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ILLiad TN: 453217 Call#: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NXSSO.A 1 T68 2016 1-c~ .,.0 ....... Borrower: FHM Location: Atlanta Library North 4 N PROCESS DATE: 1-c -0.> Lending String: 20161003 -+-> *GSU,DLM,TEU,AMH,CSL,EZC,SUS ~~ Patron: ARIEL IFMCharge .......0 Journal Title: The total work of art : r:/). Maxcost: 25.001FM 1-c foundations, articulations, inspirations I 0.> ~ Shipping Address: ......> Volume: Issue: Interlibrary Loans ~ MonthNear: 2016 University of South Florida ~ Pages: 157-182, 259-272 4202 East Fowler Avenue LIB 121 0.> Tampa, Florida 33620 ~ Article Title: The "Translucent (Not: United States -+-> Transparent)" Gesamtglaswerk r./J. Fax: ::r: ro Imprint: New York: Berghahn Books, 2016. (<: ....... NOTICE: THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PROTECTED Ariel: ody or article exchange {_~ BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17, U.S. CODE) 0 0.> d ILL Number: 172025970 Or ship via: ARIEL 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CHAPTERS (""-••.."" The 11 T ranslucent (Not: Transparent)" Gesamtglaswerk JENNY ANGER runo Taut's Glashaus (Glass house, 1914, Figure 8.1) stood on the east Bern bank of the Rhine River, across from the monumental cathedral of Cologne, for just two years. It was accessible to the public for shorter still: a few weeks in the summer of 1914. The outbreak of war-and the need to gar rison soldiers on the German Werkbund's exhibition grounds-might have darkened this temple of light forever. 1 Despite its brief existence, however, the Glashaus contributed to an ideal that aspired to be as enduring and inspi rational as those of its sister temple on the far shore. Following the German tradition of constructing utopian neologisms out of constitutive parts-the Glashaus, for example, or Richard Wagner's Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art)-I call this ideal the Gesamtglaswerk (total work of glass).
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