth Brooks single to radio stations / 88 New SeaChange server designed for ads, movies, / 89 November 13, 1995

r Stanley S. Hubbard ¡ Chairman and CEO Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc.

87 CM.51.JÛ o o gbY "In order to distribute music you need a significant share," McGee says. "Now that we have a lot of stations Garth goes digi online, I do see a lot of future activity with record companies." DG Systems delivers latest Brooks release simultaneously McGee says that the delivery time for to radio stations across the country a standard -length single of just over three minutes falls between nine and 10 By Glen Dickson minutes. Since the system's automation allows it to receive digital audio packets When Capitol Records rolled out unattended, DG probably will distribute the latest Garth Brooks release song releases overnight, she says. Sta- last week, it didn't rely on tion technicians can then download the overnight mail to distribute CDs packet to the recording medium of their nationwide. Instead, "The Fever" was choice in the morning. (For reference, distributed simultaneously over the DG the system can deliver 24 sixty- second Systems digital network, which pro- spots in one hour.) vides digital ad distribution to more Phyllis Gordon, continuity manager than 3,500 radio stations in the U.S. for the four Shamrock stations in San and Canada. Francisco, says that KSAN -FM received Capitol Nashville will use the DG net- the Brooks single without a hitch. In work to debut three more tracks from fact, a new employe was trained on the Brooks's "Fresh Horses" album on Nov. system the day before so that KSAN -FM 20; the album will be released nation- The first single from Garth Brooks's new would be ready to download the spot wide the next day. MCA Records was album was digitally delivered. from its terminal at dawn. the first "We played it on the morning show record com- seconds after we got it," says Gordon. pany to use Haooww Capitol Records ships "I was talking to the music director y fulfillment pieces to DG the ISDN net- otthee Systems Universal about this, and we agree that's it's very work (inte- Works Distribution Center (UDC) exciting. If you want to break some-

grated ser- The UDC sends thing at the same time all over the vices digital fulfillment pieces country, you can do this -and you to radio stations network) for DG Systems don't have to worry about FedEx get- a song release faxes confirmations ting there in a snowstorm." Capitol Records to Capitol Records with the Sept. transmits Garth NOC Brooks' The Fever 2 debut of to OG Systems' Reba McEn- Network Operations Center (NOC) tire's "On My The NOC electronically transmits The Fever Canada issues Own." to radio stations One of the DAR decree promotional Radio Stations Canada took another step toward benefits of Radio receive and Stations broadcast implementing digital audio radio using the dig- The Fever ital network (DAR) broadcasting, as the for song re- Canadian Radio -Television and leases is that the record company can MCI handles the long-distance carriage Telecommunications Commis- guarantee that every station in the coun- to the regional operating companies in sion (CRTC) announced that it try will receive the song at the same the destination cities. will begin granting three -year time, without the vagaries of mail deliv- "Distribution the DG way adds a DAR licenses to simulcast pro- ery. For the Brooks release, all DG affil- whole new twist to new music promo- graming using the Eureka -147 iates had the song downloaded onto tion," says Bill Catino, senior vice system. All current AM and FM their system for use by 5:30 a.m. With a president for Capitol Nashville. "By licensees will qualify for this "tran- sampling rate of 48 khz, the system providing a level playing field for all sitional license" and will be able to guarantees CD- quality sound upon stations, we can insure each country air their programing on the L -band delivery (production CDs are rated at music station gets the new Garth frequency. The CRTC aims to 44.1 khz). Brooks single at the same moment." develop a permanent licensing The San Francisco based company DG Systems Director of Marketing policy by the end of the three -year But uses Sun Microsystems workstations to Anne Marie McGee says that her corn - start -up period. questions receive and distribute digitized audio pany has considered supplementing its remain about whether L -band will packets from its Network Operations core business of ad distribution with ever be economically viable. Center; DG Systems provides propri- promotional releases since its start in since the U.S. market is likely to etary terminals to its clients that connect 1991. But only now has the DG net- approve a different DAR standard with the ISDN lines. PacBell is the local work reached a critical mass to make it requiring different receivers. -GD telco connection in San Francisco, while viable for record companies.

88 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable 7Ggi'n7GD08O07 SeaChange launches new server Targets cable ad insertion, infomercials and movies

By Glen Dickson SeaChange Technology eeking to build on its current share of the cable ad insertion Partial customer list market while moving into (number of installations)

and movie playback, Cable ADCOM (1) SeaChange Technology has introduced Cable Advertising of Metro Atlanta (1) the Video Server 100, a scalable sys- Central Oregon Cable Advertising (1) tem featuring the Microsoft Windows Coaxial Communications (1) NT operating system, Intel Pentium - Colony Communications (4) based architecture and MPEG -2 corn - Comcast (3) The SeaChange VideoServer 100 pression. Continental Cablevision (13) Time Warner CityCable in New Cox CableRep Advertising (7) insertion, one for infomercials," he York and United Video Satellite Indianapolis Interconnect (1) says. Group's Prevue Network have ordered Jones Intercable Communications (1) Because the system is scalable, the new system. CityCable will use the MCl/Horizon (2) McGrath also sees it being used for Video Server 100 to expand the capa- Scripps Howard (1) movie playback in an NVOD applica- bility of its existing SeaChange digital St. Louis Interconnect (1) tion: "The kind of systems that I'd envi- ad insertion system, while Prevue plans TCl/CableAdnet (4) sion out there would be 20 channels of to incorporate the unit into a much Time Warner (12) standard ad insertion, one or two chan- larger digital file server network, using TKR (1) nels of local origination, one channel it to launch ancillary services (such as Source: SeaChange Technology playing infomercials or maybe receiv- cross -channel promotion) over its ing a satellite channel, and 10 or 20 satellite -based distribution network. says. "This is much more oriented to channels of near, video -on- demand." According to Ed McGrath, master control, as the new system has CityCable has been using SeaChange vice president of engineer- consolidated storage into a server prod- SeaChange's original system to distrib- ing, the Video Server 100 represents a uct itself. That makes it more cost - ute spots via a fiber ring around New departure in architecture and philoso- effective for infomercials, near- video- York City, channeling different spots phy from SeaChange's original ad on- demand, time delay and long -form to the mini -interconnects in Manhat- insertion system, which spread system programing." tan, Brooklyn and Queens. Although storage and control among cable head - McGrath says cable systems that are the existing SeaChange platform pro- ends. The new system will store 1,200 moving into locally originated pro- vides for 16 channels of digital ad spots at a central server. graming like news inserts or infomer- insertion, adding the Video Server 100 "Our current product is very distrib- cials want one server to be able to han- will provide 24 more channels of spots uted -all the sites we've gone into dle ads and programing. "They don't and will allow CityCable to achieve have multiple locations," McGrath want to have two encoders, one for ad distribution parity in its three zones. Broadcom and HP form set-top team

Broadcom Corp. has introduced the QAMlink digital cated fixed -frequency, 2 transmission chip, which will be used in Hewlett - mbps control channel, which Packard's new KAYAK set -top system as part of a allows cable operators to strategic alliance between the two companies. The new individually address sub- chip handles a number of set -top functions in an effort to scriber set -top boxes with reduce the number of chips in digital set -top boxes and multitier service options and thus lower manufacturing costs. pay -per -view programing. Broadcom s BCM 3115 The BCM3115 QAMlink dual -channel receiver with The KAYAK system will module forward error correction (FEC) integrates 64/256 QAM be the first digital set -top demodulation, concatenated Viterbi /Reed -Solomon cable box to use the BCM3115. "For set -top TV boxes to be FEC, QPSK demodulation, adaptive equalization and mainstream in the consumer market, a level of integration de-interleaver RAM in a single, high -performance CMOS must be met to bring down chip costs," says Bill Hahn, chip. In 64 -QAM mode, the BCM3115 enables a stan- operations manager, HP's Home Products Dvision. Orders dard 6 mhz analog channel to carry 30 megabits per sec- for KAYAK include 750,000 from TCI, 150,000 from Corn- ond of digital data; in 256 -QAM mode it carries digital cast and 100,000 from Cox Cable. To support these initial data at a rate of 40 mbps. orders, HP has committed to purchase 500,000 of the new The QPSK receiver feature in the chip provides a dedi- chips from Broadcom. -GD

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 89 uwougG?Ouo 4 y agree that with cable operators also moving toward the MPEG -2 standard CLI completes (and DBS services growing rapidly), set -top boxes for both services could eventually get a little cheaper due to economies of scale. For now, the DBS conversion DBS services are leading the price curve. MPEG -2 encoding up and running at DIRECTV and USSB "The whole world is settling on MPEG -2, and that will drive the digital viewing experience for everyone to a By Glen Dickson Butterworth, DIRECTV executive vice higher common ground," says Butter- president. Butterworth says that com- worth. Labs Inc. (CLI) pared with the MPEG -1 encoders pre- announced last week that it has viously used, the new encoders provide Compressioncompleted the MPEG -2 conver- "a clear performance advantage" with sion of all the digital encoding systems high- motion programing such as bas- for Thomson Consumer Electronics in ketball. The upgraded compression ASC feeds the broadcast centers of DBS providers performance of MPEG -2 also will DIRECTV and USSB. allow DIRECTv to add more channels in The deployment of encoders repre- the future. Fox to Latin sents the largest installation of MPEG -2 Robert Hubbard, USSB executive encoding equipment in the world, with vice president, says that although the roughly 200 and 50 Magnitude switch has been mostly "transparent to America encoders, respectively, being installed the consumer" in terms of picture in the DIRECTv Castle Rock Broadcast quality, the move to MPEG -2, com- By Glen Dickson Center in Colorado and the USSB Oak bined with statistical multiplexing, has Dale Broadcast Center in Minnesota. given USSB "the opportunity for more Fox Broadcasting is using ASC While financial terms of the MPEG -2 channels," such as pay -per -view Audio Video Corp.'s Virtual conversion were not disclosed, the events. Recorder to feed commercials and installation boosts CLI's total contract Since the Thomson set -top boxes music videos to the Fox Latin Ameri- with Thomson (which includes the ini- that decode the DBS signals are can Channel (FLAC), replacing the tial MPEG -1 installation for launch) to already MPEG-2 compliant, the con- tape -based system used in the past. Fox $16 million. version means no change in the oper- prepares five and a half hours of mate- "It's a culmination of the plan we ating requirements for consumers. rial -some 725 events-daily for each had well before our launch," says Bill But Butterworth and Hubbard did of two sites that feed the Latin Ameri- can Channel. The spots are loaded onto one VR system, configured in a a RAID archi- tecture with 14 hours of storage and Clint Eastwood Collection fir, driven by Sundance Digital's Fast - break controller. "Our uplink sites are in Florida and Mexico," says Gary Sprague, FoxNet's engineering director. FoxNet, Fox's domestic wide -area network service, also handles broadcast operations for FLAC. "We actually create breakreels on the Virtual Recorder. Instead of using a Betacart, we have a traffic schedule and create a breakreel from that, and it gets played back from Alo- mar automation software." Sprague says that although video- Videa creates high -end DRTV spots tape still is the standard for volume In order to make direct response television spots more effective, DRTV storage of material, hard disk is "the commercial producer Videa uses digital production and post -production way to go" for spot playback. techniques in the spots it creates for videotape merchandisers. Each side "Initially when we were doing tape - of each videocassette box that appears in a spot is captured with a digi- to -tape, it took 12 hours to compile tal camera and loaded into a computer graphics system. There it is com- spots for a 24 -hour day," says pletely retouched and color-corrected, and either composited over full - Sprague. "We've knocked that down motion video from the product being sold or manipulated into computer to four and a half hours, because you animations of the product. -GD don't have to deal with preroll and shuffling of tapes."

90 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Your ticket to industry news around the world.

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SATELLITE uttin FOOTPRINTS Sneak Prevue, the 24 -hour By Glen Dickson are members of the keyer; the framestore pay -per -view promotion chan- Widescreen TV European board stores the WB nel from Prevue Networks, is AT &T Microelectronics Platforms Union. Scott logo. The second switch - taking a big step toward the has introduced a line of Hancock. Unapix Interna- er has been installed into planned digital satellite deliv- single -chip MPEG -2 tional's managing direc- an upgraded digital edit ery of its signal in 1996. On demultiplexers that can tor, says there is consid- bay. Nov. 15, Sneak Prevue will be used in set -top boxes erable interest in the 16x9 switch its data feed, which for DBS, cable, VOD and format from several over- The new Emergency adds system- specific ordering, interactive TV applica- seas broadcast execu- Alert System is being titling and other information to tions. AT &T also dis- tives who viewed the tested today (Nov. 13) in the channel's laser disc -dri- closed that Nokia Satellite REBO programing at the Kansas City, Mo., by fed- ven video, from Satcom C4 to Systems will use the chip recent MIPCOM confer- eral agencies, broadcast- Galaxy V, transponder 7. in a digital set -top box it is ence in Cannes, France. ers and cable operators. The data has been carried providing for the German The new digital system on the subcarrier of the Sat- market. The MPEG -2 will alert residents of the corn C4 signal, which delivers System Layer Demulti- Kansas City area to both Prevue Channel to more than is - man 40 million homes. Prevue is plexer (MSLD) main / R weather and -made level, main -profile MPEG- emergencies faster than preparing to begin the digital 2 compliant and is the old two -tone EBS delivery of both Prevue Chan- designed to interoperate Attention Signal. Partici- nel and Sneak Prevue video with a variety of demodu- pants in the tests include and data next year. Chris LAUDERDALE lator devices, micro- MI ORT the National Weather Bourne, Prevue Networks processors and multiple Telezign has redesigned Service, KCMO- AM -FM, senior vice president of opera- MPEG video and audio the on -air look for KxTR(FM) and American tions, says the move of the decoders, including new Miami's WFOR -Tv. ch. 4. Cable System. The new data feed to Galaxy V will combined video /audio From the logo design to system, patterned after that conversion: '`By decoders. The chip news opens, Telezign (a NOAA Weather Radio's having the data for Sneak on a demultiplexes the incom- division of National Video Specific Area Message different satellite, we can be ing MPEG -2 transport Center) has combined Encoding, will be required certain our customers will layer data stream into live action, digital graph- at all broadcast stations experience no disruptions in separate audio, video and ics and 3 -D animation to and most cable systems their service while we begin system data streams, create a new image for as early as Jan. 1, 1997. testing our digital platform on which are then channeled the station. A "trans4m" the Satcom signal." to various processing effect introduces the sta- components in the tion's logo with morph - ABL Canada has intro- Global Access has been set -top box. like animation transitions, duced its DVT45 codec, awarded an exclusive one - and footage shot by designed to compress year contract by the Ohio Unapix Entertainment WFOR -TV blends with video for broadcast- quali- State University Medical Cen- has acquired extensive backgrounds shot in ty transmission over ter and the Ohio Medical Edu- worldwide broadcast and National's studios. SONET, SDH, ATM and cation Network -TV. Under the video rights to the HDTV DS3 communications net- terms of the contract, Global library of New York - California Video Center works. According to ABL, Access will provide space based REBO Entertain- (CVC), part of Warner the DVT45 is the first segment for weekly live ment, the first HDTV pro- Bros., has purchased codec capable of carrying broadcasts of OMEN -TV's duction company in the two of Thomson Broad- two channels of NTSC Clinical Case Conference U.S. Unapix International, cast's 9200 component video along with six ana- series to physicians across the company's Los Ange- digital switchers for its log audio channels within the U.S. and Puerto Rico as les -based subsidiary, will duplication and editing a single 45 Mb- per -sec- well as those in rural areas of distribute the library in the facility. CVC provides ond DS3 interface. The Ohio. Under the contract, 16x9 widescreen format. feeds for some of WB's company says the new Global Access will broadcast Widescreen TV purchas- channels in the U.S. and codec will reduce the cost 165 hours of Ku- and C -band es are being subsidized South America. and of service for applications feeds. The 30 scheduled pro- throughout Western does post -production such as cable TV head - grams, which allow physi- Europe in support of work for other clients. end consolidation, broad- cians the opportunity to call in roughly 20 broadcasters One 9200 switcher is cast TV and two -way and interact with presenters, of 16x9 programing who used primarily as a logo interactive video. extend through May 1996.

92 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Telern THE INTERACTIVE WORLD OF VIDEO, VOICE AND DATA

n et/Te.2ev,

Virginia Power in Hampton Roads, Va., on the feasibility Nortel teams with Antec of offering a combination of video, voice, data and energy management services under for cable /telco solutions one integrated product line. Nortel reportedly is involved Partners will market video, voice and data integration in Time Warner's wireless telephony experiment in By Heo4 $e14,44e4 spokeswoman. Rochester, N.Y. Nortel is work- As a result of the new alli- Nortel and Antec have N RTEL ing with several ance, Nortel and Antec will entered into a far-rang- cable companies combine their marketing pro- N O R T H E R N T E L E C O M ing alliance that will bid that want to diver- grams and be in a better posi- on contracts from cable opera- sify and compete in tion to bid on other lucrative tors and telephone companies both wireline and contracts expected next year. anxious to offer new video, ANTEC wireless telephony Nortel's Cornerstone voice voice and data services. architecture being used by markets, as well as explore and data products and Antec's The partners will create a several cable companies and a consumer Internet access and digital video products will be new and separate company few telephone companies. home energy management combined into an integrated that will bid against AT &T, The venture will set up a services. package of video, voice and Scientific -Atlanta and Gener- second new company devel- Among those cable opera- data services for any network al Instrument on systems inte- oped by Nortel. Antec will be tors is Cablevision of Long operator that has invested in gration contracts. involved in new product Island, which is testing adding the HFC architecture and Nortel and Antec will work development, "primarily voice services to upgraded wants to add new services for exclusively with the hybrid focused on the cable market," cable systems. Cablevision its subscribers. fiber /coaxial (HFC) cable says Joey Lynn Nord, a Nortel plans eventually to offer voice Nord says Nortel and Antec services over its systems in will announce more details of VtiA.CO New York, Connecticut and their alliance, including other 1/otC elsewhere. partners, at the Western Cable Nortel also is working with Show in Anaheim, Calif., SNET invites new Cox Communications and later this month. tfnv MCI into music w2,1:::: 1 -,J .;,._.1 0 - JJJ_J..;..-,1 `_-J programers into MCI Communications Corp. is launching a service that

1800 ¡ could prove to be nothing 110W less than a virtual record Y, U OLI IL yell LISTEN. YOU IIKE.YOU BUY. i store that will allow shoppers _ video test ".s- .a. . ...,,..-...,,..,.,, to buy music through a toll - Telco hooks up with Logica for new interactive TV system .f IKN01'' free telephone number. Users IliC of the music- ordering system MUSIC :, IBAMi: gy Hm4 gam. will be able to listen to audio áw .m,.:.. ,. snippets from more than Near. Southern n -we», ,o» .. ,.....w i New England Telephone (SNET) is encouraging 5,000 music titles, and then .t.,:,.,ra...... outside video programers to join its market trial of video ,.u,. order a compact disc by , .,_,,._ . i services in Connecticut. . ;;. pressing a series of button ------MLi.11Aa1LW4Y.1 The telco said it has made eight more analog broadcast chan- commands on the phone. nels available to what it calls "video information providers" for The service is called 1-800 - participation in its expanded one -year, video dialtone trial, MUSIC -NOW and also can be ..,,.._..-..u.._.._....-..- which is awaiting final approval from the FCC. reached through the Inter- Iss---"-- _;o

SNET will receive applications from any video programers net's World Wide Web at http : //www.1800musicnow.mci.com. -MB interested in participating. The deadline for applications is

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 93 Telemedia

Dec. 3, and precise channel position on SNET's and shopping services. Logica will handle the Veronis taps video network will be decided by lottery. overall project management for SNET's inter- interactive as Once SNET gets approval from the FCC, it active system, with the partners working fastest -growing will start its video trial, initially offering only together on vendor management, software market analog video services, but eventually migrat- applications development, systems integration Veronis, Suhler & Associates ing to digital transmission of interactive televi- and network testing. Inc. in its 13th annual Commu- sion services. "We are providing the look and feel of the nications Industry Report (see In a related development, SNET has entered system and doing all the concept design, sto- page 63) calls the interactive into an agreement with Lexington, Mass. - ryboarding, prototyping and testing," says digital media market the based Logica to co- develop an interactive TV Louis Blatt, Logica's vice president of multi- fastest growing of the market system for SNET's broadband in -state net- media. sectors it examines. Veronis work. SNET already has chosen Hewlett- Packard, says revenue rose 43.2% over The system will offer services ranging from Scientific -Atlanta and Sybase to help set up its the previous year, to $2.4 bil- video -on- demand movies to home banking video delivery system. ruu lion. The report states that the interactive digital media market experienced a 33.5% com- pound annual rate of revenue growth between 1990 and 1994. The report goes on to ITN to test with say That many consumers will opt for Internet access providers over the packaged online services and that there Cablevision Industries will be a shake -out and consol- idation of CD -ROM publishers. Low -tech ITV solution combines telephone with television

Live TV over Internet gy. H444 Ee4. planned for Comdex on the Foxboro system, says interactive football game for Case. He adds that ITN's the trial and two games The fall Comdex trade show for - Even though interactive technology will allow 5,000 -.Press Your Luck" and "Des- the first time will provide con- is tinuous, live television coverage television still being people to play interactive ignated Hitter" -from The over the Internet's World Wide defined, a Denver -based games using their home tele- Bill Carruthers Co. Web. Xing Technology is work- entrepreneur has come up vision and phone. ITN has developed black- ing with Softbank, Visitel, Array with a low -tech way to play We're looking to create a jack and trivia games for the Microsystems and Best Internet interactive games over TV. local electronic community trial and is working on several Communications to deliver full - "The definition of interac- that can interact around a other interactive games. motion video and audio netcast tive television is still a bit up game," says Case. Case says that ITN will over the Internet. Comdex-TV in the air," says Paul Case, ITN is assembling a suite of conduct this trial for the next will be on the Web for 120 president and chief executive interactive games that sub- few months and is talking hours netcasting the entire officer of Interactive Televi- scribers will be able to play with several other cable oper- show from Las Vegas Nov. 13- sion Network Inc. against others over the cable ators about possible future tri- 17. Comdex -N can be reached ITN will conduct a limited system. ITN has licensed als. http: at //www.comdextv.com. trial with Cablevision Indus- NTN Communications' QB 1 ITN has a strategic agree- tries' 62,000- subscriber sys- ment with Digital Equipment CompuServe pays tem in Foxboro, Mass. The Corp. to provide computers CompuServe has agreed to set- trial will run through the first Kinsley moves from for the service. tle claims that it infringed on quarter of next year, the and CNN to MSN United International Hold- copyrights by letting its online test will air on a single cable ings, ITN's largest investor, recordings subscribers copy channel. Michael Kinsley, the liberal is providing funding for the without paying royalties to the The games will be trans- political commentator who trial. music's publisher. CompuServe mitted on a basic analog chan- hosts CNN's Crossfire, will join "Our future financing de- will pay Frank Music Corp. nel with no set -top boxes, and a new online magazine venture pends on whether this test will $568,000 to settle the suit. no equipment is involved for being initiated by Microsoft . prove to provide exciting and The suit sought $17 million. the end user other than a tele- Kinsley, the former editor of entertaining interactive televi- phone. ITN is installing a set The New Republic, will write sion," Tele -TV picks says Case. of computers in the cable and edit articles for a still unti- Several other interactive PowerPC chips headend, and subscribers will tled electronic magazine on television start-up companies, IBM's PowerPC chips will be politics and culture that is interact by using their touch - including Interactive Network the processing center of the tone phones for the return expected to debut early next and Zing Systems, fell on wireless set-top boxes ordered path. year on The Microsoft Network hard times after the market by Tele -TV from Thomson and the Internet's World Wide ITN and Cablevision did not respond to their pro- Consumer Electronics. Web. -MB Industries will be able to han- prietary interactive television

dle 96 people simultaneously systems. ti

94 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable TelemPdia

Philips enters digital wireless cable Plans MMDS technical trial in Knoxville and systems, videocommuni- video delivery system," says cations systems. Ortiz. Ey H44.4 ge44w technical trial in Knoxville, Philips's new set of wire- The telephone companies Tenn. The system includes less cable equipment will let consider digital wireless hilips is the latest contes- MPEG -2 and digital video MMDS providers expand cable an affordable way to tant in the digital wire- broadcasting- compliant digi- from 31 analog channels to enter the television business less cable sweepstakes tal encoders, modulators and more than 150 digital chan- and to compete with cable with plans to market its new integrated receiver decoders nels. operators. system to analog wireless (IRDs). Several telephone compa- As a result, several ven- cable operators and telephone "By the second half of next nies are getting into digital dors for everything from companies next year. year, there will begin to be wireless cable, including encoders and transmitters to Philips Digital Videocom- volume deployments of digi- Tele -TV, the consortium of set -top boxes are rushing into munications Systems says it tal wireless cable around the Nynex, Bell Atlantic and the marketplace to fill the de- has an operational MPEG -2 country, and we are in a posi- Pacific Telesis. mand expected to be generat- digital multichannel multi - tion to bid on those con- "We've had a high level of ed by both the telephone point distribution system tracts," says Joe Ortiz, Philips interest from the telcos, who companies and the analog (MMDS) and will conduct a product manager for servers are interested in digital wire- MMDS operators around the less cable as an alternative country. ttrw a tLe$H. C Nov. 15 -Radio on the Web, sponsored by Breakers. George Washington /NET delivers University Club, Marvin Center, GWU, Washington. Contact: Nan Siemer, (202) audio Webcasts 362 -4182. C/NET: The Computer Net- Nov. 16 -17 -Telco Video Platforms 101 Summit, co- sponsored by the work has launched C /NET `1 "e mate Interactive Television Association and Video Information Provider Radio, which will offer daily Updated No...b.r t. ten 13300 p PT Consulting. ANA Hotel, Washington. Contact: (202) 408 -0008. audio Webcasts over the Internet. The Internet radio amosimmoom Nov. 20 York/New Jersey /New Tech: Realities of the -"New program will provide daily Information Superhighway," sponsored by AT &T, New Jersey State news and information """tlW Chamber of Commerce and Center for Communication Inc. Liberty about computers, the Inter 11311=1:4`..%"..".,",;:=L11,141.e., Science Center, Jersey City, N.J. Contact: Mitzi Vaimberg, (212) 841- r net and online services. t, J 4719. ett z, The service will be free and Nov. 28- Inside Interactive: How Hollywood Sees the Multimedia can be accessed through .:t::. d °.:.w....,. . Future, sponsored by The Hollywood Reporter. San Francisco Airport C /NET's site on the , »ur_,,._..__.._ , Hilton. Contact: (213) 525 -2000. World Wide Web at ism *male Stilt & .Cott Net ACa... http://www.cnet.com. 4 Dec. 7-8- Online Law: Emerging Legal and Business Issues,

Using RealAudiotechnolo- rM,,,,,,..,_1 sponsored by Glasser LegalWorks. Dora! Tuscany Hotel, New York. gy, those who access the Contact: (201) 890 -0008. 9) site will be able to listen to .,.;^L°"W`` " Dec. 12- 14- Interactive Multimedia Conference, sponsored by The uninterrupted audio files ¡; "_' 'R`" ° °` New York Society of Security Analysts Inc. 1 World Trade Center, Suite without downloading.-MB 4447, New York. Contact: Vincent Catalano, (212) 912 -9249. Dec. 13- 14- Consumer Internet '96, sponsored by Jupiter Communications. Sheraton Hotel & Towers, New York. Contact: Harry `Funniest Home Videos' goes to CD -ROM Larson, (212) 780 -6060. All those outrageous video clips from America's Funniest Home Videos Jan. 9-11, 1996-"ITC '96: Interactive Television Conference," sponsored by are going to be available on a series of CD- ROM's. Journal du Multimedia. Palais des Congres, Porte Maillot, Paris. Contact: Roger The first title, "America's Funniest Home Videos Lights! Camera! Christophe, (331) 4267 -9380. InterAction!," is a collaboration between Vin Di Bona Productions, Capi- Jan. 14-16, 1996-Interactive services Association 2nd annual state - tal Cities/ABC Multimedia Group and Graphix Zone Inc. of- the -industry strategic business meeting. Dorat Golf Resort and Spa, The CD -ROM contains more than 450 video clips and 30 different Miami. Contact: (301) 495 -4955. stories. The user can take the various video clips and piece them into a Jan. 29 -Feb. 1, 1996- ComNet'96, sponsored by IDG and MHA game board interface, that then can be played back to create a person- Event Management, Washington. Convention Center/ Renaissance alized video production. Hotel, Washington. Contact: (617) 551 -9800. Within the "Editing Room," users of the CD -ROM also can create their own video scripts by pre- screening videos that can then be added March 5-7, 1996-"IntermediaWorld '96," sponsored by Reed to an existing story. These interactive stories can be saved and e- Exhibition Companies. Moscone Center, San Francisco. Contact: Amy mailed. The CD -ROM also contains online links to CompuServe. The Riemer, (203) 840 -5484. price of the CD -ROM titles is $39.95 -MB

Broadcasting & Cable November 13 1995 95 /-"Thfl n -SR S

See last page of classifieds for rates and other information

RADIO HELP WANTED TECHNICAL Broadcast Engineer. Young C/W small market AM /FM near St. Louis MO. Experienced only. Re- sume with references, salary history, and tape to HELP WANTED MANAGEMENT SBC, PO8 119, Columbia, MO 65205-0119.

HELP WANTED NEWS SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY News Director of station heavy in local news and community involvement in a vibrant, growing GENERAL MANAGER, KRCU, 90.9 FM market, Dekalb- Sycamore, Illinois. Prior experi- College of Liberal Arts ence required. Fax or send requirements and re- sume to: (708) 552-9300 Larry Nelson, WSQR, One Broadcast Center, Plano, IL 60545. EOE. Southeast Missouri State University invites applications for the position of General Manager of KRCU Affirmative Action Employer. radio station. KRCU, 90.9 FM, is a 6,000 watt public broadcast National Public Radio auxiliary station serving a population of over 72,000 listeners in Southeast Missouri. The station is housed in a recently renovated, newly with a new, 230 foot broad- equipped studio facility adjacent transmission building and HELP WANTED RESEARCH cast tower. The University serves a twenty -five county region from St. Louis to Arkansas and is located in Cape Girardeau, a community of 35,000, located on the Mississippi River between St. Louis and Mem- Director of Research. Growing radio network phis. The city has been recognized as one of the nation's most livable small cities. seeking motivated, strong research professional The General Manager's responsibilities include: overall station management, program development, and with great analytical skills, initiative, and lots of supervision of professional, student and volunteer staff; strategic planning for the station; budget plan- ideas on how to tell our story. Opportunity for the right individual in high poten- ning, development and management; all fundraising and underwriting support; public relations; develop- to be a key player a tial environment. Bachelor's degree and network ment and supervision of volunteer and community outreach activities; and supervision of student intern- research experience required. Thorough un- ships. derstanding of Arbitron and qualitative research QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's degree in radio /broadcasting /mass communication with progressive radio required. Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word broadcast experience and successful station management experience. Preference will be given ta appli- and others preferred. Reply to Box 00607 EOE. cants with significant, demonstrably successful public radio experience. Experience should include a record of most (preferably all) of the following attributes; positive personnel management, record of creative pro- gram development; effective financial management; successful fundraising; underwriting promotion and HELP WANTED PUBLIC RELATIONS sales. Applicants must have an FCC operator's permit, excellent radio voice, good public speaking ability, excellent written communications skills, current knowledge of public broadcasting policies and procedures, WBGL -FM /Champaign, IL, a contemporary and an awareness of national public broadcasting history and prospects. The successful applicant must Christian station, is accepting applications for a demonstrate an understanding of and strong commitment to a service orientation and cultural diversity. public relations position. Anyone interested should send a letter and resume to WBGL, 2108 MINIMUM AVAILABLE COMPENSATION: Commensurate with education and experience. In addition, West Springfield Avenue, Champaign, IL 61821. the University provides an excellent benefits program including leaves and insurances. APPLICATION EOE. DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin December 15, 1995, and continue until position is filled. Women and minority persons are encouraged to apply. To apply, send letter of application, resume, three recent professional letters of recommendation with at least one directly commenting about non- SITUATIONS WANTED MANAGEMENT commercial fundraising experience, and an air-check of at least 15 minutes to Mr. Michael C. Dougherty, Director, Personnel Services, Southeast Missouri State University, Mail Stop 3150, One University Plaza, Cape Seeking position as General Manager/Sales Girardeau, MO 63701 -4799. Hearing- impaired individuals may contact the University at (314) 651- Manager of small market station. Experienced. 2383 (TDD Service). Willing to relocate. Ted 914- 357-4861. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, M /F, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. General Manager- 15 year hands -on manage- ment record. Available for immediate relocation. Innovative promoter. Affordable. Ed 1- 800 -827- 2483.

Searching for the best! Equity potential. Broad- Sales Manager. 100,000 watt country FM seeks cast Sales Manager opening for highly rated Sales Manager with substantial experience in sell- Accomplished Media Exec. that has just sold 100K FM in Southern Midwest. $50-60K+ poten- ing radio in mid -size and small markets. Station business in search of challenge /opportunity. tial. Highly desirable location. Call R.R. for client reaches 200,000 people in 16 country area in Radio Group Mgt., Cable Net, TV Production/ info. 202 - 364 -4222 or after 5PM call 301 -946- western Iowa. Attractive incentive based com- Distribution and heavy international media back- 8466. Confidentiality protected. EOE. pensation package. Send resume to: Attn: Gen- eral Manager, KSOM /96.5 FM, 413 Chestnut ground. Excellent business skills. Dennis R. Israel 305- 929 -0235. Street, Atlantic, IA 50022.

HELP WANTED SALES SITUATIONS WANTED ANNOUNCERS Manager of Sales Promotion. New radio network and syndication company seeks creative Available: Spokesperson, production announcer, self- starter with great ideas for national sales pro- on -air personality. Never killed anybody. Never

Sales GM. Young C/W small market AM /FM. motion strategies and execution. Opportunity for beat up women. My only crime is that I am a Computer proficient, production experience, growth in a visible position, along with responsi- white male over fifty five. Reply to Box 00601. strong accounting principles and practices, bud- bility and excitement, You'll work with major get, internal control. Resume with references, divisions in a leading entertainment company. salary history and tape to: SBC, POB 119, Colum- Some experience in national sales promotions re- Interested In a weekend D.J. or news position. bia, MO 65205 -0119. quired. Reply to Box 00606 EOE. Call for tape and resume. Ted 914 -357 -4861.

96 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable ono n C5nffl ss1 e'o s Professional network type announcer avail- Director of University Television and General al scene. As the largest educational institution in able to relocate to your station. Resonant voice, Manager of KUON -TV; Secretary of the the state, the University of Nebraska -Lincoln, excellent delivery for general announcing and Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Corn- since its founding in 1869, has a long and dist- production. Prefer adult formats. For tape and re- mission and General Manager of Nebraska Edu- inguished tradition of land -grant involvement. sume call Alex 513- 777 -8423. cational Television. The University of Nebraska UNL is an AAU institution and a Carnegie I Re- Lincoln (UNL) and the Nebraska Educational search Institution. There are ten undergraduate Telecommunications Commission invites applica- and Professional colleges and a wide range of BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tions and nominations for the position of Director graduate programs. Approximately 26,000 stu- dents attend the University. There are 20 Mexican company. Seeking to coproduce in of University Television and General Manager of Station KUON -TV; Secretary of the Nebraska doctoral programs, 59 masters programs, 130 un- Spanish for the Hispanic community. Contact us. dergraduate sequences and 14 pre -professional 20, Mexi- Educational Telecommunications Commission Servicios En Communicacion, Genova areas of study. The Colleges are Architecture, co D.F. 06600, Tel/Fax (915) 208- 80 -13. and General Manager of Nebraska Educational Television. Reporting to the Senior Vice Chan- Law, Business Administration, Arts and cellor for Academic Affairs (.51 FTE) and the Sciences, Teachers, Engineering and Technology. Agricultural Sciences and Natural SCA LEASE Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Com- mission (.49 FTE), the successful candidate will Resources, Human Resources and Family Sciences, Journalism, and Fine and Performing Two(2) SCA Channels available. WDLF Marion, be expected to provide dynamic leadership in fur- Arts. Screening of nominees and applicants will NC. Coverage area includes major inner state ther developing and strengthening the public begin December 15, 1995 and continue until a highway. For coordinates and complete coverage broadcasting programs and educational offerings successful candidate is chosen. Persons in- area call 706-659-2000. of both the university and the commission for the State of Nebraska. The successful candidate will terested in becoming a candidate should forward also be eligible to hold the rank of Professor, a letter of interest and an up -to -date resume with serve as secretary to the Commission, be the at least three references. Nominations and TELEVISION general manager of the Nebraska ETV Network applications should be sent to: Search Commit- and the Nebraska Public Radio Network, serve tee, Director of University Television, John W. as chairperson for the NEB *SAT Coordinating Goebel, Co-Chair, Herb Schimek, Co- Chair, Of- HELP WANTED MANAGEMENT Council, be secretary/treasurer for Nebraskans fice of the Senior Vice Chancellor, 208 Canfield for Public Television and the Public Radio Administration Building, University of Nebraska Nebraska Foundation, and serve as chairperson Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68599 -0420. Telephone: for the Board of Directors of the Public Television (402) 472 -5264. Fax: (402) 472 -4929. email to: LOS ANGELES Outreach Alliance. The successful candidate akilgore @unlinfo.unl.edu The University of must hold a record of several years of proven ad- Nebraska Lincoln is committed to a pluralistic UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ministrative experience and strong leadership in campus community through Affirmative Action positions of increasing responsibility in education and Equal Opportunity and is responsive to the or a related telecommunications business or in- needs of dual career couples. We assure rea- TELEVISION dustry. Additionally, the successful candidate sonable accommodation under the Americans STATION MANAGER should have the following skills, knowledge and With Disabilities Act, contact the Office of the abilities: a knowledge of the public broadcasting Chancellor. Applicant confidentiality will be main- system and broadcasting -cable in general; be tained until the candidate provides permission to The Los Angeles Unified School District is politically astute and able to unite diverse consti- release the information. seeking an experienced professional to plan, tuencies; experienced as an effective and direct and coordinate the operations of KLCS- creative problem solver; experienced in suc- TV, the School District's instructional and cessful strategic planning, resource development community educational television station. and financial management; able to develop, Program Manager Public TV station in #1 articulate and implement a vision for the future of market seeks experienced programmer to The successful candidate will possess at least telecommunications and distance education; manage program acquisitions, prepare advance four years of supervisory experience in either possessing excellent communications skills, high program schedule, supervise traffic operations commercial or public television which energy, forcefulness and resilience, openness to and research activities. Seeking aggressive indi- includes coordinating the planning and new ideas, and willing to take calculated risks; vidual able to take a competitive approach to production of programming as well as adminis- and familiarity with the national telecommunica- programming at an innovative public television trative experience involving budgeting, pur- tions agenda. The Director should possess an un- station. 2-3 years experience in television pro- chasing, contracts, personnel management derstanding of the production and distribution of gramming, preferably in a public television. Re- and fundraising. This individual must exhibit public radio and television as well as multimedia ports to Director of Programming, salary open. strong administrative and leadership skills, and and other non -broadcast instructional pro- Resumes to Lisa Rosas, WLIW Channel 21, P.O. have the creative vision necessary to trans- gramming. The Director is responsible for Box 21, Plainview, Long Island, New York 11803 the form KLCS -TV into the nation's premier com- oversight and administration of all activities of by 11/25/95. EOE/AA. a of $20 munity and instructional television station. unit including budget approximately million dollars derived from state, federal and pri- vate sources. The Director will supervise over Local Sales Manager. WHSV -TV, Harrisonburg, Fax your resume and a capability statement to 240 full time employees in the various depart- VA seeking individual to direct and motivate local 742 -7743, or call our office at 742- (213) (213) ments of the unit. Additional responsibilities in- sales team. Candidate must have track record 7761. Filing deadline: November 20,1995. clude coordination between academic colleges showing success in new business development and program delivery through inter -campus and and special event sales. Strong organizational EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER statewide networking. The and people skills a must. Send resume and Director will be expected to maintain strong ties salary history to Frank Brady, GSM, WHSV -TV, larger community and the state Tropical Booming Pacific Rim Island. Direct with the state P.O. Box TV -3, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Equal legislature, and actively work toward an inte- Opportunity Employer. Sales Manager with minimum of 5 years experi grated outreach effort by the University through ence. Highly motivated aggressive professional cooperation and coordination with Cooperative needed. Long term opportunity. Excellent wage, Extension, The Division of Continuing Studies, incentive and benefit package. State of the art Local Sales Manager - WSET -TV. ABC affiliate, and other programs in the Colleges and other 450 MHz system fiber optic distribution, pay -per- VA, 66th market, seeking a motivating individual units of the University. In addition, the Director will view. Please include salary history on resume. with split market experience to lead our creative the strong ties to the major regional and Contact Bryan Holmes, Guam Cable TV, 530 continue local sales team to the next level. Candidate national public telecommunications agencies and West O'Brien Drive, Agana, Guam 96910 or fax must have TV sales experience including new offices. University Television, KUON -TV and the (671)477 -7847. business development, with a background in pro- Nebraska Educational Television Network enjoys motions, vendor and research including a proven an enviable national reputation in the production selling track record. Candidates need strong GM/GSM. Tele -Media Broadcasting is looking for and distribution of educational, cultural and public communication and organizational skills. Local highly- motivated selling GM's /GSM's for small to affairs programming and materials. As the new Sales management experience preferred. Send millennium approaches, University Television is and salary his- . medium markets, to fill present and future open- or fax selling philosophy, resume ings. Send resume only to Ira Rosenblatt, Broad- poised to be an integral part of the telecom- tory to: WSET, Attn: Linda Ottinger, Director of cast Center, 1502 Wampanoag Trail, E. Pro- munications infrastructure of Nebraska, and will Sales, 2320 Langhorne Road, Lynchburgh, VA role on the nation- vidence, RI 02915. EOE. play an increasingly important 24501. Fax 804 -847 -0458. EOE.

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 97 ] I/79le s Business Manager /KSBW -TV, Salinas, CA. Account Executive. RNN, a regional news, talk WOOD TV8 (NBC), Grand Rapids, Michigan, is New owner seeks a hands -on, self- starter to join and sports television station serving the New seeking an experienced Local Account Execu- station management team to oversee all aspects York metropolitan suburbs of Westchester, tive. Responsibilities include providing outstand- of accounting, budgeting, human resources and Rockland, Hudson Valley, Danbury and New ing service to existing local /regional advertisers, information systems. Team player required. Must Jersey is seeking two Senior Account Executives new account development and special project pro- have the following: Minimum of seven years of to sell in Westchester, Rockland and Danbury, motion. Five years major or medium market tele- financial management in broadcast industry; Un- CT. Exceptional compensation that includes vision sales experience preferred. Presentation, dergraduate degree and CPA or CMA, a plus; Ex- salary, bonus incentives and 401K. If you are a negotiating, organizational, communication and cellent spreadsheet and strong communication high powered sales talent that wants a career computer skills a must. Please submit resumes skills necessary. Competitive salary and benefits. and not a job, this company is for you. Candi- to: Ann Marie Young, Local Sales Manager, Limited relocation package. Qualified candidates dates must have a minimum of four years selling WOOD TV8, 120 College SE, Grand Rapids, MI. should respond by sending current resume and experience in television or radio sales. Market Resumes deadline: 12/1/95. EOE. WOOD TV is salary history to Smith Broadcasting Partners, experience in Westchester, Rockland or Danbury an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively 3839 4th Street North, Suite 420, St. Petersburg, a plus. Fax resumes to: (203) 967 -9442 or mail solicits qualified minority and female applications FL 33703. EOE. M/F. Minorities encouraged. No to: RNN Television, Human Resources, One for consideration. phone calls. Stamford Landing, 62 Southfield Avenue, Stam- ford, CT 06902. EOE.

Account Executive: WSB -TV the GSM wanted for small market Mountain State Atlanta, Southeast's premier television station is looking TV station. Leading station in market and part of Account Executive. Exciting, fast -paced op- for an experienced Account Executive to join the growing group. Send resume to Box 00592 EOE. portunity available immediately for an entry-level Account Executive in the television broadcast most innovative and aggressive sales team in sales industry! Selected candidate will possess Atlanta. Minimum of five years broadcast sales an aggressive, outgoing attitude and be self - experience. Must have significant track record in General Manager: North Central Area. NBC. Re- motivated. Previous sales experience of knowl- agency, developmental and non -traditional sell- quires track record for sales, news and adminis- edge of broadcast sales helpful. College degree ing. Send resume to: Deborah Denechaud, WSB- tration. Exciting station, growing market. Reply to preferred. Valid driver's license, good driving re- TV, 1601 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA Box 00584 EOE. cord and own transportation a must. Re- 30309. No phone calls. sponsibilities will include developing new busi- ness and serving as primary contact in providing General Sales Manager: We are seeking an ag- service to For existing clients. consideration, Sales Manager wanted for small market start gressive, experienced GSM. Experience to in- send resume and cover letter indicating desired up in Rocky Mountain area. clude national and local sales. Knowledge of Looking for leader position and where learned of the job by Novem- who can become part of management team. BMP or comparable software. Emphasis on new ber 29 to: Personnel Manager, WXIN -TV FOX Send resume to Box 00593 EOE. business, special events and sales promotions. 59, 1440 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN Strong leadership skills, creative ideas and posi- 46202. No phone calls. EOE. Job offer cont- tive attitude. EOE. Contact: Bill Bengston, V.P./ ingent upon results of substance abuse testing. General Manager, KSNF -TV, P.O. Box 1393, SE affiliate is searching for a Traffic Manager Joplin, MO 64802. and Assistant. Must be proficient in all aspects of Columbine. Send resume and salary require- GSM: Texas Gulfcoast NBC affiliate seeks GSM ments no later than 11/30/95. Reply to Box to lead, motivate and train staff. Strong local ex- Interactive 2000! Why be at the half billion dollar 00597 EOE. perience and new business track record required. (cash up front) $$ 900 Industry show January 26- Station uses Columbine, BIMP, Green Marketing. 28 in Las Vegas? Info: 702- 391 -2445. Send resume to: Ron Kelly, KJAC -TV, P.O. Box 3257, Port Arthur, TX 77643. No phone calls HELP WANTED MARKETING please. EOE.

HELP WANTED SALES Director of Marketing Nightly Business Report, Murphy Entertainment Group, an established the nation's longest running daily business news and growing National Program and Production program, seeks a Director of Marketing with a Syndication Company is seeking a Marketing/ strong background in television advertising/sales SATELLITE Sales Director. Responsibilities included: and marketing. Excellent opportunity for a market- SALESPERSON Network/broadcast sales, advertising sales, new ing professional to identify national underwriting business development, and market research. for the program and to develop expanding busi- Strong communications and people skills a must. ness opportunities - including video tape distribu- Experience in media sales and marketing re- tion, print and electron ancillary activities. Pre- quired. Excellent benefits, salary plus com- vious PBS underwriting experience and rela- mission. Travel required. Send resume to: Jill tionship with Fortune 500 companies a plus. Sommers, Murphy Entertainment Group, P.O. Base plus commission and relocation allowance. Box 44965, Madison, WI 53744-4965. Deadline: Resume in confidence to Manager, Human Re- 1-fMi= 12/1/95. EOE/M -F. sources, WPBT, P.O. Box 2, Miami, FL 33261- 0002. An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/DN. Four Media Company, one of the largest net- work transmission facilities in the country, has the need for an experienced satellite Thomson Broadcast - Opportunity to join broadcast salesperson. Qualified applicant a grow- ing sales staff and to cover the New York City Marketing would have a minimum of five years sales and Development Director WATE- metropolitan area. Proven sales record and P16 has an opening for a Marketing and Devel- experience and an in depth knowledge of the knowledge of digital equipment for the broadcast opment Director. This person must be Marshall satellite and cable industries. Four Media and post production industries. Excellent salary, Marketing or Stowell proficient, excellent at pres- Company is a commission Los Angeles based facility, with and benefits. Mail or fax resume to: entations and communicating with clients and Deborah P.O. Box a new state-of- the -art broadcast facility in Giannini, 5266, Englewood, sales staff, and extremely knowledgeable with all Singapore. The successful candidate will be NJ 07631, (201) 569 -1650. EOE. competitive media. Good written and computer responsible for developing new business and skills a must as well as familiarity with TVScan have strong account management skills. The and Microsoft Powerpoint. Promotions, vendor or Syndication database experience a position requires a technical understanding of Sales. Small national TV Syndica- plus. Salary $30K+ com- tion Company (Sunbelt) producing and distribut- mensurate with experience. Send resume to: network operations. Four Media offers a ing news oriented inserts daily via satellite needs WATE -TV6, Personnel, P.O. Box 2349 Knoxville, competitive salary and benefit package. For GM /GSM. Responsibilities include - advertising TN 37901. No phone calls, please. WATE -TV6/ immediate consideration, fax your resume sales, affiliate sales and overall management of Young Broadcasting of Knoxville, Inc. is an Equal including salary history to 818 -840 -7389. 10 person staff and studio. Reply to Box 00585 Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are EOE. encouraged to apply.

98 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable a'fflooriea

Marketing Executive. Genesis Entertainment RF Maintenance Technician. WPLG a Post HELP WANTED NEWS seeks seasoned marketing executive to help Newsweek Station has an immediate opening for launch next season's hottest entertainment mag- an RF Maintenance Technician in Miami, Florida. azine show, Access Hollywood. Candidate must Responsibilities include but not limited to installa- have station or syndication promotion experi- tion, maintenance, and troubleshooting of ence. Duties include co -op planning, launch satellite, microwave, and television transmitter strategies, on -air, print as well as overall market- (VHF) equipment. Candidates should have a min- SPORTS ing activities. Please send resume and salary re- imum 2 years of television RF related experience. quirements to: Genesis Creative Services, 1440 FCC license or SBE certification desirable. Send REPORTER South Sepulveda, Los Angeles, CA 90025. resume to Nancy Bowser, WPLG, 3900 Biscayne Phone calls will disqualify applicants. EOE. Boulevard, Miami, FL 33137. Indianapolis independent television station wishes to expand existing Sports Department. Seeking an experienced reporter to concentrate Promotions Director Responsible for all station on local sports reporting at high school, college promotion and marketing efforts. Including writing Newscast Directors, Technical Directors, and professional level. Some host/PBP/anchor 12, and producing on -air promotions, developing and Studio Supervisor. KSAT Post -Newsweek, duties involved. From game reporting to fea- San Antonio's #1 station seeks highly motivated implementing on -going promotion strategy for tures, you must possess creative writing skills news and station image, coordinate station creative individuals to join our team. If you have and know importance of video /nat sound. special events, write and issue public service the drive, track record and willingness to be the avails, maintain station graphics design. Send best, we want to hear from you! Minimum 3 - 5 Send non -returnable tape and resume to: to:David Cantu /Director of marketing KLTV PO years directing and /or TD and Ampex Century Box 957, Tyler, Texas 75710. An Equal Opportu- switchers experience a must for Director and TD. Vince Welch, Sports Director nity Employer. Minimum 2 years TV production experience for WNDY -TV Studio Supervisor. Metered market experience a 500 Brickyard Plaza plus. We offer competitive salaries, great bene- 4555 West 16th Street fits, stable work environment. Send resume and Indianapolis, IN 96222 Director of Marketing/Promotion. Growing in- tape to Rick Andrycha, Program Manager, KSAT- EOE dependent station in the country's #1 market look- TV, P.O. Box 2478, San Antonio, TX 78298. No Minorities and encouraged to apply. ing for a hands -on, creative leader to help devel- phone calls. Any job offer contingent upon results females op news and entertainment promotion, station of pre -employment physical including drug promotions from concept to completion as well as screen. EOE/M- F /DV/ADA. local and national sales events. Experience in all aspects of station promotion and execution a must. Send resume and tape to Dave Davis, GM, WLIG -TV, 270 South Service Road, Melville, NY Operating Engineer. Set up and operate studio 11747. EOE. cameras, microwave receivers, satellite SPORTS downlinks, video tape machines, remote control transmitters, computers. Perform some equip- PRODUCER ment maintenance. 2 years broadcast experience preferred. Technical school a plus! Resume: HELP WANTED TECHNICAL Are you an experienced producer for 30 -60 Chuck Amy, Chief Engineer, KOAT -TV, PO Box minute magazine -style sports shows concentrat- 25982, Albuquerque, NM 87125. No phone calls. Drug free workplace. Equal Opportunity ing on local high school, college and professional Employer. sports? If so, this Indianapolis independent tele- vision station wants to add you to our growing Sports Department. Must have beta editing skills, be organized enough to work on two projects at Experienced individual needed to maintain/ once. Great opportunity for dedicated person. Maintenance Engineer. repair /operate state -of- the -art Serial Digital KDNL -TV, ABC affiliate in St. Louis, MO is accepting applications for an Send non -returnable tape and resume to: plant and ENG remote truck. 3 to 5 years experienced Maintenance Engineer. Minimum of experience in studio maintenance and remote Dan Huber, Senior Sports Producer 1" 1/2" repair ENG truck maintenance/operation recom- 5 years experience. and Beta back- WNDY -TV is maintenance mended. Wage commensurate with experi- ground also required. ENG /EFP experience a plus. An understanding of computer 500 Brickyard Plaza ence. Betacam SP experience helpful. systems and networking is desirable. Send re- 9555 West 16th Street Send cover letter, resume and 3 professional sumes to: Joe Miller, Chief Engineer, KDNL -TV, Indianapolis, IN 96222 references to: 1215 Cole Street, St. Louis, MO 63106. Fax 314- EOE Chief Engineer 259-5767. EOE. M/F. Minorities and females encouraged to apply. WNDY -TV 4555 West 16th Street Indianapolis, IN 46222 EEO Maintenance Engineer. WSBT -TV, South Bend, Minorities and females encouraged to apply. Indiana. Perform maintenance and operations support at studio, transmitter and remote sites. Sports Director. KNTV, the ABC affiliate in San Degree in electronics or 3 years experience in Jose, California, is looking for an experienced SNG Truck Operator: Absolutely brand new maintenance of broadcast/production equipment, Sports Director to cover one of the best sports This state of the art SNG Truck needs an RF broadcast transmitters or broadcast engineer- markets in the country. Must be a solid, persona- operator. Dominant News station is looking for a ing and computer skills applicable to broadcast. ble anchor and strong writer, with live shot expe- candidate that is flexible in scheduling, disposi- SBE certification preferred. Send resume and re- rience. We need an aggressive, hard -working tion and can adjust to pressure situations. ferences to Human Resources, 300 West Jef- sports director with good planning and schedul- Operator will be required to help maintain vehicle ferson Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana 46601. ing skills. Must tell compelling people stories, and SNG portion of unit. When not on SNG op- EOE. beyond scores and highlights. Beta SP editing erations, duties will include ENG truck opera- skills necessary, Avid "Newscutter" experience tions. Send resumes to: Eric Lerner, News desirable. We need a solid and creative self - Director, KWCH -TV, P.O. Box 12, Wichita, Ks. starter with lots of energy. Must be a team player 67201. Equal Opportunity Employer. Engineer. Experienced in the installation and who works effectively with others in a newsroom maintenance of television equipment. FCC Gen- environment under deadline pressures Minimum eral Class license required. Supervisory skills a five years TV sports anchoring and reporting ex- News Photographer Shoot and edit stories for plus. Valid drivers license required and must be perience required. No phone calls please. Send daily newscasts at the Number One station in maintained. Appointments only, no phone calls tape and resume to: Terry McElhatton, News beautiful Boise, Idaho. Send resume and tape to accepted. EOE. Resumes to Personnel Manager, Director, c/o Teresa Aquino, Personnel Director, KTVB, do Human Resources, P.O. Box 7, Boise, WICU -TV, P.O. Box 860, Erie, PA 16508 no later KNTV -TV, 645 Park Avenue, San Jose, Califor- ID 83707. EOE. than November 27, 1995. nia 95110. Equal Opportunity Employer.

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 99 ana n SSE le s Weekend Weathercaster: KSFY -Television, the Ellis Communications ABC affiliate in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Handle all weekend weather chores, plus some subject- specific reporting dur- WANTED: ing the week. You're a meteorologist and there's an AMS seal in your future. We have a Triton 1 -7. Send resume and a non -returnable 3/4 or VHS SUPERVISING PRODUCER tape to: Tom Claycomb, News Director, KSFY Television, 300 North Dakota Avenue #100, REPORTER Sioux Falls, SD 57102. EOE. No phone calls. Asia's foremost 24 -hour regional business news channel --Asia Business News -- broadcasts from India to California, North Asia to the South Executive Producer: We've been growing by leaps bounds, and now the dominant NBC af- Pacific, and is seen in more than 13 million households around Asia. Major and filiate in Montgomery, Alabama needs experi- include Dow Tele- International Inc. shareholders Jones and Communications enced, energetic person to oversee our daily ABN seeks a Supervising Producer. The ideal candidate will be experienced newscasts and coordinate and produce special in business reporting, know Asia, and have hands -on experience in motivating projects and programs. The successful candidate and managing news staff. will have a minimum three years newscast pro- duction experience, strong writing skills, a reputa- ABN also seeks a roving Reporter with the discipline of speedy turnarounds tion for cooperation, and the ability to implement and the eye of a storyteller. Knowledge of Asia is essential. research recommendations. Must be able to han- dle the pressure of "breaking news." Send state- These positions are based in Singapore although some regional travel may be ment of News philosophy, resume, references required. and critique and tape (VHS ok) of recent If you want to join a progressive satellite television company with a reputation newscast to: Lucy Riley, News Director, WSFA, as the fastest growing business information source in Asia, please send a 12 East Delano Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama cover letter and resume to: 36105. EOE. HUMAN RESOURCE ADMINISTRATOR ASIA BUSINESS NEWS (S) PTE LTD 10 ANSON ROAD Assignment Editor. KNTV, the ABC affiliate in San Jose, California, has an immediate opening #06 -01 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA for a News Assignment Editor. Applicants must SINGAPORE 079903 have at least two years experience working on a TV news assignment desk. This position requires excellent organizational, logistical and people _\3:1 skills. Must work effectively with reporters, photo- graphers and producers under newsroom and The essential information source for men and women shaping the future of Asia. deadline pressures. We're looking for a creative idea person who's aggressive on news coverage. A working knowledge of San Jose, the San Fran- cisco Bay Area and California issues is desirable. Send resume and cover letter to: Terry McElhat- ton, News Director, do Teresa Aquino, Person- nel Director, KNTV -TV, 645 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110. EOE. INFORMATION SUPERNEWSCAST WANT'S YOU!

LATER TODAY TELEVISION NEWSGROUP, INC. is seeking experienced broadcast journalists to work For on exciting, innovative, nationally -syndicated, doily live mid-morning SUPERNEWSCAST. Producer. WBRE -TV 28 Eyewitness News, NBC Originating horn the Disney -MGM Studios at Walt Disney World in Orlando, we ore looking for: affiliate in the 49th DMA, is looking for a hot -shot is hot- Newscast Producers Full -time and Freelance Directors Field Camera Operators 5pm producer! Our Live At Five show the Segment Producers Technical Directors Video Tape Editors test newscast in the market and we need so- Field Producers Associate Directors Technical Production Assistants meone to keep it that way. You must be ag- Sports Producers Audio Technicians Writers gressive, a great writer, a strong people person, Promotion Producers Graphic Artists Assignment Editors and willing to push the envelope. If you're ready Correspondents Chyron / Infinit! Operators Production Assistants Associate Producers Studio Camera Operators for the challenge and have previous producing experience, please send a tape of your most re- EATER TODAY needs highly motivated, energetic, creative people who ore willing to go the extra mile for what cent show (1/2 ", Beta, 3/4") and a resume ASAP will become America's #1 mid -morning SUPERNEWSCAST. to: Micah Johnson, News Director, WBRE -N, 62 Please submit a cover letter. resume and tope no later than November 30, 1995. South Franklin Street, Wilkes- Barre, PA 18773. LATER TODAY TELEVISION NEWSOROUP, INC. EOE. Absolutely no phone calls accepted! Disney -MGM Studios

Bungalow 1 P.O. Box 10200 Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 Igo phone colic p'ruse Topes will not be returned. We ore on equol opportunity employer. Freelancers ore encouraged no apply. Bureau Chief. Seasoned TV needs Reporter/ Manager for Saipan, US Commonwealth North- ern Mariana Islands. 8 person staff needs ag- gressive leader with solid credentials. Tropical isle abounds with hard news. No social hour stuff. Outstanding company benefits. Resumes Assignment Editor: Top rated, extremely com- Morning News Producer. We've recently ex- and references 1st time, along with non retuma- petitive affiliate in Nashville seeks a person with panded our morning news block and are looking ble tape to: Kirk Chaisson, ND, Guam Cable TV, strong organizational skills who is able to for someone to build on that foundation. We're 530 West O'Brien Drive, Agana, Guam 96910. motivate other people. This growth position re- looking for someone who can bring some new EOE. quires the efficient handling of multiple tasks in ideas to morning TV while maintaining our top the intense environment of a television assign- ranking. Two years producing experience re- ment unit. Send resume with references and let- quired. Contact: Jim Loy, News Director, WOOD ter of interest to Phil Bell, Executive Producer, TV8, 120 College SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. News Photographer /Editor Needed. 24 -hour WTVF -TV, 474 James Robertson Parkway, WOOD TV8 is an Equal Opportunity Employer TV news service in Miami seeking experienced Nashville, TN 37219. WTVF is an Equal Op- and actively solicits qualified minority and female cameraman /editor for full -time position. Fax re- portunity Employer. applications for consideration. sume to (305)285 -0074.

100 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable ssr_ _onC_ _n_s

Morning Anchor: We haven't found the right News Director. A unique career opportunity: Reporter. Nashville's top is look- compliment to our morning team of Augusta in Dominant News Station for 10 years. 17 Hours of ing for a top notch General Assignment Reporter. News and Laura in Weather. We're taking our News Per Week. If you are creative, have top If you are a storyteller and a team player, send morning show to the next level and need a 3rd journalistic and production skills and a proven us a tape. Tape and live reports that win viewers team member who's not only a dynamite anchor track record. If you have a relentless pursuit of ex- are musts. Minimum three years reporting expe- but can also go out and report the top story...Live. cellence and innovation. If you have the skills to rience. Send non -returnable tape, resume and let- We need people with at least 5 years in the News lead and be part of a team, send resume, re- ter of interest to Phil Bell, Executive Producer, business. Good reporting is as important as good ferences and description of current duties to: Ron WTVF -TV, 474 James Robertson Parkway, anchoring. If you've got the right mix, send re- Collins, Vice President and General Manager, Nashville, TN 37219. WTVF is an Equal Op- sume and lape: Jon Janes, News Director, KWCH -TV, P.O. Box 12, Wichita, KS 67201. Fax: portunity Employer. KOAT -TV, P.O. Box 25982, Albuquerque, NM (316) 832 -1043. Women and minorities are en- 87125. Previous applicants need not re- apply. couraged to apply. KWCH -TV is an Equal Op- Drug free workplace. Equal Opportunity portunity Employer. Employer. Noon News Editor: Editor/Photographers -We're Morning Show Host: KSFY -Television, the Ellis starting a Noon News and need somebody who's Communications ABC affiliate in Sioux Falls, main job will be editing, but who will also do Noon News Producer: Producers -if you want to South Dakota. At least a year's anchor experi- some shooting. We're #1 in the 48th DMA, in one be with the leader on a new, major newscast, ence, and 2 years more on the street. You know of America's most liveable cities. If you've got 2 we've got the job for you. Dominant #1 ABC af- news, but can handle live interview situations of years experience editing and shooting Television filiate in super 48th DMA, Southwest market, will all sorts. Send resume and a non -returnable 3/4" News, send resume and tape: Dave Mathews, be starting a Noon newscast soon. We need or VHS tape of reporting and anchoring to Todd ENG Supervisor, 3801 Carlisle Boulevard, NE, somebody who knows the difference between pro- Epp, Executive Producer, KSFY -Television, 300 Albuquerque, NM 87107. Drug free workplace. ducing and stacking a co- anchored newscast. North Dakota Avenue, Suite 100, Sioux Falls, SD Equal Opportunity Employer. You've got to come to the table with ideas. If 57102. EOE. No phone calls. you're a self- starter who knows news, please app- ly. We want somebody with television news pro- ducing experience. This is not a beginner's posi- KIMO -TV, Channel 13, Anchorage, Alaska. Producer needed with strong writing skills for tion. Send resume and tape: Dave Sebastian, Anchor /Reporter. ABC affiliate seeks experi- Washington, DC based news organization. Must Executive Producer, KOAT -TV, P.O. Box 25982, enced co- anchor for major newscasts and to re- have significant experience in writing for broad- Albuquerque, NM 87107. Drug free workplace. port stories as needed. Must be a personable, cast, and must be familiar with Basys computer Equal Opportunity Employer. high energy, team player who co- workers and au- system. Primary duties will include writing and dience alike will want as a friend. Be part of a editing for news feeds, with some travel and field growing three city operation that is changing its work possible. Send resumes to Box 00609 EOE. KUSA -TV Denver's NBC affiliate is seeking a image under dynamic new management. Salary West Slope Bureau Reporter /Photographer. This DOE. K. Berger, KIMO -TV, 2700 East Tudor area includes a large part of western Colorado Road, Anchorage, AK 99507. KIMO -TV is EOE. and requires shooting and editing stories. Must HELP WANTED PROMOTION be available for traveling long distances for stories and work long days for breaking news stones. Requires 3 to 5 years television reporting News Photographer: KSFY- Television, the Ellis WCIV, Charleston, SC seeks dynamic Promo- experience, with the addition of shooting and edit- Communications ABC affiliate in Sioux Falls, tion Director to develop, execute and oversee ing daily news. To be considered, please send a South Dakota. M -Il format. Send resume and a overall marketing strategy. Qualifications for this resume tape to Tim Ryan, Managing Editor, 500 non -returnable tape to Lonnie Nichols, Chief senior management position include experience Speer Blvd, Denver, CO 80203. EOE. Photographer, KSFY -Television, 300 North Dako- developing successful long -range marketing and ta Avenue, Suite 100, Sioux Falls, SD 57102. No advertising plans with heavy emphasis on news BETA. EOE. No phone calls please. promotion. Excellent support staff in a new, Avid- Tribune D.C. Assignment Manager. Tribune equipped facility. Hands -on editing and producing Broadcasting Washington Bureau looking for skills required. Minimum five years progressively energetic, organized assignment manager to run Position Available. NBC affiliate in control is cur- responsible broadcast experience at an affiliated day to day news operation serving 9 Tribune sta- rently accepting applications for Weekend station in marketing and promotion. Knowledge tions nationwide. Candidates must have at least Meteorologists. Qualifications include degree in of all forms of written communications including five years experience in television news and communications and meteorology or related field. print. Event promotion knowledge a plus. Send must have some working knowledge of Washing- Minimum of two years proven anchor experience. non -returnable tape, resume and salary history to ton. Must be able to develop, coordinate and Must be able to produce, prepare, and present Steve Brock, General Manager, WCIV -TV, PO assign news stories on a daily basis. Must be on air weathercasts in a friendly, easy to un- Box 22165, Charleston, SC 29413 -2165. No able to coordinate news coverage for other derstand manner. Receiving applications until phone calls please. Tribune stations including breaking news nation- November 24. Send resume and non -refundable ally. Must be familiar with satellites and fiber tape to: KCEN -TV, Personnel Department 24 -X, systems. Managerial skills, computer literate, col- P.O. Box 6103, Temple, TX 76503-6103. Equal WHP -TV 15 lege degree. Send resumes to Cissy Baker, Opportunity Employer. 44th market LMA, -TV 21/WLYH Washington Bureau Chief, Tribune Broadcasting, Harrisburg /Lancaster /Lebanon/York, PA seeks and Programming 1325 G Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. creative Promotion 20005. Coordinator. A Clear Channel Television station, Weathercaster - Top market station looking for Department Head level position will be responsi- an engaging, upbeat personality with minimum of ble for on -air promotion, news and station image; 3 -5 years experience. We expect the successful Creative Services Department; sales promotion candidate to have the following skills: familiarity and support; telethon and News Photographer: Expanding ABC affiliate in sales presentation with modem weather equipment, report- public relations the Florence /Myrtle Beach market, needs experi- computer local programming production; ing skills, the to cover national and local outdoor, enced, self- starter with hands -on live truck expe- ability and community events participation; news, to go live for Not the weak of rience. Top pay and benefits for the creative, weather stories as ability radio and print promotion. for and weather a daily basis, organization. experience as an aggressive award -winning team player. Send resume and news on heart. Must have Reply to Box promoter. tape, resume and history non -returnable tape to Pete Owens, WPDE -TV Equal Opportunity Employer. Send salary Manager, 3300 North Sixth Street, 15, 3215 South Cashua Drive, Florence, SC 00605. to General 29501 -6386. EOE/MF. Harrisburg, PA 17110. Weekend Anchor /Reporter: Expanding Midwest ABC affiliate seeks experienced anchor to News Anchor -- For dominant NBC affiliate in coordinate weekend news coverage and produce Promotion Producer-- Two years experience 93rd market. Applicants should have at least two and anchor newscasts. Candidate will serve as with ability to edit, write promotion and hands-on years experience and strong writing skills. Col- reporter /photographer three days a week. Send producing experience. College degree preferred. lege degree preferred. Resumes and tapes to resume and non -returnable tape to Greg Lund, Resumes and tapes to Judy Baker, WCYB -TV, Judy Baker, WCYB -TV, 101 Lee Street, Bristol, News Director, KCAU -TV, 625 Douglas, Sioux 101 Lee Street, Bristol, VA 24201. No phone VA 24201. No phone calls. EOE/M/F /HN. City, IA 51101. EOE. calls. EOE/M /F/HN.

Broadcasting & Cable November 13 1995 101 ier s HELP WANTED PRODUCTION0 Production /Post Production Marketing Re- presentative. Looking for talented individual to market the services of "SeaGate 11" a top -notch post- production facility associated with WTOL -TV in Toledo, Ohio. Applicant must be a strong pro- ducer and have excellent knowledge of top -of- the -line production and editing equipment. Must be able to prepare proposals and accurate cost estimates for a wide range of projects. Will work closely with clients, creative staff and post - Catch The QVC Local. production personnel to insure client satisfaction. We otter a great working environment and ex- cellent pay/benefits. Send resume to Personnel Administrator -39, WTOL-TV, 730 North Summit, Toledo, OH 43604. No phone calls, please. Our self-contained mobil unit that produces WTOL -TV is an Equal Opportunity Employer. live remotes across the country is accepting applications for future expansion. Art Director: Major market NBC affiliate seeks strong designer with proven management skills. Responsibilities include supervising a 5 person Technical Director design staff, as well as hands -on design with emphasis on news and promotion. Position re- Videographer/Editor quires minimum of 5 years experience in broad- Camera Operator cast design and knowledge of Quantel Paintbox and Macintosh. Set design and print production a Audio Technicians plus. Rush resume and VHS reel to: Personnel Field Producer Department, WFLA -TV, P.O. Box 1410, Tampa, Florida 33601. EOE. M /F. Pre -employment drug Floor Manager testing required. Lighting Director Director of Design and Graphics. WCAU, NBC's owned and operated TV station in Phila- Extensive travel is required for all positions. If delphia is searching for a Director of Design and you have experience in any of the above areas Graphics: Must be outstanding designer and have complete familiarity with the latest design and have desire and ambition to work with one tools. Seeking a team player who can supervise of the most successful broadcasting companies a staff of designers and work with all station de- partments. The right candidate will have ex- in America, we encourage you to apply today. tensive television station design experience that For consideration, please send your resume to: includes news graphics, set design, promotion graphics and animation, print advertising and re- Mike Cavanaugh, QVC, Inc., 1365 Enterprise production. Send resume and samples of your Drive, West Chester, PA 19380 -0844. work to Director Creative Services, WCAU /NBC, City Avenue and Monument Road, Philadelphia, Fax: (610) 701-1150. PA 19131. WCAU /NBC is an Equal Opportunity Equal Opportunity Employer. Employer.

Experienced Graphic Designer. WLS -TV Chan- nel 7, an ABC O &O and Chicago's 41 television station, has an opening for a top- notch, experi- enced Graphic Artist. The full -time position offers 40 regularly scheduled hours per week and the QVC. opportunity to work in a state -of- the -art television design environment. You will work with the top television designers in the market designing and producing graphics and animations for several daily newscasts, station promos and local pro- grams. You will also get the opportunity to design and produce print ads and various collateral mate- rials for the station. We offer an excellent salary Videographer Wanted for nationally recognized and a generous benefit package. You must have TV and Video Production company. Three years experience designing and producing TV news broadcast news and feature experience a must! graphics, as well as considerable ability on the Send tape, resume and salary requirements to Quantel Paintbox. Composium and Macintosh W (H1 11 LII!5 6245 North 24th Parkway, Suite 216, Phoenix, design experience would be a definite plus. WLS - L 4 N T F n N AZ 85016. TV is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Please send resume and sample reel to: Steve Holodnic- ki, Art Director, WLS -TV, 190 North State Street, HAS & HENRY ARTIST Chicago, IL 60601. If you have serious Hol, Henry or Harry expertise,

strong art direction, client skills 8 want to be a part of a Senior Designer: Top 20 station seeks strong

focused team doing killer work, send reel & resume. broadcast designer with 3-4 years experience. Responsibilities include design and art direction Graphic Designer: Internal promotion has cre- Extremely attractive financial opportunity. for news, promotion and special projects. Experi- ated opening for a news graphics designer with Onward ! ence with Quantel Paintbox, Macintosh and 3D 2 -3 years experience. Quantal Paintbox experi- MAGICK LANTERN /Attu: Charlie Willis animation, plus working knowledge of promotion ence a must. Knowledge of Pinnacle Still Store 750 Ralph McGill Blvd., NE Atlanta, GA 30312 post -production techniques a must. Reply to Box system and 3D animation a plus. Reply to Box 00586 EOE. 00587 EOE.

102 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable n

Research Director. WXIN -TV FOX 59 has an opening for a Research Director in the Sales De- QVC. There's No Other Company partment. Candidate will possess strong initiative, be creative and work well independently. A mini- Like It In The World. mum of two years research experience preferred; familiarity with Harvard Graphics, Corel Draw, Lotus 123, Windows, NSI 386, Scarborough, Whether we are in the studio breaking yet another retail sales record or continuing to in- Tuscan, CMR Data and Word for Windows; and a crease our market share by bringing new products to our audience, QVC, Inc. is college degree preferred. Responsibilities will in- clude, among others, the ability to maintain the In we are now a the synonymous with success. fact, $1.4 billion organization making us avail system, generate one -sheets from overnight worlds largest electronics retailer. With our market share increasing daily, we are ratings and rating books, generate Scarborough canvassing the country, seeking the industry's best and brightest professionals. and NSI Data reports and sales presentations, estimate numbers and rationale for new pro- TECHNICAL DIRECTOR grams and develop and expand the Research Department. For consideration, send resume and Working at our state of the an facility in West Chester, PA you'll work in a 24- hour -a -day cover letter indicating desired position and where television operation controlling robotic cameras while technical directing a live TV show. leamed of the job by November 29 to: Personnel Solid TV production experience, knowledge of Grass Valley switchers, graphics and Manager, WXIN -TV FOX 59, 1440 North Meri- dian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202. No phone audio of ambition and energy will be to your operations, plus plenty essential success. calls. EOE. Job offer contingent upon results of substance abuse testing. FIELD PRODUCER

We are currently seeking a Field Producer responsible for promotion and programming HELP WANTED ADMINISTRATION to lead our superior production staff. You will need a minimum of 5 years' experience, strong leadership skills, creativity, and the ability to take a project from pre -production Commercial Operations Manager needed for group owned FOX in Southeast. through post-produciton under time constraints. Retail experience is a plus. Opportunity growing affiliate Strong communicative, administrative, man- is for international travel available for this position. agerial and organizational skills required. Colum- bine experience preferred. Minimum 3 years ex- Working as a member of our team, you will be rewarded with a highly competitive salary perience as a traffic manager or strong assistant. and benefits package while enjoying the backing of one of the most successful broadcast compa- Send resume to Box 00610 EOE. nies in America. If you are looking for a workplace that is innovative and unique and you have a willingness to relocate to West Chester, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia, this venue is tailor -made. To apply, please forward your resume, noting salary requirements and position of interest to: SITUATIONS WANTED PRODUCTION Mike Cavanaugh, QVC, Inc., 1365 Enterprise Drive, West Chester, PA 19380 -0844. Stand -up comedienne/actress, with national Equal Opportunity Employer. television host credits seeks agent representation and /or established production company to pro- duce talk show programming ideas. Possess QVC strong research /interviewing skills. Establishes bond with audiences. Tape available. (212) 780- 4807.

SITUATIONS WANTED PROMOTION Production Photographer If you live to Needed: Producer/Director. #1 station in market is look- Golden Girl. PROMAX Gold, BDA Gold, NBC make beautiful pictures...lf you're looking for the ing for an experienced commercial Producer/ right situation to showcase your talent...Look no Golden Peacock. Tarnishing. Writer /Director Director. Must have minimum 3 years experience needs new place to shine. (206) 957 -0641. further! KHOU -TV, the CBS affiliate in Houston, in a state of the art environment. Ability to direct Texas wants you! This is your opportunity to join live news and computer literacy a plus. Send non- an award winning Creative Services Department. -returnable tapes, resume and references to Pro- A variety of projects await you: station promo- duction Manager, WRGB -TV, 1400 Balltown SITUATIONS WANTED HOSTS tional spots, commercial clients and programming Road, Schenectady, NY 12309. EOE. projects need eye for composition. your creative Unique interviewer reveals contradictions in The successful candidate for this position politicians thinking and also their true character in possesses skills in video field lighting shooting, emotionally intense but polite interview. Send for and editing with at least five years of experience explosive demo 202 -833 -3634. as a photographer in a medium to large market. Send resume and your latest reel (non- HELP WANTED RESEARCH returnable) to Steven James, Asst. Production Manager, KHOU -TV, 1945 Allen Parkway, Hous- CREATIVE SERVICES Research Manager - WMAR -TV is seeking an ton, TX 77019. EOE. experienced team player to write sales pres- Sr. Creative Director Award -winning promotion entations, analyze ratings data, support research, team of ABC affiliate in 24th largest market is maintain TvScan system and work with a looking for strong writer /producer. If you are a dynamic group of winners. Television station ex- top- notch, take control, on -air producer looking to perience preferred. Send resume to: Human Re- move into management, this may be the job for sources, Attn: Job #32, WMAR -TV, 6400 York you. 3 -5 yrs experience in marketing and promo- Great Opportunity For A Senior Designer! Road, Baltimore, MD 21212. No phone calls tion required. Interested applicants send resume/ WBZ -TV in Boston, the sixth largest market, is please. WMAR -TV is an Equal Opportunity tape to Paul Montgomery, Director of Audience seeking an outstanding Senior Designer with 2 -3 Employer. Women and minorities encouraged to Development, WRTV, P.O. Box 607, Indpls, IN years. experience. Must have strong illustration apply. 46206. EOE. and design skills and be a self- motivated team player. Experience with Quantel Picturebox and V- series Paintbox required. Knowledge of graph- ics and animation for post production also re- quired. Mac experience a definite plus. Immedi- To place your classified ad in Broadcasting : able, ately send reel and resume to: Gretchen Col- eman- Thomas, Human Resources Manager, call Antoinette Fasulo (212) 337 -7073 WBZ -TV, 1170 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA 02134. EOE.

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 103 PROGRAMMING SERVICES CABLE

ON- CAMERA HELP WANTED PRODUCTION WEATNERCASTING SEMINAR NWN, America's Virtual Weathercenter also offers daily on-camera weathercaster training sessions. Work the Chroma -Key and make your on -air demo tape. Sin- gle and multi -day sessions available. Call 601-352-6673. awa

VIDEO SERVICES U'`} USA NETWORKS, home of the Sci -Fi Channel and America's #1 entertainment Need video shot in the New cable channel, has opportunities for two sharp and orga- nized individuals to work in our Post -Production Department in York metropolitan area? Expe- Jersey City. rienced crews, top equipment. Call Camera Crew Network (CCN). 800-914 -4CCN. We are looking for a hands -on Art Director with Hal /Paintbox and MAC expe- rience. Working with our in -house and freelance producers, you will create graphics for USA and Sci-Fi Channel programs, promos, movie marathon's and RESUME TAPES sports. We require at least 7 years of television graphics experience, strong design, illustration and management skills. Career Videos prepares your personalized demo. Unique format, excellent rates, coaching, job search assistance, free dubs. Great track re- GRAPHIC ARTIST cord. 708-272-2917. We also seek an accomplished Graphic Artist that will work on the in -house Quantel Hal and MAC to create graphics for both the USA and Sci -Fi Channel. We require experience with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Quark software, 3 to 5 years tele- vision graphics experience, the ability to take direction from in -house producers . and meet rigorous production deadlines. Both positions offer a competitive salary & a comprehensive benefits package including 401(k), pension & profit sharing plan. Send resume and reel, including l salary history to: Post -Production Department AD (for the Art Director position) or Attention: \\ Post- Production Department GA (for the Graphic Artist position)

525 Washington Boulevard, Fourth Floor Cable Jersey City, NJ 07310 We are an equal opportunity employer Aòvertifers J HELP WANTED TECHNICAL ALLIED FIELDS ENGINEERS HELP WANTED INSTRUCTION I The University Please contact f Communications/Broadcasting. WANTED gym, of Southern Indiana invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor of Antoinette Fasulo Broadcast Cox Communications is looking for Engi- Communications beginning Fall 1996. Individual will teach a diverse nine load neers for its CableRep Advertising Divi- -hour in broadcasting, including such courses @ 212.337.7073 sion. Multiple openings and locations are as TV Pro- duction, TV Directing, Video Field Production, available. Individuals should have man- and Broadcast Journalism and will manage the agement experience the to or Fax 212.206.8327 and ability University TV Center. Ph.D. preferred; ABD con- interact with all levels of management. A sidered. Industry experience a plus. The Univer- for mixture of the following engineering skills sity is committed to excellence in teaching, is desired: video engineering and mainte- scholarship and professional activity, and service nance; local area (Windows NT or Nov- to the University and the community. The Univer- BROADCASTING & CABLE' S ell Netware), wide -area and TCP/IP net- sity of Southern Indiana is a state supported pub- working; DOS, Windows and PC lic institution with an enrollment of more than new, special maintenance. Successful candidates will 7,600 located in the southwestern corner of the have a blend of the above skills and a state. Application deadline is December 12, proven record of success. Resumes should 1995, but applications will be accepted until posi- CABLE CLASSIFIED be directed to CableRep Engineering, tion is filled. Submit letter of application, cur- 1400 Lake Hearn Drive, Atlanta, GA riculum vita, and the names and addresses of three professional references DISPLAY AD RATES! 30319. Cox Communications is an to: Dr. Dal Herring, Equal Opportunity Employer. Chair, Communications Department, University of Southern Indiana, 8600 University Boulevard, Evansville, IN 47712. AA/EOE.

104 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable afflo sifieds HELP WANTED ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL JOBS WANTED TO BUY EQUIPMENT WITH ENTERTAINMENT COMPANIES Chair, Journalism and Communication De- Used videotape: Cash for 3/4" SP, M2 -90's, BROADCAST TELEVISION, partment. Point Park College is seeking a new & CABLE DISTRIBUTORS, Betacam SP's. Call Carpel Video 301 -694.3500. MOTION PICTURE, POST PRODUCTION & MORE Chair of the Department of Communications and Journalism to administer and develop a Entry to senior level jobs nationwide in ALL fields diversified and well -established program com- (news, sales, production, management, etc.). prised of seven full -time faculty, 200 under- FOR SALE EQUIPMENT graduate and 40 master's students. The depart- Published biweekly. For subscription information: ment is founded solidly on real -world experience (800) 335 -4335 and enjoys a high job placement rate for gradu- M.!i`:' F In CA, (818) 901 -6330. .. '...s.'..`.:.<. .;;.##:i:.s:.:.i:'.'?:N ates. The chair is expected to teach one to two : courses per term. The faculty position is tenure Entertainment EmploymentJournalTM track, open for all ranks. Salary commensurate with experience. Candidates should have the STOCK following qualifications: 1) Earned doctorate pre- ferred, with advanced study in the field of com- T N D munications including print journalism, public re- (900) 40 -RTNDA lations, advertising, broadcast media, or related RTNDA JOB LINE ANSWERS. discipline; 2) Teaching, administrative and man- Updated daily. 85 cents a minute. For video duplication, demos, agement experience in higher education and ex- To place a free listing call: (202) 659- audition reels, work tapes, our in perience the communications professions. A 6510; fax: (202) 223 -4007; RTNDA, recycled tapes are technically private, independent institution, Point Park Col- up to any task and downright lege is located in downtown Pittsburgh with , ,,, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036 bargains. M formats, fully guar- strong ties to regional and national media. Point anteed. Park's current FTE is approximately 1600. A new cooperative agreement with the Carnegie Library CARPEL system will create significant new college capabil- __.... VIDEO ity in instruction, research, exchange and other Unhappy with your agent advanced applications. The ideal candidate will possess leadership capabilities to advance the (who isn't)? Carnegie Library partnership, integrating News talent agency seeks news talent of For Sale: 1) 42 sections 4 3/8" x 19' 6" advanced information technology with the journal- all types. Send tape and resume to: Transmission Line. 2) 10 sections 4 3/8" x 20' ism and communications professions. An Equal 1B-3 Talcott Ridge Road Transmission Line -New. 3) 120 sections 3 1/8" x Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer, Point 20' Transmission Line. 4) 1 Six Bay FM -ERI 97.3 Farmington, CT 06032 Park encourages applications from women and Antenna. 5) 1 TAD -3L 4/10, Ch 6 Delta Wing, 10 ethnic minorities. Application, including letter of in- Bay Antenna and support frame. Please call 305- tent, resume and three letters of reference, must 653 -5800. be received by January 31, 1996 at the following Just For Starters: Entry-level jobs and "hands - address: Human Resources Office, Box #634, on internships in TV and radio news. National Point Park College, 201 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, listings. For a sample lead sheet call: 800 -680- PA 15222. EOE/AA. 7513. 10 -KVA Topaz U.P.S., 204/120 volt in and out. Batteries not included. $1,950. Megastar, Inc. (702) 386-2844. National Sports Jobs Weekly. We cover pro EMPLOYMENT SERVICES and college sports and all of the media. $39 - 4 issues. (602) 933-4345. AM and FM transmitters, used, excellent condi- tion, tuned and tested your frequency. Guaran- TV Reporters, Anchors and Producers!!! You teed. Financing available. Transcom. 800 -441- deserve the best chance to achieve your career 8454, 215 -884 -0888, Fax 215 -884 -0738. goals. Call Tony Windsor at NEWSDirections IIIIInside Job Openings, Nationwide (423) 843-0547 or leave toll -free voice mail at PRESS O Radio Jobs, updated daily (800) 639-7347. Broadcast equipment (used): AM /FM transmit- O Television Jobs, updated daily ters, RPU's, STL's antennas, consoles, pro- OUR ® Hear "Talking Resumés" cessing, turntables, automation, tape equipment, 6'" O To record "Talking Resumés "and monitors etc. Continental Communications, 3227 YEAR employers to record job openings EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Magnolia, St. Louis, MO 63118. 314-664-4497, ® Entry level positions Fax 314 -664 -9427. 1- 900 -726 -JOBS Instructional Audiotape w /Manual - "New Media Basics: Understanding Mass Communica- per min. JOBPHONE. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 1 tions in the Information Age" covers technology, Remote Control. Aerial Photography and Video information, networks, and marketing. Send from the ground. 30 ft. and 50 ft. telescoping $29.95 to Media Dynamics, Inc., 3442 Lauderdale tripods, or up to 500 feet with miniature Blimp - Drive, Suite 109, Richmond, VA 23233. (804) 360- Cams. Pan, Tilt and Zoom. Wireless remote 2739. systems available. Sky View Aerial Photo of Flor- ida, Inc. (407) 333 -2039. Fax (407) 333 -0847.

On- camera coaching: Sharpen TV reporting and anchoring/teleprompter skills. Produce quali- ty demo tapes. Resumes. Critiquing. Private Lowest prices on videotape! Since 1979 we lessons with former ABC News correspondent. have been beating the high cost of videotape. 914- 937 -1719. Julie Eckhert, ESP. Call Carpel for a catalog. 800 -238 -4300.

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Rates: Classified display (minimum 1 inch, upward in half inch increments). Per issue: Help Wanted: Fulltime full service heritage AM in attractive $173 per inch. Situations Wanted: $87 per inch. Pub- upstate NY market. Good revenues and cash lic Notice & Business Opportunities advertising flow. Needs owner operator. $325,000 terms YOUR AD require display space. Agency commission only on available to qualified buyer. Include financials with display space (when camera -ready art is provided). reply. Reply to Box 00608. Frequency rates available. Blind Box Service: (In addition to basic advertising COULD BE costs) Situations Wanted: No charge. All other classi- fications: $25 per issue. The charge for the blind box Suburban Radio Station (near NYC) in heavily service applies to advertisers running listings and populated area. Underdeveloped property. Ask- HERE! display ads. Each advertisement must have a separate ing $500,000 cash. Hickman Associates 908- box number. BROADCASTING & CABLE will now for- 850 -5188. ward tapes, but will not forward transcripts, portfo- lios, writing samples, or other oversized materials; such are returned to sender. Do not use folders, To place an ad in Broadcasting & Cable binders or the like. Replies to ads with Blind Box Suburban AM, major Florida market; Florida numbers should be addressed to: Box (number), c/o Atlantic Coast AM; Urban AM, well established, Classified section, call Antoinette Fasulo Broadcasting & Cable, 245 W. 17th Street, New York, major Florida market; Others; Beckerman Asso- NY 10011 971 TEL: 212- 337 -7073 ciates, 813- -2061. Confidential Service. To protect your identity seal FAX: 212- 206 -8327 your reply in an envelope addressed to the box num- ber. In a separate note list the companies and sub- WANTED TO BUY STATIONS INTERNET: sidiaries you do not want your reply to reach. Then, enclose both in a second envelope addressed to CON- AFASULO @BC.CAHNERS.COM FIDENTIAL SERVICE, Broadcasting & Cable Maga- Investor seeking small AM or FM station with zine, at the address above. real estate. Up to $250k. Ted 914- 357 -4861.

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Broadcasting & Cable Classifieds On Demand Broadcasting & Cable's Classifieds on Demand: 1- 800 -860 -8419 $1.99 per minute - use valid Amex, Visa, Mastercard The Menu of Categories: 01 Radio 04 Allied Fields 02 Television 05 Station Marketplace 03 Cable 06 Interactive Media *Press 9 at any ime for fax of the c assified section. To place classified ads call (212) 337 -7073 or fax 1212) 206 -8327. 3if.2)rg Changing Hands work), no other broadcast interests; WLRV(AM) Lebanon, Va., and KSKE and KDMN: Global American wcoc(AM) Blountville, Tenn. continued from page 67 Inc., Dillon (Ronald Crider, presi- Facilities: 1130 khz, 1 kw Construction permit for WAJV(FM) dent/50% owner with wife of buyer Format: Country Brooksville, Miss. Rocky Mountain Radio Network), no other broadcast interests KENE(AM) Toppenish, Wash. Price: $7,500 Price: $180,000 Buyer. Radio Columbus Inc., Colum- Facilities: KHTH: 1130 khz, 5 kw; KSKE: 610 khz, 5 kw day, 217 w night; Buyer. La Michoacan Broadcast Co., bus, Miss. (J.W. Furr Sr., presi- Yakima, Wash. (Ramon Duarte, presi- dent/60% owner); also owns KDMN: 1450 khz, 1 kw Formats: KHTH: talk; KSKE: hot dent); no other broadcast interests WJWF(AM)- WMBc(FM) Columbus and country, adult contemporary; KDMN: dark Seller. Good News and Music Broad- WFoR(AM)- WHER(FM) Hattiesburg, casting Co., Toppenish (Rick Knapp, Miss. WCAZ(AM) Carthage, III. president); no other broadcast inter- Seller Colcast Broadcasting Inc., Price: $350,000 ests Columbus, Miss. (Anthony Colom, Buyer. Ralla Broadcasting Co. Inc., Facilities: 1490 khz, 1 kw president); no other broadcast inter- Carthage (Robin R. Dunham, presi- Format: Country ests dent/50% owner; Ann B. Dunham, Facilities: 98.9 mhz, 25,000 kw, ant. VP/50% owner); no other broadcast WOIR(AM) Homestead, Fla. 650 ft. interests Price: $140,000 Format: Contemporary Christian Seller. Bryan Broadcasting Inc., Buyer. Corpo -Mex Inc., Florida City, Carthage (Dan C. Bryan, president); Fla. (Soila R. Gallegos, president, RADIO: AM no other broadcast interests 30.2% owner) Facilities: 990 khz, 1 kw day, 9 w Seller. Continental Broadcasting WISOIAM) Ponce, P.R. night Corp., Homestead (Fernando Price: $500,000 Format: Farm, C &W Alvarez, president); no other broad- cast interests Buyer. Wilfredo G. Blanco Pi, Hato KRLVIAM) Las Vegas Facilities: 1430 khz, 5 kw day, 500 w Rey, P.R.; also owns wNTi(AM) Moro - Price: $315,000 night vis and is 50% owner of WAPA(AM) Buyer. Far West Radio Inc., Tulsa, San Juan, P.R. Okla. (Fred Weinberg, CEO /50% Format: Dark Seller: South Puerto Rico Broadcast- owner; David Rubio, CFO /50% WJJC(AM) Commerce, Ga. ing Corp., Ponce (Liro M. Pirallo- owner). Weinberg also owns Price: $110,000 Rivera, president/4.9% owner). KrRr(AM) Claremore, and is buying Buyer: Banks -Jackson Broadcasting Pirallo- Rivera 15.6% also is owner KBIX(AM) and KMus(AM) Muskogee, all Co. Inc., Commerce (Gerald Jordan, of Abacoa Radio Corp., which owns Okla. president/33.3% owner); no other WMIA -AM Arecibo, P.R., and 1.6% Seller. Max Radio Inc., Virginia Beach, broadcast interests owner of WAEL Inc., which owns Va. (Larry Saunders, president); owns Seller. WJJC Broadcasting Co. Inc., WAEL -AM Mayaguez and WAEL -FM KKLZ -FM Las Vegas; wMox(FM) Winston Commerce, Calif. (Oscar Wisley, Maricao, P.R. Salem and WJMH(FM) Reidsville, N.C., president); no other broadcast Facilities: 1260 khz, 1 kw and WWDE(FM) Hampton and WNVZ(FM) interests Format: Talk, news, oldies Va. Norfolk, Facilities: 1270 khz, 5 kw Facilities: 1340 khz, 1 kw WHBSIAM) Eatonville-Oriando, Fla. Format: Country, religion, news Price: $378,500 Format: News WLNTIAM) Winchester, Ky. Buyer: Radio Luz, Orlando, Fla. WBJX(AM) Racine, Wis. Price: $110,000 (Jimmy Jimenez, president); no Price: $275,000 Buyer: Lyon Broadcast Group Inc., other broadcast interests Buyer: WBJX Inc., Waukegan, Ill. Ashland, Ky. (Michael Todd Seller. Rumbaut Management, Inc., (Robert and Janet Jeffers, president Dempsey, president/owner); no Coral Gables, Fla. (receiver for S.E. and VP /52% joint owners). Robert other broadcast interests Broadcasting Inc.) Jeffers owns 35% of WKGA(AM) Zion, Seller. WHRS Inc., Winchester (Tim Facilities: 1270 khz, 5 kw III. president/33.3% Format: Dark Seller. UNC Media of Milwaukee Inc., Smith, owner; Kelly West Allis, Wis. (Edward Dugger Ill, Combs, VP/33.3% owner; KHTH(AM) Dillon, KSKE(AM) Vail, CEO). Dugger is a director of US Eloise Combs, secretary/treasur- KDMN(AM) Buena Vista, all Colo. Radio Inc. er/33.3% owner); no other broad- Price: $350,453 ($228,202 for KHTH, Facilities: 1460 khz, 500 w day, 65 w cast interests $122,250 for KSKE, $1 for KDMN) night Facilities: 1380 khz, 5 kw day, 40 w Buyer. Rocky Mountain Radio Net- Format: Urban contemporary night work Inc., Dillon (Al and wife Fern Format: News /talk Martischang, 50% owners; Ronald WJTP(AM) Newland, N.C. E. and wife Molly Crider, 50% own- Price: $175,000 WAZF(AM) Yazoo City, Miss. ers); also is 75% owner of company Buyer. Rondinaro Enterprises Inc., Price: $20,000 buying KRKY(AM) Granby and Banner Elk, N.C. (Tamera and Buyer. Michael Augustis, LaMarque, KRKM(FM) Kremmling, Colo. (see Stephen L. Rondinaro, president and Tex. combo item, above) VP /owners); no other broadcast Seller. Sides, Robinson, Edwards Inc., Seller: KHTH: Alameda Enterprises interests Alabaster, Ala. (John H. Sides, presi- Inc., Dillon (Al and Fern Martis- Seller. J.T. Parker Broadcasting dent); no other broadcast interests chang, owners /50% owners of Corp., Newland, N.C. (J.T. Parker Facilities: 1230 khz, 1 kw buyer Rocky Mountain Radio Net- Jr., president). J.T. Parker Jr. owns Format: News /talk, sports

108 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable PROFESSIONAL CARDS

du Treu Lun6n & Rackley, Inc. CARL T. JONES- LOHNES AND CULVER COHEN, DIPPELL AND A SuMidl.p of A D. Ron, P.0 CORPORATION CONSULTING RADIO ENGINEERS EVERIST, P.C. 8309 Cherry Lane CONSULTING ENGINEERS 240 North Washington Blvd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Laurel, MD 20707 -4830 Suitc 700 7901 YARNWOOD COURT (301) 776 -4488 1300 'L' STREET, N.W. S1BTE 1100 Sarasota, Florida 34236 SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22153 WASHINGTON, O.C. 20005 (813)366.2611 ( 703 ) 569-7704 1202) 898 -0111 AfNOSRAPCCS Since 1944 Member AFCCE Member AFCCE MEMBER AFCCE

& P.C. MLJ HAMMEIT & EDISON, INC CARL E. SMITH Denny Associates, Monet, Larson & Johnson, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Consulting Engineers Consulting Telecommunication. Engineers CONSULTING ENGINEERS AM -FM -TV Engineering Consultants Two Skyline Place, Suite 800 Box 280068 94128 Complete Tower and Rigging Services 1735 I Street, N.W., Suite 618 5203 Leesburg Pike San Francisco, California "Serving the Broedroal Industry Washington D C 20006 Falls Church, VA 22041 HE707/996-5200 /or over 50 Lenny" 703 -824 -5660 Box Tel: (202) 452 -5630 Fax: (202) 452-5820 FAX: 703-824-5672 202/396-5200 807 Bath. Ohio 44210 MEMBER AFCCE e-mail: engr®h-e.com (216) 659 -4440 e -mail: info©denny.com Member AFCCE

E. Harold Munn, Jr., Mullaney Engineering, Inc. HATFIELD & DAWSON F.W. HANNEL k ASSOCIATES Engineers CONSULTING ENGINEERS & Associates, Inc. Consulting Telecommunications Registered Professional Engineers 4226 SIXTH AVE. N.W. Broadcast Engineering Consultants 9049 Shady Grove Court 911 Edward Street Box 220 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98107 Henry, Illinois 61537 Michigan 49036 301-921-0115 Coldwater, 12061 783-9151. Facsimile. 12061 789 -9834 (309) 364 -3903 Phone: 517-278-7339 Member AFCCE MEMBER AFCCE Fax (309) 364 -3775

C.P. CROSSNO & ASSOCIATES D JOHN F X ERO1 NE 8 ASSOCIATES I/,i CONSULTING ENGINEERS D.C. WILLIAMS, P.E. ( I `oMMUNlunons TECHNOLOGIES INC. \' YO.00aR NeLle®mQ CONSULT, m P O BOX 180312 Consulting Radio Engineer Member AFCCE DALLAS. TEXAS 75218 BLOOMFIELD HILLS B'oadcast Cape Clarence M Beverage Post Office Box 1888 FAA) 810 -642.6226 Wireless !aura M Murahr TELECOMMUNICATIONS (FCC. Carson City, 89702 PO Bon 1130. Malton. NI 08053 CHARLES PAUL CROSSNO. P E WASHINGTON Member AFCCE (702) 885 -2400 16091985 -0077 FAX:(609)985 -8124 (214) 321-9140 MEMBER AFCCE 202.293.2020


R I Radio /Tv Engineering ealSWCPie UPLINK TRUCKS or E Company MAPS SATELLITE EQUIPMENT Coverage Terrain Shadowing In. er,ue..t.r. ere, 35 SERVICES condition and will pay cash Allocation Studies Directories will consider any PO Box 30730 301.652 -8822 BLR COMMUNICATIONS Consultants Marva. 10.tterson. Pro 1416 Hollister Lane Los Osos. Ce 93402 Bethesda. MD 20814 800.36B -5754 1-410- 750-1400 Ps. (005) 528 -1996 & Fen: (605) 528-1982

Shoolbred Engineers, Inc. LDL s, ., w N Con,e1. a,.. COMMUNICATIONS Inc RF Systems, Inc. inc. 68 INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS (DO Sainleb:, RF DESIGN Transmitter and Installation Studio Towers and Antenna Structures LARCANILARCAN -TTC TRANSMITTERS RF Test and Measurement New Towers, Antenna Structures ALAN DICK ANTENNAS & COMBINERS Microwave and Satelile Robert A. Shoolbred, PE. Engineering Studies, Modifications LEBLANC TOWER SYSTEMS Engineering and in:toe06pn Inspections, Erection, Appraisals 14440 CHERRY LANE CT LAUREL MD 20707 244 World's Fair Drive North Wales, PA 19454 1244 Morrison Drne 144 408.563.1 Somerset NI 08871 h 4681 FAX: 301-498-7952 215 699.4871 FAX 699 -9597 Charlesron, S C:44C i iat i:: TEL: 301498-2200


52 weeks - $55 per insertion 26 weeks - $70 per insertion 13 weeks - $85 per insertion "For the Record" compiles applications filed Sisseton, S.D. (BPH- 941121 MK)- Eclectic change ERP to 1 kw. Oct. 19 with and actions taken by the FCC. Applica- Enterprises Inc. for FM at 99.5 mhz, ERP 50 Yakima, Wash. (BMPH-8909291C)- Butter- tions and actions are listed by state; the date kw, ant. 150 m. Oct. 17 field Broadcasting Corp. for Kxoo(FM) 104.1 the application was filed or the action was Ned/accepted for filing mhz: change from directional to non-direc- taken, when available, appears in italic. Duncan, Ariz. (BPH- 951024MA) -Kelly tional ant. system. Oct. 18 McMurray (1648 E. 3350 S., Salt Lake, UT Granted Abbreviations: AOL- assignment of license: ant. - 84106) for FM 100.7 antenna; ch.- channel: CP- construction permit; at mhz, ERP 6 kw, ant. - Jackson, Ala. (951017AE)- Capital Assets ERP -, khz- kilohertz; km- 34 m., Kelly's Knoll, 2.4 km NW of Duncan. Inc. for WHOO(AM) 1230 khz: increase power to kilometers; kw- kilowatts: m.- meters; mhz -mega- Oct. 24 hertz; mi- miles; TL- transmitter location: w -wans. 10 kw day, add night service at 300 w, One meter equals 3.28 feet. Livingston, Calif. (951005MB)- Education- change TL day site to 5.9 km NNW of al Media Foundation Inc. for educational FM Gainestown, change ant. system and fre- at 89.1 mhz, ERP .25 kw, ant. 45 m. Oct. 31 quency to 1190 khz. Oct. 30 OWNERSHIP CHANGES North Miami Beach, Fla. (951016MA)- Anchorage (BPED- 950130MC)- Alaska Sylum Educational Foundation for Public Telecommunications Inc. for KsKA(FM) Granted FM at 88.7 mhz, ERP .1 kw, ant. 30 m. Oct. 30 91.1 mhz: change ERP to 100 kw, ant. to 188

Abingdon, Va. (BAL- 950601 ED)- Involun- m., class to . Oct. 20 El Dorado, Kan. (951017MC)-Butler Coun- Cl tary assignment of license for WABN -AM -FM ty Community College for FM at 88.1 mhz, Crescent City, Calif. (BPH -950731 IA) -Peli- 1230 khz -92.7 mhz from Legend Radio ERP .617 kw, ant. 28 m. Nov. 2 can Bay Broadcasting Corp. for KcRE -FM 94.3 Group Inc. to Legend Radio Inc. Group mhz: change ant. to -93 m. Oct. 19 (debtor-in- possession). Oct. 17 Iron Mountain, Mich. (BPH- 9510)- Zephyr Broadcasting Inc. (Timothy D. Martz, presi- Los Angeles (BPH- 9504101E)-KFI Inc. for Dismissed denUowner, 5595 Liberty Rd., Chagrin Falls, KosT(FM) 103.5 mhz: change auxiliary ant. Freeport, Ill. (BTCH-950725G0)- Friends OH 44022) for FM at 106.7 mhz, ERP 1.75 system. Oct. 20 Communications WFPS Inc. for -FM 92.1: volun- kw, ant. 189.2 ft., NE quarter of NW quarter of Sonora, Calif. (BPED- 9501171P)- Sonora tary transfer of control from Eugene Bryan Section 32, Township 40 N, Range 30 W, Mil- Union High School District for Kruo(FM) 102.1 and Robert Elliot to Charles Brooks and lie Hill Communications Site. Zephyr owns mhz: change frequency to 102.1 and channel Michael Brooks. Oct. 19 WZNL(FM) Norway and WENL(FM) Gladstone, to 102.1. Oct. 18 Mich. Martz owns WBPW(FM) and WOHR(FM) Tyler, Tex. (BALH -940621 GI)-KTYL Radio New Haven, Conn. (BPCT- 950712KK)- Presque Isle and wvzo(FM) Dennysville, Inc. for i ryL -FM 93.1 mhz: voluntary assign- WTNH Broadcasting Inc. for wrNH(Tv) ch. 8: Maine; WKNW(AM)- wvss(FM) Sault Ste. Marie ment of license from KTYL Radio Inc., debtor change ERP to 175 kw visual, ant. to 263 m. and wiHc(FM) Newberry, Mich.; wyuL(FM) in possession, to East Texas Radio Inc. Oct. Oct 11 20 Chateaugay, N.Y.; WFNL(FM) Sturgeon Bay, Wis., and wxMx(FM) Canaan, Vt. Bradenton, Fla. (BPH-9507201D) -Jacor Broadcasting of Tampa Bay Inc. for wouv(FM) Hattiesburg, Miss. (BP ED- 951020ME)- NEW STATIONS 103.5 mhz: change ERP to 99 kw, ant. to 414 American Family Association (Donald E. m., TL, frequency, class to C. Sept. 1 Canceled/returned/dismissed Wildmon, president, PO Drawer 2440, Tupe- Silver Lake, Kan. (BMPH-9505251E)- Killen, Ala. (BPED- 950619MA) -North lo, MS 38803) for FM at 89.3 mhz, ERP 1 kw, Alabama Education Foundation for educa- ant. 67 m., 933 Richburg Hill Rd. Association Richard P. Bott II for FM at 92.5 mhz: change ERP, ant., transmitter location. tional FM at 90.5 mhz, ERP 9 kw, ant. 90 m. owns wAFR(FM) Tupelo; WOST-AM -FM Forest Oct. 19 Oct. 20 and woFx(FM) Cleveland, all Miss.; and Baker, La. (BPH- 9507171E)- Bebe -F Broad- KcFN(FM) Wichita and KBuz(FM) Topeka, Kan. Richton, Miss. (BPED- 920831 MB)- Richton casting Corp. for weBu(FM) 107.3 mhz: Oct. 20 change ERP to 4.6 kw. 19 School District for educational FM at 91.7 Oct. mhz, ERP 6 kw, ant. 29 m. Oct. 18 Nashua, N.H. (951017MA) -New Hampshire Hammond, La. (BP H- 9507171D)- Airweb Public Radio Fayetteville, Tenn. (BPED- 950703MC)- Inc. for FM at 89.3 mhz, ERP 5 Inc. for WHMO(FM) 107.1 mhz: change ERP to kw, ant. 21 m. Oct 30 6 kw. North Alabama Education Foundation for Oct. 19 educational FM at 88.3 mhz, ERP 2.5 kw, ant. Sunnyside, Wash. (95101OMA)- American Aitkin, Minn. (BPH- 950320MB) -Ronan 64 m. Oct. 19 Family Association for educational FM at 88.1 Broadcasting Corp. for KEZZ(FM) 94.3 mhz: mhz, ERP .25 kw, ant. -58 m. Oct. change ERP 14.2 Tiptonville, Tenn. (BPH- 920717MA)- 31 to kw, ant. to 133 m., TL to .2 km E of Hwy. 169, .4 km W of Willow WENK of Union City Inc. for FM at 101.3 mhz, Creek, 4.5 km S of Lake Waukenabo, class to ERP 25 kw, ant. 100 m. Nov. 1 FACILITIES CHANGES C3. Oct. 16 Fredericksburg, Va. (BPED -950601 MG)- Dismissed Pickens, Miss. (BMPH- 9507271C)-J. Scott Good News Education Broadcast Corp. for Ford City, Calif. (BMPH- 940705IB) -Ford Communications Inc. for wLTO(FM) 105.9 mhz: FM at 91.3 mhz, ERP 8 kw. Oct. 19 City Broadcasting for KzFE(FM) 102.1 mhz: change ant. to 227 m. Oct. 12 Granted increase ant. to 100 m. Oct. 18 Farmington, Mo. (BPH- 9506231E) -KREI Worthington, Minn. (BPET- 890719KE)- University Heights, Ohio (BPED - Inc. for KTJJ(FM) 98.5 mhz: install auxiliary sys- West Central Minnesota Education TV Co. for 9506161C) -John Carroll University for tem, ERP 37 kw, ant. 241 m. Oct. 20 educational TV wu,lc(FM) 99.7 mhz: change ERP to 1.15 kw, at ch. 20, ant. 332 m., TL 2.5 Missoula, Mont. (BPH- 9508301B)- Western km S of Chandler on Hwy. 92. Oct. 23 ant. to 101 m. Oct. 17 Broadcasting Co. for KYSS -FM 94.9 mhz: Saucier, Miss. (BPED-920630MC)-Ameri- Ephrata, Pa. (BMPED- 9506161A)- Temple change transmitter site to ERP 66 kw, ant. to can Family Association for non -commercial University of Commonwealth System for 726 m. Oct. 18 WRTL(FM) 90.7 mhz: change directional ant. educational FM at 91.7 mhz, ERP 100 kw, Reno (BPH- 941230AC)- Rolando Collantes pattern. Oct 18 ant. 299 m. Oct. 18 for KxEO(AM) 1340 khz: change ant. system. Bryan, Ohio (BPED- 950213MD)- Public Jasper, Tex. (BPH -900801 IB) -KTXJ Radio Oct. 2 Inc. for Kwyx(FM) 102.7 mhz: class Broadcasting Foundation of NW Ohio for edu- C2 opera- Trenton, N.J. (BPED- 950614IG)- Mercer tion. Oct. 19 cational FM at 90.9 mhz, ERP .75 kw, ant. County Community College for wwFM(FM) 118 m., TL to .5 mi. S of Rte. 34, 2 mi. W of St. Albans, Vt. (BPH- 9209021G) -Kimel 89.1 mhz: increase tower height to 92 m. Oct. Bryan. Broadcast Group Inc. for WLFE(FM) 102.3 mhz: 16

110 November 131995 Broadcasting & Cable Hobbs, N.M. (BMPH -950511 ID)- Cotton- Idyllwild, Calif. (BMPH- 9509221C) -Kay Trenton, Mo. (BPH- 9509201F)- Luehrs wood Communications Corp. for KoKN(FM) Sadlier -Gill for KATY -FM 101.3 mhz: change Broadcasting Co. Inc. for KTrN -FM 92.3 mhz: 102.9 mhz: change ant. to 118 m., TI to .9 km ERP to 1.9 kw, ant. to 182 m. Oct. 19 change ERP to 18.5 kw. Oct. 19 E of S.R. 132, 5.4 km N of Bender Blvd., Lancaster, Calif. (950927MA)- Living Way Harkers Island, N.C. (BMPH-9509141F)- downgrade to Cl. Oct. 13 Ministries for KTLw(FM) 88.9 mhz: change Hope Communications Inc. for wAEO(FM) New York (BP- 941118AA) -ICBC Corp. for ERP top 508 kw, ant. to 82.5, TL to 2064 15th 100.3 mhz: change ant. to 170 m., TL. Oct. 6 wue(AM) 1190 khz: increase power to 30 kw St. W, Rosamond. Oct. 24 Rocky Mount, N.C. (BPH -95100218) -Radio night, change ant. system, extend nighttime Aspen, Colo. (BMPH- 9508221D) -Aspen Station Weed Inc. for wasv(FM) 92.1 mhz: Oct. 18 operation. FM for KPVw(FM) 107.1 mhz: change ERP to change ERP to 2 kw, ant. to 174 m., TL to 9 Plattsburgh, N.Y. (BPH-9508031F)- Platts- 20.6 kw, ant. to 100 m., TL, upgrade from A to km W of Pinetops, SW corner of junction of burgh Broadcasting Corp. for wGFB(FM) 99.9 C3. Oct. 6 1003 and 1124. Oct. 31 19 mhz: install new auxiliary ant. system. Oct. Denver (BMPH- 9509141E) -Henry Broad- Akron, Ohio (9509261D) -Board of Educa- Edmond, Okla. (BPED- 950201 MG) -Uni- casting Co. for KvoD(FM) 99.5 mhz: change tion, Akron City School for wAPS(FM) 89.1 versity of Central Oklahoma for Kcsc(FM) 90.1 ant. to 495 m., TL. Oct. 6 mhz: change directional ant. pattern to non - directional. Oct. 27 mhz: change ant. to 256.2 m. Oct. 19 Hamden, Conn. (950913MF)- Ouinnipiac Darlington, S.C. (BPH- 9502241D)- Atlantic College for woAO(FM) 83.3 mhz: change to Chillicothe, Ohio (BPCT- 951024KF) -Fant Broadcasting Co. Inc. for WDAR -FM 105.5 mhz: commercial frequency at 98.1 mhz. Oct. 30 Broadcasting Co. of Ohio Inc. for wwHo(Tv) operate with nondirectional ant., ERP 17 kw, ch. 53: change ant. to 362 m., TL to .4 km N Ledyard, Conn. (BPH- 950911 IB) -Red Wolf ant. 122 m. Oct. 20 of U.S. 22, .8 km NE of Williamsport. Nov. 1 Broadcasting Corp. for wBMw(FM) 106.5 mhz: Harker Heights, Tex. (BPH- 9506191B)- change ant. to 140 m., ERP to 3.1 kw. Oct. 11 Ironton, Ohio (BPH -950911 IC) -Simon Sonance Killeen License Subsid. Inc. for Broadcasting Co. for wMLv(FM) 107.1 mhz: Cedar Key, Fla. (BMPH- 9509141A)- Ronald KLrx(FM) 105.5 mhz: change ERP to 7.8 kw, change ant. to 87 m., TL. Oct. 11 J. Linder for wcoo(FM) 102.7 mhz: change TL TL to 3 km NE of Nolanville on Hwy. FM 439, to 8 km NE of Cedar Key on S side of S.R. 24. Nyssa, Ore. (9509271A) -Mason Broadcast- directional ant., class from C2 to C3. Oct. 18 Oct. 6 ing Inc. for KGZH(FM) 98.7 mhz: change ERP Diego, Tex. (BPH-9506201A)- Arman- to 100 kw, ant. to 295 m., transmitter site. Oct. San Jacksonville, Fla. (951020AB) -Prism do Marroquin Jr. for KuKA(FM) 105.9 mhz: 12 Radio Partners LP for woKv(AM) 690 khz: change ant. to 126 m., ERP to 10 kw, TL to increase power to 50 kw night, change ant. Sioux Falls, S.D. (9508101A)- Minnesota 4.7 km W of Ben Bolt, upgrade from Class A Public Radio Inc. for KRSD(FM) 88.1 mhz: relo- system. Nov. 1 to C3. Oct. 5 cate outside community. Sept. 28 Urbana, Ill. (BPH- 9509061A) -Tak Commu- Logan, Utah (BPH- 9508081D) -Reed Bullen nications Inc. DIP for wKio(FM) 103.9 mhz: Lebanon, Tenn. (951023AC)- Wilson Coun- for KvFM(FM) 94.5 mhz: change channel to Services Inc. for woo0(AM) 1600 change ERP to 11.3 kw, ant. to 148 m., TL. ty Broadcast 233C. Oct. 5 kzh: power to 249 w night, change Oct. 6 decrease Grandview, Wash. (BPH- 9506271F)- ant. system, change TL to 4479 Ashland City Prosser Grandview Broadcasters Inc. for South Bend, Ind. (BPCT- 951024KG)- Hwy., Nashville, change to Michiana Telecasting Corp. for WNDU -Tv ch. KARY -FM 100.9 mhz: change ERP to 3.62 kw, Nashville. Nov. 1 16: build new auxiliary facility. Nov. 1 ant. to 262 m., TL to 2.3 km SE of Central Minor Hill, Tenn. (BPH -950921 IB)- Broad- Prosser, class to C3. Oct. 19 Upland, Ind. (BMPED- 9509131A)- Taylor cast One Inc. for WEUP -FM 92.1 mhz: change Omak, Wash. (BPH -95071810) -North Cas- University Inc. for wrun(FM) 89.7 mhz: change ERP to2.6 kw. Oct 11 ant. supporting- structure height. Oct. 6 cades Broadcasting Inc. for KoMW -FM 92.7 Murfreesboro, Tenn. (BPH- 950901ID)- mhz: change ERP to 3.5 kw, ant. to 316 m., Cedar Rapids, Iowa (BPCT- 951018KE)- South Central Communications Corp. for TL to 5.6 km SE of Okanogan, class to C2 KOCR Inc. for KFxA(TV) ch. 28: change ERP to wRMx(FM) 96.3 mhz: change ant. to 392 m., and ant. supporting -structure height. Oct. 5 5,000 kw visual, ant. to 483 m., TL to 6441 ERP to 52 kw, TL to 517 Brick Church Lane, Elizabeth, W.Va. (BPH-9506011E)- Media- 21st Ave. Dr., Big Grove Township, modify Whites Creek. Oct. 27 directional pattern. Oct 27 corn Inc. for wRZZ(FM) 106.1 mhz: change Commerce, Tex. (BPH -95071 OIE)- Russell. community of license from Ravenswood to Wichita, Kan. (BMPCT- 950927KF)-Wichita Fields Inc. for KEMM(FM) 92.1 mhz: change Elizabeth, transmitter site, ERP 3 kw, ant. 143 Communications for Kwcv(FM) ch. 33: change ERP to 25 kw, frequency to 93.3 mhz. Sept. m. Oct. 20 ERP to 30.87 kw visual, ant. to 60 m., TL to .5 29 for Wichita. Oct. 6 Hinton, W.Va. (BPH- 950809IA)- Bluestone km S of coordinates Giddings, Tex. (950927AB) -Radio Lee Broadcasters Inc. for WMTD -FM 102.3 mhz: New Orleans (BPCT- 941228KH)- George County for KoKE(AM) 1600 khz: change ERP change ERP to .368 kw, ant. to 388 m., TL. S. Flinn Jr. for wccL(Tv) ch. 49: change ERP to 500w/5 kw, ant. system, TL to U.S. 290 and Oct. 5 to 2,500 kw visual, TL to 3201 Berman Hwy. State Hwy. 212 E of Manor, city of license to Accepted for Nine Oct. 17 Pflugerville. Oct. 12 Birmingham, Ala. (BPH- 9509201C)-Dick Framingham, Mass. (951020AA) -Fair- Refugio, Tex. (BPH- 9509081B) -Sound Broadcasting Co. Inc. of Alabama for banks Communications Inc. for wxox(AM) Leading Inc. for Kzrx(FM) 106.3 mhz: change wMxo(FM) 94.5 mhz: change ant. to 400 m, 1200 khz: increase power to 50 kw, change ERP to 25 kw, frequency to 106.1 mhz. Sept. TL. Oct. 6 daytime TL to River St., Newton, and change 28 ant. system. Nov. 1 Tuscaloosa, Ala. (BPCT- 951013KG)- Wichita Falls, Tex. (BMP- 951017AF)- WDBB-TV Inc. for woBe(rv) ch. 17: change Gloucester, Mass. (BPH- 950921IA)- Collin County Radio LC for KAAM(AM) 620 khz: ERP to 5,000 kw visual, ant. to 610 m.; TL to Southfield Communications Ltd. Partnership augment day and night station patterns. Oct. 6.3 km ESE of intersection of Crabbe and for weoo(FM) 104.9 mhz: change ERP to 3.2 30 Wint Dunn rds., ant. Oct. 24 kw, use directional ant. Oct. 6 Coeburn, Va. (BMPH- 9509221B)- Preston Gonzales, Calif. (BPH- 9509261C)-Central Worcester, Mass. (BMPET-951016KE)- Communications Group Inc. for wzoK(FM) Coast Communications Inc. for KKLF(FM) Educational Public TV Corp. for wYDN(Tv) ch. 99.7 mhz: change ERP to .54 kw, TL to N. 104.5 mhz: change ant. to 3.3 kw, ERP to 138 48: change ERP to 1,197 kw visual, ant. to High Knob, High Knob Mt., 2.6 km S of Nor- m., TL. Oct 27 204 m., ant. Oct 24 ton. Oct 19 Grass Valley, Calif. (951024AA)- Navada Quitman, Miss. (BP- 951023AD)- Quitman Culpeper, Va. (BMPED- 9509261F)- Positive County Broadcaster Inc. for KNCO(AM) 830 Broadcasting Co. for wBFN(AM) 1500 khz: Alternative Radio Inc. for wPVe(FM) 89.9 mhz: khz: increase power to 10 kw, change ant. change ant. system, correct coordinates. change ERP to 25 kw, class to B, modify system. Nov. 1 Nov. 1 directional pattern. Oct. 27

Broadcasting & Cable November 13 1995 111 Shocking discovery friend." He certainly used to be. A few Due to sloppy staff work, Senator Jo- years back, a black evangelist on our seph Lieberman's (D- Conn.) office last EDI1 OR: I read with dismay the letter station decried the statement that we week misrepresented the ownership is- in your Oct. 23 issue from Vincent L. should "support our local policeman" sue. He cited certain talk shows that are Hoffart Sr. of Spokane, Wash., titled by saying, "Some of us won't support part of Multimedia Entertainment. Gan- "Fix follow," in which he was com- our local policeman, because he nett does not own Multimedia. Our an- menting on a July 31 letter from Sol doesn't support us." I was outraged by nounced agreement in July 1995 to pur- Schildhause. that statement then, and said so. But are chase the company must receive FCC I don't know how I missed Sol's we now finding out that he was right? and Multimedia shareholder approvals, letter, but I was shocked when I read Maybe we need more "morality" neither of which has taken place. The Vincent's, telling of his experiences in programs on radio and TV, instead of need to obtain such approvals was noted "fixed" cases before the FCC. the current batch of sitcoms and outra- in our release at the time and in several Has my head been in the sand for a geous sex talk and nudity shows that press reports, including the Wall Street long time, or is there a new wave of "break the envelope." Journal, New York Times, and even corrupt civil servants ( ?) out there - Does anybody care ? -Mike Maddex, BROADCASTING & CABLE. So the situa- police accused of planting evidence; presidentlgeneral manager, WEEC(FM) tion was clearly on record. attorneys altering transcript testimony; Springfield, Ohio The inaccuracy in Senator Lieber - judges knowingly accepting false testi- man's materials was the first mistake. mony, etc.? Were Watergate and now Jumped the gun The second mistake was that media Whitewater not merely aberrations? EDITOR: The Oct. 30 BROADCASTING & like BROADCASTING & CABLE failed to Can't we trust anyone anymore? CABLE article "Backlash against TV fact -check and perpetuated the error.- I'm old enough to remember the talk shows" incorrectly states that John J. Curley, chairman /CEO /presi- admonition that "the policeman is your Gannett owns such shows. dent, Gannett Co., Arlington, Va.

THIS WEEK tion. Mirage Hotel, Las Vegas. Contact: Angela Giroux, (202) 887-1970. Nov. 1S-Federal Communications Bar Associ- Jan. 5-32rd annual National Association ation luncheon featuring Rep. Jack Fields. Capi- of Television Programming Executives (NATPE) tal Hilton Hotel, Washington. Contact: Paula Arts and Sciences and Variety. New York Hilton, program conference and exhibition. Sands Expo Friedman, (202) 736 -8640. New York City. Contact: (212) 759 -0303. Center, Las Vegas. Contact: (310) 453 -4440. "NewsDay '95," conference present- Nov. 15- Nov. 21- International Radio & Television ed by the Georgia Association of Broadcasters. Society Foundation newsmaker luncheon. Wal- Brown & Williamson Conference Center, Macon, dorf- Astoria, New York City. Contact: Marilyn April 12.15- Broadcast Education Association (770) -7200. Ga. Contact: 395 Ellis, (212) 867 -6650. 41st annual convention. Las Vegas Convention Nov. "Prognostications in Telecommuni- Center, Las Vegas. Contact: Lara Sulimenko, 15- Nov. 2Dec. 1-"Craft In Depth: Reporting & cations for 1996," seminar presented by the (202) 429-5354. the Reliability of Facts," presented by the Poyn- Center for Advanced Electronic Imaging. UTD Advertising ter Institute for Media Studies, St. Petersburg, April 15.16- Television Bureau of Conference Center, Richardson, Tex. Contact: Las Vegas Fla. Contact: Bobbi Alsina, (813) 821 -9494. sales and marketing conference. Patti Bailey, (214) 458-9449. Hilton, Las Vegas. Contact: Janice Garjian. Nov. 27.28-Cable Television and Marketing BEE '95, 31st international (212)486 -1111. Nov. 15-17-Inter Society Inc.'s 1995 New Revenue Roundtable. equipment exhibition, presented by broadcast Hyatt Regency Alicante, Anaheim. Contact: Cor- April 15.18- National Association of Broad- the Japanese Electronics Show Association. Nip- casters annual convention. Las Vegas Conven- rine Geller, (703) 549 -4200. pon Convention Center, Tokyo. Contact: 81 (3) tion Center, Las Vegas. Contact: (202) 429 -5300. 3284-0165 (fax), Nov. 27- 30- German Screenings, presented by Telepool, Bavaria Film, ZDF Enterprises and Nov. 16 -Women In Cable & Telecommunica- 111111111Fr 11 NDR-WDR International. Cologne. Contact: tions course: "Cable 101: Past, Present and May 19.22 -36th annual Broadcast Cable Beate Westerfeld, (221) 220 -4971. Future Challenges." TCI Bldg., Denver. Contact: Financial Management Association /Broadcast Molly Coyle, (312) 634 -2353. Nov. 28-BDA International European Confer- Cable Credit Association conference. Buena Nov. 16-The 1995 Cable Follies, presented ence. Wembley Conference Center, London. Vista Palace Hotel, Orlando (Disney World), Fla. -8712. by the New York chapters of Women In Cable & Contact: Lynne Grasz, (212) 251 Contact: Mary Toister, (708) 296-0200. Telecommunications and the Cable Television Nov. 28-29 -'The Teleshopping Explosion," Administration and Marketing Society. Hudson 2nd annual Asian conference presented by NIMA Reed Midem Theatre, New York City. Contact: Tom Meli, international and Organisa- June 19.2_ -Promax & BDA '95 conference & (201) 279-6696. tion. Grand Hyatt, Hong Kong. Contact: (212) exposition, presented by Promax International Nov. 16- "Racing on the Video Highway," 689 -4220. and BOA International. Los Angeles Convention panel discussion presented by the New York Nov. 28-29- "Capture Your Share of the Center, Los Angeles. Contact: (213) 465 -3777. chapter of the Society of Satellite Professionals Rapidly Expanding Wireless Marketplace," con- International. HBO Bldg., New York City. Con- ference presented by the Strategic Research OCTOBER 1996 tact: Margy Wepman, (212) 512 -5960. Institute. Warwick Hotel, New York City. Con- Oct. 9.12 -World Media Expo, comprising the Nov. 1617 -Telco Video Platform Summit, tact: (800) 599 -4950. National Association of Broadcasters Radio sponsored by the Interactive Television Associa- Nov. 29 -Dec. 1 -The Western Show, pre- Show (contact: [800] 342- 2460); Radio Televi- tion and Video Information Provider Consulting. sented by the California Cable Television Asso- sion News Directors Association international ANA Westin, Washington. Contact: Catherine ciation. Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, conference (contact: Rick Osmanski, [202] 467- Peshkin, (202) 408 -0008. Calif. Contact: (510) 428 -2225. 5200); Society of Broadcast Engineers annual Nov. 16-19 -8th annual National Association of Nov. 29-Dec. 2-MIP' ASIA international film conference (contact: John Poray, [317] 253- College Broadcasters national conference. Rhode and program market, presented by the Reed 1640), and Society of Motion Picture and Televi- Island Convention Center, Providence, R.I. Con- Midem Organisation. Hong Kong Convention sion Engineers 138th technical conference (con- tact: Kristine Hendrickson, (401) 863 -2225. and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong. Contact: tact: [914] 761 -1100). Los Angeles Convention (212) 689 -4220. Center, Los Angeles. Contact: Lynn NOVEMBER McReynolds, (202) 429-5350. JANUARY 1996 Nov. 20 -First Worldwide Television Summit Major Meeting dates in red Conference sponsored by The International Jan. 21.22 -23rd annual Association of lnde- -Compiled by Kenneth Ray Council of the National Academy of Television pendent Television Stations Inc. (INTV) conven- (ken.ray @b&c.cahners.com)

112 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Allbritton makes family tradition his own

Rubert Allbritton has taken his father Atlantic's Stargazer interactive TV system. Joe's "side venture"-broadcast - While such technologies are "a good ways ing -for his own. The heir to the down the road...the thing we can do is banking- and insurance -based Allbritton [start] thinking that way." fortune took a stab at mutual funds analy- In the quest for content, Allbritton sis, but gave it up after three months. "I would consider buying local cable, radio couldn't stand it," he says. and newspapers. But don't look for him to But it wasn't easy for the only child to restart the now -defunct Washington Star, break the news to his father, chairman of which his father bought in 1974 along with Riggs National Bank. "Dad really runs the broadcast stations. Other cities may be Riggs Bank," Allbritton says. "That is his more amenable than Washington to a sec- passion." ond newspaper, however, he says. But this is the way Robert Allbritton Allbritton's short-term strategy for the sees it: He has a "natural interest in broad- company is to maintain its growth-5.6% casting, the same way [his father]'s got an yearly between 1990 and 1994, according interest in banking." to Veronis, Suhler & Associates Inc. -and Last November, Allbritton, now 26, keep buying television stations that make took over as executive vice president/chief geographic sense. operating officer of Allbritton Communi- "I need to be acute- Last month, in its first broadcast buy in cations Co. He has an eye for acquisition 12 years, Allbritton bought WHTM -TV Har- and a nose for new technology that he says ly aware of [my age] risburg/Lancaster/Lebanon/York, Pa., for will help him make his own mark on the $113 million. Economies and exchanges company, which his father founded and because it's going to are planned with Allbritton's WJLA -TV still owns. He's already overseen the com- Washington, about two hours down the pany's first broadcast -station purchase in catch a lot of road. Closer would be better, Allbritton 12 years. people off guard. says, so he's looking to buy stations near to But Allbritton didn't take it for granted each other in smaller markets and state that he would take over. His first two years But I don't want to capitals. And he looks forward to TV with the Washington -based company were duopolies if Congress allows them. as a journeyman. He spent three months at be obsessed by it." The WHTM -TV buy relieved the compa- each of Allbritton's stations (five then, six ny's general managers, says Jerry Heilman, now), working every job from switchboard president /GM, WSET -TV Lynchburg/ operator to anchor. As a result, he's on a Robert Lewis Roanoke, Va. It shows that Allbritton "is a first-name basis with most of the company's collector and not a seller" of TV stations. 850 employes. "We're a private family Allbritton Allbritton's youth does give one pause, company, and that's the atmosphere we're says Heilman, who is 53. "My boss is half trying to have around here," Allbritton says. Executive VP /chief operating my age. I've never gone through that He stays in close touch with the TV stations, officer, Allbritton before." But Allbritton "realizes that he sometimes dropping in unexpectedly via an Communications Co., knows a lot about the business but lacks the airplane that he pilots himself. Washington; b. Feb. 16, 1969, day -to -day experience," Heilman says. Allbritton believes that strengthening Houston; BA, Wesleyan And in the Allbritton tradition, he "gives stations' emphasis on local news will College, Middletown, Conn., his GMs the autonomy they need to do the insure their place as the content providers 1992; analyst, Riggs job properly," Heilman adds. Investment Management Co., for whatever future technology eventually Allbritton is aware that his age may be a Washington, 1992; joined dominates the home. factor in making deals. "I need to be acute- Allbritton Communications, He concentrates on local news because ly aware of it because it's going to catch a December 1992; current I "we are a distributor, with one exception," position since November 1994. lot of people off guard," he says. "But Allbritton says. "That is the local news that don't want to be obsessed by it." Ultimate- we produce." And as most markets have ly, he says, people look for results. just one daily newspaper, Allbritton fore- Allbritton credits his father with instilling sees the day when there are only one or two in him a love for business. Joe Allbritton electronic news outlets. often would invite his son to sit in on busi- NewsChannel 8, a local cable news ser- ness meetings, then patiently answer all the vice in Washington, is "an attempt to slow- boy's questions. But Robert Allbritton ly get into the content business," Allbritton wasn't expected to join the company busi- says. The channel also provides Washing- ness, he says. He was taught that anything he ton information to America Online. And wanted to do was OK, "so long as you work Allbritton is participating in a test of Bell hard at it and you strive to be the best."-EAR

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 113 F tes 0° Farturis

Louisville, Ky., joins WWI-TV Detroit in and WPST(FM) BROADCAST TV same capacity. Trenton, both Chris Rogers, creative services director, Edie Magnus, correspondent, Eye to Eye, New Jersey: Joan WSLS -TV Roanoke, Va., joins WLic(TV) New York, joins CBS Evening News Gerberding, Riverhead, N.Y., as production with Dan Rather there as reporter/ VP /GM, named manager. writer. executive VP /COO; Scott Lily, retail sales manager, Con Nanas, managing editor, KUTV(TV) G. Daniel Henrick- wBDc(FM) news director. Huntingburg, Ind., named Salt Lake City, named sen, VP, sales, local sales manager. named senior PROGRAMING Sally Sears, journalist, WAGA -TV Atlanta, Gerberding VP/GM and chief joins WSB -TV there as producer/reporter. Rose Pinkney, VP, marketing officer, Nancy Cassutt, managing news editor, television divi- Nassau Broadcasting Partners radio sta- WCCO -TV Minneapolis, named assistant sion, Uptown tions; Peter Tonks, VP, finance, named news director. Entertainment (an executive VP /CFO. Don Hammond, anchor/reporter, MCA/Univer- Ramon Pineda, WKEF(TV) Dayton, Ohio, joins KENS -TV sal -based compa- director, advertis- San Antonio, Tex., in same capacity. ny), joins Para- ing sales, GEMS mount Television Intemational James Hollinger, assistant director, engi- Group, Holly- Television, neering, KDVR(TV) Denver, named chief wood, as VP, Miami, joins engineer. Pinkney comedy develop- Caballero Spanish Appointments at Katz National Televi- ment, network Media (a compa- sion, New York: Michael Raounas, television division. ny of The Interep VP/NSM, Sabers sales team, named Appointments at Hallmark Entertain- Radio Store), GM; Craig Broitman, VP/NSM, Lancers ment, New York: Janet Jacobson, gener- Pineda New York, as team, named GSM. al counsel, Scala Productions, New president. [Any Lewis, free -lance producer, joins York, joins as VP, legal and business Suzanne Le Mignot, reporter/anchor, wTvw(Tv) Evansville, Ind., as promo- affairs; Alan Lewis, director, legal and WBBM(AM) Chicago, joins wTM1(AM) tion producer. business affairs, named senior director. Milwaukee in same capacity. John Ziegler, director, marketing, Simon Cox, finance director, The Zenith Roy Deutschman, VP/GM, wxYv(FM) KLRT(TV) Little Rock, and KASN(TV) Group, joins Warner Bros. Internation- and wCAO(AM) Baltimore, joins Pine Bluff , both Arkansas, joins WBRC- al Television Distribution, London, as WGRx(FM) Westminster/Baltimore as Tv Birmingham, Ala., as marketing director, finance, Europe. GM. director. Lisa Steinfeld, manager, finance and Randy Becker, NSM, KMPS(AM)/KZOK -FM Linda Ottinger- Dinkle, NSM, wSET -Tv accounting, Canal Fox, Los Angeles, Seattle, joins KMTT -AM -FM Tacoma/ Lynchburg, Va., named director, sales. named director, operations. Seattle in same capacity. Cristina Mendonsa, anchor/reporter, Pamela Hudson, manager, advertising CABLE KUSA -TV Denver, and Amy Carñsle, and promotion, Entertainment Tonight, anchor, KMPH(TV) Visalia/Fresno, Twentieth Television, Los Angeles, Tom Hunter, senior Calif., join KxTV(TV) Sacramento as named director. VP, international news anchors. Jim Yeager, head, publicity, Warner operations, MTV Laura Gelles, producer, joins Leeza, Hol- Bros. Television Network, Burbank, Networks, Miami, lywood, as supervising producer. Calif., joins Universal Studios Holly- named president, Cecily Tynan, weather and news anchor, wood and the MCA Recreation Ser- MTV Latino. KTNv(Tv) Las Vegas, joins WPVI -TV vices Group (MCAR), Universal City, Shelley Fusto, Philadelphia as weekend weather Calif., as senior VP, publicity and pub- assistant director, anchor. lic relations. marketing, Sport- John Shine, GM, KIMT -TV Mason City, South, Atlanta, I() named VP /GM. RADIO Hunter named director. James Shaw, engineer, KTXA(TV) Fort Ed Rivera, GSM, KDTV(TV) San Francis- Jama Bowen, VP /manager, public rela- Worth/Dallas, joins KPLR -TV St. Louis co, joins CBS Americas, New York, in tions, NationsBank, Nashville, joins as master control engineer. same capacity. CMT: Television there as manager, publicity. Paula Carlson, executive director, Chil- Henry Catto, partner, Catto & Catto dren's Museum, Fargo, N.D., joins insurance brokerage firm, San Antonio, Scott Leon, senior executive producer, wsBT -Tv South Bend, Ind., as commu- Tex., elected to National Public Radio CNN Entertainment News, New York, nity affairs director. board of directors. named VP. Steve Sabato, news director, WLKY(TV) Appointments at wHWH(AM) Princeton Appointments at International Family

114 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Entertainment. Virginia Beach, Va.: manager, local sales, Rainbow Sports Michael Grandelli, executive producer/ Sales, New York, named NSM. TECHNOLOGY creative director, WVEC -TV Hampton, Appointments at Turner Broadcasting Hugh Copper, partner, Quality Works Va., joins as director, on -air promotion; Sales Inc., New York: Liz Janneman- Inc., joins Allied Digital Technologies Gabriella Cochrane, director, programing Russo, senior VP, sports, Atlanta and Corp., Knoxville, Tenn., as VP, manu- and audience research, named director, New York, named senior VP, entertain- facturing. on -air marketing; Barbara Bekkedahl, ment, New York; Karen Grinthal, senior John Watson, president/COO, Display account executive, Comedy Central, VP, entertainment, named senior VP, Technologies Inc., Elgin, Ill., joins CTS New York, joins as sales manager, New marketing communications. Corp., Elkhart, Ind., as VP /GM, inter- York; Felicia Brulato, account executive, connect products. named sales manager, New York; Eniio Peter Senseney, sales manager, New Alvarez -Recio, national manager, spot York Yankees sales team, Blair Televi- David Nicholas, VP /GM, Texscan/MSI, sales, Univision Network, joins as sion, New York, named division VP, joins Pioneer New Media Technologies director, advertising sales, The Family Blue Division Sales Group. Inc., Long Beach, Calif., as senior VP, Channel de las Americas, New York. Ann Kohl, VP /group supervisor, and sales. Kathleen Hricik, Keith Schrieber, group supervisor, TN senior VP, Orion Media Inc.'s National Broadcast Unit, DEATHS New York, named VPs /associate direc- Pictures Interna- Odis von Blasingame, 80, retired market- tors. tional, joins Nick- ing manager, WOOK -FM Washington, elodeon Interna- Appointments at Madison Green Enter- died of cancer Oct. 30 in Arlington, tional, New York, tainment Sales Inc., New York: Chris Va. Von Blasingame joined WooK -FM as senior VP, pro- Rovtar, senior VP, domestic syndica- in 1950 and retired from there in 1985. gram enterprises. tion, Bohbot Entertainment Inc., New He is survived by four children and Appointments at York, joins as senior VP, domestic dis- two sisters. Networks tribution; Vic Timmerman, VP, South- fX Inc., Robert G. Bolyard, 56, national sales Hric/k Los Angeles: Ellen western distribution and sales, Bohbot Communications Inc., Los Angeles, manager, WHSV -TV Harrisonburg, Va., Gutierrez, account Oct. 29 in Va. joins as VP, Western region. died Charlottesville, executive, KTTV(TV) Los Angeles, joins Bolyard began his career as a news- as director, advertising sales, Western Linda Nichols, director, conferences, caster/announcer at wwrv(TV) Char- region; Pamela Weisberg, assistant gen- PROMAX International, Los Angeles, lotte, N.C., and wvvw(AM) St. Marys, eral counsel, ESPN Inc., Bristol, Conn., named VP. W.Va. He moved to wcrt(Tv) New joins as senior VP, legal and business Chuck Greener, director, communica- Bern, Conn., as an account executive affairs. tions, Republican National Committee, and was later promoted to VP/GM. Paul Costello, exec- joins Porter/Novelli, Washington, as Bolyard is survived by his wife, Jack- utive VP, Edel- executive VP/GM. ie; two children, and three sisters. man Public Rela- Rich Ziltz, 56, VP /director, sales, Mid- tions, Washing- western region, Westwood One Enter- ton, HBO, joins SATELLITE/WIRELESS tainment, New York, died in his sleep New York, as VP, on Oct. 19. Before joining Westwood corporate affairs. Carson Agnew, named VP, Hughes's newly formed business development One Radio, Ziltz was a sales manager Guy Petty, manag- unit. He continues to manage HCI's for Mutual Broadcasting. He is sur- er, pay television, interest in American Mobile Satellite vived by his wife, Donna, and three MGM/UA Corp. children. Costello Telecommunica- Joseph Albert Shaffer, 62, station man- tions Group, Patrick Vien, deputy programing direc- ager, wnì's(TV) Asheville, N.C., died Santa Monica, Calif., named director, tor, Northbridge/TRIO, Bethesda, Md., Nov. 2 at his home in Greenville, S.C. worldwide pay television. named programing director/GM, Northbridge Programming Inc. He had been at wtiNs(TV) for 11 years. Robert DeBitetto, senior VP, motion pic- Shaffer is survived by his wife, ture group, Walt Disney Co., joins Terry Snazel, VP, technology, Astral Broadcast Group, joins ExpressVu, Stephanie; three children; three sisters; Turner Pictures Group, Los Angeles, as a brother, and a granddaughter. senior VP. Mississauga, Ontario, in same capacity. Paul Spite, assignment manager, Conus Phil "Philbert" Painter, 61, production manager, WADB(FM) Point Pleasant, ADVERTISING/MARKETING Communications, Minneapolis /St. Paul, named regional manager, Conus N.J., died Nov. 8. During his career, worked at various stations, Deborah Dick -Rath, group product man- Cooperative Upper Midwest region. Painter including WPAT(AM) Paterson, ager, Bates USA, New York, named Appointments at Primestar Partners, senior VP/management representative. WHWH(AM) Princeton and New Jersey Bala Cynwyd, Pa.: Thomas Riker, direc- Public Television, all New Jersey; and Himmel, Gerald director, sales, Central tor, administration and customer ser- WCBS -FM New York and KYW(AM) division, Cable Network Inc. (Rainbow vice, Prime Cable, Las Vegas, joins as Philadelphia. Ad Sales subsidiary), Chicago, named director, distributor services; Lynne senior VP, Rainbow Sports Sales, New Bartos, manager, market research, HBO -Compiled by Denise Smith York; Brian McCullough, assistant sales Inc., New York, joins in same capacity. e-mail: d.smith @b &c.cahners.com

Broadcasting & Cable November 131995 115 NBC's ER scored its highest numbers last Thursday, when it CBS spikes tobacco story averaged a 28.4 Nielsen rating /47 share in national numbers. The show In what amounts to TV network news's version of "The Big Chill," 60 Min- quadrupled the numbers of ABC's utes chose to kill an interview with a former cigarette company executive Murder One (7.0/11). For the night, that was to have aired last night after CBS's lawyers advised 60 Minutes NBC averaged a 22.6/36, easily out- that it risked legal reprisals from the tobacco company. distancing second -place ABC's The lawyers' reason: The tobacco executive had signed an agreement 8.1/13. Through eight days of the with his former employer Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. not to dis- November sweeps, NBC holds a close internal company information. In place of the interview, CBS was to comfortable lead, with a 13.2/21 air a piece on how tobacco companies try to prevent information from get- average, followed by ABC's 10.8/17, ting to the public. CBS's 9.5/15 and Fox's 7.9/12. The network's decision reportedly was leaked by a CBS insider to the Among viewers 18 -49, NBC also New York Times. CBS declined to comment on the matter, other than to leads, with an 8.7 rating, followed by say that it "routinely contacts outside counsel on matters of this magni- ABC's 6.3, Fox's 5.8 and CBS's 4.3. tude." However, 60 Minutes correspondent Mike Wallace was quoted by Infinity Broadcasting last week the Times as saying that the Capital Cities /ABC settlement of a $15 billion paid the U.S. Treasury $1 million lawsuit filed by Philip Morris Co. against ABC News earlier this year had as part of its September indecency affected the way CBS's lawyers viewed the 60 Minutes interview. -1M settlement with The FCC. The com- pany will pay another $715,000 by cable holdings, or acquiring addition- authorization from the city council of the end of first quarter 1996. al systems. Princeton, N.J. -based Berea, Ohio, to begin construction of Primestar is appealing last C -TEC serves about 365,000 subs in a two -way video communications month's FCC decision to keep two clusters -one in New York, New network in advance of a final fran- the DBS channels it reclaimed in Jersey and Pennsylvania and anoth- chise agreement. Ameritech has April. Primestar had planned to use er in Michigan. The company also seven cable TV agreements and is the channels to launch a high -power has a minority interest in Mercom, a in discussions with more than 30 DBS service. The company's appeal, cable operator serving 40,000 sub- communities in the Chicago, Detroit, filed at the U.S. Court of Appeals in scribers in Michigan. Milwaukee, Cleveland and Colum- Washington, also asks for an expe- Top cable MSO Tele- Communica- bus, Ohio, metropolitan areas. dited ruling by March 1. Advanced tions Inc. is looking to raise Ellis Communications and Cos- Communications Corp., which held $100 million in a preferred mos Broadcasting Co. will form the DBS channels reclaimed by the stock issue, according to a filing a joint venture to produce the 10 commission, also has appealed the with the Securities and Exchange p.m. news on wuPw(Tv) Toledo, ruling. Commission. TCI, which has been Ohio, and wncH(TV) Columbia S.C. The U.S. Small Business Admin- on a cable system buying spree, -year agreement, which istration wants the FCC to hold says it is raising equity capital to takes effect in January, will use per- a hearing on Disney's applica- finance pending acquisitions. sonnel from both stations. Ellis Com- munications owns 12 TV stations, tion to acquire the broadcast FCC Chief Economist Michael three satellite TV stations, two radio licenses of CapCities /ABC. In a Katz is leaving the commission "to letter to FCC Reed Hundt, stations and sports production com- Chairman explore opportunities in the telecom- pany Raycom. Cosmos Broadcast- the USSBA cited the Small Cable munications industry." Katz will leave Business Association's petition to ing, a subsidiary of Liberty Corp., Jan. 1. deny the license transfers. "The operates eight TV stations, primarily merger has significant potential to CNN Financial, a business news in the Midwest. channel slated to launch on Jan. 1, reduce program diversity and inhibit A show about nothing is tops in the capacity of small cable operators likely will lose $3 million in its prime access in Sacramento year, Tom Johnson, CNN to offer the most appropriate mix of first and San Francisco. Columbia president, Wall reporters local broadcast stations and cable told Street TriStar Television Distribution's earlier this week. CNN FN, to launch programing," the USSBA said. Seinfeld was number one in its 7:30 with approximately 3 million satellite C -TEC Corp., a midsize cable oper- p.m. time period last month for Fox and 1 million cable subscribers, ator serving more than 420,000 sub- affiliates KTVU -Tv San Francisco and hopes to have 4.5 million subs by scribers in the U.S. and Mexico, is KTXL-TV Sacramento, according to the end of 1996. Johnson says the working with Merrill Lynch & Co. to Nielsen's metered market channel plans to reach break -even explore a possible sale of all or overnights. Seinfeld averaged an by 1999. some of its systems and other 11.1 rating /18 share in Sacramento communications businesses. The Ameritech has won cable fran- and an 8/14 in San Francisco. Over- company says other options could chises for Fraser and Northville all, the show drew an average include seeking joint ventures; Township, both Michigan. The 6.6/12 in Nielsen's 33 metered mar- restructuring the company's current telephone company also received kets last month.

116 November 13 1995 Broadcasting & Cable WASHINGTON Shutdown fallout Selling Grace Industry sources are hoping that a While most eyes have been trained on the progress of off- network sales government shutdown (which could for the hit NBC sitcoms Frasier and Mad About You, Carsey -Werner Dis- happen as early as tomorrow [Nov. tribution has been sealing deals for its fall 1997 entry, Grace Under Fire. 14] without stopgap spending legisla- Brett Butler's hit sitcom, now in its third season on ABC, has been cleared tion) will not slow Westinghouse's in 22 markets representing about 25% of the nation's TV households. application at the FCC to acquire Nearly half of those stations are Fox affiliates, and another five are with CBS licenses. Commission sources the Big Three, including CBS's KREM -TV Spokane, Wash. Although indus- say the staff proposal on the applica- try sources say Grace Under Fire sold for less than C -W's asking price in tion has reached commissioner New York and Chicago, C -W executives say license fees for the show are offices and can still make the Nov. 20 tracking nearly 30% higher than C -W's Roseanne. That sitcom took in meeting agenda if the five commis- fees totaling about $1.6 million per episode back in 1991. C -W will retain sioners agree to waive an FCC policy one minute of barter time in Roseanne for the first two years after the on placing late items on the agenda. show starts its second off- network cycle in fall 1998. -CL Industry onlookers say a lengthy gov- ernment shutdown might dampen prospects for such an agreement, but aggressively for the package, reports says fX Chairman/CEO Anne Sweeney. also voice doubt that any shutdown a network source. "Tisch had a for- "We've got them all on our 'I want it would last more than a day. mula that called for baseball to make list'; they simply are not available to a sizable profit for the network, and national cable at this point." he just didn't want to hear arguments West Wrong page? about getting the sports division back goes FCC Chairman Reed Hundt has criti- into the high -profile franchise busi- Comic Billy West left The Howard cized NBC's listing of Saved by the ness" at the expense of profits, says Stern Show last week reportedly over Bell and NBA Inside Stuff as educa- one source. NBC agreed to pay $475 "contractual differences." Afternoon tional programing. Broadcasters million over five years. CBS's best jock Mark Parenteau of Stern affiliate counter that Vice President Al Gore offer was less than $400 million, wBcN(Fm) Boston told his audience appeared on NBA Inside Stuff this sources say. that West and Stern "just couldn't get fall and that President Clinton has the money stuff worked out." WBCN taped an anti -smoking spot to air HOLLYWOOD broadcasts Stern's show 7 -11 week- the "Reed nights. Before joining Stern, West was with Saved by Bell. Hundt move is clearly out of step with his presi- Saturday night the voice of Stimpy on Nickelodeon's dent and vice president," one broad- There is speculation that Fox will make Ren & Stimpy. caster says. a scheduling move on Saturday night by returning to an all-reality evening. NEW YORK Fox is said to be considering expanding Cops and America's Most Wanted to an Larry at the bat hour each to fill the 8 -10 p.m. block. While CBS Chairman Larry Tisch The network tried to move away from has curtailed much of his day -to -day the reality form this season by opening activity at the network, sources there the night with two comedies at 8 -9 in say he was very much involved in hopes of attracting a broader audience the CBS negotiations with Major and more advertisers. League Baseball-and ultimately forced CBS out of the running, much Whetted appetite to the dismay of senior network Fox's IX cable network, recently the executives. Peter Lund, president of beneficiary of Fox's deal for Major the CBS Broadcast Group, and Dave League Baseball, is eagerly awaiting the Kenin, president of CBS Sports, had day it can bid for collegiate and pro Drawn for BROADCASTING it CABLE by Jack Schmidt "steam coming out of their ears" football, basketball and hockey. "The "I think it stands for 'Frequently Conflict- after failing to convince Tisch to bid problem is the rights aren't available," ing Commissioners!' "

Printed in the U.S.A. Founded in 1931 as Broadcasting, the News Magazine of the Fifth Estate. Broadcasting- Telecasting' introduced in 1945. Television' acquired in 1961. Cablecasting' introduced in 1972. Broadcasting/Cable introduced in 1989. Broadcasting & Cable introduced in 1993. Broadcasting & Cable'- is a registered trademark of Reed Publishing (Nederland) B.V., used under license. 'Reg. U.S. Patent Office. Incorporating TheFifthEstate TELEVISION Broadcasting Broadcasting & Cable (ISSN 0007 -2028) (GST #123397457) Is published weekly. except at year's end when two issues are combined, by the Cahners Publishing Co. Cahners Publishing Co., at 245 West 17th St., New York, NY 10011, is a division of Reed Elsevier Inc., 275 Washington St.. Newton, MA 02158-1630; Robert L. Krakoff, Chairman/Chief Executive Officer; Timothy C. O'Brien, Exec- utive Vice President/Finance and Administration; John J. Beni, Senior Vice PresidenliGeneral Manager, Consumer /Entertainment Division. Second -class postage paid at New York, NY. and addition- al mailing offices. Postmaster. please send address changes to: Broadcasting & Cable, PO Box 6399, Torrance, CA 90504 -0399. Broadcasting & Cable copyright 1995 by Reed Elsevier Inc. Rates for non-qualified subscriptions, including all issues: USA. $117; Canada, $149 (includes GST); Foreign Air, $320; Foreign Surface. $169. A reasonable lee shall be assessed to cover handling costs in can- cellation of a subscription. Back issues: except for special issues where price changes are indicated, single copies are $7.95 US., $10 foreign. Please address all subscription mail to: Broadcasting 8 Cable, PO Box 6399, Torrance, CA 90504 -0399. Microfilm of Broadcasting & Cable is available from University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (1- 800 -521- 0600).

Broadcasting & Cable November 13 1995 117 COMMITTED TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND THE FIFTH ESTATE Where's the beef? Believers PBS now carries more than a dozen educational series for The government may not know what to do with the second children, including Barney & Friends, Bill Nye the Sci- channel, HDTV and the digital future, but the nation's ence Guy, Storytime, Ghostwriter, Lamb Chop's Play - broadcasters do. An observer at last week's annual Along, The Magic School Bus. Mr. Rogers, The Pu = =le advanced television update of the Association for Maxi- Place, Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street, Shining Time mum Service Television (MSTV) could not fail to be Station, Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? and impressed by the enthusiasm for and eagerness to get on Wishbone. That's programing available every day, five with television's next generation. days a week, with some shows airing more than once each Not only are they ready, they're optimistic: "The speed day. If that looks like a lot of children's educational pro- with which HDTV will catch on won't surprise anyone in graming, it is, and the list doesn't include specials. this room," said one panelist. Nor are they unaware of the According to PBS, 99% of all U.S. homes with a TV can potential problems: "Our switchboard will go to meltdown receive public television. That makes this wealth of chil- if we turn on digital and fail to deliver," said another. One dren's programing available on TV channels specifically representative said his network was ready to invest $1 bil- reserved by the government for educational programing. lion in deployment of high definition, not counting what Those arguing that commercial broadcasters should would be spent by the owned stations. have to provide children's educational programing This page has on occasion criticized broadcasters for because it is not now out there are being disingenuous. It being slow to recognize the imperatives of digital TV and is out there. In fact, according to PBS, Barney is the top support its development. MSTV doesn't speak for all broad- show among tykes, and Sesame Street and Magic School casters, but it does speak for a multitude among them and for Bus are among the top five shows for kids ages 2 -5. So many of the most savvy. On the strength of what we saw last not only is it out there, but kids are watching it. week, it's time to turn our editorial attention to the govern- For a reason not readily fathomable to this page, regula- ment's failure to get it together, not the industry's. tors and politicians turn a blind eye to this plenty. Redun- dantly, they want the same shows to be on commercial TV, Thanks for the memories -Last week's fifth annual when clearly there's no need for both. Are broadcasters BROADCASTING & CABLE Hall of Fame induction ceremony was thus absolved of children's programing responsibilities? a memorable evening (see pages 20, 24, 28). The reunion of No. But the commercial sector might do well to concentrate new inductees Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca, TV's first cou- on supplying the icing atop an already substantial cake. ple of comedy (on screen, at least-Lucy and Desi notwith- Come to think of it, considering all the children's fare standing). was one of numerous highlights. all made possible available in all TV media, perhaps the time has come to through the generosity of more than 500 attendees who con- repeal the Children's Television Act of 1990 rather than tributed not only to the evening's luminosity but to the Inter- ask the FCC to make it worse. This may be the moment to national Radio & Television Foundation and Broadcast Pio- declare victory and get out. neers, which were the dinner's beneficiaries.

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